Table of Contents
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Lexington Cemetery (2004)
The Cemeteries of Natchez Trace State Park (2004; 1999-2003 data)
Annotated Cemeteries
Farmville, Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (1998)
Grandsire Holmes, 1976 Annotations by Gordon Turner (2001)
Middlefork Cemetery, Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (1998)
Mt. Gilead, 1976 Annotations by Edward and Mabel Buck (2003)
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Bobbie Coffman Pierce (1996)
Union Hill Cemetery, Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (2000)
Unity Cemetery (Chester County), Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (2002)
Survey Order Version (spouses kept together)
Alphabetized Version
Black Cemeteries
Tombstone Inscriptions from Black Cemeteries in Henderson County, Tennessee
Compiled by Jonathan K. T. Smith
Copyright, Jonathan K. T. Smith, 1995
Fully resurveyed black cemeteries:
Resurveyed Cemeteries (mostly white)
Adams (2004)
Altom (1999)
Anderson (1998)
George Anderson (2001), Jonathan K. T. Smith
Antioch (2003)
Bargerton Church of Christ, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Barren Springs (2004)
Beech River, Joy Beth Campbell (2002)
Bible Grove (2002)
Big Springs (1999)
Boswell (2004) [added commentary by Clay Crook]
Boyd (see Farmville)
Brown's Pentecostal (2004)
Buckley (2003)
Caffey (White Section) (2003)
Calvary, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Caraway (2001)
Carrington, Sue Carrington Stewart (circa 2000)
Cary (1999)
Cedar Grove (2001)
Cedar Grove Pentecostal (2001)
Cedar Hill (2003)
Center Hill (2004)
Center Hill Holiness Church (2003)
Center Ridge, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Central Grove (2003)
Chapel Hill (2003)
Christian Chapel (2001)
Chumney (1976/1977)
Coffman (2003)
Cogdell (2003)
Corinth (2003)
Crowell Chapel (2002)
Dameron (aka Cozart) (1999)
Darden (2003)
Derryberry (2004)
Doe Creek (2001)
Dodd (2004)
Douglas (Douglass) (2001)
Duke Memorial (2003)
Duke's Chapel (2003)
Dyer Chapel (2003)
Ebenezer (2001)
Edge (2003)
Emanuel (2004)
Evans (2003)
Fairview (2004)
Farmville, Glenda Ann Parchman (1998) (annotated)
Farmville (2004) (with Portrait Gallery)
Flake (2004)
Flat Creek (2003)
Fellowship (2001)
Foster (2002)
Garrett, Dovie Little (1938) and Dottie Wiggin (1976)
Grandsire Holmes (2001)
Granny Austin (1995)
Greener (2002)
Gulledge (2003)
Halbrook (2002)
Hall, Jonathan K. T. Smith (1996)
Hare (2003)
Harman (2002)
Hayes (1992)
Henderson County Memory Garden (2002)
Hendrex (2004)
Hepzibah, Jonathan K. T. Smith (1997)
Howard (aka Halbrook), Jonathan K. T. Smith (1997)
Independence (2004) (with Portrait Gallery [1999])
Jack's Creek (2004)
James, Joy Beth Campbell (2003)
Jones (2004)
Jowers (2002)
Judson (2002)
Kizer (2003)
Laster (2001)
Lewis, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Lewis-Altom (2003) (also photos by Jack Hearington, hosted by Linda Altom Smith)
Lexington (2004)
Lindsey (2003)
Lindsey-Eubanks (2003)
Little Hurricane (2004)
Lovell, Hugh L. Small (1952) |
Manley (1999)
Maple Springs (2004)
Marl Bluff (2004)
Marlin (2004)
Mazies Chapel (2002) (with Portrait Gallery)
McBride, Kimberly Parks (undated)
McBride (2004)
McCall (2002)
McHaney (2004)
Middlefork, Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (1998) (annotated)
Middlefork (2004)
Miller (aka Mt. Pisgah) (1999)
Milton (2002)
Morgan (2001)
Moore (2003)
Morris (mixed race), Jonathan K. T. Smith (1995)
Morris Family (Sand Hollow Rd.) (2004)
Mt. Ararat (2003)
Mt. Carmel (2004)
Mt. Gilead (2003)
Mt. Moriah (2003)
Mt. Pisgah (see Miller)
Mt. Zion (2003)
Myracle (2002)
Natchez Trace MBC (2003)
Nebo (2004)
New Beech Grove (2004)
New Bethel (2003)
New Haven, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
New Hope (2004)
Oak Grove (Lexington-Alberton) (2003)
Oak Grove (Middleburg) (2004)
Old Beech River (a.k.a. Timberlake) (merged 1936, 1976, and 1995 records)
Old Bethel (2004)
Berry Olive, Jonathan K. T. Smith (1956)
Olive Branch (2002)
Pafford-Scotts Hill (2001)
Palestine (2004) (with Portrait Gallery [1999])
Palestine Pentecostal (2004) (with Portrait Gallery [1999])
Parker's Crossroads (2003)
Phelps (mixed race) (2004)
Pine Grove (2003)
Pleasant View (2004)
Pleasant Grove (2003)
Pleasant Hill (2004)
Poplar Corner, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Preslar (1993)
Pritchard, Lisa Pritchard Ing (undated)
Prospect (Black Bottom Rd.) (2004)
Prospect (Presley Ridge Rd.) (2004)
Reed Graveyard, Jonathan K. T. Smith (2001)
Ridley Chapel (2003)
Ridge Grove, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Robertson (1999)
Rock Hill (2003)
Rock Springs, Joy Beth Campbell (2004)
Rush, Joy Beth Campbell (undated)
Sand Ridge (2003)
Sardis (2004) (with Portrait Gallery [1999])
Scotts Hill Methodist (2001)
[Old] Shady Grove, Jonathan K. T. Smith (2001)
Shiloh (2004) (with Portrait Gallery [1999])
Small (1999)
Smith Chapel (1997)
Spain, Joy Beth Campbell (2003)
Spring Hill, Kimberly Parks (1999)
Spring Hill (2004)
Stone Hill (2003)
Union Church (2003)
Union Grove (2003)
Union Hill, Glenda Ann Nobles Parchman (2000)
Union Hill (2004)
Wallace (2002)
Waller-Douglas, Nicki Coffman (1999)
Waller-Douglas (2004)
Webb (1999)
White (2001)
Williams Family (Brown Road) (2004)
Dudley H. Williams, Jonathan K. T. Smith (undated)
Scanned Cemeteries from "Henderson
County, Tennessee Cemetery Inscriptions"
Data for the cemeteries below are taken from Henderson County, Tennessee
Cemetery Inscriptions which was published in 1976. Many people helped
in compiling the data in the book. Some helpers did better work than others.
In the worst cases, only minimal information (first name, last name, birth
year, and death year) were recorded. Difficult-to-read markers
were often ignored. Should you find someone important to your family in one of these cemeteries,
you should plan to visit the cemetery in person. The original manuscript is in the posession of the Clerk and Master, Henderson County Court House.
Other Cemeteries
Thomas, from Decatur County, Tennessee Cemetery Records (near Scotts Hill)
Waugh-Segraves, from
Cemeteries of Natchez Trace State Park
Click here for map
David Donahue, October 2003

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