Family Album and Photos
Elias Richmond Davis
Of Campbell County, TN and Whitley County, KY

Red Divider Line

Submitted by Jimmy W. Perkins


This is Elias R. Davis, my Great Great Grandpa.

He was married to Magaret Perkins Davis who was first cousin to my Great Great Grandpa Squire Perkins, Peter Perkins' father, who was killed by Confederate troops and married to Margaret Douglass Perkins Hayes.

Rachel Davis Perkins, my Great Grandma is a daughter of Elias Davis and wife to Peter Perkins.

Elias R. Davis was in the TN Nat'l Guard as a Union soldier, signing in Corbin, KY and serving (?) in Roane Co. TN just below where Oak Ridge lies today and in the same county as Harriman and Kingston, TN.

He owned land in Whitley Co, KY and Elk Fork (Elk Valley) near Newcomb, TN. He owned land in the Powell Valley now known as Davis Chapel. The Primitive Baptist Church and Davis Chapel school on the corner of Davis Chapel Rd. and Carr Wynn Rd was loaned to the county for the purpose of a church and school. (Elias R. Davis and Margaret Perkins Davis and my Great Grandma and her sister Ruthie are buried in Oswego, TN north of Newcomb, TN very near Jellico, TN.) Peter Perkins is buried at Glade Spring Baptist Church off old hwy 63 at Chapman Lane going north up Powell Valley.

Two of Elias R. Davis' sons, Aaron Davis (Spanish American War veteran) & J. Caleb Davis, married two of William Harrison Roach's daughters. (William Harrison Roach is my Great Great Grandpa. He joined the Union Cavalry in Corbin, KY.) Heatherly's are also married into the family through Elias R. Davis' daughters. george heatherly, bought my Grandpa's, Lewis Franklin Perkins, land right after his mother, Rachel C Davis Perkins died, which left him and his siblings orphaned, which led to them being farmed out to other families, adopted,or sent to orphanges and out on their own.

William Harrison Roach, my Great Great Grandpa married Mary Chapman Roach my Great Great Grandma. Their son, David Harrison Roach, married Josie Carroll (daughter of Mattison Carroll, my other Great Great Grandpa, a confederate soldier, ) and their daughter W. Elizabeth Roach married Lewis Franklin Perkins (grandson of ER Davis). My Grandpa Lewis Franklin Perkins and my Grandma, W. Elizabeth Roach Perkins, were related through the marriages of the families; Perkins, Roachs, and Carrolls.

This is the generations as I know them.

ER Davis & Margaret "Peggy" Perkins Davis had Rachel C Davis.

Rachel C. Davis married Peter Perkins. He was the son of Squire Perkins, who was son of William Perkins and Grandson of Rev. Peter Perkins). His Mother was Margaret Douglass Perkins Hayes. She married a Hayes and went to Whitley Co, KY after Squire was killed in 1862.

William Harrison Roach married to Mary Chapman had two daughters that married two of ER Davis' sons, Aaron & J. Caleb.

David Harrison Roach, son of William Harrison Roach, married Josie Carrol. Her father was Mattison Carroll my Great Great Grandpa.

David H. Roach and Josie Carroll Roach had a daughter named W. Elizabeth Roach.

W. Elizabeth Roach married my Grandpa, Lewis Franklin Perkins.

Their son, Luther Lafayette Perkins, was my Dad.

Now you can see that in three generations the Douglass, Roachs, Perkins, Davis, Carrolls, and Chapmans were all very closely related and lived in very close proximity to each other on the south side of the Powell Mountain close to the Powel and Clinch Rivers.

Since those generations however, the blood line has thinned significantly leaving little trace with us except as cousins to some degree. However, we all remain related through blood and Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Thank You,

Jim Perkins
Bristol, TN

Please reply if you have further information or comment.

Jimmy Wayne Perkins; 1401 Holston Dr.; Bristol, TN 37620 is the sole owner of this photograph / picture and permission must be granted by owner before it is shared or reproduced in any known manner or given for use to any individual, company or other party/ies.
All rights reserved by owner.

It is for personal family use only and at that, only with permission from owner.
Commercial use by anyone for any reason will not be permitted or allowed at any time.
Jim Perkins
Bristol, TN
May 31, 2002

Elias Richmond Davis

Red Divider Line



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