Thomas Miller

submitted by Gladys Ayers


     It is believed but not confirmed that our line originated from Germany. Most of their lives were spent in Campbell County or surrounding counties.

     Thomas Miller was born around 1830 He was married to "unknown" and they had three children:

  • William born June 20, 1866 and died April 22, 1937,
  • Kizziah born 1873,
  • Issac born 1875.

      On the 1880 Census it states that Thomas is married to Elizabeth Sharp, age 47. She had a son, Jasper, born 1859.
William married Alice Cox on November 18, 1888. They were both members of Little Cove Creek Baptist Church. They had ten children. William and Alice are buried in Rains Grove Cemetery.

1. Thomas born September 1890 married Pearl Tinker. Their children: Willie born 1910, Mack born 1914, Pauline born 1919, Ruth born 1923. Thomas and Pearl are buried in Jackson Cemetery Coalfield, Tenn.
2. Celia Elizabeth, born June 20, 1891, married Joseph Sneed. Their children: Marie born 1910, James born 1914, and Bertha born 1919. Celia married second, John Simpson. Their children: Charles born 1922, Myrtle born 1926, Mary born 1928, Helen born 1930, and John born 1932. Celia is buried at Bethel Church in Oak Ridge Tenn.
3. James, born January 1894, married Susan Underwood. Their children: Dorothy born 1918, Bessie, and Martha. Susan died when her clothing caught fire. James married second, Janie Massengill. Their children: Albert born 1921, Louise born 1923, Henry (Bill) born 1927. James was killed in a mining accident. Susan and James are buried in Rains Grove Cemetery.
4. Mack, born September 4, 1896, married Grace Marlow. Their children: Charlene born 1919, Lillian born 1922, Raymond born 1930 (World War II Vet), Alma Jean born 1932, Ima Jean born 1932, Billy Thomas born 1936, Glenna Sue born 1940, Charles born 1944.
5. Hobert, born December 9, 1899, married Clara Jackson. Hobert was a World War I Vet and received the Distinguished Service Cross, the Nations second highest military honor, and before he left France he received the Crox de Guerre. Their children: Wilma born 1921, Mary Ruth born 1923, Marjorie born 1924, Hobert Jr. born 1927, Wanda Fay born 1929, Edna born 1930, David born 1933, Charles born 1935, Dorothy born 1936, Betty born 1940, Linda born 1942, Roger born 1946. Hobert and Clara are buried in Jackson Cemetery in Coalfield Tenn.
6. Maynard, born 1903, married Anna Mae Donnelley. Maynard was killed in the coal mines. Child: Henry born 1923. Maynard is buried in Rains Grove Cemetery.
7. Clarence, born October 8, 1905, married Bessie Abston. Their children: George born 1927, Charles born 1928, Opal born 1030, Betty Jo born 1932, Choleann born 1934, Shelby born 1937, Sue born 1939, Thomas born 1940.
Clarence and Bessie are buried at Byrds Chapel Cemetery.
8. Hubert died at birth.
9. George, born April 25, 1910, married Dolly Brummett their child: Billie June born 1930.
George married second, Mossie Sweeney. Children: George Edward born 1949, Margaret, Dortha Jean, George is buried at Baker Forge Cemetery.
10. Janette, born September 19, 1912, married Anderson Smith. Children: Anderson James, Billie Jean, Geneva, Wayne born 1930, Witson born 1932, Barbara born 1934, Yvonne born 1937, Thelma born 1939, Alvin born 1941, Luther (Tony) born 1946, Rosa born 1948, Freeman born 1949



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