Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, Sept 19, 1909
contributed by Angela
CINCINNATI. O.. Sept 18. After completing three years service in the U. S. army at Havana,
Arlle York, 25, Elk Valley, Tenn.. nephew of Sergeant Alvln C.
York, designated by General Pershing as the super-hero of the American expeditionary forces during the World
war, today re-enlisted and was assigned to the eleventh infantry
at Camp Knox. Ky.
Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, Aug 4, 1940
contributed by Angela Meadows
MORLEY. Tenn. UP The last able-bodied, eligible youth
in this east Tennessee village has marched off to join the army.
Roy Branan. a wide-shouldered. 175 pound hill lad of 22, 6 feet
2 inches tall, was the 24th volunteer to enlist for military service
from Morley.
Unknown paper, Unknown date
contributed by Angela Meadows
Morley, noted for having all eligible men volunteer for military service, yesterday had its record challenged by Briceville.
Mrs. H. L. Hall, whose husband operates three grocery stores in the Briceville area, said they have almost equalled Morley's record by having all available men in service, and furthermore, they have about twice as many men enlisted.
Her husband said the two towns are approximately the same size. Both are mining centers.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall yesterday brought five young men from Briceville who were accepted for enlistment at the Army Recruiting Station here, which brought the total of men in service from there to more than 60, according to recruiting officers.
"That just about cleans up Briceville, " Mrs. Hall reported with a big smile. Her work rivals that of Postmistress Carrie Witt, Morley, who is credited with persuading the men of her section to volunteer.
Yesterday's was not the first load of volunteers the Halls have brought to the recruiting statio here, according to Sgt. John LaPlante, recruiting officer. He said blanks for application are kept by the Halls in all their stores and that they call for the station's recruiting truck when any wish to volunteer. When the truck is not available they bring the volunteers in themselves, he said.
"I get a big kick out of helping the boys get a place where they will get a place where they will get somewhere," Mrs. Hall explained.
She said some boys not yet 18 years of age, the Army minimum age, "are raring to go".
Mrs. Hall said Robert Braswell, Briceville, heard they were bringing volunteers to Knoxville and wanted to come, but just missed them."He started out hitch-hiking to catch up with us, a friend told me", Mrs. Hall said. Braswell has not yet arrived.
Men from Briceville accepted for enlistment yesterday are: Davie Braden, 18; Otis Lindsay, 18; Estel Braden, 19; Clyde Relford, 19, and Mack Bradshaw, 21. All are going to Fort Benning, Ga.
Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, October 19, 1940
contributed by Angela
Willie Booth joins army to maintain record MORLEY, Tenn. (UP). Willie Booth joined the
army Friday and kept intact this mountain village's record of
sending every eligible male into military service as a volunteer.
Willie tried to join several months ago but was rejected because
of his age. Since then he has celebrated his 18th birthday. He
was the 26th youth to enlist from Morley, which has a population
of some two-score families.
Unknown Paper sometime during World War 2
contributed by Kathy Scruggs

click on image for larger image
Unknown Paper, unknown date
contributed by Angela Meadows
EAGAN, Tenn. - Seaman Second Class
Kenneth A. Weaver has returned to his
base after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J.A. Weaver, of Eagan, and his wife of
Pennington Gap, Va. He has been in
service 17 months, receiving training in Louisiana.
Knoxville News Sentinel , Briceville, Tennessee, May 1,
contributed by Angela
Private Wounded In Devens Mishap Briceville, May 1 - Two
East Tennesseans who enlisted together in October, 1939, at
Knoxville, were separated until April 10, 1942, when they both
reached Briceville at the same time. They both had 10-day furloughs,
beginning on the same date. The men are Raymond Wright,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Wright, of Briceville, a radio operator
on a U.S. warship, and Gilbert McGhee, son of Mrs. Charles
McGhee, of Caryville, a fireman on a destroyer. Gilbert
has two sisters living here, Mrs. H.C. Weaver and Mrs. Cond
Coshocton Tribune, Coshocton, OH, Jan 10, 1944
Contributed by Campbell Genweb
The undisputed hero of the tank battle was Sgt Claude Silcox,
an ex-coal miner now a tank commander, from Pioneer, Tenn. Silcox
was directing his tank into the fray when the radio was knocked
out by a German shell. That meant the tank virtually was driverless
and helpless, because the driver can see only straight ahead and
must depend on instructions to know when to turn.
Silcox was too modest to tell me about it, but his crew members said he got out
on the ground under a hail of shells, mortar and anti-tank gun fire and directed
his tank oblivious to the hail of lead showering about him. "He did that for several hours without once seeking cover." Pvt Peter
Lindsay, Philadelphia, said.
Unknown Paper , Sometime after October, 1944
Contributed by Angela
A Nazi bazooka stopped Cpl. Odis R.
Lindsay's tank, but it didn't halt the Briceville soldier, who has been recommended for the Bronze Star Medal for bravery under fire.
Col. S. R. Hinds of the Second Armored Division even recommended the coveted Silver Star. The action occurred last Oct. 5, northeast of Palenberg, Germany.
Americans were advancing against strong enemy installations, fortifications and dug-in infantry. Cpl. Lindsay's tank received a hit, wounding the assistant driver and disabling the tank, which could not move.
While abandoning the vehicle, it got another hit, setting the tank on fire. Cpl. Lindsay, with the aid of another, helped the wounded man to dismount from the burning tank. Artillery shells and small arms fire kept coming.
Cpl. Lindsay was administrating first aid to the wounded man. While attempting to remove the casualty, the wounded man was hit a second time.
Cpl. Lindsay remained with him until they were both evacuated.
Portland Press Herald, Portland, Maine, Sept. 29, 1948
contributed by Angela
Fort Devens, Mass., Sept. 27. (AP) A 19-year-old
army private was shot and wounded in the chest by the accidental
discharge of a .45 caliber pistol in the hands of a fellow soldier,
the army disclosed today. The accident happened Monday when the
two youthful soldiers came off guard duty and were unloading
the pistols. Wounded was Pvt. Doran H. Messer, ot Jacksboro,
Tenn. The
army public relations office listed the other as Pvt. James J.
Breen, 19, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Messer was In Lovell General
Hospital where his condition was reported as good.
Times Recorder, Zanesville, Ohio, August 2, 1950
contributed by Angela
Heavy Bombers Pound Korea
TOKYO, Aug. 1 UPI- A mass flight
of U. S, heavy bombers pounded the heart of North Korea's powder
- making industry today with a second huge load of high explosive
bombs. About 50 B-29s attacked Hungnam, on the east coast 95
miles inside North Korea, with more than 400 tons of bombs. A
news release said the strike sent 'thick, greasy smoke" billowing
15,000 feet into the air. The bombers blasted the chemcals and
explosives center Sunday with about 500 tons of bombs. Official
reports said the Sunday attack effectively damaged 85 per cent
of the Chosen Nitrogen company munitions plant. Today's target
was the Chosen Nltro Fertilizer company's chemical and non-ferrous
metal plant, two miles east of the plant hit Sunday. One of the
B-29 group commanders, Col.
Claude E. Putnam of Jacksboro, Term., said 'Today's mission
was even more successful than our July 30 attack, if such a thing
is possible." He described it as "an example of perfect bombing." The
release said "smoke and flames arose from the target area immediately
after the initial strike".
Source: Dominion News, Morgantown, WV, October
6, 1958
contributed by Angela
Search Halted Near Formosa
TAIPEI. Formosa (AP) A three day air and sea search
was called off Sunday night with no trace found of a Chinese Nationalist
flying boat lost in Formosa Strait with seven Chinese and four
Americans aboard. U.S. 7th Fleet and Chinese Air Force ships and
planes had combed the area 40 miles east of the offshore island
of Matsu where the Formosa-bound Catalina vanished last Thursday.
The four Americans were connected with the U.S. military advisory team on Matsu. They
were: Maj. Robert C. Bloom of Eau Claire,Wis.; Capt. Wayne F.
Pitcher, whose wife lives at San Lorenzo.Calif.; Radioman 3.C.
Dwight H. Turner, whose father lives in Clarence, Mo.; Pvt. 3.C.
Claude L. Baird. whose mother lives in Duff, Tenn.