Letters From Our Ancestors
Fred W. Gibson

Submitted by Laura L.Gibson

This is a copy of a letter written by Fred W. Gibson. It was included with some pages (not the entire publication) of a history of James (Thomas) Gibson descendents written by Hazel Gibson Jones.  This treasure was given to me by Winfred Finley Gibson. (a descendent of James Thomas Gibson). I thought I would share it with the list. If anyone has any knowledge about the families mentioned, I would love to hear from you.  

Rt. 3 LaFollette, Tenn.
March 16-1950

Mr. Mrs. Chas F. Gibson 
Box 95  Aspermont, Texas

Dear Cousins; was very pleasantly surprised by your letter which was forwarded to me from Elk Valley, Tenn.  Sure I remember your visit to our home some years ago and have thought of you as the years have passed.

We have been living here just south of LaFollette, just a bit more than a mile from the center of town, for the past five years the 21st of this month.
Sold the farm near Elk Valley, bought a good home here with about 20 acres land.  Was getting too old to work so much on a larger farm, and as my wife was getting to be in poor health we need to be closer in or near to town, a doctor and more conveniences.  

My wife has become almost an invalid, at this time is quite ill with asthma, blood pressure and other things.  We took her to an asthma specialist at Knoxville, Tenn, some weeks ago and she has improved somewhat slowly.

Truly hope that both you and Charles are well and getting along real good. I am as well as usual at present although I count myself as getting old since am now in my seventy-fifth year. 

It is my understanding that James Gibson married Mary (or Polly) Tye in Knox County, Ky around 1840 and soon moved to Campbell County Tenn. soon after this marriage.  I think he lived a while in Old Boston a few miles east of where Jellico is now.  Then to Newcomb where he owned several hundred acres of land.  There is where the family was mainly raised.  When the older ones were about grown they moved across the mountain (Pine Mt) about 10 miles south of Newcomb.

Grandma Polly died at the home near Newcomb and was buried in the old Douglas Cemetery or so it was called.  He married Kate Douglas and soon moved over on Stinking Creek as I mentioned above.  My mother was 8 or 9 yrs old then so it must have been 1858-59.  Uncle George Gibson lived on adjoining farm there and later Uncle Matt.  J.M. Gibson bought Uncle George out.

It was from there uncle Pryor enlisted in the Confederate Army.  

Mother was very small when Grandma died.  It was around 1852.  Mother was born Dec 12th I think.  Anyway Dec 1850.

I understand grandfather Gibson was killed by Dan Carpenter near Jacksboro in 1862.  I have always understood that he was taken home and buried by his wife _____ but I am not postive about this.  I will inquire, but all the old ones are dead and it is difficult to know of these old times and events.

Yes there still is an Elk Valley P.O.

Linda Gibson is dead. Died around 2 yrs ago.  Dr. R. B. Scott went to Lake City on the Knoxville Highway some seven years age and now has a hospital there.

Linda Gibson was the daughter of F. M. (Trent) Gibson, granddaughter of Travis Gibson.  Travis was a brother to our grandad James Gibson.

Now if I have it right, there was grandaddy James, uncle George, Finley and Travis.  Trant Gibson was a son of Travis.  Mother and him were first cousins.  Now I don't know if our great grandfathers name was James or not. But he did not marry a Crowley, he married a Finley and there is where they got the Finley name.  

Uncle Finley went to Scott County Tenn then to Missouri. Some of the other Gibsons, Kade Gibson's set must have married a Croley.  Well uncle George, grandpa's brother lived around what is now Elk Valley, but he fought through the war for the confederacy, and they took his land from him so he settled in Georgia, and some of his children used to write to Trants and cousin Jim Gibson around Elk Valley.

Well the Gibsons came to this country from North Carolina.  Settled in Knox County, Ky.  Mother said her grandma was a Findley or Finley and that on Poplar Creek there is a number of very long graves of those tall Gibsons and Finleys.

If you could be in Barbourville Ky you might get some dates on the marriage of James Gibson and Mary Tye, otherwise I have no idea where we might find further information.

I am afraid I have failed to give you any information worthwhile, but you are welcome if I have.

I wish I could visit you as I have always wanted to be in Texas, but I fear that can not be.

If you are again in this section of the country I would be pleased to have you come and see us.

Wishing you peace and happiness, a long life and a safe journey to a better place of abode when you depart.

Your sincere friend and cousin  Fred W. Campbell


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