
Campbell County Apprenticeships
transcribed from records at the Tennessee State Library and Archives

Name Date Age Master Misc
Usrey, William 6-Sep-1814 space Crag, Joab space
Anderton, James 6-Sep-1814 13 1/2 yrs Smith, Thomas of Jacksborough space
Usher, John 6-Dec-1814 13 yrs. as of 15-May-1814 Moad, Loadermilk space
Usher, David 6-Dec-1814 15 yrs. 1 month Sharp, Joseph space
Catchum, Polly 5-Jun-1816 7 yrs. 8 months Cook, Michael space
Boyette, Jonathan 5-Mar-1817 6 yrs. Bratcher, John space
Boyette, Samuel 5-Mar-1817 13 yrs. next June Bratcher, Charles space
Lanum, John 2-June-1823 8 yrs. on Feb. last Lanum, Joseph space
Gray, Letha 16-Dec-1825 1 yr. 2 mo. 27 days Lanum, Joseph space
Rutherford, Campbell 8-Sep-1834 11 yrs Clap, Henry space
Byran, Margaret Ann 10-Mar-1835 3 yrs Boshears, Isaac space
Standley, Rueben 11-Mar-1835 space McCoy, William space
Standley, Rhoda 11-Mar-1835 space McCoy, William space
Burgess, Thomas 10-Jun-1835 14 yrs Montgomery, Rufus K space
White, Jimmy 14-Sep-1835 5 yrs. 6 months Richards, Thomas space
Brown, Christina 14-Dec-1835 14 yrs. Feb. next Archer, Enoch space
Brown, William 14-Dec-1835 8 yrs. May next Archer, Enoch space
Marcum, Arthur 10-Dec-1835 7 yrs. 4 months Fleming, Berd M space
Godsey, Samuel 1-Aug-1836 4 yrs. Williams, Silas  
Canter, Henry 5-Sept-1836 space James, Rollings space
Canter, Jesse 5-Sept-1836 space James, Rollings space
James, John 2-Oct-1837 11 years Ballard, Richard space
Standley, F.H. Bratcher 4-Dec-1837 2 yrs on 1-Jan-1837 Stephens, Allen Noted to be illegimate and bound with consent of mother
Cooper, Jane 5-Feb-1838 7 yrs Vingant, George Mother noted as Barbary Cooper
Burgess, Charlott T 5-Feb-1838 10 yrs Vingant, George space
James, William 5-Mar-1838 space Mars, James J space
Godfrey, Samuel 1-Feb-1841 space Lindsay, William space
Baxter, James 7-Mar-1842 12 yrs Lindsay, Jr., William space
Campbell, Margarett Matilda Catherine 2-May-1842 space Jacobs, Jesse B space
Morgan, Frankling 3-Oct-1842 12 inrs August 1843 Hollingsworth, Daniel space
Newman, William 3-Jan-1843 9 yrs Grant, James H space
Newman, Polly 3-Jan-1843 7 yrs Grant, James H space
Kesterson, Martha 6-Mar-1843 4 yrs Peterson, Calvin space
Peterson, George Washington 2-April-1844 space Cole, Sampson D space
Peterson, Andrew Jackson 5-Aug-1844 13 yrs Nov. 1844 Stamper, Jesse Tailor
Peterson, Andrew J 3-Feb-1845 13 yrs. in Nov 1844 Cary, William until 20 yrs.
Peterson, Andrew J 2-Feb-1846 space Crawford, William D for 2 years
Cooper, Sarah 2-July-1866 space Bunch, David E orphan of Peter Cooper
Cooper, Mary 2-July-1866 space Bunch, David E orphan of Peter Cooper
McKeehan, George W 5-July-1869 space McKeehan, William J space
Roberts, Mary 2-May-1870 space Price, Marcus F space
Childress, James May 1872 space Chidress, Marvell space



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