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Mystery Women

Red Divider Line

(The Daughters of David Jackson and 
his two wives)
by Darrell H. Jackson

This mystery is common to all researchers of female ancestors. Through the early part of this century it seems that once they left daddy's home, women disappeared into the void of records maintained in their husbands name.

I could write a book about what I don't know about these women. All four were born and lived in Campbell County, Tennessee. I have not been able to find their descendents or other researchers. Because of this I feel that I have a psychic connection to them. Feeling them, almost hearing them. Demanding that we dig them up, get them out into the light and exposure of todays interest in genealogy. They want their story told.

My hope is that someone out there will recognize one of these women as their Great Grandmother, Aunt or something and will share their story with the rest of this family.

What I have learned about these four daughters of David Jackson is detailed below:

The first of these four daughters is Eura, born about 1827. She is the only daughter of David and his first wife. In the 1850 Campbell County census she is living in her fathers household with a son and with the married name of Hutson. I developed this information from census records, records from the Indian Creek Baptist Church, and Campbell County Marriage and Land records. It appears that she married a James Queener in 1845 and had Isaac, Elizabeth and Tabitha. Then in 1849 she married Isaac Hutson and had Daniel. In 1857 she had a land transaction with a James Mowell. The name Mowell shows up again in her Half Sister Elizabeth's story. In 1860 her husband, Isaac Hutson, was the head of the household and her half sister, Barsheba (Jackson) Smithson at 18 years old was living with them. In 1870 she was living in the household of an Elizabeth Ivey and is listed as a Housekeeper. The chronology of her name as I found it is:

      1842 Church Record:    Eura Jackson
     1844 Church Record:    Mariah Jackson
     1845 Marriage Record:  Uva Jackson
     1849 Marriage Record:  Vira Jackson
     1850 Census:                Eusy Hutson
     1857 Land Record:        Eura Hutson
     1860 Census:               Ury Hutson
     1870 Census:               Eurey Hutson

Making the assumption that all the above is about the same woman leaves three possibilities: 1: All could be dead wrong, 2: Some could be right, some could be wrong and 3: All could be right. But, I feel that a preponderance of the evidence proves that it all concerns the same woman. I want to believe that her given name was Mariah and that all other forms of her name were due to poor spelling, poor handwriting, etc. Will we ever know???

The second Daughter is Elizabeth, born about 1838. She was the first daughter of David and his second wife. In 1850 she was living in her fathers household at 8 years old. In 1857, at 15 years old she married Benjamine F. (Franklin?) Mowell. In 1860 her husband (head of household) is listed as Franklin Mowl and they have one child, 3 month old Uriah. Named after her older, half sister Eura? In 1870 she is listed as head of household with 5 children, Eura (10) (note spelling change from 1860), George (8), James (4), John (2) and Kate (1). Her youngest sister Sarah Jackson is listed in the household, in 1860 as "Inmate" and in 1870 as "Housekeeper" The chronology of her name, age and location is as follows.

1850 Census   Eliza Jackson: 8 17th Sub Division
1857 Marriage Elizabeth (Jackson) Mowell: 15 Campbell County Record
1860 Census   Louisa Mowl: 22 5th Civil District
1870 Census   Eliza Moul:  32 5th Civil District
Is it a stretch to say that Louisa is a variant of Elizabeth or Eliza instead of Lizzie, Liza, Beth, or that Mowell/Mowi/Moul is just different versions of the same name???

The third of these Daughters is Barsheba, born about 1842. The problem with this woman is that her husband is never in the household at census time. Her son Thomas D. Jackson in a letter to relatives in 1932 states that his father died 17 years ago and the family went back to his mothers maiden name. He does not give any other information on this man, nor does anyone else. I have not been able to find him in any of the records that I've checked. Barsheba could best be shown by listing what I know chronologically. Column 1 is the source, 2 is the recorded name, 3 is the given age, 4 is the location within Campbell County, 5 is the listed head of house hold, 6 is her number of children and 7 is her position within that household:

1850 Census Barsheba Jackson 7 17th Sub-Division David Jackson 0 Dau
1860 Census Barsheba Jackson 18   Isaac Hutson 0 Domstc
1866 Church Jackson 22 Indian Creek   0 Member
1870 Census Basha Jackson 28 4th Civil Dist DeSaverieuer 0 Hshekpr
1880 Census Bashy Smithson 37 5th Civil Dist Bashy Smithson 6 Mother
1900 Census Bashie Jackson 58 4th Civil Dist Bashie Jackson 2 Mother
1910 Census  Jackson 71 Jacksboro Thomas Jackson 0 Border

Where were her children between 1860 and 1880? She ends up with at least seven. they are, in order of birth: Elizabeth 1860, Catherine 1870, Thomas D. 1872( who becomes a Constable and Justice of the Peace in Campbell County), Eliga 1875, Tennessee & Texas 1877(twin daughters) and Martha 1884. In the 1900 census her occupation is Wash Woman, her son Thomas as Constable and daughter Martha as Cook. Maybe they were running a boarding house. 

Her son Thomas D., some time after 1900, marries a woman, born in Alabama by the name of Belle and they had at least 5 children: William 1906, Ethel 1907, Thomas 1910, Arthur 1912 and Sarah B. 1915. 

The fourth, last and easiest of the Daughters is Sarah, born about 1849. In 1850 like the others she is living with her parents, David and his second wife and is one year old. In 1860 and 1870 she is in the household of her sister Elizabeth and is listed on the census as, in 1860, as Inmate and in 1870 as Housekeeper. I have not found a marriage record on her. 

It looks like Barsheba spent her entire life in Campbell County. It is possible that the others left Campbell County,  sometime after 1870. I hope that their descendents are doing their research and that we can connect. The family names would be: Queener, Hutson, Mowell/Mowi/Moul, Smithson and maybe others. 

For more information on the parents and siblings of these four women see my User's home page at:

or for Family Tree Maker users just go the the Users Home Pages and look under my name.

        Lakewood, Washington


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