Letters From Our Ancestors
Letter From John E. Wheeler 
to Benjamin Sidney Smith

Submitted by Max Brown

30 June 1847 John E. Wheeler, Jacksborough, E. Ten to Benjamin Sidney Smith Wheeler, Claysville, Alabama

This is a letter written to Benjamin Sidney Smith Wheeler from John E. Wheeler on 30 June 1847 informing him of his mothers death on 17 April 1846.   The original letter is in possession of Max Brown, Rt 1 Box 52D, Ringgold, TX 76261, mbrown99@aol.com,  gg-grandson of Benjamin Sidney Smith Wheeler.  Max also has more information on John E. Wheeler while he was in Cooke Co., Texas.

John E. Wheeler (bn. 28 October 1801 and died 13 December 1880 in Cooke Co., Texas),  was a son of Thomas Wheeler one of three brothers who came to Campbell Co., Tennessee in early 1800's, the other two being Benjamin C. (father of Benjamin Sidney Smith Wheeler) and Richard Wheeler.  John E. became a Methodist Minister and moved to Fannin County, Texas along with other relatives and then on to Gainseville, Cooke Co., Texas by the mid to late 1850's. 

Dear Sidney

  You have been advised I presume that your mother departed this life on the 17th April last after an illness of more than two months.  I have administered on her estate and by order of the Chancery  Court office forced to sell the negroes on the first day of September next, your mother received your letter informing her of your marriage a few days before her death.  Florella  has now got the fever and has been confined to her bed for near two weeks the fever seems to be yielding to medicine the balance of us are well, your relatives I think are all well there______ .

I____________ fever in Jacksboro and vicinity health is only enable this sis_______ write to me ________ the receipt of let me know if you are well _____________ __________ not a ______________ has administered Henry's estate __________ so who I got ________ from John A. yesterday they were fine except the measles when he wrote _____________ says that your mother's estate had _________ morgan debt ___________ Henry and that __________ had no interest in the goods at a ___________  morgan debt was more than his his interest in the estate and the estate should pay that debt for him and then he come in for a full share is not right I find some letters from Henry to his father which speaks the same language they were in your mother's posession I thought  I would advise you of the  sale  as you might pick up your better part and come up and see us.

Your Truly

John E. Wheeler



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