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Jackson and Martha 
Dossett Miller

Red Divider Line

by Janet Perdue King

Jackson and Martha DOSSETT MILLER 

Jackson MILLER was born ca 1821 in Virginia (?) - his ancestry is unknown - he married to Martha Patsey DOSSETT the 3rd of April 1842 in Campbell Co., TN. - Martha was dau of Edmond DOSSETT and Jane GLENN. She was born 3rd July 1822 in Campbell Co., TN and died 5th April 1901 in Jacksboro, TN. Jackson MILLER died before 1880...

Their children:

1) Mary MILLER born ca further information....
2) Sterling MILLER born 19th Sept 1845 Campbell Co., TN married Manda Lurana ADKINS the 4th May 1871 in Campbell Co., TN...he died 3 Dec 1917 and was buried Sharp's Cemetary, Campbell Co., TN...Sterling MILLER received a pension from the government for his service in the Civil War...his pension application described him as being 5'8" tall with a fair complexion, blue eyes and light hair.
3) Alexander MILLER born about 1847 in Campbell Co., TN married to Emiline HUCKABY the 29 Nov 1868 in Campbell Co., TN....Alexander moved to Anderson County.....he died about 1891 and was buried on his "homeplace" near Briceville, TN in unmarked grave....
4) John MILLER born about 1849 in further information....
5) Henderson MILLER born about 1851 in further information...
6) Franklin MILLER born 12 Oct 1852 in Tennessee ....died 10 July 1934...buried Jacksboro Cemetary...
7) James MILLER born 13 Jul 1853 in Tennessee....died 25th Sept 1914...buried 
Jacksboro Cemetary
8) George MILLER born about 1858 in further information...
9) Ruth J. MILLER born about 1860 in Tennessee...married Mr. Chadwell....
10) Elizabeth Lizzie MILLER born about 1863 in further information..


Children of Sterling and Manda ADKINS MILLER

1) J. H. MILLER born 19 March 1868 Tennessee
2) M. E. MILLER born 23 Oct 1873 Tennessee
3) James A. MILLER born 4 Sept 1875 Campbell Co., TN
4) John T. MILLER born 20 March 1879 Campbell Co., TN
5) William Franklin MILLER born 8 Sept 1881 Campbell Co., TN
6) M. Lillie MILLER born 12 Sept 1883 Campbell Co., TN married Alonzo PEBLEY.
7) Mary MILLER born 22 August 1886 Campbell Co., TN died 12 July 1893 in Campbell Co., TN...buried with her parents in Sharp's Cemetary - Campbell County
8) Maylon MILLER born 25 Oct 1889 Campbell Co., TN
9) Lonie Jane MILLER born 12 June 1894 Campbell Co., TN died 20 Oct 1959..she married Henry TOMPKINS

Children of Alexander and Emily HUCKABY MILLER
1) Samuel MILLER born 28 Sept 1870 Campbell Co., TN married Alice Malinda MARTIN...Sam died 9th Dec 1911 in Coal Creek Mine Disaster
2) Sarah MILLER born July 1872 Campbell Co., TN married George MILFORD
3) John Franklin MILLER born 1 March 1874 Campbell Co., TN married 1) Mrs. Sarelda DAUGHTERY BURRIS  2) Annie MACKEY
4) Elizabeth MILLER born about 1876 Campbell Co., TN married Will BRICKET
5) Laura MILLER born about 1879 Campbell Co., TN married Will SHULETS
6) Charlie MILLER born June 1880 Campbell Co., TN
7) James T. MILLER May 1882 Tennessee married Kate FARMER
8) Ruth MILLER born Feb 1885 Tennessee married Will ROBERTS

Additions and corrections appreciated
Janet Perdue King


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