History of Campbell County, Tennessee
Report Of The Inspector Of Mines
Of Kentucky For The Year 1899

Time Line

Submitted by Bailey Francis

Many people have posted queries on various lists and message boards about ancestors killed in the coalmines.  I have my great grandfather's copy of "Report - Inspector of Mines of Kentucky- 1899", which is the report of the state mining inspector's office to the Governor of Kentucky for the calendar year 1899.  Information that may be of genealogical interest comes from two sections of the book:  (1) reports of fatalities and injuries (pp. 42-53); and (2) the names of the owners, operators, and staff of the individual mines.


     The first death occurred on March 24th, in Mary Hull mine, Bell County, operated by the Log Mountain Coal, Coke & Timber Co.  Wm. HOSKINS, a colored man and miner, while engaged in drawing pillars, was caught and killed by falling slate.

     The second death was that of Wm. WELLS, a colored boy, 16 years of age, which occurred on May the 10th, in Basket mine, Henderson County, operated by the Pittsburgh Coal Co.  There was no one present at the exact time of the accident, but it is evident from the evidence taken before the coroner's inquest held over the remains, that it was caused from coming in contact with a shot fired by himself.  A duly attested copy of the coroner's inquest has been furnished this office, and is as follows:

     "Henderson, Ky., June 8, 1899.  Copy of coroner's inquest over body of Wm. WELLS (col.), 11th May, who was killed in the mine at Basket, 10th May, 1899.  J. H. PAGE, (col.) states that he and WELLS were at work in the mines 10th May 1899.  Will went up in the other room to wait till I came.  It was shooting time, and the other miners all over the bank were firing off their blasts.  I told Will to wait, I would be up there directly.  Will said, 'I know how not to kill myself.'  I was loading a car.  Before I got through, I heard a shot fired and called him.  He did not answer me.  I hurried up there and found he was dead.  I knew then it was his shot that had gone off and killed him.  He was always a good boy and minded me well.  I am of the opinion that he set the fuse with his lamp attached to his cap while stooping close to it, laying the other fuse."  (Editorial note:  this refers to a blasting accident, not to gunfire)

     "Coroner's verdict is, that deceased, William WELLS, came to death by the accidental discharge of a fuse by himself."  J. L. ROUSEAU, Coroner of Henderson County.  A copy:  Attest, J. R. LAMBERT, C. H. C. C."

The third death was that of John GAINES, on the 4th day of July, in the mine of the Providence Coal Co., at Providence, Webster County.

     The company's report of the death says:  "John GAINES, a miner, was killed while working down a standing shot, by lump of coal striking him in the forehead."  He was 52 years old and left a widow and four children.

     The fourth death was that of Harry WHITAKER, a boy 14 years of age, which occurred on August 30th, at Oak Hill mine, Hopkins County, operated by the Oak Hill Coal Co.  the accident and the death took place on the outside of the mine on the incline, in the following manner.  The report says:  "He was employed to ride mule back after emptys were pulled back to foot of the incline.  While in empty cars with driver he undertook to jump out.  Cars got off track.  Was knocked down by cars.  Car went over him, breaking his neck."

The fifth death occurred in Mountain Ash Mine, Whitley County, operated by the Jellico Coal Mining Co., on September 11th, when George STAR was killed by falling slate.  In answer to inquiries as to cause and manner of his death the company, of date October 3d, 1899, wrote to the office as follows:  "In reply to your favor of recent date inquiring of the accident to George STAR, who was killed in our mines, September 11th, at 4:30 o'clock, P. M.  Mr. STAR was turning a room on Wheeler entry.  Before he commenced the roof at his working place was examined carefully that morning, and the place was pronounced safe, although there was a crack on the far side from where he was working, and the men tried to wedge that piece down, but decided it was perfectly safe as they could not get it down.

     Mr. STAR put off two shots at the neck of his room; one on the solid, and had the other one partly undermined where he placed the shot.  After the shots had gone off, he immediately went back to see what they had done.  The shots jarred the roof so as to loosen the rock and while he was in the smoke several tons fell on him, causing almost instant death.  Mr STAR was a practical miner, and had been mining twelve to fifteen years.  While the roof was pronounced perfectly safe before the shooting, his death was brought about by letting off those shots, jarring the top and immediately went back to see the results of the shots, which then dropped on him."

     He left a wife and eight children.

     The sixth death occurred on September 28th, in Manchester mine, Laurel County, operated by the Manchester Coal Co.  James PONDER, a miner, 27 years of age, was killed by fall of slate, that had just been loosened by a shot that he had fired in his room.

     The report says:  "In clearing slate, after shot, he failed to notice some hanging slate loosened by shot."  The accident took place at 8 o'clock P. M., and within a few minutes after the shot was fired.

     The seventh death was that of W. B. GRADE, which took place from fall of slate, on December 18th, in Torchlight mine, Lawrence County, operated by F. X. HILL.  Mr. HILL claims that the deceased was working voluntarily in a wrong part of the mine and against orders.  It appears that in pulling down some coal, a piece of loose draw slate also came down with it and crushed him to death.  This mine was really not under the jurisdiction of this office at the time of the accident.

     One of the three deaths referred to, as not being included in the seven aforementioned (none of them being mine employees), occurred in the month of July in the mine operated by the Island Coal Co., at Island, McLean County.  The office did not hear of the accident until late in December, when a letter of inquiry by each incumbent was written to the company.  In answer thereto, the company of date December 30, 1899, wrote:  "We received a letter from Mr. LOGAN of the 23rd, inquiring about how a man was killed in our mine some months ago, which we beg to say that he was misinformed about the matter by some one.  During the month of July, there were some colored men working in our mine, and one of our colored employees insisted on a colored man that was working on the railroad, by the name of Henry McFARLAND, to go in the mine with him one day, and be company for him, and to help him load coal, and so he went down in the mine; and it being the first time to go in a coal mine, he was scared to death by a small piece of slate falling in the car he was in.  The piece of slate was not eight inches square, and we can give you a certificate from the doctor that treated him that he never had a bruise about his body.  If you wish a certificate from the doctor let us hear from you, and we will do so at once; besides, the man that was with him will swear that he was scared to death."

     The man not having been an employee, the certificate and proof referred to was not asked for nor furnished.  Another one of the three deaths occurred on the 21st of November, in Diamond mine, Hopkins County, operated by the St. Bernard Coal Co.  Henry JENNINGS, only about 12 years of age, was in the mine with his father and older brother, and while attempting to fill powder can from keg of powder, his lamp fell into the powder.  An explosion followed and the boy was burned so badly that he died.

     The other of the three deaths occurred in December in the mine at Barnsley, Hopkins County, also operated by the St. Bernard Coal Co.  George MOORE, aged 20 years, was helping Wm. SMITH, a miner, when a fall of coal crushed him so badly that he died the same day.

     A further analyses of these fatalities show that only two of them occurred within the first half of the year, and that five of them, and all three of those who were not mine employees, occurred during the last half of the year.


     The following pages contain brief statements of the non-fatal injuries among the employees during the year, without especially classifying them as serious or slight; all based on the reports sent to this office.  The counties are taken in alphabetical order.


     There were two slight injuries at Excelsior mine during July.  John HUMAKER was struck in the eye by a piece of flying coat caused from the stroke of a pick in the hands of his son, causing quite a painful, but not serious, injury to that member.

     James OWENS, a miner, while putting in his mining, fire clay fell on his limb, resulting in painful but not serious injury to his knee.

     Henry MAYES, also in the above named mine, in December got a pick driven through his hand disabling him from work for three weeks.


     On April 3d, at Rush mine, No. 6:  "Henry SAVAGE, gin hand, employed in putting a cut into the coal on the out crop, wa crushed about the head by a fall of earth.  Under jaw broken.  Probably duration of idleness, two months."

     John WURTS mine, July:  "Michael MCKNIGHT, a boy aged 13, while working with his father had his leg broken by fall of draw slate.  However, he has gotten along nicely, and is now (September 28th) able to be out."


     On May 24th, in Grant mine, George BURGOFF, a miner, while drawing pillars, suffered a fracture of the collar bone from fall of slate.  He was idle five weeks on account of the injury.

     Also in Grant mine, in August:  "Riley FANNIN, a driver, was injured by fall of timbers and slate on Alexander entry.  Back and head injured.  Probable time of disability two months."

     Also, in Grant mine, on August 28th, Irvin OWSLEY was injured by fall of draw slate on pillars on No. 13 Stewart entry.

     Also in Grant mine on December 9th, Charles MONTGOMERY, engineer, got his leg broken by being caught between the engine and bank wagon.


     At Earlington mine No. 11, in March:  "A fall of coal bruised F. WILKS (col.), machine cutter, and Frank SWAN, helper.  Slight injuries."

     Also in No. 11, Alonzo GRIFFIN, driver, was injured by sprained ankle, caused by mule running away and car jumping the track.

     Also in No. 11, in June, Lee GALLOWAY, tip man, had a foot mashed.

     September 7th, in No. 11, Newell HAIMS was bruised by fall of roof, and Henry McHONE had foot crushed under car; and on September 17th, D. SUMMERS had leg bruised between car and prop.

     In Earlington mine, in November, Albert WATERS, timberman, was caught by fall of roof while driving props.  Badly bruised but not serious.

     Slight injuries to five persons were also reported in these mines for the month of December, as follows:
     Herbert WHITNEY, driver, caught between machine borad and roof.

     Charles FITZGERALD, hand caught putting on car.  Lost seven days.

     Frank EDWARDS, machine man; machine kicked him off board.  Hurt leg and knee.

     W. H. PEYTON, extra driver, caught hand in brake.  Hurt ring finger.

     J. CLEON, 17 years, driver; caught hand in brake and injure index finger.

     In Earlington mine No. 9, in April, Thomas MURPHY had foot bruised by fall of coal.  Lost ten days.

     In Diamond mine, December 18th, Louis CLEMENTS, a loader, was hurt in hip and knee by fall of coal.


     North Jellico mine, April 5th:  "Tom MURPHY and Ben BARNETT, miners, both seriously injured by fall of slate."

     Also in the above named mine, on December 12th, James GOODMAN was slightly hurt in foot and ankle, while drawing up some track on Brunk entry.  Lost three weeks.

     Also in above mine, December 16th, Sherman MORRIS.  Fracture of femur in left leg from fall of slate, and December, Thomas R. BRYAN, fall of slate; received severe bruises on head and neck.

     Several accidents were reported from the West Jellico, or Grays mine, as follows:

     In June, Mason McBRAYER, a boy, 11 years old, was coupling cars at the foot of the incline, and while reaching for the coupling pin, his foot slipped and he fell from the trestle.  His collar bone was broken, and he also received a slight cut on the hand.

     In July, Ed. WELCH, the weigh boss, while trying to start tip near scales, his foot slipped, and he was thrown with his hand under the bank car, mashing fore finger of left hand.  Lost six weeks.

     On November 17th, Green DINEY, a miner, was drawing a pillar and had fired a shot on the solid, and was digging down the coal when it fell and caught him, breaking his leg above the knee in two places.

     On November 23d, George TUCKER was hurt but not seriously, in back and hip, by fall of drawslate.
     The following accidents were reported from the East Jellico mine at Coalport:

     On September 13th, James MEEK was run over by a bank car, and cut severely about the neck, and generally bruised up, but was up in eight days and able for work October 1st.

     On October 20th, James STUART, a driver, was kicked on the face by a mule, breaking his nose and cutting his face.  Lost two weeks.

     On November 17th, Alex JAMES had back badly strained, and bruised by fall of slate, by reason of which he lost two months work.

     On December 9th, James GOLDEN had hip badly crushed and was hurt internally from fall of slate, which confined him to his bed for about six weeks.


     In Pitman mine, in January, Wm. OUKST received a broken thigh from fall of coal.

     Also in the above mine, in August, Wm. SWEAT had a foot mashed from fall of coal, but no bones were broken.

     In Manchester mine, on August 2d, John GREEN had two ribs broken from fall of slate.  He was idle four weeks, and reported all right on October 1st.

     In the New Diamond mine:  "January 24th, Thos. RUTLEDGE, miner, was bruised considerably by a premature blast.  He is an old experienced miner, but carelessly cut his squib too short.  He was dragged out by Chas. WILSON, entry driver.  His ankle was sprained, hip bruised and skin broken in many places.  He was laid up till February 20th.  Has worked balance of February."

     From the above, it is inferred that he came in contact with the shot which caused the injuries mentioned.


     At Memphis mine, in September, John RENDER, driver, had hand mashed between two cars.

     At Bevier mine on October 5th, James STEVENS, Bank boss, was slightly burned by exploding gas.


     On September 19th, at Echols mine; Oliver BARNES, machine helper, back hurt.  Only idle a few days.  Was unloading machine truck, and it slipped off track and threw him.

     Also in the above named mine, on September 20th:  "Wm. MARKLAND, driver.  Hips bruised.  Only off a few days.  Caught between car and rib."

     Also in the above named mine, on October 6th.  Thomas HOUSE; foot injured by bank car.  Off only a few days.

     Also in the above named mine on December 28th; Andrew DUNCAN, a driver; received a flesh wound and bruised leg from car running over his leg.

     Also in the above named mine, in November, John VERNON, a machine helper, "got his hand mashed while jacking machine up.  Machine slipped and caught his hand.  Only off a few days."

     On November 17th, in Render mine, John BRADLEY, a loader, had back injured by fall of slate.  Lost nine days.

     Also in Render mine, December 20th, a tracklayer was hit in the eye by piece of coal.  Report received January 11th says:  "Not thought to be serious, but not yet able to work."


     In the Barren Fork mine, in May, J. B. TUCKER was burnt on face, arms and breast, from powder explosion, from coming in contact with a lamp while tamping a shot.


     There was a gas explosion in one room 4th of October, in the Tradewater coal mine, in which two persons, "Robert CHANDLER and Joe VAUGHN were painfully but not dangerously burned.  These men, contrary to instructions, went into room 6 on East entry, which room has recently developed some gas feeders.  Pending arrangements to properly take care of the new conditions, the men were instructed to work in entry, and air course, and shoot rooms near head of entry.  They, however, went into this room with the feeders, and as the entry had not been worked for a week they found more gas there than they were looking for, with above results."

     Inquiries were afterwards made as to the condition of the two men, and as to the presence of gas in the mine, and under date of December 29th, the company wrote, that they had lost four weeks time each, but had thoroughly recovered from their injuries, and were again at work in the mine.  The letter further stated:  "We do not apprehend nor detect any further gases in mine and believe we are practically free from same."

     On December 26th, in the DeKoven mine, Robert VAUGHN, a driver had his arm caught between car and roof, which broke the small bone in the arm.  Lost time not stated.


     A serious accident occurred on the outside of the mine at Sebree in January.  M. MONTGOMERY, the foreman of the outside crew, fell from a ladder a distance of twenty feet and was severely injured in back and right ankle.  A further report received on March 18th says:  "Probably permanent injury to nerves and muscles in bottom of right foot."

     Also in the above named mine in March, "Charles McCARTY, a miner, shot went off before he got away and coal struck him on the back.  He received severe bruises on back.  Lost about two weeks work."

     Also in the above named mine, on August 29th, J. A. McCARTY, a miner was caught between car loaded with timber, and the roof of the mine.  He was severely bruised in right shoulder, and his car was cut.  He lost about two weeks.


     The following accidents were reported from the county of Whitley:

     On January 20th, Walter A. JOHNSON, age 19 years, and James LEEOIS, age 15 years, were slightly injured by fall of slate while they were at the face boring holes in the coal.  The above occurred in one of the mines of the East Tennessee Coal Co.

     In Kensee mine, on January 16th, Wm. P. AVEMMER, age 18 years, "fell off car and foot was mashed, necessitating amputation above ankle joint."  The report of the accident received February 23d, says:  "Patient is doing nicely."

     On May 1st, in a mine of the Whitley Coal Co., Ben. W. ROBINSON, general manager, was injured in back and leg by fall of slate, but not very seriously.  By the same fall, Henry McBRAYER was slightly injured in the foot.

     On August 31st, James A. JAMES, in Mt. Ash mine, suffered a fracture of bone in leg by fall of drawslate in his room.  Lost time about one month.

     On September 5th, a very careless accident took place in the mine of BRYANT Bros., at Pine Knot, resulting in the injury of four persons.  The report says:  "By an explosion of a shot in the head of an entry, four men who were seated 150 feet from the face were more or less injured , as follows:

     1st.  Henry YOUNG, right leg broken.

     2d.  John SPRADLIN, three ribs broken.

     3d.  Jesse PERKINS, bruised, and Thomas McDONALD, very slightly scratched.  Jesse PERKINS loaded and fired the shot, and came back on entry to the point where the others were seated, and although the drill holes pointed straight to the crowd of men, he took his seat with them and never mentioned the fact that he had set his squib and had a six foot hole with one-half gallon of powder in it pointed straight at them."

     On October 31st, in the Vanderpool mine, operated by the Whitley Coal Co., Hugh BRUNK had two fingers on left hand mashed under wheel of a mine car.  Lost about one month.

     Also in the above mine, on December 9th, Simon SILER, while coupling railroad cars, had little finger mashed at upper joint; this, however, is not a mine accident.




BENNETT'S FORK MINE - near Middlesboro, KY
     Operated by the Bennett's Fork Coal Co.  J. F. GRANT, president; Hugh DRUMMOND, general manager.

     Idle until November, when the Tuckahoe Coal Co. took charge of it.  This company is composed of John COLLINS, president; Charles F. SULLIVAN, secretary.  Principal office, Dayton, OH.  Edward L. SHELL is the bank foreman.

MARY HULL MINE - operated until July by the Log Mountain Coal, Coke & Timber Co., when it was closed down, because it could not longer be worked from the present opening.

STRAIGHT CREEK "A" MINE - near Pineville, KY
     Operated by the National Coal & Iron Co.  general office, Louisville Trust Co. Bldg, Louisville, KY.  Theodore HARRIS, president; A. E. RICHARDS, secretary; James S. RAY, general manager.  Lee SEXTON is the mine boss.

PINEVILLE MINES, Nos. 1 and 2 - near West Pineville
     Operated by the Pineville Coal Co., a corporation, Robert HOLMYARD, general manager.

EXCELSIOR MINE - located near Middlesboro
     Operated at the close of the year by A. GATLIFF, receiver of the Excelsior Coal Co.  He succeeded P. E. KEMP, former receiver.


NORTH JELLICO MINES - near Gray Station on the Coumberland Valley branch of the L. & N. Railroad
     Operated by the North Jellico Coal Co., General Office, Louisville, KY.  J. P. SNEED, president; I. P. BARNARD, vice-president; W. A. JONES, secretary; C. S. NIELD, treasurer.  Alexander FROST is superintendent of the mine.

     Operated by the East Jellico Coal Co.  S. Taylor SHEAFFER, president and manager; R. G. YINGLING, vice-president; Fred. G. TICE, secretary; J. B. HANFORD, superintendent.

     Operated by Mrs. Sarah M. GRAY in the name of the North Point Jellico Coal Co.

WEBB MINE - idle most of the year

BRIER HILL MINE - idle all of the year

     Opened late in the year and operated by ROSS Bros.

     Operated by the Artemus Coal Co.  L. J. FALLON, president; D. H. WEBB, general manager.


LAUREL MINE - near Pittsburgh
     Operated by the Laurel Coal Co.  George GIVENS, president; J. W. BASTIN, secretary and general manager; D. W. ROARK, mine foreman.

STAR MINE - near East Bernstadt
     BASTIN & PRICHARD are the operators.

     This mine was exhausted in July and abandoned, after many years of operation by the Peacock Coal Co., P. O. Pittsburgh.

     This mine was opened during the year, and is operated by the Manchester Coal Co., P. O. Altamont.

     Operated until June 12th by the Altamont Mining Co., after which the New Diamond Coal Co. took charge of it.  The new company is composed of R. M. JACKSON, president; Wm. H. KINNAIRD, vice-president; W. S. SANDIFER, secretary; H. C. THOMPSON, general manager.  C. LITTON is the mine boss.

     Operated by J. L. PHILIPS & Co., P. O. Pittsburgh

     Operated in a small way during most of the years by the East Altamont Coal Co., P. O. East Altamont.

LILY MINE - at Lily, KY
     Operated by G. W. CURVIN

DAISY MINE - near East Bernstadt
     Operated until some time in May be the East Bernstadt Coal Cl, when the mine was abandoned and the company dissolved.

SWISS MINE - near East Bernstadt
     Operated until some time in September by the Swiss Mining Co., when it was abandoned.

     Operated by the Standard Coal Co., P. O. East Bernstadt.  J. M. THOMPSON, general manager.

VICTORIA MINES - near Pittsburgh
     Operated by the Victory Coal Co.  W. A. PUGH, president.

PITTSBURGH MINE - near Pittsburgh, KY
     Operated by James D. SMITH, president and general manager.

PITMAN MINES - near Pittsburgh, KY
     Operated by the Pitman Coal Co.  W. A. PUGH, president; J. M. BAILEY, vice-president; J. L. CALDWELL, secretary; S. V. ROWLAND, general manager.  W. C. WEBB is the superintendent of the mine.


     Operated by the Eagle Coal Co.  J. T. SLADE, president; J. F. JARGER, vice-president; J. A. TODD, secretary; W. L. CARTER, superintendent.  J. W. BURRIS is the mine boss.

COGAR CREEK MINE - near Flat Rock
     Operated until August by the Pulaski Coal Co.  It was thereafter idle until December, when SMITH & BOYER Bros. took charge of it.

     Operated by J. M. RAMSEY

     Operated by Joe C. PARKER


     Operated (also the Grinstead mines) by the Procter Coal Co.  A. GATLIFF, president; H. F. FINLEY, secretary; Philip FRANCIS, superintendent.  J. W. RATLIFF is mine boss at the Procter, and H. W. DAVIS is mine boss at the Grinstead mine.

MT. MORGAN MINE - near Williamsburg
     Operated by the Mt. Morgan Coal Co.  J. P. MAHAN, president; T. B. MAHAN, vice-president; S. E. MAHAN, secretary; John PHILIPS, general manager.

     Operated during most of the year by the Hywel Davies Coal Co., but at the end of the year by the Main Jellico Mountain Coal Co.  T. C. DUPONT, president; Hywel DAVIES, vice-president and general manager; W. D. McELHINNEY, secretary; John BURNS, mine boss.

     Operated by the Whitley Coal Co.  John B. ATKINSON, president; E. T. HALSEY, vice-president and secretary; Ben W. ROBINSON, mine superintendent; and L. C. CHAFERS, mine boss.

     Operated by the Jellico Mining Co.  Arthur GROVES, president; E. J. DAVIS, vice-president; J. L. WILLIAMS, general manager; Jonathan JENKINS, mine boss.

     Operated by the East Tennessee Coal Co., P. O. Jellico, TN.  E. J. DAVIS, president and treasurer; F. O. RICHMOND, secretary; W. T. LEWIS, general manager.  Head office, Knoxville, TN.

     Operated by the BRYANT Bros.  L. E. BRYANT, president and manager, and D. E. BRYANT, secretary and treasurer.

     Operated by the Pine Knot Coal Co.  A. M. McDONALD, president and manager; Harry SWIFT, mine boss.

NORTHEASTERN DISTRICT (Boyd, Breathitt, Carter, Johnson, Lawrence, and Lee


RUSH MINE (No. 6) - Rush, KY
     Operated by the Ashland Coal & Iron Co., Douglas PUTMAN, president; John G. PEEBLES, vice-president; Robert PEEBLES, secretary; E. C. MEANS, superintendent; James HERON, superintendent of the mine.

CLINTON MINE (No. 8) - Clinton, KY
     Operated by John WURTS, lessee of the Ashland Coal & Iron Co.

E. W. STRACK MINE - near Princess, KY
     Operated by E. W. STRACK, of Ashland.


     Operated during the first of the year by DAVIS & WYNN, and the remainder of the year by DUDLEY, SHELBY & Co.


GRANT MINE (No. 7) - Grant, KY
     Operated by the Ashland Coal & Iron Co. (See Rush mine No. 6, Boyd County)

RUSH MINE (No. 10) - no information

     Operated by the Straight Creek Coal Co., P. O. Mt. Sterling.  M. M. CASSIDY, president; W. T. TIBBS, secretary; Kent PRITCHARD, general superintendent; Robert STAMPER, mine foreman.

WILLARD MINE - worked out during the year and abandoned.

STAR FURNACE MINE - near Kilgore, P. O. Rush, KY
     Operated by the Star Furnace Coal Co., Dr. J. M. LOGAN, president.

BOGHEAD MINE - near Grayson, KY
     Operated by the Kentucky Cannel Co., W. T. Grant, president; B. M. ALLISON, secretary and treasurer; I. P. SHELBY, contractor; James PETTREY, mine foreman.

     Operated by G. W. BURTON and Co., P. O. Rush, KY


     Operated by the Whitehouse Cannel Coal Co., P. O. Myrtle, KY.  Dr. Harry A. WOOD, president; Hon. F. T. D. WALLACE, secretary; J. H. NORTHUP, general superintendent; George BICKFORD, mine foreman.

     Operated by the Greasy Creek Cannel Coal & Tramway Co., P. O. Eliza, KY.  J. C. RITTENHOUSE, general manager.


     Operated by the Peach Orchard Coal Co.  John O. WELTY, of Canton, OH, president; Henry P. SCOTT, Williamsburg, DE, secretary and treasurer; H. H. KEYS, of Ashland, KY, general manager; John H. WALLACE, superintendent; Jesse P. SMALL, mine boss.

TORCHLIGHT MINE - near Walbridge, KY
     Operated by J. X. HILL, P. O. Walbridge, KY.


AVENT MINE - at Beattyville, KY
     Operated by the McGuire Coal Co.  Walker JAMESON, president and general manager, and Logan THOMAS, secretary and treasurer.

     Operated in a small way during most of the year by Jackson BRANDENBURG.



ABERDEEN MINE - at Aberdeen, P. O. Morgantown, KY
     Operated by the Aberdeen Coal & Mining Co.  I. B. WILFORD, president; J. H. RENDER, secretary and general manager; Bayless BAKER, mine boss.

WEST ABERDEEN MINE - at Aberdeen, P. O. Morgantown, KY
     Operated by the West Aberdeen Coal Co.  James F. PHILLIPS, president; T. C. FULLER, secretary and treasurer; A. A. MAIN, superintendent.


     Operated by the Empire Coal & Mining Co.  J. D. ANDERSON, president; W. H. BUTTORFF, vice president; W. S. CARROLL, secretary; W. T. RUTLAND, manager and treasurer; James BOWIE, mine boss.


NEW HOLLAND MINE - near Mattingly
     Operated by the New Holland Coal Co., P. O. Owensboro, KY.  D. Stewart MILLER, Jr., manager.


FALCON MINE - at Adair
     Operated by M. H. ENRIGHT, P. O. Owensboro, KY


     Operated by W. H. LLOYD, P. O. Corydon, KY

PEOPLES MINE - near Henderson, KY
     Operated by the Peoples Mining Co.

HENDERSON MINE - at Henderson, KY
     Operated by Henderson Mining & Manufacturing Co.  Jos. GABE, president; F. C. REINHARDT, secretary; Quin BOHM, superintendent.

BASKET MINE - at Basket, KY
     Operated by the Pittsburgh Coal Co.  Thomas C. BLAIR, proprietor; Wm. ASHBURN, mine boss.

RANKIN MINE - near Spottsville, KY
     Operated by Rankin EASTIN, owner of the mine.


DIAMOND MINE (at Morton's Gap)
ARNOLD MINE (near Earlington)
HECLA MINE (near Earlington)
     All of the above operated by the St. Bernard Coal Co., P. O. Earlington, KY.  John B. ATKINSON, president, and George C. ATKINSON, secretary.

     Operated by the Monarch Mining Co., P. O. Madisonville; R. S. DULIN, president; W. F. ANDERSON, secretary and treasurer.

BARNSLEY MINE - no information

     Operated by the Oak Hill Coal Co., ; P. O., Nortonsville; J. H. TRATHEN, general manager; W. H. HALL, Jr., secretary.

     Operated by BOOTH & GLOVER; P. O., Hamby Station; W.  E. BOOTH, proprietor and manager; John PALMER, mine boss.

     Operated by the Crabtree Coal and Mining Co.; P. O., Ilsley; A. HOWELL, president; R. M. SOLOMON, secretary and general manager; John HARLAN, superintendent of the mine.

REINECKE MINE - near Madisonville
     Operated by the Reinecke Coal Co.; C. REINECKE, president; I. BAILEY, secretary and general manager; Louis FEGER, superintendent of the mine.


     Operated by the Field Coal Co.; C. L. FIELD, president; L. P. DRAKE, vice-president and manager; W. P. DRAKE, secretary and treasurer; Tom GADDIE, mine foreman.

     Operated by the Island Coal Co., no other information given.


CENTRAL MINE - at Central City
     Operated by the Central Coal & Iron Co.; T. C. DUPONT, president; Hywel DAVIES, vice-president; S. COLEMAN, secretary; W. G. DUNCAN, general manager; James CROSBY, mine foreman.

POWDERLY MINE - at Powderly
     Operated by the Central Coal & Iron Co., which took charge Sept. 1st. (see above)

HILLSIDE MINE - at Mercer Station
     Operated by the Hillside Coal Co., composed of J. W. LAMB and Wm. EADES.

OAKLAND MINE - at Mercer Station
     Operated by the Oakland Coal Co.; Wm. EADES, president; J. W. LAMB, secretary.

PIERCE MINE - at Drakesboro
     Operated by the Black Diamond Coal Co.; James T. PIERCE, president; H. W. BUTTORFF, vice-president; W. W. BRIDGES, secretary and general manager.

MUD RIVER MINE - at Mud River
     Operated by the Mud River Coal, Coke & Iron Co.; John C. GORDON, president; A. G. HUNTER, vice-president; W. G. S. ANDERSON, secretary; Thomas BLADES, mine foreman.

MEMPHIS MINE - at Bevier
     Operated during the year by W. H. MOORE and J. W. MOORE, as lessees of the Memphis Coal and Mining Co.  The mine has since passed into the hands of the Crescent Coal Co.; W. R. COLE, president; Frank S. WASHBURN, general manager.  General office, Nashville, TN.  F. P. WRIGHT is superintendent of the mine.

BEVIER MINE - at Bevier
     Operated by the Bevier Coal Co.; J. W. BASTIN, president; R. S. LITTLE, secretary; George GIVENS, general manager.


     Operated by the McHenry Coal Co.; T. C. DUPONT, president; Hywel DAVIES,
vice-president; W. D. McELHINNEY, secretary; W. G. DUNCAN, general manager; O. C. ROLL, mine foreman.

ECHOLS MINE - at Echols
     Operated by the McHenry Coal Co. (see above).  W. WILLIAMSON is mine foreman.

RENDER MINES - at Render
     Operated by the Central Coal & Iron Co., Louisville, KY. (see above).  Simon JONES is superintendent of the mine.

     Operated by the Taylor Coal Co.; J. B. SPEED, president; I. P. BERNARD, general manager; Nicholas BARRASS, superintendent of the mine.

WILLIAMS MINE - near McHenry
     Operated by the Williams Coal Co., composed of E. T. WILLIAMS and J. S. WILLIAMS.  T. E. HARRIS is mine superintendent.

DEAN MINE - at Deanfield
     Owned and operated by Guy M. DEAN.  Tom STAPLES is mine foreman.

LOUISE MINE - at Deanfield
     Operated in the first of the year by J. C. THOMPSON, but later by Guenther KOLTINSKY & Co.; P. O. Owensboro

JOHNSON MINE - at Fordsville
     Operated by the Fordsville Block Coal Co.; W. S. GAINS, president and manager; C. E. FORD, secretary; Nathaniel 

BROOKS, mine boss.
JAMESTOWN MINE - at Jamestown
     Operated by the Jamestown Coal Co.


DeKOVEN MINE - at DeKoven
     Operated by the Ohio Valley Coal & Mining Co.; S. S. BREWER, president; S. P. STURGIS, secretary and general manager; John WHITEHEAD, mine superintendent.

     Operated by the Tradewater Coal Co.; J. L. FRANKEL, president; T. J. RINEY, secretary; W. L. GORDON, Jr., general manager.

     Operated by the Paducah Coal & Mining Co.; T. J. FLUORNOY, president, secretary and treasurer.  Isaac REESE, vice-president; D. A. BROOKS, superintendent; Charles WELCH, mine boss.

     Operated by B. L. DAVIDSON & Sons; P. O. Uniontown

SULLIVAN MINE - at Sullivan
     Operated by James M. LAMB.


     Operated by the Providence Coal Co.; W. A. NESBIT, president; W. J. NESBIT, secretary and general manager; Wm. J. GARRET, superintendent of the mine.

SEBREE MINE - at Sebree
     Operated by the Sebree Coal Co.; S. F. POWELL, president; J. A. POWELL, secretary; George SMITH, superintendent of the mine.

Time Line



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