Miscellaneous Court Records

 Court Bar

Submitted by Misty Smith

Campbell County 1813-1817 Minutes, Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions

Wednesday 9th March 1814

Whereupon, on motion of said Jacob Queener, Administrator aforesaid, it is ordered by the cour that Thomas Wheeler, Daniel martin and Hoseph Hart be appointed valuers of the property of the aforesaid Michael Queener, deceased, and report the amount thereof a the next term of this court. 

Court then adjourned until tomorrow morning 8 o'clock



Isaac Crisman and William Brumley personally appeared in open court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the state of Tennessee in the sum of one hundred dollars cash to be levied of their respective goods and chattels, land and tenements, to the use of the State. To be void on condition the said William Brumley and Isaac Crisman do well and truly make their personal appearance before the Justice of our County Court of please and quarter sessions at the Court House in Jacksborough on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June next, then and there to testify and the truth to say on behalf of the State in a certain matter of travers, where in the State is plaintiff and Jacob Hatmaker defendant, and not depart the court without leave.

Wednesday 9 March 1814
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817 



Isaac Crisman and William Brumley personally appeared in open court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the state of Tennessee in the sum of one hundred dollars cash to be levied of their respective goods and chattels, land and tenements, to the use of the State. To be void on condition the said William Brumley and Isaac Crisman do well and truly make their personal appearance before the Justice of our County Court of please and quarter sessions at the Court House in Jacksborough on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June next, then and there to testify and the truth to say on behalf of the State in a certain matter of travers, where in the State is plaintiff and Jacob Hatmaker defendant, and not depart the court without leave.

Wednesday 9 March 1814
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817 


Richard Linville
Isaac Crismon Case

This day came the partied aforesaid by their attorneys in this cause and thereupon came a jury towit: James Robertson, William lay, Joseph Peterson, Charles Masey, Benj. N. Wheeler, John Cameron, Charles Bratcher, Simeon Wilhite, Richard Sharp, Benj. Bratcher and John Phillips, who being elected, tried and sworn the truth to speak upon this issue, joined upon their oaths do say they find for the Defendant, wherefore it is ordered and considered by the court that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill but for his false clamour he be in mercy and that the defendant o hence and recover of the plaintiff his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the sd, Deft.

Pg. 267
Thursday 7 March 1816
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817


It is ordered by the court that Robert Smith, Geo. Baker Sen. & Isaac Whitcotton be appointed the judges of the election of Geo. Baker and James Rice, James Fulkerson and Robt. Glenn, Judges of the election of Robt. Glenns and Spencer Graham, David Cuningham and Isaac Crismon of the election of Jacksbourgh and that the sheriff notify them accordingly.

Pg. 213
Thursday 8 June 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817


Gilbert Crisman

The defendant being this day put to the bar custody of the sheriff and being charged sayeth thereof he is guilty in manner and form, as charged in the Bill of Indictment, wherefor for such his offence it is ordered that he be fined the sum of 25 cents and further that he pay the costs otherwise appropriated for the use of the County. (3 ½ lines marked out)

Pg. 265
Tuesday 5 March 1816
Isaac Crismon
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817


accrued on the prosecution, and on motion is ordered in custody of the sheriff until furnish food and sufficient security of the dame, whereupon Isaac Crismon, being in his proper person and undertakes that in case the said defendant fail therein that he will do it for him.

Thursday 9 March 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
Pg. 188-189


Court Martial
Gilbert Crismon Certiorie

This day came the deft, in this cause by his Attorney and the court martial of the 33rd Regiment being called to come in and prosecute the plaintiff in this cause, came not, wherefore on motion of said defendant by his attorney aforesaid, it is ordered and considered by the court that the said Court Marital suffer a non suit and that the Judge award of said regiment pay the costs accrued on the same out of any monies not


Richard Linville
Isaac Crismon

On motion of the plaintiff by his attorney and for reasons appearing to the court on affidavit of the palintiff, a commission is granted him to take the deposition ofDavid Brading, resident of________________ County of the State of Kentucky before any two Justices of the peace of said county for the purpose of having said deposition read in evidence on the trial of this cause, he the ad, plaintiff giving the defendant 30 days notice of the time and place of taking deposition/

Pg. 247
Wednesday 6 December 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817

Court martial
182 VS
Gilbert Crismon Certiorie

It is ordered by the court that the costs accrued in this cause be paid by the Judge Advocate out of any monies in his hands arising from his fines assessed by court martial and not otherwise appropriated and that the Clerk issue certificates to those entitled to receive the same.

Pg. 349
Tuesday 4 March 1817
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817


Court met to present Benj. D. Wheeler, Thos Mood & Anderson Doherty, Esquires.

In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that an execution from Sampson David, Esquire, on of the Justices of the Peace For the County of Campbell, in favor of Barton D. Sutherland on Larkin Bowling for the sum of ninety eight dollars and ninety three and 76 cents and said execution being returned here into court, whereby it appears that the same was levied on two tracts of land as the property of said Larkin Bowling towit: One of Ten acres and one other of thirty acres. Whereupon it was ordered by the court that the sheriff of this County advertise according to law and sell the said tract of land to satisfy said execution and all costs thereon, also the costs of this order. Richard Linville, Sheriff and Collector of the Publick and County Taxes reports to Court the following described tracts of land whereon hath no deed and chattels in his County whereon to dispossess to make said tax towit:

Alexander Adair – 146 acres-locations not known
Charles McClung – 6237 acres – location in Lott P.P.
Robert Houston – 500 acres – Powells Valley

Said Sheriff also report the following tracts of mountain lands, which was not given for the year 1812 as taxable, towit:

John & Wm. Bell – 500 acres – Powells Valley
1623 acres, not know who is the owner, in Lott P.Q.
John Carter – 290 acres – Walnut Cove
Walker Alvis - 5257 acres – Powell Valley
Robert Larkins – 1365 acres – ditto ditto

Ordered by the court that the foregoing tracts of land be sold according to Act of Assembly to pay the tax due thereon, also the costs thereon, or so much thereof as will pay costs & charges. Ordered by the Court that the following persons be jurors to next County Court, to-wit:

1. Spencer Graham 14. Lewis Parrott
2. Rhomas Wheeler* 15. Elijah Parrott
3. John Clibourn 16. Jas. C. McGee
4. John Lamb 17. Thomas Mayer
5. Samuel C. Cawood 18. Hardin Skipper
6. Thoms Doak 19. Ro Delap
7. Absolom Morris 20. Davis Cuningham
8. Richard Craven 21. Wm. Crowley
9. Wm. McBride 22. Jas. Crowley
10. Eli Smith Senr. 23. Anthony Vanderpool
11. Wm. McClarey 24. Fielding Lee
12. Wm. McClarey 25. John Leach
13. Page Stanley 26. Abraham Wilson

And that the following persons to Jurors to June Sessions., 1813 To-wit:

1. Eli Southerland 14. Lewis Parrott
2. Roland Mason 15. Elijah Parrott
3. Jeremiah Holloway 16. Jas. C. McGee
4. Rich. Sharp 17. Thomas Masson
5. Loady Mood 18. Hardin Skipper
6. Geroge McKehin* 19. Ro Delap
7. Micajah Cross 20. Davis Cunningham
8. James Sharp 21. Wm. Crowley
9. John McClary 22. Jas. Crowley
10. Wm. Leach. 23. Anthony Vanderpool
11. John Vanderpool 24. Fielding Lee
12. Reubin Stanley 25. John Leach
13. Page Stanley 26. George Barker

*Assuming typo Rhomas is Thomas
* George McKehin

VS )

Rachel Atkins, together with her security, John Warren, personally appeared in open court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the State of Tennessee in the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars (towit) the said Richard Atkins in the sum of Two hundred and fifty dollars and the said John Warren in the sum of hone hundred and twenty five dollars, to be levied of their respective goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of the State, to be void on condition the said Rachel Atkins do well and truly make her personal appearance before the Justice of our County Court of Pleas and quarter sessions are the Court House in Jacksborough, on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June next, and then and there give evidence and prosecute on behalf of the State in a certain matter of Travers wherein the State is plaintiff and Jacob Hatmaker is defendant and not depart the court without leave.

Wednesday 9 March 1814
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817

page 88


SAME Vs. Same) P.L. Isaac Crisman and William Brumley personally appeared in open court and acknowledged themselves indebted to the state of Tennessee in the sum of one hundred dollars cash to be levied of their respective goods and chattels, land and tenements, to the use of the State. To be void on condition the said William Brumley and Isaac Crisman do well and truly make their personal appearance before the Justice of our County Court of please and quarter sessions at the Court House in Jacksborough on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in June next, then and there to testify and the truth to say on behalf of the State in a certain matter of travers, wherein the State is plaintiff and Jacob Hatmaker defendant, and not depart the court without leave.

Wednesday 9 March 1814
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 88


State )
VS )
Gilbert Crisman)

The defendant being this day put to the bar custody of the sheriff and being charged sayeth thereof he is guilty in manner and form, as charged in the Bill of Indictment, wherefor for such his offence it is ordered that he be fined the sum of 25 cents and further that he pay the costs accrued on the prosecution, and on motion is ordered in custody of the sheriff until furnish food and sufficient security of the dame, whereupon Isaac Crismon, being in his proper person and undertakes that in case the said defendant fail therein that he will do it for him.

Thursday 9 March 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 188-189


VS ( Case
CHAS. MASSEY ) Non Plea & Issue cont'd.

VS ( Case
ISHAM COWLEY ) Non Plea & Issue cont'd.

Is is ordered by the Court that Henry Scritchfield and John Sharp be appointed constables to attend on the jurors at the next term of this court.

It is ordered by the court that Robert Smith, Geo. Baker Sen. & Isaac Whitcotton be appointed the judges of the election of Geo. Baker and James Rice, James Fulkerson and Robt. Glenn, Judges of the election of Robt. Glenns and Spencer Graham, David Cuningham and Isaac Crismon of the election of Jacksbourgh and that the sheriff notify them accordingly.

Eli Wilson returns 50 acres land and one free poll for taxation for this year.

Joseph Hart returns 1340 acres, 2 town lost & one free poll for taxation for this year.

John Brown returns 148-1/2 acres land for taxation

Thursday 8 June 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 213


Spruce McCoy returns 173-1/2 acres for taxation.
Robert Houston returns 500 acres for taxation.
John Umstead returns 3200 acres for tax.
James Shoolbread returns 812-1/2 acres for tax.
Charles McClung returns 5987-1/2 acres for tax.
John Eisley returns one town lost for tax.
William Swofford returns 1 free poll
Danl. Smith returns 1 free poll
William Buckland 1 free poll
Peter Purkins - Returns 103 3/4 acres land
Hugh Ellison - Returns 100 acres land
Jeremiah Crowly returns 224 acres land
Runnels May returns 1 free poll.
A deed from Richard Linville, Sheriff to Micjah Cross for one town lot
No. 12 was acknowledged in open court in due form of law and was ordered to be registered.
Court then adjourned until court in course.

Benj. Wheeler
Presiding Justice (P. Tem)

Thursday 8 June 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 214


Court Martial
Gilbert Crismon Certiorie

This day came the deft, in this cause by his Attorney and the court martial of the 33rd Regiment being called to come in and prosecute the plaintiff in this cause, came not, wherefore on motion of said defendant by his attorney aforesaid, it is ordered and considered by the court that the said Court Marital suffer a non suit and that the Judge award of said regiment pay the costs accrued on the same out of any monies not otherwise appropriated for the use of the County.

(3 ½ lines marked out)

Tuesday 5 March 1816
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 265


Richard Linville
Isaac Crismon Case

This day came the partied aforesaid by their attorneys in this cause and thereupon came a jury towit: James Robertson, William lay, Joseph Peterson, Charles Masey, Benj. N. Wheeler, John Cameron, Charles Bratcher, Simeon Wilhite, Richard Sharp, Benj. Bratcher and John Phillips, who being elected, tried and sworn the truth to speak upon this issue, joined upon their oaths do say they find for the Defendant, wherefore it is ordered and considered by the court that the plaintiff take nothing by his bill but for his false clamour he be in mercy and that the defendant o hence and recover of the plaintiff his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the sd, Deft.

Thursday 7 March 1816
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 267


Richard Linville
Isaac Crismon

On motion of the plaintiff by his attorney and for reasons appearing to the court on affidavit of the plaintiff, a commission is granted him to take the deposition ofDavid Brading, resident of________________ County of the State of Kentucky before any two Justices of the peace of said county for the purpose of having said deposition read in evidence on the trial of this cause, he the ad, plaintiff giving the defendant 30 days notice of the time and place of taking deposition.

Wednesday 6 December 1815
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 247


Court martial
Gilbert Crismon Certiorie

It is ordered by the court that the costs accrued in this cause be paid by the Judge Advocate out of any monies in his hands arising from his fines assessed by court martial and not otherwise appropriated and that the Clerk issue certificates to those entitled to receive the same.

Tuesday 4 March 1817
Minutes of Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions 1813 - 1817
page 349


Court Bar


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