Our Weakley County Veterans

DRESDEN ENTERPRISE November 22, 1995 page 23
Flash from the past - Weakley County Draftees Leave for Ft. Oglethorpe, GA

The above photograph was made on October 1, 1941, during the early days of the draft of 18 year olds and above. The Weakley County Draftees shown above were in the October 5, 1941 edition of the Dresden Enterprise, and included L to R

First Row: Charles HANEY of Greenfield, Wilton COATS, of Greenfield, Thomas MOORE of Greenfield, James BLACKARD of Martin, William HARWOOD of Dukedom.

Second Row: Haron RAMBO of Sharon, Bluford KELLY of Sharon, Roy DUNLAP of Greenfield, Paul JENKINS of Greenfield, Aubry COOPER of Greenfield.

Third Row: Paul CAPPS of Greenfield, Howard DREWRY of Greenfield, J. D. SMITH of Martin, Earl WHITE of Martin, Roy POUNDS of Greenfield.

Fourth Row: John T. DREWRY of Greenfield, Joe BERDELL of Gleason, Clarence MARSH of Gleason, and James H. SMITH of Martin..

Submitted by Willie Coats

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