Sylvester Allen
Born July 19, 1926
Died September 15, 1942
Asleep in Jesus
Floyd Allen
Born September 3, 1916
Died August 26, 1932
Asleep in Jesus
Infant Dau. Of
Robt & Lillie Bell
Born & Died
February 9, 1915
Asleep in Jesus
"Our Parents"
John L Allen
Born January 17, 1865
Died August 19, 1936
(same stone as Sarah
Sarah Allen
Born September 25,
Died December 1944
(same stone as John
L Allen)
Naomi Infant Dau.
Claude & Lillie
M Allen
Born & Died May
1, 1941
Asleep in Jesus
Lillie M Allen
Born April 16, 1915
Died June 8, 1942
Gone but not forgotten
Infant Dau. of
Samuel & Anna Baird
(No Dates)
Anna Baird
Wife of Samuel Baird
Born 1822
Died January 11, 1870
Aged 48 years
Arther S Cordell
Born March 4, 1922
Died March 24, 1922
Virgie Ruth Cordell
Born April 10, 1930
Died April 10, 1930
Carlotta M Cordell
Born May 11, 1921
Died May 11, 1921
Mima Cox
Born March 17, 1837
Died November 28, 1913
Infant Son of
Clyde & Hassie
Born May 11, 1939
Died May 14, 1939
Gone to be an Angel
Joyce Maxine Hicks
Born May 11, 1936
Died May 29, 1936
Rushie H Hicks
Born September 9, 1905
January 25, 1923
Louisa Hicks
Born July 15, 1867
Died August 29, 1941
Champ C Hicks
Born 1864
Died June 8, 1914
Alice Edith Hicks
Born May 27, 1921
Died June 18, 1928
Lillie Ethel Hicks
Born September 18,
Died January 19, 1916
Budded on Earth to
bloom in Heaven
Joice Fay Hicks
Born May 9, 1945
Died February 14, 1948
Clifford Hicks
Born April 12, 1935
Died April 13, 1935
At Rest
L C Jeffers
Born 1-26-1910*
Died 11-13-1910
Gone but not forgotten
Sleep on till we come
(*This looked like
an adult grave & it was very difficult to read the
date for birth, especially the year. The initials, JRW
was in bottom corner os stone.)
Catherine Polly Lamb
Born March 13, 1862
Died February 21, 1921
Gone but not forgotten
Roscoe Lay
Co. D 57 Pioneer Inf.
Born May 1, 1897
Died June 7, 1925
Soldier rest, thy work
is doneL
Jesse Lamb
Son of Frank &
Lillie Lamb
(No Dates)
Leland Lamb
Son of Frank &
Lillie Lamb
(No Dates)
Jasper Lewallen
Born Abt. 1852
Died March 29, 1933
(This grave doesn't
have a stone, only a rock. I'm going by dates given
me by my husband's uncle, who is Jasper's grandson)
Mary Jane Delk Lewallen
Born Abt 1860
Died October 5, 1938
(This grave doesn't
have a stone, only a rock. I'm going by dates given
me by my husband's uncle, who is Mary's grandson)
N. Lay
(this was the only
carving on a rock)
W M Martin
Born July 20, 1875
Died March 7, 1923
The Good Shepherd giveth
his life for the sheep
Arminda Martin
Born March 14, 1879
Died March 31, 1941
Prepare for death and
follow me
Carlos A
Son of L.L. & Rosa
Born September 6, 1930
Died November 16, 1933
Budded on Earth to
bloom in Heaven
Everett R
Son of L.L. & Rosa
Born November 30, 1933
Died February 27, 1934
Son of L.L. & Rosa
Born August 1*, 1936
Died March 6, 1937
(*couldn't make out
the last number)
Son of E & Ellen
Born October 7, 1920
Died July 27, 1921
At Rest
P E * Perkins
Born August 19, 1892
Died September 8, 1896
( *The E is in question..hard
to read)
Silas Perkins
Born April 3, 1931
Died November 24, 1932
(this was on a rock,
no other inscription)
Litt Rains
Born October 25, 1860
Died September 22,
Malissa "Lissie" Perkins
Unknown Birth Date
Died February 15, 1935
(This grave doesn't
have a stone, only a rock. I'm going by dates given
me by my husband's uncle, who is Lissie's grandson)
No Known Last Name
Clifford D
Son of ?????*
Born August 23, 1941
Died February 6, 1943
(* Could not make out
the name on this)