
Local Happenings

contributed by Misty Smith
The LaFollette Press
June 22, 1921
Vol XII No. 29
Front Page

Walnut Grove
Perhaps there are some of Campbell County as well as some scattered over the States who would like to see some news items from Wlanut Grove.
Mrs. Martha Stout of Knoxville, is spending the summer months with her daughter, Mrs. C.A. Bowman,
Mrs. Dr. W.L. Gentry is visiting her mother, Mrs. James NcNew.
Mr. John Lay and family of Etowah, are visting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Loy.
Miss Nona Watkins, who recently returned home from Bristol High School is visiting in LaFollette this week.
Several families in this community are having Colts lights installed in their homes this work.
Work on the new High School building for Walnut Grove is expected to begin in the near future. 

Newcomb is still on the map as the LaFollette "fans" will agree. It is useless to day out team is in fine pep since their games with Caryville and LaFollette. They were well pleased with the hospitality they were accorded by the people, and the ball players. They were suprised to see the improvements in the two towns since last season. We hope to have LaFollette team here soon.  Newcomb is a small town with big resources. We have the best coal in the world. (Italian Blue Gem.) The best all round brick plant and material all on the ground to be found in the world, and a million dollar ball team.

Tom Brown and daughter of Clinton were visiting relativies here this week.

Poor folks are still buying cars. Lewis Ridenour bought the last one.

D.H. Rosier, Jr., is in attendance at the summer school at Venderbilt.

Frank Douglass and H.E. Malone have returned home to stay.

J.C. Rosier is spending his vacation at home.

Clyde Wright has returned to U.T. after a few days visit with homefolks.

The sons of rest pass the brains and occupy the Post Office bench. President John Y. Davis has called a special meeting of his club to investigate reports of members charged with carrying water for their wives.


Well Springs
We are glad to welcome to out town Mr. Will Murray and his yound bride, formely Miss Mattie Chadwell of Westbourne.
The Childrens' Day program which was given here Sunday, June 19th, was a great success.
Miss Arlette Ausmus returned home Saturday from a visit to Fonde.

Mr. Will Claiborne of Knoxville, spent the week end with homefolkes.

Mr. Jim Sweat and Miss Stella Price were quietly married Friday afternoon.

Miss Mayme Dossette had as her guests Sunday, Misses Jeness Miller, Madge LeBow, Mr. French Rogers and Mr. Herman Wells.

Miss Mack Brown spent the week end in Fincastle.

Miss Jeanette Willoughby is the guest of her grandfather, G.W. Dossette this week.

Rev. Adkins of this place is having a great success with his meeting at Fincastle.

Mrs. Silas Cobb was called to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Chad Monday at Clearfield, who is seriously ill.

Mr. John Claiborne and Ernest Morton went to Knoxville Monday.

Little Miss Dean Miller, who underwent an operation at Knoxville General Hospital Saturday is getting along nicely.

Mr. John Goin and Rev. Prichard and family were the guests of Mr. Frank Turner Sunday.

Mr. Remer Taylor of Lead Mine Bend spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs. Rachel Claiborne.

Rev. Sivels of Andersonville was in our town Friday.

The LaFollette Press

June 29, 1921
Vol XII No. 30
Pg. 2

Union City 

Col. Hume R. Fields died at his home here.  His death was not unexpected as he had been ill for several months.   His wife died a number of years ago.  Col. Fields was 84 years old and had a distinguished war records.


The LaFollette Press
June 29, 1921
Vol XII No. 30
Pg. 3

Mr. W.L. Bishop motored to Knoxville Monday.

Mr. Hayes, representing the Underwood Typewriter Agency at Knoxville was
a business visitor in town Monday.
Mr. Gamble and sister Miss Gamble, were visitors in Clinton last week.
Miss Mary Hollingsworth of Knoxville visited friends here Monday.
Mr. J.C. Morgan of Knoxville, spent Sunday with H.A. Tiller and family.
Mrs. Frank Edwards and son of Coal Creek were visitors in town Friday.
Mr. B.F. Allison of Westbourne, was a visitor in LaFollette Sunday.
Miss Lelia Cruise of Knoxville, spent Sunday with friends here.
Mrs. Dr. Lindsay of Pruden, was the week end guest of her sister, Mr. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Chase. L. Cain spent Sunday with relatives at Lead Mine
Mrs. Eliza Childress spent Saturday and Sunday in Coal Creek.
Messrs. S.H. Bowman and Dan Baird were Knoxville visitors Sunday.
Mr. Henry Bowman of Jellico, was a visitor in town Sunday.
The Girl Scouts who are camped at Eagle Bluff report that they are
having a fine time.
Miss Edith Creekmore spent Sunday at Wynn, the guest of her cousin, Miss
Marie Jones.
Friends of Mr. John Dail are glad to hear that his health is improving
after a weeks illness.
J.W. Parrott and family and Marshall Riggs and family motored to Valley
View Sunday and spent the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Roos have as their guests the Misses Mary and Meeda
Roos of Lexington, Ky.
Paul Summers, who has been visiting homefolks for the last two weeks
returned Monday to school in Cincinnati.
Misses Mary and Meeda Roos of Lexington, arrived Sunday for a visit at
the home of their uncle, Mr. Phil Roos.
Mrs. W.E. Hendren and children spent Saturday and Sunday the guest of
relatives in Coal Creek.
Mr. Butler, representing the Ford Agency at Mosheim, Tenn., was a
business visitor in town Monday.
Miss Clara Lindley has as her guest her mother, Mrs. S.B. Lindley, also
her nephew George Lee Allen.
Little Miss Katherine McFarland of Tazwell, is visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Lucy Owens.
Mrs. Lida Christenbury Cavendish and Miss Beulah Christenbury were
visitors in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clear and children of Rich Mt., were guests at the
home of E.W. Claiborne Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J.U. Snyder and children and her mother Mrs. Fonville, are
spending a few days in Jellico with friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Kinsel Thayer, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Chiles motored to Powell's Station Sunday.
Mrs. Nell Bowman and children of Rich Mt., were the guests of Mesdames.
E.W. Claiborne and E.B. Bowman Friday.
Mr. R.H. Woody, of the Woody-Hobbs Co., at Jellico, was a visitor at the
Press office Tuesday renewing an old acquaintance with the editor.
Mrs. J.M. Davis of Jacksboro, spent Thursday and Friday here the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. E.E. Claiborne.
Mr. W.G. Huffin and Mr. C.C Jarvis of Knoxville, were visitors in town
in the interests of the Preston Motor Corporation of Birmingham, Ala.
Mr. and Mrs. John Agee of Cotula, are receiving congratulations over the
arrivals of their twins, a son and a daughter. Mrs. Agee was formerly
Miss Lill Wynn.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Cooper and little son, Geo. A. Jr., returned
Friday to their home in Knoxville after spending a few days here the
guest of Mrs. Cooper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Hayes.
On Monday evening Miss Marie Jones entertained a few of her friends with
a dance at her home in Wynn.  About seven couples enjoyed the
hospitality of this charming hostess.
Mr. L.C. Crewe attended the meeting of the National Coal Operators
Association at Washington last week.
Mr. Bob Braley of Chicago, arrived last week for a visit with friends
here and at Wynn.



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