 World War II Photo Album
our Weakley County Soldiers

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 Click on a Surname below
   Oct 1, 1941 Weakley County Draftees from Dresden Enterprise - Haney, Coats, Moore, Blackard, Harwood, Rambo, Kelly, Dunlap, Jenkins, Cooper, Capps, Drewry, Smith, White, Pounds, Drewry, Berdell, Marsh, Smith.
  ADKINS, Hershel

CAPPS - 3 brothers - John Henry, James Lafayette and Willie Dean
   DREWRY, Wayne Alton - by his plane

 DREWRY, Wayne Alton - in uniform

 DREWRY, Edward Dayton "Dayton" - Army Transportation Tech

 DREWRY, Dayton - working off Navy ships to fix other ships.

 DREWRY, William Pearce "Bill" -

 HOWARD, Paul R. - Medic
   JONES, Allen - Army
   JONES,  Theron 
   SHELL, Samuel Wayne
   SMITH,Larry D. 
   WHEELER, Lula Mae - WACS
   CAUDLE, James Ballard - Marine Air Corps

 YEARGIN - Leland Abney
   GATEWOOD, Harold
    WILLIAMSON, Neal Sgt.
 PARHAM, William Basil
 HEATH, Elmer Clark - Navy

NANNEY, Gerald Mike
BARNES, Ralph D.


 Webpages & Graphic designs  by MaryCarol



