Miscellaneous Court Records
Cambpell Co Tenn court records taken from The Church of the Later Day Saints Library microfilm 0024604.

Pg2  Monday 1st March 1813 Jame Inglish, Senr, was appointed by the court Guardian to a bastar child of Lucy Collier, gave bond &o, Mobert Deisp and Elijah Longmire came into court and entered into bond as security for John Longmire as constable in room and stead of Elias Degley & Sam P Scritchfield, Senr.

Pg3 Monday 1st March 1813. Joseph Thomas, by his next friend Thos Griffith Vs Samiel Scritchfield.

Pg4 Tuesday 2 March 1813 Joseph Thomas, by his next friend Vs Samuel Scritchfield - Continued by consent.

Pg27 Tuesday 8 June 1813 Jas Thomas by next Friend Thos, Griffith VS Saml, Schitchfield - SLANDER
This day came the parties by their atto. in this cause and thereupon came a jury, (towit) John Leach, Wm. Leach, Anthony Vanderpool, Abraham Mayter,Junr, Lodawick Mood, Roland Mayers, Jeremiah Holloway, Benj. Wheeler, Junr, Isham Sharp, David Chambers, John Anderson and David Lanfield, who being elected, tried and sworn the truth to speak, upon this issue, joined upon their oath do say the defendant is guilty of speaking the words in manner and form as the plaintiff against him hath complained within six months next before suing out the writ of copeas in this suit and that the words spoken were of the defendants own wrong and without any justification therefor, as the plaintiff by replying hath allegded and they assess the plaintiff damaged by ovation thereof to two hundred and fifty dollars, besides his costs. Therefore it is considered by the court that the plaintiff recover of the defendant his damages as aforesaid in form as aforesaid assessed and also his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended and the said defendant in in mercy.

Pg33 Clisha Chambers VS John Longmire & Others. In this cause, upon motion of the Plaintiff, by his attorney, Samuel Anderson. a judgment against John Longmire, Constable and Samuel Scritchfield, Elias Dagley and Jonothan Cunningham, his securities, and appearing to the satisfaction of the court that an execution was put into the hands of the said Longmire, a Constable, in Favor of the said Chambers for the amount of thirteen dollars 33-1/3 cents, said longmire has collected said execution and has not returned the said execution nor paid over the amount thereof to the said chambers, therefore, it is considered by the court that the said Chambers have judgment against Scritchfield, Elias Dagley & Jonothan Cunningham, his securities, for twelve Dollars and Seventy Cents, the ballance that remains due on said execution as also the costs of this motion, and the defendants in mercy &o.

Pg34 It is ordered by the Court that the following persons be appointed a Venire Facias to serve at the next term of the court and that the sheriff summon them accordingly towit: Wm. George, Jas. McBride, Jas. Meed, Joshua Roark, Jacob Bowders, Henry Queener, Adonijah Thomas, Jesse Berry, John Harcourt, Wm. Julias, Jno. Warren, Rob Whitson, Sam Grimes, Phillip Brooks, Wm. Pawley, John Fulkerson, Jno. McCully, Jas Miller, David Murray, Wm. Profit, John Hannah, Valentine Magee, Jas. Williams, Abraham Goad, Henry Goodman & Joshua Goad.

Monday 6 December 1813 (Page 55?)
Valentine Mays & Phillips Brooks, against whom a conditional judgment was heretofore taken for their non-attendance as jurors at the last session, this day filed their affidavits and for reasons appearing to the satisfaction of the court, they are discharged from the judgment aforesaid and all costs assumed.
 (Carol I suspect that the Valentine should have read Mayo instead of Mays)

Pg99 Linville, Sheriff, returned into - following ve nire, executed on
Geo. Snodderly, Robert Winston, James Kinney, Robt. Stanly, Richard Hatfield, John Milstead, James Miller, Junr, Sebastion Smith, Henry Scritchfield, Abrm. Hunter, Aaron Sharp Sen. Saml. Courtis, John Warren----McBride & Jacob Sowders drawn the following Grand Jury, sworn and charged accordingly, (towit)

                                 MONDAY 6th June 1814
1. John Kincade                         9. James Kenney
2. Isaac Crisman                       10. Calb Isaacs
3. Saml. Courtis                          11. Robt. Hatfield
4. Page Stanley                         12. John Hudson &
5. Abrm. Hunter                          13. Robert Winsloe   who retired for
6. Jacob Sowders        consulation, and
7. James McBride
8. Charles Bratcher

1. John Warren                     6. Robt Stanly
2. Henry Scritchfield              7. Geo. Snodderly
3. Robt. Smith Sen.               8. James Baxter &
4. James Miller                      9. Aaron Sharp Jun.
5. Aaron Sharp Senr.

Pg 100 Monday 7th June 1814

Justices Present   Joseph Hart, John Roberts, James Cunningham, Esquires.

A Power of Attorney from Cornelius Evans, Dennis Evans, William M. McCulley

Pg 104 Tuesday 7th June 1814, State VS James Newman - Indic.
This day came the parties in this cause by their attorneys and thereupon cama jury (towit)  (jury included Henry Critchfield and others), who being elected tried and sworn the truth to speak upon the issue of  TRAVERS, upon their oaths do say the Deft, is not guilty in manner and form as charged in the Bill of Indictment.

Note to all: Does anyone know what the issue of TRAVERS is?

Pg 109 Henry Critchfield, Valentine Magee, & Wm Magee are in the jury.

pg 149 Tuesday 7th December 1814 Josseph Sharp & Harry Scritchfield came this day into open court in their proper persons and were appointed constables for the two succeeding years, entered into bond and was qualified as the law in such case directs.

Pg 257 Adeed for 75 acres land from James Crowley to Samuel Brown was this day proven in open court in due form of law by the oaths of James Cunningham and Robert Brown and was ordered to be registered. Geo. Baker VS John Lane - Case continued on affadavit of defendant. It is ordered by the court that Joseph Hart, Thomas Murray and Robert------be appointed Judges of the Election to be holden at the house of Robert Glen on Thursday------for the seal of Justice in Campbell County and that Rich'd Linville, Ptff, summon James Rice, Executor of the Estate of Sherwood Brook Dec'd this day returned an amendment of the amount of sales heretofore returned by him and moved to have the same cnt'd, and recorded at full length. Whereupon it was ordered by the court that the same be received and recorded.

Pg 258  This day came Joel Meadors and surrendered his principle Henry Scritchfield,a constable of the County and discarge of himself whereupon the said Henry Scritchfield, together with his surety Nathaniel Ayers, and Isaac Crimson, came and entred into bond of five hundred dollars for his service as constable in this county

Pg 360 Thursday 6th March 1817
State VS 136                    AB
Henry Scritchfield        Cont'd on affadavit of Deft.

137 Same VS
same                          Cont't on affadavit of Deft.

138 Same VS                    AB
Same               T
This day came Wm. E. Anderson, Solicitor, who prosecutes got the profit of this County as did the Defendant, together with his counsel, and the said Deft. having heard the Bill of Indictment read, sayeth thereof he is not guilty, and of this he puts himself upon his country, and Wm. E. Andersn, Esqr. Solicitor &o doth the like and thereupon came a jury (towit) L. Micajah Ballad, Jacob Whitman, Powell Riggins, James Agee, Robert D. Pearce, Wm. Swafford, David Chambers, Wm. Warrener, James Robertson, Rich'd. Sharp, John Lay & Jeremiah Pearcifield, who being elected, tried and sworn the truth to speak upon this issue travers, upon their oaths do say the defendant is not guilty in manner and form as charged in the Bill of Indictment. Whereupon it is ordered and considered by the court that the Deft, be discharged from his recognizance in this case and that the country pay the costs accrued on the same, and that the clerk issue certificates to those entitled to receive them.

Pg365 Thursday 6th of March 1817                 AB
  State VS Henry Scritchfield
Elijah Parrot, the prosecutor in this cause, together  with his security, Jacob Parrott, came this day into open court in their proper persons and entered into recognizance of one hundred and fifty dollars, conditioned for the appearance of sd prosecutor at the next term of this court to prosecute and give evidence on the trial of the above cause in this part of the State

136 VS                                                    AB
Joel Parrot and Salley Cole, witnesses in this cause, together with their security, Elijah Parrott, came this day into open court in their proper persons and entered into recognizance of one hundred and fifty dollars conditioned for their appearance of sd witnesses at the next term of this court to give evidence on the part of the state on the trial of this cause.
137 VS                                    AB
(Same people & same info as under 136

136 VS                                         AB
Henry Scritchfield, the Deft, in this cause, together with his security, came this day into open court in their proper persons and entered into recognizance of two hunddred dollars conditioned for the appearance of the sd Deft. at the next term of this court.

Pg 366 State 137 VS H. Scritchfield AB
Henry Scritchfield, the Deft, in this cause, came this day into open court in their proper person together with his securities, Robert Smith and John McClary, and entered into recogninance in sun of two hundred dollars, conditioned for the appearance of the said Deft, at the next term of this court to answer a charge of the State exhibited against him for assault & battery.

Note: There were a couple more entries in this typed copy of the Campbell County Tenn court records and then the following entry: (On back of book) "Came to this office Oct. 26, 1891, by S. C. Baird."

Pg 40 6 September 1813 - Thomas Griffith VS SAm C. Scritchfield The defendant in this cause was this day brought into open court in custody of his bail and was surrendered up to the court by his bail in dischage of themselves. Whereupon, on mition of his bail, by order of the court, they are dischaged from their undertakings and costs and the defendant is ordered into custody of the Sheriff.

Pg 42 6 September 1813 - Joseph Thomas by his next Friend Thomas Griffith VS
Saml Scritchfield - SLANDER
This day came the Defendant in this cause in custody of his bail into open court and was surrendered by his bail in discharge of themselves and on motion is discharged by order of the court from their undertakings and costs and the defendant is ordered into custody of the sheriff.

Court Bar



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