Flora Heatherly
Reg. Number:  unknown; Reg. District: 40705
Certificate Number: 66-327929

Name: Flora Heatherly
Residence: Jellico, Campbell, Tenn
Sex: Female
Race: White
Date of Birth: 28 Feb 1885
Place of Birth: Not Listed (Note: it was Jellico)
Date of Death: 27 Oct 1966
Place of Death: Jellico, Campbell, Tenn
Age: 81
Marital Status: Widowed
Spouse, if living: Not listed (note it was James F. Heatherly)
Age of Spouse, if living: --
If Veteran, Name of War: No
Social Security Number: left blank
Occupation: Housework
Industry or Business: (left blank)
Father's Full Name: William Albert Owens
Father's Birthplace: Not Listed (Note KY)
Mother's Full Maiden Name: Mollie Dunaway
Mother's Birthplace: Not listed (Note Estill Co, KY)
Cause of Death: Pulmonary Edema

  • Due to: Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
  • Other conditions: (left blank)
  • Operation?: (left blank)
  • Autopsy?: (left blank)
If death was due to external causes, fill in the following:
  • Accident, Suicide, or Homicide: (left blank)
  • Date of Occurrence: 19
  • Where did the injury occur: (left blank)
  • Did injury occur in or about home, on farm, in industrial place, in public place?: (left blank)
  • While at work: (left blank)
  • Means of Injury: (left blank)
Informant: Donald Mitchell
Informant Address: Jellico, Tenn
Burial, Removal, or Cremation: Douglas Cemetery Newcomb, TN
Date: 30 Oct 1966
Undertaker: Harp Funeral Home
Address: 572 S. Main St. Jellico, TN
By: --
Date Filed: 04 Nov 1966
Registrar: ---
Signature: Nancy Beevers, Intialed by DP?
Address: ---

Submitter's Name: Tammy Martin
Submitter's Email: Tammy Martin
Relationship to the Deceased: Grand Niece

Comments: Flora was the older sister of my grandmother Edith Irene (nee Owens) Hubbard. She and James once lived in Wise Co, VA for at least 20 years. Her causes of death are extremely similar to Pulmonary Hypertension, a disease that killed both my Uncle and Cousin. This disease seems to be hereditary. It is always fatal unless it is diagnosed and treated in it's early stages. We are looking for other people in our Owens or Dunaway line to see if they have Pulmonary Hypertension or Lung/Heart Disease. Back in the old days they used to diagnose this disease as Congestive Heart failure or something to that effect. If you have information about anyone from the Owens or Dunaway line that has this disease or who died from similar causes, please email me at the address above. If you are one of Flora descendants, even if this disease does not apply to you or someone you know, I would love to connect with you just the same.


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