Thomas Marlow
submitted by Gladys Ayers

     Thomas Marlow Sr. came from England and settled on New River section of Anderson and Campbell Counties. Thomas was a Civil War Veteran, aprivate in Company A, 1st regiment of the Tennessee Infantry Union. He mustered on August 2, 1861 at Jacksboro.

     Thomas was born about 1805 and died November 21, 1861 in London Kentucky. He married (1) Elizabeth Ward November 3, 1824 in Rhea County Tennessee. She was born 1809 and died July 21, 1847 in Beech Fork, Campbell County. He married (2) Profanes "Fannie" White (daughter of Hannah White) September 15, 1847 in Anderson County. She was born June 18, 1827 and died August 26 1903 in Campbell County Tennessee.

     Children of Thomas Sr. and Elizabeth Ward are Elizabeth born 1827, Michael Sr. born 1828, Benjamin born 1831, Thomas Jr. born 1836, Susan born 1837, Lucretia born 1840, Rueben born 1845.

     Children of Thomas Sr. and Fannie White are Paul Harmon born 1848, Bethana born 1850, Hanna born 1852, George born 1855, Alexander born 1856, William born 1857, and Isaac born 1859.

     Thomas Marlow Jr. was born April 14, 1836 in Campbell County Tennessee and died March 14, 1921. He married (1) Peggy Ann Wilson (daughter of Henry Wilson). Children were: William and Willie. Peggy died about 1860.

     Thomas then married (2) Millie Ann Wilson (daughter of Abraham and Sara Wilson) November 11, 1860 in Campbell County, Tennessee. She was born May 30, 1836 and died April 7, 1896 in Campbell County. Children were Louisa born 1861, Maynard born 1863, Daniel born 1866, Margaret Peggie born 1868, Sara born 1870, Sallie born 1870, Betsy born 1873, Susie born 1876 Michael born 1880, Hugh L born 1882.

     Thomas then married (3) Parisyda McGhee (daughter of Thomas and Sara (Lowe) McGhee. She was born November 23, 1870 and died September 1950 in Campbell County. Children were: Cresia Grace born 1899,Charley born 1901, Beulah born 1904, Birthey born 1893(stepdaughter of Thomas). Thomas Jr. moved to Caryville from New River. He is buried in Marlow Cemetery off Beech Fork Road Campbell County. Thomas Jr. served in the Union Army in A Company 1st Tennessee Infantry with his father Thomas Sr. Thomas Jr. as well as other Marlows were members of the Little Cove Creek Baptist Church.



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