Court November 1849

Monday Nov. 5th 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quorum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the fifth day it being the first monday in November one thousand eight hundred and forty nine the following Justices present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE & JONES his associates

Ordered by the Court that Green WILSON be appointed overseer of the road of first Class in the place of A J ARNOLD and that he work from the two mile to the four mile post on the Waynesboro & Savannah Road and that he have [James -–crossed out] the hands alloted to ARNOLD to work under his direction Isued Nov. 26th 1849

Came Thomas W HILL who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of Augustus W BATT minor heir of Amanda BATT dec’d and entered into bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with John C G WILSON and John G HILL his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said Thomas W HILL took the necessary oath for his qualification

This day came in to Court Matthew J SIMS who was on the 11th day of October Last duly and constitutionally elected Justice of the peace by the qualified voteres of Civil District No. 8 Wayne County To fill the unexpired term of Alexander GRAY Resigned and presented to the Court his commission Where upon the said M J SIMS took the necessary oaths for his qualification

Came Elijah D BURNS who was on the 20th day of October 1849 Duly and Constitutionally elected Justice of the peace by the qualified Voters of Civil district No. 4 Wayne County Tennessee to fill the unexpired term of Hiram ROBERTS Resigned and presented to the Court his Commission Whereupon the said E D BURNS took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that George W BARKER be appointed overseer of the road of first Class in the place of John CARTER and that he work the same bounds and have the hands in the same bounds that James WILSON formerly worked. Rescinded Dec’r term 1849

Ordered that court Adjourn till Court in Course / / s / / W CARTER, Chr, A. MONTAGUE D J JONES

Court October 1849

Monday Oct 1st 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first day it being the first Monday in October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine The following Justice present and presiding to wit W CARTER, Chr HAYNES, YOUNG, JONES, ROBERTS, POPE, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, SHEPARD, BREWER, [?] HAMM, LEE, VOORHIES, A GRAY, WILSON [&-crossed out] GANT and others

  • Ordered by the Court that D K HOOD be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of George DAVIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Charles LISLES [Wm JOHNSON – crossed out] be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of James SPAIN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Came into court John McDOUGAL & others who was appointed at a former term of this Court commissioners to set apart to Mary H SHIELDS widow of John N SHIELDS Dec’d provision for herself & family for one and reported to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded [and ordered to be recorded – crossed out]
  • Ordered by the Court that Wm GOFORTH be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Alexander ROBORTS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that H C[?] DAVIS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James B DAVIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that A G PHILLIPS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James C DUREN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court amend the settlement made by said Clerk and Wm C NUNLEY Administrator of the Estate of Anderson NUNLEY Dec’d so as to allow said Administrator the sum of forty nine 96/100 Dollars the amount by him Paid to Wm. EVINS for Rep- . . . . ? the farm of said Estate and that the record the same [sic]

Monday Oct. 1st 1849                                                                                                             Ordered by the Court that Isaac HORTON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Henry J. BREWER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849

  • Ordered by the Court that John LISLE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Jesse OLIVE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that King PRATER be reappointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm BATTLE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Johnathan MORRIS the sum of Eight 80/100 dollars the amount by him expinded for the benefit of J J BOYD and family said BOYD is a man about thirty five years of age by occupation a farmer and resides in Wayne County Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, BREWER, HAMM, LEE & SHEPARD 13 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Isued Oct 3 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas BREWER be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Allin ROBNETT and that he commence at the forks of the road near Walnut Grove Meeting House and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Wilson GRIMES, Bethel FUSON, Wm J [or I] GRIMES, L [or S] D McMAHAN and Robert MORRIS be appointed a Jury of View to View & mark out so as to change the Savannah & Waynesboro road on the Land of A MONTAGUE and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Jesse DOWNING be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Benjamine KING removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Layfaette STOWE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Johnson BIFFLE and that the have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • Upon application it is ordered by the Court that James E McKNIGHT Wm C McBRIDE Wm S RICKETTS W B SKILLERN & J C G WILSON be appointed a Jury to View and mark out a Road from Ashland to the County Line in a direction of Lawrenceburg so as to intersect the Turnpike Road at FORRORs[??] old fields and that they report the same to the next term of this court Isued Oct. 10th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that John CARTER be appointed overseer of the road of . . . Class in the place of Isaac MORRIS . . . and that he have the hand in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • It is ordered by the Court that the order made by this Court at its July term 1849 appointed John H HENDRIX, Gilbert SPURLOCK, A C McDOUGAL, Jesse TUCKER[?], and John HOLLIS a Jury to view and report the propriety of changing the road leading up Holly Creek so as to let the Lawrenceburg road leave the Waynesboro road at the upper end of George W DELKs plantation be revived[?] and that they report to the January term of this Court
  • It appearing to the Court that Thomas M JONES a Student at law is twenty one years of age and a man of good moral carachter[sic] it is ordered by the Court that he same be certified accordingly Isued Nov 26th 1849
  • It appearing to the Court here that Thomas B[?] MELTON has lately died in Wayne County having left no last will and testament and it farther appearing to the Court that Elizabeth MELTON his widow does not wish to administer upon said Estate and King BREWER having made application for letters of administration upon said estate and he having given bond in the sum of three hundred dollars with Lot DANIEL and Andrew J BREWER his securities conditioned for the faithful administration of said estate and he having taken the oath prescribed by law it is ordered by the Court that letters of administration issue to him accordingly

It is ordered b the Court that Sampson BREWER, Joseph COCKMAN, and Joseph PRITCHETT freeholders and unconnected with the parties by affinity or consanguinity be appointed commissioners who after having been duly qualified for said purpose proceed to allot and set apart to Elizabeth MELTON widow of Thomas B MELTON deceased so much of the stock crop provisions monies or other assetts belonging to the estate of said Thomas B MELTON as shall be sufficient for the support of herself and family for one year next after the death of her said husband and report to the next term of this Court

  • Upon the petition of Eli F. EDMINSTON and others It is ordered by the Court that Josiah ROBERSON, T Q[?] MONTAGUE, R W SIMS, J S ROSS, and Little CHOAT freeholders be appoint a Jury to view and report the propriety so changing the road leading from Carrolsville to beech Creek so as to strike Beech Creek at John R BREWERs so as to intersect the Beech Creek road at CROSSNOEs and report to the nest term of this Court Isued Oct. 10th 1849
  • James M RAMSEY Administrator of the Estate of John N SHIELDS Dec’d came into court and returned [in to Court – crossed out] an Inventory & account of Sales which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • John CLEMANS & others who was at a former term of [at the last quarterly – crossed out] appointed to view and mark a road of the 2 class beginning at the mouth of Mockinson Creek on Buffalo River and run the best way that can be found to Samuel RILEYs mill and that they report to [the next term – crossed out] this Court and report that they have performed said suty after having been sworn for said purpose It therefore ordered by the court that said report be confirmed an said road established It is farther ordered by the Court that Charles PARKER be appointed overseer to open out said road and that all the hands south of Buffalo River above the mouth of Green River and on Mockinson Creek and on Green River up to RILEYs mill work thereon under his direction Isued Decr 14th 1849
  • It appearing to the Court that William HEFINGTON Late of Wayne County is ded and having made no last will and the widow failing to apply for Letters of Administration and application being mad by B HAMM [and it appearing to the court that he is the largest creditor – crossed out] To have Letters of Administration granted him upon said estate and it appearing to the Court by his oath that he is the Largest creditor and he having entered into bond in the sum of five hundred dollars with A J BREWER and David M SPAIN his securities conditional for the faithful Administration of said Estate and he having taken the necessary oath prescribed by Law it is ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration issue to him accordingly
  • It is ordered by the Court that A J BREWER, Isaac MOTAN, and George W BREWER freeholders and unconnected by consanguinity or affinity be appointed Commissioners who after having been duly sworn for said purpose shall allot and set apart to ________ HEFINGTON widow of Wm. B. HEFINGTON dec’d provisions sufficient for for the support of herself & family for one year from the death of her said husband and that they report the same to the next term of this Court
  • Upon application of Little CHOAT & others it is ordered by the Court that the road leaving the turnpike Road near Oze DICUS and running to Carrollville be changed from a third to a second Class and that S.S. RICKETTS, George F WILLIAMS, Isaac W ROSS, Bennett HALE & Oze DICUS be appointed a Jury to View and mark out so as to change said road so as to put it on better ground and less injury to the owners of the Land and that they report the same to the next term of this court Isued Oct 10th 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of nineteen 25/100 Dollars for making Tax Book for 1849 Isue road Order Venira facious Jury of View &c Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, DIXON & SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Oct. 3rd 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of Eight 72/100 Dollars for Isueing Jury Tickets & making & Recording settlement with the County Trustee Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, A GRAY & DIXON 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Oct 3rd 1849
  • Came Alexander GRAY into Court and tendered to the Court his resignation to the office of Justice of the Peace of the 8th Civil District of Wayne County which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Came Hiram ROBERTS in to Court and tendered to the Court his resignation to the office of Justice of the Peace for the 4th Civil District of Wayne County which was received and ordered to be recorded

Monday Oct 1st 1849                                                                                                                       On motion to recover the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., YOUNG, JOBE, [POPE – crossed out], JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, GANT, LEE & SHEPARD 9 Noes none Whereupon the Court appointed W CARTER, D J JONES, and A MONTAGUE commissioners to superintend the same

  • On motion to appropriate to W CARTER, D. J. JONES, and Jonathan MORRIS Commissioners appointed by this Court to Examine the Columbia Central Turnpike road the sum of five dollars each To be paid by [the Company of said Road – crossed out] said County Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr, YOUNG, JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, BREWER, HAMM, DIXON & SHEPARD 15 Noes none So said . . .
  • Came David TACKETT who was at the last term of this Court appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of Wiley B TACKETT dec’d and reported the amount that had come into his hands as such Guardian which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the Court that the following good and lawful men of the County of Wayne and State of Tennessee be appointed and summoned by the Sheriff of said County to attend at the [our – crossed out] next term of our Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne at the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro on the first Monday in February next To wit Eliphas PRATER, Josiah ROBINSON, Soloman JOBE, William M LAFFERTY, John BRUMLEY, Washington CARTER, David J. JONES, John GRIMES, John COOK, Robert M POAG, John CRAIG, John N GILLIS, Jesse HINKLE, Zachariah CYPERT, William M HORTON, Daniel McFALL, Isaiah STOUT, Eber HAMM, Wallis HAYES, James SPAIN, Alexander C McDOUGAL, Levi HURST, John MELTON, Mason WHITTEN, James ROBERTSON, and that Clabam ACKLIN andRobert MORRIS be appointed and summand to attend as constables to wait on said Court and that Venirafacious Isue returnable to said Circuit Court Isued Oct 15th 1849
  • It is ordered by the Court that the poor house commissioners are hereby authorized to contract for a tract of land with [from – crossed out] John L FOWLER situated upon Hardins Creek being the place upon which Messes JONES and BALDRIDGE now live known as the old BOYD [BALDRIDGE – crossed out] place including 400 Acres including the Buildings [all the lands owned and claimed by the said Bal.. FOWLER – crossed out] at said place provided the same can be obtained for seven hundred and fifty dollars four hundred dollars to be by the 25th December 1849 and the balance due 25th December 1850 and if said payments are not paid when due the interest to be paid on the balance due until the same [until – crossed out] is paid provided said FOWLER makes or causes to be made a good and sufficient title in fee simple to said land with general warrantee
  • This day Elijah H PUGH Sheriff and Tax Collector of Wayne County for the year 1849 made his report of insolvents showing the amount of Tax on insolvents and removals due the State is to be $6.25 [$14.25 – crossed out] and that due the County of Wayne $14.24 [$19.56 – crossed out] verified by the affidavit required by law It is therefore ordered by the Court said report be confirmed and that said Elijah H PUGH Collector etc be allowed a credit for said amounts respectively in his settlements with the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee and the Trustee of Wayne County It is farther ordered by the Court that said report and affidavit be recorded in the Revenue dockett of this Court. Isued to the Treas. Decr 28th & to Trustee Decr. 31st 184 Ordered that Court adjourn till tomorrow morning 8 Oclock / / s / / W CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Tuesday Oct. 2nd 1849 Court met according to adjournment

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course / / s/ / W. CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Court September 1849

Monday, September 3rd, 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a corum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 3rd day it being the first Monday in September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine. The following Justice of the peace present and presiding W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE & JONES his associates

  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and David TACKETT Administrator of the Estate of W B TACKETT Deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and A. MONTAGUE Administrator of the Estate of Charlotte GRIMES deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Z W JOHNS one of the administrators of the Estate of Wm R DANIEL deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the court that John G HUGHLING be appointed overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm PARSLEY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept 4, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that J N. BLACKSHEAR be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of John COOK and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept. 4th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Isaac MORRIS be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of James WILSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept. 4th 1849
  • Came David TACKETT in to Court and was this day chosen and appointed Guardian to the minor heirs of Wiley B TACKETT deceased and entered in to bond in the sum of one hundred & eight one dollars with John McDOUGAL and Wm BENHAM his securities which was approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said David TACKETT took the necessary oath for his qualification

Monday Sept. 3rd 1849                                                                                                                 Came James ARNETT in to Court and reported the sum of one hundred and sixty[?] five 43/100 dollars amount that has came in to his hands as Guardian of A P KINDEL minor heir of Guston KINDEL deceased which was ordered to be recorded

Ordered that Court adjourn until Court in course W. CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Court July 1849

Monday July 2nd 1849
State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began Wayne County) and held for the county of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the 2nd day it being the first Monday in July 1849 the following Justices of the peace present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, WALKER, GANT, A. GRAY, ADAMS, BREWER, HAM, DIXON, LEE & SHEPARD

  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm. C. NUNLEY Administrator of the estate of Anderson NUNLEY deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and B WATKINS administrator of the estate of A K POWEL dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded It is farther ordered by the Court that the said Administrator pay the respective pro rata distribution to those entitled thereto according to said report
  • Ordered by the Court that John H HENDRIX Gilbert SPURLOCK A C McDOUGAL Jesse TUCKER and John HOLLIS be appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road leading up Holly Creek so as to let the Lawrenceburg road leave the Waynesboro road at the upper end of George W DELK‘s Plantation and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued July 3, 1849
  • Came D J JONES into Court who was appointed at a former term of this court a commissioner to let out and superintend the grading of the public square in Waynesboro and resigned said office Where upon the Court appointed Wm. POLLARD Henry MORRIS and T M MABRY in his stead.
  • Ordered by the Court that James J SCOTT be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of T G PAINTER removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued July 3, 1849

Monday July 2nd 1849

  • Ordered by the Court that Henry J HOLLIS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class and that he work the Waynesboro Road leading up Holly Creek from the forks of the Waynesboro and Lawrenceburg Roads to where it crosses the Waterloo Road and that he have all the hands on the waters of said creek in said bounds to work under his direction Isued July 3 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Hiram BRYSON extend his portion of the road and that he work from the Waterloo road at the ford of Green River above S.D. MACK‘s mill and that Stephen BIVENS and J.I. BIFFLE be added to the hands heretofore allowed him Isued July 3, 1849
  • on motion to appropriate to A. MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON county Commissioners to settle with the county Officers it is ordered by the Court that the county Trustee pay to each of said commissioners two dollars and fifty cents for their services settling with the trustee those who voted in the affirmative are CARTER, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOB, POPE, JONES, WILSON, GANTT, A GRAY, ADAMS, LEE, AND SHEPARD 12 votes so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated. Isued July 4, 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to those entitled thereto severally the amount of their fee in Sundry bills of cost against Wayne County and which are duly certified which said bills of cost are as follows to wit

State of Tennessee vs John A PRATT John A GRIMES witness three 15/100 dollars Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, JONES, MONTAGUE, WILSON, A GRAY, ADAMS, LEE, and SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated

State of Tennessee vs Andrew M SKULL Clerk $6.75                                                                Solicitor R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                        Sheriff PUGH $7.62 1/2                                                                                                            State witness Wm STANFIELD $7.92                                                                                           Jesse Cyper [Cypert] $6.00 

State of Tennessee vs A G McCANDLESS Clerk $4.68 3/4                                                       Sheriff PUGH $1.91 1/2                                                                                                             Wm. D SCOTT $.25                                                                                                                  State witness Frederick SCOTT 4.2.25

State of Tennessee vs Elijah MORRIS Clerk $8.41 1/4                                                                 Sheriff PUGH $ .91 1/2                                                                                                                   F HUGHS $. 50                                                                                                                                 W S MEDDOWS $1.25                                                                                                                  State witness Lucy COPELAND $2.25                                                                                        Jasper N FOREHAND $1.50                                                                                                    Isaac McGLAMERY $1.50 Isued July 1849

State of Tennessee vs Inhabitants of Waynesboro ) clerk $4.75                                                       Sheriff POLLARD $6.00                                                                                                         PUGH $1.50 Isued July 10, 1849

State of Tennessee vs John W ROSS & James BIFFLE) Clerk $5.00                                        Sheriff PUGH $3.16 1/2                                                                                                            State witness James N STAGGS $3.00 Isued July 10, 1849

Tuesday June 5th 1849
Court met according to adjournment Present W CARTER Chairman ROBERTS & SHEPARD his associates

  • Came in to Court T H MABRY trustee of said County and entered in to Bond in the sum of Twenty six hundred dollars with S L BURNS C ACKLIN and Joseph EAST his securities for the faithful paying over according to Law all monies that shall come in to his hand an account of Common School which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// W CARTER A. MONTAGUE Benjamin WATKINS
  • Court met according to adjournment Present W CARTER Chairman MONTAGUE & WATKINS his associates
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course //S// W CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, Benjamin WATKINS

MONDAY July 2nd 1849
State of Tennessee vs John a TALLEY) Clerk $5.50                                                              Sheriff POLLARD $.25 Isued July 11th 1849

State of Tennessee vs Thos. H. DICKINSON) Clerk $5.50                                                    Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs L L MACK) Clerk $5.50                                                                     Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Robert J CYPERT) Clerk $5.50                                                                  Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Calvin SUTTON) Clerk $4.25                                                                 Sheriff PUGH $1.16 1/2 isued July 11 1849

State of Tennessee vs John SPEARS) Clerk $1.25 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Thomas PAINTER) Clerk $1.25

Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE MONTAGUE WILSON A GRAY ADAMS LEE and SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated.

[page 55] Monday July 2nd 1849
Ordered by the Court that Abraham FOX be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of John W TACKETT and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. isued July 3, 1849

On motion to appropriate to C B McCULLEY the sum of three dollars for the purpose of purchasing a sledge hammer for the use of the Carrollville and Florence Road Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON WALKER [A GRAY and ADAMS crossed out] LEE and SHEPARD 12 Noes GANT A GRAY & ADAMS 3 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Febr 6th 1850

On motion to appropriate to A T HASSELL the sum of Ninety dollars in part pay for grading the square those wo[sic] voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. [HAYNES crossed out] LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON WALKER GANT A GRAY ADAMS DIXON and SHEPARD 14 Noes HAYNES 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid by a note given by S R LAIN??? to the commissioners for Town Lots [the following crossed out – out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said county not otherwise appropriated.] Isued July 3, 1849

On motion to appropriate to Jno. MORRIS the sum of eight 80/100 dollars the amount by him appropriated to the Family of John J. BOYD who is in helpless condition said BOYD is a man about thirty five years of age by occupation a farmer and who resides in Wayne County

Ordered by the Court that the commissioners of the poor house for the year 1849 Examine and look out some small farm as near [as crossed out] Waynesboro as practable suitable for a poor house and price the same and that they report the facts to the next term of this Court.

On motion to appropriate to W CARTER the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents for taking care of an old colord [sic] man called Harry WOODFORK Those who voted in the affirmative were HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES GRIMES WILSON GANT A GRAY ADAMS BREWER HAM DIXON LEE & SHEPARD 15 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued July 27th 1849

[page 56] Monday July 2nd 1849
A majority of the Justices of the peace of said County present the Court proceeded to Elect an Entry taker for Wayne County for the next four years where upon A C McDOUGAL was duly and constitutionally Elected where upon the said A C McDOUGAL came into Court and entered in to bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars with Samuel L BURNS Jonathan I [or J] BIFFLE and A G McDOUGAL his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said A C McDOUGAL took the necessary oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that the following good and Lawful men of the County of Wayne be appointed and summoned by the sheriff to attend at the next term of the Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first Monday in October next to wit William B HARDIN Eaton RAY Isaac W ROSS Little CHOAT Cary W POPE Joseph PITTS Jonathan I BIFFLE [John N SHIELDS – crossed out] James N BLACKSHEAR Adolphas H. M. STUBBLEFIELD Valentine BIFFFLE John JACKSON Snr. Samuel BECKHAM Daniel G. COPELAND William BERRY Alexander GRAY John C JOHNSON James D McFALL William BALENTINE Eber HAM James SPAIN Andrew J BREWER John W LEE Alexander LUTES Thomas SHEPARD Alexander HADDOCK and that Claborn ACKLIN and Robert MORRIS be appointed and summoned to attend as constables to wait on the Court and that Venirafacious Isue returnable to said Circut Court Court

Came into Court Wm. B WALKER and tendered to the Court his resignation as Justice of the peace of Wayne County District No. 6 which was received by the Court

On application of Jeremiah BANKS to be released from working on the road and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said BANKS is not capable of doing servis it is therefore ordered by the Court that he be released from said servis and from paying Poll Tax

Ordered by the County that the following good and Lawful men be appointed as Judges for the August Election next to wit
Dst 1st James T YOUNG Elephas PRATER Josiah ROBINSON
2 Jan’s C ELLIOTT Jesse S ROSS Solamon JOBE
[page 57]
11 Joseph COCKMAN James HOLlIS Isaac MORTON

[following entry crossed out – On motion to appropriate to Samuel WALKER the sum of ten dollars for Keeping a minor orphan of Alexander STAGGS Deceased those who voted in the affirmative were]

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in course //s// W CARTER D J JONES A. MONTAGUE

Court April 1849

Monday April 2nd 1849
State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that a Quarterly County Court was began Wayne County) and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 2nd day it being the first Monday in April one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine The following Justice present and presiding W CARTER Chairman LAFFERTY, ROBERTS, JONES, MONTAGUE, WILSON, WATKINS, CURTIS, SHEPARD, PHILIPS, GRIMES, JOBE, POPE, BREWER, DIXON, LEE, GANT, A GRAY, CYPERT, HAYNES, HAMM

  • A settlement Between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and J W ROSS one of the Administrators of the Estate of George ROSS deceased was this day presented to the court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • Upon application it is ordered by the Court that D J JONES, R A HILL, John S. BURNS Joseph PITTS & John G HILL be appointed a jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road from Waynesboro running dowing (down) Green River to leave the old road near Henry GRIMES Stables and runn on the west side of said River as opened by C B McCLANE & others and that they report the same to [ the present term crossed out] of this Court Isued Apr. 2, 1849
  • Where as it [appears crossed out] is represented to this Court that the line as it now stands between Wayne County and Lewis County in the South Western corner of the Latter County approaches more than twelve miles to Waynesboro It is therefore order by the Court that Jesse S ROSS be appointed a Commissioner and Surveyor upon the part of this County to act with such Commissioners as are or may be appointed upon the part of Lewis County to run and mark out said line so as not to approach said Town of Waynesboro nearer than twelve miles the compensation and expenses of said Surveyor and commissioner to be Paid by Lewis County Isued April 13, 1849
  • Came Wm B McBRIDE & others as who was appointed a Jury of View at a former term of this Court and report a road found as directed in the order
  • Ordered by the Court that Lemuel PANNEL be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of A B GANT and that he have hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Apr 3rd 1849

Monday April 2nd 1849
[A majority of the Justices present An motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL clerk of the Circuit Court and other.. this entry is circled as if to delete, Editor]

  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas CURTIS, Wm BIVINS, John HAYS, Turner WHITTEN, & Z M JOHNSON be appointed a Jury of View to view & mark out a Road to commence on the Florence road near Wm BEAVERS and from thence along the dividing ridge by Old Mr. LAMBs and intersect the ridge dividing the waters of Indian Creek and Second Creek so as to intersect the road leading from Pinhook to Eastport and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued April 3, 1849
  • Came D J JONES & others who was appointed a Jury of View to View so as to change the road running down Green River as opened by C B McCLANE & others and report a road found
  • Came Andrew WILLIAMS and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road running down Green River and report a road found as directed [a road found crossed out] in the order
  • Ordered by the Court that Charles C ROSS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from Waynesboro to the ford of the Creek at Wm EADS and have all [all crossed out] the hands from said ford to Waynesboro living on Green River to work under his direction Isued April 3, 1849

Ordered by the Court that John S BURNS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class [in crossed out] running down Green River and that he work from the South Bank of the ford of the [road crossed out] Creek at Wm EADS to Samuel RILEY‘s Mills and that he have the hands in that bounds to work under his directions Isued April 3, 1849

Ordered by the Court that Andrew WILLIAMS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class running down Green River and that he work from RILEY‘s mill to the ford of Bufalo river and that he have the hands in that bound to work under his direction Isued April 4, 1849

Monday April 2nd 1849
On motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL Clerk of Wayne County Circuit Court and others the sum of Two hundred and seventeen 96/4 dollars being the amount of sundry bills of cost agains Wayne County and which said bills are [correct crossed out] duly certified and are as follows

State of Tennessee vs David DICKERSON:                                                                                    J. McDOUGAL $141 83/4                                                                                                            Sheriff Wm POLLARD $ .50                                                                                                         Const. Jesse________? $ .50                                                                                                    Justice Z CYPERT $. 50                                                                                                                 Merida ROACH $1.63 Isued April 4, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Thomas STAGGS:                                                                                   Clerk McDOUGAL $11 87 1/2                                                                                                   Sheriff E H PUGH $1.25                                                                                                            Wm POLLARD $ .25                                                                                                                     S L BURNS $ .25                                                                                                                             Rial BREWER $ .25                                                                                                                  Thos HUFFINE $4.70 Isued April 4, 1849

State of Tennessee vs James W MURPHREY:                                                                       Clerk J McDOUGAL $5.06 1/4                                                                                                 Sheriff PUGH $.16 1/2                                                                                                                     T J CYPERT $2.00                                                                                                                  Josiah BLACKWOOD $3.00                                                                                                         Joseph C. STRIBLING $3.00                                                                                                        Z M JOHNSON $3.50 Isued April 4, 1849

State of Tennessee vs James ANDERSON:                                                                                   Clerk $4.87 1/2                                                                                                                              Sheriff T J CYPERT $1,25                                                                                                             E H PUGH $ .66 1/4                                                                                                                 Joseph W. TACKET $3.88                                                                                                             A GRAY $3.80 Isued April 4, 1849

State of Tennessee vs John CHOAT:                                                                                       Clerk McDOUGAL $23.48 1/2                                                                                             Sheriff Wm BENHAM $6.25                                                                                                      Wm JONES $ .25                                                                                                                 Thomas MEREDITH $3.25                                                                                                           N B AKIN $ .25                                                                                                                              E H PUGH $2.50                                                                                                                        Wm AKINS $1.25                                                                                                                          N G COOPER $1.25                                                                                                                       L D MACK $ .50                                                                                                                            T MEREDITH $1.00                                                                                                                   John WILLIAMS $ 3.25                                                                                                                   Jesse CARTER $17.70                                                                                                          Stephen WINTER $18.25                                                                                                               Z STALLION $16.33                                                                                                                       R H COOPER $1891                                                                                                                        C ACKLIN $18.00                                                                                                                         A P CHOAT $6.75                                                                                                             Margaret FORLEE?? $3.75 Isued April 4 1849

State of Tennessee vs Stanford SUTTON:                                                                                  Clerk McDOUGAL $3.87 1/2                                                                                                Sheriff PUGH [POLLARD crossed out] $ .27                                                                             W CARTER & J W LEE $ .50                                                                                                      A S[or L] ROBERTSON $1.50 Isued April 4, 1849

Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman, LAFFERTY, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, GANT, WATKINS, CURTIS, A GRAY, CYPERT, DIXON, LEE, SHEPARD & PHILIPS, 15 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hand of the Trustee of Said County not otherwise appropriated

A majority of the Justice Present & Presiding the court proceeded to Levy a County Tax on Privileges for the present year 1849

It is therefore ordered by the Court that a County Tax of fifty per cent on the State Tax be Leved on all privileges Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman LAFFERTY, JOBE, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, WALKER, GANT, WATKINS, CURTIS, CYPERT, HAMM, DIXON, LEE, SHEPARD & PHILIPS 18, Noes none

Monday April 2nd 1849
Came James ANDERSON & A MONTAGUE Commissioners for Wayne County and presented to the Court a Settlement made by themselves and the Trustee of said County which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court furnish suitable books for the purpose of recording settlements made by County Commissioners and a revenue Docket

  • Ordered by the Court that George R BIFFLE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James DURHAM and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued April 4, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Joseph MABRY be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of James DURHAM and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction, Isued April 2, 1849
  • Came Wm W GRIMES who was appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of James GRIMES deceased at a former term of this court and renewed his Bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars with Wm M LAFFERTY and O A MABRY his securities which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the Court that he Clerk of this Court furnish Sheriff of said County with a Tax List of the insolvencies and removals for the years 1847 & 8 and that the Sheriff Collect & account for the same so far as is possible
  • On motion to appropriate to those entitled there to [R A H Attorney General crossed out] the sum of thirty two 67/100 Dollars this fees in certain bills of cost from the Supreme Court against Wayne County and which are duly certified to wit

State of Tennessee vs Turner M WHITTEN:                                                                          Clerk James P CLARK $6.00                                                                                                     Clk J McDOUGAL $6.43                                                                                                           Sheriff POLLARD $1.75                                                                                                          CYPERT $1.75                                                                                                                               E H PUGH $.16                                                                                                                          J.W. STANFIELD $.75                                                                                                              James ANDERSON $2.70                                                                                                               J H GILLIS $1.50 Isued_______

State of Tennessee vs Jacinth HALCOLM:                                                                             Clerk J P CLARK $5.75                                                                                                                  J McDOUGAL $1.92 1/2 Isued

Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman, LAFFERTY, ROBERTS JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WALKER, GANT, WATKINS, CURTIS, DIXON, SHEPARD & PHILIPS 13 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated

Monday April 2nd 1849
On motion it is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of Wayne County take charge of the Court room and the inclosure and that he keep the same in repair

  • Ordered by the Court that Levi VOILS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm SHIPMAN and he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Apr 4, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that the following good and Lawful men of the County of Wayne and State of Tennessee be appointed and summoned by the Sheriff of Said County to attend and serve as Jurors at the next term of our Circuit Court to be held for the county of Wayne at the court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first Monday in June next at 11 oclock AM to wit Thomas MONTAGUE, James T. YOUNG, Jonathan C ELLIOTT, Robert W SIMMS, Claton THORP, John SMITH Sr., Thompson M MORGAN, David K HOOD, Abraham MONTAGUE, Denson WILSON, John C WILSON, Elam ROSS, Absalom B GANT, BENJAMIN WATKINS, Eli PACK, George LYNN, Thomas S CURTIS, Thomas ADAMS, John M HAYES, Sylvester B LINDSEY, Joseph BREWER, William HEFFINGTON, James SUTTON, John DIXON, George S WHITTON & Mark BRADLEY that Thomas MEREDITH and James ROSE be appointed and summoned as officers to attend and wait on the Court and the Venirafacious Isue
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm HAYNES, C W POPE, A MONTAGUE, J C G WILSON, B WATKINS, A GRAY, Wm. R. CURTIS, B HOPSON, A J BREWER, J W LEE, and Thos. SHEPARD Revenue Commissioners for 1849 the sum of Five dollars each those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, ROBE, ROBERTS, JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, GANT & PHILIPS 12, Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued April 18th 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to W CARTER and Wm M LAFFERTY Revenue Commissioners in the 2nd & 4th Dst for 1849 the sum of six dollars each Those who voted in the affirmative were HAYNES, JOBE, POPE, ROBERTS, JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, GANT, CURTIS, HAM, LEE, SHEPARD & PHILIPS 14 noes A GRAY 1 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued April 18 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to E H PUGH Sheriff of Wayne County the sum of Thirty dollars for Eceficious[sic] Services for the past year Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman, LAFFERTY, ROBERTS, JONES, GRIMES, CYPERT, LEE & PHILIPS 8, Noes HAYNES, MONTAGUE, WILSON, GANT, CURTIS, A GRAY & SHEPARD 7 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued Apr 18, 1849
  • Monday April 2nd 1849

On motion to appropriate to E H PUGH Sheriff of Wayne County the sum of Three 80/100 Dollars for wood & bark furnished Court room Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, [JOBE crossed out] ROBERTS, JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, GANT, WATKINS, CURTIS, A GRAY, CYPERT, HAMM, LEE, SHEPARD & PHILIPS 17 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be Paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated. Isued

Ordered that Court adjourn till tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// W. CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, H. ROBERTS

Tuesday April 3rd 1849
Court met according to adjournment

  • Came E. H. PUGH sheriff and collector of Wayne County and entered into Bond in the sum of Fifty five hundred [ Two Thousand – crossed out] dollars with Hiram ROBERTS, Johnathan MORRIS, Wm. BROWNLOW & John McDOUGAL his securities Where upon the said E H PUGH and Each of said securities came into Court and acknowledged the execution of the same the said Bonds is in work and form to wit

State of Tennessee) Know all men by these presents that we Elijah H. PUGH,
Wayne County) Hiram ROBERTS, Jonathan MORRIS. Wm. BROWNLOW John McDOUGAL all of the County and State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the sum of Two thousand dollars for the payment of which well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs Executors and administrators Jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 3rd April 1849.

The condition of the above obligation is such that where as the above bound Elijah H. PUGH was on the first Saturday in March 1848 Duly and Constitutionally Elected Sheriff and Collector of the State and county Tax for said County of Wayne for two years from the time of such Election. Now if the said Elijah H PUGH as such Collector of the public Tax shall well and truly collect all the State Tax and also all the Tax on School lands within said County of Wayne which by law he ought to collect and shall well and truly account for and pay over to the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee all Tax by him Collected or which by law he aught to have collected during the year 1849 at the time and in the manner directed by law then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect

Tuesday April 3rd 1849
E. H. PUGH bond [this is another bond, worded like that on page 45, except the amount of the bond is $3500.00 and the bond is for PUGH as Sheriff and Collector. The same securities are given and the same five men signed the bond.]
Whereupon the said E H PUGH took the necessary Oath for his qualification.

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course. ??s?? W CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, H ROBERTS.

Court March 1849

Be it Remembered that a Corum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 5th day of it being the first Monday in March one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine
The following Justice present and presiding W CARTER Chairman JONES & WILSON and MONTAGUE his associates Justices

  • Ordered by the Court that L P SHAW be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of Ephraim CHURCHWELL and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the court that John JACKSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James N STAGGS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under this direction Isued March 8th 1849
  • Came E H PUGH Sheriff of Wayne County and returned into Court a summons to being James Franklin & Jordan CUNNINGHAM Orphan Child who was abandon by their Father and the Mother being Dead to be disposed of as the Court may think best and came Franklin CUNNINGHAM and Jordan CUNNINGHAM and [where upon W CARTER crossed out] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said Franklin CUNNINGHAM is a minor about the age of fifteen years and has been abandoned by his father for more than five years and that his mother is dead and it further appearing to the Court that Absolum T PHILIPS is a farmer and a proper person to have the custody and control of said minor It is therefore considered by the Court that said Franklin be bound as an apprentice to said A T PHILIPS [Tucker crossed out] until he is twenty one years of age upon his entering into Indentures with the Chairman

Monday march 1849
conditioned that he cause said minor to be taught to spell read write and to cypher to the rule of three and the trade of farming furnish him with suitable clothing board and attention[?] and at the expiration of said time to furnish him with a good freedom suit and a horse bridle and saddle with sixty dollars And it further appearing to the Court that said Jordon CUNNINGHAM is a resident of Wayne County is a minor of about the age of 13 years the 30th of January past that he has been abandoned by his father for more than five years and that his mother is dead and that it will be to the interest of said minor to be bound as an apprentice to David T. PHILIPS a farmer of said County until he is 21 years of age upon his entering into indentures of Apprenticeship with the Chairman of this Court conditioned that he the said David T PHILIPS provide said Jordon with suitable board and clothing that he cause him to be taught to read write and cypher as far as the rule of three if he have sufficient capacity and at the expiration of said time furnish him with a freedom suite and [a horse, bridle and saddle with sixty dollars crossed out} and teach or cause him to be taught the art and mystery of a farmer Where upon the said David T PHILIPS & A T PHILIPS entered unto Indenture with W. CARTER Chairman

  • It appearing to the Court that Thomas BURGESS lately died in said County having made no last will and testament and it appearing to the Court that his widow Mary BURGESS has relinquished her right to administer upon his said estate and John G HILL having applied to the Court for letters of Administration upon said estate and he having entered into bond with Samuel C MITCHEL & John C G WILSON his securities in the sum of four hundred dollars conditioned as the law directs It is ordered by the Court that letters of Administration be granted to him upon said estate which are in the words and figures following to wit

State of Tennessee Wayne County
County Court March Session                                                                                                Whereas it appears to the Court here that Thomas BURGESS is dead and having made no last will and testament and application being made by John G HILL to have letters of administration granted to him upon all and singular, the goods and chattles, right and credits of the said deceased. and he having given bond and security as is by law in such cases required

Monday March 1849
whereupon the court ordered that he have letters accordingly These are therefore to authorize you the said John G HILL to enter into and open all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of the said Thomas BURGESS deceased and the same in your possession take when and where to be found in this State, and a true and perfect inventory thereof take and return into our ensuing county court, on oath, and all the just debts of the interest[?] pay. so far as the said estate will amount or extend, and the residue thereof deliver to those who have a right thereto by law; herein fail not. Witness Wm. JONES, Clerk of the County Court of Wayne County at office, the first Monday in March 1849 //s// Wm. JONES Clerk
Where upon the said John G HILL took the necessary oath for his qualification

  • Ordered by the Court that Henderson DICKERSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of D H MOSIER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 8, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that James DURHAM be appointed overseer of the road of the 2nd Class in the place of Isaac SURRATT and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction isued March 8, 1849
  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and A J BREWER Administrator of the Estate of Wm BREWER deceased was this day presented to the Court for their consideration which was Confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of the Court and Gray PHILIPS Guardian of the minor heirs of John WHITTEN deceased was this day presented to the Court for their consideration which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this court and D C McADOO Guardian of D H Minor heir of Thomas CROSSNO Deceased which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and D C McADOO Guardian of James T minor heir of Thomas CROSSNO deceased was this day submitted to the Court for their consideration which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

Came into Court D.C. McADOO who was at a former Term of this Court appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of Thomas CROSSNO deceased and entered into bond of thirteen hundred dollars with Wilson CASEY his security which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Monday March 5th 1849

  • Came [into Court crossed out] James N. BLACK who was appointed at a former term of this Court Guardian of Permelian BLACKSHEAR and reported to the Court the amount that had came into his hands as such Guardian which was ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm. W GRIMES Guardian of Manerva A Minor heir of James GRIMES deceased was this day submitted to the Court and Confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and W W GRIMES Guardian of Eli S GRIMES minor heir of James GRIMES deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and W W GRIMES Guardian of James A minor heir of James GRIMES deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Morgan H ROSS Guardian of William Minor heir of Peter STUBBLEFIELD deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas G PHILLIPS be appointed overseer of a 2nd Class Road [and that he crossed out] in the place of Berry FOWLER and have the following hands to wit A T PHILIPS Joseph PHILIPS James PHILIPS hands Josiah PHILIPS Josiah FOWLER & and all hands on his place Marcus B FOWLER John S FOWLER Elijah BRACHER hands Wm REA and all hand in the said Bounds to work under his direction. Isued March 8th 1849
  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Thomas LANEAR Guardian of Smith BROADAWAY was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.
  • Ordered by the Court that Wm MOSIER be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in place of Thomas S [or L] MARTIN and that he have all the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 8th 1849
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course //s// W. CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Court January 1849

Monday Jan 1st 1849

  • State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that Quarterly County Court was began Wayne County) and held for the County of Wayne at the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro on the first day it being the first Monday in January A.D. one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine the following Justice were present and presiding (viz) W. CARTER Chairman, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, James ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, WALKER, WILSON, WATKINS, GANT, A. GRAY, HOBSON, T. GRAY, BREWER, LEE AND SHEPARD.
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES, Clerk of this Court and Burrel WALKER Executor of John SHAW Dec’d was this day [exhibited crossed out] submitted to the court for their consideration and was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • Came Thomas H. MABRY trustee of Wayne County into Court [and reported to the Court crossed out] and Presented the following report which is ordered to be rec’d and spread on the mintues [sic] of the court and which is in the words and figures following to wit: To the worshipful County court of Wayne County now in session Thomas H. MABRY Trustee of said County submits for your inspection the following report and showing of the amount of claims that has come into his hands by an order of your court as common School funds to wit 1 Rec’d of Thomas M. EAST on the 1st of March 1847 various Bonds & Notes and have collected in cash on said Bonds after paying some costs of Suits $67.75 and have a judgment well secured for same on Stephen COOPER for $24. and have Jesse S. ROSS and John McDOUGALS note for a balance due of $46.95. I have brought suit vs John CLEMENS et al and William L. T. EDWARDS et. al. and Martin SCOTT and had to pay the cost in each case the cost amounts to $9.75 also one on John G. HILL and S. L. BURNS for $42.21 stayed by Andrew JACKSON (making the aggregate) $180.91
  • Paid R. A. HILL atts fee aff. 5.00 secured & on hand $175.91                                                   I would further state to your worshipful body that I have used the best means that I could to ascertain the true situation of the balance of the claims I have on hand and believe they are worthless as that it would cost more to collect them than they are worth as the greater portion of them have moved off from this County. I return with this report all the bonds in my possession for you to do with as you may think best all of which is respectfully submitted this 1st day of January 1849. Thomas H. MABRY Tte.

Monday January 1st 1849

  • On Motion to appropriate to William JONES Clerk of this Court for fees for Road orders and Venirafacias [sic] etc for the year 1848. Fourteen Dollars. Those who voted in the affirmative are W. CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE , MONTAGUE, WILSON, WATKINS, A. GRAY, HOPSON, Thomas GRAY, SHEPARD & GRIMES – 13 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any money in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated.
  • This day John GRIMES came into court and presented his commission as a justice of the peace in the 5th District of Wayne County, and whereupon he took the necessary oaths for his qualifications and took his seat on the Bench.
  • On Motion to appropriate the sum of Twenty seven Dollars and sixty [?] three and three fourth cents to Littlebury L. MACK a former clerk of this Court for Road orders Juries of venue Tax book making tax book &c those who voted in the affirmative are W. CARTER Chairman, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, WILSON, T. GRAY, SHEPARD & LEE yeas 10 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Issued Jan 6
  • Ordered by the Court A. H. M. STUBBLEFIELD be appointed Overseer of the road in the place of Jefferson ARNOLD and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. issued Jan 6
  • On motion to appropriate ten Dollars to Matthew J. SIMS Coroner of Wayne county for holding the election on the 4th of March last for County officers, those who voted in the affirmative are W. CARTER, chairman, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE POPE, MONTAGUE, WILSON, WATKINS, A. GRAY, HOPSON, T. GRAY & SHEPARD Ayes 10. [noes crossed out] those who voted in the negative are JONES, WILSON & GRIMES Noes 3 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Issued Jan 6
  • Came Josiah DARBY and others who were appointed at a former term of this Court a Jury of view to view and mark out a second class road commencing at the Florence

Monday Jan 1st 1849

  • and Waynesboro road on the land of Josiah DARBY and run so as to intersect the Waynesboro & Florence road on the land of Jonathan WHITTEN. Whereafter having been duly sworn according to law report a road found. Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that Berry FOWLER be appointed overseer to open and clear out said road and that he have Josiah, DARBY, Joshua DARBY, A.T. PHILIPS, Thomas PHILIPS, Josiah PHILIPS, Mark FOWLER, John FOWLER, William S. FOWLER, Abner GALYEON, William ALLEN, F. M. WHITTEN, John WORDEN[?] & William BRACHER to work under his directions. Issued Jan 6 1848[sic]
  • On motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL Clerk of Wayne Circuit Court and others the sum of Two Hundred and seventy four 45 1/2 /100 Dollars being the amount of sundry bills of costs against Wayne County and which are duly certified which said bills of costs are as follows
  • The State vs David DANIELS:
  • Clerk J. McDOUGAL $4.25
  • Justice Wm. ROBERTS 50. $4.75,
  • Constable Z.M. JOHNSON 50. $5.25. Issued Jan 6, 1849
  • The State vs James SOUTHERLAND:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $4.871/2
  • Cor. Wm. POLLARD $1.75. $6.82 1/2..
  • John GRIMES[?] 1.50.
  • J. G. GRIMES[?] 1.50 $3.00 9.621/2 Issued Jan 6, 1849
  • State vs W.E.N. GRAHAM:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $5.061/4
  • Cor. Wm. Pollard $2.121/2 $7.18 3/4 .
  • J. A. GRIMES $1.50 John GRIMES $1.50 – 3.00
  • Thomas KINDEL $2.62 -$2.62 Issued Jan 6, 1848[sic]
  • State of Tennessee vs Wm. P. KINDRICK:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $3.311/4,
  • Justice E. H. PUGH $.50 Cons.
  • Jesse ROSE $.50 Jordon JOHNSON $2.80
  • Z. CYPERT $1.50 John WHITE $2.34. Issued January 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs John SMITH Jn:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $5.811/4
  • Shff Thos. MEREDITH $2.00
  • John CLEMENS $2.50
  • John YOUNG $1.79. Issued Jan 8 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs John MORRIS:
  • Clerk J. McDOUGAL $8.121/2
  • Shiff W. BENHAM $2.50
  • Shff POLLARD $.161/2 Thomas MORRISON $6.85
  • Edward MORRISON -POLLARDs order filed $2.25
  • Lewis HARDIN $3.00. Isued Jan 8. 1847 [sic]
  • State of Tennessee vs Isaac DANIEL:
  • Clerk $5.62 1/2
  • Shiff POLLARD $1.50
  • R. P. TALLEY $ .25
  • Wm. JONES $ .25
  • Jesse DOWNING $4.84. Issued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs James STAGGS:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $4.75
  • Shiff POLLARD $1.25
  • Wm. JONES $ .25. Issued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Richard STAGGS:
  • Clerk J. McDOUGAL $4.62 1/2
  • Shff Wm. POLLARD $1.25
  • Wm. JONES $ .25. Issued Jan 8, 1849


Monday January 1st 1849

  • State of Tennessee vs. Wm. BURKET:
  • Clerk $5.06 1/4
  • Shiff W. POLLARD $ .41 1/2
  • J. A. KEATON $ .50
  • Robert MORRIS $ .50
  • R. P. TALLEY $ .50
  • Justice T. YOUNG $ .50
  • John A. GRIMES $ .75. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs. Josiah DIXON:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $6.61 1/2
  • Wm. POLLARD $2.91 1/2
  • Timothy WALLIS $5.53
  • John MORRIS $7.80. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Zahariah W. TALLEY:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $6.12 1/2
  • shff Wm. POLLARD $. 54. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs John PRATT:
  • Clerk J. McDOUGAL $12.68 3/4
  • Shff Wm. BENHAM $2.33
  • Wm. POLLARD $1.79
  • Wm. JONES $2.25
  • E. H. PUGH $1.66 1/2
  • Thos. J. CYPERT  $ .25
  • Justice E. H. PUGH $ .50
  • Cons Jesse ROSE $2.00
  • Henry MORRIS $8.25
  • Thomas B. MERRIMAN
  • $3.75 Thomas H. MABRY
  • $3.00 James I. GIBSON $6.75
  • Lorenzo D. McMAHAN $10.00
  • John McMAHAN $4.75
  • Wm. PRATT $1.50
  • James WILSON $9.00
  • Stephen PARSLEY $4.75
  • Jacob G. MORRIS $7.75. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Merida ROACH:
  • Clerk $4.37 1/2
  • Shff Wm. POLLARD $1.50,
  • E. H. PUGH $ .16 1/2
  • Jas. CARTER $. 50
  • State witness John H. LUCAS (S.R. LAIRD) $3.75. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Abner SMITH:
  • Clerk McDOUGAL $5.25
  • Shff E. H. PUGH $2.37 1/2
  • Justice CARTER $ .50
  • Const. J. W. STANFIELD $ .50
  • Micajah McGEE $2.25
  • S. R. LAIRD $2.25
  • John H. LUCAS (S.R. LAIRD) $3.00. Isued Jan 8, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Garrison BUSH:
  • Clerk $4.87 1/2
  • Shff PUGH $1.66 1/2
  • Wm. POLLARD $ .25
  • Joseph N. ROBNETT $2.25
  • Claborn ACKLIN $2.25. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Charles Y. PARKER:
  • Clerk $1.43 3/4
  • Sheriff PUGH $1.00
  • Eliphas PRATER $2.38
  • John R. DAVIS $1.50
  • Eliphas RILEY $1.50. isued Jan 9, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs William BIFFLE:
  • Clerk $6.56 1/4
  • shff E. H. PUGH $1.91 1/4
  • Shff Wm. POLLARD $ .25
  • Richard [Robert crossed out] H. STAGGS (POLLARD) $3.00. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • Those who voted on the affirmative are W. CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, MONTAGUE, WILSON, WATKINS, A. GRAY, HOPSON, T. GRAY, SHEPARD and GRIMES 13 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of Wayne County not other wise appropriated.

Monday Jan 1st 1849
Ordered by the court that John FISH be appointed overseer of the road in the place of Anderson JACKSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. Isued Jan 6, 1849

  • Came into Court Mrs. ibby G. GALLAHER who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of John GALLAHER Decd. and entered into Bond of One thousand five hundred Dollars with Joseph B. DIXON, Amos H. GALLAHER, William G. GALLAHER and Joseph G. GALLAHER her securities which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said Ibby G. GALLAHER took the necessary oath for her qualification.
  • On application it is ordered by the Court that John CLEMANS, Eliphus RILEY, John SMITH, William J. YOUNG and S. L. BURNS be appointed a Jury of View to view and mark a 2nd Class road beginning at the mouth of Mockison Creek on Buffalo and runn the best way that can be found to Samuel RILEYs mill and that they report the same to the next term of this court. Isued Jan 6, 1849.
  • This day Jesse S. ROSS by attorney moved the court to be released as one of the securities of Flora M. HARRIS Executrix of Robert HARRIS deceased and it appearing to the Court that said Flora M. has had the notice required by law it is ordered by the Court that said Flora M. give bond with other and sufficient security in the sum of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs for the faitful execution of trusts bequests and devised made in the last will and testament of said Robert deceased. Whereupon William WITHERSPOON and Franklin WITHERSPOON as securities aforesaid came into court and entered into bond [into bond crossed out] in the sum of ten thousand dollars conditioned as the law directs. it is thereupon ordered by the court that said Jesse S. ROSS be released as such security aforesaid.
  • Whereas Messers FOULER & HUDSON by permission of the court have taken a miniature of this Worshipful Court and its officers in a groupe and presented the same to the court Resolved by the Court that the thanks thereof be and are hereby tended to Missers FOULER & HUDSON for said present and that from this and other speciamns of their skill be recommend to the patronage of all who may [page 23] Monday Jan 1st 1849 wish work done in their line.
  • Resolved and that Col. C. B. McCLAIN be requested to forward the same to Misses FOULER & HUDSON.
  • Resolved that the said minature be delivered to the Clerk of this Court to be Kept in his office.
  • This day William POLLARD Administrator of Jacob A. KEATON produced in Court an inventory and account of sales of the property belonging to said estate which is confirmed by the court and ordered to be recorded.
  • Ordered by the court that William B. WALKER, Burrell WALKER and Nathan BIFFLE freeholders be appointed commissioners who after having been duly sworn for the said purpose shall a lot and set apart to Elizabeth KYLE widow of Alexander KYLE deceased so much of the crop stock provisions money and other property on hands belonging to the estate of said Alexander KYLE as shall be sufficient for the support and maintenance of herself and family for one year next after the death of her said husband and report to the next term of this court. Isued Jan 9, 1849.
  • Upon motion of Wm SINCLAIR Executor [administrator crossed out] of John SINCLAIR dec’d it is ordered by the Court that he have leave to correct his inventory heretofore returned into Court so as to charge himself with only the half of the value of a Jack the whole value having been inventory through mistake.
  • On motion to appropriate to Jesse S. ROSS the sum of ten dollars for his services rendered Running the Line between the Counties of Wayne and Perry those who voted in the affirmative are W. CARTER, Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, JONES, MONTAGUE, WALKER, WILSON, WATKINS, GANT, A. GRAY, HOPSON, T. GRAY, SHEPARD, BREWER, and GRIMES 17 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated. isued Jan 9 1849
  • upon application it is ordered by the Court that Andrew WILLIAMS, Joseph PITTS, Samuel RILEY, Jess RILEY & Charles PARKER be appointed a Jury of View to View and mark out [a road crossed out] so as to [to crossed out] change the road running down Green River [and crossed out] leaving said road at the Baptist Church at the upper end of Alm[?] S. [said crossed out] BURNS field.
  • State of Tennessee vs Thomas McBRIDE:
  • Justice w. CARTER $ .25
  • Shff Wm. JONES $3.25. Isued Jan 9, 1849


Monday January 1at 1849
and intersect the same at or near Joseph PITTS Plantation and that they report the same to the next term of this Court.

  • A majority of the Justice Present and presiding the Court proceeded to Levy a County Tax for Wayne County for the present year 1849 [And upon motion to Lay a Tax of ?? crossed out] it was ordered by the Court that a Tax of fifteen cents on the one hundred dollars worth of taxable property and Thirty five cents on each Poll be Leved.
  • On application of George WHITTEN & Thomas SHEPARD to Disannul a certain portion of the road leading down little Cypress to the State line of Alabama that part of said road that leads from or near Mason WHITTENs to the State line below A.T. PHILIP, It is therefore ordered by the Court that said Portion of road be diannuled.
  • Ordered by the Court that John VOORHIES be appointed overseer of the road in place of George W. PEERY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that King H. ABLES be appointed overseer of the road in the place of Isaac MORRIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • On application it is ordered by the Court that Henry MARTIN, Thomas LAWSON, David BERRY, John KELLEY and Henry PIGG be appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road so as to runn above Thomas GRAYs house & that they report the same to the next term of this court. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • On application it is ordered by the court that Wm. C. McBAIN[?], Wm. RICKETTS, James E. McKNIGHT, John G. HILL, and W. B. SKILLERN be appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road running by Moses RAYs to Ashland leaving said road near said RAYs Lane and intersect the same before it reaches Ashland and that they report the same to the next term of this Court. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm. THORNTON Guardian of Wm. R. DUNCAN was this day submitted to the court for their consideration and was rec’d and ordered to be recorded.
  • Ordered by the court that Abraham MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON be appointed Commissioner for Wayne County for the present year 1849


Monday Jan 1st 1849

  • On motion to appropriate to W. CARTER and others the sum of Thirteen 25/100 Dollars being the amount of three bills of cost against Wayne County and allowed by this Court.
  • State of Tennessee vs James COPELAND & Richard STAGGS:
  • Justice W. CARTER $. 50
  • Cons. C. ACKLIN $1.50. Isued Jan 9 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Thomas McBRIDE: Justice W. CARTER $ .25
  • Shiff Wm. JONES $3.25. Isued Jan 9, 1849
  • State of Tennessee vs Jefferson JACKSON:
  • W. CARTER $ .25
  • I. HUBBER $ .50
  • R.CHURCHWELL $ .50
  • Shff E.H. PUGH $5.00
  • James BRUCE $ .25
  • H. KERLEY $ .25
  • Joseph SOUTHERLAND $ .25
  • J. N. FOREHAND $ .25
  • Dilila MORTON $ .50. Isued Jan. 9, 1849
  • Those who voted in the affirmative was HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, ROBERTS, WILSON, T. GRAY, and LEE Ayes 7. Noes POPE MONTAGUE and SHEPARD 3 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of the monies in the hands of the county Trustee not otherwise appropriated.
  • On motion to appropriate to W. CARTER the sum of six dollars for his services rendered as Commissioner selling the Town lots on the west Square of Waynesboro Those that Voted in the affirmative were HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, WILSON, WATKINS, T. GRAY, SHEPARD and LEE Ayes 12 noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of [said crossed out] Wayne County not otherwise appropriated.
  • William THORNTON Tax Collector of the public taxes of Wayne County for 1848 prodced[sic] in Court the following list of insolvencies &c to wit:

District No. 2                                                                                                                                 Jacob BURNS Removed Poll .77 1/2                                                                                               Wm. BROWN Removed Poll .77 1/2,

W. C. GAMBELL overage .77 1/2,                                                                                                S. F. LANEAR Removed Poll 77 1/2,                                                                                         Author MORRIS Removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                                       Ann WESTLOKE Removed Poll .77 1/2.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   District No. 3                                                                                                                                      Jesse BOND overage Poll 77 1/2,                                                                                               Wm C. HASSELL Removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                                  John H. PARKER overage Poll .77 1/2                                                                                     Abner SMITH Removed Poll .77 1/2.

Monday Jan. 1st 1849
District No. 4                                                                                                                                      John J. BOYD Removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                                        James C. BRIDGES overage .77 1/2,                                                                                            Calvin EDINS Removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                                               John McCORMACK Removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                           JOHN OVERTON removed Poll .77 1/2                                                                                   Peter WHITEHEAD removed Poll .77 1/2,                                                                               Wm. C. WARREN[?] listed in 2 Districts .77 1/2                                                                     Wm. H. CARTWRIGHT 1 Town lot $1.17                                                                                     Wm. P. KENDRICK & Mrs. KEA 1 Black $1.17.                                                                                                                                                                           District No. 5                                                                                                                                      Wm. TILLY removed Poll .77 1/2                                                                                                   Richard TILLY Removed Poll 77 1/2                                                                                      Miner WHITE listed in 2 Districts 77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                District No. 6                                                                                                                                     David BREWER removed (Poll) .77 1/2                                                                                          R. C. BATEMAN Removed Poll .77 1/2                                                                                         John N. BREWER no such man to be found .77 1/2                                                                        Joseph MABRY removed .77 1/2                                                                                                      Samuel P. McCLANE Removed Poll 77 1/2                                                                                 George STAGGS removed Poll 77 1/2                                                                                     Alexander STAGGS removed Poll 77 1/2                                                                                 Wm. SCOTT removed Poll .77 1/2                                                                                                Barnabas SCOTT removed (Poll) .77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     District No. 7                                                                                                                                      Not to be found .77 1/2                                                                                                                Wm. BROWN Insolvent .77 1/2                                                                                              J.E.C. WALKER Insolvent .77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         District No. 8                                                                                                                                  James BANKS removed (poll) 77 1/2                                                                                             Robert FOX removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                                   D. W. MOSIER under age .77 1/2                                                                                                Henry MARTIN removed (poll) .77 1/2                                                                                       George H. TALLY removed (Poll) .77 1/2                                                                                  Thomas MIDDLETON removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                        James MORRIS removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                        Livi SAILS no such a man to be found 77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       District No. 9                                                                                                                                  James BROWN or BRANNON removed (Poll) .77 1/2
James BLACKWOOD listed in 2 Districts .77 1/2                                                                 Daniel WATSON (Poll) removed .77 1/2                                                                               Bennet POWEL listed in 2 districts Black Poll $2.34                                                                John SOUTH removed (Poll) .77 1/2                                                                                         Isaac TALLY removed Poll (77 1/2)                                                                                        James McFALL removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                        Thos. PRUET Insolvent 77 1/2                                                                                                         Wilburn WEST _________77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         DISTRICT NO. 10                                                                                                                           Stephen COPPER overage (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                    Lewis H. JONES removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                    Wm. B. EDWARDS Insolvent (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                 Richard BALENTINE (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       District No. 11                                                                                                                                Carroll TUCKER removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                 David BRIGGS removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                           Hardy SAUNDER listed in 2 Districts (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                 Arch TILLY Listed in 2 Districts (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                          Wm. DABBS (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                                             Arch TILLEY Listed in 2 Districts 1.55 & Isolvent                                                                       Samuel MOTON removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       District No. 12                                                                                                                                 Adam LUTTS overage (Poll) 77 1/2 overage (Poll) 77 1/2                                                          George W. WALLIS removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                Merdeth MORRISON (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                      Andrew SCOT (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                                    Nathaniel LANCASTER 77 1/2                                                                                                Wm. HOLLIS 389 1/2                                                                                                                     Wm. BROADSTREET 77 1/2                                                                                                    Joseph HUNT 77 1/2                                                                                                               George A. BROWN 77 1/2                                                                                                       Jackson KILBURN 77 1/2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         District No. 13                                                                                                                                  Thomas L. LOONEY (Poll)                                                                                                       Wm. LACKY insolvent Poll 77 1/2                                                                                               D.C. WHITTEN removed (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                        Mason WHITTEN overage Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                   James PHILIPS overage Poll 77 1/2                                                                                         David PHILIPS overage (Poll) 77 1/2                                                                                              Owen BRIANT removed Poll 77 1/2 [State Tax $13]                                                                   William VERRANT no such man to be found 77 1/2 Making $66.78
State of Tennessee Wayne County: Personally appeared in open Court William (?) Collector of the Public Tax of Said County for the year 1884 Who made oath in due form that the list of Insolvents by him exhibited is Just and true to the best of his Knowledge and that said list fully sits forth the name of each delinquent in his County the amount of Tax he owes and the nature and kind of Taxable subjects from which derived.
Monday Jan 1st 1849
for said year and that he has used all real[?] ways and means in his power to collect the Taxes contained in said list from the time he rec’d the tax list from the Clerk there of and that he could not find any property to enable him to collect said taxes sworn to and subscribed in open Court January 1st 1849 [which crossed out] //s// Wm. THORNTON T. C. Text Wm. JONES Clerk
[Ordered that Court adjourn till tomorrow morrow morning 9 OClock – crossed out]
It is therefore ordered by the Court that said Collector be allowed a credit for the sum of Thirteen Dollars State Tax & fifty three 47/100 Dollars County Tax in his settlement as provided by law and that the same be certified by the Clerk.
Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 9 Oclock. //s// W. CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, H. ROBERTS
Tuesday Morning January 2nd, 1849
Court met according to adjournment
The report of the commissioners appointed to allot and set apart to Lucinda KEATON widow of Jacob A. KEATON deceased a years provisions for herself and family is produced in Court confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.
[ordered by the Court that the Clerk Cert – crossed out]

William THORNTON Revenue Collector for Wayne County for 1848 having applied at the Oct. Term of this court for a credit for Insolvencies Removals &c and there not being a sufficient number of Justices present as required by Law and the said THORNTON having applied to this Term and the Court having made him the allowance aforesaid it is therefore ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court certify the facts to the Comptroller.
Ordered that Court Adjourn tell Court in course. //s// W. CARTER , A. MONTAGUE, H. ROBERTS.

Court October 1848

State of Tennessee Wayne County
Be it remembered that a quarterly [corum crossed out] County Court was begun and held for the County of Wayne at the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro on the 2nd day of October [September crossed out], being the first Monday. The Justices present, Washington CARTER, Chairman, LAFFERTY, JOB, HAYNES, WALKER, WILSON, KERWIN, YOUNG, GANT, WATKINS, CYPERT, GRAY, HOPSON, DIXON, LEE, SHEPARD & PHILLIPS.

Monday Oct 2nd, 1848

  • This day came into Court, M.H. BURKS, who was choses [sic] appointed a guardian at a former term of this Court of the minor heirs of David MOSELY dec’d and took the necessary oath for this qualification.
  • Ordered by the Court that John A. KENNEDY be appointed overseer of 1st class road in place of J.N. FOREHAND and have the following hands, to wit: H.H. HUNTER, S. SUTTON, John BENHAM, D. HELTON. Wm.[?] KEA, A. BUIE, J.N. SHIELDS, E.D. BURNS, J. WETHERS, Mark WHITE, T. MORGAN, Robt.. MACK, Constantine MACK and all hands within said bounds.
  • On motion to appropriate to James ANDERSON and Thomas M. EAST, the amount of ten dollars each for their services a s commissioners to settle with the county Trustee of said County. A Majority being present the Ayes and nayes were as follows Ayes: W. CARTER, Chairman, LAFFERTY, JOBE??, WILSON, WALKER, GANT, WATKINS, HOPSON, GRAY, PHILLIPS, SHEPARD & John A. MACK so said appropriation was mad [sic] to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated.
  • [The following undoubtably applies to the above appropriation; it is circled completely by a line] the ayes and nayes being called for stood as follows, to wit: Ayes W. CARTER, Chairman, LAFFERTY, JOB, WILSON , WALKER, GANT, WATKINS, HOPSON, Thomas GRAY, PHILLIPS, SHEPARD and LEE 12, Nayes: none. So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee, not otherwise appropriated.
  • Ordered by the Court that Johnson BIFFLE be overseer of the road of 2nd class and that he work from Alexander GULLICK to where it intersects the old road near Moses RAY‘S and have the following hands to work under his directions to wit: jacob STOW, Lafayette STOW, Wm. C. McBRIDE, Lewis HENSLEY, Nathan BIFFLE, Davis HAM ??, John G. HILL and Alexander HILL.
  • Ordered by the Court that A.T. PHILLIPS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in place of John LYNNVILL and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions.
  • Ordered by the court that C.W. THOMPSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of Seth DABBS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the Court that John BRATCHER be appointed overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in place of Grant S. SIMMONS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions.

Monday, Oct 2nd, 1848

  • Ordered by the Court that Alfred SIMMONS be appointed overseer of the Road in the place of Thomas SHEPPARD and that he have [the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions, crossed out] Mason WHITTEN and all the hands from there to the County line to work under his direction.
  • Upon application it is ordered by the court that Josiah DARBY, Josiah FOWLER, George WHITTEN, Caleb HUGHES and Berry FOWLER be appointed a Jury of View and mark out a road commencing at the Florence & Wayneboro road on the land of Josiah DARBY and runn so as to intersect the Waynesboro & Florence road on the Land of Jonathan WHITTEN and runn the nearest and best rout and that they report the same to the next term of this Court.
  • Ordered by the Court that James C. QUEEN be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in place of Isham TURNBOUGH and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the Court that James B. DAVIS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in place of Bazel PRATER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the Court that William BAKER be apponted overseer of the road in place of William SINCLAIR and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions.
  • Ordered by the Court that John W. MONTAGUE be appointed overseer of the road in the place of James SUTHERLAND and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the court that John FRANKS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class and that he work from the Methodist Campground to the Hardin County line and that he have the following hands to wit: James M. BISHOP, Samuel J. POLLAC, Benjamin MARTIN and all the hands in his settlement to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the court that Joseph DIAL be appointed overseer of the road in the place of James LEE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the Court that Samuel C. MITCHELL be appointed overseer of the opening of the road through Ashland from the ford of Buffalo to where it intersects the old road at the end of the lane below John SCOTTs and that he have following hands to wit: all the hands that work under Isaac SURRATT and all that live in Ashland to work under his direction.

Monday, October 2nd, 1848

  • Came into Court John G. HILL and others who was appointed at a former term of this court to view and mark out a 2nd class road so as to change the old road so as to runn through Ashland and report a road found as directed in the order.
  • On application it is ordered by the court that Joseph PITTS, Charles PARKER, Gideon SMITH, Joseph ROBNETT and William EADS by appointed a jury to view and mark out so as to change the road leading down green River so as to leave the old road at the Baptist Meeting house on John S. BURNS’s land and intersecting the same at or near Joseph PITTS and that they report at the next term of this court.
  • Ordered by the court that John L. COPELAND by appointed overseer of the road in the place of William DABBS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • Came John M. SCOTT and others who was appointed at a former term of this court a jury to view and mark out a road from Harrison Forge running up Poags Creek across and down Factorys Fork and intersect the West Point road near the Bethlehem Meeting House and report a road found as directed in the order.
  • Ordered by the Court that Jacob SCOTT be appointed overseer of the Clearing out a 2nd class road from Harrison Forge so as to intersect the West Point Road near the Bethlehem meeting House as marked out by the Jury.
  • A settlement between William Jones, Clerk of this Court and James ARNETT, Administrator of the estate of Guston KINDLE, decd, was this day submitted to the court and confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • A settlement between William JONES, Clerk of this Court and Geo. W. BARKER, Guardian of Elvira COCKBURN, was this day submitted to the court and confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.
  • Came into Court James ARNETT who has this day been Chosen and appointed by the Court, Guardian of Alfred P., Minor heir of Gustan KINDLE, decd, and entered into bond of Three hundred and fifty dollars with John McDOUGAL and Samuel L. BURNS his securities Which was approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded and where upon the said James ARNETT took the necessary oath for his qualification.

Waynesboro October 2nd 1848

  • Ordered by the Court that Reuben EAST and John CARTER be attached to the hands that is now attached to Jackson ARNOLD to work on the road under his direction.

A majority of the Justices being present

  • Upon application of William JONES, Clerk of this Court for an appropriation of Twenty eight dollars and fifty cents the amount by him expended for blank book for his office the Ayes and nayes were as follows Ayes W. CARTER, Chairman, YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WILSON, GANT, WATKINS, CYPERT, Thos. GRAY, SHEPARD & DIXON, Ayes 11, Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated. Issued

A majority of the Justices being present

  • On motion be appropriate to Wm. JONES, Clerk of this Court the sum of eight dollars the amount by him expended for furniture for his office, the Ayes and Nayes were as follows Ayes W. CARTER, Chairman, YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WILSON, GANT, WATKINS, CYPERT, Thos. GRAY, SHEPARD and DIXON 11 naes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated. Issued.
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm JONES, Clerk of this Court the amount of Seventy five cents the amount by him expended for a bland Book for his office the Ayes and nayes were as follows Ayes W. CARTER, Chairman, YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WILSON, GANT, WATKINS, CYPERT, Thos. GRAY, SHEPARD and DISON 11 noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated.
  • On motion to appropriate to Nathan BIFFLE, Joseph EAST and Lemuel D. MACK the sum of twenty five dollars each for their services as Commissioners in superintending the building of the Court house the Ayes and nayes were as follows Ayes W. CARTER, Chairman, YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WILSON, KERWIN, GANT, WATKINS, CYPERT, Thos. GRAY, SHEPARD & DIXON Ayes 12, noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated.
  • On motion to release John M. SCOTT from the payment of a balance on an Old School Bond and satisfactory proof being made to the court a majority of the Justices being present the Ayes and nayes being taken stand as follows Ayes [this entire entry crossed out].
  • On motion to release John M. SCOTT from the payment of a balance on an old School Bond A majority of the Justices present and satisfactory proof being made to the Court that said Bond has once been paid It was therefore ordered by the Court that the said SCOTT be released from the payment thereof.
  • On application of L.S. MACK to be released from the payment of a balance on an old School Bond and satisfactory proof being made to the Court that the bond had once been paid And a majority of the Justices being present it is ordered by the Court that the said MACK be released from the payment there off.


Waynesboro Oct. 2nd 1848

  • A majority of the Justices present came Grief L. MITCHELL and others who was appointed at a former term of this court a jury to view and mark out a 2nd class road leaving the turn pike road at or near John RICKETS on Eagle Creek and runn a cross the dividing ridge between Eagle and Hardins Creek by MITCHELLS mill and intersect the Waynesboro and Savannah road at or near Wm. J. GRIMES and report a road found as directed [crossed] follows leaving the Turnpike road below E.B. THROGMARTINS and runn up the hollow between THROGMORTENS and H. HAGGARDS and cross the ridge and intersect the Waynesboro and Savannah road at Wm. J. GRIMES where upon [crossed out] which was recd by the court.
  • Ordered by the Court that E. B. THROGOMORTEN be appointed overseer of the clearing out a 2nd class road as viewed and marked out by Grief L. MITCHELL and other from the turnpike on Eagle Creek across and intersect the Waynesboro and Savannah road at Wm. J. GRIMES and have the hands on Eagle Creek above Wm. M. GALLAGLEYS and all the hands on the branch of Hardins Creek of Hardins Creek that said road runns down to work under his direction.
  • Ordered by the Court that Joshua T. BREWER be appointed overseer of the Shannonville road from the ford of the creek near the widow ROBINSON‘S old place to the Perry County line and have the following hands to wit Thomas MONTAGUE, Josiah ROBINSON, Casper HEDRICK, Peter HEDRICK, John HEDRICK, David POWEL, John R. BREWER and Samuel BREWER to work under his directions.
  • Ordered by the Court that Jesse S. ROSS and hands work under Wm. BATTLES as overseer of the road in place of working under Sandy GUNTER.
  • A majority of the Justices being present Came F. W. LOYD & others who was appointed a jury to view and mark out a 2nd class road and reported in Court a road found as follows leaving the Lawrenceburg Road at Baker CYPERTS and intersecting the same at John McGLAMERY‘S as directed in said order which was reced by the court.
  • Ordered by the Court that William SHIPMAN be appointed overseer of the clearing out a 2nd class road as viewed and marked out by F. W. LOYD and others leaving the Lawrenceburg road at Baker CYPERT‘s and intersecting the same at John McGLAMERY‘s and have all the hands on the waters of Indian Creek from Samuel COOPERS to the head to work under his direction.
  • Came into Court Joacum DUGGAR who was appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of George CROSSNO decd at the last term of this court and report that there has nothing come into his hands as such Guardian.

Monday Oct 2nd 1848

  • The last will and testament of John SINCLEAR was this day exhibited in open Court and the execution of the same duly proven by the oaths Benjamine WATKINS and James C [crossed out] COPELAND both subscribing witnesses there to and said will was ordered to be recorded Where upon William SINCLEAR and Resign SINCLEAR Executor and Executrix to said will appeared in Court and entered into bond in the sum of twelve thousand dollars with John N. GILLIS, David COOK and James COPELAND who was appointed by the Court as his[crossed out] their securities Where upon the said William SINCLEAR and Resign SINCLEAR took the necessary oaths for their qualification thereupon Court ordered that the following letters Isue to the said William and Resign SINCLEAR to wit) State of Tennessee Wayne County Where as it appears to the Court here that John SINCLEAR late of said County is dead and made his last will in writing in which he hath appointed William SINCLEAR and Resign SINCLEAR his executor and Executrix to the same which said will has been exhibited in open court and proves as the law directs it is therefore ordered the Court that letters testamentary of all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of the said John SINCLEAR decd Isue to the said Wm. and Resign SINCLEAR having been qualified agreeable to law to enter into and upon all and singular the goods and chattles rights and credits of the said John SINCLEAR decd and the same into your possession take wheresoever the same may be found and a true and perfect inventory there of mark and return to our ensuing county Court and all Just debts of the said John SINCLEAR to pay and also and truly pay and deliver all the legacies contained and specified in the said testament as far as the said Goods and Chattels rights and credits will there unto extend and the law charge you. Witness Wm. JONES, Clerk of said Court office on the 1st Monday in Oct. 1848. Wm. JONES Clk.
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell tomorrow. W. CARTER, Solomon JOBE, John W. LEE.


Tuesday Oct 3rd 1848

  • Court met according to adjournment. The Following Justices present & presiding W. CARTER, Chairman, JOBE & LEE his associates.
  • It Appearing to the Court that Samuel HAMM late of said County is dead and having made no last will in wrighting and application being made by E. S. HAMM to have letters of Administration granted him upon all and singular the goods and chattles rights & credits of the said Samuel HAMM where upon the said E.S. HAMM Entered into bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars with Wm. THORNTON and Thomas LAWSON his securities which was approved of by the court where upon the court ordered that the following letters of Administration Isue to the said E.S. HAMM
  • State of Tennessee Wayne County                                                                               Came into Court Joseph PITTS and made oath that he has lost or mislaid an order as overseer of the road and that he had kept said order to be (unreadable). Whereupon it was ordered that the said PITTS be released as such overseer and that Andrew WILLIAMS be appointed in his place and that the said WILLIAMS have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction.
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES, Clerk of this Court & John H. GRAVES and Joseph PITTS, Ad’m of the Estate of Wm. WILLIAMS, dec’d was this day submitted to the court which was rec’d by the court and ordered to be recorded.

Tuesday Oct 3rd 1848

  • Ordered by the Court that John HARDIN be appointed overseer of the road in the place of James T. YOUNG Jr. and have the following hands to wit John CASTEEL, John MORRISON, James LEE, Wm. WORTHEN to work under his direction.
  • Ordered that Court adjourn till court in course. W. CARTER, Solomon JOBE, John W. LEE.

Virgil Henderson Gean, Sr.’s Clergyman’s Records and Obituaries

Submitted by Mildred Gean Mason The following obituaries have been compiled and submitted in hopes that they may be of help to someone looking for family members. A large portion of these obituaries were taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil Henderson Gean, Sr. He preached for over 62 years in north Alabama and southern Tennessee. His wife, Della V. Abilene Sego Gean, lovingly preserved all his records along with many obituaries that she collected from newspapers. Mrs. Gean’s sister, France Boyce Sego Williams, has shared her album of obituaries that she has collected, to be added to this work. Many of the obituaries came from the writer’s genealogy records of family members. Much care has been taken to copy each one as written and to give credit to the source. Some of them did not have which newspaper they came from on them. The writer tried to determine which newspaper the above people had access to, but sometimes it was hard to tell which newspaper should be listed as the source for the obituary. There may be some listed as coming from the Florence Times or TimesDaily that should have been listed as coming from The Florence Herald. There is also the possibly that some may have come from the East Lauderdale News. There were names that were misspelled in the newspapers, but were typed as written in the paper. Some of the dates were not listed for date of death, so cemetery records were used to determine those dates, if the cemetery was known. It is very possible that there are errors in typing. Sometimes some of the print from old newspapers was very hard to read. The writer asks for your forgiveness for any of those errors. Submitted in memory of my parents, Virgil Henderson Gean, Sr. and Della V. Abilene Sego Gean. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABRAMSON, HENRY BENHART, Times Daily, Sunday, October 26, 1986 “FLORENCE — The service for Henry Benhart Abramson, 75, Route 12, will be at 2:30 p.m. today at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Hal Noble officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Elkins and Son funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be placed in the church half an hour before the service. He died Friday, Oct. 24, 1986, at Humana Hospital Florence. He was born in Cloverdale, son of the late Isaac William and Josphine Matilla Abramson. He was a retired dairy farmer. He was a member of Central Civitan Club and a past president, and a member of Florence Masonic Lodge 13, F&AM. He was a disabled veteran, serving in World War II, a member of Lauderdale County Post 11 of the American Legion, a member of the U.S.S. Washington Reunion group, U.S. Navy, and a member of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Inah Mae Young Abramson, Route 12, Florence; brother, Paul A. Abramson, Florence; sister, Mrs. Ruth Austin, Cloverdale. Memorials may be made to Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church Memorial Fund, Central Civitan Club or charity. Bearers will be John Norman Abramson, David Abramson, Edwin Abramson, Paul Austin, Richard Hargett, Marvin Whisenant, L.C. Morgan Jr. and Charles Willis. Honorary bearers will be Dr. Carl Lucky, Frank Potts, Charles Moore, Ray Montgomery, Richard Compton , Wayland Darby, Danny Wylie, members of Central Heights Civitan Club, Men’s Sunday School Class of Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church.”

ALEXANDER, JEAN JOHNSON Mrs. Jean Johnson Alexander, 52, of 1302 West Montgomery St., Sheffield, died today about 8 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James A Cagle, 412 Campbell St., Florence. Mrs. Alexander was a music teacher in Sheffield for a number of years and pianist of the South Side Baptist church, Sheffield, where she was a member. She was a graduate of Wayne University of Music n Detroit and was also pianist of the WMU for Colbert and Lauderdale counties. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the South Side church, Sheffield, with Rev. G.T. Prater officiating, assisted by Rev. M.L. Butler and Rev. L.E. Kelley. Burial will be in Jones Hill Cemetery. Survivors are her husband, D.E. Alexander; two sons, Elmer E. Johnson, Florence, and Robert H. Johnson, Monroe, La.; two daughters, Mrs. Cagle, Florence, and Mrs. Ralph D. Wilson, Florence, two sisters, Mrs. Beatrice White and Mrs. W.R. Berry, both of Florence; and nine grandchildren. Active bearers will be Floyd Rogers, James Doss, Roger Murphy Gene Murphy and Gary Mennie. Arrangement by Chisholm.”

ARNOLD, BUFORD E., SR., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. Buford E. Arnold Sr., 81, Waterloo, passed away Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2000, at ECM Hospital. Mr. Arnold was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. He was of the Baptist faith. He was retired from Martin Industries after several years. He was a World War II veteran. He was a loving father, grandfather and great-grandfather, who adored his family. Mr. Arnold is preceded in death by his wife, Katherine Arnold, parents, Mack Arthur and Minnie Mae Williams Arnold, two brothers, a sister, one grandchild, Randy McDougal and two great-grandchildren, Justin McDougal and Katlyn Tidwell. The funeral service will be Friday at 1:30 p.m. at Elkins Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with the Rev. Roland Parrish officiating. The family will receive friends from 6 until 8 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. Mr. Arnold is survived by his daughters, Janette Dunn and her husband, Benny, Colbert Heights, Geneva Hester and her husband, Wayne, Tuscumbia, Deborah Gean and her husband, Junior, Florence; sons, Junior Arnold and his wife, Betty, Florence, Tommy Arnold and his wife, Mary Ann, Waterloo; sisters, Elsie Smith, Rhodesville, Dorothy Robinson, Florence, Mary Willis, Russellville; brother, C.C. Arnold, Sheffield; 19 grandchildren; 29 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Gene McDougal, Dewayne McDougal, Phillip McDougal, Steve Arnold, Mark Smith, and Kevin Patterson. Honorary pallbearers will be Brian Baker and Benjie Dunn. The family would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the nurses in ICU at ECM Hospital, and a special thank you to Dr. Ralph Aquadro and to all of our family and friends for their love, support and prayers.”

ATWELL, WILLIE LEE “Mrs. Willie Lee Atwell, age 74, of St. Joseph, TN passed away Feb. 24, 1982 at Crockett General Hospital after a short illness. She was a native of Wayne Co., TN and a member of St. Joseph Freewill Baptist Church. She was the daughter of the late William Lee Mason & Frances Roberson Mason.. She was a housewife. Funeral services were Sat. at 1:00 p.m. at the Loretto Memorial Chapel with Rev. Charles Marable officiating. Burial was in the Odem Chapel Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, Mr. Casey M. Atwell, St. Joseph, TN; 1 daughter, Mrs. Faye Winsett, St. Louis, MO.; 3 sisters, Mrs. Pauline Dooley, Florence, AL., Mrs. Vida Craft, Mrs. Madgie Mae Cowart, both of Noblesville, Ind.; 7 step daughters, Mrs. Nora Lee Keener, Iron City, TN, Mrs. Polly Durham, Mrs. Elaine Quillen, both of Loretto, TN, Mrs. Betty Gist, Mrs. Jamie Ruth Benefield, both of Greenhill, AL, Mrs. Barbara Gray, Huntington, TN, Mrs. Eunice Curtis, Nashville, TN; 8 step sons, George Atwell, Wendell Atwell, Johnny Atwell, all from Iron City, TN, James Atwell, Noblesville, Ind., J.E. White, Washington, Bruce White, Idaho, Billy White, Quinton White, both of Nashville, TN; 1 grandson and a number of step grandchildren; 2 half brothers, Louis Mason, Rogersville, Ala., Willie Mason, Florida; one half-sister, Maggie Baggett, Greenhill, Ala.”

AUSTIN, ALFRED TAYLOR Information taken from Virgil Gean’s clergy records, and was prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home. “Alfred Taylor Austin was born July 23, 1892 in Hardin Co., Tenn., the son of the late Gus and Rebecca Lard Austin. On November 11, 1911, he married the former Lillie Parker. Mr. Austin departed from this life June 10, 1972 at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, the age of 80 years, 10 months, and 17 days. He leaves other than his wife, two daughters Mrs. Rosie Scott, Waterloo, Mrs. Cynthia Mansel, Boaz, Alabama; one son A.T. Austin, Killen, Ala.; 17 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren, and 3 great-great-grandchildren.”

AUSTIN, LILLIE PARKER, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Mrs. Lillie Parker Austin, 96, died Tuesday, Nov. 17,1987, at her daughter’s residence in Waterloo. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Bumpas Creek Free Will Baptist Church and the widow of Alfred T. Austin. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Bumpas Creek Free Will Baptist Church with the Revs. Virgil Gean and J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in New Bumpas Creek Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. Visitation will be after 6 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Rosie A. Scott, Waterloo, Mrs. Cynthia A. Mansell, Boaz; son A.T. “Taylor” Austin, Killen; half brothers, L.D. Parker, Hardy Parker, both of Florence, Dewey Parker, Owen Parker, Edward Parker, all of Sherman, Texas; 17 grandchildren; 39 great-grandchildren; 15 great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be grandsons.”

AUSTIN, MARION OLIVER Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, AL. “Marion Oliver Austin, 68, Waterloo, Ala., Rt. 1, died September 14, 1964 at ECM Hospital. He was a member of the Baptist church. Services for Mr. Austin were on Sept. 16, 1964 at Bumpus Creek Baptist Church with M. O. Bailey and Virgil Gean conducting the funeral, Morrison-Elkins directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Nancy Austin; sons, Cecil Austin and Ledford Austin both of Peoria, Ill., and Rayford Austin, Tacoma, Wash.; daughters, Mrs. Edna Hinton and Mrs. Elise White both of Waterloo and Mrs. Thelma Austin, Tenn.; one brother, Mr. Perry Austin, a sister, Mrs. Hattie White, Glen, Miss.; 21 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren.”

AUSTIN, NANCY ELIZABETH, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — The funeral for Mrs. Nancy Elizabeth Austin, 91, Route 5 Box 433, will be at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at Elkins and Son Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with Virgil Geans and Emerald Bailey officiating. Burial will be in Bumpus Creek Cemetery. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. She died Wednesday, Feb. 24, 1988, at El Reposo Nursing Home, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include sons, Ledford Austin, Benton Harbor, Mich., Rayford Austin Florence; daughters, Mrs. Elsie White, Greenhill, Mrs. Edna Hinton, Waterloo, Thelma Austin, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; sister, Mrs. Sarah Phillips, Oneonta; 16 grandchildren; great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Carl White, Wayne White, Billy Floyd Hinton, James Austin, Talmage Austin and Ronald Austin.”

AUSTIN, OTIS LEE Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tennessee. “Otis Lee Austin was born June 24, 1924, in Tennessee, the son of Kennie and Martha Benson Austin. Mr. Austin was a farmer in the Ward community of Hardin Community of Hardin County. He was united in marriage to Letha Cox March 28, 1946, Mrs. Austin survives. He was a veteran of World War II. Mr. Austin departed this life July 14, 1967, at Hardin County General Hospital, Savannah, Tennessee, at the age of 43 years, no months and 20 days. Besides his wife he leaves one son, Paul David Austin, Ward’s Community; four daughters, Mrs. Ollie Mae White, White’s Creek, Mrs. Mollie Fay Benson, Walnut Grove Community, and Misses Kathy Lee and Bessie Louise Austin both of Ward’s Community; one step-daughter, Mrs. Jim Neill, South Bend, Ind.; 4 grandchildren; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kennie Austin, Ward’s Community; two sisters, Mrs. Ida Hurt, Ward’s Community, and Mrs. Ada Austin, Holland’s Creek.”

AUSTIN, RUBY LEE, East Lauderdale New, July 13, 2000 “Ruby Lee Austin, 87, Sheffield, died Saturday, July 8. Funeral services were Tuesday, July 11, at First Church of The Nazarene of Sheffield with the Revs. Tom Mixon and Rodney Shanner officiating. Burial was in Old Brick Cemetery. Spry Funeral Home of Sheffield directing. Mrs. Austin was a native of Maury County, Tenn., and was a member of The First Church of the Nazarene of Sheffield. Survivors include her sons, Warren D. Austin, Muscle Shoals, Wayne Austin, Madison, Ernie Austin, Murphreesboro, Tenn.; daughters, Joyce Ann Grigsby, Lexington, Mary Eva Gregory, Murphreesboro, Tenn., Ameree Young, Huntsville; sisters, Pauline Thurman, Columbia, Tenn., and Dolly Davis Wilson, N.C.; 13 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to Marcia Austin Scholarship Fund, c/o UNA Foundation, Florence, AL 35632.”

BAGGETT, W.L., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “W.L. Baggett, of Florence, died Oct. 21, 2008, at St. Vincent Hospital in Birmingham, Ala. He owned This and That and Home Treasures, and was a member of Atlas Church of Christ. Visitation will be Wednesday, 6-9 p.m., at Greenhill Funeral Home. The funeral service will be Thursday at 10 a.m. at the funeral home, with Brother Van Vansandt and Matthew Heupel officiating. Burial will be in Lone Cedar Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Arah Nell Baggett, Florence; sons, Kent and wife, Chris, Florence, Joel and wife, Gina, Florence; daughters, Jill Golden, Florence, Penny Bradley and husband, Bart, Florence; brother, Jerry Baggett and wife, Judy; sisters, Judy Olive, Georgie Green; eight grandchildren; six great-granddaughters. He was preceded in death by his parents, Marcus and Maggie Baggett; brother, Jr. Baggett; sister, Geree Horton. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Jason Baggett, Ethan Baggett, Mason Bradley, Tanner Bradley, Jason O’Dell, Greg Hubbard, Chris Kimbrough, and nephew, Van Baggett. Special thanks to everyone for all the food, visits and prayers, and also a special thank you to Dr. Steve Wampler and Cynthia Thompson and Bridget Williams. In lieu of Flowers, please give to the charity of your choice, or to the Lauderdale County Children’s Home. Greenhill Funeral Home is directing.“

BALENTINE, MRS. CHRISTINE, Times Daily/Sunday, January 4, 1998 “Mrs. Christine Balentine, 81, Florence, died Friday, Jan. 2, 1998, at her residence after an extended illness. Funeral services will be today at 1 p.m. at Macedonia Church of Christ with burial in the Macedonia Church of Christ with burial in the Macedonia Cemetery. Her body will lie in state at the church from 12:30 until time for the service. Officiating will be Sonny Hargett and Wayne Gean. Funeral services are under the direction of Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. She was a member of the Macedonia Church of Christ, a native of Lauderdale County and a homemaker. She was preceded in death by her husband, O’Dell Balentine. She is survived by a son, Granville Balentine, Florence; sisters, Ruby Mitchell, Florence, Estelle Thrasher, Jasper; brothers, Leonard Brown, M.F. Brown, and Thomas Brown, all of Florence; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Richard Balentine, Chris Balentine, Bobby Balentine, Tim Wright Alford Sherrod and Ronnie Brown.”

BALENTINE, ELLEN ICIE Information was taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Ellen Icie Balentine, Rt. 1, Lutts, Tenn., was born March 4, 1889, the daughter of Elihue and Mattie Vickery Reaves. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. And a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. She passed away May 23, 1969 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Verta Weeks, age 80 years, 2 months and 19 days. Survivors include 3 sons, Willard Reaves, Cloverdale, Ala., Vernice Balentine, Lutts, Tenn., Ray Balentine, Cypress Inn, Tenn., 4 daughters, Mrs. Verta Weeks and Mrs. Eunice Petty, Lutts, Tenn., Mrs. Inez King and Mrs. Imogene Tilley, Laurel, Maryland; one brother, George Reaves, Lutts, Tenn.; two sisters, Mrs. Flora McFalls and Mrs. Roxie Reaves, Florence, Ala.; 22 grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren.”

BALENTINE, JACK, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Minister’s records show Jack died 3 Jan. 1981. Tomb at Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery show birth 1927 “Jack Balentine, 52, 133 S. Eclipse St., Florence, died Saturday at his residence. He was a native and lifelong resident of Florence and a World War II veteran. A service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Murphy’s Chapel with the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour before the service. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Jeanette W. Balentine, Florence; three sons, Jackie Balentine, Jerry Balentine, Ronnie Balentine, all of Florence; four daughters, Mrs. Rita Stricklin, Savannah, Tenn., Miss Sheila Balentine, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Trammie Franks, Miss Terri Balentine, both of Florence; one brother, Clyde Balentine, Florence; eight grandchildren. Bearers will be Gene Landrum, Reeder Witt, Arle Stone, James Fulmer, David Stricklin and G.W. Dowdy.

BALENTINE, VIRGIL, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Tomb at Greenview shows date of birth for Virgil 12 Apr 1912 and death 12 Jan 1980 “Services for Virgil Balentine, 67, 1514 Pinhook Rd., Savannah, Tenn., were today at 2 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Chapel in Florence with Tom Bunting officiating. Burial was in Greenview Memorial “Gardens, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. He died Saturday at his residence after an extended illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Church of Christ and a retired merchant. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lennis Pruitt Balentine, Savannah, Tenn., son, Tommy Balentine, Memphis, Tenn.; brother, Ernest Balentine, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Sam Thrasher and Mrs. Hazel Smith, Florence; one grandson. Bearers will be Robert Sharp, Robert McFalls, Arch Wright, Doug Bain, Robert McDaniel and Doug Doran.”

BARNES, MARTHA CORDELIA ALEXANDER Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tennessee. “Martha Cordelia Alexander Barnes was born August 22, 1881, in Hardin County; the daughter of the late R.L.P. and Lucy Spencer Alexander. Most of her life was spent in this county near Morris Chapel, where she lived with her husband, Jim Barnes, until his death in 1957. Many years ago she became a member of Morris Chapel Methodist Church. Mrs. Barnes died April 22nd at the age of 85 years and 8 months; leaving 2 daughte4rs; Mrs. Ocie Miller and Mrs. Elsie Irons of Morris Chapel; 4 sons: Claude Barnes, Adamsville; Marvin Barnes, Sardis; Truman Barnes, League City, Texas; and Richard Barnes of Morris Chapel; a brother, Dell Alexander of Arkansas; 18 grandchildren; 22 great-grand-children; and many other relatives and friends.”

BARNES, SAMUEL VIRGIL Information taken from Virgil Gean’s clergy record Samuel Virgil Barnes of Stantonville, Tennessee was born May 24, 1884 in Tennessee. He passed away on March 20, 1978 at Harden County General Hospital at the age of 85. Mr. Barnes was married to Mrs. Rosie Jones Barnes and was a member of Meeks Grove Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral service will be at 1 p.m. on March 22, 1978 at the Meeks Grove Church. Interment will be at the church graveyard. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Rosie Barnes, four daughters; Mrs. Etta Smith, Mrs. Bell Hubanks, Mrs. Hellen Brown, and Mrs. Sue Stroisch; five sons, Mr. Samuel Gilbert Barnes, Mr. Roy Barnes, Mr. Ray Barnes, Mr. Russell Barnes, and Mr. Billy Barnes; one sister, Mrs. Clara Haynes; one brother, Mr. Henry Barnes; 21 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.

BARRETT, FLOY VIVIAN Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean. Floy Vivian Barrett was born Jan. 8, 1934 at Waterloo, Alabama. She died Aug. 27, 1971 in Memphis, Tennessee. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josh Austin of Waterloo, Ala. Mrs. Barrett is survived by her husband, Clarence Beauton Barrett of Memphis, Tenn.; four sons, Chucky, Tony, Tim and Jeff; four daughters, Cheryl, Lisa, Sandra and Lori; three brothers, Bobby Austin and Jerry Austin of West Memphis, Ark. (one son’s name was omitted)

BARRIER, BEN ERVIN Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean. “Ben Ervin Barrier was born August 22, 1902, in Hardin County, Tennessee, the son of the late Henry and Sarah Michael Barrier. He was married to the former Roxie Daniels. Mr. Barrier departed from this life March 15th, at the age of 71 years, 6 months, and 23 days. He leaves other than his wife, three daughters Mrs. Stella Haynes of Florence, Ala., Mrs. Eileen Balantine of Tuscumbia, Ala., and Miss Barbara Barrier of Walnut Grove; three sons John and Grady Joe Barrier both of Walnut Grove, and Thomas Barrier of Florence, Ala.; 16 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren; a sister Mrs. Katie Shands of Walnut Grove.”

BARRIER, DOUGLAS “DUG” J. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Douglas “Dug” J. Barrier was born on February 19, 1906 in Hardin County, Tenn., the son of Benjamin Newton and Laura Haynes Barrier. He was a timber and sawmill worker, and was in the U.S. Army. On November 29, 1931 he was united in marriage to Lucille Lambert. Mr. Barrier departed this life on April 12, 1991 at the Park Rest Nursing Home at the age of 85 years 1month and 23 days. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucille Lambert Barrier of Savannah, Tennessee; 1 daughter, Mrs. Virginia Barrier Morris of Savannah, Tennessee; 1 granddaughter, Brenda Brooks of Savannah, Tennessee; 3 great-grandchildren, Stacy, Bethany, and Julie Anna Brooks; 2 sisters, Mrs. Tilda White of Savannah, Tennessee and Mrs. Mamie Barrier Smith of Savannah, Tennessee.”

BARRIER, ERNEST LLOYD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Ernest Lloyd Barrier was born January 23, 1925 in Hardin County, Tennessee, son of Delia Lambert Barrier and the late Edgar Dewey Barrier. On November 16, 1974 he was united in marriage to Nancy Mason. Mr. Barrier was a self employed welder. Mr. Barrier departed from this life February 3rd at the Hardin County General Hospital, the age of 69 years and 10 months. He leaves other than his wife , Nancy, of Savannah: 2 daughters: Mrs. Carolyn Smith, Osceola, Indiana and Mrs. Janet Jennicks, Mishawaka, Indiana; 3 sons: Jesse Barrier, Mishawaka, Indiana, David Barrier, South Bend, Indiana, and Richard Barrier, Elkhart, Indiana; 1 step daughter Mrs. Peggy Thompson, Savannah, Tennessee; 12 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild, and 2 step grandchildren: 4 sisters: Mrs. Elsie Gillespie, Rainesville, Alabama, Mrs. Evelyn Scott, Mishawaka, Indiana, Mrs. Louise Cossey, Savannah, Tennessee and Mrs. Edna Clarice Harness, Reno, Nevada; 2 brothers: Earl Barrier, Savannah, Tennessee, and Henry Ray Barrier, Mishawaka.”

BENSON, BESSIE JANE WHITE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Bessie Jane White Benson was born November 11, 1902, in Hardin County Tennessee, the daughter of Dave and Louisa Pollard White. She lived all her life in the Bumpus Creek and Holland’s Creek Communities of Hardin County, Tennessee. Mrs. Benson was a Methodist. She was unitied in marriage to Levin Benson who survives, Mrs. Benson departed this life April 3, 1967, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 64 years, 4 months and 22 days. Besides her husband she is survived by one son,, Mondel Benson, South Bend, Ind., one daughter, Mrs. Magleen Ellis, Florence, Ala.; 5 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren; four brothers, Mr. Claude White, Florence, Ala. Mr. Oscar and Mr. James White, both of Savannah, Mr. Warren White, South Bend, Ind.; her mother, Mrs. Dave White, Savannah, Tennessee; three sisters, Mrs. Cora Howard, Illinois, Mrs. Laura Milligan, Florence, Ala., Mrs. L.B. Barrier, South Bend, Ind.”

BENSON, CLARA SCOTT Information was taken from the remembrance pamphlet from the funeral home. Clara Scott Benson was born on Friday, July 28, 1905. She passed away on Friday, October 22, 1993 at age 88 years, 2 months and 24 days. The services for her were Monday, October 25, 1993, 1:00 p.m. , at Shackelford Chapel, with Emerald Bailey and Roland Parrish officiating and Shackelford Funeral Home directing. Interment was at Scott Cemetery, Lauderdale County, Alabama.

BENSON, GARLEN LEE Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean “Garlen Lee Benson was born March 13, 1934, in Hardin County, Tennessee, the son of Bedford and Ruth Fox Benson. Mr. Benson was an employee of Garan, Incorperated. He was a native of Hardin County having lived most of his life in the Walnut Grove Community. Mr. Benson departed this life November 4, 1975, at the age of 41 years, 7 months and 21 days. He is survived by two sons – Gary Lee and Marty G. Benson, Savannah; three daughters, Mrs. Betty Virginia Copeland, Miss Wanda Kay and Miss Carlene Diane Benson all of Savannah; his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bedford Benson of the Walnut Grove Community; four brothers, Mr. Hurshel L. Benson, Mr. Harold W. Benson, Mr. Edward R. Benson, and Mr. Troy W. Benson all of Walnut Grove; four sisters, Mrs. Onida Higgins, Russellville, Ala., Mrs. Nadine Bailey, Union City, Tenn., Mrs. Hazel Wisdom and Mrs. Vernell Copeland both of Walnut Grove.”

BENSON, HERSCHEL LOYD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr, prepared by Shackelford Funerl Home. “Herschel Loyd Benson was born September 16, 1927 in Hardin County, the son of Bedford and Ruth Fox Benson. Mr. Benson departed from this life November 1st at the age of 54 years, l month, and 15 days. (time of death calculated by typist, 1981) He leaves other than his parents, four sisters: Mrs. Onita Higgins, Russellville, AL, Mrs. Hazel Wisdom, Mrs. Nadine Bailey, and Mrs. Vernell Copeland all of Savannah: three brothers: Harold, Edward, and Troy Benson, all of Savannah.”

BENSON, LEVIN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tennessee. “Levin Benson was born July 25, 1895, in Hardin County Tennessee, the son of Newt and Easter Austin Benson. Mr. Benson was a farmer in Hardin County Tennessee. He was a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion. He was united in marriage to Bessie Jane White who preceded him in death April 3, 1967. Mr. Benson departed this life October 20, 1969, at Rolling acres Nursing Home, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 74 years, 2 months and 25 days. He is survived by one son, Mondel Benson, South Bend, Ind.; one daughter, Mrs. Magleen Ellis, Florence, Ala.; 5 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren; one brother, Mr. John Benson, Waterloo, Ala.; one half brother, Mr. Arthur Haynes, Waterloo, Ala.”

BENSON, LOYAL, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mr. Loyal “Bill” Benson, age 88, of Waterloo, died at his home Thursday, March 19, 2009. His visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. today at Morrison Funeral Home, Central Heights/Florence. The funeral service will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home chapel, with interment following in Bumpas Creek Cemetery. Earl Rich and Dalton Skaggs will officiate. Mr. Benson was a native of Lauderdale County. He was retired from Genesco and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Mr. Benson was a loving husband, father and grandfather, who also enjoyed diving for mussels. He was preceded in death by his parents, John and Lizzie Sheperd Benson; sisters, Ruby Benson Mansell and Cora Benson Curry; granddaughters, Wanda Hanback Sparks and Vivian Hanback; and a great-granddaughter, Amber Grace Benson. Survivors include his wife of 68 years, Mervee Tune Benson; sons, Jack Benson (Joyce), Raymond Benson (Peggy) and Sammy Benson, all of Waterloo, Danny Benson (Patsy), of Florence; daughters, Ruth Benson Lewis and husband, Hubert, of Waterloo, and Linda Benson Russell and husband, James, of Florence; 19 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Pallbearers are grandsons, Roger Benson, Keith Lewis, Brad Lewis, Kenny Benson, Chris Benson, Jeremy Benson, Justin Benson and Daniel Benson. The family would like to extend special gratitude to Dr. David Bachofer and his nurse, Katie Clement; Southern Care Hospice workers, Tammy Kelly, Jennifer Pennington and Susan Osborn; and Alacare workers, Tonya Whitehead and Regina Crowden. Morrison Funeral Home, Central Heights/Florence, is directing.”

BEVIS, EDNA RICHARDSON, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: There was no date on this obit, but tomb at Macedonia Cemetery has date of birth 21 Feb 1910 and death 14 Sep 1973. “Mrs. Edna Richardson Bevis 63, Cloverdale, Rt. 1, died Friday at ECM Hospital. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of Hendrix Chapel Church of Christ. Services will be conducted Sunday at 2:30 p.m. from Hendrix Church of Christ by Floyd Farris and Charles Coil. Burial will be in Macedonia Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church an hour prior to service time. Surviving are the husband, Dewey E. Bevis, Cloverdale, Rt. 1; three daughters, Mrs. H. L. Spires, Briston, Okla; Mrs. John D. White, Mrs. Richard Chard, both of Florence; a son, W. H., Florence; two brothers, Thomas C. Richardson, Florence, Ike Richardson, Clarkston, Mo.; eight grandchildren.”

BEVIS, J.W., Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note; There was no date on this obit. There is a J. William Bevis buried at Greenview that died 1969 that may be the right person. “J. W. Bevis, 90 Cloverdale, Rt. 1, died Tuesday at 12 noon at ECM Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., a retired merchant of the Threet’s Crossroads Community and a member of Hendrix Chapel Church of Christ. Services will be conducted Thursday at 3 p.m. from Sherrod Avenue Church of Christ by Douglas Farley and Robert Brooks. Burial will be in Greenview Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to services. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Dewey Kelsey, Tuscumbia; Mrs. Clyde Lovelace, Mrs. Thomas Vess, both of Florence; four sons, Eugene, J. W. James T. Florence; David, Cloverdale; a sister, Mrs. Burt Simon, Lutts, Tenn.; two brothers, Joe, Rt. 4, Florence; Charlie, Florence, Rt. 3, 15 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Clyde Bevis, Romine Bevis, Delmar Hipps, Joe Bevis, Virgil Balentine and Earnest Balentine.”

BEVIS, MATTHEW M., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Matthew M. Bevis, 93, 1050 W. 12th St., Sheffield, died Saturday at 11 a.m. at Colbert County Hospital following a three-week illness. A native of Wayne County, Tennessee, he was a retired farmer. Funeral services will be held Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel with the Rev. Max Burn and the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will Follow in the Murphy Chapel Cemetery with Morrison-Elkins of Tuscumbia directing. Survivors include one daughter, Miss Linnie P. Bevis, Sheffield; one son, Arling E. Bevis, Sheffield; one sister, Mrs. Della Gilbert, Tuscumbia; eight grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. The body will remain at the residence until time for the service.”

BEVIS, SARAH SCOTT, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: There was no date on this obit. There are two Sarah Bevis’ buried at Pine Hill Church. I could not determine which one was this Sarah. “Mrs. Sarah Scott Bevis, 85, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died this morning at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Pine Hill Church of Christ, a retired practical nurse. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 11 a.m. at Murphy’s Chapel, with Robert Harkrider officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. She is survived by a son, Robert Scott, Rt. 2, Waterloo; two daughters, Mrs. Irene Johnson, Memphis, Mrs. Ella White, Florence; a brother, Louis D. Bevis, Florence; grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Gene Landrum, Reeder Witt, Irvin Nesbitt, Herschel Brown, Vernon Pigg, Roy Miles.”

BINGHAM, CLATEN CLYDE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “RUSSELLVILLE — Claten Clyde Bingham, 75, Route 7, died Sunday, July 16, 1989, at Humana Hospital, Muscle Shoals. He was retired from Union Carbide after 34 years of service, was a veteran and attended Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Spry Funeral Home chapel, Russellville, with the Rev. Tommy Heaps officiating. Burial will be in Colbert Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include his wife, Lillian Idell Bingham, Russellville; sons, James C. Bingham, Littleville, Paul G. Bingham; daughter, Janet K. Todd, both of Russellville; brothers, Carroll Bingham, Hillsboro, Joe Bingham Jr., Memphis, Tenn., Eural Bingham, Chapel Hill, N.C.; sisters, Mrs. Mary Bynum, Mrs. Nell Harville, both of Corinth, Miss., Lorrayne Johnson, Memphis; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. Bearers will be Grady Garrison, Kenneth Canerday, David Milner, Melvin Mansell, Johnny Smith, W.C. Woodall, Bill Hamilton and Jeff Scott. Honorary bearers will be friends from the Union Carbide plant.”

BINGHAM, LILLIAN IDELL, TimesDaily/Thursday, December 25, 1997 “Lillian Idell Bingham, 83, Russellville, died Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1997, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. Visitation will be 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friday at Pinkard Funeral Home, Russellville. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Colbert Memorial Gardens, Tuscumbia. Officiating at the funeral will be Bro. Albin Burbanks. She was a native of Corinth, Miss., lived in this area for the past 55 years, and was a member of Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, Littleville. She was preceded in death by her husband, Claten Clyde Bingham. She is survived by her sons, James Clyde and wife Bettye Bingham, Littleville, Paul and wife Shirley Bingham, Russellville; daughter, Janet K. and husband Max Todd, Russellville; sister, Pauline McBryde, Russellville; five grandchildren, Lynne Borden, Hartselle, Cristi Crane, Nashville, Tenn., Greg Bingham, Russellville, Kim Clement, Littleville, Jeremy Duke, Russellville; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews and a host of friends.”

BLACK, GLADYS HENSON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean Sr. prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home “Gladys Henson Black was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, on July 23, 1911, the daughter of the late Walter and Mary Stribling Henson. In June, 1941, Mrs. Black was united in marriage to Emory Black, who preceded her is death in March, 1974. She departed this life on September 26, 1991, at the Hardin Home Nursing Home, at the age of 80 years, 2 months and 2 days. Mrs. Black is survived by one son, Charles Austin of Counce, Tennessee; five sisters: Willie Ellen Franks and Etta Jennings, both of Savannah, Tennessee, Ester Melson of Collinwood, Tennessee, Edith McFall of Waynesboro, Tennessee, and Hazel Hardison of Florence, Alabama; one brother, Glen Eloy Henson of Muscle Shoals, Alabama; and three grandchildren. Mrs. Black was preceded in death by one son, James Emory Black in March, 1980.”

BLANKENSHIP, EVA LEIGH, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Eva Leigh Blankenship, 33, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died Wednesday night at ECM Hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Murphy Chapel Baptist Church. She was an LPN, formerly employed at Shoals Hospital. Funeral services will be held Friday at 3 p.m. at Murphy Chapel Baptist Church with Virgil Geans and Vernon Creasy and James Trotter officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the residence until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. She is survived by her husband, Ronald Blankenship; two daughters, Tamara Faulkner and Martina Faulkner; a stepdaughter, Barbara Blankenship; a step-son, Daniel Blankenship; her mother, Mrs. Clara South; a brother, Rufus South, all of Rt. 2, Waterloo. Bearers will be Ralph Reach, James South, Thomas South, Eddie Littlepage, Paul Frazier, Cecil Murphy.”

BOSCH, ZADDY M., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mishawaka, Ind. Zaddy M. Bosch, 63, died Thursday, Sept. 22, 1994, at her residence. She was a Tyronza, Ark., native and former Waterloo, Ala., resident, who had lived in Mishawaka since 1949. She was a member of the Loyal Order of the Moose Lodge 98, Mishawaka. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church, Bumpus Creek Road, Waterloo. Burial will be in White Cemetery, Waterloo, Chapel Hill Funeral Home, Osceola, directing. Survivors include a daughter, Cherri Goehring, Mishawaka; son, Jack E. Morgan Jr., Osceola; sisters, Virginia Atkinson, Waterloo, Ala., Fay Heavner, Little Rock, Ark.; brothers, Estol White, David White, Joe L. White, all of Mishawaka, Curtis White, Waterloo; six grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association or the American Lung Association.”

BREWER, HELEN AYCOCK, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Helen Aycock Brewer went home to be with the Lord peacefully with her family by her side Friday, Nov. 30, 2007. Helen was a graduate of Colbert County High School and Samford University. She was a dedicated public school teacher, homemaker and pastor’s wife. Helen loved her Lord, her family, her church and her friends. She was loved and survived by her husband of 43 years, Laymon L. Brewer Jr.; sons, L. Lee Brewer III and wife, Robin, of Franklin, Tenn., Mickey L. Brewer and wife, Andrea, of Florence, and daughter, Lori B. Kidd and husband, Ricky, of Florence; seven precious grandchildren, Carter Brewer, 13, Callie Rose Brewer, 9, of Franklin, Tenn., Garett Brewer, 10, Caleb Brewer, 8, Marabeth Brewer, 6, of Florence, Jackson Kidd, 2, Maggie Kidd, 1, of Florence; her sister, Donna and husband, Dr. Robert S. Meigs, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. She was preceded in death by her parents, Claude and Lyla Aycock, of Colbert County. Pallbearers will be Brian Wright, Junior Johns, Larry Brewer, James Cole, Gerald Johnson, Sam Mansell, Troyce Ledbetter and Earl Brown. Honorary pallbearers are the men of Lee Heights Baptist Church. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 2, at Elkins Funeral Home, Hermitage Drive, Florence. She will lie in state noon-1 p.m. at Lee Heights Baptist Church. Burial will follow at Glendale Cemetery in Colbert County. James Waddell, Jim Warren and Eddie Garner will be officiating. Her family wants to express their deep appreciation to friends, church members, Hospice of North Alabama, Brewer Medical Services and Dr. David Brown and staff. In lieu of flowers, donations may be contributed to Lee Heights Baptist Church Building Fund. Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family.”

BREWER, JENNIE BELLE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Jennie Belle Brewer, 76, Hackleburg, died at Colonial Manor Hospital Thursday. Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. at the Hackleburg Church of Christ with James Mays officiating. Burial will follow in Cedar Tree Cemetery, Nichols Funeral Home of Haleyville directing. The body will lie in state at the church for one hour. She is survived by five sons, Stanley Brewer, Manassa, VA., S.D. (Shorty) Brewer, Hackleburg, Doyle Brewer, Mobile, Jack Brewer, Florence; five daughters, Mrs. Huey Frederick, Hackleburg, Mrs. Nell Gentry, Conroe, Tex., Mrs. Selma Wilson, Evergreen, Ala., Mrs. Marietta Mann, Hackleburg, Mrs. Voncil Goolsby, Florence; 24 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Emma Butler, Union City, Tenn. Mrs. Victoria Hinton, Waterloo, Mrs. Lizzie Benson, Waterloo.”

BREWER, REBA A., TimesDaily News, Florence, AL FLORENCE — Mrs. Reba A. Brewer, 72, Magnolia Gardens Apartments, died Sunday, Jan. 24, 1988, at her residence after a brief illness. She was retired after 28 years at Genesco and was a member of First United Pentecostal Church, Weeden Heights. The funeral will be at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Elkins and Son Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with the Rev. Roger Overton officiating. Burial will be in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include a son, A.M. Brewer, Florence; brothers, Floyd White, Hershell White, R.W. White, all of Savannah, Tennessee, Ralph White, Florence, Tommy J. White, Atlanta; sisters, Hester Clay, Hayti, MO., Myrtle Morris, Savannah, Tenn., Marie Roberts, Opha Davis, Bedia Black all of Florence; two grandchildren. Nephews will be bearers.”

BROWN, BENJAMIN F. Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil Gean. “Mr. Benjamin F. Brown, age 78, Rt. 10 Box 365, Florence, Alabama, died February 5, 1988, at University Hospital, Birmingham, Alabama. Mr. Brown’s funeral service will be February 7, 1988 at Murphy’s Chapel Church, with Bro. Virgil Gean, Bro. Earl Dixon and Bro. Grant Indencon officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Pearl Etta Brown; two sons, Mr. Bennie F. Brown, Jr., and Mr. Ronnie L. Brown, Florence; two daughters, Mrs. Jimmie Nell Patrick, Huntsville and Mrs. Dottie N. Haataja, Florence; three brothers, Leonard Wilson Brown, Florence, John Thomas Brown, Florence, and Marvin Francis Brown, Florence; three sisters, Mary Estelle Thrasher, Florence, Hattie Christine Balentine, Florence and Ruby Lee Mitchell, Florence; 11 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.”

BROWN, MRS. CLARA, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Mrs. Clara South Brown, 81, Savannah Highway, Florence, died Thursday at 6:10 p.m. at Mitchell-Hollingsworth. Mrs. Brown was the widow of Marvin F. Brown, Sr. She was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel with Rev. Louis Ray and V.H. Gean officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Morrison-Elkins directing. She is survived by four sons, Ben, Thomas, Leonard and Marvin F. Brown, Jr., all of Florence; three daughters, Mrs. Garland Mitchell, Mrs. Odell Balentine, Mrs. Andrew Thrasher, all of Florence; four brothers, Moncer South, Collinwood, Tenn., John, Floyd and Claude South, all of Florence; a sister, Miss Stella South, Florence; 14 grandchildren; 16 great grandchildren. Bearers will be grandsons, Bennie Brown, Ronnie Brown, Gene Mitchell, Brown Mitchell, Larry Brown, Gary Balentine, Vernon Thompson, Bill Hudson. The body will remain at the funeral home until it is taken to the church to lie in state one hour before the service.”

BROWN, MR. EMMITT LOUIS (DICK) Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil Gean Mr. Emmitt Louis (Dick) Brown passed away 25 June 1978, at the age of 60 years, 9 months and 26 days. He was born August 30, 1917 and was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. The funeral will be on 27 June 1978 conducted by Revs. Virgil H. Gean and Earl Dixon. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ednar Dee Brown, Florence, AL, two sons, Mr. L. C. Brown, Florence, AL, Mr. John Henry Brown, Florence, AL; two brothers, Mr. Walker Brown, and, Mr. Earl Brown, Florence, Ala.; six sisters, Miss Kathleen Brown, Mrs. Carrie Sharp, Mrs. Madelene Fulmer, Mrs. Ruby McDonald all of Florence, AL, Mrs. Clara Daniels, Waterloo, AL, and Mrs. Thelma Rickard, Creve Colur, Ill.; three grandchildren; a number of nieces & nephews. Spry Funeral Home directing.

BROWN, JENNIE REBECCA Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Jennie R. Brown, 78, born January 4, 1896 passed away on May 26, 1972. She is survived by one son, Ernest Brown, Memphis, Tennessee; one brother, Lucion O. Brown, Cherokee, Alabama; one grandson and a number of nieces and nephews. Cutshall Funeral Home of Iuka, Mississippi directing.

BROWN, MARVIN FRANCIS Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mr. Marvin Francis Brown, 81, Waterloo Route # 2, passed away, Sunday, Sept. 2nd 1962 at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. The funeral will be on Tuesday, Sept. 4th at 2:00 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, conducted by Rev. Louis Ray & Virgil Gean. Burial will be in Murphys Chapel Cemetery. Survivors of Mr. Brown are 4 sons, Ben, Thomas, Leonard, and M.F. Brown; 3 daughters, Mrs. Andrew Thrasher, Mrs. Garland Mitchell, Mrs. Odell Balentine 14 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; 2 stepsisters, Mrs. Bruce Ellis and Mrs. Odell Duncan.”

BROWN, PEARL ETTA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — The funeral for Mrs. Pearl Etta Ticer Brown, 81, Route, 10, will be at 1 p.m. today at Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church with Virgil Jeans, Earl Dixon and Jimmy Shields officiating. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home chapel, Florence, directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. She died Saturday, Nov. 28, 1992, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native of Lauderdale County, housewife, and member of Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include sons, Benjamin Franklin Brown, Jr., Ironsburg, S.C., Ronnie OL. Brown, Florence; daughters, Jimmie Nell Patrick, Huntsville, Dorothy N. “Dottie” Haataja, Florence; 12 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Ralph Brown, Thomas Brown, Leonard Brown, Gary Balentine, Rufus South, Bobby Ticer, Bill Weaver, Charles Jones and Roy Jones.”

BROWN, RICKY LOWELL, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Ricky Lowell Brown, 40, Florence, passed away Thursday, June 15, 2000, at ECM Hospital. Ricky was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. He also was a member of the Operating Engineers Local 320. Ricky was a 1978 graduate of Central High School. He played Central Dixie Youth ball and was a coach for several years. Ricky was a wonderful and loving husband and a loving daddy. His boys loved him with all their heart. He loved all children and he was like a father to his brothers. He will be missed by all of his family and friends. Mr. Brown was preceded in death by his brother, Rodger Loyd Brown, in 1994; his mother, Teresa Juanita McDonald Brown; both his paternal and maternal grandparents; and his son, Ricky Lowell Brown, Jr. in October 1991. The family will receive friends from 6 until 9 p.m. Saturday, June 17, at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. The casket will lie in state from 1 p.m. until service time at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 18, at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church with the Rev. Carl Creasy and the Rev. Jimmy Shields officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. Mr. Brown is survived by his wife of 11 ½ years, Donna Kay Brown, Florence, Ala.; stepson, Robert Corey Maxwell, Florence, Ala.; sons, Dustin Drew Brown and Ronnie Matthew Brown, Florence, Ala.; father, Ronnie Lowell Brown, Florence, Ala.; stepmother, Sharon Elaine Brown, Florence, Ala.; sister, Rachel Lane Brown, Florence, Ala.; brothers, Ralph Lee Brown and wife, Selina Gail, Ronald Lynn Brown and wife, Wanda Darlene, and Robert Loren Brown, all of Florence, Ala.; a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Mark Henderson, Frankie Murphy, Tim Bevis, Greg Liles, Ronnie Hill, Carl Risner, Junior Peoples and Blair Darby. Honorary pallbearers will be Jackie Warren, members of the Central Dixie Youth baseball team, and Operating Engineers Local 320. Memorials may be made to the Central Dixie Youth organization in care of Ricky Perkins, 8845 County Road 15, Florence, AL 35633. The family would like to extend their thanks to the emergency room staff at ECM Hospital, all the emergency crews that helped and the many friends for their love and support.”

BROWN, RUBY MAE, Times Daily News, Thursday, August 6, 1987 “WATERLOO — The funeral for Ruby Mae Brown, 70, Route 1, Box 297, will be at 3 p.m. today at Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church, with Paul Holloway, Jim Young and Fred Dillion officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tenn., directing. The body will be at her residence until time for the service. She died Tuesday, Aug 4, 1987, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after a brief illness. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church. Survivors include sons, Ray Brown, Florence, David Brown, Waterloo; daughters, Mabel Keeton, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Margaret Smith, Mishawaka, Ind., Bessie Lou Young, Dorothy Sharp, both of Waterloo; brother, Odell Geans, Florence; sister, Blanche Murphy, Waterloo; 14 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.”

BROWN, RUTH ESTELLE GUYTON, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “The service for Mrs. Ruth Estelle Guyton Brown, of Florence, will be Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2008, at 2 p.m. in the chapel of Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, with Gary Patton and Johnny Richardson officiating. Burial will follow at Florence City Cemetery. The Brown family will receive friends from 6-8 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Brown was born Nov. 15, 1932, and passed away Feb. 10, 2008, at the age of 75. She was married in 1950 to the love of her life, M.F. Brown, and was a member of East Florence Church of Christ. Mrs. Brown worked many years as a managing cosmetologist before her retirement to be a loving, devoted wife and mother. She was preceded in death by her father, James O. Guyton Sr.; her mother, Lottie Mae Holland Guyton; and a brother, James O. Guyton Jr. She is survived by her husband, Marvin R. Brown Jr. of Florence; sons, Marvin Randall Brown and wife, Jacqueline, of Florence, Ala., James Gregory Brown, of Harvest, Ala; granddaughters, Bethany Fenn and husband, David, Laura Richardson and husband, Dave; grandson, Tyler Brown; one great-granddaughter, Hallie Beth Fenn; several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Ronnie Brown, David Fenn, David Richrdson, Dickey Howard, Greg Richardson and Justin Roberson. Special thanks to Dr. S. Paul Dang, M.D. and staff, Dr. Ricky Irons, M.D., Sally, Olivia and Crestwood Medical Center, Huntsville, Ala. “Love ya.” M.F. “Momma, I love you Forever.” Randy. “Momma, I love you Best, Gregory. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, is assisting the family.”

BROWN, THERESA JUANITA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Theresa Juanita Brown, 41, Route 4, Florence, died this morning at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a member of Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church, with the Revs. Virgil Jeans, Earl Dixon and Jack Jones officiating. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Survivors include her husband, Ronnie L. Brown, Florence; sons, Ricky Brown, Ralph Brown, Ronald Brown, Robert Brown, Roger Brown, all of Florence; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James T. McDonald, Florence; sisters, Rosie Jackson, Susie Lentz, Tam Borden, Vickie Risner, all of Florence; brothers, Charles F. McDonald, Georgia, Jamie McDonald, Florence; on granddaughter. Bearers will be David Montgomery, Phillip Jackson, Andy Taylor, Ronald Creasy, Larry Haataja, Grady Patrick Jr., Ricky Fielder, Jimmy Mitchell.”

BRUCE, HAROLD SHERMAN, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mr. Harold Sherman Bruce, 64, departed this earth Sept. 23, 2006. He is survived by his soul mate and wife of 43 years, Carolyn Allen Bruce; four children, D’Artanan, Mercedes, Zabrina, Chancey Bruce and wife, Moira; two grandchildren, Allen and Elizabeth Bruce. Bruce was a member of the Helton Drive Church of Christ, partner and co-owner of Southern Wig Crazy Carolyns, a retired beltline operator at the Colbert Steam Plant and a member of Labors Local No. 366. He served his country through the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Harold was especially proud to have opened his home to several foster children during the last year of his life. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. Monday Sept. 25, 2006, at Greenview Funeral Home. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2006, in Greenview Memorial Chapel, with entombment in Greenview Memorial Park/Love Mausoleum. Officiating will be Bill Hall and Jeff McCrary. Military funeral honors will be accorded at graveside. Harold was the son of the late Winnie Lee and John Gilbert Bruce and was preceded in death by his beloved nephew, Zachary Bruce Liles. Other survivors include brothers, Millard Bruce and wife, Judy, of Sheffield, Reggie Bruce and wife, Janie, John Gilbert Bruce Jr. and wife, Susan, all of Florence, and Freddie Bruce, of Flint, Mish; sister, Virginia Bruce Liles, of Florence; and numerous other aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Steve Balentine, Jerry Scoggins, Doug Godfrey, Dale Gambel, Ron Dodd, Foy Persell, John Robertson and Mike Clement. Honorary pallbearers will include Bob Gilcrest, David Thompson, Cliff Thompson, Harold Stanley, Billy Ford and the late Jimmy Regan, Coy Richardson and Dewell Clemons. Special thanks to Dr. Ricky Irons, Dr. Felix Morris, Dr. William Heaton and all the nurses and staff at ECM Hospital. The family would also like to recognize some of PawPaw’s special friends who loved to spend time with him, Vella Mae Wesson, Tess McAffee, Martha Chesley and Belinda “Pud” Bailey. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

BRUCE, JOHN C., Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens & Funeral Home Obituaries “John C. Bruce, 76, of Osceola, passed away at 11:30 a.m. Monday, November 24, 2008 in his home. John was born on July 10, 1932 in Florence, AL to the late Robert and Mamie (Rogers) Bruce. On September 15, 1973 he married Judy Domonkos. He is survived by his loving wife, Judy of Osceola; two children, David (Judy) Chesnutt of Elkhart and Tracy (Matthew) Longfellow of South Bend and two grandchildren, Justina and Daniel Bass. He is also survived by one sister, Naomi Mason of Florence, AL. He is preceded in death by his parents, six brothers, Amos, Able, Cyrus, Derwood, Byron, and Reeder Bruce and two sisters, Viola Melton and Nettie Young. John proudly served his country in the U.S. Army and was honorable discharged in 1953. He worked for Dodge Manufacturing for 17 years and Uniroyal for 12 years before his retirement. He also worked for many musical instrument manufactures in Elkhart. He was an avid collector of flags and baseball caps and will be remembered for his love of family and his wonderful sense of humor. Visitation will be held from 2:00-6:00 pm, Sunday, November 30, 2008 in Chapel Hill Funeral Hill Funeral Home, 10776 McKinley Highway, Osceola. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 am, Monday, December 1, 2008 in the funeral home with burial to follow in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Osceola. In lieu of flowers, the family request that memorial donations be made to the Center for Hospice & Palliative Care, Inc., 111 Sunnybrook Court, South Bend, IN 46637. The family would like thank Dr. Mark Stanish, M.D., Dr. Rafat Ansari, M.D., Dr. Edward Delle Donne, M.D. and all the nurses for their care of John.”

BUGG, ERMA LEVONIA, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Mrs. Erma Levonia Bugg, 85, died Tuesday, April 25, 1989, at her residence after an extended illness. She was a native of Waterloo, a member of Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church and attended Waterloo United Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church, with the Revs. Virgil Gean and Jerry Herston officiating. Burial will be in Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include her husband, Finley Arthur Bugg; son, Lawrence L. Bugg, both of Waterloo; daughter, Mrs. Minilla L. Furr, Diamond Barr, Calif.; brother, Wilson Condrey, Sheffield; seven grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Bobby Bugg, Phillip Bugg, Larry Gene Condrey and Jerry Wayne Condrey.”

BURLESON, CONNIE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “KILLEN — The funeral for Mrs. Connie Burleson, 49, will be at 2 p.m. today at First Freewill Baptist Church, Florence, with the Revs. Tom Malone and Jerry Abbott officiating. Burial will be in Colbert Memorial Gardens, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. She died Monday, Feb. 23, 1987, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield, after an extended illness. She was a native of Corinth, Miss., and had lived in the Killen area for the past 16 years. She was a bookkeeper for the Killen and Central Heights Piggly Wiggly stores and a member of First Freewill Baptist Church, Florence. Survivors include her husband, Don Burleson, Killen; son, Joey Burleson, Killen; daughters, Mrs. Beth Mitchell, Killen, Mrs. Caroline Endicott, Central Heights; mother, Mrs. Chester Johnson, Leighton; brother, David H.; Johnson, Sheffield; sisters, Mrs. Henderson King, Leighton, Mrs. David Clark, Tuscumbia; grandmother, Mrs. Fred Benjamin, Tuscumbia; three grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Memorial may be made to the Killen Senior Center. Bearers will be Charles Ford, Gene Fulmer, Freddie Pitts, George Capps, Sam Hudson and Frank Owens.”

BURNS, REV. MACK Information was taken from the remembrance pamphlet at the funeral home. Rev. Mack Burns was born May 22, 1901 and died January 23, 1993. Services for him were held Tuesday, January 26, 1993, at 1:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Home Chapel in Collinwood, Tennessee. Ministers who conducted the funeral were Bro. Ernest Rich and Bro. Emerald Bailey. Burial was in the Railroad Cemetery.

BUTLER, REUBEN VERNON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Reuben Vernon Butler, age 71, Lutts, Tenn. Passed away Saturday, June 11, 1966 at Veterans Hospital, Memphis, Tenn., a native of Decatur County, Tennessee, the son of T.C. and Hulda Hay Butler. Survivors include one sister, Mr. C. K. Stricklin, Reeves, Tenn; 2 brothers, Henry Butler, Savannah, Tenn. And Hobert Butler, Pine Bluff, Ark.; 1 half brother, Wade Butler, Memphis, Tennessee.; a number of nieces and nephews.” ______________________________________________________________________________ CAGLE, JAMES ALTON, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mr. James Alton Cagle, 84, of Rogersville, Ala., died Sunday, June 21, 2009, at Athens-Limestone Hospital. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today at Spry Funeral Home, Athens, Ala. The funeral will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday, June 24, 2009, at Spry Funeral Home chapel, Athens, with burial in Civitan Cemetery, Rogersville, Ala. Steve Klein and Bill Hall are officiating. Mr. Cagle was preceded in death by parents, Alton James and Vela O’Vina Moody Cagle; sister, Mildred Cagle Blackburn; brother, E.F. Cagle; sister-in-law, Willie T. Cagle; brother-in-law, William Howard Garrett; and son-in-law, Danny Bishop McWilliams Sr. Mr. Cagle was a member of the Army Air Force and a veteran of World War II, serving on Tinian Island in the Pacific. He was deployed overseas, where he worked as an electrician on B-29 aircraft. He retired from Redstone Arsenal after 20 years. A salesman at heart, he most loved selling cars. He owned and operated Rogersville Motors for many years. Committed to community service all of his life, Mr. Cagle was a former member of the Rogersville Town Council and a former member of Muscle Shoals Regional Library. Mr. Cagle was a lifelong member and former elder of New Georgia Church of Christ. He loved his church family with all of his heart, where he oversaw multiple building projects as the church continued to grow. Helping his church was his first priority in his service to the Lord. The legacy of his life will truly be the eternal influence that he had over his wife, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all of who attend church. Mr. Cagle’s deepest commitment, however, was to his family. He was most proud of his wife of 65 years. He was a devoted, loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. Through his love and guidance, all of his children and grandchildren have graduated from college and have happy families of their own. He led his family with love, integrity and high expectations, and instilled in us a strong work ethic and discipline. Because he taught us all to love God with all our hears, we know we will see him again. Survivors include his wife of 65 years, Willa Jean Johnson Cagle, Rogersville; daughters, Carolyn C. Akers and husband, William T., Florence, Ala., Cathryn Joyce Cagle and husband, Ray Joe, Rogersville, Ala., Marilyn C. McWilliams, Rogersville, Ala., Billy Ray Cagle and wife, Hazel, Athens, Ala.; sisters, Catherine McCartey and husband, James F., Rogersville, Ala., Shirley Hargrave and husband, Ernest, Madison, Ala.; grandchildren, Caryn A. Hairell and husband, Kris, Florence, Ala., Julia A. Richey and husband Ralph, Florence, Ala., Chris Cagle and wife, Hope Athens, Ala., Beth C. Fields and husband, Keith, Rogersville, Ala., Danny Bishop McWilliams Jr. and wife, Allison, Tuscumbia, Ala., Jennifer M. Mouchette and husband, Tom, Gallatin, Tenn., Laura M. Swint and husband, Stuart, Athens, Ala.; and 16 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Chris Cagle, Danny Bishop McWilliams Jr., Kris Hairell, Ralph Richey, Keith Fields, Tom Mouchette and Stuart Swint. Honorary pallbearers will be William Hairell and Preston Hairell. Memorials may be made to the Rogersville Public Library or Rogersville Volunteer Fire Department.”

CALLAHAN, REUBEN THOMAS, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Reuben Thomas Callahan, 74, Shawneetown, Ill., died Sunday. He was born in Texas and was a former resident of Tuscumbia. Services were today at 2 p.m. at the Pride Baptist Church with the Rev. J.K. Franks officiating. Burial was in the Guy Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Tuscumbia directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Velvet Callahan, Shawneetown, Il.; sons, Thomas Callahan, Indiana, Dallas Dee Callahan and Rayford Hillard Callahan, both of Tennessee, and Jesse Lee Callahan, Alabama; daughters, Mrs. Martha Lou King, Hickman, Ky., and Mrs. Patsy Sue Whitehouse, Monrovia, Ind.; brother, Grady B. Callahan, Alabama; sisters, Mrs. Ann Davis and Mrs. Ola Davis, both of Tuscumbia.”

CANNON, ELIZABETH LANEAVE, Times Daily, Nov 1982, Florence, AL Note: Elizabeth was born 28 Mar 1909 and died 17 Nov 1982- (See Wesley Chapel Cemetery records.) “The service for Mrs. Elizabeth LaNeave Cannon, 74, Route 10, Florence, will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Liberty Baptist with David Taylor and William E. Poe officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour before the service when it will be taken to the church. Friends may visit the funeral home 6-9 tonight. She died Wednesday at her residence. She was a native of Trigg County, KY, but resided most of her life in Florence. She was wife of the late Sam Cannon and a member of Liberty Baptist Church. Survivors include six daughters, Mrs. Roberta Bevis, Nina Rhodes, Mrs. Jean Phillips, all of Florence, Mrs. Virginia Brown, Brewton, Mrs. Mary Olive, Birmingham. Mrs. Anne McMilliam, Fairfield, Conn.; two sons, Coy Cannon, Florence, Lacey Canon, Pelham; one sister, Mrs. Doyle Haddock, Florence; 21 grandchildren nine great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Percy Davidson, J.W. Nunnery, Butch Gray, Jackie Thompson, Dallas Mc Carley and Sammy Vines.”

CARROLL, GEORGE HOUSTON JR., Times Daily, Florence, AL, Sunday, August 24, 1997 “Mr. George Houston Carroll Jr.,42, of Route 10, Florence, died on Friday after a sudden illness in Irvington, N.J. Mr. Carroll was a native of Lauderdale County, a graduate of Bradshaw High School, and attended UNA. He was a member of Faith Tabernacle Church and was vice president of United Gunite Construction and Pressure Concrete Co. Mr. Carroll is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Olivia Allison McKinney, Florence; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll Sr., Florence; sister, Mrs. Judy Bullington, Tuscumbia; brothers; William Steve Carroll, Irvington, David Blain Carroll, Atlanta, Ga., grandmother, Mrs. Jeanett Carroll, Florence; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Willie and Effie Sego. Funeral services for Mr. Carroll will be Tuesday at 11 a.m. from the Faith Tabernacle Church with Rev. Henry Melton officiating. Mr. Carroll will be place in the church at 10 a.m. Interment will be at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. Monday at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Pallbearers will be Ed Goodwin, Kip Engle, Michael Whitehead, Danny Haraway, Milton Whitehead, Ronnie Cook. Honorary pallbearers will be Jerry Free, Garry Humble, J.H. Cohen. Memorials may be made to the American Hear Association.”

CARROLL, GEORGE HOUSTON SR., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. George Houston Carroll Sr., Florence, Ala., age 71, died Tuesday, March 17, 1998, after an extended illness. Visitation will be Thursday, March 19, 1998, 5-9 p.m. at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Ala. Funeral services will be held Friday, March 20, 1998, 3 p.m. at Faith Tabernacle with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Officiating will be Rev. Henry Melton. The casket will not be placed in the church one hour before the service as previously stated. Mr. Carroll was a dedicated husband and father for 49 years. He was the owner and CEO of two national contracting companies, United Gunite Construction, Inc. based in Irvington, N.J. and Pressure Concrete, Inc., based in Florence, Ala. These companies completed numerous projects in more than 40 states. Mr. Carroll was dedicated to making life better for all people he worked with. He served his country in the Navy in WWII. In 1949, he married Virginia Sego and had four children. He worked several years in the gunite and shotcrete construction industry and eventually became a manager. Then, in 1974, he started his own company, United Gunite Construction, Inc. In 1993 he purchased Pressure Concrete, Inc., and became a predominate leader in the shotcrete and gunite industry. Also, Mr. Carroll was a board member for IAE (International American Education and Indian American education). He funded the James Goosetree Scholarship Fund at the University of Alabama and was a member of Tide Pride. He was awarded for being the leader of one of the “Future 50” businesses in Nashville, Tenn., and was elected to the Who’s Who registry for Business Leaders Nationwide. Mr. Carroll was personally requested to assist in the reconstruction of the Statue of Liberty and dedicated much time and effort to all Americans in completing his portion of this project. Mr. Carroll loved his family, his employees and his country. He will be missed greatly by all. He was preceded in death by his father, Tom Carroll; wife, Virginia S. Carroll; son, George H. Carroll Jr.; sister, Geneva McClain; and brother, Thomas Carroll. He is survived by his daughter, Judy Carroll Bullington and husband, Joe S. Bullington, Tuscumbia, Ala.; sons, William Steven Carroll and wife, Anita Carroll, Irvington, N.J. and David Blaine Carroll and wife, Sharon Carroll, Atlanta, Ga.; mother, Jeanette Carroll, Florence, Ala.; sisters, Louise Cook, Florence, Ala., Pauline Reynolds, Muscle Shoals, Ala., Ruth Nance, Cohutta, Ga., Cornelia Anderson and Elizabeth Irons, both of Florence, Ala.; brother, Robert Carroll, Florence, Ala.; grandchildren, Olivia McKinney, Ashley Carroll, Justin Carroll, Daniel Bullington, Steven Carroll, Matthew Carroll and Chad Carroll; a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Gary Humble, Gene Stallings, Jerry Free, J.L. Culver, Don Miller, John Clayton, Covie Qualls and Milton Whitehead. Honorary bearers will be E.L. Culver, Employees of United Gunite Construction and Pressure Concrete, Inc., E.E. ”Babe” Blackstock, John Gothard, Danny Haraway, Oliver Roberson, Ed Goodwin and Dr. Edsel P. Holden, III. Memorials may be made to the American Diabetes Association, 200 Office Park Drive, Suite 303, Birmingham, Ala., 35223, the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 758, Florence, Ala., 35631, and American Lung Association, 250 Governors Drive, Huntsville, Ala.”

CARROLL, VIRGINIA SEGO, Times Daily, Florence, AL, Thursday, October 23, 1997 Mrs. Virginia Sego Carroll, 69 Florence, Ala., died Tuesday Oct. 21, 1997, at ECM Hospital. Funeral services will be Thursday, Oct. 23, 1997, 1 p.m. at Faith Tabernacle, with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. The casket will be placed in the church at noon. Rev. Henry Melton will officiate. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, is directing. Visitation will be at the church from noon-1 p.m. Mrs. Carroll was born in Lauderdale County. She was a member of Faith Tabernacle and a former teacher in the Lauderdale County school system. She was the officer manager and bookkeeper and self-employed owner of United Gunite Company. She was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother, and enjoyed growing roses. She was preceded in death by a son, George H. Carroll, Jr. She is survived by her husband, George H. Carroll, Florence, Ala.; daughter, Judy C. Bullington and husband, Joe Bullington, Tuscumbia, Ala.; sons, William Steven Carroll and wife, Anita Carroll, Irvington, N.J., David Blain Carroll and fiance, Sharon Fulbright, Atlanta, Ga.; sister, Betty Brooks, Florence, Ala.; brother, Arnold Sego, Atlanta, Ga.; grandchildren, Olivia A. McKinney, Ashley Carroll, Justin Carroll, Daniel Bullington, Steven Carroll Jr., and Matthew Carroll; and a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Ronald Cook, Gary Humble, Milton Whitehead, John Clayton, G.W. Gilchrist, and Will Irons. Honorary pallbearers will be J.L. Culver, Michael Whitehead, and members of Gunite Construction Company. Memorial may be made to the American Heart Association, Lauderdale County Chairman, P.O. Box 758, Florence, Ala., 35631.”

CHANDLER, ALICE TUTEN, TimesDaily/Monday, November 10, 1997 Mrs. Alice Tuten Chandler, 96, Route 3, Rogersville, died Sunday, Nov. 9, 1997, at Mitchell-Hollinsworth Annex, Florence. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at Spry Funeral Home chapel, Athens, Hagen Cooper and O.C. Birdwell will officiate. Interment will be in Wallace Cemetery, Rogersville. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. today at Spry Funeral Home, Athens. She was born Feb. 17, 1901 in Rogersville. She was a member of the Church of Christ. A homemaker and was preceded in death by her husband of 77 years, Dewey Chandler; son, Elwood Chandler; daughter, Marie Richardson; granddaughter, Lisa Chandler; son-in-laws, Byron Birdwell and Cecil Richardson. Survivors include daughter, Elaine Birdwell, Rogersville; daughter-in-law, Juanita Chandler, Jamestown, Ohio; grandchildren, Donna Richardson, Myra Bryant, Danny Birdwell, all of Rogersville; 10 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.”

CHANDLER, BETHEL D. JR., TimesDaily/Saturday, November 22, 1997 Mr. Bethel D. Chandler Jr., 75, 13868 County Road 47, Greenhill, died Friday, Nov. 21, 1997, at his home after an extended illness. Visitation will begin at 6 p.m. today at Loretto Memorial Chapel, Loretto, Tenn. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Shiloh Church of Christ with burial in Shiloh Cemetery. The body will like in state at church one hour before service. Officiating at the funeral will be Charles Kretzer, Jason Moon and James A. Hendrix. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala., retired from TVA, and a member of Shiloh Church of Christ. He is survived by his wife, Lorene Richardson Chandler, Greenhill; daughters, Mrs. Glen (Jo) Holden, Greenhill, Mrs. Billy (Joan), Canerday, Greenhill; half-brother, Edgers Canerday, Florence; half-sister, Pauline Curtis Brewer, Greenhill; two grandchildren, Barry Canerday and wife Lavondia, Greenhill, Kent Holden and wife Denise, Birmingham; five great-grandchildren, Chase, Drew, and Derrek Holden, Justin and Jessica Canerday; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Bethel Chandler Sr. and Mattie Chandler. Pallbearers will include Fred Dowdy, James H. Curtis, Don Curtis, Arvel Curtis, Jackie Chandler and Boyd Gist.”

CHANDLER, DEWEY, East Lauderdale News, December 21, 1995 “Funeral services for Dewey O. Chandler, 98, Rogersville, were Saturday, Dec. 16 at Spry Funeral Home Chapel, Athens, with O.C. Birdwell and Hagen Cooper officiating. Burial was in Wallace Cemetery. Mr. Chandler died Thursday, Dec. 14, at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. He was a native of Willspoint, Texas, and an Army veteran of World War I. He was a member of the Church of Christ, member of the American Legion and retired from Tennessee Valley Authority. Survivors include his wife, Alice Tuten Chandler, Rogersville; daughter Elaine Birdwell, Rogersville; three grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren.”

CHERRY, MRS. FLORENCE ITALIE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: The tomb for Florence shows she was born 13 Feb 1881 and died 3 Jan 1971 “Mrs. Florence Italie Cherry, 89, died at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex Sunday at 12:45 a.m. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was a member of Waterloo Methodist Church. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Waterloo Methodist Church by Rev. W. O. Lanford and Rev. L.O. Jaggers. Burial will be in Richardson Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to services. Surviving are a son, Sie Edwin Cherry, Mishawaka, Ind.; six grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Verlin Moore, William Canterbury, William Haggard, A.D. Young, Thomas D. Ray, Horace Earl Pyburn.”

CHILDERS, MRS. NOVIE LEE WHITTEN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Mrs. Novie Lee Whitten Childers, 81,died Sunday, June 12, 1994, at Rolling Acres Nursing Home. The funeral will be Wednesday, June 15, 1994 at Greenview Funeral Home Chapel, with Rev. Virgil Geans and Rev. Earl Dixon conducting the services. Burial will be in Center Springs, Somerville, AL. Survivors are two daughters, Ramona Childers Dennis, Florence and Mary Verona Wilbanks, Trinity; one brother, Coleman Whitten, Decatur; sisters, Mary Doss, Decatur, Gladys Sharpe, Somerville, Opal Stephenson, Sebring, Fla.; 1 grandson, 3 granddaughters and 1 great grandson

CHILDERS, OSCAR CLARENCE, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: According to the funeral list by Virgil Gean, Oscar died 26 Oct 1979 “Oscar Clarence Childers, 75, Route 2, Waterloo, died Friday night at Colonial Manor Hospital after an extended illness. He lived in the Florence area for 70 years and was a retired painter for TVA. Services will be today at 1 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence, with Virgil Gean, Earl Dixon and D.C. Rogers officiating. A graveside service and burial will be at 3:30 p.m. at Center Springs Cemetery in Morgan County with Morrison-Elkins, Florence, directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Novie L. Childers, Waterloo; two daughters, Mrs. Ramona Dennis, Florence, and Mrs. Verona Wilbanks, Trinity; one half brother, John D. Green, Florence; and four grandchildren. Bearers will be Randy Dennis, Earnest Balentine, Lester Whitten, Joseph Mosakowski, Donny Dennis and Ricky South.”

CHOWNING, JEWEL D. YOUNG, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Jewel D. Chowning, 80, of Florence, Ala., passed away Friday, June 2, 2000, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Chowning was a member of the Hendrix Chapel Church of Christ. A graveside service will be Monday, June 5, 2000, at 2 p.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens in Florence. Wayne Wood will be officiating. The family will receive friends Sunday, June 4, 2000, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the funeral home. Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is assisting the family. Mrs. Chowning was preceded in death by her husband, Mr. Robert Monroe “Bob” Chowning. Mrs. Chowning is survived by one daughter, Bobbie Chowning Weiss of Florence, Ala.; two sisters, Ruby Dale Young Sandock of Florence, Ala., and Shirley Ann Young Richards of Waterloo, Ala.; one brother, James Robert Young of Florence, Ala; two grandchildren, Debra Lynn Weiss Manning and husband, Mark W., of Florence, Ala. and David Alan Weiss of Florence, Ala.; one aunt, Willie Witt of Florence, Ala. Mrs. Chowning also is survived by several nieces and nephews.”

CLANTON, MAGGIE WESTON, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — Mrs. Maggie Weston Clanton, 86, Rolling Acres Nursing Home, died Wednesday, Nov. 8, 1989, at her residence after an extended illness. She was a native of Waterloo and a charter member of Underwood Baptist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, with Leon Bates officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include sons, James W. Clanton, Jesse O. Clanton, W.J. Clanton Jr., all of Florence, Ruben D. Clanton, Oceola, Ind.; daughters, Nora L. Vaughn, J. Christine Miles, Beatrice C. Faires, all of Florence; 19 grandchildren; 47 great-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be grandsons.”

CLANTON, MRS. MARY LINA, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Clergy records show death date as 11 Feb. 1977. “Mrs. Mary Lina Clanton, 49, Rt. 12, Florence, died Friday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. She was a native of Lauderdale County. Service will be 2 p.m. Sunday at Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, Virgil Geans and Lamar Plunket will officiate. Burial will be in Stutts Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, James C. Clanton; daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Hayes, Mrs. Frances Bates, Miss Linda Clanton, Miss Melissa Clanton, all of Cloverdale, Mrs. Judy Cox, Springville, Tenn.; sons, Charles Ray Clanton, Jimmy Wayne Clanton, David Michael Clanton, all of Cloverdale; sister, Mrs. Roy B. Austin, Cloverdale; brothers, Edward Chowning, Robert Chowning, John Chowning, all of Cloverdale, Eugene Chowning, Lawrence Chowning, both of Florence; nine grandchildren. Bearers will be Pete Walker, Bradford Johnson, Emerald Bailey, Ed Clark, E.O. Campbell, Bobby Gibson.”

CLANTON, WILLIAM JASPER, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Clergyman’s record shows death on 16 Mar.1978. “William Jasper Clanton, 75, of Rt. 10, Florence, died Thursday afternoon in Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. A native and life-long resident of Lauderdale County, Mr. Clanton was a retired truck driver and a member of the Baptist Church. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Leon Bates and the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home in charge. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Maggie Lee Clanton; daughters, Mrs. Christine Miles, Mrs. Beatrice Faires, Mrs. Nora Vaughan, all of Florence; sons, James Clanton, William J. Clanton Jr., Jesse Clanton, all of Florence, and Ruben Clanton, Osceloa, Ind.; 19 grandchildren, 27 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Ronnie Clanton, Wayne Clanton, Larry Miles, Charles Clanton, David Faires, and Gregory Clanton. The body will be at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service. The family will receive friends after 5 p.m. today.”

COLLINS, BERNIE JAMES, Shackelford Funeral Directors Obit was taken from Shackelford web site. “Visitation will be Saturday January 30, 2010 from 6 to 9:00 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Home in Collinwood, Tennessee. Services will be held on January 31, 2010 at 1:00 p.m., with Josh Stults officiating. Burial will follow in Railroad Cemetery, Iron City, Tennessee. Mr. Collins departed this life on Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at his residence in Iron City, Tennessee at the age of 66 years, 8 months, 19 days. He was born May 7, 1943 in Waynesboro, Tennessee, the son of the late John Armstrong and Louiza Atkinson Collins. Mr. Collins was a carpenter, member of the American Legion and served his country in the U.S. Marine Corps. He is survived by sons: David M. Collins of Savannah, TN, Richard L. Collins of Port Deposit, MD, Keith A Collins of Raceland, LA, John Collins of Florence, AL; daughter, Michelle A. Staggs of Cypress Inn, TN; grandchildren: Joshua Allen, Felicia Young, Joseph Collins, Kisha Collins, Nathan Collins, Ashley Collins, Megan Young, Amber Collins and Heliey Collins; great grandchild: Tessa Allen; brother, Sammy Collins of Cross Plains, TN. Sisters: Linda Knotts of Harrah, OH, Beatrice Johnson of Florence, AL, nieces & nephews.”

CONDREY, JONES CARL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr. Mr. Jones Carl Condrey, 121 South Conner St., Florence, AL passed away January 8, 1987 at ECM Hospital. The funeral will be at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, on January 10, 1987, with Virgil Gean officiating. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ellen Louise Condrey; sons, Jerry Wayne Condrey and Larry Condrey of Florence; brother, Wilson Condrey, Sheffield; sister, Mrs. Erma Bugg, Waterloo and one grandson.

COOPER, EULA H., Florence Times, July 8, 1939 “Rogersville Woman Will be Buried on Sunday Mrs. Eula H. Cooper, aged 72, native and lifelong resident of Rogersville, died at her home there yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock after an illness of two weeks. Mrs. Cooper, widow of the late J.O. Cooper, was a member of the Rogersville Church of Christ. Surviving are four sons, T. L. and Stanley Cooper, of Athens; Lee Cooper, of Akron, O., and Farris Cooper, of Rogersville; five daughters, Mrs. J.M. Carter, Lexington; Mrs. Nellie Jones, Nashville; Mrs. W.C. Page, Mrs. Louis Mason and Miss Rose Cooper, all of Rogersville, and other more distant relatives. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at the Rogersville Church of Christ with Elder J.T. Harris, of Lawrenceburg, Tenn., officiating. Burial will follow in Cooper cemetery, near Rogersville, with Brown Service, Florence, directing. Pallbearers will be J.M. Pate, Vaughn Whitehead, Otho Rose, Jimmy Page, Luther Page and H. C. Warren.”

COOPER, JONATHAN, Times Daily, Florence, AL, Jan. 21, 1916 From the Rogersville news column. “Mr. Jonathan Cooper’s remains were interred in the Cooper cemetery near town Saturday afternoon, the burial services being conducted by Brother W.W. Bates. Mr. Cooper had an attack of grippe a few weeks since from which complications arose leading to his death. A large number of Friends sympathize with the bereaved family.”

COOPER, NANNIE DELL, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama, Date of death was June 12, 1978 “Mrs. Nannie Dell Cooper, 91, Rt. 12, Florence, died Monday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was a native of Clifton, Tenn., had lived in the Florence area many years, and was a member of Liberty Baptist Church at Threets Crossroads, Lauderdale County. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Wesley Chapel United Methodist Church. The Rev. Virgil Gean and the Rev. William E. Poe will officiate. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. John A. Willett, Rt. 12, Florence. Bearers will be Mack Cooper, Roy Cooper, Douglas Cooper, Terry Willett, Joe Cooper, Steve Cooper.”

COOPER, NORMAN T., East Lauderdale News, December 28, 1994 “Norman T. “Shorty” Cooper, age 81, of Birmingham, died Monday, Dec. 26, 1994. He was retired from Norman Cooper Investment Co., Inc. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, Dec. 28, at 9:30 a.m. with private burial in Elmwood Cemetery. Rideout’s Valley Chapel, Birmingham, is directing. Visitation at the funeral home was Tuesday 6-8 p.m. He was a member of the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. He graduated from Howard College (Samford University) with a B.S. in 1937 and received his M.A. from Peabody College in 1941, while a football and basketball coach at Vanderbilt University. He also coached football at Kansas University and L.S.U. before entering private business. In 1936 he captained the Howard College football team that tied the University of Alabama Rose Bowl team. He was selected All-American and the most outstanding Howard athlete in 1936 and alumni athlete at Samford University in 1970. He played in the National Football League for the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1937 and 1938 and played professional basketball with The Goodyear Flyers in 1939. He was a founder of Little League baseball in Birmingham and served as host of his own television sports show. He chaired the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Athletic committee and served as a member of the Administrative Board at Trinity United Methodist Church. Mr. Cooper was a Mason and a Shriner and a member of the Monday Morning Quarterback Club. Survivors; wife, Berta Ruth Cooper; son and daughter-in-law, N. Lee and Joy Cooper; daughter and son-in-law, Fran and Lamar Sale III; brother, Kenneth Cooper; sister, Allene Norris; three grandchildren, Clark and Catherine Cooper, Lamar Sale IV. Memorials may be made to Trinity United Methodist Church.”

COSSEY, EMMIT CALVIN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Emmit Calvin Cossey was born on March 6, 1915 in Hardin County, the son of the late George Wesley Cossey and Ada Pamlee McClain Cossey. On April 19, 1947 he was united in marriage to Louise Barrier. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, a former American Legionnaire, and worked as a logger for Hassell Lumber Company and as a farmer. Mr. Cossey departed this life on January 7, 1995 at the age of 79 years, 10 months and one day. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Louise Cossey of Savannah; 2 daughters: Mrs. Janice Babb of Long Beach, MS, Mrs. Susan Buczynski of Savannah; 4 sons: Jimmy D. Cossey of Savannah, Edward C. Cossey of Bossier City, LA, Danny L. Cossey and Donnie Cossey, Sr. of Savannah; 17 grandchildren, 1 great-grandchild, 1 step-grandchild; 3 sisters: Mrs. Myrtle White, Mrs. Lois Scott and Miss Zella Mae Cossey all of Savannah.”

COUCH, WILLIE WILLARD, TimesDaily/Tuesday, April 4, 2000 “Willie Willard Couch, 54, Rogersville, died Monday, April 3, 2000, after a brief illness. Visitation will be at 4 p.m. today at the residence , 443 Lauderdale 608. The graveside service will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Butler Cemetery, Lauderdale County. Officiating at the funeral will be Larry Wilson. Mr. Couch was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. He is survived by his wife, Rebecca H. Couch, Rogersville, Ala.; sons, Barry Couch, Rogersville, Ala., Billy Hazelwood, Rogersville, Ala., Jackie Crosslin, Rogersville, Ala.; daughters, Melissa Couch, Rogersville, Ala. Hope LeAnn Couch, Rogersville, Ala.; mother, Audrey Simpson Couch, Rogersville, Ala.; sisters, Marie Coffman, Athens, Ala., Betty Heflin, Florence, Ala.; brother, James Couch, Waynesboro, Tenn. Mr. Couch was preceded in death by his father, Noah Couch. Mr. Couch was a retired mechanic and a member of the Church of Christ. Greenview Funeral Home, Florence, directing.”

COX, ELLA MYRTLE NEWTON Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Ella Myrtle Newton Cox was born 27, 1894, in Alabama the daughter of Will and Mattie Roberts Newton. She was united in marriage to James L. Cox who preceded her in death. Mrs. Cox lived most all her life in the Walnut Grove Community. She was a Missionary Baptist. Mrs. Cox departed this life September 3, 1975, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 80 years, 9 months and 6 days. Mrs. Cox is survived by three sons, Ben Cox, Jessie Cox and Robert Cox all of Savannah, Tennessee; six daughters, Mrs. Gertie Williams, Plant City, Fla., Mrs. Ida Stricklin, Adamsville, Tenn., Mrs. Willie Brannon, Lutts, Tennessee, Mrs. Martha Goodman, Mrs. Madgalene Daniels and Mrs. Rachel Winston all of Savannah, Tennessee; one brother, Mr. Bob Newton, Tampa, Florida; 41 grandchildren.

COX, JAMES DEARLION Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “James Dearlion Cox was born December 30, 1953, the son of James C. and Pearl Wilkerson Cox. He was an employee of the furniture manufacture. A member of the Christian Church. He departed this life January 19, 1981, at Cookeville General Hospital, Cookeville, Tenn., at the age of 27 years, no months and 19 days. He is survived by his son – David Shawn Cox – Cookeville; his father – Mr. James C. Cox, Fayetteville, Tenn.; His mother – Mrs. Pearl Fowler – Savannah, Tenn.; His step mother – Mrs. Linda Cox – Fayetteville, Ten.; His step father – Mr. Roy Fowler – Savannah, Tenn.; Two sisters – Mrs. Linda Green – Glenwood, Iowa, Mrs. Barbara L. Wolfe -Savannah, Tenn.; His brother – Mr. Michael A. Cox – Savannah, Tenn.; One half sister – Miss Paula Fowler – Savannah; One step sister – Miss Amy Blackwell – Fayetteville, Tn.; Three step brothers – Mr. Jeffrey Blackwell, Donald Blackwell, and Stephen Blackwell – all from Fayetteville, Tn.”

CREASY, MACUS MCKINLEY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Virgil Gean’s clergyman’s record shows date of death, 24 Mar 1976. The record also shows that Mr. Creasy was the son of the late John S. and Betty Arnold Creasy. “Marcus McKinley Creasy, 79 Rt. 3, Florence, died Wednesday at ECM Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County and had resided in Wayne County, Tenn., most of his life. He was the husband of the late Mrs. Clora F. Creasy, a member of Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church, Cypress, Inn, Tenn., and a retired farmer. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday at Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church, with Rev. V.H. Gean and Ernest Roberson officiating. The body will be at Middle Tennessee funeral Home, Waynesboro, until one hour prior to services. Survivors are daughters, Mrs. Ulma Hyde, Muscle Shoals, Mrs. Ruth Needham and Mrs. Lois Carpenter of Florence; sons, James E. Creasy and Herschel F. Creasy of Florence, Vernon Creasy and Leslie Creasy of Cloverdale, Arvel M. Creasy, Huntsville; 28 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Bertha Montgomery, Lutts, Tenn. Grandsons will serve as bearers. “

CREASY, REV. VERNON Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Rev. Vernon Creasy, age 55, Route 12, Box 348, Florence, Ala., passed away on July 20, 1977 at E.C.M. Hospital, Florence, Ala. The funeral will be at Antioch Free Will Baptist Church on July 22, 1977 with Rev. Earl Dixon and Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Mr. Creasy was a member of the Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Verla Creasy; four sons, Carl, Randy, Tim and Ronald Crease; two daughters, Mrs. Kathy Mitchell and Miss Sherry Creasy; four brothers, James E., Hershel, Arvel and Leslie Creasy; three sisters, Mrs. Ruth Needham, Mrs. Lois Carpenter and Mrs. Alma Hyde; three grandchildren. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing.

CRIDER, EDGAR LOUIS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: There was no date on this obit. Oak Grove Cemetery has an Ed Crider that may be this Edward. “Edgar Louis Crider, 67, Rt. 12, Florence, died at the Colonial Manor Hospital Thursday night after an extended illness. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Oak Grove Pentecostal Church, and a retired employee of Southern Tire Company with 17 years of service. The funeral will be held 2 p.m. Sunday at the Oak Grove Pentacostal Church, with Sam Young and Lelland Horton officiating. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery, Spry Funeral Home of Sheffield directing. The body will remain in the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Francis Crider, Florence; sons, E.J. and Donald Crider, both of Florence; daughter, Mrs. Myra Cagle, Rt. 12, Florence; brothers, Marvin and James Crider, both of Iuka, Miss., Richard Crider, Rt. 20, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Fanny Woods, Rt. 4, Florence, Mrs. Edith Lambert, Burnsville, Miss.; five grandchildren. Bearers will be Lewis Woods, William Woods, Gary Woods, Charles Lambert, Loyd Smith, and Wallace Woods.”

CROUSE, MYRTIE MAGNOLLA WEAVER Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Myrtie Magnolla Weaver Crouse, RFD #2, Henderson, TN, passed away May 24, 1977 at Jackson Specialty Hospital, at age 78 years, 6 months and 18 days. Mrs. Crouse was born on November 6, 1898 in Chester County and was a member of New Home Free Will Baptist Church. The funeral service will be Thursday, May 26, 1977 at Cave Springs Baptist Church , conducted by Bro. Virgil Gean, with interment in Cave Springs Cemetery, Casey Funeral Home directing. Survivors include her husband, Jacob Green Crouse, Henderson; four sons, L.O. McNeal, Finger, James Crouse, Rockford, Ill., Charlie Crouse, Jackson, Jacob Crouse, Jr., Adamsville; two step-sons, Talmage Crouse, Milledgeville, Talmer Crouse, Indianapolis, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Woodrow Busby, Luray, Mrs. Gary Gibson, Memphis; one step-daughter, Mrs. Howard Vinson, Milan; two brothers, Elbert Weaver, Finger, Odell Weaver, Bethel Springs; one sister, Mrs. Arlie Russom, Henderson; 42 grandchildren and 50 great-grandchildren.

CROWDEN, MR. LEONARD J., Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Tomb at Greenview shows Leonard was born 22 Aug 1903 and died 8 May 1972 “Leonard J. Crowden, 68, 414 Industry St., Florence, died Monday night at ECM Hospital. He was a native of Lawrence County, had lived in Florence for 23 years. He was a member of the Royal Avenue Free Will Baptist Church, a retired Reynolds Alloys employee. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, with Rev. Doyle Wallace officiating. Burial will follow in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Ethel Crowden; a daughter, Mrs. Pearl Dobbins, Florence; a sister, Mrs. Lucille Cox, Florence; two brothers, Lavert and Ted Crowden, both of Leighton; two grandchildren.”

CURRY, MRS. OLLIE GIBBS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: There was no date on this obit. “Mrs. Ollie Gibbs Curry, 57, Waterloo, died Wednesday at Hardin County General Hospital. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Surviving are the widower, Vernon Curry, Waterloo; a daughter, Mrs. Rachel Smith, Savannah, Tenn.; three sons, Louis Eugene Curry, Mishawaka, Ind.; Carl Curry, Osceola, Ind.; Carrol Curry, Savannah, Tenn.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Gibbs, Waterloo; a sister, Mrs. Mary Jane Lard, Waterloo; two brothers, Obie Gibbs, Waterloo; Ervin Gibbs, Truman, Ark.; six grandchildren. Services were conducted today at 1 p.m. from Shackelford Chapel, Savannah, by Virgil Gene and W. G. Harwell. Burial was in Memory Gardens in Hardin County, Tenn., Shackelford Funeral Home directing.”

CURRY, THOMAS WALTER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Thomas Walter Curry, Waterloo, Ala. Was born November 11, 1881, died September 30, 1963 at age 81 years, 10 months and 19 days. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Lee Annie Carson Curry, Waterloo, Ala.; 3 sons, Vernon, Leonard both of Waterloo, Ala and Paul Curry of Florence. Ala.; 4 daughters, Mrs. Grady Lard, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. McKinley Lard, Reagan, Tenn., Mrs. Jesse Haynes, Fort Myers, Florida and Mrs. Travis Frederick, Boaz, Ala.; 27 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren.”

CURRY, TISHIA LEE ANNIE CARSON Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. ‘Tishia Lee Annie Carson Curry was born July 22, 1888, in Lauderdale County Alabama, the daughter of James Polk and Isbelle Waites Carson. Mrs. Curry was united in marriage to Thomas Walter Curry, who preceded her in death September 30, 1963. She was a Baptist. Mrs. Curry lived most of her life in the Waterloo, Alabama area of Lauderdale County. She departed this life February 8, 1975, at the age of 86 years, 6 months and 16 days. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Grady Lard, Sr., Savannah, Mrs. McKinley Lard, Savannah, Mrs. Jesse Haynes, Ft. Myers, Fla., Mrs. Travis Frederick, Haleyville, Ala. Three sons, Mr. Vernon Curry and Mr. Paul Curry, Florence, Ala.; 27 grandchildren, 42 great-grandchildren and 6 great-great-grandchildren.” _______________________________________________________________________________ DANIEL, JOHN ROBERT Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Mr. John Robert Daniel age 78, Savannah, Tenn., passed away Nov. 24th, 1966, at Hardin County Hospital, Savannah, Tenn. He was a native of Wayne County, Tennessee and was the son of John and Eliza Whitaker Daniel. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Warrington Daniel, Savannah, Tenn.; 4 sons, William of South Bend, Ind., Earl, Madison and Richard all of Lutts, Tenn.; 4 daughters, Mrs. Gladys Patterson, Guild, Tenn., Mrs. Juanita Combs, Mrs. Bessie Smith both of Savannah, Tenn. And Mrs. Mary Franks, Kress, Texas; 21 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren.”

DANIELS, JAMES SOL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “James Sol Daniels was born February 1, 1911 in Collinwood, Tennessee, the son of Clay Daniels and Camilla Shands Daniels. Mr. Daniels was a farmer. He lived his life in Wayne and Hardin Counties. He died November 30, 1963, at his home in the Walnut Grove Community of Hardin County at the age of 52 years, 9 months and 29 days. He is survived by five brothers, Walter Daniels, Chicago, Ill., Melvin and Bannie Daniels of Savannah, Tenn., Leonard Daniels, Tyronza, Ark., Millard Daniels, Jonesboro, Ark.; one half brother, Mr. Doug Daniels, Savannah, Tenn.; three sisters, Mrs. Roxie Barrier, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Willodean Lewis, Somerville, Tenn., Mrs. Gertie Wilhite, Earle, Ark.; two half sisters, Mrs. Minnie Staggs, Collinwood, Tenn., Mrs. Ella Lakey, Artesia, N. M.”

DANIELS, PAMELA KAYE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean “Pamela Kaye Daniels was born October 10, 1967 in Florence, Alabama and departed this life June 16, 1985 at Birmingham, Alabama at the age of 17. She was a member of Whites Creek Baptist Church. Survivors are a son, Chadwick Dewayne Daniels; mother – Jean Hutchinson, Mobile; Step Father – James B. Hutchinson 1406 Eslava St. Mobile, Alabama; sisters: Gena Williams, Birmingham, Sheila Jones, Mobile, Alabama; brothers: Denny Daniels, Tyronza, AR, Terry Daniels, Albertbelle, Alabama;Jeffery Daniels, Mobile, Alabama; grandfather & grandmother – Mr. and Mrs. L.A. Daniels, Savannah, TN.”

DAVIDSON, MRS. LOLA Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Leon Johnson & Son Funeral Home, Henderson, Tennessee. “Mrs. Lola Davidson, Chester County Nursing Home, Henderson, TN 38340 was born February 24, 1891 in Chester County, daughter of the late Shep and Elizabeth Hurst Morton. She was married to Jake Davidson in 1910. He died in 1964. She lived in the Hickory Corner Community until 1982, when she became a patient at the Chester County Nursing Home. She was a member of New Home Free Will Baptist Church. Mrs. Davidson passed away December 31, 1985 at the age of 94 years, 10 months and 7 days. The funeral will be January 1, 1986 at 3:00 p.m. at the funeral home and burial will be in Cave Springs Cemetery, with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Survivors are: daughters, Mrs. Lorene Wamble, Mrs. Opal Marsh and the late Mrs. Pauline McNeil who died in 1983; 1 sister, Mrs. Laura Brinkley; 9 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren.”

DAVIS, MR. DOUGLE McKINLEY Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr and Times Daily News, Florence. “Mr. Dougle McKinley Davis, age 49, Rt. 5, Florence, Ala. Passed away October 2, 1971, at his residence. He was a native of Hardin County, Tennessee and the son of Mr. N.A. and Mary Stricklin Davis, of Rt. 5, Florence, Alabama. Mr. Davis was a member of the Baptist church. Funeral services will be today at 3 p.m. from Community Baptist Church, the Rev. Virgil H. Gean officiating, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro, Tennessee in charge. Survivors are a son, Daniel Davis, Rt. 2 Waterloo, Alabama; a daughter, Mrs. Glenda DeRascure, Chicago, Ill.; a brother, Ellis Davis, Florence, Alabama; 10 sisters, Mrs. Bertha Littleton, Mrs. Hester Horton, Mrs. Delia Watkins, Mrs. Willodean Atkinson, Mrs. Geneva Cantrell and Mrs. Myrtle McMullon, Florence, Alabama; Mrs. Lettie Gray, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Carol Bordelon, New Orleans, La., Mrs. Elvia Drapa, Schiller Park, Ill., Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, Chicago, Ill.”

DAVIS, MRS. MARY CATHERINE Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and Times Daily News, Florence. “Mrs. Mary Catherine Davis, age 84, of Rt. 5, Florence, Ala., passed away Aug. 30, 1972 at ECM Hospital. She was a native of Hardin Co., Tenn., and the daughter of J.F. and Patricia Perry Stricklin. Mrs. Davis was a member of the Free Will Baptist church. Funeral services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at the Community Free Will Baptist Church, Lauderdale County, by Virgil Geans. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee directing. Survivors are her husband Mr. N.A. Davis; a son, Ellis Davis, Florence, Ala.; 10 daughters, Mrs. Lettie Gray, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Carol Bordelon, New Orleans, La., Mrs. Geneva Cantrell, Russellville, Ala., Mrs. Willodean Atkinson, Mrs. Delia Watkins, Mrs. Bertha Littleton, Mrs. Marie Rich, Mrs. Hester Horton, Mrs. Elvia Drapa, and one step-daughter, Mrs. Myrtle McMullon all of Florence, Ala.; one brother, Mr. Bud Stricklin, Savannah, Tenn.; two sisters, Mrs. Lizzie West and Mrs. Nora Campbell, Florence, Ala.; 41 grandchildren, 51 great-grandchildren, 11 step-grandchildren and 3 step-great-grandchildren.”

DAVIS, NEAL ANDREW Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and the Times Daily News, Florence. Mr. Neal Andrew Davis passed away July 13, 1973, at the Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Ala. Mr. Davis was 88 years old. He was a native of Hardin County, Tennessee and the son of James & Viana Franks Davis . Services will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. from Community Baptist Church by Virgil Gean. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro directing. Survivors are a son Ellis Davis, Florence, Ala., Rt. 3; 1 daughters, Mrs. Myrtle McMullon, Mrs. Bertha Littleton, Mrs. Hester Horton, Mrs. Delia Watkins, Mrs. Willodean Atkinson, all of Florence, Ala., Mrs. Lettie Gray, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Marie Rich, Cloverdale, Ala., Mrs. Elvia Drapa, Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Elizabeth Collins, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Vivian Bordelon, New Orleans, La., and Mrs. Geneva Cantrell, Russellville, Ala.; 57 grandchildren, and a number of great-grandchildren.

DEAREN, JAMES E., Corsicana, Texas, Times Daily News, Florence, Alabama Note: family records show Mr. Dearen was born 15 Apr, 1897 at Dart, Lauderdale County, Alabama and died 5 Dec. 1964, in Marlin, Falls County, Texas. “James Edgar Dearen, 67, Corsicana, Tex., formerly of Florence, died recently there. Survivors include the widow, Mr. Jimmie Lee Dearen; three sons, Billy Dearen, Beaumont, Tex., John L. Dearen, Spain, Lee Dearen, Corsicana; two daughters, Nancy and Martha, both of Corsicana; six grandchildren: seven sister, Mrs. Minnie Sego, Waterloo, Mrs. Clara South, Waterloo, Mrs. Margie Morgan, Memphis, Mrs. Gladys Ellis, Memphis, Mrs. Addie Miller, Memphis, Mrs. Vera Posey, Jasper, Laverne Crockett, Forest City, Ark.; five brothers, Lee Dearen, Waco, Tex., Garland Dearen, Memphis, Ed Dearen, Memphis, J.L. Dearen, Arkansas, Clarimont Dearen, Memphis. He is also survived by nieces and nephews in this area.”

DEAREN, JOHN LINDLEY, Times Daily News, Florence, Alabama Note: Family records show Mr. Dearen was born on 14 Apr. 1861 in Tennessee, to Hopkins Lee and Nancy Caroline White Dearen. John died on 15 Nov. 1953. “Former Resident, John L. Dearen, Dies In Tyronza, Ark. John L. Dearen, 92, died Sunday morning at 11 a.m. at the home of his daugher, Mrs. Sam Morgan at Tyronza, Ark., following a lengthy illness. Mr. Dearen was born and reared in Lauderdale County before moving to Arkansas in 1926. He was a mechant and farmer in both Alabama and Arkansas and was a member of the Tyronza Church of Christ. Surviving are six sons, W. Lee of Waco, Texas, James E. of Corsicana, Texas, John G. of Mempis Tenn., R.C. of Memphis, R. Edd of West Memphis, Ark., J.L. of West Memphis; eight daughters, Mrs. Sam Morgan of Tyronza, Mrs. Gladys Ellis, Mrs. Robert Miller, both of Memphis, Mrs. W. M. Crockett of West Memphis, Mrs. Carlos Posey of Jasper, Mrs. Tom B. Sego, Mrs. J. C. South, Mrs. J. E. Murphy, all of Florence; one nephew, Marvin Brown of Florence; 50 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, three great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock at Murphy’s Chapel church near Florence, and burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery. Claude Lewis minister of Stoney Point Church, will officiate. Active bearers will be grandsons. Brown Service of Florence is in charge of arrangements.”

DOOLEY, PAULINE MASON WILLIAMS, Times Daily/Friday, July 7, 2000 “Pauline Dooley died Tuesday, July 4, 2000, in Chattanooga, Tenn. She was 86. Mrs. Dooley was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. She had lived in Cloverdale, Ala., Nashville, Tenn., and Florence, Ala., before going to Life Care Center in Chattanooga in April 1999. She was a member of the Jacksonburg Church of Christ. Survivors are three daughters, Virginia Williams Greer, Boulder. Colo., Laverne Williams Miles, Florence, Ala. Christine Williams Thomshack, Hixon, Tenn.; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews. The visitation will be Friday, July 7, 2000, from 6 to 8 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral will be Saturday, July 8, 2000, at 11 a.m. from Greenview Memorial Chapel in Florence with Gary Gooch officiating. Pallbearers will include Greg Miles, Chris Miles, Keith Lawson, Stan Sherrod, Mike Tomshack, David Tomshack, Don Greer. Tim Plew. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.” Note: Mrs. Dooley was the daughter of William “Willie” Lee and Frances Roberson Mason, who preceded her in death.

DOWDY, G.W., Florence Times, Jan. 9, 1894, Threet column “Sad News From Threet Four Deaths in Four Days Threet, Jan. 9, 1894 Mr. Editor—The great amount of sickness and numerous deaths have thrown a dark shadow over the hearts of the people in this vicinity……….. On Tuesday our nearest neighbor, Mr. G. W. Dowdy, died of pneumonia. Mr. Dowdy was one of the best men of our section. He was a success, and an exemplary Christian, always ready to offer the helping hand to the suffering an distressed. He leaves a wife and six children. May we always be found following in his footsteps, doing good. May the sympathies of our Creator be bestowed upon his family. Yours, J. F. Koonce“

DUBOISE, ANDERSON DUDLEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Anderson Dudley Duboise was born January 9, 1912 in Alcorn County, Ms., the son of the late William H. and Nannie Carney Duboise. On January 7, 1939 he married the former Agnes Carney. Mr. Duboise departed from this life March 14th at the age of 70 years, 2 months, and 5 days. He leaves other than his wife, five daughters, Mrs. Geneva Echols, Marion, Ark., Mrs. Virginia Easterly, Dallas, Tex., Mrs. Alice Rauh, Jackson, Mich., Mrs. Patsy Harrington, and Miss Gale Duboise, both of Detroit, Mich.; four sons Gene Duboise, Pine Bluff, Ark., William Terry and James Duboise, both of Waterloo, Ala., and Gary Duboise, Detroit, Mich.; 19 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild; a sister Mrs. Della Elam, Florence, Ala.; two brothers John Duboise, Guntown, Miss., and Donald H. Duboise, Counce, TN.”

EATON, JOHNNIE VERNON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Johnnie Vernon Eaton age 43, born October 15, 1925 at Cypress Inn, Tenn., to Bruce and Irene Eaton. He was a native of Tennessee, but was living at Houston, Texas at the time of his death, due to a stroke. He leaves to mourn his death, his mother, Mrs. Irene Jiles, five children, Jeweldene _____(not legible), Leon Shelby, Pauline, and Nancy Eaton; one brother, Roy Eaton; one half sister, Mrs. Ivol Rainey, one half brother, Charlie Holt; three stepsisters, Mrs. Gertie Bevis, Mrs. Goldie Ayers, Mrs. Esther Eaton; two step brothers, Vernie Holt and Carol Holt; a host of friends and relatives.”

EZEKIEL, JESSE JAMES, Florence, Alabama, Friday, April 12, 1946, The Florence Herald “James J. Ezekiel Dies of Injuries Waterloo Farmer Killed When Kicked By Mules: Was Veteran of War I Jesse James Ezekiel, a farmer of the Waterloo community, died Tuesday as the result of injuries sustained when he was kicked by a team of young mules. The accident occurred about 8 o’clock on the Ezekiel farm, when the deceased and his son, Archie were riding in a wagon which hit a rock and Mr. Ezekiel was thrown forward under the hoofs of the young mules. The son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ezekiel, the deceased was born in Sheffield on February 22, 1894. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Dewey Woods Ezekiel, he leaves three sons, Robert, George and Archie Ezekiel, all of route 2, Waterloo, and four daughters, Mrs. Lawrence Sharp, route 4, Florence, and Misses Rebecca, Mable and Ollie Ezekiel of route 4, Waterloo. He was a veteran of World War I, and a member of Florence Post No. 11. American Legion. Funeral rites were held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Oak Grove church with Rev. Virgil Geans, Freewill Baptist minister, officiating. Burial was in the cemetery there with Spry directing.” ______________________________________________________________________________ FAIRRES, LINNIE IDA, TimesDaily/Wednesday, September 6. 1995 “Linnie I. Fairres, 79, Route 1, Waterloo, died Monday, Sept. 4, 1995, after an extended illness. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Greenview Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Murphy Chapel Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Rev. Robert Geans of Edwardsburg, Mich. She was a native of Lauderdale County and had lived in this area most of her life. She is survived by her husband, Doyal Fairres, Waterloo; sisters, Rether Franks, Waterloo, Myrtie Heavner, Mishawaka, Ind., Mary Rogers, Clovis, N.M.; brothers, Reeder Geans, Waterloo, Leonard Geans, South Bend, Ind., Paul Geans, Mishawaka, Ind. Pallbearers will include Raymond Fairres, Jesse Holloway, Ray Thigpen, Donald Young, Mike Young, Hassell Smith, Gaylon Phillips and Mike Rogers. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church.”

FAULKNER, MRS. ALPHA MAUDE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “LEXINGTON — Mrs. Alpha Maude Faulkner, 87, Route 1, died Saturday June 20, 1987, at Humana Hospital Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native of Colbert County and had lived in the area most of her life. She was a member of the Methodist Church and was the widow of John L. Faulkner. The funeral will be at 4 p.m. today at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include a son, Melvin Faulkner, Florence; daughters, Mrs. Ersley Dennis, Lexington, Mrs. Mozelle Oldham, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Ester Newton, Portageville, Mo.; 18 grandchildren; 25 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Donnie Dennis, Johnny Dennis, Jeffrey Chandler, Michael Johnson, Bobby Oldham and Leonard Newton.”

FAULKNER, JASPER MARTIN Information taken from Spry Funeral Home minister’s card for Virgil Gean, the minister in charge. “Mr. Jasper Martin Faulkner, 93 yrs, born Sep. 8, 1877, died Aug. 21, 1971 at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex, Florence, Alabama. Mr. Faulkner was born and raised in Blount County, Alabama and moved to Lauderdale County at an early age and has been a resident of this county ever since. Survivors are one sister, Mr. Letie Shepard of Tyronza, Arkansas; four brothers, Mr. John L. Faulkner of Florence, Alabama, Mr. James R. Faulkner of Route # 1, Cloverdale, Alabama, Mr. Dee Faulkner of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. Eddie Faulkner of Harrisburg, Arkansas; also several nieces and hephews.”

FAULKNER, JOHN LEVY, Times Daily News Note: The clergyman’s record showed the date of death as January 8, 1974. “John Levy Faulkner, 89, 1142 Sherrod Ave., Florence, died Tuesday night at Shoals Hospital. He was a native of Oenonta, a retired carpenter, a member of the Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel Church with Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Alpha McCluskey Faulkner; three daughters, Mrs. Ersley Dennis, Waterloo, Mrs. Corrine Hubbard, Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Mozelle Oldham, Florence; a son, Melvyn Faulkner, Florence; a sister, Mrs. Leta Shepard, Tyronza, Ark.; three brothers, J. R. Faulkner, Cloverdale, Eddie Faulkner, Harrisburg, Ark., Dee Faulkner, Phoenix, Ariz.; 18 grandchildren, 17 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Bearers will be Edwin Geans, Donnie Dennis, Clarence W. Dennis, Johnny Dennis, Willard Holcombe, Steve Holcombe. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church.”

FAULKNER, MAUDE LILLIAN FIELDER Information taken from the funeral records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Maude Lillian Fielder Faulkner was born in Lauderdale County, Alabama, on September 10, 1897, the daughter of the late Samuel N. and Vistoria Scott Fielder. On December 24, 1923, Mrs. Faulkner was united in marriage to Samuel C. Faulkner, who preceded her in death on February 3, 1971. Mrs. Faulkner was a homemaker and a member of the Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church. She was a resident of Waterloo, Alabama, until moving to Killen, Alabama, five years ago. She departed this life on June 26, 1991, at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, in Florence, Alabama, at the age of 93 years, 9 months and 16 days. Mrs. Faulkner is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Lillian Austin of Killen, Alabama, and Mrs. Mable Williams of Mishawaka, Indiana; two sons: Lawrence Faulkner of Florence, Alabama, and Beauford Faulkner of Trinity, Alabama; 9 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren, 3 step-grandchildren, 10 step-great-grandchildren, 18 step-great-great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. One son, Luther Faulkner, preceded his mother in death on August 15, 1989.”

FAULKNER, NORA ELIZABETH PERKINS, Times Daily News, Florence, Alabama Note: Minister’s notes show Nora’s birthday as Nov. 28, 1898. “FLORENCE — Mrs. Nora Elizabeth Perkins Faulkner, 89, Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex, died Saturday, Sept. 10, 1988, at her residence after an extended illness. She was a native of Waterloo, a housewife and a Methodist. The graveside service will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Williams Chapel Cemetery with the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, will direct. The family will receive friends from 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include her sons, Jesse J. Faulkner, Doyle Faulkner, Both of Florence; daughters, Quinnie Gist, Waterloo, Ruth Kennamer, Arab, Dorothy Herring, El Paso, Texas; sister, Mrs. Georgia Richards, Cloverdale; 11 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Bearers will be grandsons.”

FAULKNER, SAMUEL C., Times Daily News, Florence, Ala Note: Cemetery records show Mr. Faulkner’s date of birth 5 Sep 1886 and date of death 3 Feb. 1971. “Samuel C. Faulkner, 84, died Wednesday at his home near Waterloo. He was a retired merchant and farmer. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from Bumpus Creek Baptist Church by Rev. J. B. Harper. Burial will be in Scott Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tenn. Directing. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Maude Fielder Faulkner, Waterloo; three sons, Luther, Savannah; Lawrence, Florence; Buford, Decatur; two daughters, Mrs. A.T. Austin, Killen; Mrs. Vernon Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; a sister, Mrs. Lewis Sheppard, Tyronza, Ark.; five brothers, Dee, Phoenix, Ariz.; Eddie, Harrisburg, Ark.; Martin, John, James, all of Florence; 10 grandchildren; and ? great-grandchildren.”

FIELDER, EDNA PEARL MCFALL Note; Information taken from Virgil Gean’s clergy records. “Edna Pearl McFall Fielder was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, on September 22, 1907, the daughter of the late Sim and Alice Bratton McFall. In March, 1940, she was united in marriage to Clyde Fielder, who survives. Mrs. Fielder was a homemaker and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. She departed this life on December 2, 1989, at the Regional Hospital in Jackson, Tennessee, at the age of 82 years, 2 months, and 10 days. Other than her husband, Clyde, she is survived by two daughters: Mrs. Margaret Smith and Mrs. Frances Michael; one son: Edward Fielder, all of Savannah; six grandchildren and one great-grandchild.”

FIELDER, WILLIAM ANDREW Note: Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “William Andrew Fielder was born July 25, 1894 in Hardin County; the son of Frank and Frances Fielder. He married Tera Vandiver who preceded him in death in 1952. On April 23, 1957 he married Willie Blanche Howard. Mrs. Fielder was a retired farmer, a veteran of World War I and a member of the American Legion. He departed from this life May 16, 1971 at the Hardin County General Hospital at the age of 76 years, 9 months and 21 days; leaving his wife; one son, Ray Fielder of Central, New Mexico; 2 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Eddie Michael and Mrs. Callie Michael, both of Waterloo, Alabama.”

FORD, CLIFFORD E. Note: Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean, compiled by Spry Funeral Home, Florence. He was buried at Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery by his wife, Vernette, who preceded him in death. Mr. Clifford E. Ford was born 19 May 1894 and died 1 Apr 1978 at the age of 83 yrs., 10 mos., and 12 days. He is survived by one son, Mr. Roy Lee Ford, Waterloo, Ala.; three nephews: Mr. Donald Ford, Mr. G. W. Ford, and Mr. Earl Ford, all of White Pigeon, Michigan; 12 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.

FORD, ETTA MAE GEAN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Etta Mae Gean Ford was born August 29, 1902, in Hardin County Tennessee, the daughter of George and Abbie Bratton Gean. Mrs. Ford was united in marriage to John F. Ford November 27, 1927, he survives. She departed this life August 1, 1966, at her home near Savannah, having lived all her life in Hardin County. Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters, Miss Johnnie Mae Ford, Savannah and Mrs. Ralph Curtis, Nashville, Tenn.; two sons, Mr. Barney Ford, Savannah, Tenn., and Mr. Arnie Ray Ford, Huntsville, Ala.; 2 grandchildren; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Gean, Florence, Ala.; three sisters, Mrs. John D. White, Savannah, Mrs. Marvin and Mrs. Doyle Michael both of Florence, Ala.; a number of nieces and nephews.”

FORD, NETTIE VERNETTE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Nettie Vernette Ford, 59, Waterloo Rt. 2, died Monday at 11:30 a.m. at ECM Hospital, following an 18 week illness. She was a life-long resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Murphy Chapel Baptist Church, and a Sunday school teacher of the adult Leed Class for the past five years. Funeral services will be held from Murphy Chapel, Wednesday at 2 p.m. The body will lie in state one hour before services. It will remain at the funeral home until time to be taken to the church for services. Officiating ministers will be the Rev. Virgil Gean and the Rev. Earl Dickson. She is survived by her husband, Clifford Ford; one son, Roy Lee Ford, Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Audrey Olive and Mrs. Gertrude Hollinder, both of Florence; two brothers, Henry O. Townsley and Edison F. Townsley, both of Florence. Pallbearers will be Fred Morrow, Marvin Morrow, Kenneth and Carol Gean, Earl and G.W. Ford.”

FOWLER, ETHEL GEAN, Savannah, Tennessee “Ethel Gean Fowler of Savannah died Monday, Feb. 9, 1998, at Hardin County General Hospital at the age of 90. She was born in Lauderdale County, Ala., on Jan. 18, 1908, the daughter of the George W. and Florence Perkins Gean. On Oct. 7, 1923, Mrs. Fowler married John Dewey Fowler who preceded her in death on Jan. 25, 1984. She was a homemaker and a member of New Life Pentecostal Church. Mrs. Fowler was known as a good seamstress, cook and yard worker. Services were held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 11, in the Shackelford Chapel with burial in Memory Gardens, Gearld Davis officiated. Mrs. Fowler is survived by one daughter, Noma Lee Tyler of Savannah; two grandchildren; two sisters, Mabel Keele of Iuka, Miss., and Ruth Williams of Martin; and a brother, Virgil Gean of Florence, Ala.”

FOWLER, JOHN DEWEY, from unknown newspaper “John D. Fowler, 83, died Jan. 25 at the Baptist Memorial Hospital in Memphis. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala., son of Andy and Margaret Higgins Fowler. He was a lumber checker. Funeral services were Friday, Jan. 27 at 3 p.m. in Shackelford Chapel with Rev. Gerald Davis and Sam Chessor officiating. Interment was in Memory Gardens. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Ethel Gean Fowler of Savannah; a daughter, Mrs. Noma Lee Tyler and two grandchildren, Shelia Tyler Taliaferro and John Everette Tyler, all of Savannah; a sister, Mrs. Nora Malone of Corinth, Miss. and a half brother, Willie James Fowler of Memphis.”

FRANKS, DONA PERRY Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean “Dona Perry Franks was born September 17, 1896 in Tennessee, the daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perry. She was united in marriage to Lawrence L. Franks. Mrs. Franks departed from this life September 10, 1973 at the age of 77 years, 11 months, and 23 days. She leaves other than her husband, a step son, Leo Franks, Denton, N.C; also nieces and nephews.”

FRANKS, ELBERT WARREN Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Elbert Warren Franks was born on March 7, 1921 in Hardin County, Tenn., the son of the late Henry and Minnie Petty Franks. On April 13, 1945 he was united in marriage to Elsie Bevis who survives. Mr. Franks departed this life on September 3, 1991 at his residence at the age of 70 years, 5 months, and 26 days. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Elsie Bevis Franks of Savannah, Tennessee; 3 daughters, Mrs., Patricia McGee of Savannah, Tenn. ,Mrs. Deanna Reynolds of Florence, Alabama, Mrs. Lisa Price of Savannah, Tennessee; 3 sons, Irron Franks, Ricky Franks and Bruce Franks all of Savannah, Tenn.; 10 grandchildren; 2 brothers, Carl Franks of Nashville, Tennessee and Herbie Franks of Savannah, Tennessee.”

FRANKS, MYRTLE IRENE WHITE Note: information was taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Myrtle Irene White Franks was born in Wayne County, Tennessee, September 24, 1915, the daughter of the late N.D. and Minnie Williams White. On May 22, 1938, she was united in marriage to Henry Carmack Franks, who preceded her in death on September 20, 1970. Mrs. Franks departed this life April 3, 1988, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 72 years, 6 months and 10 days. She is survived by 3 daughters, Helen Martin, of Memphis, Tennessee, Barbara Robinson of Savannah and Belinda Moore of Lutts, Tennessee; 2 sons, Paul Keeton Franks, Savannah and Herman Glen Franks of Lutts, TN; one sister, Mrs. Lora White of Savannah and one half-brother, John White of Savannah; 12 grandchildren.”

FREEMAN, DAN VOLNEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Dan Volney Freeman was born November 4, 1898 in Smithfield, North Carolina, son of the late Milo W. and Laura Etter Allen Freeman. In 1938 he married the former Allie Mae Austin, who preceded him in death in 1938. In 1950 he married the former Pauline Grierenaver who also preceded him in death in September 1973. Mr. Freeman was a retired carpenter and laborer. He was a Veteran of World War II. He departed from this life March 8th at his home, at the age of 88 years, 4 months, and 4 days. He leaves a sister, Mrs. Irene Tidwell, Savannah, Tennessee; 5 nieces and 5 nephews.” Read at the funeral was the following: “To thine own self be true. There is no gold or other prize that’s worth the light of trust in Mother’s eyes and if I step on hearts to finally reach my goal, uncaring, blind to tears, I’ve lost my soul. Another reading was as follows: A TRIBUTE TO “UNCLE DAN”A small handwritten note found in a man’s personal effects, afte4r a long life of 88 years and 4 months. Significant? Yes, because it reflects his life and the way he lived it. Never did he speak unkindly of his fellow man, never did he compromise his beliefs to obtain riches, never was his honesty questioned, and never was his trust in doubt. DAN V. FREEMAN was a proud, honest and caring man. The true tribute to his life, will be for us to reflect on these things that he gave us, and to move forward tempering our lives with the characteristics of his. Douglas Tidwell, nephew.”

FRESHOUR, LOLA HUBBARD Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Lola Hubbard Freshour was born May 11, 1898, in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Luther and Cecelia Franks Hubbard. November 9, 1913, she was united in marriage with Charlie A. Freshour. She is a longtime member of the Freewill Baptist Church, most recently at New Pleasant Grove. Mrs. Freshour passed from this life December 30th at the age of 84 years, 7 months, and 19 days; leaving her husband; 5 daughters: Mrs. Laverne Taylor, Florence, Ala; Mrs. Evelyn Jones, Gas City, Ind.; Mrs. Joyce Peach and Mrs. Lois Gulley, N. Webster, Ind., Mrs. Laura Matthews, Marion, Ind.; 5 sons: Lincoln Freshour, Cassopolis, Mich., Leonard Freshour, Morris Chapel, L. J. Freshour, Savannah, Lonnie Freshour, Mishawaka, Ind., and Lester Freshour; 43 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren; a half sister, Mrs. Vera Mae Hubbard, Memphis; and many other relatives and friends. Two children, Lee and Lorene preceded her in death.”

FRESHOUR, LORENE, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Miss Lorene Freshour, 52, Savannah, Tenn., died Friday, Apr. 2, 1976, at her home after a long illness. Service will be 1 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Rev. Virgil Gean and Rev. L.L. Wilson will officiate. Burial will be in Memory Gardens at Savannah. Surviving are her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Freshour, Savannah; brothers, Lincoln Freshour, Cassopolis, Mich.; Leonard Freshour, Morris Chapel, Tenn.; L.L. Freshour, Mishawaka, Mich.; Lonnie Freshour, Michigan; Lester Freshour, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Laverne Taylor, Florence; Mrs. Lizzie Jones, Gas City, Ind.; Mrs. Joyce Peach, Mrs. Lois Gulley, Mrs. Laura Mae Good, all of Marion, Ind.”

FROST, FLORA ANN, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Flora Ann Frost, 80, Cherry Hills Homes, died at her home after an illness of one year. She was a native of the Indian territory in Oklahoma and she lived in Florence for 30 years. She passed away July 1, 1976 and was the widow of Jim Frost. Services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at the Bumpus Creek Baptist Church, Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will follow in Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. She is survived by sons, Louis Frost, Tupelo; C.C. Frost, Calhoun, Ky., Johnny Frost, Jasper; daughter, Mrs. Betty Boshell, Birmingport, Ala.; sister, Mrs. Alice Camper, Florence; 13 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Jerry Gallien, Joe Richardson, Jimmy Frye, Dwight Fry, Wade Frye and Harold Cummins.” ______________________________________________________________________________ GARNER, ARLIS DAVID Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mr. Arlis David Garner of Bethel Springs RFD 2, Tenn. Was born March 22, 1890 in Chester County, Tenn. He passed away at his home on April 16, 1978 at the age of 88 years, and 24 days. Services will be conducted by Virgil H. Gean, April 18, 1978 at Cave Springs Baptist Church, with interment in the adjoining cemetery, Casey Funeral Home directing. She was affiliated with the New Home Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lettie Victoria Rankin Garner; four sons, Haven Garner, Will Garner, Warren Garner, Waldo Garner; one daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hurst, two sisters: Mrs. Jennie Wood and Mrs. Gazelle Langston; 13 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.”

GARNER, LETTIE VICTORIA RANKIN Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. complied by Casey Funeral Home. Lettie Victoria Rankin Garner, RFD # 2, Bethel Springs was born March 27, 1893 in Chester County, Tennessee , in the Cave Spring Community. Mrs. Garner passed away on January 6, 1988 at the McNairy Co. General Hospital. The funeral will be January 9, 1988 at 2 p.m. at the Cave Springs Baptist Church, with Virgil H. Gean officiating. Interment will be in the adjoining cemetery. Survivors include sons, Haven, Will, Warren, and Waldo Garner; daughter, Mrs. Ethel Hurst; brother, Leonard Rankin; 13 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren.”

GEAN, CARROL MARION, TimesDaily, Florence, AL Note: Date of birth was 31 Aug. 1948, date of death 21 Sept. 1969. “Carrol Marion Gean, 21, Cloverdale, Rt. 1, died of injuries received in an auto accident Sunday at 8:40 p.m. on Waterloo Road. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was a student at Muscle Shoals Technical Institute. He was employed at Robbins Floor Products. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel by Rev. Earl Dixon and Rev. J.B. Harper. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. Surviving are the parents, Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Gean; four sisters, Mrs. Mildred Mason, Albany, Ga.; Mrs. Yvonne Hill, Zion, Ill. Mrs. Kathleen Collins, Mt. Vernon, Ind.; Miss Sharon Gean, Cloverdale, Rt. 1; two brothers, Kenneth, Florence; Virgil Jr., Cloverdale, Rt. 1; maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Sego, Waterloo; number nieces and nephews, uncles and aunts. Bearers will be Danny Gean, Larry Ticer, Jerry Dailey, Charles Austin, Gary Ticer, Jimmy Shields. The body will be at the residence until time for services.”

GEAN, CLIFFORD DALTON, Times/Daily, Florence, AL “SAVANNAH, Tenn. — The funeral for Clifford Dalton Gean, 81, will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Savannah, with Vance Hutton and Fred Dillion officiating. Burial will be in Memory Garden, Hardin County. He died Monday, Aug. 12, 1991, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Ala. He was a farmer and a member of Second Creek Church of Christ and worked in the timber business. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Glydia Steely Gean, Savannah; sons, Gloyd Gean, George W. Gean, both of Savannah, Edwin Gean, Florence; daughter, Robbie Fisher, Florence; brother, Virgil Gean, Cloverdale, Ala.; sisters, Mrs. Ethel Fowler, Savannah, Mrs. Mable Keel, Mississippi, Mrs. Ruth Williams, Martin; 13 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren.”

GEAN, DELLA V. ABILENE SEGO, Times/Dailey, Florence, AL “Della V. Abilene Gean, 85, Florence, died Sunday, Feb. 23, 1997, at her residence after an extended illness. Visitation will be today from 6-9 p.m. at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Church with burial in the adjoining cemetery. The body will be place in the church one hour prior to the funeral service. Officiating will be Bro. Earl Dixon, Bro. Emerald Bailey and Bro. Greg Eaton. Mrs. Gean was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a housewife and a member of Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by one daughter, Doris Gean; one son, Carrol Gean; parents, Tom and Minnie Sego; one brother, Johnnie Sego; one sister, Mary Holcombe; grandparents, George and Alice Jackson Sego and John and Mollie Young Dearen. Mrs. Gean is survived by her husband of 69 years, Virgil H. Gean Sr.; two sons, Kenneth Gean and wife, Wanda, and Virgil H. Gean Jr. and wife, Deborah; four daughters, Yvonne Hill and husband, Billy, Mildred Mason and husband, Bill, Sharon Brown and husband, Ronnie, all of Florence, Mary Kathleen Martin and husband, Travis, Lutts, Tenn.; one brother, Doyal Sego, Gadsden; two sister, Frances Williams, Florence, and Clara White, Waterloo; 15 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren; a number of nieces and nephews, and many other friends and relatives. Pallbearers will be Keith Collins, David Collins, Richard Collins, Ronnie Hill, Randy Hill, Michael Gean and Michael Mason. Honorary pallbearer will be Dr. Ralph Aquadro. She was a faithful wife and companion to her husband and a loving mother to her children and grandchildren. She was loved and admired by all who knew her and faithful to the Lord until her departure from this life. Memorials may be made to the Murphy’s Chapel cemetery fund, the American Cancer Society, 118 E. Mobile St., Florence, Ala., 35630, or the Hospice of the Shoals, P.O. Box 307, Florence, Ala., 35631-0307.”

GEAN, FLORENCE MABEL PERKINS Family records for Mrs. Gean show that she was born on 15 Nov 1885, in Waterloo, Alabama to James Wesley and Rebecca Gray Perkins. She died on 5 May 1954 at her home in Savannah, Tennessee.

  “Funeral Services Held For Former Lauderdale Woman.”

“Funeral services were held Thursday for Mrs. George Geans, former Lauderdale County resident, 67, in Savannah, Tennessee. Mrs. Geans died Wednesday after a lengthy illness. Survivors include: the husband, three sons, Homer, Clifford and Virgil of Waterloo, Route one; three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Fowler, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Mable Keel, Corinth, Miss., and Mrs. Ruth Williams of Savannah; four sisters, Mrs. Pearl Haynes, Arkansas; Mrs. Lizzie Lutts, Carthage, Miss., Mrs. Lillie Higgins and Mrs. Emma Pickens of Florence.”

GEAN, GEORGE WILEY, Times Daily News, Florence From family records: Mr. Gean was born on 14, Nov. 1882, in Wayne County, Tennessee to Wiley Henderson and Nancy Whittaker Gean. He died 29 March 1965. “George Wiley Gean, 82 Savannah, Tenn., died Monday at Hardin County General Hospital. He was a farmer in the Second Creek Community near Waterloo. He was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel Methodist Church with J.B. Harper and B.H. Southerland officiating. Burial will be in Williams Chapel Cemetery with Shackleford Funeral Home of Savannah directing. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Emma Hatch Gean; three sons, Homer and Clifford Gean, both of /Second Creek Community, Virgil Gean, Cloverdale; three daughters, Mrs. Ethel Fowler, Savannah, Mrs. Mabel Keele, Iuka, Miss., Mrs. Ruth Williams, Martin, Tenn.; 26 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren.”

GEANS, GEORGIA CROTTS Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean, Sr. and was complied by Shackelford Funeral Directors. Georgia Crotts Geans was born December 31, 1894 in Tennessee, the daughter of the late George and Belle Franks Crotts. On September 3, 1914 she was united in marriage to Charlie Turner Geans, who preceded her in death on October 26, 1966. Mrs. Geans departed from this life November 20, 1971 at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 77 years, 10 months and 19 days. She leaves two daughters, Mrs. Beatrice Stricklin, Whites Creek Community and Mrs. Norma White, Walnut Grove; two sons, Aaron Geans, Florence, Ala. And Eureka Geans, Chicago, Ill.; 18 grandchildren and 7 great grandchildren; a half sister, Mrs. Virgie Mullens, Keeler, California.”

GEAN, HATTIE BELLE WHITE Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Hattie belle White Gean was born on November 14, 1896 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the daughter of the late Robert Lee White and Elizabeth Clanton White. She was a member of the White’s Creek Freewill Baptist Church, and worked as a homemaker. Mrs. Gean departed this life on September 16, 1991, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 94 years, 10 months, and 2 days. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Ellawee Cossey of Savannah; a son, Robert H. Gean of Savannah; a sister, Mrs. Della Brewer of Hammond, LA; 7 grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren,; 10 great-great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.”

GEAN, JAMES GLOYD, TimesDaily/Thursday, March 11, 1999 Savannah, Tenn. “James Gloyd Gean, 69, died Tuesday, March 9, 1999, of cancer. The funeral will be today at 3 p.m. at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Savannah, with burial in Memory Gardens of Hardin County. He is the father of Thomas Gean, Florence Ala., and brother of Robbie Nell Fisher and Edwin Gean, both of Florence, Ala.”

GEAN, MARGARET LOUISE DAILEY, TimesDaily/Thursday, November 30, 1995 Margaret Louise Dailey Gean, 62, Savannah, Tenn., died Tuesday, Nov. 28, 1995, of a stroke. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Savannah, with Burial in Memory Gardens. Officiating at the funeral will be Danny Pettus, Fred Dillon and Daniel Rushlow. She was a native of Lauderdale County, Alabama. She is survived by her husband, James Gloyd Gean, Savannah; sons, Rickey Gean, Dannie Gean, Donnie Gean, Dale Gean, Mackie Gean, all of Savannah, Thomas Gean, Florence, Ala.; sisters, Josephine Sharp, Florence, Mary Ann Cox, Tuscumbia, Ala.; brothers, Turner Dailey Jr., Florence, Jerry Lynn Dailey, Killen, Ala.; 15 grandchildren. Pallbearers will include Marion Holt, R.L. Qualls, Danny Benson, Donnie Qualls, David Holcombe, Bryan Earwood, Jerry White and Gene Landrum. She was employed as a presser for Clifton Contracting, and was a member of Second Creek Church of Christ, Wayne County.”

GEAN, OPAL MONTGOMERY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Opal Montgomery Gean, 74, died Tuesday, Oct 24, 2006. Visitation will be 5:30-8 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Collinwood, Tenn. Funeral will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Memorial Gardens. She was the wife of Aaron Gean.”

GEAN, TABITHA LYNN, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Tabitha Lynn Gean, 17 Savannah, Tenn., died Thursday, Sept. 23, 1999, from an auto accident. Visitation will be Saturday, Sept. 25, 1999, from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah. The funeral will be Sunday, Sept. 26, 1999, at 1:30 p.m. at the Savannah, Church of Christ, with burial in Memory Gardens of Hardin County. Officiating at the funeral will be Danny Morris and David Rushlow. She was a native of Savannah, Tenn. She is survived by her mother, Linda Sue Watkins Gean; father, Mackie Alan Gean; brother, Ben Gean, Savannah, Tenn.; grandmother, Helen Watkins, Florence, Ala. She was a student at Hardin County High School and a member of Second Creek Church of Christ. She was secretary of HCHS Student Council for two years, a member of the Honor Society, 4 H Club, Just Say No Club, English Honorarium, Tiger Broadcasting System Announcer, and North Elementary Library assistant this year. Memorial donations may be made to Freed-Hardeman University or Hardin County High School Student Council.”

GEAN, TIMOTHY DANIEL, TimesDaily/Thursday, October 3, 1996 “Timothy Daniel Gean, 16, Savannah, Tenn., died Sunday, Sept. 29, 1996, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. The funeral was 3 p.m. Tuesday at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, with burial in Memory Gardens of Hardin County. Officiating at the funeral were Daniel Sparks and David Rushlow. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala. He is survived by his mother, Mary Ann Ward Gean, Savannah; father, Dannie Gean, Savannah; sister, Dana Suzanne Gean, Savannah; brother, Jamie Lee Gean, Savannah; paternal grandfather, James Gloyd Gean, Savannah; maternal grandparents, Ross and Maxine McCluskey Ward, Waterloo, Ala.; maternal great-grandmother, Mae Ward, Harrisburg. Ariz. He was a junior at Hardin County High School, Savannah. He was a member of Second Creek Church of Christ, near Savannah, Archery Club, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.”

GEAN, VIRGIL HENDERSON SR., TimesDaily, Florence, AL Virgil Henderson Gean Sr. departed this life Oct. 4, 2004. He was born Nov. 15, 1911, near Waterloo, Ala., and remained in Lauderdale County for most of his life. The family will receive friends at Morrison Funeral Home, of Central Heights, on Wednesday, Oct. 6, from 5-9 p.m. Funeral services will be at the funeral home Thursday, Oct 7, at 3 p.m. Officiating at the memorial service will be Brother Carl Creasy, Brother Emerald Bailey and Brother Earl Dixon. Burial will be on the grounds of Murphy’s Chapel Church, where Virgil had been a member for many years. Mr. Gean was one of seven children, whose parents taught them hard work and to live a life in keeping with God’s will. He continued with this way of life in bringing up his own family off eight children. After becoming a Christian, Virgil felt that God had called him to preach. He was ordained by the Tennessee River Freewill Baptist association in 1940 and continued preaching for more than 62 years. He remained a member of this organization for the duration of his life, pasturing churches in Alabama and Tennessee. The exemplary Christian life that he lived will be an influence on many lives in years to come. Virgil was preceded in death by his spouse of more than 69 years, Abilene Sego Gean; one daughter, Doris Evelyn Gean; one son, Carrol Marion Gean; and his parents, George Wiley and Florence Mabel Perkins Gean. He was also preceded in death by three brothers, Glen, Homer and Clifford Gean; and by two sisters, Ethel Fowler and Mabel Keele; and a special little great-granddaughter, Kaitlin Tidwell. Left behind to mourn his passing are six children, Mildred Loriene Mason (Bill), Geneva Yvonne Hill (Billy), Sharon Elaine Brown (Ronnie), Kenneth Aaron Gean (Wanda) and Virgil Henderson Gean Jr. (Deborah), of Florence, Ala., and Mary Kathleen Martin (Travis), of Lutts, Tenn.; also, one sister, Ruth Williams, of Martin, Tenn.; sisters-in-law, Frances Williams, Hazel Sego and Clara White (Bart); 15 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; and a number of nieces and nephews. After the passing of his wife in 1997, Virgil lived alone, taking care of his place of residence until he was 91 years old. His family and friends were impressed by his resiliency and his determination to be independent as long as possible. When it became apparent that he could no longer live alone, Mr. Gean moved to Columbia Cottage. Later, he moved to Glenwood Rehabilitation and Convalescent Center, where he lived until his passing. Virgil farmed to make a living for his family, but his most important aim in life was to preach the word of God to as many people as he possibly could. His favorite song was “What Will I Leave Behind,” and the legacy that he wanted to leave behind was that no one will be left behind on the day of judgment when Christ comes to gather up his children. The family would like to thank the employees of Columbia Cottage and Glenwood, and Dr. Ralph Aquadro and Dr. Robert Webb for the excellent care given to our loved one during his illness. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Michael Mason, Ronnie and Randy Hill, David, Richard and Keith Collins and Michael Gean. Morrison Funeral Home, Central Heights, is directing.

GEANS, NORMA VIRGINIA JONES, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO —- Norma Virginia Jones Geans, 73, HC20 Box 74, died Sunday, Sept. 19, 1993, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. The funeral will be 1 p.m. Tuesday at Greenview Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with Richard Riley officiating. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home.”

GILCHRIST, JAMES Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Inc. Collinwood, Tennessee. “James Gilchrist, age 44 of Collinwood passed away January 5, 1979 at his home. He was born March 19, 1934 and was a native of Wayne County and the son of the late James Henry and Clara Murphy Gilchrist. He is survived by his wife Ima Ruth Brewer Gilchrist, Collinwood, one son James Curtiss, Collinwood, three brothers, Vernon Gilchrist, Florence, R. D. Gilchrist, Cypress Inn, J. C. Gilchrist, Lawrenceburg, three sisters, Willodean Kelley, Cypress Inn, Ruby Joyce Burns, Collinwood, Virgeleen Gilchrist, Collinwood.”

GOBER, VICTOR HUGO Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil Gean, Sr. “Victor Hugo Gober was born August 30, 1888 in Georgia; the son of the late H.M. and Marcena Bearden Gober. Mr. Gober departed from this life December 26, 1971, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 83 years, 3 months, and 16 days; leaving his wife Mrs. Naomi Owen Gober, of the Mud Creek Community; a son Vernon Gober, Adamsville; two daughters, Mrs. Harrell Thomas, Humboldt, and Mrs. Dorothy Cunningham, Morris Chapel; 7 grandchildren; a brother Marcus Gober, Nauvoo, Ala. And a half sister, Mrs. Maudie Curtis, of Nauvoo, Ala.”

GOODE, CHARLES OSHELL, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: The tomb shows Oshell was born 30 Sep 1915 and died 20 Apr 1980. “Charles Oshell Goode, 64, Rt. 11, Florence, died Sunday at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex after an extended illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Church of Christ, a carpenter and farmer. The service was at 2 p.m. today at Mt. Zion Church of Christ. Robert Huffacker officiated. Burial was in Mt. Zion Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Ione Goode, Florence; son, Marshall E. Goode, Florence; his mother, Mrs. Susie Maude Goode, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Christine Downing, Florence, Mrs. Kathleen White, Rogersville, Mrs. Wynell Crittenden, Huntsville, Mrs. Wogwedell Norman, Corydon, Ind.; brothers, Austeen Goode, J.M. Goode Jr., both of Florence, William Eugene Goode, Muscle Shoals; four grandchildren. Bearers were Kelly Murphy, Kenneth Murphy, Dewey Murphy, Don Bowlin, Pat White, and Sidney White.”

GOODMAN, DANNY LYNN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Danny Lynn Goodman was born Dec. 27, 1973 in Savannah Tenn., the son of Derlon F. and Helen Hurt Goodman. He spent all 13 years, 3 months and 18 days of his life in this part of Hardin County. He was a student at Hardin County Junior High School and active in Little League Baseball. He leaves his parents, his brother, Ricky; his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Hurt; Mrs. Martha Goodman, Clifford Goodman.”

GOODMAN, HERSCHEL LEE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — The service for Herschel Lee Goodman, 62, Route 12, will be at 2 p.m. today at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church, with the Rev. Virgil Gean and Grant Endicott officiating. Burial will be in Lindsey Cemetery, Spry Funeral Home, Sheffield, directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. He died Tuesday, Sept. 30, 1986, at Moulton Nursing Home. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a retired welder with Davis Construction Company, a veteran of the U.S. Army and World War II, having served in the Philippine Islands. He was a Baptist. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty Lou Goodman, Florence; sons, Robert H. “Bob” Goodman, Charleston, S.C., Kenneth H. Goodman, San Diego, Calif., Gary Lee Goodman, Hawaii; daughters, Linda Belsly, Rebecca “Becky” Homan, both of Washington, Ill., Brenda Goodman, Peoria, Ill.; brother, Bobby Lovoyd Goodman, Florence; sisters, Lorene Vickery, Verla Creasy, Movelean Hendrix, all of Florence, Verna Dean Conley, Mishawaka, Ind.; four grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Bruce Conley, Glen Woods, Dennis Hendrix, Larry Myhan, Guy McCombs III and Jimmy Oakley.”

GOODWIN, ANNIE ETHEL, East Lauderdale News, October 6, 1994 “The funeral for Annie Ethel Goodwin, 95, Killen, was Sunday, October 2, at Elkins East Chapel, with tom Phillips officiating. Burial was in Killen Cemetery. Mrs. Goodwin died Friday, September 30, at her residence after an extended illness. She was a native of Lauderdale County, a homemaker and member of First Baptist Church of Killen. Survivors include her son, Arnold Goodwin, Killen; daughter, Geneva Wright, Birmingham; three grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren.”

GRAY, ALMON, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “LEXINGTON — The funeral for Almon Gray, 75, Lexington, will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Hickory Flat Free Will Baptist Church with the Rev. Lloyd Jones officiating. Burial will be in Hickory Flat Cemetery, Loretto Memorial Chapel directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Visitation will be after 1 p.m. today at the funeral home. He died Thursday, Feb. 25, 1988 at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence,, after a short illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member and deacon of Hickory Flat Free Will Baptist Church and retired from Florence Packing Co. Survivors include his wife, Pearline Scott Gray, Lexington; daughter, Betty Michael, Lexington; sons, Robert Earl Gray, Lexington, Randal Gray, Florence; brothers, Villard Gray, Killen, Taylor Gray, Florence, Carl Gray, Bowling Green, Ky., Ottis Gray, Lexington; eight grandchildren; five great-grandchildren.”

GREEN, HERBERT ALTON, JR., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. Herbert Alton Green Jr., 66, Greenhill, Ala., died Thursday, April 15, 2004, at his residence after an extended illness. Visitation was from 6-9 p.m. Friday, April 16, at Greenhill Funeral Home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 17, 2004, at Greenhill Funeral Home chapel, with burial in Nebo Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery, Lexington, Ala. Officiating at the funeral will be David Weaver. He is survived by his wife, Treva Ann Thigpen Green, Greenhill, Ala.; brothers, Thomas Daniel Green, Daphene, Ala, Allen Reed Green, Huntsville, Ala. He was preceded in death by his parents, Herbert Alton Green Sr. and Virginia Lou Wilcoxson Green. He was native of Lauderdale County, Ala., and a former resident of Greenhill, Ala. He was a member of Greenhill United Methodist Church for a number of years, was a veteran and was retired from and employed by ETC. He was retired from Wal-Mart in Florence, Ala., and was the former owner of H.A. Green’s General Merchandise Store in Greenhill, Ala. He helped organize the first volunteer fire department in Greenhill and served in the Alabama National Guard for a number of years. Pallbearers will be Ray Moody, Bruce Freeze, Robert Foster, Jerry Baggett, Harold Gray, Barry Gray. Honorary pallbearers will be Charles Liles, Howard Fowler, Ray Felkner, Larry Clemmons and Stancel Putnam. Greenhill Funeral Home is directing.”

GREEN, J.D. “Winter Haven, Fla. J.D. Green, 66, died Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1994, in Winter Haven. No services will be held. Survivors include his wife, Annie Green, Winter Haven; brothers, Jim Green, Kentucky, Russell Green, Florence, Ala.; sisters, Ann Stewart, Tuscumbia, Ala., Bettye Peck, California.”

GREEN, MARY EULA, TimesDaily/Sunday, June 23, 1996 Mrs. Mary Eula Green, 84, Rogersville, died Saturday, June 22, 1996, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Elkins East Chapel. Funeral services will be at Mount Bethel United Methodist Church Monday at 10 a.m. with Elkins East Chapel directing. She will lie in state from 9-10 a.m. Burial will be in Harvey Cemetery. Officiating will be Tommy Heaps and L.B. Mays. Mrs. Green was a housewife and a native of Lauderdale County. She was preceded in death by her husband, Leo J. Green. Mrs. Green is survived by daughter, Doris Williams Bradley, Rogersville, and sons, James Green and Carl Green, Rogersville. Pallbearers will be grandsons and honorary pallbearers will be great-grandsons.”  

GREEN, MARY LORENE, TimesDaily/Sunday, January 11, 1998 “Mary Lorene Green, 87, Russellville, died Friday, Jan. 9, 1998, at Burns Nursing Home, Russellville. Mrs. Green lived all of her life in this area, was a member of the Baptist Church, and was a loving mother and grandmother. She was preceded in death by her husband, Jessie E. Green, sons, Homer Green, Earl Green and Ralph Green, daughter, Betty Green. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Pinkard Funeral Home chapel, Russellville, with Bro. Amos Hood and Jason Green officiating. Burial will be in Knights of Pythias Cemetery. Visitation was from 6-9 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home. Survivors include her sons, J.C. and wife, Martha Green, Russellville, Ala., Horace and wife Martha Green, Russellville, Billy and wife, Linda Green, Russellville, Ted and wife, Janice Green, Russellville, Terry and wife, Margaret Green, Russellville; daughters, Mary Woodruff and husband, Granville, Hartsell, JoAnn Williams and husband, Ray, Russellville; sisters, Lillie Flanigan, Killen, Dot Montgomery, Russellville, Ila Justice, Muscle Shoals; 18 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Grandsons will be pallbearers.”

GREEN, MARY LOU, TimesDaily, Florence, AL Muscle Shoals “The funeral for Mary Lou Sykes Green, 73, Shoals Nursing Home, was at 1 p.m. Thursday at Goodsprings Baptist Church with the Rev. Alford Strait officiating. Burial was in Thornton Ingram Cemetery. The body was placed in the church one hour before the funeral. She was a native of Dale County, a member of Evergreen Baptist Church, the wife of the late Bolos Green, and the mother of the late Gary Green and Roger Green. Survivors include a daughter, Myrtle Keeton, Florence; brothers, Carroll Sykes, Decatur, Darold Sykes, Dothan; sisters, Jewell Adams, Plant City, Fla., Christine Crawford, Dothan; seven grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.”

GREEN, MEDDIE ANN, TimesDaily/Tuesday, November 11, 1997 “Meddie Ann Green, 85, Florence, died Sunday, Nov. 9, 1997, after an extended illness. Visitation was Monday at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral will be today at 1 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home Chapel, with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery, Cypress Inn, Tenn. Officiating at the funeral will be Jack Coons. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her son, James E. Green, Florence; daughter, Ozell Hipps, Florence; five grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, John D. Green. Pallbearers will include Larry Hipps, Terry Hipps, Barry Hipps, Jim Craig, Oscar Wright, Charlie Lama.”

GRIGSBY, RUTH VERNETTE WITT, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Ruth Vernette Witt Grigsby passed from this life Oct. 11, 2005 at the age of 78. She was a native of Lauderdale County, the oldest of 12 children. She graduated from Central High School, lived in the Greenhill community and was a member of Lone Cedar Church of Christ. Ruth attended Larimore Business College and worked at First national Bank and LCNH. She loved her family, working in her flower garden and helping others, especially the elderly. Visitation will be Thursday, Oct. 13, from noon-2 p.m. at Lone Cedar Church of Christ. The funeral service will be at 2 p.m. in the church, with Ruth’s nephew, Brother Tim Grigsby, and Brother Arvil Curtis officiating. Interment will be at Greenview Memorial Park. Pallbearers will be Jared Grigsby, David Grigsby, Doug Olive, Charles Kilpatrick, Jesse Grigsby and Cecil Sharp. Ruth was preceded in death by her mother, Etta, and father, Clyde Witt; her husband, Paul Grigsby; and brother, Virgil Witt. She is survived by three sons, Gary (Elaine), Keith (Vickery) and Tony (Deanna); daughter, Cheryl Auten (Wade); grandson, Jared Grigsby; and five granddaughters, Lindsey Grigsby, Ambrey Auten, Allison Auten, Danielle Grigsby and Morgan Grigsby; three brothers, James Witt, T.C. Witt and Danny Witt, of Chicago, Ill; seven sisters, Ila Jean Wallace, of Memphis, Tenn., Carolyn Wallace, Betty Olive, Dorothy Green, Mary Sharp, Francine Young and Diane Cypret; and numerous nieces, nephews and loving friends. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Lauderdale Christian Children’s Home or to the activity department of Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home. The family would like to extend their special appreciation to the doctors and nurses in the Cardiac Care Unit at ECM Hospital for the compassion and tender care given to our mother. We would also like to thank the staff of Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home for the wonderful care given to mother during the past months. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

HAIRRELL, ARTHUR B., Florence Times News, Florence, AL “Arthur B. Hairrell, 97, Cherokee, died Sunday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, had lived in Colbert County most of his life and had been a member of the Free Will Baptist Church 75 years. He retired from Reynolds Plant, then worked for the Colbert County Road Department several years before retiring. The funeral was at 2 p.m. today at Posey’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Cherokee. Virgil H. Gean and J.B. Harper officiated. Burial was in Harris Chapel Cemetery, Spry Funeral of Sheffield directing. Surviving are sons, James M. Hairrell, Rogersville; Bedford B. Hairrell, Cherokee; Roy J. Hairrell, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; daughters, Mrs. Nellie Mae Cornelius, Cherokee; Mrs. Clara Elliott, Sheffield; 15 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as bearers.”

HAIRRELL, CHESTER TURNER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Chester Turner Hairrell was born April 7, 1885, in Waterloo, Alabama, the son of Bras and Mary Lucas Hairrell. He farmed in the Waterloo area having retired to Florence, Alabama, where he lived for the past four years. He was united in marriage to Wilma Parker, January 17, 1932, Mrs. Hairrell survives. He was a member of the Baptist Church. He departed this life September 1, 1966, at Flint, Alabama, at the age of 81 years, 4 months and 24 days. He is also survived by a sister, Mrs. Bertha Newboles, Lake City, Ark.; one brother, Mr. Arthur Hairrell, Cherokee, Ala.”

HAIRELL, MRS. MINOR SHARP, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Information from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean show date of death March 1, 1978. “Mrs. Minor Sharp Hairell, 84, Waterloo, died Wednesday at Shoals Nursing Home. She was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 2.p.m. Friday at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel in Florence. Burial will be in Wright Cemetery. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. Idna Barker, Florence, Mrs. Dorothy Patton, Bono, Ark.; sister, Mrs. Quinnie Lindsey, Waterloo; five grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as bearers. The body will be at the funeral home until after the service.”

HAIRRELL, WILMA PARKER Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Wilma Parker Hairrell was born May 28, 1889 in Alabama, the daughter of the late Tom and Mary Shaw Parker. On January 17, 1932 she was united in marriage to Chester Hairrell, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Hairrell departed from this life May 20th, 1975 at the age of 86 years, 1 month, and 22 days. She leaves a brother, Billy Parker, Florence, Ala., and two sisters Mrs. Ada Robbins, Burnsville, MS, and Mrs. Jimmie Daley, Savannah.”

HAITHCOAT, DOVIE LEE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Dovie Lee Haithcoat, 80, Route 3, Florence, died Friday, Dec. 30, 1994, of an extended illness, Visitation will be today, 6-9 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home chapel, with burial in Pisgah Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Fred Dillion. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her sons, Willie “Jim” Haithcoat, Raymond “Boddie” Haithcoat, Jerry Wayne Haithcoat, Ralph Haithcoat, and Billy Haithcoat, all of Florence, Donald Haithcoat of Nashville, Tenn.; daughters, Ona Mae Hudson and Margie Stevenson, both of Florence, Sally Jo Rhodes of Nashville, Tenn.; 33 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Pallbearers will include grandsons.”

HALL, HOWARD HERMAN Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Howard Herman Hall was born November 12, 1905. He departed this life on July 6, 1978 at the age of 72 years, 7 months and 24 days. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lessie Myrick Hall; 2 sons, Herman & W.J. Hall; 3 daughters, Nannie McCurry, Bobbie Rhodes and Carolyn Hanback; 25 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren.”

HALL, MARY LESSIE Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mary Lessie Hall was born October 7, 1908. She departed this life February 27, 1989 at the age of 80 years, 4 months and 20 days. She is survived by three daughters, Nannie McCurry, Bobbie Rhodes and Carolyn Hanback; two sons, Herman Hall and W.J. Hall; one sister, Mattie Gamble; 26 grandchildren, 43 great grandchildren; nieces & nephews”

HALL, WILLIAM LEVI Information was taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “William Levi Hall died Oct. 21, 1962 at the age of 87 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Odell Hall; two sons, Howard and Tom Hall; two sisters, Mrs. Betty Hughes, Russellville, Ala., and Mrs. Ethel Rhodes, Florence, Ala.; 11 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren.”

HANNA, HATTIE BELL MARTIN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and prepared by Casey Funeral Home, Henderson, Tennessee. “Hattie Bell Martin Hanna of Enville, Tennessee, passed away at the home of Mrs. Ed Neisler on May 6, 1981. Mrs. Hanna was born on Nov. 17, 1892 in Wayne County, Tennessee and was 88 years, 5 months and 19 days old at the time of her death. She was a widow and a member of Solitude Baptist Church. The services for Mrs. Hanna will be May 8, 1981 at 2 p.m. at the Casey Funeral Home Chapel, with Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in the Milledgeville Cemetery. She is survived by 2 sons – Russell and Odean Hanna; 3 daughters- Mrs. Ed Neisler, Mrs. Mattie Hart and Mrs. Jimmy Stanfill; ½ brother- Autman Martin; sister- Mrs. Zora Gibbs; ½ sister – Mrs. Audrey Cone; 9 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.”

HART, MR. DONNIE M. Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Mr. Donnie M. Hart, 26, Melvindale, Michigan, died on January 16, 1973 in Wayne County, Michigan. His funeral was at Murphy’s Chapel on January 22, 1973, with Virgil H. Gean officiating. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence directing. He is survived by his father, Mr. Mancel D. Hart, Jr.; step-father, Mr. Louie Campa; one sister, Mrs. Nina Blust, one half-sister, Miss Bobbie Joyce Hart; grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Bertye B. Scott.”

HART, WILLIAM “BILL”, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “William “Bill” Hart, 88, of Florence, passed away Monday, Sept. 1, 2008, at his residence. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Underwood Baptist Church, the American Legion Florence Lauderdale Post No. 11 and served with the U.S. Army during World War II with the 760th Battalion. Visitation will be from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 3, 2008, at Underwood Baptist Church, with the funeral services following at 12:30 p.m. Brothers Donnie McDaniel and Jerry Phillips will officiate. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Park. Military honors will be accorded at graveside. Mr. Hart was preceded in death by his parents, John Leland and Marie Hart; two infants, Gerald and Mitchell Hart; sisters, Louise South and Mary Parrish; brother, Joe Hart; and a son-in-law, Jimmy Olive. He is survived by his wife, Edith (Wilma) Sego Hart; daughter, Pamela H. Olive; brothers, Jack Howard and Robert Hart; sisters, Hazel Sharp, June Stacey; grandchildren, Mitchell Olive and wife, Tania, Shannon Olive and wife, Jennifer, Regina Rogers and husband, Steve; great-grandchildren, Connor, Meghan and Gabrielle Olive, Walker and Riley Olive, Lee and Blake Rogers; a great-great-grandchild, Annica Rogers. Active pallbearers will include Shannon Olive, Mitch Olive, Greg Hart, Todd Smith, Lee Rogers and Blake Rogers. Honorary pallbearers will be Wilson Tidwell, Lawrence South, Bobby Ford, the Adult II Senior Class of Underwood Baptist Church. Memorials may be made to Hospice of the Tennessee Valley, St. Jude Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105-1942 or Underwood Baptist Church. The family extends a special thanks to Hospice of the Tennessee Valley, Dr. Brown and Dr. Heaton. Arrangements by Greenview Funeral Home.”

HAYNES, DUEWARD CLYDE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Dueward Clyde Haynes was born November 11, 1914 in Hardin County, Tennessee, son of Lella Howard Haynes and the late Olen Haynes. For several years, he has made his home in Savannah, where he operated a Car Salvage Lot. Mr. Haynes died July 15, 1966 at the age of 51 years, 8 months and 4 days. He leaves his wife, Wilma Barrier Haynes, 2 sons, Gary and Paul Haynes all of Savannah; 3 daughters, Frankie and Claudie Haynes both of Granger, Ind. And Laura Haynes of Savannah; his mother, Mrs. Lella Haynes also of Savannah; 1 brother, Elvin Haynes and 2 sisters, Mrs. Earline Williams and Mrs. Modene Clausel all of Savannah. He is also survived by many other relatives and friends.”

HAYNES, JESSE J. Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral. Jesse J. Haynes was born May 29, 1918, in Waterloo, Alabama, the son of William Henry and Annie Lee Cherry Haynes. Mr. Haynes had lived in Florida since 1957, he was a cement finisher. He was a veteran of the US Navy, a veteran of the Second World War. Mr. Haynes was united to Icie Curry, who survives. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Haynes departed this life at his home on July 24, 1978, at North Ft. Meyers, Florida, age of 60 years, 1 month, and 25 days. Besides his wife, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Eley, Rollo, Missouri; one son, Mr. James R. Haynes, N. Ft. Myers, Fla.; two brothers, Mr. Oather Haynes, Birmingham, Ala., and Mr. Henry Haynes, Waterloo, Ala.; five sisters, Mrs. Cora Johnson, Andersonville, Tenn., Mrs. Melva Ash and Mrs. Anna Highland both of Adel, Ga., Mrs. Artie Tucker, Camphill, Ala., and Mrs. Mary Browder, Savannah, Tenn.; two half-sister, Mrs. Walsie Kelsey, Forrest City, Ark., and Mrs. Lena Blount, Savannah, Tennessee; three grandsons.”

HAYNES, SUSIE BURNES Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Susie Burnes Haynes was born August 18, 1885, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi, the daughter of H. J. Burnes and Charlotte Parker Burnes. She lived most of her life in and around Savannah, Tennessee. She was a Freewill Baptist. She married Wylie Haynes who preceded her in death July 20, 1955. She died May 4, 1964, at the Hardin County General Hospital at the age of 78 years, 8 months and 16 days. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lillian Milam and Mrs. Lettie Gammill of Savannah, Tenn.; three sons, Mr. Lee Haynes, Athens, Ala., Mr. Dick Haynes, Florence, Ala., and Mr. Arch W. Haynes, Huntsville, Ala.; 27 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren; four brothers, Mr. Tom Burnes, Tyronza, Ark., Mr. Emmett Burnes, Mr. Will Burnes, both of Marked Tree, Ark., and Mr. Perry Burnes of Rogersville, Ala.”

HENSON, MARY ELIZABETH, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “COLLINWOOD, Tenn. — The funeral for Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Henson, 94, Route 2, will be at 11 a.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Collinwood. Burial will be in Centenary Cemetery in Lutts. She died Thursday, Feb. 25, 1988, at the Hardin Home in Savannah. She was a native of Tennessee, a housewife, and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include daughters, Gladys Black, Counts; Ester Melson, Collinwood, Edith McFall, Lutts; Etta Jennings and Willie Ellen Franks both of Savannah, Hazel Hardison, Florence, Ala.; son, Eloy Henson, Muscle Shoals, Ala.,; 33 grandchildren; 32 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by one son, W. L. Henson.

HENSON, RUTH IRENE, East Lauderdale News, October 6, 1994 “The funeral for Ruth Irene Henson, 86, Sheffield, was Monday, October 3, at Morrison Funeral Home Chapel, with Bob Barnes and Ray Hughes officiating. Burial was in Henson Cemetery. Mrs. Henson died Friday, September 30, at Keller Hospital after a sudden illness. She was a native of Douglasville, Ga., lived in Madison County for many years and had resided in Colbert County for the past 40 years. She was a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Survivors include a son, Melvin Henson, Center Star; daughters, Elizabeth Hughes, Vancleve, Miss., Mary Boen, Huntsville; 15 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild.”

HENSON, WALTER LEE Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Sr. compiled by family and Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Mr. Walter Lee Henson, age 85, of Collinwood, TN passed away December 8, 1975 at his home. He was born Oct. 27, 1890 to the late David and Martha E. Gean Henson. He was married to Mary Elizabeth Stribling on March 20, 1910. To this union was born eight children. Mr. Henson was a retired farmer and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary E. Stribling Henson, Collinwood, TN; one son, Glenn Henson, South Bend, Ind.; six daughters, Mrs. Gladys Black, Counce, TN, Mrs. Esther Melson, Collinwood, TN. Mrs. Edith McFall, Lutts, TN, Mrs. Etta Holt, Savannah, TN, Mrs. Hazel Hardison, Florence, AL, Mrs. Willie Ellon Franks, Flint, Mich.; two brothers, Claude Henson, Forest City, Ark., Lester Henson, Memphis, TN; one sister, Mrs. Pearl Darnell, Forest City, Ark.; 30 grandchildren, 39 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. He was preceded in death by one son, W.L. Henson.”

HICKMAN, CHARLES “CHARLIE”, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “WAYNESBORO, Tenn. — The funeral for Charles “Charlie” Hickman, 48, 229 W. Hollis St., will be at 3 p.m. Sunday at Green River Baptist Church, Waynesboro. Burial will be in Waynesboro Memorial Gardens, Shackelford Funeral Home of Waynesboro directing. The body will be at the funeral home until one hour before the service. He died Thursday, Feb. 25, 1988, at his residence after an extended illness. A minister, he was pastor of Kelly’s Chapel Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Barbara Sue Dye Hickman, Waynesboro; daughters Melody Hickman Moore, Doylestown, Pa., Telisha Kay Hickman, Birmingham, Ala.; one granddaughter; parents, Calvin and Bertha Hickman, Madison; brothers, Winston C. Hickman Sr., Brentwood, Glenn Hickman, Nashville.”

HIGGINS, MRS. ANNIE PARKER, Florence, Alabama newspaper “Mrs. Annie Parker Higgins, 78, died Saturday in Hardin County General Hospital, Tennessee. Services will be Sunday at 1 p.m. at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, near Waterloo, with Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee, directing. Survivors include the husband, Gyle Higgins, Savannah; and a brother, Odell Parker, Waterloo.” Obituary read at the funeral by Virgil Gean is given here, because there is more information in it. “Annie Parker Higgins was born March 6, 1899 — died Dec. 31, 1977 at Hardin Co. General Hospital at the age of 78. She was a member of the Methodist Church. She is survived by her husband, Gyle B. Higgins, Rt. 1, Savannah, TN, a brother, Odell Parker, Waterloo, AL and a large number of neices, nephews, and cousins, who thought of her as an extra mother, and many many friends. At this time the family would all like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for every word of encouragement, every prayer spoken, and every good deed of help during her long extended illness and death.”

HIGGINS, ELIZABETH PAULINE, Times/Daily/Thursday, June 22, 1995 Elizabeth Pauline Higgins, 78, Waterloo, died Monday, June 19, 1995, in Pascagoula, Miss. She was born in Waterloo, the fifth of seven children, to Edgar and Lillie Perkins Higgins. She was a graduate of Waterloo High School, baptized into the Christian faith at Waterloo Baptist Church, and was a descendant of the first settler of Waterloo. Her life’s vocation was in real estate. She was a member of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, First Baptist Church of Pascagoula, Miss., and former member of Pascagoula Country Club. She was preceded in death by her husband, John Fetsko, in 1976, sisters, Naomi Higgins, Winnie Weeks and Delma Kalen, and brother, Leonard Higgins. She is survived by two daughters, Donna Joan Braly and husband L.C. Braly, of Gautier, Miss., and Elizabeth Irene Crawford and husband Tony Crawford, of Garland, Texas; four grandchildren, Morgan Braly, Jeannie Strum, Shannon Steen, and Erin Crawford; two great-grandchildren, Justin Steen and Ashlee Braly; sister and brother-in-law, Tyra and Harold Smith, of Florence; and nieces and nephews. A private service was held Wednesday, June 21, 1995, with Rev. Melvin Mansel officiating. Interment was in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens, Florence, arrangements by O’Bryant-O’Keefe Funeral Home, Pascagoula, Miss.”

HIGGINS, GYLE BEDFORD, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “SAVANNAH, Tenn. — Gyle Bedford Higgins, 81, died Thursday, Oct. 15, 1987, at Hardin County General Hospital in Savannah, Tenn., after an extended illness. He was a retired farmer and logger and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Saturday at Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church with Virgil Gean and Melvin Mansell officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Olive Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. Visitation will be today from 6:30-9 p.m. at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include foster son, Charles Parker, Waterloo, Ala., a brother, Willie Higgins, sisters, Myrtle Lard, Houston, Miss., Beulah Hairell, Florence, Ala., Lillie Jones, Savannah, Bertha Mangum, Mishawaka, Ind.; half-sister, Maggie Swinford, Tallahassee, Fla.; nieces and nephews.“

HIGGINS, JOSEPH (Duce), Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: death was on Sept. 28, 1969. “Joseph (Duce) Higgins, 72, died Friday at Jackson-Madison County Hospital in Tennessee. He was a retired farmer. Born in Lauderdale County, he was a member of New Pleasant Grove Freewill Baptist Church. Services will be conducted Sunday at 2 p.m. from Shackelford Chapel in Savannah, Tenn., by Virgil Gean and Elton Cotner. Burial will be in Emory Gardens, Shackelford directing. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Martha Scott Higgins, Savannah; two daughters, Mrs. Lula Hatcher, Mrs. Pauline Rich, both of Savannah; two grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Rosie Humphrey, Jonesboro, Ark.; four half-sisters: Mrs. Myrtle Lard, Houston, Miss.; Mrs. Beulah Harrell, Mishawaka, In.; Mrs. Lillie Jones, Mrs. Bertha Mangum, both of South Bend, In.; two half-brothers, Gyle Higgins, Willie Higgins, both of Savannah.”

HIGGINS, LONESOME MEAD, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: death was on Aug. 14, 1968. “Lonesome Mead Higgins, 78, 433 Livingston St., Florence, died Wednesday night at ECM Hospital. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Baptist Church. Funeral services were held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at Evergreen Baptist Church with Rev. E.L. Anderton and Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial was in Walston Cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home directing. He is survived by the widow, Minnie Ida Higgins; three sons, Lawrence Edward Higgins, Florence, Archie Lee Higgins, Riverton, Ben Junior Higgins, Russellville; two daughters, Mrs. Minnie Talley, Florence, Miss. Mary L. Higgins, Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Ida White, Waterloo, Mrs. Lula Gann, Loretto, Mrs. Ethel White, Savannah; a brother, John Higgins, Michigan; 18 grandchildren, five great-grandchildren. Bearers were Charles Thornton, Eugene Williams, Junior Higgins, Danny Higgins, John Wayne Talley, Ed Talley.”

HIGGINS, MRS. MARTHA SCOTT, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Mrs. Higgins died June 9, 1974 and was buried on June 11, 1978. “SAVANNAH, Tenn. — Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Scott Higgins, 68, were today at 1 p.m. in Shackelford Funeral Home Chapel here. Burial was in Hardin County Memory Gardens. She died Sunday at Hardin County General Hospital. She was a member of Barnhill Methodist Church, and a native of Alabama. Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Lola Hatcher, Savannah, and Mrs. Pauline Rich, Savannah; two brothers, Henry Scott, Savannah, and Clarence Scott, Jonesboro, Ark.; two half brothers, Wesley Scott, Harrisburg, Ark., and Marvin Scott, Savannah; two half sisters, Mrs. Estelle Estes, Baton Rouge, La., and Mrs. Ollie Whitlow, Memphis; two grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.”

HIGGINS, MRS. MINNIE IDA Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, who conducted the funeral. Mrs. Minnie Ida Higgins, 77, 459 No. Cedar Street, died June 1, 1974 at ECM Hospital, Florence, Alabama. She was a member of Mt. Olive Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral will be June 3, 1974 at Evergreen Baptist Church, Virgil Gean officiating, with Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home directing. Survivors include sons, Mr. Archie Lee Higgins, Mr. Ben Junior Higgins, and Mr. Lawrence Edward Higgins; daughters, Mrs. W. E. Talley, and Miss Mary L. Higgins; 18 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren.”

HIGGINS, NAOMI, The Florence Herald, Friday April 12, 1946 “Naomi Higgins Is Drowning Victim Florence Woman Loses Life In Cypress Creek When Fishing Boat CapsizesMiss Naomi Higgins, 31, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Higgins, 126 Beulah Avenue, Florence, was drowned in Cypress Creek on Wednesday afternoon about 5:30 o’clock when the boat in which she, her sister, Miss Tyra Higgins, Alvis McCluskey and Floyd Williams were fishing, capsized. The tragedy occurred about 300 yards below the Gunwaleford road bridge near the Florence city limits when Miss Higgins and Mr. McCluskey stood up in the boat, causing it to overturn, spilling the four into the water. Mr. Williams assisted Miss Tyra Higgins to the bank of the creek, then took off his shoes and swam back to aid Miss Naomi Higgins, however, she sank from view before he could reach her. Mr. McCluskey attempted to aid Miss Higgins and in the attempt came near losing his life, a negro fisherman, the only other witness, verified. The four had been fishing only about thirty minutes and the small boat was said to have been midway of the stream when it capsized. Under the direction of Jewel Archer, Lauderdale county coroner, the U.S. Coast Guard, police officers and others, search for Miss Higgins’ body began soon after word of the accident was received, the body being brought to the surface at about 10 o’clock that night. Surviving in addition to her parents are four sisters, Mrs. J.E. Weeks, Mrs. J.W. Lambert, Miss Tyra Higgins, all of Florence, and Mrs. John Fetsko, Pascagoula; and a brother, Pfc. Leonard Higgins, Indian Gap, Pa. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Waterloo Methodist church with Rev. Boyd P. Milburn, Baptist minister, officiating. Burial will be in the Richardson cemetery with Brown-Service in charge of arrangements. Serving as active pallbearers will be Joe McCorkle, Earl Lard, Don Jones, Elmer Pickens, John Vincent and A. D. Ray. Honorary pallbearers will be Ellie Threet, Turner Shelby, Marvin Pickins, Billy Baugh and Sanford Higgins.”

HIGHLAND, LILLIE BENSON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Lillie Benson Highland was born on February 8, 1921 in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Calvin Benson and Mary Lard Benson. She was a former resident of St. Joseph County, Ind., was of the Baptist belief, and worked as a homemaker. Mrs. Highland departed this life on March 3, 1993, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 72 years, and 25 days./p> She leaves 2 daughters: Mrs. Mary Joyce Golomski of Savannah and Mrs. Sandra Kaye Perry of Albany, GA; 4 sons: J.C. Highland of Mishawaka, Ind., Dennis Ray Highland, Larry W. Highland and David Earl Smith all of Savannah; 17 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; a brother, Arlin Benson of Savannah.”

HINTON, CLARK L. Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who officiated at the funeral. Clark L. Hinton was born on December 21, 1915 in Wayne County, Tennessee. He was the son of the late Whitt and Roxie McFall Hinton. He was a trucker and a farmer and a member of the Full Gospel Lighthouse Pentecostal Church. Mr. Hinton departed this life on June 2, 1990 at the Blytheville Nursing Center in Blytheville, Arkansas at the age of 74 years, 5 months, and 11 days. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Clura R. Hinton of Blytheville, Ark., one daughter, Mrs. Geraldine Goff of Southhaven, Miss., four sons, Waylon Hinton and James Hinton both of Blytheville, Ark. Wayford Hinton of ‘Tulsa Oklahoma and Charles Hinton of Sturgis, Michigan; 13 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren; five sisters, Mrs. Cora McGee and Mrs. Lois Beavers of Lutts, TN, Mrs. Ora McFall of Etheridge, TN, Mrs. Flora McFall of Savannah, TN and Mrs. Dona Morris of Waterloo, Ala.; one brother, Lawson Hinton of Lutts, TN.” Note: Mr. Hinton was buried in the Centenary Cemetery.

HINTON, EDNA L., TimesDaily, Florence, AL Edna L. Hinton, 91 Waterloo, Ala., died Wednesday, Oct. 1, 2008. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3, 2008, at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn. The funeral will be at Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church, Waterloo, Ala., at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 4, 2008, with burial in Ford’s Mill Cemetery, Lauderdale County, Ala. Officiating at the funeral will be Emerald Bailey and Everette Rich. She was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala. She is survived by her son, Billy Floyd Hinton and wife, Shirley, of Cypress Inn, Tenn.; daughters, Evelyn Reatherford and husband, Jerry, of Florence, Ala., Glenda Kelley, of Florence, Ala., Diane Rumph, of Florence, Ala.; sister, Elsie White, of Florence, Ala.; brothers, Ledford Austin, of Benton Harbor, Mich., Rayford Austin, of Killen, Ala.; grandchildren, Christy Mooney (Jon), Brad Hinton, Amanda Haddock, Waylon Rumph, Brian Kelley (Angela), Darrell Kelley (Selisa); great-grandchildren, Blake Marona, Trevor Kelley, Trenton Kelley, Emily Haddock, Allison Haddock, Justin Kelley; step grandchildren, Michael Reatherford, Donna Hanback (Sammy), Doug Robbins, (Teresa); step-great-grandchildren, Cody Cothrum, Tori Hanback, Sam Hanback, Misty Kay Robbins, Cody Robbins, Jordan Mooney, Tyler Mooney, Alex Purser, Aaron Purser and Austin Purser. She was preceded in death by her mother, Nancy Elizabeth Austin; father, Marion Austin; husband, Floyd Virgil Hinton; two sons, Ernie Gene Hinton and Jackie Hinton; one brother, Cecil Austin; and one sister, Thelma Austin. Pallbearers will include Brad Hinton, Waylon Rumph, Darrell Kelley, Brian Kelley, Michael Reatherford and Talmadge Austin. She was a homemaker and a member of Ford’s Mill Freewill Baptist Church.”

HINTON, ERNIE GENE, Times Daily, Florence, AL The tomb shows Ernie was born 27 Oct. 1947 and died 26 Aug 1972. Mr. Ernie Gene Hinton, 24, Waterloo, died instantly of injuries suffered in a one-car accident Saturday morning. The accident took place 23 miles south of Savannah, Tenn., on Highway 69. He was a graduate of Waterloo High School, an Army veteran, and at the time of his death was employed by Oakwood Manufacturing Company. Services will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. from Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church by Virgil Gean and Elton Cotner. Burial will be in Ford’s Mill Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tenn., directing. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hinton; a brother, Billy Floyd Hinton; three sisters, Miss Glenda Gail Hinton, Miss Edna Diane Hinton, all of Waterloo; Mrs. Gary Wright, Florence; maternal grandmother, Mrs. Nancy Austin, Waterloo.”

HINTON, FLOYD VIRGIL, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The funeral for Floyd Virgil Hinton, 76, College Street, will be at 1 p.m. today at Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church in Waterloo with Virgil Gean and L.L. Wilson officiating. Burial will be in the Ford’s Mill Cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He died Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1988, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. He was a member of Ford’s Mill Free Will Baptist Church and Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church, a retired farmer and sawmill worker. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edna Austin Hinton, Waterloo; daughters, Mrs. Diane Rumph, Phil Campbell, Mrs. Evely Wright Reatherford, Mrs. Glenda Kelley, both of Florence; son, Billy Floyd Hinton, Greenhill; sisters, Mrs. Jewel Keele, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Mattie Sharp, Tyronza, Ark.; brother, Elon Hinton, Tyronza; six grandchildren; one great-grandson.”

HINTON, LEE BOYCE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. Lee Boyce Hinton was born August 18, 1919 in Wayne County, Tennessee, the son of T.W. and Roxie McFall Hinton. Mr. Hinton was a member of the Pentecostal Church. He was a farmer and lived all his life in Wayne County Tennessee in the Lutts Community. Mr. Hinton departed this life December 22, 1976 at Baptist Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, at the age of 57 years, 4 months and 4 days. He is survived by five sisters, Mrs. Cora McGee, Mrs. Lois Bevis both of Lutts, Mrs. Ora McFall, Lawrenceburg, Tenn., Mrs. Flora McFall, Savannah, Mrs. Dona Morris, Waterloo, Alabama; four brothers, Mr. Lawson Hinton , Mr. Marvin Hinton, and Mr. R. D. Hinton all of Lutts, and Mr. Clark Hinton, Blytheville, Arkansas.”

HINTON, ROXIE MCFALL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean , Sr., who conducted the funeral “Roxie McFall Hinton was born April 6, 1886, in Wayne County: The daughter of Bud and Paralee Hinton McFall. She spent her life in Wayne County where she married Whitt Hinton in 1906. He preceded her in death in 1936. She was a Freewill Baptist./p> Mrs. Hinton passed from a long and fruitful life December 7, 1971 at the age of 85 years, 8 months, and 1 day: Leaving 5 sons: Lawson, Marvin, Boyce and R. D. Hinton of Lutts, and Clark Hinton of Blytheville, Ark.: 5 daughters: Mrs. Cora McGee and Mrs. Lois Bevis of Lutts, Mrs. Ora McFall of Etheridge, Tenn., Mrs. Flora McFall of Savannah, and Mrs. Dona Morris of Waterloo, Ala.: a half-brother, Claude McFall of Etheridge, 52 grandchildren, 57 great-grandchildren: and many other relatives and friends. Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee directing.”

HINTON, VERNON THOMAS Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Elkins & Son Funeral Home of Florence, AL. “Mr. Vernon Thomas Hinton, Route 1, Waterloo, Alabama died on November 2, 1986 at ECM Hospital at the age of 58. The funeral will be at the chapel on November 4, 1986, with Virgil H. Gean officiating. Burial will be at Tri Cities Memorial Gardens, Florence. He is survived by his wife Mrs. Kathleen M. Hinton, Waterloo, AL; a son, Douglas L. Franklin, Mishawaka, Ind.; a daughter, Mrs. Patricia Ann Ross, West Palm Beach, FL; a brother, Leonard Hinton, Waterloo; a sister, Mrs. Alma Scott, Killen and two grandchildren.”

HISEY, BERNICE MAE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr., who assisted in the funeral. Bernice Mae Hisey passed away January 11, 1992 in South Bend, Indiana. The funeral was conducted on January 16, 1992 at Greenview Memorial Chapel, by Rev. David J. Morehouse, O.S.B. and Rev. Virgil Gean. Survivors are step-mother, Mamie Strange, Waterloo, AL, sons: Milas G. White, Walnut Grove, TN, Robert E. Hisey, Waterloo, AL; daughters: Linda Null, Colstrip, Montana and Sharon K. James, Dundee, FL; brothers: Wm. D. Vandergrift, Milton, FL, Oliver E. Strange, South Bend, IN, Paul S. Strange, and James L. Strange of Waterloo, AL, David Strange, Jacksonburg, AL; sisters: Sarah F. Young, Waterloo, AL, Cora L. Barrier, Savannah, TN, Carrie Hutton, Waterloo, AL and Rena S. Mietzner, Orlando, FL; thirteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

HOLCOMBE, EARNEST POWERS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Earnest Powers Holcombe was born October 9, 1898, in Lauderdale County Alabama ,the son of Melton and Maggie Sharpe Holcombe. He was united in marriage to Sarah Dennis on June 6, 1920. Mr. Holcombe was a member of the Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church in the community in which he lived. He departed this life January 5, 1978 at Florence, Alabama, at the age of 79 years, 2 months and 26 days. Surviving besides his wife are one daughter, Mrs. Bernice Bennett, Florence, Ala., six sons, Mr. Willard Holcombe, Mr. James L. Holcombe, Mrs. Leonard Holcombe all of Waterloo, Ala., Mr. Arnold Holcombe, Savannah, Tenn., Mr. Cletus Holcombe, Florence, Alabama, and Mr. Edwin Holcombe, Shelbyville, Tenn.; one brother, Mr. Elmer Holcombe, Florence, Ala.; one half-sister, Miss Athalene Holcombe, Florence, Ala.; 17 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.”

HOLCOMBE, ELMER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean and was prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, AL. “Mr. Elmer Holcombe,77, 209 North Weakly Street, Florence, AL, passed away October 17, 1980 at his residence. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral service will be at the Morrison-Elkins Chapel on October 19, 1980, with Virgil Gean and Earl Dixon conducting the funeral. Survivors are 3 daughters, Mrs. Hazel Hipps, Melvin Dale, Mich., Mrs. Inez Chandler, and Mrs. Reba Nell Melton both of Florence, AL.; 1 sister, Ms Atlelene Holcombe, Florence, AL; 6 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren.”

HOLCOMBE, ESTER LORETTA, Times Daily News, Florence, Alabama “WATERLOO — Mrs. Ester Loretta Holcombe, 75, Route 1, Waterloo, died Monday, Feb. 3, 1986, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, widow of Hubert L. Holcombe and a member of Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, Waterloo. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Dominick Ditoro officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include sons, Herschel Holcombe, Lawrence Holcombe, both of Waterloo; daughters, Edith Hart, Florence, Helen Parker, Waterloo; brothers, Elbert Murphy, Charles Murphy, both of Waterloo; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Donnie Hart, David Holcombe, Terry Holcombe, Dwayne Holcombe, Bryan Holcombe, Nelson Parker. Honorary bearers will be Fred Sudhoff and Jackey Barnett.”

HOLCOMBE, JAMES ELMO Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. James Elmo Holcombe was born July 30, 1910 in Waterloo, Alabama, the son of the late Lanier J. and Neta Faulkner Holcombe. On march 18, 1932 he married the former Edith Crotts. Mr. Holcombe departed from this life May 18th at the Tri County Nursing Home in Adamsville, the age of 73 years, 9 months, and 18 days. He leaves other than his wife Edith of Savannah, 2 sons, James Norman Holcombe, Wichita, Kansas and Kenneth Edward Holcombe, Glendale, Ariz.; 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren; 5 sisters, Mrs. Edna Young, South Bend, Ind., Mrs. Gertie McNeely, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Sallie Geans, Royal Oak, Mich., Mrs. Rosie Haddock, Killen, Ala., and Mrs. Virginia Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; 1 brother, Reuben Holcombe Morris Chapel, Tennessee.” The following was read by Mr. Holcombe’s granddaughter at the funeral: “A flower on his tomb will wilt, a tear in his memory will evaporate, a prayer for his soul, reaches God. Ah men”

HOLCOMBE, LANIER JONES (L. J.), Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: death was on April 1, 1966. “Lanier Jones Holcombe, Jr., 45, of Rt. 1, Cloverdale, was pronounced dead on arrival at ECM Hospital at noon Friday, following an accident which occurred on Savannah Highway, five miles west of Florence. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a World War II veteran and a former TVA employee. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Monday from Williams Chapel near Waterloo with Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home until Monday morning when it will be taken to the church to lie in state one hour before services. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ruby Holcombe; four daughters, Misses Maxine, Darlene, Patty and Beverly Holcombe, all of Cloverdale; one son, Lanier, III, of Cloverdale; six sisters, Mrs. Rose Hawkins, Florence, Mrs. Gertie McNeeley, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Virginia Williams, Mrs. Edna Young and Mrs. Vera Young, all of South Bend Ind.; four brothers, Ruben Holcombe and W. C. Holcombe of Florence; Elmo Holcombe, Detroit, Arthur Holcombe, South Bend, Ind.; two cousins, Elmer Holcombe, Florence, and Earnest Holcombe, Waterloo. Pallbearers will be Orlan Fulmer, Jewss Parrish, Hansel Holcombe, Edward Holcombe, Lanier Holcombe, Roger Hawkins, Bill Young and Johnny Holcombe. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.”

HOLCOMBE, SARAH DENNIS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Sarah Dennis Holcombe was born on November 2, 1902 in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Andrew Jackson Dennis and Roxie Bryant Dennis. On June 6, 1920 she was united to Earnest Powers Holcombe, who preceded her in death on January 5, 1978. She was a member of the Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church and had resided in the Waterloo area all of her life. Mrs. Holcombe departed this life on October 12, 1992, at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, at the age of 89 years, 11 months, and 10 days. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Bernice Holcombe Bennett of Florence, AL; six sons: Willard Holcombe, James L. Holcombe and Leonard Holcombe of Waterloo, AL, Arnold Holcombe Savannah, TN, Cletus Holcombe of Florence, AL, Edwin Holcombe of Shelbyville, TN; 18 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren; 3 brothers: Andrew Dennis of Selmer, Dalton Dennis of South Bend, IN, Curtis Dennis of South Bend, IN; two sisters: Mrs. Christine Reed of Collinwood and Mrs. Dorothy Davis of Mishawaka, IN.”

HOLLOWAY, MRS. GERTIE ODELL DEAN, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Gertie Odell Dean Holloway, 69, Waterloo, died Tuesday at her home. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Young’s Chapel Holiness Church. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., is in charge. Surviving are her husband, W.A. Holloway; daughters, Mrs. Lois Smith, Mrs. Esther Witt, Mrs. Fay Woods, Mrs. Evie Jean Adams, all of Waterloo; Mrs. Ruth Balentine, Mrs. Martha Ann Balentine, both of Mishawaka, Ind.; sons, Paul Holloway, David Lee Holloway, Waterloo; Noah Holloway, James Holloway, Savannah, Tenn.; Tommy Van Holloway, Houston, Texas; Phillip Holloway, Central Heights, Florence; brother, Edd Dean, Mishawaka, Ind.; 41 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren.”

HOLT, CARL Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Collinwood, Tennessee. “Mr. Carl Holt, age 61, of Savannah, TN passed away at the Hardin County Hospital. Mr. Holt was a native of Wayne County and a son of the late Monroe and Nancy Hinton Holt. He was a member if the Freewill Baptist Church. He is survived by: his wife, Etta Henson Holt of Savannah, TN; one son, Glenn Holt of Savannah, TN; one brother, Vernie Holt of South Bend, Indiana; three sisters, Goldie Ayers of Lutts, TN, Ester Eaton of Collinwood, TN, and Gertie Bevis of Florence, AL; one half-brother, Charlie Holt of Florida; one half-sister, Iva Raney of Waycross, GA; stepmother, Mrs. Irene Giles of Waycross, GA; one step-brother, Roy Eaton of Florence, AL; one granddaughter, Janet Delk, Savannah, TN; one step grandson, Ricky Bradford, Savannah, TN; one great-grandson, Bradley Glenn Delk, Savannah, TN; one step-great-granddaughter, Misty Bradford, Savannah. TN.”

HOLT, MR. GEORGE WASHINGTON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr. and was compiled by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Mr. George Washington Holt, age 81, of Los Angeles, California passed away December 17, 1977 in Los Angeles. He was a native of Wayne County, Tennessee and a son of the late Joseph and Annie Scott Holt. Mr. Holt was a member of the Methodist Church. Mr. Holt is survived by: one brother, Mr. John Holt of Alton, Illinois; several nieces and nephews.”

HOLT, VERNIE L. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr. “Vernie L. Holt was born in Tennessee, on March 25, 1917, the son of the late Monroe and Nancy Hinton Holt. On April 8, 1945, he was united in marriage to the former Helen Morris, who survives. Mr. Holt was a retired employee of the Uniroyal Rubber Corporation and a member of the American Legion Post #50 in South Bend, Indiana, and a member of the United Rubber Workers Union. He departed this life April 17, at the St. Joseph’s Medical Center in South Bend, Indiana, at the age of 71 years and 23 days. Other than his wife, he is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Kathy O’Connors of South Bend, Indiana, 2 sons, Jerry Holt of South Bend and Thomas Holt of Kokomo, Indiana.; three sisters, Mrs. Goldie Ayers of Lutts, Tennessee, Mrs. Easther Eaton of Collinwood, Tennessee, and Mrs. Gertie Bevis of Florence, Alabama,; one half-sister, Mrs. Ival Rayney of Waycross, Georgia; one half-brother, Charles Holt of Stuart, Florida; his step-mother, Mrs. Irene Jiles of Florence, Alabama; and one grandchild.”

HORTON, MARY LYNN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “COLLINWOOD, Tenn. –The funeral for Mary Lynn Horton, 53, Route 2, will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackleford Funeral Directors, Collinwood, John E. banks and Daniel Robertson officiating. Burial will be at Cromwell Crossroads Cemetery, with the funeral home directing. She died Sunday, Dec. 3, 1990, at Humana Hospital, Florence, Ala. She was a native of Lutts, an employee of Angelica Corp., daughter of the late Ellis and Geneva Gean Strickland, and a member of the Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Archie Wendell Horton, Collinwood; stepmother, Beatrice Strickland, Savannah; brothers, Bobby Mack and Joey Strickland, both of Savannah; sisters, Vera Dodd, Killen, Ala., Wanda Robertson and Brenda Leslie, both of Florence, Ala., Joan Ford, Savannah, and June Morris, South bend, Ind.; great-grandmother, Hattie Gean, Savannah; nieces and nephews.”

HUBBARD, CHARITY JANE TILLEY Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Charity Jane Tilley Hubbard was born September 19, 1904 in Wayne County, daughter of the late Tom and Charity Brown Tilley. She was united in marriage to Bud Hubbard who preceded her in death almost 30 years ago. Mrs. Hubbard was a member of the New Pleasant Grove Freewill Baptist Church. She departed from this life October 28th at the Hardin Home Nursing Home, the age of 87 years, 1 month, and 9 days. She leaves a daughter, Mrs. Mary Hubbard, Savannah; 6 sons, Elmer Hubbard, Hohenwald, Tennessee, Hurby Hubbard, Adamsville, Tennessee, Charles Hubbard, Morris Chapel, Tennessee, Monroe, Clyde, and Lois Hubbard, all of Savannah, Tennessee; 12 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren; 2 brothers, Leonard Tilley, Savannah, Tennessee, and Elmer Tilley, Campbell, Missouri.”

JAMES, POLLY Information taken from the Wright community news in the Florence Herald, February 17, 1902 “Wright February 17, 1902 Editor: Times—-Pneumonia is still raging to an alarming extent………….Aunt Polly James, as she was familiarly called, died at the residence of her niece, Mrs. Rhoda Perkins, on Brush Creek, last Friday and was buried in the Wright cemetery. She had passed her four score years. Peace to her ashes.”

JAYNES, AMANDA “MANDY” WHITAKER, The Florence Herald, Friday, March 30, 1945 “Mrs. Clayton Jaynes, aged 47, passed away Friday night at her home on the Cloverdale road, route 3, following a lengthy illness. Deceased was a native of Wayne county, Tennessee, but had made her home in Cloverdale community for 35 years. She was a member of the Stoney Point Church of Christ. Survivors include her husband, Granville Clayton Jaynes, four sons, Granville Clayton Jaynes, Jr., Knoxville, William Howard Jaynes, U.S. Army, somewhere in France, Hershel Gilbert and Robert Lee Jaynes, both of Florence, one daughter, Mrs. James Statom, Florence, three brothers, Luther Whittaker, Florence, and Will and Ed Whittaker, both of St. Louis, and two sisters, Mrs. O.T. Jaynes and Mrs. Mike Marks, of Florence. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon from the Stony Point Church of Christ. Brown-Service in charge of arrangements.“

JAYNES, DOROTHY MARIE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Miss Dorothy Marie Jaynes, of Florence, died Tuesday, Dec. 1, 2009. There will be a private family graveside service Friday, Dec. 4, 2009, at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. She was a member of Sherrod Avenue Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her parents, Buford and Rhoda Clemons Jaynes; by her grandparents, Charlie R. and Mattie Lyles Clemons, and James Arthur and Ollie Jones Jaynes; and by a niece, Debra Mitchell. She is survived by her sisters, Myron Mitchell and Marjorie Millirons (Charles); one niece; five nephews; several great-nieces and nephews. The family would like to offer their heartfelt thanks to the staff of Mitchell-Hollingsworth station 2. Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. You are invited to sign the online registry at“

JAYNES, ISAAC D., The Florence Times, Feb. 6, 1939, page 6 “Isaac Jaynes Laid to Rest Retired Farmer Died Early Sunday MorningIsaac D. Jaynes, 82, year old Lauderdale countian, died at the home of his son, J.W. Jaynes, on Florence, Star Route 5, Sunday morning at 12:20 o’clock after a week’s illness following a stroke. Mr. Jaynes, who engaged in farming until 13 years ago when he retired, was a native of Bedford, Tenn. He came to Alabama in 1896. Deceased was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are two sons, J.W. and T.W. Jaynes, of Star Route 5, Florence; Arthur Jaynes, of Florence, Otis Jaynes, of Petersville ? And Clay Jaynes, of Florence; two daughters, Mrs. Henry Rickard of Star Route 5, Florence, and Mrs. Velma Pugh, of Memphis, Tenn.; a brother, Ed Jaynes, of Florence and a sister, Mrs. George Daughtery of Florence. Funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Jones Hill cemetery with Elder J.M. Garner, minister of the Court Street Church of Christ, Florence, officiating. Burial followed there, Spry Florence, directing. Pallbearers were Arthur Hendon, Buford Jaynes, Joe Steverson, Paul Henry, Roland Behel and John Steverson.”

JAYNES, KATHRYN ANN, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “1971-2008 Kathryn Ann Jaynes, 37, of Anderson, died Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at ECM Hospital, unexpectedly. Funeral service will be Saturday, May 10, at 11 a.m. at Rogersville Funeral home where friends may visit, Friday from 6-8 p.m. Terry Lamar will be officiating. Burial will be in Bethel Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Alan and Nick Jaynes, Andy and Joey Dutton, Danny Stanford, Jeremy Jones, John Murphy and Jeremiah Clemmons. Kathryn is survived by her sons, Alan and Nick Jaynes; parents, Richard and Nadine Higgs; brother, Robert Higgs, all of Anderson; aunt, Jean Duncan and uncle, Mark Winter, both of Rogersville. Donations may be made to the Kathryn Jaynes Memorial Fund at any Bank Independent branch.”

JAYNES, SIBYL, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Sibyl Jaynes went to be with her Lord and Savior on May 6, 2008. Mrs. Jaynes was 87 years of age and lived in Florence, Ala. She was a member of First Freewill Baptist Church, witnessing for Jesus was her daily mission, and she was loved by many. Visitation with the family will be 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, May 9, 2008, at First Freewill Baptist Church in Florence, Ala. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. at the church, with Willie Justice officiating. Burial will follow in Richardson Chapel Cemetery.”

JAYNES, WILLIAM TENNYSON “BIG SIPPER”, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “William Tennyson “Big Sipper” Jaynes, 78, of Lexington, passed away July 12, 2008. Survivors include his wife, Alice Jean Jaynes, Lexington; sons, Timmy Jaynes, Waterloo, Tony Jaynes and Jerry Jaynes, Lexington; daughters, Shelia Clemmons, Anderson, Linda Weathers, Center Point; brother, Jesse Jaynes Jr., Florence; sisters, Phyllis McCain, Lexington, Henrietta Bradford, Killlen; nine grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren. Mr. Jaynes was a Korean War Army veteran, retired from Murray Ohio Inc., a farmer and a member of Grassy Presbyterian Church. He as preceded in death by his parents, Jesse Jaynes Sr. and Thelma Jaynes. Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. today at Greenhill Funeral Home. The funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Monday at the funeral home, with burial in Pettus Cemetry with full military honors. Greenhill Funeral Home is directing.”

JOHNSON, ANNIE CORRENE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Annie Correne Michael Johnson, 46, Savannah, Tenn. died Tuesday at her residence. The service will be at 1 p.m. Thursday at Shackelford Funeral Home Chapel, Savannah. Burial will be in Balentine Cemetery, Wayne County. She was a nurse’s aide at Hardin County Nursing Homes and a member of the Free Holiness Church. She was a former resident of Lauderdale County and Wayne County and had moved to Hardin County 11 years ago. Surviving are her husband, Bradford D. Johnson; her father, Floyd Michael, Savannah; her mother, Mrs. Lura Michael, Savannah; stepdaughters, Mrs. Cleo Henson, Lakeville, Ind., Mrs. Ima Doris Howard, Florence, Mrs. Shelba Peak, Maryville, Tenn., Miss Maggie Johnson, Mrs. Wylodean Cagle, both of Knoxville, Tenn., Miss Barbara Johnson, Tampa, Fla.; stepsons, Granville Johnson, Alfred Johnson, both of Florence, Paul Johnson, South Bend, Ind.; brothers, Albert Michael, Waymon Michael, both of Savannah, Willis Michael, Atlanta, Ga., Norman Michael, Corinth, Miss.; half brother, Rayford Word, Walnut Grove, Tenn.”

JOHNSON, ELMER E. “BUDDY”, East Lauderdale News, March 14, 1996 “Elmer E. (Buddy) Johnson, 72, Rogersville, died Wednesday, March 6, at Florence Hospital. A graveside service was held Friday, March 8, at Civitan Cemetery with Dr. Bertis Ray, the Rev. James Warren, and the Rev. Anthony White officiating. Elkins East Chapel was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Johnson was a native of Rogersville but spent his childhood years in Knoxville, Tenn., and lived most of his adult life in Florence and Rogersville. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Rogersville where he served as a deacon, retired from Reynolds Metal Company as a supervisor after 30 years, and was a veteran of World War II. Mr. Johnson was a graduate of the University of North Alabama and was one of the original members of the ROTC Drum and Bugle Corps. He was also a former teacher at St. Florian and Anderson Junior High Schools. He was preceded in death by his parents, William E. Johnson and Jean Johnson Alexander and his brother, Robert H. Johnson. Survivors include his wife, JoMarie Johnson, Rogersville; son, Jerry Johnson, Guntersville; daughters, Janet Johnson, Rogersville, Janie McDonald, Venezuela; Mary Jo Peden, Florence; sisters, Mary Lucille Wilson, Florence, Willa Jean Cagle, Rogersville; eight grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Memorial gifts may be made to Rogersville Ambulance Unit for Woodmont Christian School scholarship fund.”

JOHNSON, LULA BET MCFALLS Information taken from clergy records of Virgil Gean, Sr. Lula Bet McFalls Johnson was born June 15, 1899 in Tennessee, the daughter of the late William and Roxie McFalls. She was united in marriage to Zeb Johnson, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Johnson departed from this life April 5, 1976 at the age of 76 years, 9 months, and 20 days. She leaves a step-son, Elmer Johnson, Florence, Ala.,; a sister, Mrs. Beulah McFalls, Lutts; also several nieces and nephews.”

JOHNSON, MARY MARGUERITE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mary Marguerite Sego Johnson, 84, of Florence, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 29, 2007, after a prolonged illness. Visitation will be 10-11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, 2007, at the Spry Serenity Chapel, Helton Drive, Florence. The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, with interment in Florence City Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Lance Austin, Heath Johnson, Tyler Johnson, Brian Vickery, Brad Vickery and Dewayne McDuff. Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Wayne Stanley and Dr. Webb. Marguerite was a longtime member of the Salem United Methodist Church. She was the loving wife of the late James Arnold Johnson and the loving grandmother of the late John Sterling Hancock. She is survived by her daughter, Doris Johnson Boswell (Joseph); sons, Jackie Lee Johnson (Martha), Thomas Bedford Johnson; grandchildren, Nathan Brice Hancock, Heath Johnson, Tyler Johnson; and great-granddaughter, Abigail Nicole Hancock.”

JOHNSON, RANDALL HOYT, from the Florence Times or Florence Hearld, Florence, AL Information from the tomb shows he was born 17 Aug 1952 and died 12 Oct 1978. “ Randall Hoyt Johnson, 25, 1304 Dodge Ave., Mishawaka, Ind., died Thursday from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident. He was a musician and a native of South Bend, Ind. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church in Florence, with the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will follow in the Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, with Morrison Elkins of Florence directing. Survivors include his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grandville Johnson, Florence; sisters, Mrs. Rita Kaye Herman, Mishawaka, Ind.; Mrs. Mary Ellen Guzowski, Mishawaka, Ind.; grandfather, Bradford D. Johnson, Savannah, Tenn.; nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Steve Johnson, Larry Murphy, Pete Herman, Terry Guzowski, Bobby Raines, Johnny Howard.”

JOHNSON, MRS. VICIE WHITE, Times Daily, Florence, AL Information from the clergy records of Virgil Gean shows she died 21 Apr 1974 and was buried 23 Apr 1974. Mrs. Vicie White Johnson, 74, Waterloo, died at University Hospital, Birmingham, Monday. She was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Waterloo Baptist Church with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in Richardson Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will be at the residence until the funeral hour. She is survived by her husband, Earnest Johnson; daughters, Mrs. Dan Rubish, Huntington Ind., Mrs. Henry Haynes, Waterloo, Mrs. Ray Swinford, Waterloo, Mrs. Doyle Scott, Mrs. Alice Gates, Mrs. Vernon Hinton, Mrs. E. W. Dean , all of Mishawaka, Ind.; stepdaughters, Mrs. Ashley Horne, Edwardsburg, Mich., Mrs. Robert Allison, Mrs. Mary Lou Harshman, both of Mishawaka; stepsons, John Johnson, Long Beach, Calif., James Johnson, Martinsville, Ind.; 15 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Earl White, Horace Pyburn, Robert Goode, George Mangrum, Thomas Ray, Henry Vickers.

JOHNSTON, OTHA RALPH, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Otha Ralph Johnston, 83, Cherokee, died Monday at Shoals Hospital. He was a native of Hardin County, Tenn., a retired security guard at Reynolds Metals Co. and a member of the Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at First United Methodist Church, Cherokee. The Rev. Larry Harbin and the Rev. Bob Gunn will officiate. Burial will be in Riverton Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Tuscumbia directing. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Gladys J. Akers, Sheffield; sisters, Mrs. Virgie Douthit, Spruce Pine; Mrs. Dot Tanner, Tuscumbia; brothers, Alton Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla.; Tommy Johnston, Tuscumbia; three grandchildren; five great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Cecil Edwards, Rex Keeton, Tommy Tanner, Harold Maples, Bill Shoemaker, Lewis McGill. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Tuscumbia, until being placed in the church one hour before the funeral.”

JOINER, BONNIE COOPER, East Lauderdale News, Rogersville, Alabama “ Bonnie Cooper Joiner, 78, Memphis, Tenn. formerly of Rogersville, died, Friday, Feb. 22, 2008. Funeral services were Sunday, Feb. 24, at Rogersville Funeral Home with Windell Gann officiating. Burial was in Cooper Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, Robbie Joiner, Memphis, Tenn., daughter, Jenny Davis, Franklin, Tenn.; son, Robert Joiner, Roswell, Ga.; eight grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; sisters, Robbie King, Madison, Emma Goode, Eula Goode, both of Rogersville. Memorials may be made to Harding Graduate School of Religion, 1000 Cherry Rd., Memphis, Tenn., 38117 or to Kirby Pines General Fund, 3535 Kirby Rd., Memphis, Tenn., 38115.”

JONES, DINAH LOWRY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Dinah Lowry Jones, 37, died Friday, Oct. 24, 1997, of a sudden illness. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 27, 1997, with burial in Poplar Creek Cemetery. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Visitation will be 6 to 9 p.m. today at Morrison funeral Home, Tuscumbia. Officiating will be Rev. Wayne Wilson. She was a native of Colbert County, employed by Shirt Depot in Elgin and a member of Harmony Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include her parents, Bill and Uleen Lowry of Leighton; son, Trevor William Jones, Leighton; brothers, Daniel and wife Peggy Lowry, Leighton, Jerome Lowry, Leighton, Tyrone and wife Lucy Lowry, Leighton, nieces, Lana Lowry, Morgan Lowry and Kaitlyn Lowry; nephews, Marca Lowry, Wesley Lowry. Pallbearers will include Jack Hanvy, Kenneth Hanvy, John Phil Lowry, Jeremy Sapp, Mickey Grimms, Billy Kidd, Lucian Tidwell, Travis Dawson, Jack Willis.”

JONES, GENTRY ODELL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., and compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Gentry Odell Jones was born April 24, 1911, in Alabama, the son of William C. and Vada Harold Jones. He was a farmer of the Mt. Olive Community. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Mr. Jones was united in marriage to Vylona White, who survives. He departed this life July 23, 1967, at the age of 56 years, 2 months and 19 days. Besides his wife he leaves two sons, Clarence W. Jones, South Bend, Ind. And Hilton Jones, Herford, Texas; four daughters, Mrs. Maudine Heath, Truman, Arkansas, Mrs. Jimmy Sutton, Spring Valley, Calif., Mrs. Mae Scott and Mrs. Louise Bushong both of Waterloo, Ala.; His father, Mr. William C. Jones, Sr., Waterloo, Ala.,; five brothers, Mr. Cleatus Jones, Earle Ark., Mr. Dallas Jones, Florence, Ala., Mr. Burlon Jones, Huntsville, Ala., W.C. Jones, Jr., South Bend, Ind., Earlon Jones, Mishawaka, Ind.; two sisters, Mrs. Oma Faulkner, Florence, Ala., and Mrs. Audy Mae Ragel, Mishawaka, Ind.; 9 grandchildren.”

JONES, HOMER LEE, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: from tomb, born 26 Nov. 1896, died 23 Dec. 1969 “Homer Lee Jones, 73, Waterloo, Rt. 2, died at ECM Hospital Tuesday at 8 p.m. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was a retired farmer and a member of Waterloo Church of Christ. Services will be conducted today at 2 p.m. from Wright Methodist Church by Fred Dillon and Charles Stidham. Burial will be in Wright Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to services. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lillian Ticer Jones; two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Robertson, Florence, Mrs. Fay Williams, Decatur; five sons, Vernon and James, Florence; Charles, Covington, Ga.; Roy Lee and Kenneth, Waterloo; a brother, Wheeler, Waterloo; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Occolo, Ark; 15 grandchildren. Nephews will be bearers.”

JONES, JOHN WEAKLEY, Times Daily, Florence, AL Information on the tomb shows he was born 10 Apr 1887 and died 9 Jan. 1968. “John Weakley Jones, Jr., 80, Rt. 6, Florence, died at ECM Hospital Tuesday at 4:52 p.m. following a five-weeks illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, and was a retired farmer of the Oakland Community. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. from Oakland Church of Christ with Charles Beavers and Ellis Coats officiating. Burial will follow in Greenview Memorial Park. The body will be at the funeral home and will be taken to the church to lie in state one hour Thursday. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Ada Young Jones, Rt. 6; a daughter, Mrs. Percy Wright, Jr., Rt. 2, Florence; a son, Robert D. Jones, Rt. 6, Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Mamie Whitten, Florence, Mrs. Ethel Johnson, Oceola, Ark.; two brothers, Wheeler W. Jones, Rt. 2, Waterloo, Homer Jones, Waterloo, Rt. 2; four grandchildren; four great grandchildren. Pallbearers will be nephews. Morrison – Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”

JONES, KENNETH RAY, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: from tomb, born 2 Oct. 1942, died 7 Mar. 1970. “Funeral services for Kenneth Ray Jones, 27, Route 2, Waterloo, who died Saturday night as a result of a traffic accident, were today at Wright’s Methodist Church with Charles Stidman and Fred Dillion officiating. Burial was in Wright Cemetery. Survivors include: widow, Mrs. Lois Sharp Jones, Waterloo; mother, Mrs. Lillian Ticer Jones; two sisters, Mrs. Gladys Robertson, Florence; and Mrs. Faye Williams, Decatur; four brothers, Vernon Jones and James Jones Florence; Charles Jones, Covington, Ga.; and Ray Lynn, Waterloo. Pallbearers were: Ralph Sharp, Larry Burbank, Berlon Sharp, Monte Ticer, Howard Jones and Arnold Ticer.”

JONES, NADINE MASON, Florence Times News, Wednesday Afternoon, February 4, 1976 “Mrs. Nadine Mason Jones, 50, Rt. 6, Florence, died Tuesday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after an illness of 13 months. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Glendale Church of Christ and had taught the junior Sunday School class 28 years. She served on the Lauderdale County Board of Registrars four years, and was first director of the Lauderdale County Day Care Center. She was also a vice president of Shoals Cheese Corp. and of Florence Frozen Food. She is survived by her husband, Howard Jones; sons, William Howard Jones Jr., Section, Ala., Glen Mason and James Keith Jones, both of Florence; a daughter, Mrs. Gail Stevenson, Florence; one granddaughter, Heather Stevenson, Florence; her father and step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mason, Rogersville; brothers, Louis Mason Jr. and Billy Ray Mason, both of Florence; a sister, Mrs. Ann Evans, Trinity; nieces and nephews. The funeral was a 2 p.m. today at Glendale Church of Christ with Lawrence Williams officiating. Burial was in Duncan Cemetery, Spry of Florence directing. Elders and deacons of Glendale Church of Christ were bearers.”

JONES, WILLIAM CLARENCE, Times Daily, Florence, AL Information on the tomb shows he was born 6 Aug. 1882 and died 6 Aug. 1973. “Funeral services for William Clarence Jones, 91, Waterloo, will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at Mt. Olive Baptist Church with V.H. Geans and Jim Martz officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Shackleford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. Mr. Jones died Monday afternoon at ECM Hospital. He was a retired farmer and minister. Survivors include five sons, Cleatus, Dallas, and Burlon Jones, all of Florence, W.C. Jones, Jr., Waterloo, Earlon Jones, Mishawaka, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Oma Faulkner, Florence, Mrs. Andy Ragle, Mishawaka, Ind.; a stepson, Herman Austin, Hollins Creek Community; five stepdaughters, Mrs. Corene Baugus, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Dorothy Reynolds, Olivet Community, Mrs. Frankie Baugus, Savannah, Mrs. Grace Pickens, Burnt Church Community, Mrs. Ruth McClain, Savannah; 26 grandchildren, 40 great-grandchildren.”

JONES, WILLIAM CLARENCE, JR Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “William Clarence Jones, Jr. was born April 21, 1926, in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of W.C and Vada Hairrell Jones. He was united in marriage to Olean Hayes who preceded him in death in 1966, he later was united in marriage to Pauline Lard January 22, 1970, Mrs. Jones survives. He was an employee of the Alabama Highway Department. He lived in the Waterloo area most of his life with the exception of four years in the Mishawaka, Ind. area. He was a member of the Mt. Olive Baptist Church. He departed this life December 4, 1980 at the age of 54 years, 7 months and 13 days. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Mr. Jerry Lane Jones and Mr. J.R. Jones both of Mishawaka, Ind.; two sisters, Mrs. Jesse Faulkner, Florence, Ala. And Mrs. Tom Ragle, Mishawaka, Ind.; four brothers, Mr. Clarence Dallas Jones, Mr. George Cletis Jones and Mr. Burlon Jones all of Florence, Ala. And James Earl Jones, Mishawaka, Ind.; 5 grandchildren.”

JONES, WILLIAM HOWARD, TimesDaily/Wednesday, September 6, 1995 William Howard Jones, 73, Route 6, Florence, died Monday, Sept. 4, 1995, of a sudden illness. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Greenview Funeral Home, with burial in Duncan Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Randy Baker. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. As former owner and operator of Shoals Cheese Corp. for over 40 years and co-owner of Florence Frozen Foods for more than 20 years, he still found time to serve in numerous community leader roles. From 1959 to 1985 he was supervisor of the Lauderdale County Soil and Water Conservation District. He was chairman of the West Lauderdale Water and Fire Protection Authority from 1966 to 1989. He also served on the Mars Hill Bible School President’s development Council from 1983 to 1988. He was a member of American Legion Post 11 for 50 years, holding a certificate of continuous membership. He served on the board of directors of U.S. 8th Air Force, 398th Bomber Group. He was active in the UNA Sportsman’s Club and was past chairman of the Florence-Lauderdale Coliseum board of directors. He is survived by his wife, Mary Hazel Blalock Jones, Florence; son, William Howard “Bill” Jones Jr., Scottsboro, Glen Mason Jones, James Keith Jones, both of Florence; daughter, Janet Gail Stevenson, Florence; brother, George Vernon Jones, Florence; grandchildren, Heather Michelle Stevenson, Laurie Paige Stevenson, William Mason Jones, Michael David Jones and Tara Leanne Jones. He was preceded in death by his wife, Nadene Mason Jones. Pallbearers will include David McFall, Clarence Jenkins, L.L. Whitten, Glenn Murphy, Dewey Mitchell III and Mack Blalock. He was a member of Mars Hill Church of Christ.”

JONES, WILLIAM HOWARD JR., TimesDaily/Wednesday, August 9, 2000 William Howard “Bill” Jones, Jr., 51, Scottsboro, Ala., died Monday, Aug. 7, 2000, after an extended illness. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9, at Scottsboro Funeral Home chapel with Ronny Johnson and Johnny Mack Young officiating. Burial will be in Duncan Cemetery, Florence, Ala. A graveside service will be at 3:30 p.m. today, conducted by Lawrence Williams and Fred Dillon. Visitation will be 9-11 a.m. today at the funeral home. He is survived by his wife, Charlene (Barnes) Jones of Scottsboro; stepmother, Mary Hazel Jones, Florence, Ala.; grandmother, Naomi Mason, Rogersville, Ala.; sister and brother-in-law, Gail and Rod Stevenson of Florence; two brothers and sisters-in-law, Glen and Joyce Jones and Keith and Jalana Jones, Florence. He also is survived by three nieces, Heather Coleman, Paige Stevenson and Tara Jones of Florence; three nephews, William Jones, Michael Jones and Ronnie Coleman of Florence; four uncles and Aunts, Vernon and Dot Jones, Lewis and Jeannine Mason, Bill and Mildred Mason of Florence and Ann and Dwight Evans of Austin, Texas; several cousins, a host of in-laws, a dear friend, Charles E. Cobb, his church family and many friends who loved him dearly. Bill was a member of the Larkinsville Church of Christ, the Scottsboro Civitan Club and had recently retired from his position as a senior economic assistance specialist.

KEATON, DONALD HOWARD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr., compiled by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. Donald Howard Keaton, age 3 years, 10 months, was born Aug. 12, 1968, and died June 17, 1972 at Coffee Memorial Hospital. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala. and was the son of Donald H. and Carrie Burgess Keeton, Rt. Cloverdale, Ala. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keaton, one sister, Anglea Denise Keaton of the home; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Keaton, Cloverdale, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Burgess, Sheffield, Ala.; great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Harrison, Sheffield, Ala.; great-great-grandmother, Mrs. Vergie Harrison, Sheffield, Ala.; a host of relatives and friends.”

KEEL, EDNA NORA PERKINS Information taken from the remembrance pamphlet at the funeral home. Edna Nora Perkins Keel was born on September 11, 1908 and died June 13, 2001 at age 92 years, 3 months, and 2 days. Obituary from TimesDaily News as follows: Edna N. Keel, 92, Waterloo, died Wednesday, June 13, 2001, in Florence. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, member of Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, a retired employee of the Lauderdale County Board of Education as a CNP worker. She was preceded in death by her husband, Andrew Jackson Keel, in 1945. Visitation will be Friday, June 15, 2001, at 10 a.m. at Williams Chapel Church, with Brother Bob Graves officiating. Interment will follow in Williams Chapel Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Randall Smith, Timothy and Barry McFall, Wesley Winborn, David Winborn, Tony Orrick and Randy Smith. Nephews will be honorary pallbearers. Surviving her are daughters, Clara Mae Keel Smith, Clanton, Ala., Emma Jean Keel Lacher, Waterloo, Ala.; sister, Thelma Mae Perkins, Waterloo; six grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; five nieces; four nephews; 11 grandnieces; and seven grandnephews. A special thanks to the staff at Glenwood Convalescent Center and Dr. Danny McFall, Dr. Macon Landers, Dr. Ricky Irons and the community and friends. Spry Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”

KEEL, ELVIN LAWRENCE Elvin Lawrence Keel was born February 9, 1928 in Alabama, the son of James Keel and the late Lura Lambert Keel. On October 4, 1947 he married the former Evelyn Cossey. Mr. Keel departed suddenly from this life, January 22, 1973, at his home, at the age of 44 years, 11 months, and 13 days. He leaves other than his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Benson, Savannah; two brothers Carlton Keel, Melrose Park, Ill., and Raymond Keel, Section, Ala.; two sisters, Mrs. Aline Beil, Hollywood, Fla. And Mrs. Ludene Fondren, Ft. Mitchell, Ky. Also his father of Florence, Alabama; one grandchild; two half brothers, James Walbert Keel, Florence, Ala., and Ottis Wayne Keel, also of Florence; four half sisters Hellen Morris, Memphis, Mrs. Lois Walker and Mrs. Joyce May both of Florence and Mrs. Linda Bates, Birmingham, Ala.”

KEELE, EDGAR DANIEL, Iuka, Mississippi “Edgar Daniel Keele, 70, North Crossroads community near Iuka, Miss., died Friday in Memphis, Tenn. He was a retired farmer and saw mill worker. Services will be today at 1p.m. from Fairview Free Will Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include: wife, Mabel Keele; daughters, Brenda Taylor, Gladys McDuffy, Linda Linton, Iuka., Miss.; Merle Edmondson, Counts, Tenn.; Dorris Lettrell, Red Bank, Miss.; Rachel Harrison, Sitka, Alaska; Nina Tuckett, Tishomingo, Miss.; sons, Loyal Keele, Denvil Keele Iuka, David Keele, Timothy Keele, Corinth, Miss.; Jerrel Keele, Burnsville, Miss.; brothers, James Keele, Florence; George Keele, Corinth; sister, Martha King, Waterloo; 25 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.” Note: Mr. Keele died Dec. 22, 1978 and was buried on Dec. 24, 1978 at Fairview Baptist Church in Iuka, Mississippi.

KEELE, MABLE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL Iuka, Miss. “Mable Keele, 83, died Wednesday, July 19, 2000. The funeral will be at 4 p.m. today at Cutshall Funeral Home chapel, Iuka, with burial in Fairview Cemetery. She was the mother of Denvil Keele, Russellville, Ala., and sister of Virgil Gean, Florence, Ala.” Note: Mable was born 5 Dec. 1916, the daughter of George and Florence Perkins Gean of Waterloo, Ala., who are deceased.

KEETON, IRA CHRISTINE Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Collinwood, Tennessee. “Ira Christine Keeton, age 53, of Cypress Inn, Tenn., passed away November 24, 1980 at E.C.M. Hospital in Florence, Alabama. Mrs. Keeton was born February 28, 1927 in Wayne County to the late Marvin and Belle Creecy Hanback. She was a member of the Mr. Pleasant Methodist Church. Survivors include: husband, Louis Keeton of Cypress Inn, Tenn.; 3 sons, James Keeton of Decatur, Alabama, Donald Keeton of Cypress Inn, Tenn. and L. D. Keeton of Florence, Ala.; 2 daughters – Mrs. Judy Davis of Cypress Inn, Tenn. And Mrs. Janice Kilpatrick of Waynesboro, Tenn.; 2 sisters – Mrs. Rachel Russell of Ferndale, Florida and Mrs. Era Foxx of South Bend, Indiana; 3 half-brothers – Donald Hanback of Spring Valley, Alabama, Earl Hanback and Glen Hanback of Florence, Alabama; 3 half-sisters, Jean Watkins, Kathy Haddock and Patty of Florence, Alabama; 10 grandchildren.”

KEETON, LENISE W., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Lenise W. Keeton, 85, Cherokee, Ala., died Friday, Oct. 24, 1997. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 26, 1997, at Morrison Funeral Home chapel, Cherokee, with burial in Barton Cemetery. Officiating will be Rev. Larry Harbin and Rev. Mike Butler. She was a native of Colbert County. She was a homemaker and a loving mother. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church, Cherokee. Survivors include her sons, Paul Rex Keeton and wife Elizabeth, Sheffield, Howard W. Keeton and wife Shirley, Cherokee; daughter, Yvonne Keeton Underwood and husband Bill, Tuscumbia; four grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; three step-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will include Neal Keeton, Lance Underwood, John Underwood, Jason Underwood, Tommy Freeman, Doug Williams and David Williams. Memorials may be made to Barton Cemetery Fund, P.O. Box 506, Cherokee, Ala., 35616.” ______________________________________________________________________________ KILBURN, EARLINE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and prepared by Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, AL. “Mrs. Earline Kilburn, 67, South Bend, Indiana, passed away Thursday, July 9, 1987 at her residence. The funeral will be Sunday, July 12, 1987 at Murphy’s Chapel, with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Survivors are: one son William Dale Kilburn, Mishawaka, Ind.; one daughter, Mrs. Emma Van De Putte, Atlanta, GA; one brother, Daniel Murphy, Little Rock, Ark.; two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Bevis, Waterloo, AL and Mrs. Marie Lite, Little Rock. Ark.; 3 grandsons.”

KING, EUGENE CHRISTOPHER, Times Daily, Florence, AL Eugene Christopher King, Waterloo, Rt. 1, died at Colbert County Hospital, Sheffield, Dec. 16. He was a native of Walker County, a veteran of World War Two, and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Martha Keele King, Waterloo; stepson, Doyle Williams, Waterloo; stepdaughter, Mrs. Agnes W. Benson, Roswell, Ga.; two sisters, Mrs. Alice Camper, Florence; Mrs. Annie Frost, Florence; three nephews; a niece. Services will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. from Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church by Nick White, and Virgil Geans. Burial will be in Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence, directing.”

KING, JOHN HIRAM, East Lauderdale News, December 23, 1999, “John Hiram King, 71, Arab, died Sunday, Dec. 19, at Huntsville Hospital East. Funeral services were Tuesday, Dec. 21, at Arab Church of Christ with Ken Tyler and Mark Posey officiating. Burial was in Cooper Cemetery. Arab Memorial Chapel directing. Mr. King was a native of Lauderdale County, attended college at Florence and University of Alabama, owned and operated King’s Department Store for 40 years. He was a member of Arab Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Robbie Cooper King, Arab; son, John David King, Arab; brother, William E. King, Guntersville; sister, Louise King Butler, Rogersville. He was preceded in death by a sister, Elaine King Pettus; parents, Luther and Lena Mae King.”

LAMPTON, MR. EDWARD WILLIAM Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Edward William Lampton, 63, 1553 Houston Street, died October 31, 1974 at ECM Hospital. The funeral will be on November 1, 1974 at Williams Chapel Cemetery, Waterloo, Alabama, conducted by Rev. Virgil Geans. Morrison-Elkins Funeral is directing. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Evie Lena Lampton.”

LAMPTON, MRS. EVIE LENA, Times Daily, Florence, AL “The graveside service for Mrs. Evie Lena Lampton, 84, Glenwood Convalescent Center, Florence, Alabama will be at 10 a.m. today at Williams Chapel Cemetery, with Rev. Virgil H. Gean officiating. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, is in charge of arrangements. She died Friday, May 24, 1991, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native of Tishomingo County, Miss., and had lived in the Florence area since 1972. She was a member of North Wood United Methodist Church and the widow of Edward Lampton. Survivors include a sister, Myrtle Murphy, Florence, Ala.; three nieces and four nephews.” Bearers will be great-nephews.”

LANDRUM, LILLIAN LOUISE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Lillian Louise Landrum passed away peacefully Monday morning, Feb. 23, 2009, with her loving children at her bedside. Her funeral service will be 3:30 Wednesday afternoon in the chapel of Elkins Funeral Home. Her family will receive friends in the parlor from 1-3 p.m. Family friend and minister, Howard Caperton, will officiate at Lillian’s service. Burial will follow at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. After 20 years as a devoted military wife and mother, Lillian enjoyed all kinds of flowers and gardening. Her favorite pastimes were crocheting and enjoying the outdoors. She and her husband, Charles, were faithful members of Cloverdale Church of Christ since 1973. She was preceded in death by her husband of 53 years, Charles Louis Landrum Sr.; parents, Hubert and Vera Sego Wright; and her grandson, Lee Parr. Lillian is survived by her children, Christine Parr (Al), of Harrisburg, Ark., Viva Vaden (Donald), of Florence, and Charles Landrum Jr. (Jewel), of Florence; grandchildren, Lee Parr’s wife, Misty, Angela Babenko (Sasha), Will Parr, Nick Vaden, Jessie Landrum, Jamie Landrum and Ryan Vaden. Pallbearers will be Al Parr, Donald Vaden, Sasha Babenko, Will Parr, Nick Vaden, Jessie Landrum, Jamie Landrum and Ryan Vaden. Lillian’s children sincerely appreciate the care given to their mother by the staff of Station Four at Mitchell-Hollingsworth and the staff of ECM fifth floor. You may sign the online register at Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family.”

LARD, JEWEL S., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Jewel Scott Lard, 68, Waterloo, died Wednesday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after long illness. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Waterloo Baptist Church with the Revs. Don Singleton and Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in Richardson Cemetery, Shackleford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. She was a former teacher and a member of Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Vernon Lard; a daughter, Mrs. Peggy Sheppard, Gallatin, Tenn.; sons, Lynn Lard, Mountain Home, Idaho, Coy Lard, Maryville, Tenn.; sisters, Mrs. Velma Higgins, Mrs. Lillian Parker, Mrs. Della Bailes, all of Florence, Mrs. Artie Boatman, Waterloo; four grandchildren.”

LARD, MAGGIE DALEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., that was compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Maggie Daley Lard was born May7 14, 1901 in Hardin County; the daughter of John and Nannie Franks Daley. She married Wesley Lard, who preceded her in death in 1948. Mrs. Lard departed from this life July 18, 1971 at the age of 70 years, 2 months, and 4 days; leaving three daughters: Mrs. Betty Tilley, Mrs. Lucille Highland, and Mrs. Pauline Jones, all of Waterloo, Alabama; seven sons, James Lard, Ollie Lard, and John D. Lard, all of Waterloo, Ala.; Charles Lard, Milford Lard, and Hollis Lard, all of Savannah, Tennessee; and Howard Lard of Portage, Indiana; twelve grandchildren and one brother, Harold Daley, Lake City, Arkansas.”

LARD, MILFORD LEE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The funeral for Milford Lee Lard, 58, Route 1, Box 466, was at 3 p.m. Friday at Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church with Jimmy McKee and Virgil Gean officiating. Burial was in New Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He died Wednesday, Feb. 12, 1992, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. He was a distributor for Southland Merchandising Co. and an Army veteran. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Inez Scott Lard, Waterloo; son, Dannie L. Lard, Waterloo; daughter, Mrs. Joanie L. Burns, Florence; sisters, Lucille Highland, Pauline Jones, both of Waterloo, Betty Tilley, Savannah, Tenn.; brothers, Ollie Lard, James Lard, Charles Lard, Hollis Lard, all of Waterloo, John D. Lard, Savannah, Howard Lard, Gary, Ind.; five grandchildren.”

LEE, BESSIE ODELL, Times Daily, Florence, AL “TUSCUMBIA — The funeral for Mrs. Bessie Odell Lee, 110 Oak Drive, will be at 2:30 p.m. Saturday at St Paul Missionary Baptist Church, Tuscumbia, with the Rev. Samuel Williams officiating. Burial will be in the Oakwood Cemetery, Tuscumbia. Thompson and Son Funeral Home Tuscumbia, directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. She died Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1988, at her residence. She was a life-long resident of Colbert County and a member of St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church. She was a member of the senior choir, the missionary society and the decorating club. Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Vinnie Lee Fletcher, Tuscumbia; step-father, Jessie L. Fletcher, Tuscumbia; brothers, Tom Belue Jr., Florence, Charles Belue, Tuscumbia; sister, Mrs. Dorothy B. Mayes, Muscle Shoals; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be deacons and friends.”

LEE, JAMES, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “TUSCUMBIA — The funeral for James “Red” Lee, 63, Route 1, will be at 1 p.m. today at Spry Funeral Home chapel, Sheffield, with Virgil Tittle and Marion Campbell officiating. Burial will be in Colbert Memorial Gardens. He died Thursday, Feb. 19, 1987, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield. He was a native of Decatur, a member of Oak Grove Baptist Church and was employed as a bus driver for Basden Transportation. He was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and served during World War II. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Kathryn June Lee, Tuscumbia; sons, Robert Lee, Kenneth Lee, both of Tuscumbia, Johnny Lee, Sheffield; daughters, Elaine Lee, Muscle Shoals, Carolyn Lee, Tuscumbia; stepmother, Belle Richardson, Tuscumbia; two grandchildren; one niece. Bearers will be Bob Milstead, Wade Cottrell, Chuck Thomas, Jon Love, Randy Hayes, Brack Whitfield, William Barnes and Dale Welborn. Honorary bearers will be employees of Basden Transportation Co.”

LETSINGER, ELIZABETH MARIE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Elizabeth Marie Letsinger, age 57, of Leighton, died Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Morrison Funeral Home. Her funeral service will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with Terry Herston and Joe Van Dyke officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Her body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Mrs. Letsinger was a life-long resident of Colbert County and a member of Mount Pleasant Cumberland Presbyterian Church. She was an elder at the church and a stated clerk for the Hope Presbytery for several years. She was preceded in death by her parents, Ozzie and Gladys Letsinger, and sisters, Jeanell Letsinger Crowden and Laura Grace Letsinger. She is survived by her brothers, Anthony Let singer (Darla), Phillip Letsinger (Toni), Thomas Letsinger (Salana); special aunts, Betty Sheffield, Esther Speegle; nieces and nephews, Stephanie Heupel, Deidre Moore, Monida Thorm, Tony Letsinger, Brittany Letsinger, Ashley Letsinger, Spencer Letsinger, Benji Letsinger and Bryant Letsinger; several great-nieces, great-nephews, aunts, uncles and other family members. Pallbearers are Wayne Evans, Emmett Derrick, Jim Cassell, Henry Loftin, Tony Letsinger, Spencer Letsinger, William Lewis and Michael Clemmons. Honorary pallbearers are Bennie Frank Letsinger, James Earl Letsinger, Jackie Foster, Tom Thrasher and the elders and ministers of Hope Presbytery of Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Honor guard, Benji Letsinger, Bryant Letsinger and Daniel Betancourt. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Brittany Letsinger mission trip at To sign her online guest book. Visit”

LEWIS, MARGARET FOWLER, Florence Newspaper Note: the tomb shows date of birth 7 Apr. 1882 and death 21 Jun. 1968. “Mrs. Margaret Fowler Lewis, 86, Murphy’s Chapel Community in North Lauderdale County died Friday morning at 4:30 at ECM Hospital. She was the widow of Hubert G. Lewis. Born in Wayne County, Tenn., she had lived most of her life in Lauderdale County, and was a member of Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church. Services will be conducted Sunday at 4 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel Church by Rev. Virgil Gean. Burial will be in Wesley’s Chapel Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. The body will be at the home on Savannah Hwy. until time for services. Surviving are four daughters, Miss Elma Lewis, Waterloo; Mrs. Zola Jones, Tampa, Fla.; Mrs. Jewel Hill, Decatur; Mrs. Lucilla Lee, Sheffield; a son William Fred Lewis, Waterloo; 12 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren.”

LILES, MR. J.D. Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, compiled by Morrison-Elkins, Tuscumbia. Mr. J.D. Liles, 44, West Mobile Street, Florence, Alabama, died December 22, 1971. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist. The funeral will be December 24, 1971 at Murphy’s Chapel church, with Virgil Gean officiating. Morrison- Elkins Funeral Home will be directing. Survivors include his father, Mr. Johnnie Liles; mother, Mrs. Velma McDonald; daughter, Mrs. Bonnie Jenkins; one grandchild; one sister. Mrs. Wilma Cochran.”

LIPHAM, JAMES PELHAM, East Lauderdale News, October 6, 1994 Funeral services for James Pelham Lipham, 78, Elkmont, were Wednesday, October 5, at Limestone Chapel Funeral Home with Fred Lackey and Joe Curtis officiating. Burial was in Antioch Cemetery. Mr. Lipham died Monday, October 3, at Athens-Limestone Hospital. He was a former manager of First Alabama Bank of Elkmont, deacon of First Baptist Church of Athens and Lion Club Member. He served as a volunteer worker of Elkmont Nutrition Center for several years. Survivors include his wife, Sara H. Lipham, of Elkmont; sons, Glenn Lipham, of Huntsville, James Roger Lipham, of Minor Hill, Tenn., Gerald W Lipham, of Chesapeake, Va.; brothers, Lloyd Lipham, of Highlands, N. C., Estel Lipham, of Valdosta, Ga., Billy Ray Lipham, of Atlanta, Ga.; sisters, Pauline Clark, of Valley, Christine Craven, of Tuscaloosa; eight grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren.”

LOVELACE, IDA ARVILLA, Florence Newspaper Note: the tomb shows date of birth, 19 Jan. 1923 and death 3 Sep. 1965. “Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at Murphy’s Chapel for Mrs. Ida Arvilla Lovelace, 42, 1213 Dayton, Florence. Rev. Virgil Geans will officiate and Beecham Funeral Home of Loretto has charge of arrangements. Mrs. Lovelace died at 9:30 a.m. Friday. Survivors include the widower, Roy Lee Lovelace; one son, Wade Douglas Shook, Florence; the mother, Mrs. Artha Skelton, Florence; two brothers, Walter Skelton, Brilliant, and Elmer Skelton, Cloverdale; four sisters, Ruby Skelton and Ruth Roberts, both of Florence, Marie Cox, Memphis, Leona Guthrie, Huntsville. Active bearers will be Jim Cochran, Roy Goodman, Trennon Goodman, Vernon Creasy, Rayburn Goodman, and James Dixon. The body will be at the home of the mother at 1113 Vine St.”

LOVELACE, MARVIN VIRGIL, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: The tomb for Mr. Lovelace shows date of birth, 24 Feb 1911 and date of death, 6 Jul 1969. “Marvin Virgil Lovelace, 58, Florence, Rt. 6, died Sunday at 1 p.m. after an illness of four years. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of Pleasant Hill Methodist Church, Steamfitters Local No. 760 and Florence Masonic Lodge No. 14. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 3 p.m. from Pleasant Hill Methodist Church by Rev. Sam Graham and Rev. J. Ross Rush. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Gardens, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. Masonic rites will be conducted at the graveside. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to service time. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Della Young Lovelace; two daughters, Mrs. Billie Faye Posey, Beuna Park, Calif.; Mrs. Barbara Jean Collum, Florence, Rt. 6; five brothers, Clyde, Floyd, Earl, B.P., all of Florence; Frank, Long Beach, Calif., a sister, Mrs. Carrie Dusenbury, Florence, S. C.; five grandchildren. Bearers will be members of Florence Masonic Lodge.”

MANN, GIRTHA WILLIAM, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: The tomb shows date of birth 5 Oct. 1893 and death 12 Jul. 1966. “Girtha William Mann, 72 W. 3rd St., Sheffield, died Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. at his residence. Funeral services will be Friday at 2 p.m. from Murphy Chapel. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, with Mays-Brown Service in charge. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Tennie Mann, Florence; one daughter, Mrs. Marie Olive, Florence; three sons, M.L. Mann, Muscle Shoals; W.E. Mann, Chicago, Ill.; two brothers, L.C. Mann, Florence; H. E. Mann, Blytheville, Ark. The body will remain at the funeral home until time for services Friday. Mr. Mann has been a resident for the past 55 years in Lauderdale and Colbert counties.”

MANSEL, KATHERINE TENNESSEE SCOTT Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Katherine Tennessee Scott Mansel was born December 12, 1876, in Alabama, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Scott. She was united in marriage to Walter L. Mansel, who preceded her in death October 3,1944. Mrs. Mansel was a member of the Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church. She departed this life December 13, 1969, at Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 93 years, no months and 1 days. She is survived by Five Daughters, Mrs. Bertha Ledgewood, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Winnie Lard, Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Lura Michael, Savannah, Mrs. Bessie Cravin and Mrs. Ethel Faulkner both of Phoenix, Ariz.; one son, Mr. Dalton Mansel, Florence, Ala., 37 grandchildren, 50 great-grandchildren, 5 great-great-grandchildren.”

MANSEL, PAUL MONROE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Greenview Memorial Chapel, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Paul Monroe Mansel, 601 N. Cherry Street, Florence, AL, 69, died Dec. 28, 1991 at ECM Hospital. The funeral will be Tuesday, Dec. 31, 1991 at Mt. Olive Free Will Baptist Church, with Bro. Virgil Gean and Bro. J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include: mother, Lennie A. Mansel, Florence, AL; brothers, Virgil Mansel, Decatur, AL, and James Mansel, Chicago, Ill; sisters, Edith Keeton, South Bend, Ind., Ruth Price, Dallas, Texas.”

MANSELL, MRS. ADA BELLE Information was taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, compiled by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mrs. Ada Belle Mansell, 75, Rt. # 6 Waterloo Rd, Florence, Alabama, died on January 23, 1976 at Colonial Manor Hospital. She was a member of Jones Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral will be at Morrison-Elkins Chapel on Sunday, January 25, 1976, with Rev. Virgil H. Gean conducting the funeral. Survivors include a son, Rev. Melvin Mansell; two grandsons, two great-grandsons, one great-great -granddaughter; brothers, Mr. Owen Bugg Mr. Sid Bugg, Mr. Bert Bugg; sisters, Mrs. Harriett Holland, Mrs. Mattie Roberson, Mrs. Alma Busby, Mrs. Lillian Curtis and Miss Wellard Bugg; a number of nieces and nephews.” From newspaper: She was a native of Iuka, Miss., and had lived in Lauderdale County 25 years. Burial was in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens.

MANSELL, THOMAS OWEN Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence. ‘Mr. Thomas Owen Mansell was born July 13, 1887. He passed from this life July 3, 1968, at the age of 81. Mr. Mansell spent most of his life living in Lauderdale County. He was married to the former Miss Isabell Parker, who preceded him in death some 4 years. The Lord blessed his home with five sons and three daughters, three of whom have already passed beyond the vail of death. Mr. Mansell was an active member of the Free Will Baptist Church known as Jones Chapel. He particularly enjoyed the good Gospel singing and served in other areas of the ministry of his Church. Mr. Mansell is survived by three sons: (1) Elmer Mansell of Florence, Route two (2) Vernon Mansell of South Bend, Indiana (3) and Rev. Thomas O. Mansell of Scottsboro, Ala. And two daughters: (1) Mrs. Earl Parks of Miami, Florida (2) and Mrs. William Haggard of Waterloo, Alabama (3) Two sons, J.L. and Doyce, deceased; one daughter, Gladys, also deceased. Several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.” Other information there were 14 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren and he was survived by a sister, Mrs. Ann Bonds.

MANSELL, MR. VERNON Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mr. Vernon Mansell, 50, 1518 Miles Avenue, Mishawaka, Ind., died Sept. 4, 1975 at the St. Joseph Hospital, South Bend, Ind. He was a member of the Southern Baptist Church. The funeral will be on Sept. 9, 1975 at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, with Virgil H. Gean presiding. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Marie Rape Mansell; step-son, Mr. Melvin Rape, Corpus Christi, Texas; brothers, Mr. Elmer Mansell, Florence, Ala., Rev. Thomas Ovid Mansell, Scottsboro, Ala.; sisters, Mrs. William Haggard, Wateloo, AL, Mrs. Earl Parks, Opelika, Florida; two great-grandchildren.”

MASON, CORA AGNES, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Cora Agnes Butler Mason, 88, of Anderson, went to her heavenly home, Dec 2, 2009, at Glenwood Healthcare Facility. She was a member of First Baptist Church, of Anderson. She worked at Cherry Knitting Mill/Genesco and G.C. Lingerie. Ms. Mason loved to quilt and was a homemaker. Visitation will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at Rogersville Funeral Home, where the funeral service will follow immediately, with J.D. Harrison officiating. Burial will be in Mitchell Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jason Smith, Bronson Brown, Jacob Smith, Anthony Cagle, Ethan Cagle and Jonathan Pettus; honorary pallbearers will be Maurice McGill, James Smith, Deron Garner, Leo Brown, Mickey Cagle, Chris Burbank, Brandon Vickers, Drew Bassham, William McNatt and Kenny King. Ms. Mason was preceded by her husband, G.P. Mason; parents, Bennie Wee and Mary Lela Stutts Butler; brothers, Kenneth, Charlie and W.P. Butler; sister, Edith Butler; son-in-law, Bobby Ray Smith; and sister-in-law Katrina Butler. She is survived by her daughters, Gearldine Smith, of Anderson, and Betty Sue (Maurice) McGill, of Elgin; grandchildren, James Lee (Peggy) Smith, Renee (Mickey) Cagle, Ginger (Leo) Brown, Christa (Chris) Burbank, Jeanne Smith, Deron Garner and Jason (Shanna) Smith; great-grandchildren, Anthony, Alaina (Jonathan), Kristin (Brandon), Anah, Bronson, Ethan, Jacob, Victoria (Drew), Jordan, Erin, Connor, Carson and Ella Grace; great-great-grandchildren, Tyson, Trenton, Elijah, Hayden and Tanner; sisters, Darlene (Bob) Carriveau, Maejean (Bill) Hughes and Nadean (Hullett) Lemay; brothers, Wayne Butler and Lynn (Janice) Butler; sisters-in-law , Bette Butler and Edith Butler; and a host of special friends and workers at Glenwood Healthcare. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 104 Poplar Street, Florence, AL 35630 or to Kids to Love Foundation, P.O. Box 4871, Huntsville, AL 35815.”

MASON, GENERAL PERSHING “PERCY”, TimesDaily, Florence, AL, or East Lauderdale News. Mr. General Pershing “Percy” Mason, 83, Anderson, Ala., passed away Thursday, Feb. 28, 2002, at his home. Percy lived most of his life in Lauderdale County. He was a member of Bethel Baptist Church and was a retired farmer. He loved to see things grow, and he enjoyed fishing and hunting. When he was a younger man, he played on the Anderson Baseball League. He was preceded in death by his parents, William Allen and Martha Jane “Jennie” Mason; brothers, E.N. “Bully” Everett, Ford Mason; and a sister, Carey Mason Jackson. The family received friends 6-8 p.m. Friday at Elkins East Chapel. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. today at Elkins East Chapel, with James Lee Smith and David Mason officiating. The family will receive friends one hour before the service. Burial will follow in Mitchell Cemetery. Elkins East Chapel is assisting the family. (the remaining part of the obituary is missing. See Cora Mason above to see who the survivors were.)

MASON, JEANNINE BURKS, TimesDaily/Saturday, September 30, 2000 “Jeannine Burks Mason of Florence, Ala., died Thursday, Sept 28, 2000. Funeral services will be Saturday, Sept. 30, at 10 a.m. at Killen Church of Christ. The casket will be placed in the church from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Lamar Plunkett and Stan Dean will officiate. Burial will follow at the Civitan Cemetery in Rogersville. Elkins east Chapel is assisting the family. Mrs. Mason was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend. She loved life and nature and enjoyed being with family and friends. Some of her greatest pleasures were working in her flowers, reading, traveling and genealogy. She was kind to everyone and always shared a smile. Mrs. Mason was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She attended Lauderdale County High School, University of North Alabama and the University of Alabama. She received a bachelor of science, Master of Art, and Education Specialist degrees. Mrs. Mason taught at Deshler High School for 26 years, serving as business education coordinator. She taught at Northwest Alabama Junior College. She was a member of Killen Church of Christ, a member of the Alabama Education Association, National Education Associating and Tuscumbia Education Association. She was a past member of Delta Pi Epsilon, Honorary Business Teachers Organization, Tennessee Valley Business teachers, Alabama Vocational Organization, American Vocational Association Delta kappa Gamma Honorary Teachers Society. For many years, Mrs. Mason taught children’s Sunday school classes and sponsored the Future Business Leaders of America. She was preceded in death by her parents, Luther L. and Lurene McKee Burks. She is survived by her husband of over 50 years, Lewis Mason of Florence; daughters, Carol Hayes and husband, Lloyd, Killen Lisa Highfield, husband, Larry, Florence; brothers, Charles Burks, wife, Pat, Missouri, Tony Burks, wife, Shirley, Florence; sister, Marva Bretherick, husband, Bill, Florence; grandchildren, Amanda and Andrew Hayes, Killen, Katie, Cara and Matt Highfield, Florence; several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Glen Jones, Wayne Bretherick, Bert Bretherick, Jeff Pruitt, Rusty Burks, Mike Mason, Doug McKee and Morris McKee. Honorary pallbearers will be the elders and deacons of Killen Church of Christ.”

MASON, LIZZIE MAE, TimesDaily/Wednesday, May 1, 1996 “Lizzie Mae Mason, 81, Rogersville, died Monday, April 29, 1996, at Florence Hospital. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at mount Bethel United Methodist Church, Rogersville, with burial in Harvey Cemetery, Rogersville. Spry Funeral Home, Athens, is directing. Officiating at the funeral will be Jake Mays and Tommy Heaps. She was born on April 9, 1915, in Lauderdale County to Dock and Martha White. She is survived by her sons, B.T. Mason, Jr., Rogersville, Jimmy Mason, Rogersville; daughters, Martha Fleming, Madison, Lunette Howard, Rogersville, Faye Belew, Rogersville; 13 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Troy McCafferty, Dale Howard, Terry Howard, Michael Mason, Kenny Shook and Morris Burbank. She was a homemaker and a member of Mount Bethel United Methodist Church.”

MASON, LOIS ARDENE, Florence Times, Tuesday Afternoon, September 8, 1942 “MRS. MASON, 36, TAKEN BY DEATH _________ Funeral Services Held This Afternoon at 4Mrs. Lois A. Mason, 36, of Rogersville, died Monday morning at 2 o’clock at Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, following a serious illness of six weeks. Deceased had been a life-long resident of Rogersville and was affiliated with the Church of Christ there. She was favorably known throughout the county. Surviving are her husband, Louis Mason; a daughter, Miss Nadene Mason; two sons, Louis, Jr. and Billy Ray, all of Rogersville; four sisters, Mrs. Irene Carter, Lexington; Mrs. J.B. Turner, Nashville; Mrs. Anna Page and Miss Rose Cooper, both of Rogersville; four brothers, Tollie Cooper, Stanley Cooper, both of Athens; Lee Cooper, Akron, Ohio, and Farris Cooper, Rogersville. Funeral services were held this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Church of Christ in Rogersville. Interment followed in the Cooper cemetery. Spry in charge. Pallbearers were Polk Comer, John Wilbanks, Vaughn Whitehead, Bryan Dean; Otho Rose and Leo Poss.” Note: Mrs. Mason was born 6 Dec. 1905 and died 7 Sept. 1942.

MASON, LOUIS, Rogersville, Alabama Note: Mr. Mason was born 1 Nov. 1903 in West Point, Tenn., and died 16 June 1984 in Florence, AL. “Louis Mason, 316 W. Lee St., Rogersville, died Saturday at Humana Hospital Florence after a brief illness. He was a retired aluminum worker from Reynolds Metals Co., a member of the Aluminum Workers Union Local 200, and member of Rogersville Church of Christ. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Rogersville church of Christ, with Dennis Jones officiating. Burial will be in Cooper Cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 7-9 p.m. today. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Survivors include his wife, Naomi Bruce Mason, Rogersville; sons, Lewis H. Mason, Billy Ray Mason, both of Florence; daughter, Elizabeth Ann Evans, Decatur; brother, Willie Mason, Hoboken, Ga.; sister, Maggie Baggett, Florence; 11 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Bearers will be William H. Jones Jr., Glen Jones, Rodney Stevenson, Michael Mason, Gary Ray, Larry Highfield, David Gresham, Keith Jones.” _____________________________________________________________________________ MASON, WILLIE VIRGIL, Hoboken, Georgia “Mr. Willie Virgil Mason, 84, of Hoboken, passed away Tuesday morning in Memorial Hospital in Waycross after a short illness. A native of Florence, Ala., he was the son of the late William Lee Mason and Mary Isabell Green Mason. Mr. Mason was a member of the Church of Christ and a retired correctional institution guard with the Florida Dept. of Corrections. Survivors include a son, Virgil Mason of Hoboken; a brother-in-law, E.E. “Tex” Case of Hoboken; a half-sister, Mrs. Pauline Dooley of Florence, Ala; a grandson, Larry Wayne Mason of Rogersville, Ala; a niece, Mrs. Junior (Shirley) Oliver of Hoboken; two nephews, W.L. Baggett and Billy R. Mason.” Note: Mr. Mason had more nieces and nephews who survived, but the funeral home in Hoboken did not have the information to put in the obituary.

MASON, WOODROW WILSON “Mr. Woodrow Wilson Mason, 57, of Waynesboro, passed away Wednesday, August 3, 1977 at Parkview Hospital in Nashville after an extended illness. He is a member of the Methodist Church and a construction worker. He is the son of the late William and Frances Mason. Funeral services were held Friday, August 5, at 2:00 p.m. at Loretto Memorial Chapel with Charles Lopp officiating. Burial followed in Railroad Cemetery with Loretto Memorial Chapel in charge of arrangements. He is survived by his wife, Hazel Rooker Mason of Waynesboro; one daughter, Mrs. Frances Theodorou of Huntsville, Tennessee; two sons, Freddie Mason of Tampa, Florida, and Jimmy Lee Mason of Waynesboro; four sisters, Mrs. Willie Atwell of Iron City, Mrs. Pauline Dooley of Florence, Mrs. Vida Craft of Noblesville, Indiana, and Mrs. Madgie Cowart of Noblesville, Indiana; one brother, Floyd Mason of Manchester, Tennessee; two step-sons, Jackie Frazier of Nashville, and Donnie Frazier of Donelson; six step-daughters, Evelyn Smith of Lawrenceburg. Patricia Cobb of Lawrenceburg, Cindy Howell of Lawrenceburg, Mary Buie of Lawrenceburg, Glenda Duncan of Florence, and Tricia Pierce of Noblesville, Indiana; 24 grandchildren and step-grandchildren.”

MCBRYDE, PAULINE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Pauline McBryde, age 87, went to be with her Lord on Monday, Aug. 24, 2009. Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 27, 2009, in the chapel of Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Burial will follow in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on that day from 10-11 a.m. Mrs. McBryde was born in Burnsville, Miss., and spent her early years there. After high school, she followed family to Arkansas, and it would be there that she would meet the love of her life, John McBryde. John and Pauline were married in Arkansas on Dec. 21, 1941, and Pauline always said it was the best Christmas gift she ever received. They would spend the next 67 years together as partners in life and as a loving and devoted mother and father to Glenda. John’s work would take him to many places through-out the United States. Pauline always said one of the most memorable was five winters spent in Boston. Everywhere life took them, Pauline always was a loving wife to John. She was always exploring the local food shows and cultural events wherever they were. But, alas, Florence, Ala., was always home. Moving back to Florence, Pauline and John settled into a wonderful life of work, friends and family. She loved holidays, decorating, cooking, planning and each season brought its own unique things to do. She lived a fulfilled, eventful, exciting life and inspired those around her to do the same. She was a longtime member of the North Wood United Methodist Church. Mrs. McBryde was preceded in death by her daughter, Glenda K. McBryde Porter; her parents, Charles J. and Easter Haynes Sego; her brothers, Edgar Sego and Clyde Sego; and her sisters Idell Bingham and Myrtie Sego. Mrs. McBryde is survived by her loving husband of 67 years, John McBryde; her son-in-law, Rick Porter; her grandchildren, Cliff Porter and Brittney Porter; and a host of nieces and nephews. The family would like to give a special thanks to the staff of Glenwood Nursing Home, the staff of Sunbridge Cottage of the Shoals and to Dr. Mann and staff for the special care given to Mrs. McBryde. You may sign the online register book at Elkins Funeral Home, of Florence, is assisting the family.”

MCCLANAHAN, JAMES CRAYTON, SR., Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mr. James C. McClanahan Sr., 95, died Saturday, Oct. 25, 1997, at his residence. Funeral service for Mr. McClanahan will be Monday, Oct. 27, 1997, at 10 a.m., at Elkins Funeral Home chapel. Officiating will be Bro. Emerald Bailey, and Bro. William Cagle. Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery, Iron City, Tenn. Visitation will be Sunday, Oct. 26, 1997, from 6-9 p.m. at Elkins Funeral Home, Elkins Funeral Home directing. Mr. McClanahan was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. He had lived in the Florence area 72 years. He was a Free Will Baptist minister for 62 years, retired farmer, and carpenter. He was the son of the late Leonard McClanahan, and Leona (Lelia) McClanahan Gunter. He is survived by his wife, Ida Bailey McClanahan, Florence, for 72 years; four sons, James Crayton McClanahan Jr., and Othel R. McClanahan, Muscle Shoals, Ala., Thomas N. McClanahan, and Johnny F. McClanahan, Florence, Ala; two daughters, Martha McClanahan Bowen, Decatur, Ala., and Orpah McClanahan Cox, Florence, Ala.; 13 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Stephen Ray McClanahan, Gregory Allan McClanahan, Edward Lee Bowen, Alan Dale Bowen, Charles Sloan Cox, John Fay McClanahan Jr. Grandsons-in-law, Roger Dale Bowling, Michael Vernon Herston, Barry Layne Rinks, Walter Jackson Staples, Bobby Thomas Garrison.”

MCDONALD, ANTHOMY RAY, Times Daily, Florence, AL “McDonald InfantAnthony Ray McDonald, six weeks old, Rt. 10, Florence, died Friday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. Services will be held today from Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. Virgil Geans and Earl Dixon officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include: mother, Mrs. Vickie McDonald; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel T. McDonald, Florence.” The tomb shows date of birth 15 Jun 1978 and death at 28 Jul 1978.”

MCDONALD, MR. JAMES THEOPLOS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, who assisted Earl Dixon and Larry Harbin in conducting the funeral. “Mr. James Theoplos McDonald,78, Rt. 10 Box 404, Florence, AL, died on June 26, 1988 at Humana Hospital, Florence, AL. The funeral will be at Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church on Tuesday, June 28, 1988. Survivors include his wife, June Wilson McDonald, Florence; sons, Charles F. McDonald, Riverdale, GA, Jamie R. McDonald, Florence, AL; daughters, Rosie Jackson, Vicki Risner and Pamela Borden all of Florence and Sue Lentz, Pensacola, FL; brothers, Emery F. McDonald, and Allen T. McDonald of Sheffield, AL; 23 grandchildren and 9 great grandchildren.”

MCDONALD, WILLIAM LINDSEY, East Lauderdale News, Rogersville, Alabama William McDonald leaves lasting legacyWilliam “Bill” Lindsey McDonald, 82, of Florence, died Saturday, June 20, 2009, the day before summer began. A keen observer of changing seasons, he wrote about such things as the summer solstice, when the sun is high in the sky and there are more hours of daylight than any other day of the year. In his essay titled “A Summer Place”, McDonald wrote: “I long for the kind of summer vacation where the clock stands still, at a place where there is nothing to do … no speeches to be made …no telephone to interrupt… no social calls to answer… where nothing is complicated, nobody is in a hurry and all the surroundings are quiet and simple.” The rest of this essay and 74 others are published in his book The Old North Field, copyright 1986. Bill McDonald had a wonderful life filled with remarkable accomplishments. He was unparalleled as a local historian, writer/essayist, author of numerous books, minister, military leader and administrator. This article cannot do justice to the lasting contributions of this unique man. However, he will always be remembered by family and friends. From now on, whenever future generations strive to learn about the history and heritage of the Shoals area, they will discover the writings of Bill McDonald and will continue to benefit from his research and insights. He will live on through his words. McDonald’s book “A Walk Through The Past: People and Places of Florence and Lauderdale County, Alabama” contains the following biographical information about the author: William Lindsey McDonald is a product of the hills of North Alabama. Mainly of Celtic blood, four of his direct ancestors can be traced to Scotland and others from England, Ireland, Wales and Northern France. One, a Chickasaw Indian, was born in 1813 on Koger Island in West Lauderdale County. Seven forefathers fought in the American Revolution, one in the War of 1812, and two in the Civil War (one Confederate and the other a Yankee.) The author is a retired Army Reserve colonel with 38 years of service in rural churches in Lauderdale and Colbert counties. He served as chairman of the Florence Historical Board from 1968 until 1989 at which time he was appointed City Historian. McDonald is a member of the National Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi and was graduated from Florence State Teachers College in 1952. He also was graduated from the Army’s Command and General Staff College, the Military Police School, the Army Finance School, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and seminary studies in the United Methodist Church. He is a journalist for the TimesDaily and East Lauderdale News. He has published articles in magazines, newspapers and periodicals over many years. He is the author of 14 books. Two of his most popular, Paths in the Brier Patch and The Old North Field are about growing up in Alabama. The others are about the history of the area. William L. McDonald, “a true Southern gentleman,” was born on June 7, 1927, in Florence, to the late William Ervin and Pauline Lindsey McDonald. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy Carter McDonald, a retired teacher and artist. Many of Mr. McDonald’s books contain illustrations drawn by his wife. They were blessed with two daughters, plus several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Visitation will begin today (Thursday, June 25), 11 a.m., in McDowell Hall of First United Methodist Church, Florence. The funeral service will be in the church sanctuary at 1 p.m. Burial with full military honors will follow in the historic Florence City Cemetery.”

MCFALL, AARON BURR, Times Daily, Florence, AL Date of death was June 2, 1969. “LAWRENCEBURG — Aaron Burr McFall, 73, Lawrenceburg, died in a Nashville Hospital Thursday after a lengthy illness. He was a native of Tennessee, the son of the late John Henry McFall and Nancy McFall, a member of the Baptist Church, and a veteran of World War I. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Toye Young McFall, Lawrenceburg; one daughter, Mrs. Kathryn Lee, Tuscumbia; one son Hershel Eugene McFall, Nashville; one sister, Mrs. Hester Miles, Cloverdale; one brother, Virgil McFall, Osceola, Ind.; five grandchildren. Services will be Sunday at the Flatwoods Baptist Church at 1 p.m. with burial in the John Lay Cemetery in Etheredge, Tenn. The body will remain at North Funeral Home in Lawrenceburg.”

MCFALLS, BEULAH VINIE Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted her funeral. “Beulah Vinie McFalls, age 77 years, 2 months and 6 days, passed away August 21, 1976. She was the daughter of the late William McFalls and Roxie McFalls McFalls. She was a native of Wayne County, Tennessee and a Baptist. She leaves to mourn her passing, several nieces and nephews and also a host of friends and other relatives.”

MCFALL, CORA PERKINS, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Cora Perkins McFall, 69, Waterloo, Rt. 2, died at 6 a.m. Saturday at ECM Hospital following a brief illness, She was a native of Lauderdale County and member of Waterloo Church of Christ. Pallbearers will be Edwin Gean, Bobby Joe Ticer, Charles Dowdy, Junior Daley, Doyle Young, Glen Dupuy. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is directing.” Note: Cora was born in 1897 and died in 1968, according to the tomb.

MCFALL, DAVID ANDREW, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “David Andrew McFall, 88, of Florence, passed away Jan. 27, 2009, after an extended illness. He was a member of Oakland Church of Christ, where he served as a deacon and treasurer for more than 40 years. Visitation was last evening at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral services will be at 10 a.m. today, Friday, Jan. 30, 2009, in Greenview Memorial Chapel, with burial to follow in Greenview Memorial Park. Military funeral honors will be accorded at graveside. Officiating will be Manson Behel. Mr. McFall was born in Waterloo on May 21, 1920, to Lee and Cora McFall as the oldest of seven children. He was a beloved husband, father, uncle, brother, cousin and devoted friend. He was a graduate of Waterloo High School. Drafted into the Army in 1942, he served his country as a staff sergeant in the 79th Infantry Division in World War II. He saw action in four battle campaigns in France and Germany until the war ended in 1945. He received the Bronze Star, EAME Service Medal, Distinguished Unit Badge/Oak Leaf Cluster and Presidential Citation. As a veteran, he has been a member of the American Legion for 61 consecutive years. He worked at the Lauderdale County superintendent’s office in the accounting department for 39 years. He was a charter member of the Lauderdale County Teachers Credit Union, where he was CEO and treasurer of the board of directors for 31 years until retiring. He was a member of the Lauderdale County Retired Teachers Association. David was preceded in death by his wife, Arietta Dewberry McFall; parents, Lee D. and Cora Perkins McFall; brother, Glen L. McFall and wife, Mary; sister, Christine Boshers and husband, Hobson. He is survived by his daughter, Arietta Joan McFall, of Florence; brothers, Jesse L. McFall and wife, Pearl, of Florence, Billy Joe McFall and wife, Linda, of Waterloo; sisters, Coriene Riedout and husband, James, of Florence, Rachel Smith and husband, Harold, of Marietta, Ga.; nieces, Beth Darby (Stephone), Ann Davis (Ken), Terese Irons (Ricky), Cindy Mitchell, all of Florence, Denise Wilson (Vann), of Tuscumbia, Kaye Willey, of Lexington, Ky., Hope Cook (Larkin), of Canton, Ga., Heather Patterson (Robin), of Waterloo, Leslie Hand (Alan), of Birmingham, Lynn McFall (Ron Schneider), of Charleston, S.C.; nephews, Hal Smith, of Marietta, Ga., Tim McFall (Andrea), Barry McFall (Michelle), all of Waterloo; cousins, great-nieces, nephews and a host of friends. Pallbearers will be Ken Davis, Stephone Darby, Tim McFall, Barry McFall, Hal Smith, Tim Holt, Nicholas Darby and Will McFall. Honorary pallbearers will be Bill Graham, Tim Wright, Dalton Mansel and Don Bevis. Memorials may be made to the David A. McFall Waterloo High School College Scholarship fund at the Lauderdale County Teachers Credit Union. Arrangements by Greenview Funeral Home.”

MCFALL, GLEN LEE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Glen Lee “Shorty” McFall, age 81, of Florence, died Monday, Nov. 6, 2006, at ECM Hospital, after a brief illness. He was a native of Waterloo, Ala., and lived most of his life in Florence. Mr. McFall was a veteran of World War II, where he served in the U.S. Army. He retired from Reynolds Metals Co. and was a member of the International Operating Engineers Local 320. Mr. McFall was a member of Oakland Church of Christ, where he served as a deacon for more than 30 years. He was a beloved husband, father, “Papa”, brother, uncle and a devoted friend. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m today at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Thursday at Greenview memorial Chapel, with burial to follow in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the service will be Dalton Mansel and Wayne Gean. Military funeral honors will be accorded at graveside. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife of 45 years, Mary McKinney McFall; his parents, Lee and Cora Perkins McFall; and sister, Christine Boshers. He is survived by his two daughters, Beth Darby and husband, Stephone, of Florence, and Ann Davis and husband, Ken, of Florence; grandchildren, Nicholas, Hayley, Kenszie and Laney; sisters, Coriene Riedout, of Florence, Rachel Smith, of Marietta, Ga.; brothers, David A. McFall and Jesse McFall, of Florence, and Billy McFall, of Waterloo; and a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Tim McFall, Barry McFall, Hal Smith, Douglas Hendrix, Cam Allen and Mark Collier. Honorary pallbearers will be Tim Holt, Kent Holt, Shaye Holt, and his “Jack’s breakfast buddies.” In lieu of flowers, the family is requesting that donations be made to the Mars Hill Bible School Performing Arts Center. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

MCFALL, HASSELL TONY Information taken from the clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, who conducted the funeral. “Hassell Tony McFall was born September 30, 1917 in Wayne County, son of the late Sim and Alice Bratton McFall. On December 8, 1940 he married the former Flora Jane Hinton. Mr. McFall was a retired farmer and logger. He departed from this life October 18th at the Park Rest Nursing Home at the age of 70 years and 18 days. He leaves other than his wife, Flora; five daughters, Mrs. Ellen Stricklin, Mrs. Betty Steeley, Mrs. Glenda Steeley, and Mrs. Nelda Franks, all of Savannah, Tennessee, and Miss Robbie McFall, Nashville, Tennessee; three sons, Thomas, Virgil, and Paul McFall, all of Savannah; 11 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren. Minister’s note: “Mr. McFall’s son, Thomas says his dad was a good father, but much more than a father, a good friend to him too.”

MCFALL, HERSHEL EUGENE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “GREENFRIER, Tenn. — The funeral for Hershel Eugene McFall, 51, will be at 2 p.m. today at North Funeral Home chapel, Lawrenceburg, with the Revs. Virgil Gean, J.B. Harper and William Briley officiating. A full Masonic service will follow the funeral, with burial in John Lay Cemetery, Ethridge. He died Monday, Jan. 15, 1999, at his residence after an extended illness. He was a native of Waterloo, Ala., and moved to Lawrenceburg at an early age. He was a road driver for Consolidated Freightways of Nashville, a member of Flatwoods Free Will Baptist Church, a past master of Masonic Lodge 753, Greenbrier, a past patron of Eastern Star Lodge 469, Greenbrier, and a member of the Scottish Rite 32nd Degree, York Rite and Almenah Temple Nashville. Survivors include daughter, Janette Diane McFall, Greenbrier; mother, Toye McFall Crowell, Lawrenceburg; sister, Kathryn McFall Lee, Sheffield, Ala.; step-sisters, Helen Prosser, Summertown, Barbara Harlan, Lawrenceburg; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Bobby Lee, Kenny Lee Johnny Lee, Mike Gray, Jeff Gray, Lee Gary. Honorary bearers will be Masons and Consolidated drivers.” Note: Note on minister’s records, Eugene was the son of Aaron Burr McFall and the husband of Marylene Gray McFall, both deceased.

MCFALL, NANNIE ETHEL, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Nannie Ethel McFall, 81, Route 10, Florence, died Friday, June 21, 1996, from an extended illness. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Greenview Memorial chapel with burial in Mount Hope Cemetery, Cypress, Inn, Tenn. Officiating at the funeral will be Derrel Davis and Steve McFall. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and had resided in Florence for a number of years. She is survived by her husband, Raymond McFall, Florence; sons, Kenneth McFall, Florence, Donald McFall, Florence; daughter, Betty Buttrum, Florence; sister, Crystal Gillis, Collinwood, Tenn.; brother, Ray Holt, Flint, Mich.; 13 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren. Pallbaerers will include Gary McFall, Doug Phillips, Paul Rasch, David McFall, Daniel McFall and Jimmy Landsaster. She was a member of the Petersville Church of Christ.”

MCFALL, PARKER D., Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: The tomb has date of birth, 7 Jan. 1896 and death, 8 Mar. 1970. “Parker D. McFall, 74, Route 4, Florence, died at ECM Hospital Sunday at 1:45 p.m., following a 12-day illness. Mr. McFall was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., but for the past 65 years had lived in Florence. He was a retired salesman, member of North Wood Methodist Church, charter member of American Legion Post 11, member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, and a member of World War I Local Barracks 2096. Services will be Tuesday at 1 p.m. from the Pleasant Hill Methodist Church with Rev. Sam Graham and Rev. Dennis Mays officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Survivors include: widow, Mrs. Selma Smith McFall, Florence; two sons, Parker Fred McFall, and David Smith McFall, Florence; six daughters, Mrs. R. Chadwick Barber, Mrs. J.C. Seaton Jr., Mrs. W.T. Hale, Mrs. Raymond A. Lawson, Florence; Mrs. Edward D. McLaughlin Jr., McLean, Va.; Miss Frances McFall, Colombo, Cevlon. (with U.S. Embassy); three brothers, Pierce McFall, Waynesboro, Tenn.; John C. McFall, Knoxville, Tenn.; and James F. McFall, Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Tom Thrasher, and Mrs. Jesse Whitten, Florence; 14 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. Honor bearers will be members of the American Legion.”

MCFALL, ROXIE LILLIAN Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Roxie Lillian McFall was born Aug. 8, 1904. She departed from this life Nov. 1, 1974 at the age of 70 years, 3 months, 7 days. She was a native of Wayne County, Tennessee. She was the daughter of the late Sim and Alice Bratton McFall. She was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Edna Fielder of Lutts, Tenn.; two brothers Elmer McFall of Lutts, Tenn. , Hassell McFall of Savannah, Tenn., 11 nieces and 11 nephews and a host of relatives and friends.”

MCGEE, BEATRICE FEAZELL Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, who conducted the funeral. “Beatrice Feazell McGee was born March 12, 1893 in Guntersville, Ala. She was untied in marriage to Charlie McGee and he preceded her in death on Sept. 9, 1963. Mrs. McGee departed from this life January 24th at the age of 84 years, 10 months and 12 days. She leaves three daughters Mrs. Lizzie Johnson, Lutts, TN, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Tyronza, Ark., and Mrs. Clotee Chimiel, South Bend, Ind.; two sons Ross McGee, Columbia, TN and G.C. McGee, South Bend, Ind.; 28 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren.”

MCGEE, BILLIE ANDREW Information was taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Billie Andrew McGee was born March 22, 1933. He passed away on Oct. 23, 1964. Survivors include his mother, Beatrice McGee, Lutts, Tennessee; sisters, Lizzie Johnson, Lutts, Tenn., Sarah Branum, Tyranza, Ark., Clotee Chimel, South Bend, Ind.; brothers, Ross McGee, Columbia, Tenn., G. C. McGee, South Bend, Ind.”

MCGEE, CHARLIE ZEBLIN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Charlie Zeblin McGee was born Feb. 19, 1880. He passed away on Sept. 9, 1963 at age 83 years, 6 months, 23 days old. He was a retired farmer, a member of the Free Will Baptist Church and had lived in Wayne County for many years. He and Beatrice Feazel McGee were married December 28th 1910. Survivors in addition to his wife, Mrs. Beatrice Feazel McGee, include 3 daughters, Mrs. Lizzie Johnson of Lutts, Mrs. Sara Brannon of Tyronza, Ark., Mrs. Clote Chimel of South Bend Ind.; four sons, late Ellie McGee, Ross McGee of Columbia Tenn. G.C. McGee of South Bend, Billie McGee of Donelson Tenn.; 28 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren; three sisters, Mrs. Nannie McGee of Chattanooga, Tenn., Mrs. Mattie Morris and Mrs. Lizbeth La Neaue both of Florence, Ala.; five brothers, Bell McGee, Sam McGee, Tommy McGee, Edgar McGee all of Florence, Ala., Andrew McGee of Birmingham; and a host of friends. The service was conducted by Virgil H. Gean, Sr., with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing.”

MCGEE, S.W., TimesDaily, Floence, AL “S.W. McGee, 82, 302 s. Cedar St., Florence, died Sunday at Colonial Manor Hospital after a brief illness. He was a native of Wayne county, Tenn., lived most of his life in Florence, was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church, Florence Masonic Lodge No. 14 and the Scottish Rite Association. Services will be at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday at Morison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence. The Rev. Virgil Geans will officiate. Burial will be in Florence City Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Robbie Cantrell McGee; sons, Dr. Jerry C. McGee, Charleston, S.C.; Dr. Burton H. McGee, Florence; two grandsons. Nephews will serve as bearers. The family will receive friends 7-9 tonight at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence.”

MCKELVEY, JAMES DANIEL, Florence, AL Note: The tomb shows date of birth, 9 May 1947 and death, 27 May 1968. Pvt. James Daniel McKelvey, 21, 516 S. Pine St., Florence, was killed in Vietnam May 27. He was an infantryman with the Fourth Infantry Division, and had been there three months. He was a lifelong resident of Florence, and a member of Oakland Methodist Church. Funeral services will be today at 4 p.m. from Oakland Methodist Church with Rev. Eddie George and Rev. Ed Gardner officiating. Burial will follow in Greenview Cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Virginia Fulmer McKelvey, Florence; parents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. McKelvey, Florence; one brother, Jesse T. McKelvey, Ft. Benning, Ga.; one sister, Mrs. Ann Crouch, Florence. Pallbearers will be Jimmy Highland, Jimmy Shields, Wayne Kelley, Paul Crouch, Dennis Mitchell, Donald Box. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence until time for services.”

MCKELVEY, MABEL EULA, Waterloo, AL Note: The tomb shows date of birth, 14 Jun. 1895 and death, 26 Aug. 1968. “Mrs. Mabel Eula McKelvey, 73, Rt. 10, Waterloo, died this morning at her residence following an extended illness. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of the Wright Methodist Church. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 p.m. at the Wright Methodist Church with Rev. J. O. Jaggeers and Rev. Willie Lanford officiating. Burial will follow in the Wright Cemetery with Morrison-Elkins directing. The body will remain at the funeral home and will lie in state at the church from 2-3 p.m. just prior to the service. She is survived by one daughter, Miss Irene McKelvey; four sons, Jack, Glen, Lee, and Jim McKelvey; two sisters, Mrs. Letha Hall and Mrs. Gladys Irons; five grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Active bearers include Walker Edwards, Bill Edwards, Woodrow Wilson, John Wilson, Edwin Wright, and Jimmy Roberson.”

MCKINNEY, GEORGE A. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “George A. McKinney was born on October 245, 1901 in Hardin County, the son of the late Bill and Betty Stout McKinney. He was united in marriage to Louise Fields, who preceded him in death in 1937. In 1942 he was united in marriage to Grace McMasters, who preceded him in death on April 2, 1980. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church, was an army veteran of WWII, worked as a farmer and was employed by TVA. Mr. McKinney departed this life on June 9, 1991, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 89 years, 7 months, and 14 days. He leaves 2 daughters, Mary V. McKinney of Paducah, KY and Sonny Sanders of Tupelo, Miss.; a son, Robert Hugh McKinney of Corinth, Miss.; 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.”

MCKINNEY, GRACE MCMASTERS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “ Grace McMasters McKinny was born December 8, 1913, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi; the daughter of the late Mr. & Mrs. Bill McMasters. In 1942, she married George A. McKinney. She was a member of the Pickwick Freewill Baptist Church. Mrs. McKinney died April 2 at the age of 66 years, 3 months, and 24 days; leaving her husband; her daughter, Mrs. Sonny Sanders of Selmer; a step-daughter, Miss Viola McKinney of Paducah; a step-son, Robert Hugh McKinney of Corinth; 2 grandchildren; 2 step-grandchildren; six sisters: Mrs. Oma Howell of California, Mrs. Mattie Smith, Mrs. Willie Phillips, Mrs. Flora Woodruff, Mrs. Crystal Leslie, and Mrs. Lorene Floyd, all of Memphis; other relatives and many friends.”

MCLEMORE, CHARLES C., East Lauderdale News, March 23, 1995 “Funeral services for Charles C. McLemore, 69, Lobelville, Tenn., were Tuesday, March 21, at McDonald Funeral Home Chapel, Hohenwald, Tenn., with Thomas McLemore officiating. Burial was in Swiss Cemetery. Mr. McLemore died Sunday, March 19, at Baptist Hospital, Nashville, Tenn., after an extended illness. He was a former resident of Rogersville, a veteran, a retired accountant, and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Joyce McLemore; daughter, Carol Barnette, both of Lobelville; son, Thomas McLemore, Ridgeland, Miss., sisters, Waweda McLemore, Frankie Love, both of Nashville; four grandchildren.”

MCWILLIAMS, DANNY BISHOP SR., TimesDaily/Thursday, April 20, 2000 “Danny Bishop McWilliams Sr., 52, Cherokee, Ala., died suddenly Tuesday, April 18, 2000. Visitation will be at Morrison Funeral Home, Cherokee, from 6 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, April 20, 2000. Funeral will be at Morrison Funeral Home, Cherokee, on Friday, April 21, 2000, at 10 a.m. with Rev. Frank Whitaker officiating. Mr. McWilliams is survived by his wife of 31 years, Mrs. Marilyn Cagle McWilliams, Cherokee; son, Danny Bishop McWilliams Jr. and wife Allison, Tuscumbia; daughters, Jennifer McWilliams Mouchette and husband Tom, Gallatin, Tenn., Laura McWilliams Swint and husband Stuart, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; grandchildren, Abigail Christine McWilliams and Lauren Elizabeth Mouchette; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McWilliams, Cherokee; sister, Susan McWilliams Bolton and husband Chuck, Tuscumbia; and a number of nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. Mr. McWilliams was CEO of Third Option Laboratories, producers of Jogging in a Jug. He served as state vice president of the Alabama Farm Bureau. Committed to community service all his life, Mr. McWilliams was a former member of the Cherokee Lions Club, the Cherokee High School Booster Club, the Shoals Economic Development Authority and many other civic groups. Mr. McWilliams graduated from Cherokee High School in 1966, and he loved his community with all his heart. He was a loyal friend, a loving husband, father, grandfather and son. His laughter, love of life, and selfless spirit will be sorely missed by all who were blessed to know him. Pallbearers will include Lenden Brown, Don Waldrep, Curtis Todd, Rodney Howard, Ed Underwood, John McWilliams, Steve Carpenter, Willie Buchannan, Ronnie Askew, Steve Worsham, Jackie Borden, Mike Clay, Henry Lee Watkins, Bobby Waldrep and Dale Tapp. Memorials may be made to Cherokee Rescue Squad, Cherokee Public Library or the American Heart Association.”

MICHAEL, CALLIE FIELDER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Callie Fielder Michael born Feb. 6, 1889. She was 91 years old. She was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. She leaves a step-daughter, Bertha Michael of Waterloo , a number of nieces and nephews and a host of friends and relatives.”

MICHAEL, FLOYD NORMAN Information taken from records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Floyd Norman Michael was born on Tuesday, November 30, 1909 in Lauderdale County, AL, the son of the late David J. Michael and Elnorah Fielder Michael. He was a member of the First Church of God in Savannah, worked as a farmer and a sawmill worker, and had resided in Hardin County since 1955. Mr. Michael departed this life on Sunday, October 18, 1992 at age 82 years, 10 months and 18 days. He leaves 4 sons: Willis Michael of Woodstock, GA, Albert Michael and Waymon Michael of Savannah and Norman Edsel Michael of Corinth, MS; 10 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; 2 sisters: Mrs. Rosie Young and Mrs. Goldie Michael of Savannah; a brother, Doyle Michael of Florence. He was preceded in death by 3 daughters, 1 son, and 2 step-sons.”

MICHAEL, LURA MANSELL Information from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Lura Mansell Michael was born on August 4, 1905 in Lauderdale County, Ala., the daughter of the late Walter and Tennessee Scott Mansell. She was a member of the New Pleasant Grove Freewill Baptist Church, and worked as a housewife. Mrs. Michael departed this life on April 8, 1990, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 84 years, 8 months, and 4 days. She leaves 4 sons, Willis Michael of Woodstock, GA, Albert Michael and Waymon Michael both of Savannah and Norman Michael of Corinth; 10 grandchildren, 5 step-grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren, 4 step-great-grandchildren; 2 sisters, Mrs. Bessie Cravens of Savannah, and Mrs. Bertha Ledgewood of Mishawaka, Ind.”

MICHAEL, MARVIN ALEXANDER Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who assisted in the eulogy. Marvin Alexander Michael, age 63, of Florence, died Thursday night, March 27 at Colonial Manor Hospital. He was a member of the Jones Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. He is survived by his wife, Jewel Gean Michael, two sons, Aaron and Ancil both of Florence; two daughters, Nora and Brenda of Florence; two brothers, Doyle of Florence and Floyd of Savannah, Tenn.; two sisters, Mrs. Rosie Young and Mrs. Goldie Michael, both of Savannah, Tenn. Two granddaughters, Miss Julie and Joanne Michael.

MICHAEL, NANNIE JEWEL, TimesDaily/Sunday, April 23, 1995 “Nannie Jewel Gean Michael, 87, Florence, died Friday, April 21, 1995 of pneumonia. Visitation will be today at 12:30 p.m. at Spry Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be today at 1:30 p.m. at Grace Freewill Baptist Church, Florence, with burial in Bumpas Creek Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Ernie Emmons. She was born in Hardin County, Tenn., and was a resident of Florence. She is survived by her sons, Aaron Michael and Ancil Michael, both of Florence; daughters, Nora Michael and Brenda Michael, both of Florence; sisters, Vinnah Michael, Florence, Tishe White, Savannah, Tenn.; two grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, Marvin Michael, and her parents, George W. and Abbie Bratton Gean. She was a homemaker. She was a member of Freewill Baptist Church.”

MICHAEL, ROBERT NEWTON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Robert Newton Michael was born September 9. 1883, in Tennessee, the son of Newton and Katherine Qualls Michael. Mr. Michael ,a farmer, had lived for the past 53 years in Lauderdale County, Alabama. He was a member of the Mt. Zion Primitive Baptist Church. Mr. Michael married Josie Scott December 25, 1909, who preceded him in death in 1917. He later married Callie Fielder, Mrs. Michael survives. He departed this life April 4, 1966, at his home Rt. 1, Waterloo, Alabama, at the age of 82 years, 6 months and 25 days. Besides his wife, Mrs. Callie Fielder Michael, Rt. 1, Waterloo, he is survived by one daughter, Miss Bertha Michael, Waterloo; two brothers, Mr. Wilson Michael and Mr. Gilford Michael both of Savannah; two sisters, Mrs. Ada Brown and Mrs. Etta Lard, both of Savannah, Tenn.”

MICHAEL, SARAH CAROLINE FIELDER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Sarah Caroline Fielder Michael was born February 6, 1889 in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Franklin and Frances McCorkle Fielder. On March 10, 1918 she was united in marriage to Robert Michael, who preceded her in death on April 4, 1966. Mrs. Michael was a member of the Primitive Baptist Church. She departed from this April 4th at the age of 91 years, 1 month, and 28 days. She leaves a step daughter Miss Bertha Michael, Waterloo, AL; She also leaves nieces and nephews.”

MICHAEL, WAYMON EARL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Waymon Earl Michael was born on July 25, 1945 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of the late Floyd Michael and Lura Michael. On January 14, 1988 he was united in marriage to Frances Fielder. He was a member of the Community Freewill Baptist Church in Corinth, Miss., was an army veteran, and had worked as a meat manager in a supermarket. He had resided in Savannah for the past 37 years. Mr. Michael departed this life on April 13, 1993 in Savannah, at the age of 47 years, 8 months, and 18 days. He leaves his wife: Mrs. Frances Fielder Michael of Savannah; a daughter, Mrs. Shannon M. McFall of Savannah; a step-daughter, Mrs. Lisa Gary of Savannah; a step-son, Ron Fielder of Savannah; a grandson, Christopher Hubbard of Savannah; 3 brothers, Willis Michael of Woodstock, GA, Albert Michael of Savannah and Norman Edsel Michael of Corinth, MS.”

MILLER, CHARLES L., Houston, Texas Newspaper, Monday, June 27, 1938 “Charles L. Miller, 62, of 8135 Park Terrace, died at 6:26 a.m. Sunday. Mr. Miller had lived in Houston 15 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maud A. Miller of Austin, four daughters and two sons: a sister , Mrs. J. E. Brady; a brother, J. E. Miller of Houston. Funeral services at 10 a.m. Tuesday at the Fogle-West Chapel with Rev. Hubert Hopper officiating. Burial in Peach Point Cemetery with Rev. Mr. Streeter of Freeport officiating. Fogle-West Company directing.”

MILLER, JONES E., Houston, Texas Newspaper, Saturday, April 18, 1942 “Jones E. Miller, 62, of 3710 Harriett, died at 4:55 p.m. Friday in a Houston hospital. He had lived in Houston 43 years. He was employed by the Sam Houston Hotel as auditor and night clerk 32 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma Miller of Houston; one daughter, Miss Evelyn Ruth Miller of Houston; one sister, Mrs. J. C. Brady of Houston, and several nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Hotel Greeters Association of America, Houston Charter No. 52. Funeral services at 2:00 p.m. Sunday, at the Fogle-West Chapel. Burial in Forest Park Cemetery. Active pallbearers: W.C. O’Heary, Ross Corker, Joe Lucas, J.W. Nickelson, Eddie Sparks, W. R. Glaeser, Cecil Warren, Hill Davis and Delmore Workman. Honorary pallbearers: All members of Houston Charter No. 52 Hotel Greeters Association of America. Fogle-West Company directing.”

MILLIGAN, INA GUSTELLE EVANS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. The information was compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tennessee. “Ina Gustelle Evans Milligan was born September 3, 1929, in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the daughter of Rosie James Evans and the late W. H. Evans. On November 24, 1946 she was united in marriage to Waymon Milligan. Mrs. Milligan departed from this life February 21, 1972, at the age of 43 years, 5 months, and 18 days. She leaves other than her husband, six daughters, Mrs. Jane A. Franks, Mrs. Alice Clement, Misses Myra, Beverly, Sondra and Laura Milligan, all of Savannah; three sons Anthony, Marion, and Dwight Milligan, all of Savannah; two grandchildren; her mother of Waterloo, Ala.; four brothers, Jim Evans, Iuka, Miss., Al, Evans, Oregon, O. B. Evans and Elder Evans, both of Waterloo, Ala.; two sisters, Mrs. Maude Austin, and Mrs. Estelle Austin, both of Savannah.”

MOORE, JOSEPH VINSON Information taken from clergyman’s of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Joseph Vinson Moore was born February 28, 1908 in Alabama, the son of the late John and Elizabeth Schmieder Moore. In 1954 he married the former Ivagene Smith. Mr. Moore departed from this life June 14, 1974 at the age of 66 years, 3 months, and 16 days. He leaves other than his wife, four daughters, Mrs. Brenda Gibbs of Waterloo, Ala., Jeannie, Glenda, and Glovia Moore all of Lutts, a son Danny Joe Moore, Lutts; five brothers, Dewey Moore, Nashville, Elmer Moore, Akron, Ohio, Earl Moore, Florence, Ala., Woodrow and Fred Moore, Athens, Ala.; a sister, Mrs. Frances Wilkerson, Urbana, Ohio; two half sisters, Mrs. Ola Meredith and Mrs. Lola McVay, Athens, Ala.”

MOORE, LILLIE MAE GEAN, Ocala, Florida Note: Information taken from the memorial pamphlet , compiled by the Hiers Funeral Home of Ocala, Florida. She was a former resident of Lauderdale County, Ala. and was the daughter of the late Chissie and Dovie V. Whitted Gean. “Lillie M. Moore was born, May 23, 1916 and departed this life April 1, 1995. Services were on April 4, 1995 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon at Northside Missionary Baptist Church, Ocala, Florida. Rev. Wayne Hunter, Bro. Emanuel Harris and Rev. Wayne Hunter conducted the service. Pallbearers were Nelson Barrett, Rudolph Barrett, Glenn Novinger, Clyde Shurley, Wilbur Hatcher, Ralph James, Dan Combs, and Charles Ellis. Survivors include her daughter and son-in-law, Nancy F. and Jerry Gallery; granddaughter, Laura G. Merritt and husband Jim Merritt; brother, Clarence Geans; and a host of cousins, nieces and nephews. Sister Lillie became a member of Northside Missionary Baptist Church March 5, 1969. She was interred at Good Shepherd Memorial Gardens, Ocala, Florida.”

MOORE, MILDRED FLATT Information taken from the clergyman’ records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mildred Flatt Moore was born on August 7, 1925 in Hardin County, the daughter of Josie Stratton Flatt and the late John H. Flatt. On January 10, 1946 she was united in marriage to Virgil Moore. She was a member of the First Freewill Baptist Church of Adamsville and worked as a homemaker. Mrs. Moore departed this life on November 2, 1992, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 67 years, 2 months, and 25 days. She leaves her husband, Virgil Moore of Morris Chapel; 2 sons: Connie Moore of Morris Chapel and Randy Moore of Adamsville; 4 grandchildren: Travis, Stacey, Johnny, & Crystal Moore; a step-grandchild, Shannon Carter; 2 great-grandchildren: Katherine Moore and Amelia Moore; 2 sisters: Mrs. Thelda Carothurs of Adamsville and Mrs. Dorothy Newman of Savannah; 2 brothers: Marvin Flatt of Adamsville and John Flatt of Adamsville; her mother, Mrs. Josie Flatt of Adamsville.”

MORRIS, MRS. BESSIE BELL, Florence, Alabama Note: Minister’s records show date of death, 10 Jul 1972 “Mrs. Bessie Bell Morris, 69 of 308 West Tennessee St., Florence, died yesterday at her home. Graveside services will be today at 2 p.m. in Centenary Cemetery at Lutts, Tenn. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. Bessie was born May 18, 1903, to the late W.K. and Roxie McFall McFall. (From clergy record.) Survivors are her husband, Clyde Morris; two daughters, Mrs. Wilma Jean Tidwell of Mishawaka, Ind., and Mrs. Helen Holt of South Bend, Ind.; two sisters, Mrs. Lula Johnson and Miss Beulah McFall, both of Lutts, and four grandchildren. She was a member of the Baptist Church. The body is at Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in Waynesboro.”

MORRIS, CLYDE WARREN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mr. Clyde Warren Morris, age 76, of Route 1 Savannah, TN passed away January 10, 1980 at the Harbert Hill Nursing Home in Hardin County, Tennessee. Mr. Morris was born on January 31, 1903 in Wayne County to the late Tommy and Mattie Johnson Morris. He was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church and had worked as a gardener. He was married to the late Bessie Belle McFall Morris. Mr. Morris is survived by: two daughters: Mrs. Helen Holt of South Bend, Ind. And Mrs. Wilma Tidwell of Savannah, TN; two brothers: Loyd and Wills Morris both of Lutts, TN; one sister: Ruthie Morris of Clifton, TN; four grandchildren: Audrey Morris, Kathy O’Conner, and Thomas and Jerry Holt; three great-grandchildren; one nephew and two nieces.”

MORRIS, EFFIE LEENISHA STEELEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Effie Leenisha Steeley Morris was born February 5, 1894 in Hardin County, daughter of the late William and Lizzie Clack Steeley. In 1911 she was united in marriage to J. Walter Morris, who preceded her in death on April 9, 1963. Mrs. Morris departed from this life December 24th at the home of her son Earl Morris, Waterloo, Ala. The age of 90 years, 10 months, and 19 days. She leaves two daughters: Mrs. Willodean Sharp and Mrs. Virginia E. Smith both of Savannah; 5 sons Earl Morris, Waterloo, Alabama, Ancle, Coy, and Boyd Morris, all of Savannah, and Roy Morris, South Bend, Ind.; 37 grandchildren, 65 great-grandchildren, 4 great-great-grandchildren; 3 sisters: Mrs. Glydia Gean, Savannah, Tennessee, Mrs. Ollie Scott, Florence, Alabama, and Mrs. Myrtle Weston, St. Louis, Missouri. Two sons: Johnny and Floyd Morris preceded their mother in death, also two infant daughters and another daughter Okla Mae Weston.”

MORRIS, JOHNNY LUTHER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Johnny Luther Morris was born April 13, 1913, in Hardin County Tennessee, the son of Walter and Effie Steeley Morris. He was a sawmill worker. He was united in marriage to Myrtle White February 19, 1938, Mrs. Morris survives. He departed this life August 24, 1969, at Hardin County General Hospital, Savannah, Tennessee, at the age of 56 years, 4 months and 11 days. Besides his wife, he is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Shirley Franks, Memphis, Mrs. Mackie Fielder, Lutts, Mrs. Kathy McFall, South Bend, Ind., Mrs. Barbara White, and Mrs. Tera Daniels, both of Savannah; two sons, Mr. Johnny Ray Morris and Mr. Ralph David Morr both of South Bend, Ind.; 5 grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. Effie Steeley Morris, Savannah; three sisters, Mrs. Okla Western, Pocahontas, Ark., Mrs. Willodean Sharpe, South Bend, Ind. And Mrs. Etoile Smith, Savannah.; six brothers, Mr. Ancil Morris, Mr. Coy Morris, Mr. Earl Morris, and Mr. Boyd Morris, Savannah and Mr. Floyd Morris and Mr. Roy Morris both of South Bend.”

MORRIS, JONAS WALTER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Jonas Walter Morris was born April 19, 1884, in Wayne County Tennessee, the son of William Morris and Carrie Hinton Morris. He lived most all his life in the Walnut Grove and Second Creek Communities of Hardin County. He was a farmer. He married Effie Lee Steeley 51 years ago September 12, 1962, she survives. He died April 9, 1963, at his home in the Walnut Grove Community at the age of 78 years 9 months and 20 days. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Effie S. Morris, Walnut Grove; seven sons, Mr. Johnny Morris, Marked Tree, Arkansas, Mr. Earl Morris, Second Creek, Mr. Ancil Morris, Walnut Grove, Mr. Floyd Morris, Mishawaka, Ind., Mr. Roy Morris, South Bend, Ind., Mr. Coy Morris, Walnut Grove, Mr. Boyd Morris, Walnut Grove; three daughters, Mrs. Okla Weston, Pocahontas, Ark., Mrs. Virginia Smith, Savannah, Tenn., Mrs. Willodene Sharp, Waterloo, Ala.; 31 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren; one brother, Mr. Luther Morris, Second Creek, one sister, Mrs. Mary Fielder, Second Creek and one half sister, Mrs. Bonnie Story, Collinwood, Tenn.”

MORRIS, WILLIAM FLOYD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “William Floyd Morris was born September 7, 1920 in Wayne County, the son Effie Steeley Morris and the late Walter Morris. On November 20, 1949 he married the former Mable Aline White. Mr. Morris departed from this life October 17th at the age of 60 years, month, and 10 days. He leaves other than his wife, a daughter Mrs. Wanda McFall, Savannah; one son Roger Dale Morris, Oseola, Ind.; one grandchild; his mother of Savannah; three sisters Mrs. Okla Weston, Pocahontas, Ark., Mrs. Virginia Smith, and Mrs. Willidean Sharp, both of Savannah; five brothers Earl Morris, Waterloo, AL., Ancil, Coy and Boyd Morris, all of Savannah, and Roy Morris, South Bend, Ind.; Mr. Morris was preceded in death by a brother Johnny Morris.”

MURPHY, CHARLIE(CHARLES) L. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Charlie (Charles) L. Murphy, born Friday, July 5, 1918, died Wednesday, April 18, 2001, at age 82 years, 9 months and 13 days. The funeral service was Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 2:00 p.m. at the Murphy’s Chapel Church, Florence, Alabama, with Virgil Gean and Harry Underwood officiating, Shackelford Funeral Home, directing. Interment was in the Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery.

MURPHY, COLUMBUS TIM Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Spry Funeral Home. “Columbus Tim Murphy of Rogersville, Alabama died Thursday at 2:45 p.m., December 18, 1969 at his residence. He was 88 years, 0 months and 19 days old. Mr. Murphy was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, and a member of the Happy Valley Missionary Baptist Church, professing a hope in Christ some 19 years ago. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Pinnie Murphy of Route 1, Rogersville; one daughter, Mrs. Esther Lee Barnes of Osceola, Ark.; 4 sons, Mr. Bennett Murphy of Kaiser, Ark., Mr. John B. Murphy of Lexington, Alabama, Mr. Frank Hassell Murphy of Rogersville, Ala., Mr. George Sam Murphy of Rogersville, Ala.; 1 sister, Mrs. Miley Hughes of Tecumseh, Okla.; 20 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren.”

MURPHY, EARLENE PERKINS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Earlene Murphy, 95, of Petersville, passed away Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009. Visitation will be 10-11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 13, at Wood Avenue Church of Christ, where the funeral service will begin at 11 a.m. Miles Stutts, Kenneth Davis and Brian Jarrett will officiate the service. Burial will follow in Florence City Cemetery. Earlene was preceded in death by her parents, Foster and Lily Perkins, and her husband, Doyle Lee Murphy, who passed away in 1948. She is survived by her son, Kenneth Lee Murphy (Faye); daughter, Elizabeth Ann Murphy Richards (Billy Ray); grandchildren, Robin Murphy Davis, Jill Murphy Peralta and Greg Richards; and six great-grandchildren. Earlene was born in Texas and grew up in the Cloverdale community. She graduated from Central High School and was a mother and homemaker until Doyal’s death. She then worked at many places, including the Florence Clinic, where she became an LPN. She worked for ECM Hospital and Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home until she retired. She was a member of Wood Avenue Church of Christ. She was devoted to her family and church family who were most attentive to her needs, especially in her later years. The family requests that donations be made to El Reposo Nursing Home or Wood Avenue Church of Christ in lieu of flowers. Thomas Cochran, Donald Clanton, Jeff Stewart, Joe Johnson, Jimmie Ardis and Greg Hamm will serve as pallbearers. You may sign the online register at Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family.”

MURPHY, HORACE T., Times Daily News, Florence, AL Family records show date of birth 7 Nov. 1932 and death, 6 July 1969. “Horace T. Murphy, 35, of 102 Scott Dr., Florence, died Sunday at 4:17 p.m. at Colonial Manor Hospital. A native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, he was business manager for the Laborer’s District Council of Alabama, president of Muscle Shoals Building Construction Trade Council, member of Bricklayers’ Local Union No. 8, Laborers’ Local Union No. 366, member of St. Mark’s United Presbyterian Church. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from First Cumberland Presbyterian Church by Rev. George Warren. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Park, Morrison-Elkins directing. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home in Florence until being placed in the church one hour before services. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Patricia Johnson Murphy, two daughters, Anne Murphy, Donna Murphy; a son, Allen; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Murphy, Waterloo, Rt. 2; three brothers, Cecil, Howard, Kenneth all of Florence; four sisters, Mrs. Jones Irons, Mrs. Robert Hart, Mrs. Turner Daily Jr., all of Florence; Mrs. Wayne Haggard, Waterloo, Rt. 2. Bearers will be Howard May, James Bowling, Clifford Reed, Hugh L. Robinson, Woodrow Bowling, John Campbell, Yates Bowling, Clayton Suddith.”

MURPHY, JOHN WILEY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL The tomb shows Mr. Murphy was born on 6 May 1879 and died on 2 Apr. 1965. “Funeral services for John Wiley Murphy, 86, of 124 Taylor Road, Florence, will be at 2 p.m. Sunday from Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church on the Savannah Highway. A native of Lauderdale County, Mr. Murphy died Tuesday at ECM Hospital in Florence. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Baptist Church. Rev. Virgil Gean will officiate at funeral services and burial will follow in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro directing. Survivors include the widow Mrs. Murphy; 10 daughters, Mrs. Odella Smith of Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Carrie Robbins of Lutts, Tenn., Mrs. Virgie Akers of Donelson, Tenn., Mrs. Ruby Price of Cloverdale, Mrs. Eunice Bevis of Florence, Mrs. Mary Rich of Rt. 6, Florence, Mrs. Roxie Villers of Melvindale, Mich., Mrs. Levada Newton, also of Melvindale, Mrs. Lola hart of Rt. 4, Florence, Mrs. Dorothy Malone of Tuscumbia; two sons, Charlie Murphy of Sheffield and Woodrow Murphy of Osceola, Ind.; 57 grandchildren, 80 great-grandchildren, one great -great -grandchild. Bearers will be Covie Robins, Buford Smith, Phillip Rich, Jackie Bevis, Sherman Wesson, David Murphy, Thomas Newton, Arnold Ray Balentine.”

MUSE, MRS. ASA, Florence Times, Jan. 9, 1894, Threet column “Sad News From Threet Four Deaths in Four Days Threet, Jan. 9, 1894 Mr. Editor—The great amount of sickness and numerous deaths have thrown a dark shadow over the hearts of the people in this vicinity………. On Monday, Mrs. Muse, wife of REV. ASA MUSE, of Cloverdale, died with dropsy……….. “Since the reception of the above letter, news has been received of the death of Mr. Asa Muse, husband of the lady whose death is recorded above. He died on Wednesday evening.” Column was written by J. F. Koonce ______________________________________________________________________________ NESBITT, HATTIE E., Times Daily, November 24, 1986, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Mrs. Hattie Elmtra Nesbitt, 77, Route 1, died Sunday, Nov. 23, 1986, at her residence following an extended illness. She was a member of Pine Hill Church of Christ and a retired school teacher from the Colbert and Lauderdale County school systems. She was the daughter of the late John and Ola Williams. The service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Pine Hill Church of Christ, with Howard Rogers officiating. Burial will be in Pine Hill Cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The family will receive friends 6-9 p.m. today at the church. Survivors include her husband, Ervin Nesbitt, Waterloo; daughters, Mrs. Barbara Parks, Summerville, Tenn., Mrs. Mary Balentine, Waterloo; brothers, Carl Williams, Waterloo, Ray Williams, Milan, Mich., Clifford Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; sister, Mrs. Mary Love, Savannah, Tenn.; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Bearers are Andy Akins, Jerry Reeves, Kenneth Reeves, Winford Dowdy, Charles Dowdy, Gene Landrum, Griffin Bevis and Wayne Barrier.”

NEWLAND, WILLARD R., South Bend Indiana newspaper “Willard R. Newland, 35, of 302 E. LaSalle St. died at 11:45 p.m. Sunday in St. Joseph’s Hospital after an illness of nine months. He was born in New Carlisle July 6, 1930, and moved here from New Carlisle 25 years ago. He married Robbie Holcombe Dec. 21, 1951, in Mishawaka. Mr. Newland was employed by the Wheelabrator Corp. for 14 years. He is survived by his wife; two sons, William and Russell, both at home, two daughters, Donna and Shelly, also at home; his father, Clifford G. Newland of Mishawaka; four brothers, James, of South Bend, Paul, of Osceola, Findley, of New Castle, and Clifford, of Elkhart and two half-sisters, Mrs. Robert Tuttle of South Bend and Mrs. Buddy Horvath of Elkhart. Friends may call at the Bubb Funeral Chapel from 7 p.m. today until noon Wednesday, then in the First General Baptist Church from 1 p.m. Wednesday until services there at 2 p.m. Wednesday. Rev. Adolph Lacy will officiate. Burial will be in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens.”

NEWTON, MR. THOMAS WILLIAM Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Mr. Thomas William Newton, 30, Melvindale, Michigan, died November 23, 1974 in Melvindale, Michigan. The funeral will be November 27, 1974, with Rev. Virgil Gean conducting the funeral, at Murphy’s Chapel Church, Morrison-Elkins Funeral, Florence, Ala. directing. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Susan Newton; father and mother, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Newton; son, Master Tommy Newton; brother, Mr. Don Newton:”

NIX, DORA FREEMAN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Homes, Inc., Florence, AL. “Mrs. Dora Freeman Nix,80, Route 1, Savannah, Tennessee, passed away February 14, 1981 at Colonial Manor Hospital. The funeral will be Monday, February 16, 1981 at Shady Grove Church with Virgil Gean and J. B. Harper officiating. Burial will be at the church cemetery. Survivors are: 2 sons, Mr. Elmer A. Nix, Florence, Alabama and Mr. Luther D. Nix, Deamond Bar. CA; 2 daughters: Mrs. Mae Rose Richardson, Savannah, TN, amd Mrs. Alene Rogers, Creswtview, Florida; one sister, Mrs. Linnie Bell McDuffa, Phil Campbell, AL; 13 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and nieces and nephews.”

NORRED, MR. THEODORE “ Theodore Norred, 72, Rt. 5, Florence, died Tuesday at Colonial Manor Hospital. He had been a Free Will Baptist minister 39 years and was a carpenter. He is survived by his wife, Mr. Gertude Fowler Norred; daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Watkins and Mrs. Freida Weaver, both of Florence; four grandchildren; a brother, Clyde Norred, Rt. 5, Florence. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Community Free Will Baptist Church with Adolph Lacy and L.J. Vandiver officiating, Loretto Memorial Chapel directing. The body will be at the home of a granddaughter, Eunice Creasy, until the funeral hour.”

OLIVE, MRS. VELVIE LUCILLOE KELLY, Times Daily, Florence , AL “Mrs. Velvie Lucille Kelly Balentine Olive, 74, Ballew’s Apartments, Florence, died today at Colonial Manor Hospital after an extended illness. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of the Church of Christ. Surviving are her husband, J.W. Olive; sons, Ross Balentine, Florence, Edison Balentine, Sheffield, Glenn Balentine, South Bend, Ind.; stepsons, J.W. Olive Jr., Florence, Bennie Ray Olive, Indiana; stepdaughter, Mrs. David Bevis, Florence,; brother, Bill Kelly, Florence; 15 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren. The service will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at Pine Hill Church of Christ. Fred Dillion will officiate. Burial will be in Pine Hill Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, until being placed in the church one hour before the funeral. Nephews will serve as bearers.”

PARKER, BILLY VERNON, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Billy Vernon Parker, 78, 204 Scott Drive, Florence, died Friday at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Nursing Home. He was a native of Lauderdale County and attended the Baptist Church. He was a retired TVA employee. Services will be Sunday at 3:30 p.m. at the Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, with Virgil Gean and J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will follow in Greenview Memorial Park with Morrison-Elkins, Florence, directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillian Parker, Florence; five sons, Howard Parker, Gerald, Ind., Glenn Parker, Muscle Shoals, Warren Parker, Florence, Ray Parker, Florence, and Garland Parker, Florence;; three daughters, Mrs. Hazel Bergob, Florence, Mrs. Ludene Crafton, Florence, and Mrs. Jimmie Nell Spivery, Chattanooga, Tenn.; 18 grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Grandsons will be bearers.”

PARRISH, EARLINE WHITE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Earline White Parrish was born January 6, 1935, at Waterloo, Alabama; the daughter of Wess and Ina Higgins White. Her life was spent in this community. November 19th just passed she was united in marriage with James Roy Parrish. Mrs. Parrish passed suddenly from this life December 10th at the age of 31 years, 11 months, and 4 days; leaving her husband, her parents; 3 sisters: Mrs. Vylone Jones and Miss Fleety White of Waterloo; Mrs. Irene Williams of Florence; 2 brothers, James White of Waterloo and Jay Lynn White of South Bend, Ind.; and many other relatives and friends.”

PATTERSON, MRS. ALLIE MAE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Mrs. Allie Mae Patterson, 74, Friendship Rd. Henderson, TN., died Feb. 25, 1978, at Parkway Hospital. The funeral will be Feb. 27, 1978 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cave Springs Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Rev. Virgil Gean will conduct the funeral, with Griffin Funeral Home, directing. Mrs. Patterson is survived by her husband, Edgar Patterson; sons, James E. Cupples, Alton Patterson, David Patterson, Jerry Patterson, Donnie Patterson, Kenton Patterson; daughters, Mrs. Edith hall, Mrs. Lottie Tucker, Mrs. Linda Harston, Mrs. Lilah Robinson, Mrs. Gloria Dean Applegate; sisters, Mrs. Rhada Martin, Mrs. Dora Martin, Mrs. Arvie Granger; 26 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren.”

PATTERSON, LUTHER ELMER, Florence, Alabama newspaper “Luther Elmer Patterson, 63, died Sunday at Wayne County General Hospital apparently of a heart attack. (The tomb shows he was born in 1905 and died 1968) A resident of Lutts, Tenn., Rt. 1 he was a farmer. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 10 a.m. from Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church by Rev. J.B. Harper. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, directing. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Zella Ayers Patterson, Lutts, Rt. 1; six sons, James, Collinwood; Cecil, Florence; Wayland, Lutts; Leroy, Cypress Inn; D.E., Lutts; Sammy, Lutts; three daughters, Mrs. Velma Maddalozzo, Wilmer, Tex.; Mrs. Barbara Lafeuers, Lutts; Mrs. Ruth Bugg, Waterloo; a brother, Floyd, Painter, Mo.; 11 grandchildren“

PATTERSON, ZELLA AYERS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “LUTTS, Tenn., — The funeral for Mrs. Zella Ayers Patterson, 80, will be at 1 p.m. today at Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church, Cypress Inn, with J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, with Shackelford Funeral Home, Collinwood, directing. She died Thursday, Feb. 25, 1988, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence, Ala. She was a housewife, a native of Tennessee and a member of Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include sons, James Patterson, Collinwood, Cecil Patterson, Florence, D.E. Patterson, Savannah, Waylon Patterson, Leroy Patterson, Sammie Patterson, all of Lutts; daughters, Zelma Maddalozzo, Ferris, Texas, Barbara Lafevers, Lutts, Ruth Bugg, Waterloo, Ala.; sister, Ruby Ayers, Lutts;21 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren.”

PATTON, RUFUS ELIJAH, Times Daily, Florence, AL “RUSSELLVILLE — The funeral for Rufus Elijah Paton, 58, Route 2, Box 176, will be at 2 p.m. today at Frankfort Missionary Baptist Church with Grady Parrish, Virgil Geans and Devaughn Patton officiating. Burial will be in Franklin Memory Gardens, Spry Funeral Home, Russellville, directing. Visitation will be at the residence until one hour before the service, when the body will be placed in the church. He died Monday, May 2, 1988, at Humana Hospital, Russellville, after being injured in a traffic accident. A native of Fayette, he had lived in Franklin County for several years and was a farm manager and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Betty Patton, Russellville; daughters, Mrs. Judy Baskins, Florence, Mrs. Peggy Fuller, Cherokee; sons, Donald Patton, Cherokee, Rodger Patton, Russellville; sisters, Dorthy Davis, Shawnee, Okla., Flora Patton, Fayette, Lorene Pike, Tuscaloosa, Mauline Hayes, Detroit, Mich.; brothers, Freddy Patton, DeVaughn Patton, both of Fayette, B.C. Patton, Aliceville; seven grandchildren.”

PERKINS, ADA LEONA WEBB Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by North Funeral Home, Inc., Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. “Mrs. Ada Leona Webb Perkins, born January 12, 1897 in Waterloo, Ala. departed this life October 5, 1984, being 87 years, 8 months & 23 days of age. She was the daughter of the late Rev. & Mrs. J.W. Webb and the wife of the late Homer Clyde Perkins Sr. She was a housewife and the oldest member of the Flatwoods Freewill Baptist Church. She is survived by three sons: Homer Perkins, Jr. of Lawrenceburg, Tn., James Perkins of Casselberry, Fla., Grady Perkins of Sweetser, Ind.; five daughters: Mrs. Estelle Hoot of Casselberry, Fla., Mrs. Virginia Pawlezak of Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. Lutella Saxton of Casselberry, Fla., Mrs. Opal O’Shea of Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. Barbara Clayton of Orlando, Fla.; 20 grandchildren & 17 great-grandchildren.”

PERKINS, AUGAZELLE R., TimesDaily/Friday, June 21, 1996 Augazelle R. Perkins, 91, Florence, died Wednesday, June 19, 1996, at her residence after a brief illness. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel with burial in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Officiating will be Lawrence Williams. Mrs. Perkins was born and raised in Lauderdale County. She was a homemaker and a member of the Stoney Point Church of Christ. She was preceded in death by her parents, John Henry and Janie E. Jaynes Rickard; two brothers, Paul and Albert Rickard; husband, Fletcher Perkins. She is survived by a son, Gilbert R Perkins and wife, Linda Perkins, Palm Bay, Fla.; daughter, Doris Nicholson and husband, Dwight Nicholson, Norris, Tenn.; brother, Elmer Rickard and wife, Annie Sue Rickard, Florence; sisters, Olivia Miner and Vera Behel, both of Florence, Marie Pigg and husband Herschel Pigg, Tullahoma, Tenn.; sisters-in-law, Ruby G. Rickard and Ruby E. Rickard; grandchildren, Gary Perkins, Dallas Nicholson, Amy Nicholson, Lorena Nicholson and Sabrina Sipple; seven great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Jim Behel, Donnie Behel, George Rickard, Dewey Murphy, H.C. Perkins and Jim Perkins. Memorials may be made to Stoney Point Church of Christ, Route 9, Box 246, Florence, Ala., 35630, or to the American Heart Association, Lauderdale County Memorial Chapter, P.O. Box 758, Florence, Ala., 35631.”

PERKINS, ELLIE L., Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Family records show his date of birth 8 Sep. 1913 and death 23 Apr 1975. “Ellie L. Perkins, 61, of 125 Baker Dr., Florence, died today at his home after a two-year illness. He was born in Waterloo and was superintendent of heavy equipment for the Ballew & Roberts Construction Co. for the past 27 years. He was a member of the First Freewill Baptist Church of Florence, Florence Masonic Lodge and Local 320, International Union of Operating Engineers. Surviving are his wife, Pat R., daughter, Mrs. Glenda Frost of Carbon Hill, two grandchildren; brothers, Ernest Perkins of Jasper and Clark Perkins of Waterloo; sisters, Reba Perkins, Mae Perkins, Mrs. Marie Williams and Mrs. Edna Keel, all of Waterloo. Service will be 3:30 p.m. Thursday at Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, with the Rev. Tom Malone and the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Bearers will be Odell Michael, John Horoway, W.B Beasley, Parker Riddell, Marion Darby, Eugene Pickard, Rex and Ellis Michael.”

PERKINS, GEORGE A., The Florence Herald, May 14, 1937, page 8 “George A. Perkins Dies At Waterloo  Funeral services for George A. Perkins, aged 64, who died at his home on Waterloo, Route 2, Monday morning following an extended illness, were conducted at Wesley’s Chapel Tuesday afternoon with Rev. Boatman and Rev. Jones officiating. Interment followed in the cemetery there with Spry directing. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Leona Perkins; three sons, Ernest Perkins, Clark Perkins and Ellie Perkins, of Waterloo and five daughters, Mrs. Cora McFalls, Mrs. Dan Keel, Mrs. Marie Williams and Misses Reba and Mae Perkins, all of Waterloo.” Note: Mr. Perkins was buried at Williams Chapel cemetery, not Wesley Chapel, as reported in this obituary.

PERKINS, HAZEL BEATRICE “PAT”, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Hazel Beatrice “Pat” Perkins, 89, of Florence, died Sunday, July 8, 2007, at Glenwood Nursing Home. “Pat” was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of First Freewill Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, Ellie Perkins; parents, Velma and John Robertson; and a sister, Ruth Haynes. Visitation will begin at l p.m. Thursday, July 12, at Elkins Funeral Home, followed by the graveside funeral service at 2 p.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. The Rev. Mike Waddell will officiate. She is survived by her daughter, Glenda Frost and her husband, Bobby, Carbon Hill, Ala.; grandsons, Brett Frost and his wife, Vickie, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Chace Frost and his wife, Darlene, Jasper, Ala.; great-grandson, Caleb; and sister, Jimmie Nell Oliver, Florence. The family wishes to express appreciation to Dr. Robert Web and the staff of Glenwood Nursing Home and requests memorials be made to Glenwood. Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family.”

PERKINS, JESSE E., Times Daily, Florence, AL Cemetery records show birth 8 Jul 1905 and death 17 Oct 1980. “A service for Jesse E. Perkins Sr., 75, Cloverdale, will be at 2 p.m. today at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence, with E.M. Shell, David Warren and David Springer officiating. Burial will be in Wright Cemetery. He died Friday at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex after an extended illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Bessie E. Perkins, Cloverdale; one daughter, Mrs. Margaret Ory, Florence; two sons, Jesse E. Perkins Jr., Donald H. Perkins, both of Cloverdale; two sisters, Mrs. Nora Faulkner, Mr. Georgie Richards, both of Cloverdale; nine grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Coy Montgomery, David Montgomery, Doyle Faulkner, Jesse Faulkner, James Hairell, Charles Adomyetz.”

PERKINS, LILLIAN, TimesDaily/Saturday, March 13, 1999 “Mrs. Lillian Perkins, 96, Pocatello, Idaho, died Thursday, March 11, 1999, after an extended illness. The funeral will be at Bethel Baptist Church in Pocatello, Idaho, with burial in Mountain View Cemetery, Pocatello. Henderson Funeral Home is directing. She is formerly of Florence and has lived in Pocatello, Idaho, since 1951. She was a member of Bethel Baptist Church in Pocatello, Idaho, and a member of Eleven Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Florence. Survivors include two nieces, Emma Lou Clemmons (Mother Clemmons), Florence; Ethel Clemmons Butler, Yosilanti, Mich; and one great-niece, Jessie Lee Amlett Harden, Florence.”

PERKINS, MARTHA, Florence Times or Florence Herald newspaper “Mrs. Martha Perkins was born in Lauderdale county, Ala., removed to Texas in 1893, and died September 6, 1918. She was a resident of Bell county for 24 years and died here. She was the mother of six children, four boys and two girls of whom one was living with her when she died, Sarah Ann Perkins. Her youngest sons, Jesse Perkins, of Ft. Cable, Oklahoma, was with her when the end came. Her eldest son, Perry Perkins lives at Bell, Ala., and the other son, William Perkins at Cloverdale, Ala. Mrs. Perkins was sick four months of tuberculosis. She bore her affliction with patience. She called on the Lord to come and meet her, also called on her granddaughter, Mary Perkins, to come and meet her. She was a member of the Church of Christ since 1895, coming into the church under the preaching of T.R. Burnett. She lived to see all of her children come into the church. We hope this will be read by the many people who knew her. She was loved by all who knew her. She was Miss Martha Reeves before marriage and was the widow of H.F. Perkins, who died in 1894. The remains were laid to rest in Wilson Valley cemetery funeral services being conducted by Bro. Williams of Belton, Texas. Nothing has brought more sorrow to the writer, for she was a dear lover of mine and she will always be remembered by me for she was faithful to the end. Her dear daughter, who lived with her, is now left alone to mourn her death. She will always be loved and remembered by me. I am her loving friend. Lina Smith”

PERKINS, PAYNE, The Florence Herald Taken from the news from Wright news column “Wright February 17, 1902Editor Times:—Pneumonia is still raging to an alarming extent. Payne, the 14 year old son of Mr. Wesley Perkins, died last Saturday with Pneumonia. His remains were interred in Waterloo cemetery, after funeral services conducted by Rev. Hence Geans. Payne was a bright and interesting boy , the life and sunshine of his home. We deeply sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Perkins in their sad bereavement……….”

PERKINS, PERRY, Florence Times, Jan. 9, 1894, Threet column “Sad News From Threet Four Deaths in Four Days Threet, Jan. 9, 1894Mr. Editor—The great amount of sickness and numerous deaths have thrown a dark shadow over the hearts of the people in this vicinity. On last Sunday one of our good citizens, Mrs. Perry Perkins, died of la grippe and chronic afflictions….” Column was written by J.F. Koonce

PERKINS, REBA MARY, TimesDaily/Saturday, March 23, 1996 “Reba Mary Perkins, 84, Waterloo, died Thursday, March 21, 1996. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Williams Chapel Church with burial in Williams Chapel Cemetery. Spry Funeral Home, Florence, is directing. Officiating at the funeral will be Bro. Howard Jaggers. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her sisters, Marie Williams, Mae Perkins and Edna Keel, all of Waterloo; a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Barry McFall, Timothy McFall, Tony Orrick, Randy Smith, Ken Davis, Ricky Irons, Wesley Winborn and Jim Smith. Honorary pallbearers will include Harold Smith, Pettus Smith, Tony Lacher, David McFall, David Winborn, Glenn McFall, Billy McFall, Jessie McFall, James Smith and James H. Rideout. She was retired with the Lauderdale County Board of Education. She was a member of Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, and a member of the AEA and the NEA.”

PERKINS, REBECCA, Florence Times, April 7, 1929 “AGED COUNTY RESIDENT DIES LATE SATURDAY Mrs. Rebecca Perkins is To Be Interred TodayMrs. Rebecca Perkins, aged 75, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Pickens, about seven miles out on the Chisholm road late yesterday following a lingering illness. Mrs. Perkins was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale county and was a consistent member of the Baptist Church. Surviving are two sons, Lee Perkins of Wewokah, Okla.; and Clyde Perkins, of Burnsville, Miss; and five daughters, Mrs. Emma Pickens, of Florence; Mrs. Florence Jeans, of Waterloo; Mrs. Lizzie Lutts, of Carthage, Miss.; and Mrs. Paul Haynes, of Tyronza, Ark. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Waterloo Baptist church, with Rev. John Lee officiating. Interment will follow in the cemetery there, with O.R. Fielder in charge.”

PERKINS, SHELIA P., Times Daily/Tuesday, July 16, 1996 “Mrs. Shelia Pollard Perkins, 42, Huntsville, died Friday, July 12, 1996 at her residence. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. today at First Missionary Baptist Church, with the Rev. Julius R. Scruggs officiating. Burial will be in Northside Cemetery, with Nelms Memorial in charge. The body will be at the church one hour before the service. Survivors include her husband, Earnest Perkins; two daughters, LaKeeta Y. Perkins, and Tamika Perkins, both of Huntsville; mother, Dorothy Pollard, Sheffield; sister, Selena Pearson, Huntsville; four brothers, R.D. Pollard, Gary Pollard and Stovy Pollard, all of Seattle, Wash., and Steven Pollard, Detroit, Mich.”

PERKINS, WARNER GUY, Florence Times News, June 13, 1930 “PERKINS LOSES CONTROL AUTO ON LONG HILL Car plunges Into Ravine; Fatal Head Injuries ReceivedWarner Guy Perkins, Jr., aged about 30, of Second Street, Tuscumbia, salesman for the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., in this district, was almost instantly killed this morning between 11 and 12 o’clock when the tobacco truck he was driving left the highway about eight miles south of Russellville. The young man died while being rushed to the Colbert County hospital in Tuscumbia. Few details regarding the accident could be learned before press time, but it was reported that as Perkins was going down a long hill he lost control of the auto., crashed into a bridge at the foot of the hill and plunged into a 10-foot ravine. In addition to suffering a fractured skull and other head lacerations the victim was severely bruised about the body. Surviving in addition to his wife, Mrs. Elva Parrish Perkins and his five year old son Warner Guy Perkins, III, of Tuscumbia, are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Perkins, Sr. of Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Henry McCullough, of Florence and Mrs. M.C. Thompson, of Port Arthur, Tex., and two brothers, Charles, of Vardaman, Miss., and Douglass Perkins of Florence. Funeral arrangements had not been completed at press time but will be announced by Brown’s funeral home, Tuscumbia.”

PERKINS, WILFORD, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Wilford Perkins, 83, of Florence, passed away Tuesday, Aug. 26, 2008, at ECM Hospital. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Church of Christ, the Florence Masonic Lodge and American Legion Post No. 11. After serving in the Pacific Theater in World War II, he retired from Reynolds Metals Co. All who knew Perk loved him; he never met a stranger. He was an avid fisherman and enjoyed being outdoors. He loved his family and always looked forward to time spent with them. Visitation will be from 2-5 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28, 2008, at Greenview Funeral Home, with a graveside service following at 5 p.m. in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating will be his cousin, John D. Bevis. Mr. Perkins was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence and Ora Perkins. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Jean Fulmer Perkins; son, Jeffrey Lane Perkins, of Atlanta, Ga.; daughter, Renee Perkins Graham and husband, Keith, of Madison, Ala.; brother, Charles E. Perkins and wife, Wanda, and their daughter, Kimberly Schoppa; grandchildren, Leah Graham Igo and husband, Craig, of Madison, Ala., Abby Lane Graham, of Madison, Ala., and Lane Andrew Perkins, of Edmond, Okla.; and brother-in-law, Norman Fulmer. Pallbearers will be Charles Koonce, David Koonce, David Dougherty, Ron Selby, Beau Bevis, Bill Bevis, Craig Igo and Jeremy Cobb. Honorary pallbearers will be Jim Threet, Ernest Wann, Norman Fulmer and McFarland Park friends. The family would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Felix Morris and the nurses in the Intensive Care Unit at ECM Hospital for their loving care and support. Arrangements by Greenview Funeral Home.”

PERKINS, WILLIAM ERNEST, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Note: Cemetery records show date of birth as 22 Sep 1899 and death 28 Mar 1981. William Ernest Perkins, 81 Jasper, died Saturday afternoon at Walker County Medical Center after an extended illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, having lived in the Waterloo area. The service will be at 2 p.m. Monday at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Friends may call after 6 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include sisters, Mrs. Edna Keel, Miss Reba Perkins, Mrs. Marie Williams, Miss Mae Perkins, all of Waterloo; several nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Tony Lacher, Glen L. McFall, Jesse L. McFall, Billy T. McFall, James Smith and David Winborn.”

PERKINS, WILLIAM THOMAS, Florence Times, Sept. 26, 1947 “William Thomas Perkins, aged 77, died Thursday afternoon, Sept. 18 at his home on route 1, Cloverdale, after an illness of a few weeks. He was born and reared in the Cloverdale community and was a member or the Church of Christ. He was employed as a county surveyor. Funeral services were held Friday afternoon from Hendricks chapel by G. E. Woods, minister of Poplar Street Church of Christ, and interment was in the Austin cemetery, Fielder directing. Survivors include one sister, Miss Ada Perkins two brothers, J.F. Perkins and Clarence Perkins, both of Cloverdale, two nieces and two nephews.”

PETERS, LOIS V., TimesDaily, Florence, AL, December 20, 1984 “The funeral for Mrs. Lois V. Peters, 75, 2510 Magnolia Gardens II, Florence, will be at 1:30 p.m. today at Elkins and Son Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with the Revs. Virgil Geans and Ralph Barrow officiating. Burial will be in Tri-Cities memorial Gardens. She died Tuesday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Ben F. Brown, Florence; nieces and Nephews. Bearers will be Bill Weaver, Arnold Ticer, Bobby Joe Ticer, Ronnie Brown, Troy Dennis, Vernon Jones, Roy Lynn Jones and Frank Lamprecht.”

PETTY, BILLY GENE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “LUTTS, Tenn. — The service for Billy Gene Petty, 54, Route 1, will be at 1 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home Chapel, Collinwood, with Virgil Geans and J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in Balentine Cemetery. He died Friday, April 21, 1989, at Waynesboro County Hospital, Waynesboro. He was a native of Tennessee and a farmer. Survivors include his mother, Mrs. Clemma Petty, Lutts; brother, Haggard and Alton Petty, both of Lutts, Bunda Petty, Waynesboro; sister ? (info missing)”

PICKENS, ARVIL, TimesDaily/Thursday, December 21, 1995 Arvil Pickens, 78, Florence, died Tuesday, Dec. 19, 1995, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital following and extended illness. Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Mt. Zion Church of Christ with Robert Huffaker officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Zion Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Iva Pickens, Florence; daughters, Joyce Trousdale, Jan Reeves, Shelia Hudson, all of Florence, Carol Adams, Montgomery, Cathy Fowler, Fayette, Sherry Muse, Massachusetts; sister, Linnie Potts, Florence; 16 grandchildren; six great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Arvil Glen Pickens. Mr. Pickens was a native of Lauderdale County, a veteran of World War II, and member of Mt. Zion Church of Christ. Pallbearers will be Glenn Marks, Bill Cabler, Junior Cabler, Eric Adams, John Fowler, Seth Hudson and Benjamin Muse.”

PICKINS, NANCY GEANS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mrs. Nancy Geans Pickins was born Feb. 26, 1899 died at age 62 years, 2 months and 9 days. She leaves her husband, Corneilous Pickens; 6 children, Andrew Arthur, Cassopolis, Mich., Arbie Leonard, and Willard Earl Pickens both of Mishawaka, Ind., Dalton Griffin, Savannah, Tenn.; two daughters, Mrs. Zelma Crowe, Tishomingo, Miss., Mrs. Orene Benson, Mishawaka, Ind.; 29 grandchildren, 2 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Mary White, and Miss Sally Geans both of Waterloo; two brothers, Henry Geans and Charlie Geans. Pallbearers were Namon White, Lurlan, Cleo Geans and Paul Gean all of South Bend, Ind., Edo and Reeder Gean of Waterloo, Ala. She was a member of Murphys Chapel Freewill Baptist Church and will be buried in the church cemetery. She was born in 1900 and died in 1961, according to the tomb. The funeral was conducted by Virgil H. Gean on Friday, May 5, 1961.”

PICKENS, WILLIAM DALTON Information was taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah. “William Dalton Pickens was born February 10, 1921, in Alabama, the son of Neil and Nancy Geans Pickens. Mr. Pickens worked mostly as a sawmiller. He was a member of the Pentecostal Church. He was united in marriage to Nellie Harville, in 1954, she survives. He departed this life December 7, 1966, at his home at the age of 45 years, 9 months and 27 days. Besides his wife, Mrs. Nellie Harville Pickens, Savannah, he leaves two daughters, Miss Frankie and Joyce Ann Pickens, Savannah; his father, Mr. Neal Pickens, South Bend, Ind.; two sisters, Mrs. Zelma Crowe, Tishomingo, Miss., and Mrs. Orene Benson, South Bend.; Four brothers, Mr. Willard Pickens, Mishawaka, Ind., Mr. Arbie Pickens, South Bend, Ind., and Mr. Andrew Pickens, Cassopolis, Michigan.”

PICKENS, WILLIAM P., Times Daily, Florence, AL Family records show date of birth 17 Feb 1907 and death 8 Jul 1973. “William P. Pickens, 66, 1135 Glendale St., Florence, died Monday following a sudden illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of First Pentecostal Church on Broadway St. and a retired employee of the City of Florence, having served with the sanitation department for 22 years. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from First Pentecostal Church, Broadway St., by the Rev. Roger Overton. Burial will be in Greenview Memorial Park, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home until being placed in the church one hour prior to service time. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Gracie Pickens, Florence; two sons, Carl and David, both of Florence; five daughters, Mrs. Clyde Blackstock, Florence; Mrs. Richard Blalock, Collinwood, Tenn.; Mrs. Nola Coker, Florence; Mrs. Neal Hubbard, Chicago, Ill.; Mrs. Roy Hughes, Florence; two brothers, Marvin and Arvil, Florence; three sisters, Miss Lillian Pickens, Mrs. Cecil Potts, Mrs. Edna Liles, all of Florence; 19 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Robert Smith, Don McCravy, Charles Hunt, Frank Hunt, Donald Hill, Paul Cummings, Harold Hendon, Lewis Gray.”

PIGG, FRANK, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “COLLINWOOD, Tenn. — Frank Pigg, 75, Route 1, died Wednesday, Jan. 20, 1988, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Ala., after an extended illness. He was a retired factory worker, a member of Scotts Chapel Free Will Baptist Church and a farmer and sawmill worker. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Friday at Shackelford Funeral Directors chapel, Collinwood, with the Revs. Vernon Gober and Johnny Banks officiating. Burial will be in Jackson Cemetery, Cypress Inn. Visitation will begin at 11 a.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include his wife, Ruia Wright Pigg, Collinwood; sons, Arley Pigg, Billy Ross Pigg, Joel Pigg, all of Cypress Inn, Curtis Pigg, Collinwood, Jimmy Pigg, Loretto; daughters Lillie Jean Fanks, Lutts, Morene Smith, Florence, Ala.; sisters, Hattie Smith, Annie Brewer, both of Cypress Inn; 15 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; one niece, two nephews.”

POTTS, OWENS JR., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. Owens Potts Jr., 83, of Florence, departed this life Monday, may 5, 2008. Visitation will be 5-7 p.m. Friday at Thompson and son Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Tennessee Valley Community Church and Center, Florence, with burial in Richardson Cemetery, Waterloo. Officiating will be the Rev. F.W. Perkins. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Thomspon and Son Funeral Home, Florence, is directing.”

PRICE, WILL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Will Price was born April 15, 1892, in Tennessee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Price. He was united in marriage to Ellen Sharp May 11, 1912, Mrs. Price preceded him in death January 10, 1957. Mr. Price a farmer lived most of his life in the Bumpus Creek Community of Lauderdale County Alabama. He departed this life February 25, 1981, at Colonial Manor Hospital, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 88 years, 10 months and 10 days. He is survived by five daughters – Mrs. Louella Smith- Savannah, Tn. Mrs. Lizzie Hinton and Mrs. Betty Smith both of Tyronza, Arkansas, Mrs. Lillian Williams – Marked tree, Arkansas, Mrs. Jewel Mitchell – Mishawaka, Ind. Three sons – Mr. Elzie Price and Mr. Roy Sharp both of Waterloo, Ala. Mrs. Eugene Price – North Liberty, Ind. One sister – Mrs. Ethel Hatley – Milledgeville, Tenn. 24 grandchildren 30 great-grandchildren, 9 great-great-grandchildren.”

PUTMAN, GEORGE ESTES, East Lauderdale News, April 11, 1996 Funeral services for George Estes Putman, 83, Anderson, were Thursday, April 4, at Elkins East Chapel with Bill Jones and Bob Carriveau officiating. Burial was in Barkley Cemetery. Mr. Putman died Wednesday, April 3. He was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of First Baptist Church, Anderson. Survivors include his wife, Kathleen Mason Putman, of Anderson; son, Michael Putman Sr., Rogersville; four grandchildren; five step-grandchildren; sister, Nell Cobb, Decatur.”

PUTMAN, RUTHIE MAE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Ruthie Mae Putman, 93, of Killen, passed away Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at Glenwood Rehabilitation and Convalescent Center. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Elkins East Chapel Funeral Home. Jeff Putman will officiate. Burial will follow in Barkley Cemetery. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Mrs. Putman was a member of Atlas Church of Christ and was preceded in death by her husband, Clayton Putman, in 1984; and by children, Arlon Putman, Royce Putman, Linda Gail Putman; and daughter-in-law, Betty Putman; and brothers and sisters. She enjoyed flower and vegetable gardening, trips to Etheridge, Tenn., to buy fresh vegetables, visiting yard sales on Saturdays and making quilts and sharing them with her family and friends. Mrs. Putman is survived by daughters, Mary Cole and her husband, Leonard, Florence, Barbara Tyler and husband, Larry, Killen, Betty Jo Cottles and friend, Jackie Hendrix, Florence, Shirley Higginbotham, Rogersville, Janice Gooch and husband, Ronnie, Rogersville, and Glenda Alsbrook and husband, Jack, Dallas, Texas; sons, Jerry W. Putman and wife, Katherine, Rogersville, and Randall Putman, Florence; 35 grandchildren; 77 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Ricky Cole, Randy Higginbotham, Jason Lard, James Alton Putman, James Earl Cottles, Davy Joe Cottles, Randy Putman and Steven Putman. The children thank Dr. William Hobbs and Glenwood for the wonderful care given their mother. You are invited to sign the online guest register at”

QUALLS, ELMER RICHARD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home of Savannah, Tennessee. “Elmer Richard Qualls was born in Hardin County Tennessee, the son of W.H. and Edith Austin Qualls. He was a farmer and blacksmith and had lived in Osceola, Indiana for some time. He was united in marriage to Mary Hopper who survives. He departed this life November 30, 1966, at the age of 58 years, 5 months and 10 days. Besides his wife he leaves seven sons, Grady E. Qualls, Savannah, McKinley Qualls, Earl L., Melvin L., Billy W., Charles R. all of Osceola, Ind., and Jamie L. Montezuma, Ga.; Three Daughters, Mrs. Hubert Ford, Mrs. Annie F. Benson and Miss Patsy Qualls all of Osceola, Ind.; 27 grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. Edith Austin Qualls, Savannah; one sister, Mrs. William Tilley, Savannah; one brother, Mr. William H. Qualls, Savannah, Tenn.”

QUALLS, JIM THOMAS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Jim Thomas Qualls was born October 17, 1906, in Hardin County Tennessee, the son of William H. Qualls and Edie Austin Qualls. He lived all his life in the Walnut Grove Community. He was a farmer. He died March 20, 1964, at his home at the age of 57 years, 5 months and 3 days. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mary J. Tilley, Walnut Grove; two brothers, Mr. Elmer R. Qualls and Mr. Buddy (W.H.) Qualls both of Walnut Grove; his mother, Mrs. Edie Austin Qualls, Walnut Grove.”

QUALLS, JOHNNY MARION Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Johnny Marion Qualls was born on August 17, 1905, in Hardin County, the son of the late John M. and Mary Elizabeth Tune Qualls. On June 29, 1930 he was united in marriage to Ruby Austin. He was of the Methodist belief, worked as a farmer and a carpenter, and was a life-long resident of Hardin County. Mr. Qualls departed this life on December 26, 1990, at the Hardin County general Hospital, at the age of 85 years, 4 months, and 9 days. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Ruby Qualls of Savannah; two daughters, Mrs. Melvinia B. Reed of Thompsons Station, TN and Mrs. Jo Anne Lutrell of Savannah; two sons, James Robert Qualls of Fomble, PA and Benny Loyd Qualls of Savannah; 10 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Ollie Baskins of Florence, AL. The service was conducted by Virgil H. Gean Sr. Mr. Qualls was buried at Hollings Creek Cemetery.”

QUALLS, MARY HOPPER Information was taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral. Mary Hopper Qualls was born July 3, 1911 in Mississippi, the daughter of the late Tran and Florence Sprayberry Hopper. On August 28, 1928 she was united in marriage to Elmer Qualls who preceded her in death on November 30, 1966. Mrs. Qualls departed from this life April 4th at the age of 65 years, 9 months and 1 day. She leaves seven sons, Grady Qualls, Savannah, McKinley and Melvin Qualls both of Osceola, Ind., Charles, Billy, and Earl Qualls, all of Elkhart, Ind. And Jamie Qualls Seaville, Ga.; three daughters Mr. Harold Benson, Savannah, Mr. Hubert Ford and Mrs. Greg Reeves, both of Osceola, Ind.; one sister, Mrs. Dona Jones, Savannah, TN; also a brother, William Hopper, Haytie, Mo.; 35 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren; a half brother, Edgar Hopper, Tuscumbia; three half sisters, Mrs. Leora Patterson, Tuscumbia, Mrs. Mirgie Hoover, Corinth, Ms. And Mrs. Hettie Miller Biloxi, MS.”

QUALLS, MILDRED AUSTIN Information taken form clergy records of Virgil H. Gean Sr., who conducted the funeral compiled by Shackelford Funeral Directors of Savannah, Tennessee. “Mildred Austin Qualls was born April 21, 1881, in Hardin County Tennessee, the daughter of Isaac and Mary Johnson Qualls. She was untied in marriage to William Henry Qualls on March 15, 1900. He preceded her in death June 24, 1946. Mrs. Qualls was a member of Holland’s Creek Methodist Church. She departed this life February 9, 1967, at her home in the Walnut Grove Community at the age of 85 years, 9 months and 18 days. She is survived by one son, Buddy William Henry Qualls, and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Jeanette Tilley, both of Walnut Grove; 10 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.”

QUILLEN, ANNIE JANE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Annie Jane Quillen, age 48, Iron City, Tenn., passed away Dec. 4, 1968 at Coffee Mem. Hospital, Florence, Ala. A native of Lauderdale Co., Ala., The daughter of Jimmy Lee and Mattie Bell Peden Peden. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are her husband, Mr. Howard Quillen, Iron City, Tenn.; two brothers, Willie Peden, Birmingham, Ala. And Sam Peden, Pulaski, Tenn.; two sisters, Miss Jessie Peden, Iron City, Tenn. And Mrs. Laura Robertson, Florence, Alabama.” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RAST, JOHN WOODROW, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “John Woodrow Rast, 62, of 1606 Sherrod Ave., Florence died Tuesday at ECM Hospital after a lengthy illness. A native of Tishomingo County, Miss. he had resided in Florence for seven years. He was retired from Ball Band Uiroyal of Mishawaka, Ind. Services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. from Rogers Chapel Methodist Church with the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial is to follow in the church cemetery with Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Survivors include the wife, Mrs. Ethel Rast, Florence; a step-son, H.C. Richardson, Savannah, Tenn.; his father, Elbert Rast, Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Lucille Solomon and Mrs. Billie Mae Waddles, both of Sunnyvale, Calif.; two brothers, Alfred Rast, Florence, Bobby Ray Rast, Mishawaka, Ind. Bearers will be Jim Richardson, Truman Richardson, Jerry Richardson, James Richardson, Larry Richardson and Terry Goss.”

RAST, MARY ETHEL RICHARDSON, Times Daily, Florence, AL “SAVANNAH, Tenn. — Mrs. Mary Ethel Richardson Rast, 83, Route 1, died Wednesday, July 13, 1988, at Humana Hospital, Florence, Ala. She was a Baptist and a native of Hardin County, but had resided in Lauderdale County, Ala., most of her life. The funeral will be 11:30 a.m., Friday at Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence, with the Rev. V.H. Gean officiating. Burial will be in Rogers Chapel Cemetery. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include a son, H.C. Richardson, Savannah; daughter-in-law, Mae Rose Richardson, brothers, Bradley Richardson, Lexington, Ala., Frank Richardson, Florence; sisters, Clara Rast, Florence; four grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild.”

REED, ARTIE MAE WHITE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Artie Mae White Reed as born April 9, 1927 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, daughter of the late William T. and Eula Raney White. In September 1956 she was united in marriage to Earl M. Reed. Mrs. Reed was a Homemaker, a member of the Mount Olive Freewill Baptist Church. She had lived all of her life in Northwest Lauderdale County. Mrs. Reed departed from this life December 11th at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence, Alabama, the age of 67 years, 8 months, and 2 days. She leaves other than her husband Earl of Waterloo; 1 son James Earl Reed, Waterloo, Alabama. 1 sister Mrs. Mildred Hogan, Florence, Alabama.”

REVOD, IDA VIRGINIA HENDRIX, TimesDaily/Thursday, March 12, 1998 “Ida Virginia Hendrix Revod, 94, Florence, Ala., died Tuesday, March 10, 1998, at Glenwood Convalescent Center, after an extended illness. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Stoney Point Church of “Christ, with burial in Stoney Point Cemetery. Mrs. Revod will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Officiating at the funeral will be Mike Brumley, Lance Cordle and Glenn Richardson. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her daughters, Ruby Jaynes, Trilby Comer, Joy Cordle, and Norma Fisher, all of Florence, Ala., Jo Keeton, Monroe, La.; 19 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren; 11 great-great-grandchildren. Mrs. Revod was preceded in death by her husband, Newbern Wesley Revod. Pallbearers will include grandsons; Joseph Keeton, Larry Jaynes, Gary Cordle, Brian Fisher, Wayne Jaynes, Lance Cordle, Darren Fisher. Honorary pallbearers: Ray McGee, Glenn McGee, R.V. Hendrix, Junior Moore, Grady Moore, Allen McClure, Alvin McClure. Mrs. Revod was a member of Stoney Point Church of Christ. She was a homemaker and dearly loved by her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren, and was the last surviving sibling of 10 born to Rufus “Bud” and Lorena Polk Hendrix. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”

RHODES, BRICE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Brice Rhodes, age 90, of Florence, died Sunday, May 9, 2004, at his residence. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of Pisgah United Methodist Church. Visitation will be noon-2 p.m. today at Greenview funeral Home. The funeral service will be a 2 p.m. today at Greenview Memorial Chapel, with burial to follow in Pisgah United Methodist Church Cemetery. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. J.T. Price and the Rev. Dr. John Yeates. His wife, Ruby Sego Rhodes; parents, William and Jessie Rhodes; brother, Rufus Rhodes; sisters, Rosa Richards, Ella Leona High and husband, Jim, Margie Montgomery and Augusta Bourland Cox, preceded him in death. He is survived by his son, Charles Brice Rhodes and wife, Mary Jane, of Florence; brother, William E. Rhodes, of Florence; sisters, Mary Morrison, of Muscle Shoals and Christine Grigsby, of Florence; grandson, Greg Rhodes and Friend, Suzanne. The family wishes to thank Jean Hutton for her tireless devotion to the care of Mr. Rhodes. Pallbearers will be Kenneth Richards, E.B. High, David Grigsby, Jimmy Bourland, Joe Rhodes and Jimmy Hayes. In lieu of Flowers, donations may be made to Hospice of the Shoals, 115 Fairground Road, Florence, AL 35630. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

RICH, DAVE MONROE Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. “Dave M. Rich, born March 1, 1899, passed away May 23, 1970. Age 71 years, 2 months, 22 days. Native of Wayne County, son of the late Tom Rich and Sarah Daniel Rich and a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Gerdie Holt Rich; four sons, Warren, Hoover, Ceman, all of Cypress Inn; Harl of Florence, Alabama; two daughters, Lorene McFall and Evelyn Vickery of Lutts; two brothers, Harrison of Lutts and Henderson of Cypress Inn. Two sisters, Mary Pigg of Cypress Inn and Susan Gillis of Collinwood; 24 grandchildren and one great-grandchild; a host of relatives and friends.”

RICH, DONNIE JOE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Donnie Joe Rich, 31, Cypress Inn, Tenn., died Wednesday at Wayne County General Hospital. He was self-employed and was a member of Pine Grove Freewill Baptist Church. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church, Cypress Inn. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Collinwood, Tenn., directing. Survivors include his wife, Brenda June Rich, Cypress Inn; daughters, Ginger Rich, Jennifer Rich, Tony Rich, all of Cypress Inn; father, Raymond Rich, Cypress Inn; mother, Earline Robbins Rich. Cypress Inn; brothers, Earl Rich, Jasper Rich, both of Cypress Inn; sister, Connie Morrow, Cypress Inn.”

RICHARDSON, ICIE BERNICE, Times Daily News “Icie Bernice Porter Ison Richardson, 89, of Decatur, Ga., formerly of Decatur, Ala., died Wednesday, April 19, 2006. A graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Friday, April 21, 2006, in Spruce Pine Cemetery. Officiating at the service will be Charles Daniel. She was born in Hodges, Ala., on Sept. 6, 1916. She is survived by her son, Steven Douglas Isom (Nancy Monahan Isom), Decatur, Ga.; daughter, Jonel Isom Daniel (Charles Adren Daniel), Fort Myers, Fla.; brothers, Lester Porter, Russellville, Ala., Arnold Porter (Foree Henson Porter), Hartselle, Ala.; grandchildren, Lisa LaNell Daniel, Fort Myers, Fla., James Christopher Daniel (Melinda Sharp Daniel), Florence, AL., Timothy Steven Maurice Ison, Jackson, Miss., Megan Kathleen Isom, Atlanta, Ga., Lindsay Elizabeth Isom, Decatur, Ga.; stepchildren; step grandchildren; step-great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husbands, James Clifford Isom and Harris Richardson; parents, A.L. and Maggie Dee Porter; sister, Bracie Porter Isom (Loyt Isom); sister-in-law, Artie Lou Malone Porter; brothers, Leonard Porter (Jessie Mae Spears Porter) and Rather Porter (Nellie Isom Porter). Akins Funeral Home, Russellville, is directing.”

RICKARD, AMOS P, Jr., Times Daily, Florence, AL “Amos P. Rickard Jr., 86, of Lexington, Ala., died Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2002, at ECM Hospital after an extended illness. He was a Florence, Ala., native and retired from Florence Packing Co. He was a member of Plainview Church of Christ. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. Visitation was 6-9 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2002 at Green Hill Funeral Home. A graveside service will be at 3 p.m. Jan. 31, 2002, at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens, with C.W. Stevenson and Jim tucker officiating. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Mae Agnes Redding Rickard, Lexington, Ala.; sons, Amos Rexford Rickard, Florence, Ala., David Wayne Rickard, Lexington, Ala.; daughters, Peggy Ann Dalrymple and husband, Harold, Batesville, Miss., Irish Diane Smith, Greenhill, Ala., Kathy Jane Staggs and husband, Han k, Leighton, Ala., Debra Lynn Jones and husband, Doyle L. Killen, Ala.; sister, Maebell Haun, Florence, Ala.; 12 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, Amos Pink Rickard Sr. and Alice Lee Cox Rickard; brother, Homer Rickard; sisters, Maud Wamsley, Mallie Young, Lillie Rickard, Nannie Mae Redding, Lena Copeland and Eula Hudson. He was a member of Company B 55th Armored Engineer Battalion and received the European African Middle Eastern Service Medal, with two Bronze Stars. Pallbearers will be Eddie Smith, Dale Parrish, A. Shane Smith, Ricky Hudson and Tim Dalrymple. Full military rites at graveside service. Green Hill Funeral Home, Greenhill, is in charge of funeral arrangements.”

RICKARD, ANNIE SUE TUCKER, TimesDaily/Sunday, March 29, 1998 “Annie Sue Tucker Rickard, 87, Florence died Saturday, March 28, 1998. Visitation will be from 2-3 p.m., Sunday, March 29, at Spry Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will follow at 3 p.m. in the funeral home chapel, with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens, Officiating at the funeral will be the Rev. George Warren and the Rev. Dr. Roger Reid. She is survived by her sons, Lee A. Rickard, and wife Elizabeth, Florence; sisters, Lutie Thornton, Florence; Dannie Liles, Florence; grandchildren, Michael l. Rickard, and wife Holly, Florence; Rhonda R. Burns, and husband Michael, Florence; three great-grandchildren, several nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her husband, Elmer L. Rickard. Pallbearers will include James Newbern, Dan Thornton, Donald Behel, D.C. Behel, Bob Rickard and Lewis Gresham. Mrs. Rickard was retired from K-Mart and was a member of the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Florence.”

RICKARD, ELMER L., TimesDaily/Thursday, January 15, 1998 “Elmer L. Rickard, 91, Florence, died Tuesday, Jan. 13, 1998. Visitation was Wednesday evening at Spry Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. today at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Officiating at the funeral will Bro. J.B. Burns. He was a native of Lauderdale County. He is survived by his wife, Annie Sue Rickard, Florence; son, Lee A. Rickard, and wife Elizabeth, Florence; sisters, Olivia Miner and Vera Behel, both of Florence, Marie Pigg, Tullahoma, Tenn.; two grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will include Donald Behel, D.C. Behel, James Newbern, George Rickard, Bob Rickard and Glen Rikard. He was a retired farmer, and a member of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church and the Carpenters Local No. 107.”

RICKARD, GARY WAYNE, TimesDaily/Sunday, June 21, 1998 “Gary Wayne Rickard, 42, Florence, died Thursday, June 18, 1998, at his residence following an extended illness. Visitation will be from 6-9 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be Monday at 10 a.m. at Elkins Funeral Home chapel, with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Officiating at the funeral will be Bro. James A. Hendrix. Mr. Rickard was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. He was a member of Woodlawn Church of Christ and an electrician with IBEW Local 558. He enjoyed hunting and fishing. He was a loving son and brother and will be missed by all. He was preceded in death by his father, Albert Rickard. He is survived by his mother, ruby Rickard, Florence; sister, Mary Yarbrough, Cullman; brothers, William Rickard, Greenhill, James David Rickard, Spotsylvania, Va., George D. Rickard, Florence; five nephews; three nieces; aunts, uncles and cousins. Pallbearers will include Dyrell Foster, Ed Flippo, Robert Kilburn, Ralph Thompson, Chuck Killen, Ricky Richardson. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 130 S. Poplar Street, Florence, Ala. 35630”

RICKARD, HOWARD SIDNEY, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “In loving memory of Howard Sidney Rickard, who passed onto a better life Thursday, March 23, 2000, beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle. Retired Naval Chief Petty Officer of 26 years, he not only served his country with honor and pride, but gave all to his wife, family and friends. God has taken you home to rest, but we will always be together. Rest in peace Howard, we love and miss you so much. Visitation will be at Elkins East Chapel, Center Star, Ala., 6-9 p.m. today. The funeral will be Sunday at 2 p.m. at Elkins East Chapel with burial in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Officiating will be Coleman Barnett, Elkins East Chapel is assisting the family. He is survived by his wife, Ann Rickard, Center Star, Ala.; daughter, Deborah Speegle and husband, Gary, Center Star, Ala.; sisters, Billie Jean Smith and Rothie Cooper, both of Florence, Ala., and Nancy Divinci, Cincinnati, Ohio; brothers, Robert, Joe, Jerry and Thomas Rickard, all of Florence, Ala.; grandchildren, Kevin Rickard, Andrew Dotson, Sidney and Tiffany Speegle, Randolph and Jennifer Speegle, and a number of nieces and nephews. Honorary pallbearers will be grandson, Kevin Rickard, brothers, Robert, Joe, Jerry and Thomas Rickard, Dr. William Heaton, and Dr. Lyman Mitchell.”

RICKARD, JAMES E., TimesDaily News, Florence, AL “James E. “Dusty” Rickard, age 82, of Florence, passed away on Friday, March 2, 2001, at 10 p.m. at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital. Mr. Rickard was a resident of Florence for 82 years. He was one of the founders of Little League baseball in Florence and one of the owners of the Florence Raiders baseball team. Mr. Rickard was the owner of Dusty Joe’s Restaurant in Florence and of Coffee Time. He was a member of Central Baptist Church and a past Potentate, in 1980, of the Cahaba Temple of the Shrine in Huntsville. Mr. Rickard also was a member of the Elk’s Lodge and a number of other organizations. A funeral service for Mr. Rickard will be held Monday at 1:30 p.m. at Central Baptist Church, with Brother Bill Harper officiating. Burial will follow at Greenview Memorial Park in Florence. The casket will lie in state at the church from 12:30 until 1:30 p.m. The family will receive friends today from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at the funeral home. Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is assisting the family. Survivors include his wife, Betty Yocum Rickard; two daughters, Hilma Cothren and husband, Stan, of Hot Springs, Ark., and Becky Wear and husband, Jimmie, of Florence; two sons James L. Rickard and wife, Ann, and Thomas E. Rickard and wife, Susie, all of Florence; seven grandchildren; and eight-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be past Potentates of the Cahaba Temple of the Shrine. All members of Mr. Rickard’s Sunday school class at Central Baptist Church will serve as honorary pallbearers. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Cahaba Temple of the Shrine in Huntsville or to the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital.”

RICKARD, JAMES LEWIS, East Lauderdale News, August 14, 2003 “Funeral services for James Lewis Rickard were Friday, Aug. 8, at Elkins Funeral Home with the Rev. Bill Harper officiating. Burial was in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Mr. Rickard, 60, Killen, died Wednesday, Aug. 6, after a brief illness. He was a veteran of the U.S. Army. Survivors include his wife, Ann Curry Rickard; sons, Brian Alan Rickard, Wynn, Ark., Michael Scott Rickard , Five Points, Tenn.; mother, Betty Rickard, Florence; sisters, Hilma Cothren, Hot Springs, Ark., Becky Wear, Florence; brother, Thomas Edward Rickard, Florence; three grandchildren. Memorials may be made to hospice of the Shoals.”

RICKARD, JANE ANN, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Jane Ann Rickard, 62, Florence, died Saturday, Dec. 29, 2001, at Glenwood Rehabilitation Center. The graveside service will be Monday, Dec. 31, 2001, at 3 p.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial gardens, with Brother Greg Woodall officiating. She was a native of Colbert County, having lived in Lauderdale County most of her life. She was a member of First Assembly of God, Florence. Mrs. Rickard was well known by her friends and customers as Granny. Survivors include her mother, Aleta McCorkle, Florence; daughters and their husbands, Waverly Dollar Ward and husband, Keith, Lexington, Johanna Dollar Greider and husband, Bruce, Killen, Amanda Dollar Simpson and husband, Stan, Florence; grandchildren, Johanna Ward, Kathy Ward, Veronica Ward, Camille Greider, Jacob Greider. Also survived are special friends, Leroy Clement, Geraldine Bare and Jean Mitchell. In lieu of Flowers, memorials may be made to Hospice of the Shoals, 115 Fairgrounds Road, Florence, AL 35630. Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence, is directing.”

RICKARD, J.T., TimesDaily/Thursday, November 18, 1999 “J.T. Rickard, 85, Florence, Ala., died Tuesday, Nov. 16, 1999, after a brief illness. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today at Greenview. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Greenview Funeral Home chapel with burial in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the funeral will be Kenny Barfield. Mr. Rickard was a native of Lauderdale County. He is survived by his sons, Kenneth Rickard and wife, Ann, Florence, Ala., Larry Rickard and wife, Tina, Sanford, N.C.; daughters, Deloris Rickard, Florence, Ala. Elaine Kilburn and husband, Jim, Florence, Ala.; four sisters, Catherine Jaynes, Sacramento, Calif., Earline Thomas, Sacramento, Calif., Aline Kilburn, Florence, Ala., Margaret Montalbano, Mobile, Ala.; three brothers Glenn Rickard, Florence, Ala., Blevie Rickard, Tullahoma, Tenn., Herson Rickard, Birmingham, Ala.; 11 grandchildren, Wendy Riner, Cindy Liles, Jennifer Tice, Beth Wallace, Donna Tadlock, Barry Rickard, Van Rickard, Tim Kilburn, Chris Kilburn, Larry Rickard Jr. and Robbie Rickard; 10 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-granddaughter. Mr. Rickard was preceded in death by his wife, Nola Butler Rickard. Pallbearers will include grandsons. Mr. Rickard was retired from Textile manufacturing. He was a member of Sherrod Avenue Church of Christ and the Lions Club. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”

RICKARD, MATTIE MAE CANERDY, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mattie Mae Canerdy Rickard, 82, Florence, died Thursday, Nov. 18, 1999, after an extended illness. Visitation will be 9-10 a.m. Saturday at Greenview. The graveside funeral will be 10 a.m. Saturday in Greenview Memorial Park with the Revs. Graham Edwards and Carey Collum officiating. Mrs. Rickard was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her daughters, Clenda Weir and husband, Marvin, Kay Staggs and husband, Hoyt, Florence; brother, Arthur Lee Canerdy, Florence; five grandchildren, Patrick Weir and Beth Weir, Florence, Clay Staggs and wife, Kimberly, Tuscaloosa, Tata Staggs and Joshua Staggs, Florence; one great-granddaughter, Anna-grace; and a number of nieces and nephews. Mrs. Rickard was preceded in death by her husband, Guy E. Rickard; brothers, Marvin Canerdy and James Canerdy; and a sister, Lela Perkins. Pallbearers include David Threet, Bill Bowen, Grady Lake, Patrick Weir, Leon Wesson and Matt Wright. Honorary pallbearers include Earnest Goad and nephews. Mrs. Rickard was a member of the Parkway Methodist Church and the Order of the Eastern Stat No. 195.”

RIKARD, ALBERT NATHAN, East Lauderdale News, Rogersville, AL “Albert Nathan Rikard, 66, Waterloo, died Wednesday, Aug. 11, at Huntsville Hospital. Graveside service was Friday, Aug. 13 in Greenview Memorial Park with Claudie Jones and David Conley Officiating. Mr. Rikard was a native of Franklin County. Survivors include his wife, Gearldine Rikard; mother, Mattie King, daughters, Jacqueline Hodge, Sheffield, and Jennifer Rikard, Haleyville; brother, Athel Rikard, Florence; sisters, Dorothia Fisher, Tuscumbia, Darlene Dean, Muscle Shoals, and betty King, Lexington; and two grandchildren.”

RIKARD, TERRELL EZZELL, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Terrell Ezzell Rikard, the youngest in her family, born Jan. 14, 1925, in Belgreen, Ala., died Nov. 30, 2009, at Huntsville Hospital. She is survived by her son, James Robert Rikard; daughter-in-law, Jessica Terrell Rikard; and a number of loving nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husband, James Owen Rikard; her father, Robert Terrell Ezzell; mother, Ruth Victoria Hester Ezzell; brothers, Neal Ezzell and Paul Ezzell; and sisters, Lorene Ezzell Hester, Lois Ezzell Strickland and Chess Ezell McKinney. She was longtime member of Lincoln Church of Christ and a retired nurse. She worked at Fifth Avenue Hospital and for several doctors in Huntsville, Ala. She was a member of DAR. Funeral arrangements : Berryhill Funeral Home, North Memorial Parkway, Huntsville, Ala. Viewing 1-2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009, with service at 2 p.m. No graveside service. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Madison Academy Choral Department.”

ROBBINS, CARRIE MURPHY, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “LUTTS, Tenn. — Mrs. Carrie Murphy Robbins, 81, Route 1, died Saturday, Feb. 21, 1987, at Wayne County General Hospital, Waynesboro. A native of Lauderdale County, Ala., she was a 57 year resident of the Lutts area and a member of Missionary Baptist Church, Lutts. The funeral will be at 2:45 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Waynesboro, with the Revs. Lawson Bray and Willie Daniels officiating. Burial will be in Lutts Cemetery. Survivors include her husband, Joe P. Robbins, Lutts; daughters, Mrs. Thelma Smith, Collinwood, Mrs. Selma Baugs, Mrs. Kathleen Foust, Mrs. Charlene Davis, all of Savannah, Mrs. Jewlene Holt, Sheffield, Ala., Mrs. Emogene Moore, Florence, Ala.; sons, Brother C.M. Robbins, Lutts, Waco Robbins, South Bend, Ind., Tomas Robbins, Iron City; sisters, Mrs. Virgie Fowler, Sheffield, Mrs. Ruby Price, Jacksonville, Fla., Mrs. Eunice Bevis, Mrs. Lavada Newton, Mrs. Lola Hart, all of Florence, Mrs. Mary Rich, Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mrs. Roxie Villers, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Dorothy Malone, Muscle Shoals Ala.; brothers, Charlie Murphy, Sheffield, Woodrow Murphy, Holly Springs, Miss.; 14 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren.”

ROBBINS, MARY EMMALINE, Florence, AL Note: the tomb shows date of birth, 25 Mar. 1872 and death, 17 Aug. 1968. “Mrs. Mary Emmaline Robbins, 96, 517 N. Virginia Ave., Florence, died at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Saturday at 8:30 a.m. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., had lived in Florence 40 years. She was a member of Royal Avenue Free Will Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. at Royal Avenue Free Will Baptist Church with Rev. Doyle Wallace, Rev. Virgil Jeans, and Rev. Dalton Lindsey officiating. Burial will follow in Cromwell Crossroads Cemetery, in Tennessee with Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Clayburn Liles, Florence, Mrs. John Hamm, Florence; a son, Barney Robbins, Montgomery; a brother, Joe Robbins, Lutts, Tenn.; 17 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren, a number of nieces and nephews. Grandsons will serve as bearers. The body will be at the home of Clayburn Liles, 517 Virginia Ave., until the funeral hour.”

ROBERSON, LEONA KELLEY, Florence Times Daily “Mrs. Leona Kelley Roberson, 96, Iron City, Tenn., died at 8:15 a.m. Thursday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Joe Bailey. She was a lifelong resident of Wayne County, and was the daughter of the late Sammie and Caline Stults Kelley. She was the widow of the late Will Roberson, and was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include two sons, Henry and Allen Roberson, both of Iron City; three daughters, Mrs. Joe Bailey, Iron City, Mrs. Fred Martin, Tuscumbia, Mrs. John Keeton, Muskegon, Mich.; a half-sister, Mrs. Imie Pruitt, Iron City; two half brothers, Charlie and DeWitt Kelley, all of Iron City; 24 grandchildren, 70 great-grandchildren, 15 great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Railroad Methodist Church with Willie Daniels and Lidge Dickey officiating, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home of Waynesboro directing. Bearers will be Emerald Bailey, Ted Martin, James Bromely, Walter Roberson, Sterling Roberson, Leon Stults. The body will remain at the home of Joe Bailey until the funeral hour.”

ROBERTSON, WILLIAM C. Information taken from the remembrance pamphlet.

 In Memory of William C. Robertson February 2, 1893 — October 7, 1963 Service from First Church of God, 3:00 p.m., Wednesday Rev. William C. Neece Committal rites in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens.


RUSSELL, GENEVA MAE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Geneva Mae Russell, 74, of Phil Campbell, Ala., died Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2000. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. Thursday. Aug. 24, 2000, at Spry Funeral Home in Russellville. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25, 2000, at Mountain View Baptist Church in Phil Campbell, Ala. Sammy Taylor will officiate. Burial will be in Mountain View Cemetery. She was a native of Phillips County, Ark. She is survived by her husband, J.W. Russell, Phil Campell, Ala.; a son, Mike Russell, Phil Campbell, Ala.; daughters, Paulette Cole, Houston, Texas, and Betty Petrie, West Fork, Ark.; a sister, Florence Whaley, Jacksonville, Ark.; brothers, Ivan Brown and Guss Brown, both of Arkansas, and Jim Brown of Texas; nine grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. She was a lunch room manager for Phillips County, Ark., schools for 32 years.”

SCOTT, BESSIE HODGES, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Bessie Hodges Scott, 74, Route 1, Box 502, died Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1988, at her residence. She was a housewife. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at Bumpas Creek Free Will Baptist Church, with J.B. Harper and Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in Scott Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. Survivors include her husband, Homer Franklin Scott, Waterloo; daughters, Mrs. Sue Curry, Mrs. Betty Atkinson, Mrs. Lavelle Lard, Mrs. Joyce White, all of Waterloo, Mrs. Marie Cox, Savannah; sons, Edward Scott, South Bend, Ind., Ray Scott, Waterloo, Pete Scott, Savannah; sister, Mrs. Ola Morris, Lutts, Tenn.; 17 grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren.”

SCOTT, BILLY JOE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Billy Joe Scott, 37, Rt. 3, Florence, died at ECM Hospital Monday night after a sudden illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Baptist Church, and was owner and operator of the Orthopedic Appliance and Brace Co. Funeral services were held today at 2 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, with Rev. Quinton Balentine officiating. Burial was in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Margaret Scott; his mother, Mrs. Maye Scott, Florence; three sons, Michael Eugene Scott, Ricky Dale Scott, and Billy Lynn Scott, all of Rt. 3, Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Anita South, Waterloo, Mrs. Betty Smith, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Gene Hanback, Florence; a brother, Roy Scott, Groton, Conn. Bearers were Glen Scott, Gene Scott, Give Bratcher, A.C. Sullivan, Jerry Scott, Jim Stevenson.”

SCOTT, CECIL E., TimesDaily, Florence, AL SAVANNAH, Tenn. — The funeral for Cecil Edward Scott, 80, will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Savannah, with Virgil Gean and J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in White’s Creek Cemetery. He died Saturday, Oct. 31, 1992, at Baptist Central Hospital, Memphis. He was born Feb. 26, 1912, to the late Emsley and Lula Fielder Scott, was a retired farmer, timber worker, and former employee of Florence Packing Co., Florence, Ala. He was the brother of the late Stanley Scott, Jess Scott, Leonard Scott and Vernon Scott. Survivors include wife, Lois Scott, Savannah; sons, Wilburn Scott, Jerry Faye Scott, Billy Wayne Scott, all of Savannah; daughters, Mrs. Mildred Barrier, Mrs. Annie Lou Cox, Mrs. Artie Mae Shands, all of Savannah, Mrs. Martha Nell Staggs, Decatur, Ala.; sisters, Mrs. Carrie Steeley, Cavannah, Mrs. Thelma White, Waterloo, Ala.; 36 grandchildren; 21 great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren.”

SCOTT, CLARENCE SHERMAN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Clarence Sherman Scott, 65, Apt. 423-B Cherry Hill Homes, died at ECM Hospital Tuesday at 8:30. He was maintenance worker at the housing project, a native of Lauderdale County, a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel Church with J.B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Shackleford Funeral Home of Savannah directing. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Mae S. Scott, Florence; three daughters, Mrs. William South, Waterloo, Mrs. Edwin Smith, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Bob Hanback, Florence; two sons, Billy Joe Scott, Florence, Roy Lynn Scott, Auburn, Maine; 10 grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. Fannie Crider Scott, Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Verda Benson, Florence, Mrs. Alton Scott, Florence, Mrs. Hubert Penney, Florence; two brothers, Lee Scott, Mishawaka, Ind., Charles Scott, South Bend, Ind.”

SCOTT, CORA ALMA, TimesDaily/Saturday, February, 12, 2000 “Cora Alma Scott, 79, Killen, Ala., formerly of Waterloo, Ala., died Thursday, Feb. 10, 2000, of cancer. Visitation was Friday evening at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn. The funeral will be Saturday, Feb. 12, 2000, at 3 p.m. at Bumpas Creek Freewill Baptist Church with burial in Bumpus Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Emerald Bailey. She was a native of Waterloo, Ala. She is survived by her daughter, Donna Peck and her husband, Ralph, of Killen, Ala.; brother, Leonard Hinton, Waterloo, Ala.; and two grandchildren, Scott Peck and Holly Peck. She was preceded in death by her husband, Samuel Vernon Scott; parents, Turner and Victoria Sheppard Hinton; and brother, Vernon Hinton. Pallbearers will include Freddie Hinton, Bobby Scott, Paul Scott, Tony Lacher, Gearld Peck and Alton Peck. She was a homemaker and a member of Ford’s Mill Freewill Baptist Church.”

SCOTT, DOCK J., Times Daily, Florence, AL, Nov. 28, 1945 “Dock J. Scott Taken by Death Funeral Rites Conducted At Murphy’s ChapelDock J. Scott, aged 76, of Cloverdale, route 1, died Wednesday morning at 3 o’clock at the Home of his daughter, Mrs. J.T. Wilkes, where he had made his home for more than 14 years. He had been in failing health for about a year. Born in Lauderdale county on Oct. 9, 1869, Mr. Scott was a lifelong resident of this district and a member or the Church of Christ. Funeral services were conducted at the Murphy’s Chapel cemetery with Vernie Hiland, minister of the Church of Christ officiating. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Wilkes of Cloverdale are two other daughters, Mrs. Earl Dowdy, Florence, route 2, and Mrs. Marvin Bevis, Savannah, Tenn., route 1 ; two sons, Edgar L. Scott and Bertye E. Scott, both of route 4, Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Mary Lee Robertson, Henderson, Tenn., Mrs. Fannie Pitts, Wynne, Ark., and Mrs. Bettie Johnston, Lutts, Tenn.; and a brother, Sim W. Scott, Corinth, Miss.; 14 grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews and other relatives and friends.”

SCOTT, DONNIE EARL, JR. Information from clergy reports of Virgil H. Gean Sr. “Donnie Earl Scott, Jr. infant son of Donnie Earl and Betty Ann Marcum Scott, of New Orleans, La. (no dates or cemetery for burial given) Surviving is one sister, Roxann Scott; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Drew Marcum, Appalachia, Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott, Savannah, Tennessee; a host of aunts, uncles, nieces and nephew.”

SCOTT, EMSLEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean prepared by Shackelford Funeral Directors. “Emsley Scott, was born December 3, 1885, in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of Sam and Caroline Scott. Mr. Scott was a farmer in the Walnut Grove Community. He was united in marriage to Lula Fielder who preceded him in death. He departed this life December 13, 1970, at the age of 85 years, no months and 10 days. He is survived by five sons, Stanley Scott, Jesse Scott, Cecil Scott, Leonard Scott and Vernon Scott; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma White and Mrs. Carrie Steeley; 34 grandchildren; 82 great-grandchildren; and 10 great-great-grandchildren; one half brother, Mr. Carl Mangum”

SCOTT, EULA BEATRICE, Times Daily/Tuesday, January 4, 2000 “Eula Beatrice Scott, 92, Waterloo, Ala., died Sunday, Jan. 2, 2000, after a brief illness. Visitation was Monday evening at Greenview. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Murphy’s Chapel Church with burial in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Scott will be placed in the church one hour before service. Officiating at the funeral will be Fred Dillion and David Dowdy. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her sons, Bobby Scott and wife, Mary Scott, Manley, Neb., Jackie Scott and wife, Joyce, Oscaleo, Ind., Gary Scott and Bobbie, Waterloo, Ala., Dan Scott and Jewel, Waterloo, Ala., Jim Scott, Waterloo, Ala., Steve Yogi Scott, Waterloo, Ala., David Scott and wife, Patsy, Florence, Ala.; daughters, Peggy Benson and husband, Raymond, Waterloo, Ala., Earline McFall and husband, Freddie, Cloverdale, Ala., sisters Myrtle Balentine, Florence, Ala., and Rachel White, Florence, Ala.; 18 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; sister-in-law, Ella White, Florence, Ala.; and special neighbors, Gene, Betty and Ann Landrum. Mrs. Scott was preceded in death by husband, Robert Scott; a grandson, Tommy Scott; a great-granddaughter, Erin McFall; brothers, Edward Young, Joe Young and Grady Young; sisters, Carrie Daily, Bertha Witt and Verite Mae Balentine. Pallbearers will be grandsons. Mrs. Scott was a member of Stewartsville Church of Christ. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”

SCOTT, FANNIE JO, Florence, AL Note: Mrs. Scott was born in 1878 and died 21 Jun. 1968. “Mrs. Fannie Jo Scott, 90, Rt. 3, Florence, died today at 7:15 a.m. at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alton Scott, following a 14 month illness. A native of Lauderdale County, she was the wife of the late James M. Scott, and a member of the Underwood Baptist Church. Funeral services will be Sunday at 2 p.m. from the Bumpus Creek Baptist Church with the Rev. J. Wayne Penn and the Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will follow in Scott Cemetery. The body will be at the funeral home until service time. Surviving are two sons, Lee Scott, Mishawaka Ind., Charles Scott, South Bend, Ind.; three daughters, Mrs. Verdie Benson, Mrs. Annie Penny and Mrs. Pearl Scott, all of Florence; a brother, Herbert Crider, Corinth, Miss.; a sister, Mrs. Annie Jones, Savannah; 32 grandchildren; 94 great-grandchildren; 10 great-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be grandsons. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”

SCOTT, GLENN ELDRIDGE, Florence, AL Note: Funeral records and the tomb show date of birth 24 Jan. 1917 and death 5 Aug. 1968. “Glenn Eldridge Scott, 51, Rt. 3, Florence, died at ECM Hospital Monday at 4:30 a.m. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Willie Ann Strickland Scott, four sons, Thurman Eldridge Scott, Vernon Oscar Scott, Robert David Scott, Dennis Lee Scott, all of Florence; seven daughters, Mrs. James David Haithcoat, Mrs. Paul Tingle, Mrs. Gary Green, Mrs. Roger Green, all of Florence, Jewel Fay Scott, Brenda Gail Scott and Gwendolene Scott, of the residence; seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. at Rogers Chapel with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Beecham Funeral Home directing. The body will remain at the residence until 1:30 p.m. when it will be taken to the church to lie in state. Mr. Scott was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., a member of the Baptist Church, and was retired from Stylon Corp.”

SCOTT, GLEN “TANK”, Time Daily/Tuesday, December 7, 1999 “Glen “Tank” Scott, 71, of Savannah, Tenn., died Sunday, Dec. 5, 1999 after a brief illness. Visitation will be Tuesday, 6-9 p.m. at Greenview. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home chapel with burial in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the funeral will be David Rushlowe. Mr. Scott had lived in this area most of his life. He is survived by his son, David Scott and wife, Jennifer, Opelika, Ala., daughters, Donna Vickery and husband, J.T., Florence, Ala., Cynthia Prater and husband, Sam, Florence, Ala., Pamela Todd and husband, Scott, Tuscumbia, Ala.; sister, Elizabeth Hill, Florence, Ala.; brothers, Gene Scott, Florence, Ala., Paul Scott, Florence, Ala.; six grandchildren, Tonya Beckwith, Ashley Gooch, Ryan Reeves, Heather Vickery, Travis Vickery, Mauri Scott; two step-great-grandchildren, Kearva and K.J. Beckwith. Mr. Scott was preceded in death by his wife, Marjorie Scott; his parents, Ellie Dexter Scott and Ollie Mae Steely Scott; a sister, Naomi Vickery; and a brother, Gerneith Scott. Pallbearers will include Ricky Gean, Donnie Gean, Tommy Gean, Danny Gean, Mackey Gean, Dale Gean, Jamie Gean, Wade Gean. Mr. Scott was retired from Harcos Chemical Co. for more than 20 years. Mr. Scott was a member of the Second Creek Church of Christ, Walnut Grove, Tenn. He was a past member of the Underwood-Petersville Volunteer Fire Department and was active in the Walnut Grove Fire Department and community center. Mr. Scott was retired from the U.S. Navy after 21 years of service. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”

SCOTT, HOMER FRANKLIN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The funeral for Homer Franklin Scott, 86, Route 1, was at 1 p.m. Monday at Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church. Burial was in Scott Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He died Saturday, Feb. 9, 1991, at his residence. He was a retired farmer and a member of Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church. His wife was the late Bessie Hodges. Survivors include sons, Charles Edward Scott, South Bend, Ind., Ray Scott, Waterloo, Pete Scott, Savannah, Tenn.; daughters, Mary Sue Curry, Betty Atkinson, Lavelle Lard, Joyce White, all of Waterloo, Marie Cox, Savannah, Tenn.; sister, Linnie Mansell, Florence; half sister, Oda Jones, Florence; 17 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren.”

SCOTT, JAMES RICHARD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. James Richard Scott was born Octobr 8, 1899, in Lauderdale County Alabama, the son of John Thomas and Mary Ella Crider Scott. He lived most of his life in Lauderdale County, he operated a fruit stand. He departed this life October 8, 1983 at the age of 84 years. He is survived by one sister – Mrs. Linnie Mansel, Florence, Alabama; two brothers- Mr. Homer Scott, Waterloo, Alabama and Mr. Arthur Scott, Florence, Ala. ; one half-sister – Mrs. Oda Jones, Florence, Ala.

SCOTT, JOHN WEBB, Oklahoma Newspaper “Funeral Rites John W. Scott“CYRIL (Staff) — Services for John Webb Scott, 71, of Cyril, were at 2 p.m. today in the First Christian church of Cyril, were at 2 p.m. today in the First Christian Church of Cyril, Mr. Scott, a resident of this area most of his life, died about 2:30 p.m. Sunday in a Lawton hospital, after an extended illness. Rev. Ashley Lovett, pastor of the Cyril church, officiated, assisted by Rev. Marvin Nelson, pastor of St. Paul’s Methodist church, Lawton. Burial was in the Sterling cemetery, under the direction of the Cyril Funeral home. Bearers were R.A. Meeks, Vallie Waid, Guy Hensley and Orville P. Bennett, all of Lawton; Gus Loutonsky, Elgin, and Everett Jeffrey, Sterling. Honorary bearers were Mike Benton, Cyril; Bud hale and Ralph Harper, Marlow; Rodney Turner and Lee Green, Sterling, and Holden Miller, Elgin. Mr. Scott was born Dec. 9, 1892, in Waterloo, Ala. He moved with his family to Oklahoma when he was nine, and spent most of his life on and near the family homestead between Sterling and Marlow. H married Ester Polly Anne Wagnon in Duncan, June 13, 1914. She died in 1928. On Sept. 13, 1937, he married Susie Leach in Colgate. They spent most of their life in Sterling and Cyril. Survivors include his wife, Susie, of the home; four sons, J.D., of 733 N. 17th Lawton; Ray, of Bakersfield, Calif.; Earl, of Cyril and Roy B., of 2904 N. 21st PL., Lawton; one daughter, Mrs. Edna Hollran, Cyril; one brother, Allen, of Sterling; two sisters, Mrs. Mamyie Harrell and Mrs. Opal Forsyte, both of Marlow, 18 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.”

SCOTT, LARRY ERNEST Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Directors. “Larry Ernest Scott was born April 19, 1952 in Tennessee, the son of Milford and Evelyn Barrier Scott. Larry departed from this life suddenly December 30, 1972 at his home in South Bend, Indiana, at the age of 20 years, 8 months, and 11 days. He leaves other than his parents of Osceola, Ind., a brother, Randy Scott, of Osceola; three sisters, Mrs. Linda Weeks, and Miss Alice Scott, both of Osceola, Ind. and Mrs. Elizabeth Sanchez, Chicago, Ill.; maternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Barrier and paternal grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Scott both of Savannah, Tennessee.”

SCOTT, LULA FIELDER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Lula Fielder Scott was born October 22, 1879, in Alabama, the daughter of Frank Fielder and Fannie McCorkle Fielder. She lived all her life in the Waterloo, Alabama, area. She was a Baptist. She married Emsley Scott, August 13, 1904. She died July 13, 1964, at home, age 84 years 8 months and 21 days. She is survived by her husband, Emsley Scott, Waterloo; two daughters, Mrs. Thelma White, Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Carrie Steeley, Walnut Grove; five sons, Mr. Stanley Scott, and Mr. Cecil Scott both of Walnut Grove, Mr. Jessie Scott, Lutts, Tennessee, Mr. Leonard Scott and Mr. Vernon Scott both of Waterloo, Alabama; 33 grandchildren; 54 great-grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Eddie Michael and Mrs. Callie Michael both of Waterloo; one brother, Mr. Andy Fielder, Walnut Grove.”

SCOTT, MARION S., TimesDaily, Florence, AL, Saturday Morning, May 1, 1982 ‘The service for Marion Stanley Scott, 76, Savannah, Tenn., was at 5 p.m. Friday at Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church with Virgil Gene and J.B. Harper officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery, Shackleford’s Funeral Home, Savannah, directing. He died Wednesday at Parkway Hospital in Jackson, Tenn. He was a farmer from the Walnut Grove-White Creek community. He lived in Savannah for the past 14 years and was affiliated with the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Valleree Joiner Scott, Savannah; daughters, Dorothy Lowe, Ms. Birdie Terrell, both of Savannah, Mrs. Wilma Freshour, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Joyce Tories, Burbank, Calif., Mrs. Ruby Gean, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. Carolyn Clay, Jackson, Tenn.; sons, Milford Scott, Mishawaka, Melvin Scott, Houston, Elvin Scott, Savannah, Garland Scott, Big Stone Gap, Va., Donnie Scott, Atlanta, Lyndon Scott, Adamsville, Tenn.; sisters, Mrs. Thelma White, Waterloo, Mrs. Carrie Steeley, Savannah; brothers, Leonard Scott, Waterloo, Jess Scott, Cecil Scott, both of Savannah; 25 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren.”

SCOTT, MRS. MARY LUCILLE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and prepared by Elkins Funeral Home. “Mrs. Mary Lucille Scott, 68, of Waterloo, Alabama, died on May 15, 1989 at Tuscaloosa, AL. Graveside service will be on May 18, 1989 at Richardson Cemetery, with Rev. Virgil Gean conducting the funeral. Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Johnnie Hayes, Elkhart, Ind.; half-sister, Mrs. Frances Michael, Jackson, TN; nieces and nephews.”

SCOTT, MRS. MAYE, Times Dailey, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — The service for Mrs. Maye Scott, 83, Magnolia Gardens, will be at 3 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with Earl Dixon and Fred Clemmons officiating. Burial will be in Greenview Cemetery. She died Friday, Oct. 13, 1989, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She was a member of Florence First Freewill Baptist Church, and a member of the retired senior citizens volunteer program. She was the mother of the late Billy Joe Scott. Survivors include her son, Roy L. Scott, Wilberham, Mass.; daughters, Anita South, Jean Hanback, both of Florence, Betty Smith, Mishawaka, Ind.; brothers, Frank Sego, Waterloo, George Sego, Florence, Fred Sego, Savannah, Tenn.; sisters, Wilma Hart, Florence, Cora Murphy, Waterloo; 12 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association or the American Cancer Society. Bearers will be grandsons.”

SCOTT, SAMUEL VERNON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Samuel Vernon Scott was born July 7, 1916. He died June 29, 1981 at the age of 64. He is survived by his wife, Alma Hinton Scott; a daughter, Donna Scott Peck; one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. Thelma White and Mrs. Carrie Steelly; four brothers: Stanley, Jess, Cecil and Leonard.”

SEAGO, HANDSELL WRIGHT, Alvarado, Texas “H. W. (Wright) Seago, a resident of this county for 39 years, died Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, April 8, at his home in Alvarado, Texas, Born in Cherokee Co., Georgia, on Nov. 19, 1853, he came to Texas in 1867. In 1876 he was married to Susie Green of Big Sandy. To that union, eight children were born, four boys and four girls. The oldest of these is J. Marion Seago, Gilmer. Others are Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, Texarkana, Ark; Mrs. Alma Williams, Bosque Co.; Mrs. Mattie Cheek, H. W. Seago Jr., L. H. Seago and J. B. Seago, all of Johnson Co., Texas. One of the daughters died in childhood. All of the children were born in Upshur County and lived here until 1906, when all but J.M. Seago moved to Bosque Co. His wife, known as “Aunt Susie,” died in September, 1931. At this time, besides the seven surviving children, there are 30 grandchildren, 60 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild, all living. The late Mr. Seago had been a peace officer for many years, including the post of U.S. Marshal in Oklahoma. His son, J.M. Seago, was later sheriff of Upshur County, as his grandson, Posey Seago, is today. At his death Texas lost a colorful character, who had seen great changes in his long and active life. Funeral services were held Friday, April 9, at Cleburne, at the Central Church of Christ.”

SEAGO, LOUIE WRIGHT East Texas Deaths Rites Set Today For L.W. Seago, Gilmer, Texas January 5, 1967“GILMER —Funeral services for Louie Wright Seago, 57, will be held at 3:30 p.m. Thursday at the Gilmer Church of Christ with J.R. Newman, Dr. J. I. Cartlidge and the Rev. C. Bill Voss officiating. Burial will be in Sunset Memorial Park under the direction of Lloyd Funeral Home. Mr. Seago died Tuesday at a Longview hospital after a short illness. A lifetime resident of Upshur County, he had been employed by Lone Star Steel company for the last 15 years. He was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife; a daughter, Mrs. Howard Geske of White Oak; his mother, Mrs. Ella Seago; three brothers, Posey Seago of Gilmer, Bill Seago of Lufkin and Carson Seago of Quitman; three sisters, Mrs. Irma Gatlin and Mrs. Mable Jones, Both of Gilmer, and Mrs. Dee White, of Cordell, Okla.; and two grandchildren.

SEGO, MRS. BERTIE MUSTON, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Bertie Muston Sego, 83, 1332 North Wood Ave., Florence, died at her residence Monday after a sudden illness. Mrs. Sego was a native of Lawrence County and lived most of her life in the Shoals area. She was a member of Highland Baptist Church. Services will be Saturday at 10 a.m. at Morrison-Elkins Chapel with James Metz and Warren Ruby officiating. Burial will be in Florence Cemetery with Morrison-Elkins directing. Survivors include: daughters, Mrs. Jean Murphree, El Paso, Texas; Mrs. Eleanor Austin, Birmingham; sons, Charles M. Sego, Boston, Mass.; John M. Sego, Wheaton, IL; sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Randolph, Moulton; seven grandchildren; three great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Otis Stansel, W. H. Stewart, Carlos Thomas, W.E. Croslin, J.F. Anderton, and T.R. Cruce. The family will receive friends from 5:30 to 9 p.m. today at the funeral home.”

SEGO, DOROTHY WOOD Information taken from the remembrance pamphlet at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee.

 “In Loving Memory of Dorothy Wood Sego Date of birth, Monday, December 1, 1924 Date of death, Tuesday, August 26, 1997 Age 72 years 8 months 25 days Services Friday, August 29, 1997 1:00 p.m. Shackelford Chapel Officiating, Virgil Gean Interment, Pisgah Cemetery, Hardin County, Tennessee.”

 Note: Mrs. Sego was the wife of Fred Lee Sego, Savannah, Tennessee, who survives. ______________________________________________________________________________ SEGO, EFFIE JEWEL, Times Daily, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — Mrs. Effie Jewel Sego, 83, 2175 McBurney Drive, died Monday, July 25, 1988, at Humana Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. She was a native of Nixon, Tenn., and lived most of her life in Lauderdale County. She was a member of Waterloo Methodist Church and was active in church work. She was a retired post mistress at Waterloo after nine years of service. She was the wife of the late Willie Sego. The funeral will be at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday at Elkins Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with Rowe Wren officiating. Burial will be in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include her son, Willie Arnold Sego, Atlanta; daughters, Virginia Kathereen Carroll, Betty Ruth Brooks, both of Florence; brother, Ezra L. Culver, Florence; four grandchildren. Bearers will be J.L. Culver, Steve Carroll, George Carroll Jr., David Carroll, James Sego and Donnie Lee Culver. Honorary bearer will be Dr. C.F. Luckey.”

SEGO, ELVIE PEARL, Times Daily, Florence, AL The funeral for Mrs. Elvie Pearl Sego, Route 12, Florence, will be at __ p.m. today at Elkins and Son Funeral Home chapel, Florence, with David Springer and Robert Fowler officiating. Burial will be in Florence. She died Sunday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. Survivors include her son, Jamie Sego, Florence; daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Johnson, Florence, seven grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be James Ray Sego, Jackie Johnson, Doris Vickery, Terre_ Hancock, Kenneth Angel and Lew Hairrell.” Note: Mrs. Sego died April 29, 1984.

SEGO, EMMETT LEE, lorence newspaper, 15 April 1969 Emmett Lee Sego, 75, Rt. 1, Cloverdale, died Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. at Mitchell Hollingsworth Annex. He was a native of Lauderdale County, attended Salem Methodist Church, Cloverdale. He as a veteran of World War I, a retired farmer. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins Chapel with the Rev. J.J. Webster and the Rev. Ralph Brown officiating. Burial will follow in Florence Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Pearl Jones Sego, a son, Jamie L. Sego, Cloverdale; a daughter, Mrs. Marguerite Johnson, Cloverdale; seven grandchildren. Bearers will be Arnold Sego, Bryce Rhodes, John Austin, Jim Hairell, Clarence Garrett, and Roy Miles. Mr. Sego was a member of American Legion Post 11, and the Veterans of World War I Barracks.”

SEGO, FRED LEE, Courier News, Savannah, TN “Fred Lee Sego, 88 of Savannah, died Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at Savannah Health Care Center. He was born in Waterloo, Ala., the son of the late Samual Turner and Millie Frances Williams Sego. He was united in marriage to the former Dorothy Bell, who preceded him in death. Mr. Sego was a machinist for Henco in Niles, Mich. He was a member of Southside Baptist Church. He was a former employee of Savannah Machine Shop. He was a United States Army Veteran of World War II. Services were held Thursday, April 12, in the Shacklelford chapel with Benny Taylor officiating. Burial was in Pisgah Cemetery. In addition to his wife, Edith Sego of Savannah, he is survived by one daughter, Donna Maria Hunt of Savannah; two sons, Fred Allen of Jackson, Tenn. And John Wayne Sego of South Bend, Ind.; seven grandchildren; one sister, Wilma Hart of Florence, Ala.; and one brother, Loyal Sego of Florence, Ala. He was also preceded in death by three sisters, Madaline Parker, May Scott and Cora Murphy; and one brother, Frank Sego.”

SEGO, GEORGE WILLIE, Walker, White County, Arkansas Note: George was born 3 Jan. 1878 and died 27 Dec 1950. “George W. Sego, age 72, of Walker, passed away in a local hospital this morning at 7:26 after a lingering illness. Mr. Sego was born in Waterloo, Alabama, and moved to Walker in 1900. He was a member of the Baptist church of Walker and a member of the W.O.W. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Mildred Rayburn and Mrs. Claudine Walden of Walker, and Mrs. Doris Gary of Little Rock; two sisters, Mrs. Pearl Robertson, of Florence, Alabama, and Mrs. Mollie Scott of Marlow, Oklahoma; four brothers, Ernest Sego, of Searcy, and Sam, Tom and Gantt Sego of Waterloo, Alabama. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 at the Walker Baptist church, Walker. Burial will be in Walker cemetery under the direction of James Funeral Home.”

SEGO, GEORGE W. “FUZZ”, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “George W. “Fuzz” Sego, 87, passed from this world to be with the Lord on Saturday, April 11, 2009. George made his profession of faith in the Lord in 1987. He was a member of Underwood Baptist Church, a native of Waterloo, Ala., and a World War II Army veteran with two Purple Hearts, serving in France and Germany. Visitation will be from 10-11:30 a.m. today, Tuesday, April 14, 2009, at Greenview Funeral Home, with the funeral service following at 11:30 a.m. in Greenview Memorial Chapel. Burial will be in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Waterloo. The Rev. Shaun Parker, of First Baptist Church, of Columbus, Miss., and the Rev. Jerry Phillips will officiate. George was preceded in death by his parents, Samuel and Millie Williams Sego; brothers, Frank and Fred Sego; sisters, Maye Scott, Cora Murphy and Madeline Parker. He is survived by a sister, Wilma Hart, and a host of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Wayne Parker, Vic Parker, Sam Parker, Kenneth Murphy, Fred Sego and Shannon Olive. Honorary pallbearers will be Tom and Lee Parker and deacons of Underwood Baptist Church. Arrangements by Greenview Funeral Home.”

SEGO, JAMES ASBURY, Florence newspaper “DEATH CALLS JAMES A. SEGO” “Funeral Services Will Be Held SundayJames Asbury Sego, aged 67, died at his home at Waterloo this morning at 9 o’clock after and illness of several weeks. Deceased was a well and favorable known farmer of that community for the past 26 years and was a devoted member of the Waterloo Methodist church. Surviving in addition to Mrs. Sego are two sons, Emmett and William Sego of Waterloo, and two sisters and five brothers. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday afternoon at the Waterloo Methodist church with Rev. Reece, the pastor, officiating. Burial will follow in the cemetery there, Fielder directing”

SEGO, JAMES RAY, Florence Herald, Feb. 9, 1945 “Pfc. James R. Sego Reported KilledPreviously reported missing in action, Pvt. James Ray Sego, aged 19, was killed in Belgium on January 15, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Sego, Cloverdale, route 1, have been notified. Before entering the armed forces on June 20, 1944, Pvt. Sego was a farmer. He is a graduate of the Central High School and had been overseas since last November. In addition to the parents, he is survived by one brother, Pfc. Jamie Lee Sego, U.S. Army field artillery in Italy. and one sister, Miss Margaret Sego, Cloverdale.”

SEGO, LOUIS GANTT, Florence Times, Florence, AL “Louis Sego Rites TodayFuneral services will be held at 2 p.m. today for Louis Gantt Sego, 76, Florence, Route 5, who died late Thursday night at his home. Mr. Sego had been ill for 16 months. He was a retired farmer and a Methodist. Rev. Virgil Geans officiated at the service, held at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel. Burial was in the church cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home in charge. Note: Mr. Sego was born 26 Sept. 18982 and died 11 June 1959.

SEGO, MAGGIE JOSEPHINE, Florence newspaper, Dec. 15, 1949 “Mrs. Sego, Aged 77, Dies At HospitalMrs. Maggie Josephine Sego, aged 77, of Cloverdale, route one, died at Eliza Coffee Memorial hospital this morning at 3:45 o’clock following an illness of two months. A member of the Methodist church for a number of years, Mrs. Sego had lived in Lauderdale county for the past 13 years. Surviving are two sons, E.L. Sego of Cloverdale and Willie Sego of Waterloo; a sister, Mrs. T L. McClanahan of Florence, route four, a brother, Elias McFall of Waco, Texas; five grandchildren , one great-grandchild and a number of nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock from the Waterloo Methodist church with Rev. Howard, of Cloverdale and Rev. L.O. Jaggers of Waterloo officiating. Burial will be in the Waterloo cemetery under the direction of Brown-Service of Florence. Active pallbearers will be J.W. McCorkle, E.K. Jones, Bryce Roden, Hubert Wright, C.F. Bendall and Clarence Lard. The body will remain at the funeral home until time for services.”

SEGO, MRS. SARAH DAVIS, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Mrs. Sarah Davis Sego, 80, Route 5, Florence, died Sunday night at Rolling Acres Nursing Home. Mrs. Sego was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of Jacksonburg Church of Christ. Services for Mrs. Sego will be Tuesday a 2 p.m. at the Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Ralph Snell officiating, with Burial in Austin Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. Survivors include, three daughters, Mr. W.B. Harrison, Sr., Mrs. A. W. Hauerwas, Mr. R.A. McClure, all of Florence; one son, Johnny W. Davis of Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Glida Christian, Missouri, Mrs. Mary Hayes, Florence; six grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Robert W. McClure, W.B. Harrison, Jr. Doug Watkins, Ronald Wicks, J. T. Emmons, and Charley South.”

SEGO, VIRGINIA ALICE, Times Daily, Florence, AL, 20 Oct. 1916 Dropped Dead“Mrs. Virginia Alice Sego, wife of Mr. G.W. Sego, who resides on Second Creek in West Lauderdale, dropped dead at her home on the 24th ultimo. She had been in poor health a long time, but there was no immediate premonition of the sad and sudden termination of her life. To the bereaved life companion of this estimable lady, we join his many friends in extending sincere sympathy.”

SEGO, WILLIE, Florence newspaper “Willie Sego, 63, Succumbs Today; Services TuesdayWillie Sego, 63, Waterloo, died at 5:00 a.m. today, at ECM Hospital. He had been ill four years. A native of Hardin County, Tenn., he had lived in Waterloo most of his life, and was a member of the Waterloo Methodist Church. He was a Veteran of World War I and a member of American Legion Post No. 11. Funeral services will be Tuesday at 2 p.m. at Morrison-Elkins chapel with Rev. J.E. Stewart officiating. Burial will be in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens with Morrison-Elkins directing. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Effie Culver Sego; a son, W. Arnold Sego, Atlanta, Ga.; two daughters, Mrs. George Carroll, and Mrs. Cliff Brooks, Jr., both of Florence; three grandchildren, Steve, Judy and George Carroll; a brother, E.L. Sego, Cloverdale; a niece and a nephew. Bearers will be Kennon Shook, John Benson, James L. Sullivan, Emmett Jones, Arthur Bugg, Brice Rhodes. The body will be at the funeral home. He died on Aug. 14, 1961.”

SEGO, WILLIE DOYAL, Gadsden, Alabama “Sego, Willie Doyal ‘Bill’Funeral will be at 11 a.m. Monday at Crestwood Chapel for Willie Doyal “Bill” Sego, 78, Gadsden, who died Friday, Nov. 15, 2002. Bro. Bill Harbison and Bro. Gary Rivers will officiate. Burial in Crestwood Cemetery, Crestwood Funeral Home is in charge. Mr. Sego was born on March 25, 1924, in Lauderdale Count. He was a veteran of World War II, serving in the U.S. Army. He retired from Alabama Gas Corp. after 41 years of service. He was a member and deacon of East Gadsden Baptist Church. He was preceded in death by his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sego; sisters, Abilene Gean and Mary Holcombe; and beloved grandson, Justin Smith. He is survived by his wife of 54 years, Hazel H. Sego; children, Dennis (Debbie) Sego, Beth Smith and Lisa (Mark) Stephens; grandchildren, Jennifer (Scott) Smith, Deanna (Marshall) Williams, David Sego and James Stephens; great-grandchildren, Brittnee and Miriam Smith and Ansley Williams; sisters, Frances Williams and Clara (Bart) White; brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law, Virgil Gean, Hugh (CeAnn) Hand, Ruth (Charlie) Walker, Gladys Bailey, Ruby Penland, Irene (Wes) Becker, Joseph Hand, Lynda (Ralph) Godfrey and Sherry (Roger) Pate; and many nieces and nephews. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, Etowah County Unit, P.O. Box 1155, Anniston, AL 36202. Pallbearers will be deacons of East Gadsden Baptist Church. Honorary pallbearers will be retirees and employees of Alagasco, Drs. Anthony Bedsole, Ralph Wesley Jr., Elquis Castillo and Thomas Corley, Gadsden Regional Medical Center seventh and eight-floor nurses, brotherhood and members of East Gadsden Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 6 to 8 tonight at the funeral home.”

SHAFER, ROBERT DANIEL, TimesDaily/Wednesday, October 6, 1999 “Waterloo Robert Daniel Shafer, 66, died Monday, Oct. 4, 1999. Visitation will be 1-3 p.m. today at Pine Hill Church of Christ. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at the church with burial in Pine Hill Cemetery. Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He was the husband of Frankie Sego Shafer, Waterloo.”

SHANDS, KATHERINE BARRIER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Katherine Barrier Shands was born October 31, 1899 in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Henry and Sarah Michael Barrier. On September 6, 1925 she was united in marriage to Andrew J. Shands who preceded her in death on October 25, 1959. Mrs. Shands departed from this life May 2nd at her home the age of 83 years, 6 months, and 1 day. She leaves a son Glenn Shands, Savannah; four grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; 14 step grandchildren, 30 step- great-grandchildren; 15 step-great-great-grandchildren.”

SHANDS, SARAH MADELINE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., who conducted the funeral. “Miss Sarah Madeline Shands was born on September 14, 1927, in Hardin County, the daughter of the late William H. and Nancy Barrier Shands. Miss Shands departed this life on September 15, 1988, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 61 years, and 1 day. She leaves two brothers, Hershel Shands and Henry Shands, both of Savannah. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Beulah Fox and Mrs. Ethel Reed, both of Savannah.”

SHARP, CLARA DELORA PARRISH, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Clara Delora Parrish Sharp, 77, died Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009. Visitation will be 8-11 a.m. today at her residence. The graveside service will be at 11 a.m. today in sharp Family Cemetery, Waterloo. Shackelford Funeral Home, Wayne County, Tenn., is directing. She was the wife of W.C. Sharp, of Waterloo.”

SHARP, CORDELIA MONTGOMERY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Cordelia Montgomery Sharp, age 74, of Florence, Ala., passed away Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2009. Her family will receive friends Thursday, Feb. 19, 2009, from 1-2 p.m. at Morrison Funeral Home, of Cherokee. Her funeral service will follow in the funeral home chapel, with Dr. Tom Whatley officiating. Burial will be in Cherokee Memorial Park. She was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of Central Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her sister, Ethel Gertrude Stowe; brothers, Lee, Henry and Graford Montgomery; granddaughter, Nikky Waldrep; and son-in-law Larry Waldrep. She is survived by her husband, David Guy Sharp; daughter, Patsy Waldrep; granddaughter, Holly Morrison and husband, Mike; great-grandchildren, Alex, Rhett and Braden Morrison. Pallbearers are Kenny Stowe, Joe Willis, Tim Wright, Chris May, Clyde Richard, and great-grandsons, Alex, Rhett and Braden. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memorial and Honor Program, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105-1942, or Coalition of Alzheimer and Related Disorders, P.O. Box 1608, Florence, AL 35631. The family would like to express sincere appreciation to Glenwood Nursing Home for their exceptional care and love given to Mrs. Sharp; also the compassion shown her family, during these past few months. Morrison Funeral Home, of Cherokee, is directing.”

SHARP, DAVID GUY, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “David Guy Sharp, age 82, of Muscle Shoals, formerly of Florence, passed away Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010. The funeral service will be at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1, 2010, at Morrison Funeral Home, Cherokee. Interment will follow in Cherokee Memorial Park, with military honors. Dr. Tom Whatley will be officiating. The family will receive friends from 2 p.m. until service time Monday. Mr. Sharp was a native of Lauderdale County and was a member of Central Baptist Church in Florence. He retired from the U.S. Post Office. Mr. Sharp was a proud veteran of the United States Navy, having served in both World War II and the Koran War. He also was a member of the American Legion and the VFW. Mr. Sharp is preceded in death by his wife of 59 years, Cordelia Montgomery Sharp; son-in-law, Larry Waldrep; granddaughter, Nikky Waldrep; brother, Tommy Sharp; and great-nephew, Sean Cannon. Survivors include daughter, Patsy Waldrep; sister, Nancy Reese; granddaughter, Holly Morrison and husband Mike; great-grandsons, Alex, Rhett and Braden Morrison; niece, Robbin Sharp Beasley; and numerous dear cousins. Pallbearers include Kenny Stowe, Joe Willis, Wendell Briggs, Chris May and great-grandsons, Alex, Rhett and Braden Morrison. The family extends special gratitude to Mid-South Home Health (Katrina, Brandon and Melissa). Memorials may be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, 262 Danny Thomas Place, Memphis, TN 38105. Morrison Funeral Home, Cherokee, is directing.”

SHARP, EDGAR LEE, Florence Times News, 15 Jan. 1965 Note: From tomb at Wright Cemetery, Edgar was born 28 Jan 1891, died 15 Jan 1965 “Edgar Lee Sharp, age 73, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died at 4:45a.m. today at ECM Hospital after a lengthy illness. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a farmer. He was a member of the Methodist Church.   Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 2 p.m. at Wright Methodist Church with the body to lie in state from 1 to 2 p.m. and will be at the funeral home until time to be taken to the church. Rev. Bowe Wrenn will officiate with burial in the Wright Cemetery. Spry of Florence will be in charge. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lonia Sharp; six daughters, Miss Lillian Sharp, Waterloo; Mrs. Roy Roberson, Waterloo; Mrs. J. L. Mansell, Rt. 2, Florence; Idelle Sharp, Mrs. Julia Rogers and Mrs. L. B. Womble all of Waterloo; three sons, Terry Lee Sharp of Rt. 6, Florence, Doyle Sharp, Rt. 5, Florence and John K. Sharp of Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Ernest Warhurst, Savannah, Ga.; Mrs. G. B. Lindsey, Rt. 2, Waterloo and Mrs. Nina Hairrell, Rt. 2, Waterloo; one brother, Jim Sharp of Florence Rt. 10. Active bearers will be Johnson Vasser, L. D. Dehis, Marvin Young, Doyle Young, Roy Young and Charles Delona.”

SHARP, JEWEL ESTELLE YOUNG, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Jewell Estelle Young Sharp, age 84, of Florence, died Friday, Dec. 3, 3004, at her residence after an extended illness. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a member of Helton Drive Church of Christ. Visitation will be today, Dec. 5, 2005, from 2-3:30 p.m. from Greenview Memorial Chapel, with burial to follow in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the service will be Bill Hall. Mrs. Sharp is preceded in death by her husband, Terry Lee Sharp; parents, John Robert and Callie Fielder Young; three brothers, Marvin, Doyle L. and Vernon Young, sister, Etoile Young. She is survived by a son, Larry Dennis Sharp and wife, Sandra, of Birmingham; two daughters, Nathalie Hayes and husband, Neil, and Roma Jane Sharp, both of Florence; two brothers, James Fay Young, of Florence, and John Nicholas (J.N.), of Mishawaka, Ind.; three grandchildren, Jennifer Lee Sharp, of Nashville, Tenn., Julie Kathryn Sharp, of Birmingham, and Lindsey Ann Hayes, of Tuscaloosa. Pallbearers will be Carl Young, Tim Young, Jerry Sharp, Phillip Darby, Wayne Graham and Joe Brewer. Special acknowledgements to Dr. Ricky Irons and his nurse, Sally, and to Dr. Edsel Holden, for the wonderful care they provided. The family wishes to thank Heather, Bridgette, Caroline and Robin from Hospice of the Shoals for the tender care they provided to our mother. In lieu of Flowers, donations may be made to Hospice of the Shoals, 115 Fairground Road, Florence. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

SHARP, JOHN THOMAS, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “John Thomas Sharp, 73, a long-time resident of Florence, died at his residence Wednesday, March 7, 2001, after an extended illness. Friends and relatives may visit with the family 6-8 p.m. today at Greenview Funeral Home. Funeral services will be Saturday, March 10, 2001, at 1 p.m. at Greenview Memorial Chapel, with the Revs. Guy Estave, minister of Forest Hills Baptist Church, and Charlie Thompson officiating. Burial will follow in the Garden of Rest, Greenview Memorial Park. Mr. Sharp was a retired salesman for Mangum Furniture Co. of Florence and worked recently for Fire and Stone of Muscle Shoals, Ala. He was a charter member and deacon of Forest Hills Baptist Church. He was a veteran of the Korean War. Survivors include his wife of 49 years, Mary Evelyn Wylie Sharp, Florence; one son, Gregory T. Sharp and wife, Cindy, of Florence; grandchildren, Jennifer Herrmann and Christy Sharp; daughter, Cynthia Gibson and husband, Dennis, of Killen; and grandson, Kyle Gibson; four sisters, Ann Mansell of Florence, Lillian Sharp of Florence, Emogene Womble of Central and Julia Rogers of Florence. Preceding Mr. Sharp in death were his parents, Lonnie Alberta Glasscock and Edgar Lee Sharp, longtime residents of Lauderdale County; two brothers, Terry Lee Sharp and Doyle Sharp; two sisters, Dale Garner and Mary Elizabeth Robertson. John was a loving husband, father and grandfather. Active pallbearers will be Jack Moore, Jim Wells, Chuck Burgess, Mike Harrison, Sam Mangum and John Bishop. Honorary pallbearers will be Dan Peterman, Don Price, John Riley, Paul Curry, Robert Sharp and Sherman Eabes. Memorials may be made to the building fund of Forrest Hills Baptist Church of Florence. Greenview Funeral Home, Florence, is directing.”

SHARP, JOSEPHINE O., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Josephine O. Sharp, of Florence, passed away Wednesday, May 19, 2004. The graveside service will be Friday, May 21, 2004, at 2 p.m. in Cloverdale Church of Christ Cemetery, with Brother David Highland officiating. Nephews will serve as pallbearers. A member of Petersville Church of Christ, she was preceded in death by her parents, Turner “Doc” Dailey and Carrie Young Dailey; husbands, Bud Gilchrist and Henry Sharp; son, Ira Joe “Jackie” Darby; and sister, Margaret Gean. Survivors are grandsons, Alan Darby and Chris Darby; brothers, Jerry Dailey and wife, June, Turner Dailey Jr. and wife, Margaret; sister, Ann Cox and husband, James. Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence, is directing.”

SHARP, LEATHIE PEARL OLIVER, TimesDaily, Florence, Alabama, Nov. 27, 1999 “Mrs. Leathie Pearl Oliver Sharp, 59, Loretto, Tenn., died Thursday, Nov. 25, 1999, at Crockett Hospital after a sudden illness. Visitation was Friday evening at Loretto Memorial Chapel, Loretto. The funeral will be Saturday, Nov. 27, 1999, at 1 p.m. at Loretto Memorial Chapel with burial in Pettus Cemetery. Officiating at the funeral will be Bill Smith and Alvin Burbank. She was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala., a homemaker, and a member of Nebo Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Lexington. She was preceded in death by her parents, Buford and Annie Lauader Oliver, two brothers, Leo and Grady Oliver, and two sisters, Eula May Peck and Vernasille Grisham. She is survived by her husband, Charles Clifford Sharp, Loretto, Tenn.; two sons, Anthony Sharp, Loretto, Tenn. Rodney Sharp, Loretto, Tenn; two daughters, April Sharp, Loretto Tenn., Rhonda Gail Butler, West Point, Tenn.; one stepdaughter, Tessa Cox, Dallas, Texas; one sister, Ruth Franks, Hamilton, Ala.; four brothers, Jimmy Oliver, Rogersville, Ala., Tommie Lee Oliver, Lexington, Ala., Reeder Oliver, Rogersville, Ala., Russell Oliver, Killen, Ala.; five grandchildren. Pallbearers will include Darren Sharp, Christopher Sharp, Steven Oliver, Kenny Oliver, Dewayne Oliver and Tony Oliver. Pearl Sharp was a loving, devoted wife, mother, grandmother and friend to all that knew her. She was loved by all and will be greatly missed by everyone that knew her. We miss you and will hold you in our hearts forever.”

SHARP, LILLIAN VEATRICE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Lillian Veatrice Sharp, age 89, of Florence, died Tuesday, March 16, 2004. Visitation will be Thursday, March 18, 2004, from 11 a.m. until noon at Spry Serenity Chapel. The funeral service will follow immediately at noon at Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence, with Brothers Mickey Davis and Rowe Wren officiating. Interment will be in Wright’s Methodist Church Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Jimmy Mansell, Jerry Sharp, Larry Sharp, Berry Robertson, Gary Robertson, Kenneth Rogers, Stephen Rogers, Anthony Smith and Greg Sharp. A native of Lauderdale County and a seamstress, she was preceded in death by her brothers, John Thomas Sharp, Doyle Sharp, Terry Lee Sharp; sisters, Mary Elizabeth Robertson, Idell Garner; parents, Edgar Lee Sharp and Lonie Sharp. Survivors include her sisters, Ann Mansell, Julia Rogers and Jean Womble; and a host of nieces and nephews. A special thanks to all employees at Mitchell-Hollingsworth, Dr. Mitchell, Dr. Yoder and Hospice of the Shoals. Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence, is directing.”

SHELBY, LOIS ALEDA AUSTIN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. Lois Aleda Austin Shelby was born on May 16, 1929 in Hardin County, the daughter of the late Lester Austin and Lettie Benson Austin. In 1948 she was united in marriage to Luther Shelby. She was of the Pentecostal belief and worked as a homemaker. Mrs. Shelby departed this life on March 1, 1995 at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, at the age of 65 years, 9 months and 15 days. She leaves her husband, Luther Shelby of Lutts; 5 sisters; Mrs. Margie Benson of Savannah, Mrs. Mary Ellen Austin of Savannah, Mrs. Dollie Austin of Savannah, Miss Edna Austin of Savannah, Mrs. Rubene Melson of Savannah. She was preceded in death by a brother, J. B. Austin.”

SHIELDS, CARTHEL Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Carthel Shields, 60, Route 4 Florence, Alabama, passed away December 15, 1980 at ECM Hospital. Services for Mr. Shields will be December 17, 1980 at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church, where she was a member. Conducting the funeral will be Rev. Earl Dixon- Virgil Geans. Burial will follow in the church cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Shields are his wife, Elsie Shields, Florence, Alabama; 3 sons, Mr. Rayburn Wilson, Florence, AL, Mr. Jimmy Shields, Florence, AL, Mr. Ricky Fielder, Florence, AL; one daughter, Mrs. Cathy Creasy, Cloverdale, AL; one brother, Mr. Dafford Maples, Decatur, AL; 2 sisters, Mrs. Geneva Dotson, Decatur, Alabama and Miss Dolly Shields, Decatur, Alabama; 7 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.”

SHIELDS, MRS. ELSIE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Elsie “Mama” Shields, Central Heights Community, died Tuesday, Jan. 20, 1998, at ECM Hospital after a lengthy illness. Visitation will be Thursday, Jan. 22, 1998, 6-9 pm., at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Funeral services will be Friday, Jan. 23, 1998, 10 a.m., at Murphy Chapel Freewill Baptist Church with burial in Murphy Chapel Cemetery. Officiating will be Rev. Greg Eaton and Rev. Virgil Gean. The casket will be placed in the church at 9:30 a.m. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, is directing. Mrs. Shields was born in Lawrence County and lived most of her life in Lauderdale County. She was a member of Murphy Chapel Freewill Baptist Church and she was a homemaker. She was “Mama” Shields to many, many children and was loved and will be missed by all. She was preceded in death by her parents, Alvin A. McCreless and Fannie J. McCreless; her husband, Carthel Shields; brothers, Clarence, Prentiss, Carl and Dennis McCreless; sister, Flora Staggs; and grandson, Jimmy Shields, II. She is survived by sons, Rayburn Wilson, Jimmy Shields and Ricky Fielder, all of Florence; daughter, Cathy Creasy, Florence; sisters, Lena Shields, Moulton, and Avalee McDonald, Killen; brothers, Coy McCreless, Hamilton; nine grandchildren, six great-grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Ricky Brown, Ralph Brown, Ronald Brown, Robbie Brown, Brandon Shields and Carl Risner. Honorary bearers will include Dr. Herman Patel, Dr. Patrick Daughterty and Dr. William Hobbs. Memorials may be made to the Northwest Alabama Caner Center, 101 Dr. W.H. Blake Jr. Drive, Muscle Shoals, AL, 35661”

SHIELDS, JIMMY DALE II, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Jimmy Dale Shields II, three-day-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dale Shields of Florence, died Monday afternoon at University Hospital in Birmingham. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Murphy’s Chapel with Rev. V.H. Gean officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Spry Funeral Home directing. The body will be at the residence of Howard O. Wilks of Cloverdale after 6 p.m. today. The child is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dale Shields; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Wilks of Cloverdale; the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carthel Shields of Florence; and the paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Fanny A. McCreless of Florence.” Note: the clergyman’s record shows the baby was born March 9, 1974 and died March 11, 1974.

SIMMONS, L.C., Florence Times Daily Note: The tomb shows his birthday as 14 may 1918 and death date, 23 Dec. 1969. “Services for L.C. Simmons, 51, Cloverdale, will be conducted Friday at 3 p.m. from First Baptist Church in Florence by Rev. Milton Burks, assisted by Rev. W.C. Garland. Burial will follow in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Spry of Sheffield directing. The body will be at the home of a daughter, Mrs. Billy Richardson, 202 Cleveland, Florence 2 p.m. Thursday until time for services. Mr. Simmons died Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis, Tenn., after a brief illness. He was serving his third term as Lauderdale County Commissioner of District Three. He served as a deacon and song director at Liberty Baptist Church and was a Woodman of the World, a charter member of the North Side Lions Club, a director of the Cattlemen’s Association, was engaged in farming and was owner and operator of the Shoals Tractor Co. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Christine Darby Simmons; two daughters, Miss Jeanette Simmons, Cloverdale; Mrs. Billy Richardson, Florence; a granddaughter, Miss Deona Richardson, Florence; mother, Mrs. Luther T. Simmons, Cloverdale; two sisters, Mrs. Glenn C. Olive, Mrs. John P. Statom, both of Cloverdale. Bearers will be Dr. Robert Koonce, Ronnie McIntyre, Clyde Thomas Simmons, Roger Olive, Bill Bevis, Harry Austin, Owen Freeman, David Darby and Richard Haddock.”

SIMMONS, NED, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “IRON CITY, Tenn. — Ned Simmons, 44, Rt. 1 Iron City, died Monday in a logging accident. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Charity Chapel Church, with Ronnie Carlson and Mark Bratcher officiating. Burial will be in Railroad Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Directors directing. The body will be placed at the church for visitation until the service. He was a native of Alabama, a construction worker, a logger and a member of Charity Chapel Church. Survivors include daughters, Bryane Simmons, Nashville, Kelly Simmons, Laura Simmons, both of Iron City; sons, Edward Simmons, Nashville, Dale Simmons, Houston, Texas, Danny Simmons, California, Timothy Simmons, Iron City, Nicholas Simmons, Summiton, Ala.; father, Willard Simmons, Pontotoc, Miss.; mother, Mrs. Jim Murtice Simmons, Fayette, Ala.; sisters, Nellie Odom, Cecile Corkerin, both of Fayette, Wilma Pinion, Tuscaloosa; half sisters, Harriet Cargail, Decatur, Ala., Georgia Mitchell, Fayette, Susie Barrner, Berry, Ala.; brother, Ted Simmons, Iron City.”

SIMS, BERTHA LOUISE, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Bertha Louise Sims, age 84, of Oakridge, died Tuesday, Oct. 29, 2002 at Methodist Medical Center. She was born Nov. 12, 1917, in the community of Margerum, Ala. (in Colbert County), the daughter of the late George and Marye Payne Mason. She retired from the Tennessee Valley Authority in Muscle Shoals, Ala., in 1976. In 1983, she moved to Oak Ridge. She had a leadership role in the Oak Ridge Family and Community Education (FCE) Club for a number of years. She was a member of the Anderson County FCE Council on Aging in this group. Mrs. Sims served as a CONTACT Helpline volunteer for 15 years. She was a very active member of Grace Lutheran Church and served in many capacities at the church. Her family said she was extremely talented and creative. She did beautiful tatting work and taught the craft to others for many years. For several years, she also won blue ribbons for clothes she designed, sewed and modeled for the Anderson County Family and Community Education Program. She is survived by her brother, C.W. “Bill” Mason of Oak Ridge; sister, Martha Pickel and her husband, Charles, of Pinellas Park, Fla.; nephews, W. Joseph Mason and wife, Ann, of Oak Ridge, Larry G. Mason and wife, Janet, of Oak Ridge, James L. Sims and wife, Anne, of Huntsville, Ala.; nieces, Kay Mason Hamrick of Oak Ridge, Wanda Mason Podeweltz of Chattanooga, Betty Sims Griffin and husband, Don, of Powell; nine great-nieces and great-nephews. A memorial service will be held Friday, Nov. 1, 2002 at 11 a.m. at Grace Lutheran Church, with the Rev. Stephen Damos officiating. Internment will be Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2002 at 11 a.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens in Florence, Ala. The family asks that any memorials be in the form of contributions to Grace Lutheran Church, 131 W. Gettysburg, Oak Ridge, TN 37830. The family will receive friends at the church 10 a.m.- 11 a.m. Friday. Weatherford Mortuary is in charge of the arrangements.”

SIMS, EULA MASON, Iron City, Tennessee “Mrs. Eula Mason Sims, 85, Iron City, Tenn., died Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002, at Crockett Hospital after a brief illness. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Loretto Memorial Chapel. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22, 2002, at Loretto Memorial Chapel, with Carl Byrd and Lon Pennington officiating. Burial will be in Railroad Cemetery in Wayne County. She was a native of Lawrence County, Tenn. She was a member of Iron City First Baptist Church, a homemaker and retired restaurant owner. Survivors include daughter, Verline Mason Bolton, Sheffield, Ala.; three sons, Carl Mason and wife, Patsy, Iron City, Tenn., Paul Mason and wife Barbara, Summerville, Ga., Dillard Mason and wife, Stella, Collinwood, Tenn.; 11 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her husbands, Floyd Mason and Lonnie Sims; parents, Emmitt and Frances Duke Wilson; daughter, Frances Florence Mason. The family wishes to express their gratitude to Mary hand and Mrs. Sims’ niece, Vernell Johnston. Loretto Memorial Chapel is in charge of all arrangements.”

SKELTON, MRS. ARTHA GOODMAN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “ Mrs. Artha Goodman Skelton, 85, 1113 Vine St., Florence, died Sunday at ECM Hospital, Florence. She was a native of Hickman County, Tenn., and had lived here most of her life. She was a member of First Free Will Baptist Church of Florence. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel by the Rev. Vernon Creasy. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. The body will be at the funeral home until time for services. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Marie Crossling. Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Ruth Roberts, Miss Ruby Skelton, both of Florence; Mrs. Leona Guthrie, Huntsville; two brothers, Boyd Goodman, Cloverdale; Dollie Goodman, Spring City, Tenn.; 23 grandchildren; several great-grandchildren, and several great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Buddy, Claude, Clifford, Trenton, Roy and Bobby Goodman.”

SKELTON, ELMER DANIEL, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Clergyman’s records show date of death, October 24, 1972. “Elmer Daniel Skelton, 52, Cloverdale Rt. 1, died at his residence Tuesday morning. Mr. Skelton was a native of Lauderdale County. Services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel Church with Rev. Vernon Creasey and Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery with Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will remain at the residence until time for services. Survivors include the widow, Mrs. Virginia Skelton, Rt. 1 Cloverdale; two daughters, Miss Reba Skelton; Mrs. Sara LeFan, Greenhill; four sons, Timothy Steven Skelton, Elmer David Skelton, John William Skelton, and George Daniel Skelton, Cloverdale; mother, Artha Skelton; four sisters, Mrs. Marie Crosslin, Memphis, Tenn.; Miss Ruby Skelton, Florence; Mrs. Ruth Roberts, Florence; and Mrs. Leona Gurthie; two grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Reed David LeFan, William Butler, Glen Butler, Ronald Creasy, Johnny Mac Rayburn, and Buddy Stevenson.”

SKELTON, MRS. RUBY MAY, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Cemetery records show date of birth, 21 Aug. 1911, and date of death, 12 Oct. 1973. “Mrs. Ruby May Skelton, 62, 1113 Vine St., Florence, died Friday at ECM Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., a member of the First Free Will Baptist Church. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2. P.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Church with Virgil Geans and Vernon Creasy officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Morison-Elkins of Florence, directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until time for the service. She is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Marie Crosslin, Memphis, Mrs. Ruth Roberts, Florence, Mrs. Leona Guthrie, Huntsville; three grandchildren. Bearers will be Rayburn Goodman, Rayburn Goodman, Jr., Clifford Goodman, Randy Creasy, Ronald Creasy, Johnny Skelton.”

SMITH, ELBERT G. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Elbert G. Smith was born December 5, 1907 in Lauderdale County Alabama, the son of Menszo and Ida Horton Smith. He was united in marriage to Nomer Young May 5, 1927, Mrs. Smith survives. He lived all his life in Lauderdale County, Alabama. He was a member of Murphy’s Chapel Church. Mr. Smith was a farmer and warehouse worker. He departed this life October 23, 1980, at Florence, Alabama, at the age of 72 years, 10 months and 18 days. Besides his wife he leaves three daughters – Mrs. Gladys White and Mrs. Ruth Denman both of Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Beaulah Wood, Waterloo, Ala.; three sons, – Mr. Randel Smith – Waterloo, Ala., Mr. Jimmy Smith – Eldridgeburg, Mich., Mr. Grady E. Smith – Florence, Ala.; two sisters – Mrs. Eather Young – Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Esther Matthew – South Carolina; one brother – Mr. Denton Horton – Guys, Tenn.; 29 grandchildren and 21 great-grandchildren.”

SMITH, HAROLD E., TimesDaily/Saturday, July 22, 1995 “Harold E. Smith, 71, died Friday, July 21, 1995, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, after a brief illness. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Graveside services will be Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. Officiating at the service will be Gary Patton. Mr. Smith was a native of Morgan County and lived most of his life in Lauderdale County. He was a retired steamfitter with Browns ferry, member of Local 760 and veteran of World War II. He was the son of the late Zena and James Floyd Smith, and the brother of the late James Floyd Smith Jr. He is survived by his wife, Tyra Higgins Smith, Florence; son, Stephen Eugene Smith, Dallas, Texas; brother, Vernon Smith, Florence; grandsons, Justin Smith, Travis Smith, both of Dallas, Texas; nieces and nephews.”

SMITH, JAMES ALVIN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “James Alvin Smith, 61, Walnut Grove, Tenn., died Wednesday at his residence after an apparent heart attack. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Holland’s Creek United Methodist Church. L.V. Brown and Virgil Gean will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, directing. He was a native of Hardin County and had lived in the Walnut Grove community all of his life. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Louella Price Smith; daughters, Mrs. Audine Staggs, Mrs. Nellie Staggs, both of Savannah; son, J.B. Smith; sisters, Mrs. Lottie Thacker, Mrs. Hattie Sharp, Mrs. Verlie Tune, Mrs. Flettie Faulkner; brothers, Millard Smith, Asley Smith, all of Savannah; seven grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. The body will be at the residence until time for the funeral.” Note: He died April 23, 1980 and was buried April 25, 1980.

SMITH, JAMES RICHARD, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “WaterlooJames Richard Smith, 68, died Monday, March 22, 2004. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn.The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Murphys Chapel Baptist Church, with burial in the church cemetery. He was the husband of Peggy Smith, Waterloo.”

SMITH, JETTIE IRISH “JET”, Times Daily News, Florence, AL Note: Shiloh Church of Christ Cemetery records show Jettie was born 13 Mar. 1910, died 23 Dec 1978. “Jettie Irish “Jet” Smith, 68, St. Joseph, Tenn., died Friday at Colonial Manor Hospital after an extended illness. He was a retired farmer and a member of Fairview Congregational Methodist Church. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at Shiloh Church of Christ. James A. Hendrix and W. V. Bailey will officiate. Burial will be in Shiloh Cemetery, Loretto Memorial Chapel Funeral Home directing. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Nona Kelly Smith; sons, Virl Reed Smith, Bobby Ray Smith, both of St. Joseph; Jerry Wayne Smith, Lexington; daughters Mrs. Sarah Atwell, Iron City, Tenn.; Mrs. Oma Phillips, St. Joseph, Tenn.; brother, Henry Smith, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; sisters, Mrs. Lucie Killen, of Killen; Mrs. Mildred Daniels, Lawrenceburg; Mrs. Marie Rogers, Florence; eight grandchildren. The body will be at Loretto Memorial Chapel Funeral Home until time for the funeral.”

SMITH, LONNIE NOLAN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mr. Lonnie Nolan Smith, 17, Waterloo, Rt. 2, was killed when struck by an auto on Highway 20 West, Lauderdale County, Saturday morning. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was an employee of Peerless Mfg. Co. at Oakland. Services will be conducted from Murphy’s Chapel and burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, but the time has not been set. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence is in charge. The body is at the home of the mother, Mrs. Helen Smith, Waterloo, Rt. 2. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Sharon Smith; mother, Mrs. Letha Helen Smith; two sisters, Laura K. Smith and Jennifer Gay Smith; a brother, Jess Lynn Smith; grandmother, Mrs. Maebell Witt, all of Waterloo, Rt. 2; paternal grandmother, Mrs. Edna Murphy, South Bend, Ind.”

SMITH, LUTHER Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Homes, Inc, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Luther Smith, 61,Route # 2, Waterloo, Alabama passed away December 2, 1978 at his residence. The funeral will be December 4, 1978 at Morrison Elkins Chapel, conducted by Rev. Virgil Geans. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Mildred Smith, Florence, Alabama; 2 sons, Mr. James Carson Smith, Ringgold, GA; Mr. Thomas Raymond Smith, Florence, Alabama; 2 half brothers, Mr. Clarence Logan, Tazewell, Tennessee, Mr. Matt Logan, Tazewell, Tennessee; one half sister, Mrs. Mollie Poore-Tazewell, Tennessee; 2 grandchildren.”

SMITH, MARVIN JOHN Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Marvin John Smith, born April 24, 1908, died Sept. 22, 1965 at the age of 57 years, 4 months and 28 days. Survivors include his wife, Mozella Young Smith; sons, Edwin Smith, Mishawaka, Ind., Joe Wheeler Smith, Waterloo, Ala.; daughters, Eulalia White, Cloverdale, Ala., Levada Szymczak, South Bend, Ind.; brother, Lester Smith, Waterloo, Ala.; 11 grandchildren.”

SMITH, PEGGY JEAN WILLIAMS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL, June 2009 “Peggy Jean Williams Smith was born Sept. 29, 1938, in Florence, Ala., the daughter of the late Roy and Marie Perkins Williams and was united in marriage to James Richard Smith, who preceded her in death March 22, 2004. Mrs. Smith was a retired employee of Hassell and Hughes Lumber co. and was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. She departed this life Friday, June 19, 2009, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence, Ala., at the age of 70 years, eight months, 21 days. She is survived by a son, James W. (Jim) Smith, and granddaughter, Megan Smith, both of Savannah, Tenn.; sister, Cathy Winborn and husband, David of Collinwood, Tenn.; sisters-in-law, Alamae Frazier, of Waterloo, Ala., Ruby Haddock, of Florence, Ala.; nephew, Wesley Winborn, of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; a special friend, Dempsey Young, of Cloverdale, Ala.. Services will be at 3 p.m. today, June 20, 2009, at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel in Collinwood, Tenn., with David Dowdy officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Waterloo, Ala., with Shackelford Funeral Directors of Wayne County directing. Visitation will be from 1-3 p.m. today at the funeral home. Pallbearers will be David Winborn, Wesley Winborn, Roger Wesson, Gary Roberson, Alton Smith and Freddy Fell.”

SMITH, TYRA HIGGINS, Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Mrs. Tyra Higgins Smith, 80, Florence, died Thursday, Sept. 26, 2002, of complications from cancer. Visitation will be Sunday, Sept. 29, 2002, from 3-6 p.m. at Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence. The graveside service will be Monday, Sept. 30, 2002, at 10 a.m. at Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens, with Michael Colston officiating. Interment will follow. She was a member of Highland Baptist Church of Florence. She was preceded in death by her husband, Harold Smith; sisters, Winnie, Delma, Naomi and Pauline; brother, Leonard. Survivors include her son, Stephen Smith and wife, Toni, of Arlington, Texas; grandsons, Justin and Travis Smith; nieces and nephews. Spry Serenity Chapel of Florence is directing.”

SMITH, WILLIE DEE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Willie Dee Smith was born November 2, 1941, in Hardin County, Tennessee, the son of Asley Lee Smith and Jewell Howard Smith. He had lived all his life in the Holland Creek Community of Hardin County. He was employed by the Box Factory of Hassell’s Lumber Company. He died January 31, 1965, at his home at the age of 23 years, 2 months and 29 days. He is survived by his father, Mr. Asley L. Smith, Holland’s Creek; five sisters, Mrs. Ivagene Moore, Mrs. Peggy Brown, Mrs. Kathleen Melson, and Miss Claudia Smith all of the Holland’s Creek Community, Rt. 1, Savannah, Tenn., and Mrs. Bernice Melson, Rt. 6, Florence, Ala.; his grandfather, Mr. John Smith, Savannah, Tenn.”

SMITHSON, BETTY JUNE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Lawrenceburg, Tenn.  Betty June Smithson, 69, died Tuesday, March 4, 2003, after an extended illness. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. today at Greenhill Funeral Home, Greenhill, Ala. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home chapel, with burial in Shiloh Cemetery, Greenhill, Ala. She was a retired real estate saleswoman.”

SOUTH, ADA DORA Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. compiled by Middle Tennessee Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Ada Dora South, age 87, Waterloo, Ala., passed away August 9, 1968 at Colonial Manor Nursing Home. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and the daughter of John and Nancy Jane Nolan Cooper. Survivors include two sons, Samuel South, Rt. 2, Waterloo, Ala. And Leonard South, Rt. 1, Cloverdale, Ala; one daughter, Mrs. Tazzie Stanfield, Rt. 6, Florence, Ala.; 13 grandchildren, 30 great-grandchildren and 7 great-great-grandchildren.”

SOUTH, MRS. CLARA EDNA DEAREN, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Clergyman’s records show Clara died July 19, 1978. “Mrs. Clara Edna Dearen South, 79, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died Wednesday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital. She had been ill two years. She was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, the widow of Claude South and a member of Williams Chapel Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Murphy’s Chapel. “The Rev. Virgil Gean, the Rev. Dominick Ditoro, and Fred Dillion will officiate. Burial will be in the Murphy Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Surviving are a son, Rufus Allen, Waterloo; sister, Mrs. Minnie Sego, Waterloo; half sisters, Mrs. Margie Morgan, Mrs. Gladys Hendrix, Mrs. LaVerne White, all of Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. Eva Posey, Gadsden; Mrs. Abbie Miller, Arizona; brother, W. L. Dearen, Waco, Tex.; half brothers, Ed Dearen, Jay Dearen, West Memphis, Ark.; Clermont Dearen, Memphis; eight grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. The body will be at the residence until being placed in the church one hour before the funeral. Bearers will be Hershel Holcombe, Raymond Murphy, Ronnie Murphy, Hershel Dearen, Howard Murphy and Gene Dearen.”

SOUTH, CORRINE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Corrine South, 32, of 454-A Cherry Hill Homes, died at her residence Tuesday at 9 p.m. following a lengthy illness. She was a native and life-resident of Lauderdale County and a member of the Assembly of God Church. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel Church with the Rev. Bobby Lowery officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. The body will remain at the funeral home and will lie in state at the church one hour prior to services. Surviving are her husband, Thomas South; three sons, Tommy South, Bobby South and Timothy South, all of the home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Sharp, Florence Rt. 4; three sisters, Mrs. Virginia Wallace, Cloverdale Rt. 4, Mrs. Sarah Askew, Roanoke, Va., and Mrs. Betty Arnold, Florence Rt. 4; four brothers, W. C. Sharp, Florence Rt. 4, Jack Sharp, Billy Joe Sharp and William Edward Sharp, all of Peoria, Ill.; a number of nieces and nephews. Active pallbearers will be Rufus South, Jimmy Faulkner, Scotty South, Terry Balentine, Raymond Sharp and Joe Richardson. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.”

SOUTH, JAMES CLAUDE, Florence Times newspaper Note: Minister’s records show James died 15 Sep 1971 “Mr. Claude South, 78, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died Wednesday night at Flint, Ala. He was a native of Lauderdale County. Funeral services will be held Friday at 2 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel with Rev. Virgil Geans and Rev. Vernon Creasy officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the residence until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Clara Edna Dearen South; a daughter, Mrs. Eva Blankenship, Waterloo; a son, Rufus A. South, Waterloo; a sister, Miss Stella South, Waterloo; a brother, John South, Florence, 10 grandchildren. Bearers will be Herschel Jones, John Alfred South, Earnest Balentine, Ben Brown, Thomas Brown, Clyde Murphy.”

SOUTH, MONCER BURR Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mr. Moncer Burr South, 83, Cypress Inn, Tennessee, died November 4, 1970 at Wayne County Hospital. He was a member of Murphy’s Chapel Church. The funeral will be November 6, 1970 at Murphy’s Chapel, with Virgil Gean and Vernon Creasy conducting the funeral. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. Survivors are two brothers, Mr. J. C. South and Mr. John C. South and one sister, Miss Stella E. South.”

SOUTH, NORMAN GEARLDUS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Norman Gearldus South, age 82, was born Jan. 14, 1883 and died July 26, 1965 at 6:15 a.m.. He died at the home of his daughter, Rt. 6, Florence, Alabama. He was a member of Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. He was buried in the church cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Ada Cooper South; two sons, Leonard South, Mishawaka, Indiana, Glen South, Waterloo, Ala., Rt. 2; one daughter, Mrs. Tazzie Stanfield, Rt. 6, Florence, Ala.; 13 grandchildren; 41 great -grandchildren; 2 great-great-grandchildren.”

SOUTH, WILLIAM FLOYD, Waterloo, Alabama “William Floyd South, 77, Waterloo, Rt. 2, died Wednesday at 8 p.m. ECM Hospital after being ill for a month. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was a retired carpenter, a veteran of World War One and a member of Florence Post No. 11, American Legion. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from Murphy’s Chapel by Rev. Virgil Geans and Fred Dillion. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to services. Surviving are four sons, William, Waterloo; Willard, John and Thomas, all of Florence; four daughters, Mrs. Lorene Balentine, Waterloo; Mrs. Letha Canales, Huntsville; Mrs. Nina Wise, Pensacola, Fla.; Mrs. Sara Beshirs, San Diego, Calif.; three brothers, Munsel, Collinwood, Tenn.; John, Florence; Claude, Waterloo; a sister, Miss Stella South, Waterloo; 19 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren. Bearers will be nephews.”

STACY, GEORGE THOMAS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “George Thomas Stacy was born July 6, 1890, in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. Mr. Stacy was a farmer in the Route 1, Savannah, Tennessee, area for a number of years. He was a Radio Church of God believer. He was united in marriage to Sultena Payne in 1917, Mrs. Stacy survives. Mr. Stacy departed this life February 2, 1967, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, Alabama, at the age of 77 years, 5 months and 4 days. Besides his wife he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Viona Copeland, Illiopolis, Ill. And Mrs. Adolphine Patterson, Florence, Alabama; three sons, Mr. Clinton C. Stacy and Mr. Clemmons Stacy both of Florence, Ala. and Mr. Clifton Stacy, Memphis, Tennessee; 15 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren”

STAGGS, MILDRED MAE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mildred Mae Staggs, infant daughter of Millard and Vera Mae Staggs, died at Lawrence County Hospital Tuesday morning. Besides the parents, other survivors are her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Keeton and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Staggs.”

STANFIELD, RAY DEXTER, Times Daily, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — Ray Dexter Stanfield, 61, retired from the U.S. Air Force, died Saturday, Nov. 30, 1991, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after a brief illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County and after retirement lived for a number of years in Hawaii. He was a well known ham radio operator. The funeral will be at 10 a.m. Monday at Florence Funeral Hone chapel with the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. Survivors include sons, Dennis Stanfield, Gary Stanfield, both of St. Rosa, La., Gill Stanfield, Sunnyvale, Calif.; daughter, Michelle Stanfield, Miami, Fla.; brothers, Roy Stanfield, Florence, Ralph Stanfield, Nacogdoches, Texas, Donald Stanfield, Adamsville; sister, Mrs. Helen Burns, Juneau, Alaska; grandchildren; nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Bud Hale, Ken Moore, Larry Pounders, Donald Wright, Larry Jaynes and Wallace Briggs.”

STANFIELD, TAZZIE GERTRUDE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Spry Funeral Homes, Inc., Florence, AL “Mrs. Tazzie Gertrude Stanfield, 71, 1149 Fairview Road, Nacogdoches, Texas died October 26, 1981. She was born Dec. 2, 1909 in Lauderdale County, AL. A native of Lauderdale County, Ala. Having lived in Nacogdoches, Texas the past 6 years, she was a past member of Jones Chapel Freewill Baptist Church, also, member of Oak Grove Baptist Church, in Nacogdoches, TX. Funeral services were conducted by Virgil Gean. Survivors include one daughter, Mrs. Helen Stanfield Burns, Bellington, Wash.; four sons, Mr. Ray D. Stanfield, Baytown, Texas, Mr. Ralph L. Stanfield, Nacogdoches, Texas, Mr. Donald N. Stanfield, Adamsville, Alabama, Mr. Roy C. Stanfield, Florence, Alabama; one brother, Mr. Glenn South, Florence, Alabama; 15 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild. Spry Funeral Home directing.”

STANFIELD, WILLIE L., Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mr. Willie L. Stanfield, 72, Rt. 6, Florence, died Monday at Montclair Baptist Medical Center, Birmingham, after a brief illness. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a retired carpenter and a member of Jones Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. Service will be 2 p.m. Wednesday at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. Rev. Jim Mertz will officiate. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Spry of Florence directing. The body will be at Spry Funeral Home, Florence, until being placed in the church one hour before the service. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Tazzie Stanfield, Rt. 6, Florence; daughter, Mrs. Helen Burns, Seattle, Wash.; sons, Ray, Honolulu, Hawaii; Ralph, Nacogdoches, Tex.; Roy and Donald, Florence; sister, Mrs. Susie Strait, Florence; brother, Alex Stanfield, Detroit, Mich.; 13 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren. Bearers will be J.C. Woods, Dallas Jones, Marvin Michael, Horace Mitchell, Willard Smith and Louis Smith.”

STEELY, JERRY WAYNE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr. Jerry Wayne Steely was born on September 6, 1942, in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of Vera Handley Steely and the late E.A. Steely. On August 27, 1964, he was untied in marriage to the former Betty McFall, who survives. Mr. Steely was a truck driver and heavy equipment operator and a member of the International Union of Operating Engineers. He departed this life on January 24, 1991, at the Jackson-Madison County General Hospital, at the age of 48 years, 4 months, and 18 days. Other than his wife, Betty, Mr. Steely is survived by one daughter: Cindy Briley of Savannah; two sons: Phillip and Greg Steely, both of Savannah; two sisters: Jackie Fox of Savannah, and Glenda Beard of Florence, Alabama; two brothers: Gene and Terry Steely, both of Savannah; one grandson, Phillip Steely, Jr., of Selmer, Tennessee and one step-grandson, Joseph Briley. Services were held on Saturday, January 26, 1991, at 3:00 p.m., at the Shackelford Chapel, with Virgil Gean and Nick White officiating. Burial was in the Centenary Cemetery.”

STEELY, WILLIAM OVID Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “William Ovid Steely was born February 28, 1915, in Hardin County Tennessee, the son of Albert and Mattie Barrier Steely. He was united in marriage to Carrie Scott April 27, 1946, Mrs. Steely survives. He was a life long resident of Hardin County in the Walnut Grove Community with the exception of his service in World War II. He was a Disabled American Veteran. Mr. Steely worked at Muscle Shoals for the Tennessee Valley authority, before retirement. He departed this life January 1, 1985, Hardin County General Hospital, Savannah, Tennessee, at the age of 69 years, 10 months and 3 days. Surviving besides his wife is one daughter – Mrs. Betty S. Forsythe – Ramer, Tenn.; one son – Mr. Jimmy Steely – Reseca, Georgia; one sister – Mrs. Della Scott – Savannah, Tenn.; 4 grandchildren.”

STEWART, EFFIE YOUNG, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Effie Young Stewart quietly slipped from this life Wednesday morning, June 30, 2004. She was living at Columbia Cottage. Born on Aug. 21, 1908, she was the oldest child of Charles Solon and Susie Darby Young. She was preceded in death by her sisters, Gertrude Young, Lois Young Blackburn, Wilma Young Koonce; brothers, R.D. Young, Doyle Young and twin brother, Charles Edgar Young. Her husband, Charles E. Stewart, and her older daughter, Sara Stewart Delony, also preceded her. Mrs. Stewart is survived by her daughter, Charlotte Dean and her husband, Jerry. Her unparalleled Christian example is also left for her grandsons, Martin D. dean and his wife, Stacey, and Stewart H. dean and his wife, Treva. Additionally, great-grandsons, Daniel and David, have been left with memories of a loving great-great-grandmother. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. this evening at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral service will be Friday at 10:30 a.m. at Greenview Memorial Chapel, with burial to follow in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Bud Mayfield. Mrs. Effie was in the second graduating class at Waterloo High School. She attended Florence Normal and Florence State College, eventually graduating with a master’s degree. She dedicated 44 years of her life to teaching the school children of Lauderdale County and of Florence city schools. For years, she kept a careful chart of Sunday school attendance among her home room students, awarding gold stars to those who didn’t miss Bible classes at their churches. As her teaching career drew to a close, she began growing Jackson Perkins roses, which she shared throughout the community. Her exquisite roses were found at weddings, at tea parties, in nursing homes and in hospital rooms across the Shoals. Her 80 rose bushes produced tens of dozens of long-stemmed roses, which were always freely given to any who asked. She was a charter member of the teachers’ honorary society, Alpha Chi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. She was also one of the founding members of the local Women’s Christian Temperance Society. As a devoted member of Highland Baptist Church, Mrs. Effie sang in the choir for at least 60 years. In addition, she was the senior ladies’ Bible class teacher for a majority of her years at Highland. Her ministry of sharing her life with others was recognized when Mitchell-Hollingsworth named her “Volunteer of the Year.” One of her favorite activities for years was delivering Meals on Wheels. Pallbearers will be Martin D. Dean, Stewart H. Dean, Robin Rutledge, Jimmy Carringer, Charles J. Kelley and Billy Joe Kelley. Honorary pallbearers will be Gil Stone, Bill Mardis and the choir at Highland Baptist Church. The family owes a dept of gratitude to Hospice of the Tennessee Valley for their kind and diligent care for Mrs. Stewart during these past several months. Memorials may be made to the Building Fund at Highland Baptist Church, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering or to the American Heart Association. Greenview Funeral Home, of Florence, is directing.”

STONE, ELBERT “BERT” BRANSON, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Huntsville  Elbert “Bert” Branson Stone died Monday, Sept. 30, 2002. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel, with a graveside service at 3:30 p.m. in Grassy cemetery, Lexington. He was the brother of Ruby Stone of Lexington.”

STRANGE, ERSKIN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mr. Erskin Strange, 79, Waterloo, died Friday after an extended illness. He was a native of Madison County, a World War I veteran, a member of the American Legion Post 11 Florence, a member of Missionary Baptist Church and a retired farmer. Services will be today at 2 p.m. from Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. Surviving is his wife, Mrs. Mamie F. Strange, Waterloo; four sons, Oliver E. Strange, South Bend, Indiana; Paul Strange, Waterloo; James L. Strange, Osceola, Indiana; David Strange, Florence; and a stepson, William B. Vandgrift, Melton, Florida. Also surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Bernice Hisey, South Bend, Indiana; Mrs. Vernon Young, Waterloo; Mrs. George Barrier, Savannah, Tennessee; Mrs. Arnold Hutton, Waterloo; and Mrs. Rena Meintzer, Florence; and one brother, Elmer Strange of Huntsville. He is survived by 27 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will be Paul Strange Jr., Bobby Hisey, Willard Holcome, John T. South, Allen Sharp, and John L. Balentine. The body will be at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, until 12:30 today when it will be taken to the church.” Memorial written by the family is as follows:   To Be Remembered “Born in Madison County to Sarah Francis Sanderson Strange and Johnsey Strange, the year of 1896, the 16th day of December, Erskin Strange lived there until he was 21 years of age. He was Baptized into the Missionary Baptist Church at the age of 16. He continued to be a Bible student and believer in God through out his life. He was a veteran of World War One.   Erskin came to Lauderdale County the first time in 1920. He purchased property on White Hollow Road and this became his home in 1937. He still lived there when God called him home. In February 1924, Erskin married his first wife, Mary Holcombe, who gave him three daughters, Bernice Mae, Sarah Francis and Cora Louise. She was called home in 1929. Erskin married a second wife, Mamie Fisher Vandegrift, in 1931. Mamie gave him a stepson, William B. Vandegrift. Erskin and Mamie had six children by their marriage; Oliver Erskin, Myrtle Carrien, Paul Stanly, James Louis, Rena Sunshine, and Roy David. Erskin is survived by his wife, Mamie, a stepson, 9 children, 27 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren. All who loved him very much. He has one brother, Elmer Strange, who lives in Huntsville, Alabama; and numerous nieces and nephews.”

STRANGE, MAMIE, Times Daily News “Mamie Strange, 94, Waterloo, Ala., died Sunday, Jan. 23, 2000. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today at Greenview. The funeral will be Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Greenview Funeral Home chapel with burial in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Waterloo. Ted Vafeas and Vance Hutton will officiate. Mrs. Strange was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. She is survived by her sons, William Vandegrift, Melton, Fla., Oliver Strange, South Bend, Ind., Paul Strange, Waterloo, Ala., James Strange, Waterloo, Ala., David Strange, Florence, Ala.; daughters, Carrien Hutton, Waterloo, Ala., Rena Meintzer, Virginia; stepdaughters, Sarah Frances Young, Waterloo, Ala., Louise Barrier, Lutts, Tenn.,; 26 grandchildren; a number of great-grandchildren; six great-great-grandchildren. Mrs. Strange was preceded in death by her husband, Erskin Strange. Pallbearers will be grandsons, Lonnie Hutton, David Hutton, Paul Strange Jr., Danny Barrier, Junior Hutton, Don Strange, Bobby Heisey, Keith Barrier. Mrs. Strange was a member of the Baptist church and attended Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church. Greenview Funeral Home, Florence, directing.”

STRICKLIN, BEATRICE GEAN “Beatrice Gean Stricklin, Savannah, Tenn., passed away Nov. 11, 2007. Her 90 years of life were spent with a loving family and wonderful friends. Beatrice loved to sew, to cook and to garden. She sewed clothing for her children to wear and made beautiful quilts to keep them warm. The dining table was always filled with fresh cooked vegetables from her garden. Her fried apple pies and big country breakfasts were her specialties. She loved to work in her flower beds of zinnias and dahlias. Her children are blessed to have had a mother who provided unconditional love and security of home. Beatrice was married to Ellis Stricklin for 44 years. He preceded her in death as did her sons, Bobby, Danny and Mack; daughter, Mary Lynn; granddaughter, Karla. She is survived by five daughters, Bera Dodd, of Florence, Ala., Brenda Gale, of Lakeland, Fla., Wanda Robertson, of Florence, Ala., Joan Ford, of Savannah, Tenn., and Robbie June Morris, of South Bend, Ind.; a son, Joey Stricklin, of Savannah, Tenn.; two brothers, Aaron Glenn Gean, of Florence, Ala. And Rick Gean, of Cicero, Ill.; 10 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. In tears we saw you sinking And watched you pass away, Our hearts were almost broken, We wanted you to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peaceful, free from pain, How could we wish you back with us, To suffer that again. It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Remembering you is easy, We do it every day, But there’s an ache within our heart, That will never go away.”

STRICKLIN, DAVID C. Information taken from the Remembrance pamphlet done by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “In Loving Memory of David C. Stricklin Date of Birth Thursday, November 12, 1931 Date of Death, Saturday, October 29, 1994 Age 62 Years 11 months 17 days Officiating J.B. Harper and Virgil Geans Interment Cromwell Cross Roads Cemetery, Wayne County, Tennessee”

SUMMERALL, KYLEEN K., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “The funeral service for Mrs. Kyleen Knight Summerall will be Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2006, at 2 pm. At Elkins Funeral Home, with Brian Jarrett officiating. Burial will follow in Tri-Cities Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends from noon until 2 p.m. at the funeral home. Mrs. Summerall was born May 27, 1920, and passed away on Oct. 15, 2006. She is preceded in death by her husband, Kermit Summerall Sr. Mrs. Summerall is survived by her daughters, Montez Knight and Tessa Echols and husband, George; grandchildren, John Sherrod Jr., Maria Hamm. Timra Posey, Bryan Echols, Georgeanna Rickard and Johnny Echols; great-grandchildren, Maleece Dickerson, Megan Posey, Raleigh Sherrod, Reid Sherrod, Brandy Hamm, Blake Hamm, Chandler Rickard, Patrick Echols, Hunter Rickard and Walt Echols; two great-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be George Echols, John Sherrod Jr., Bryan Echols, Johnny Echols, Reid Sherrod, Patrick Echols, Chandler Rickard and Josh Dickerson. Honorary pallbearer will be Blake Hamm. The family would like to express their thanks to the nurses of Station 2 and staff at Mitchell-Hollingsworth for the good care of Mrs. Kyleen Summerall.”

TACKETT, MARTHA REA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Martha Rea Tackett, 59, Phil Campbell, Ala., passed away Tuesday, May 6, 2008, at Russellville Hospital. She was a lifelong resident of Franklin County and member of Isbell Baptist Church in Spruce Pine. The funeral service will be 11 a.m. Thursday, may 8, 2008, at Pinkard Funeral Home chapel, Russellville, with burial in Belgreen Cemetery. Visitation was 5-8 p.m. Wednesday at the funeral home. Survivors include husband, Robert Tackett, Phil Campbell, Ala.; children, Bobby Tackett, Phil Campbell, Ala., Dennis Tackett and wife, Pamela, Belgreen, Ala., Dana Copeland and husband, Jonathan, Spruce Pine, Ala., Rodney Tackett, Spruce Pine, Ala., Rance Tackett, Phil Campbell, Ala.; sisters, Margaret Faye Bryant, Florence, Ala., Mary Ann Bryant, Russellville, Ala.; brothers, Hoyt Orrick, Russellville, Ala., Gary Orrick, Russellville, Ala., Terry Orrick, Phil Campbell, Ala.; grandchildren, Kesley Tackett, Skyler Tackett, Shawn Shackleford and Lauren Tackett. She was preceded in death by parents, James and Letha Orrick. Pinkard Funeral Home, Russellville, will be directing.”

THOMPSON, EDWIN LEROY, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Mr. Thompson died Oct. 29, 1974 and was buried on Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1974. “Mr. Edwin Leroy Thompson, 59, died Monday at a Memphis hospital following a long illness. He was a resident of the Walnut Grove community, Savannah, Tenn., and was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. He was a World War II veteran and a member of the American Legion. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at Shackelford Chapel, Savannah, with burial in White’s Creek Cemetery, with Virgil Gean and Elton Cotner officiating. Survivors include the wife, Mrs. Reba Michael Thompson, Walnut Grove; son, Jeffrey Lee Thompson; daughters, Misses Martha Lou and Beverly Thompson, all of Walnut Grove; Mrs. Shirley Lard, Waterloo; Mrs. Patsy Strickling, Adamsville, ‘Tenn.; Mrs. Linda Scott, Minot, N.D.; mother, Mrs. Minnie Thompson, Florence; brother, Dewey Thompson, Osceola, Ind.; sisters, Mrs. Audrey Nolen, Lexington; Mrs. Adine Thompson and Mrs. Ester Peeden, both of Florence; three grandchildren.”

THRASHER, ANDREW T., Times Daily, Florence, AL “FLORENCE — Andrew Thomas “Pee Wee” Thrasher, 83, Route 10, died Tuesday, Nov. 7. 1989, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after a brief illness. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member and steward of Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church and was retired from Stylon Corporation. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. today at Elkins Funeral Home chapel with the Revs. Bill Smith and Larry Harbin officiating. Burial will be in Wesley Chapel Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Estelle Brown Thrasher, Florence; daughter, June Hudson, Jasper; sisters, Inez Darby, Annie Dee Herston, Oral Lee Quigley, Olive Ruth Fulmer, all of Florence; two granddaughters. The family requests no flowers. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, 118 E. Mobile St., Florence, Ala 35630. Bearers will be Gene Fulmer, William Rhodes, Charles Clark, Howard Craig, Ronnie Brown, Lynn Brown, Larry Brown and Brown Mitchell. Honorary bearers will be members of the Pleasant Hill Men’s Sunday School Class.”

TICER, BETTY FAYE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Betty Faye Rhodes Ticer, 75, of Florence, Ala., went to her heavenly home Monday, July 12, 2010, after an extended illness. She was born in Rhodesville, Ala., on Aug. 18, 1934. She lived the majority of her life in Florence, Ala. She was a member of Jackson Heights Church of Christ. She was a very loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister. She was known to everyone as Ma-Maw. She loved God, and she considered her greatest accomplishment to be her family. Her favorite pastime was sitting on her back porch enjoying visiting with her family. She will always be remembered for her loving hugs and the wonderful meals she prepared, especially her famous homemade biscuits. She was preceded in death by her parents, Norman and Bessie Rhodes; son, Steven Lee Ticer; and brothers, Jack Douglas Rhodes and Carl Davis Rhodes. She is survived by her husband of 58 years, Arnold Lee Ticer, who was the love of her life; son, Rayford “Buddy” Ticer; daughter, Angie Haddock (Stacy); daughter-in-law, Brenda Brewer (Barry); grandchildren, Chris Ticer, Lorie Condrey (Tommy), Lindsey Balentine (Brandon), Stephanie Haddock, Mary Elizabeth Haddock and Amy Haddock; great-grandchildren, Carson Ticer, Cody Ticer and Paislee Ticer; sisters, Evangeline Ticer and Mildred Marks; brother, P.J. Rhodes (Degloris); and sister-in-law, Carolyn Rhodes. Visitation will be noon-2 p.m. Wednesday, July 14, 2010, at Jackson Heights Church of Christ, with Brian Jarrett, Kelby Smith and Ronnie Pannell officiating, followed by burial at Sherrod Valley Cemetery. Pallbearers will be Stacy Haddock, Barry Brewer, Chris Ticer, Tommy Condrey, Mike Marks and Chuck Marks. In lieu of Flowers, donations can be made to Jackson Heights Church of Christ or the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation. Please sign guest register at”

TICER, ROBERT CLARK Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Spry Funeral Home. “Robert Clark Ticer 73, was born Feb. 12, 1892. He died Jan. 26. 1966 at ECM Hospital at 7:00 a.m. Survivors include his wife, Virgie Mae Ticer, Waterloo, Ala.; four daughters, Mrs. Virgil McFall, Ocesola, Ind., Mrs. Bill Green, Witchita Falls, Kans., Mrs. Almon Simpson, Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Junior Richardson, Florence, Ala.; four sons, Raymond, Bessemer, Ala., James, and Arnold both of Florence, Ala., Robert of Arkansas; 19 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren; 4 sisters, Mrs. Homer Jones, Waterloo, Ala., Mrs. Ben Brown, Florence, Ala., Mrs. Lois Peters, Florence, Ala., Mrs. Clarence Young, Indiana. Mr. Ticer was buried at Williams Chapel Cemetery, with Virgil H. Gean, Sr. conducting the funeral.”

TICER, TURNER Information taken from the news of Wright community found in the Florence Herald newspaper, February 17, 1902.   “Wright February 17, 1902 Editor: Times:—-Pneumonia is still raging to an alarming extent.   ……….”Turner, the young son of Mr. John Ticer, died on last Sunday with pneumonia, and was buried at Murphy Chapel. None but those who have lost children can truly sympathize with Mr. and Mrs. Ticer in their grief.”

TICER, VIRGIE MAY, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Mrs. Virgie Mae Ticer, 66, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died at ECM Hospital Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. after a three-month illness. Funeral services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with Rev. A.C. Dreaden officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The body will lie in state one hour at the church prior to services, and remain at the funeral home until time to be taken to the church. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Virgil McFall, Ocesola, Ind., Mrs. Bill Green, Witchita Falls, Kan., Mrs. Almon Simpson, Detroit, and Mrs. Junior Richardson, Florence; four sons, Raymond Ticer, Bessemer, James Ticer of Florence, Arnold Ticer of Florence, and Robert Ticer of Arkansas; 19 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. Pearl Brewer of Riverside, Calif., Mrs. Walsie Brown of Ft. Worth, Mrs. Velma Howell of Carlsbad, N. Mex., and Mrs. Vera Meredith of Lynchfield, Ky.; two brothers, James G. May of Waterloo, and Marvin May of Ft. Worth; mother, Mrs. Ida May of Waterloo. Pallbearers will be Gary Ticer, Larry Ticer, Monty Ticer, Bobby Ticer, Troy Dennis, James Jones. Spry Funeral Home of Florence is in charge of arrangements.”

TIDWELL, KAITLIN LEE, TimesDaily/Thursday, February 17, 2000 “Kaitlin Lee Tidwell, 6, Florence, Ala., died Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2000, from injuries sustained in an automobile accident. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Greenview. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Greenview Funeral Home chapel. Kaitlin was a native of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her mother, Kisha Gean Kelso, Florence, Ala.; father, Keven Lee Tidwell, Florence, Ala.; stepfather, Billy Kelsoe, Florence, Ala.; sister, Kelsie Gean, Florence, Ala.; brother, Koby Gean, Florence, Ala.; maternal grandparents, Junior and Deborah Gean, Florence, Ala.; paternal grandmother, Beverly Tidwell, Florence, Ala. Kaitlin was a kindergarten student at Central High School. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”

TIDWELL, MATTIE LEE FOX Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Mattie Lee Fox Tidwell was born in Hardin County, Tennessee, on February 27, 1905, the daughter of the late Tillman and Anna Lou Barrier Fox. On June 16, 1927, Mrs. Tidwell was united in marriage to Lon Tidwell, who preceded his wife in death on October 13, 1956. Mrs. Tidwell was a homemaker, a member of the Retired Senior Volunteers Program for 15 years, and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. She departed this life on July 18, 1994, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 89 years, 4 months, and 21 days.   Mrs. Tidwell is survived by three daughters, Wilma Hodges and Inez Stricklin, both of Savannah, and Yvonne Banks, of Elkhart, Indiana; four sons, Glen and John Tidwell, and Lonnie Tidwell, Jr., all of Savannah, and James Tidwell, of Moultrie, Georgia; three sisters, Myrtle Hughes and Lydia Vinson, both of Savannah, and Artie Jones of Florence, Alabama; two brothers, William and Cecil Fox, both of Savannah; 26 grandchildren, 37 great-grandchildren, and 2 great-great-grandchildren.   Mrs. Tidwell was also preceded in death by one daughter, Louise Hairell.”

TUNE, DEXTER HAMILTON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Dexter Hamilton Tune was born on August 15, 1902 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of John J. and Polly Ann Scott Tune. Mr. Tune was a farmer, and a member of the Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church. On December 27, 1925 he was united in marriage to Hilda Austin who preceded him in death on December 5, 1960. He was then united in marriage to Katherine Alexander on April 11, 1969, who preceded him in death on April 21, 1980. Mr. Tune departed this life on January 10, 1991 at the age of 88 years, 4 months, and 25 days. Survivors include 2 daughters, Mrs. Vernell White of Brookville, Illinois, Mrs. Earline Holcombe of Waterloo, Alabama; 2 step-sons, Billy Morgan Alexander of Savannah, Tennessee, Bruce Alexander of Savannah, Tennessee; 4 grandchildren and 7 step-grandchildren; 5 great-grandchildren and 6 step-great-great-grandchildren.”

TYLER, RAYBURN Information taken from the remembrance pamphlet prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, TN. In loving memory of Rayburn Tyler, born Saturday, July 8, 1922, died Monday, August 23, 2004 at age 82 years, 1 month and 15 days. Services were Wednesday, August 25, 2004, 11:00 a.m. at Shackelford Chapel, with Steven Callicoatt and Don Harold Lawrence officiating. Interment was in Memory Gardens, Hardin County, Tennessee. Note: Rayburn was the husband of Noma Lee Fowler Tyler of Savannah, Tennessee.

VICKERY, STELLA BEASLEY Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home, Waynesboro, Tennessee “Stella Beasley Vickery, age 95, of Rt. 6, Florence, AL, died Friday, December 3, 1993 at Rolling Acres Nursing Hone in Florence AL. She was born on December 22, 1897 in Jasper, Alabama. Mrs. Vickery was a housewife and a Baptist. She was a daughter of the late Jessie and Roxie Latham Beasley, the widow of the late James (Dock) Vickery, and the mother of the late James Vickery. Survivors include: one son Ed Vickery of Florence, AL; three daughters: Margie Weeks of Muscle Shoals, AL; Christeen Hollander of Sheffield, AL; and Mary Katherine Henson of Florence, AL; Thirty-two grandchildren; fifty-three great-grandchildren; two great-great-grandchildren; several nieces and nephews.”

VINES, JIMMIE MAE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Jimmie Mae Vines, 49, Cypress Inn, Tenn., Rt. 1, died Saturday morning in E. Florence. The body will be at the home of a son, Wesley Vines, Collinwood, Tenn. Services will be conducted Monday at 2 p.m. from Rogers Chapel by Willie Daniels. Burial will be in Rogers Cemetery, Loretta Memorial Chapel directing. Surviving are the husband, James Pleas Vines, Cypress Inn; three sons, Billy, Iron City, Rt. 1; Roger, Wesley, both of Collinwood; two daughters , Mrs. Judy Austin, Muscle Shoals; Mrs. Dorothy Staggs, Collinwood; four brothers, James and Roy Lee Smith, Florence; Vernon Smith, Cloverdale; Curtis Smith, South Bend, Ind.; seven sisters, Mrs. Effie Bates, Arkansas; Mrs. Pauline Bates, Florence; Mrs. Virgie Wallace, Florence; Mrs. Virginia James, Michigan; Mrs. Frances Smith, Florence; Mrs. Laverne Lindsey, Waterloo; Mrs. Lillian Hones, Florence; six grandchildren.”

WARREN, ERGIN J., Times Daily, Florence, AL “COLLINWOOD, Tenn. — The funeral for Ergin J. Warren, 75, will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Collinwood, with Nick White officiating. Burial will be in Cromwell Crossroads Cemetery, Collinwood. He died Friday, July 25, 1986, at his residence after an extended illness. He was a native of Tennessee, a minister and a retired factory worker. He was a member of Piney Grove Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Floyce Warren, Colloinwood; sons, Charles Warren, Fort Walton, Fla., Jerry Warren, Waterloo, Ala., Bobby Warren, Savannah, Danny Warren, Lake Odessa, Mich.; daughters, Carlene Bianco, Wayne, Mich., Linda Scott, Lutts, Bonnie Ragan, Collinwood; brothers, Cletis Warren, Pat Warren, Buddy Warren, all of Waynesboro, Kenneth Warren, Nashville; sisters, Juanita Copeland, Mavis McDonald, both of Waynesboro; 22 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren. Nephews will serve as bearers.”

WARREN, ROBERT ELMER Note: Information was taken from the remembrance pamphlet at the funeral home. “Robert Elmer Warren, age 78, Albertville, Alabama was born February 16, 1923 and died February 19, 2001. Services were held 11:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at Albertville, funeral Home Chapel, Albertville, Alabama. Burial was in Rock Springs Cemetery, with Bros. Billy Joe Painter and Kevin Painter. Survivors include his wife Hazel Warren, Albertville, sons, Ronnie Lynn Warren, Albertville and Tony Warren, Boaz; daughters, Dianne Cross, and Debbie Keeton both of Albertville; brothers, Buford Warren, New Hope and Kenneth Warren, Gadsden; 9 grandchildren, 3 step-grandchildren,; 8 great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as pallbearers. He was preceded in death by a son, Benny Randall Warren.”

WARRINGTON, DELLA, Times Daily, Florence, AL “GALLATIN, Tenn. — The funeral for Della Warrington, 80, 1018 Hartsville Pike, will be at 3 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Waynesboro, with J. B. Harper officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Gardens, Waynesboro. She died Monday, Feb. 23, 1987, at Gallatin Nursing Home. She was a former resident of Waynesboro and Hohenwald. She was a retired homemaker and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include sons, John S. Warrington, Las Vegas, Nev., Maxwell D. Warrington, Lutts, Thomas A. Warrington, McMinnville, Jerry L. Warrington, Mechanicsburn. Pa.; daughters, Peggy Griggs, Gallatin, Patricia Austin, Hohenwald; brothers, Hollis Southerland, Fred Southerland, both of Savannah, Bobby Southerland, Oregon; sisters, Dallas Wilbanks, Savannah, Gladys Berry, Troy, Mich., Willodean Grey, Springfield, Mo.; 16 grandchildren; 12 great-grandchildren.”

WATKINS, BARBARA ANN YOUNG, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mrs. Barbara Ann Young Watkins, age 59, of Florence, died Tuesday, April 20, 2004. Visitation will be 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Thursday, April 22, 2004, at Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence. The funeral service will be Friday, April 23, 2004, at 2 p.m. at the funeral home chapel, with William Brewer officiating. Interment will follow in Macedonia Cemetery. Deacons of First Baptist Church, Cloverdale, will serve as pallbearers. A lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, Barbara had a deep passion for her family, her flower garden, the beach, the roar of the ocean and being able to just put her feet in the sand. A seamstress all her life, she kept her grandchildren dressed in her creations. She was an employee of Coleman Cleaners, where she did alterations. Maw Barbara was a dedicated wife, mother, grandmother and Maw Maw.< Survivors include her husband, W.H. “Pete” Watkins; sons, Anthony “Bubba” Haddock and wife, Beverly, of Florence, Barry Wade Haddock and wife, Laura, of Waterloo; two stepchildren, Tony Watkins and Robin Vaughn; grandchildren, Lindsey, Baillie and Zachary Haddock; three step grandchildren, Tiffany and Candace Watkins and Erica Vaughn; special nephews, Harry Raney and his children, Tia and Corey; and special cousin, Caroline Clemmons. Spry Serenity Chapel, Florence, is directing.” ____________________________________________________________________________________ WEATHERFORD, FLORA MCGEE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compile by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Flora McGee Weatherford, 89, was born September 15, 1878, in Wayne County, Tennessee, the daughter of Wiley McGee and Hetty Copeland McGee. Mrs. Weatherford was united in marriage to John Weatherford, who preceded her in death March 20, 1938. She was a Freewill Baptist. Mrs. Weatherford had lived in Hardin County Tennessee, where she died, 58 years. She departed this life December 13, 1967, at home at the age of 89 years, 2 months, and 28 days. She is survived by one son, Clarence Weatherford, White’s Creek Community; 6 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild; one brother, Mr. Jim McGee, Lutts, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. Bill Franks, Graham Community.”


WEBB, LUTHER GASTON Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home. “Luther Gaston Webb was born September 8, 1907, in Wayne County Tennessee, the son of Luther A. and Martha Newborn Webb. Mr. Webb a farmer in the Lutts Community moved to Savannah thirty-two years ago where he engaged in employment at the Temple Chattanooga and Hassell Manufacturing Company. He was united in marriage to Lora White August 31, 1935, Mrs. Webb survives. He was a member of the Trinity United Methodist Church. Mr. Webb departed this life November 23, 1978, at the age of 71 years, 2 months and 15 days. Surviving besides his wife are six daughters – Mrs. Everett Beckham – Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Russell Bowlin and Mrs. James Hanna both of Savannah, Mrs. Joe Armstrong – Huntsville, Ala. And Mrs. Bob Stanford Henderson, Tenn., Mrs. Jack Poore – Nashville, Tenn. Two sons – Mr. Floyd Webb and Mr. L. G. Webb both of Savannah, Tenn. One sister – Mrs. Era McGee – Fulton, Miss., One Brother – Mr. James Webb – Lutts, Tenn. 10 Grandchildren.”


WEBB, ROBBIE L. (NEWLAND), From Mishawaka, Indiana newspaper “Robbie L. Webb, Nov. 8, 1934 – March 23, 2007   MISHAWAKA – Robbie L. (Newland) Webb, 72 of Mishawaka, died at 10:58 a.m. Friday, March 23 2007. She was born in Waterloo, AL on November 8, 1934, to Arthur T. and Mary A. (Sego) Holcombe. Robbie married Willard R. Newland on December 21, 1951. Willard died July 11, 1965. She then married Clinton H. Webb in First General Baptist Church in Mishawaka on December 10, 1977. He too preceded her in death on April 18, 2001. She was also preceded by her parents and a brother, Gary Holcombe. Robbie is survived by two daughters, Donna (John) Joyal of Mishawaka and Shelly (Ralph) Hoyt of Mishawaka; a son, Russell (Linda) Newland, Estill Springs, TN; a stepson, Willard (Phyliss) Holt of Florence, AL; seven grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren; two sisters, Doris (Ed) Bertrand of Mishawaka and Barbara Holcombe of Mishawaka; and a brother, Thomas (Stella) Holcombe of Fairborn, Ohio. Robbie was a dedicated homemaker. Friends may visit with the family on “Sunday, March 25th in Bubb Funeral Chapel, 3910 N. Main St. from 2 to 8 p.m. Funeral services will be held in the funeral home at 2 pm. Monday, March 26, 2007, with Rev. Ron Hearon officiating. Burial will be at Mishawaka Fairview Cemetery.”


WEEKS, CHARLIE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “A funeral for Charlie Weeks, 75, Rt. 12, Florence, was at 1 p.m. today at Johnson’s Crossroads Church. James Turnbow and Virgil Geans officiated. Burial was in Austin Cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home at Waynesboro directing. He died Wednesday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital. He was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Mattie Weeks; sons, Paul Weeks, Osceola, Ind.; Eugene Weeks, South Bend, Ind.; Harland Weeks, Mishawaka, Ind.; Larry Weeks, Chester Weeks, Charles Weeks, all of Cloverdale; Gary Weeks, Dexter Weeks, both of Florence; daughters, Mrs. Virginia Gilchrist, Iron City, Tenn.; Mrs. Juanita Lawson, Mrs. Katherine Ashby, Mrs. Frances Mann, Miss Mary Weeks, Miss Martha Weeks, Miss Susan Weeks, Miss Laura Weeks, all of Florence; Mrs. Shelia Burns, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; step-daughter, Mrs. Anna Lee Witt, Mishawaka, Ind.; brothers, Elbert Weeks, Hamilton; Leonard Weeks, Muscle Shoals; Drew Weeks, Cypress Inn, Tenn.; Coy weeks, Mishawaka, Ind.; Luther Weeks, Ellis Weeks, Florence; sister, Mrs. Florence Ingram, Dyersburg, Tenn.; 31 grandchildren; four great-grandchildren.”


WESTON, ARTHUR LEE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., and was compiled by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. “Mr. Arthur Lee Weston, 72, Rolling Acres Nursing Home, died March 12, 1978 at the nursing home. Funeral services will be at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church on March 13, 1978, conducted by Rev. Virgil Gean. Mr. Weston was a member of the Baptist church. Surviving Mr. Weston are two brothers, Mr. Luther Weston, Sayre, Oklahoma and Mr. George Weston, Imperial, Missouri; two sisters, Mrs. Maggie Lee Clanton, Florence, AL, and Mrs. Nettie White, Turrell, Arkansas; and a number of nieces and nephews.”


WHITAKER, ANSLEY L., South Bend, Indiana “Funeral services for Ansley L. Whitaker, 75, 26746 U.S. Highway 20, South Bend, Ind., will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Bubb Funeral Home chapel with the Rev. Shirley Wilson officiating. Burial will be in Chapel Hill Memorial Garden, Osceola, Ind. He died Saturday night in Memorial Hospital, South Bend. He was a native of Waterloo and had lived in Indiana since 1927. He was a retired employee of the Bendix Corp., a veteran and member of the Fraternal Order of the Elks. Survivors include his sons, Robert B. Whitaker, South Bend, Joseph P. Whitaker, Tulsa Okla.; daughter, Miss Delores Whitaker, South Bend; stepdaughter, Mrs. Wesley Steinke, Edwardsburg, Mich.; brother, John Whitaker, Mishawaka, Ind.; sisters, Mrs. Conrad Schildknecht, Mrs. Robert Nolan, Mishawaka; seven grandchildren; six great-grandchildren.”


WHITAKER, WILSON E., Times Daily/Monday, July 15, 1996 “Leoma, Tenn.   Wilson Edward Whitaker, 73, died Saturday, July 13, 1996, after a sudden illness. Visitation will begin at 6 p.m. today at Loretto Memorial Chapel Funeral Home. He was the husband of Yvonne Mae Whitaker of Leoma.”


WHITE, ARNOLD Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., and was compiled by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence. Mr. Arnold White, 61, Rt. 9, Florence, AL, died February 5, 1978 at Colonial Manor Hospital. Mr. White was born July 4, 1916 in Wayne County, TN He was retired from Uniroyal, Mishawaka, Ind. Mr. White was the son of the late Frank and Hannah Davis White and was a member of the Freewill Baptist church. The funeral will be at Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church on February 8, 1978 at 2 p.m., with Rev. V. H. Gean and Rev. Earl Dixon conducting the funeral, Morrison-Elkins directing. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Rogers White, Florence, AL; one son, Mr. Robert White, Mishawaka, Ind.; three daughters, Mrs. Eddie Marie McClish, Florence, Mrs. Shirley Robbins, Collinwood, TN,. Mrs. Peggy Powell, Monroe, LA; eight brothers, Mr. Jack White, Mr. Jason White, Mr. Lawrence White, Mr. Green Berry White, Mr. James White, Mr. Owen White all of Waterloo, and Mr. B.F. White and Mr. Lindille White of Mishawaka, Ind.; one sister, Mrs. Curtis Woods, Florence; 11 grandchildren.”


WHITE, BENJAMIN FRANK Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. compiled by Wayne County Memory Gardens, Inc., Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Mr. Benjamin Frank White, age 80, of Route 2, Waterloo, Alabama, passed away Jan. 6 1973 at Coffee Memorial Hospital. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Alabama and son of Jack and Sallie Young White. Survivors are 9 sons, Jack & Lawrence White, Waterloo, Alabama, Arnold, Linville, Owen, James, B.F. White all of Mishawaka, Indiana; Jason & Green, Florence, Alabama; 2 daughters, Mrs. Cordelia Wood, Florence, Alabama, Mrs. Dorothy Flowers, Mishawaka, Indiana; 2 brothers, Mr. Willie White, Florence, Alabama and Mr. Weak White, Waterloo, Alabama; 58 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren.”


WHITE, CURTIS, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Curtis White, 66, Columbiana, Ala., died Monday, Oct. 9, 2000, of cancer. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct 10, 2000, at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000, at First Baptist Church, Waterloo, Ala., with burial in Fords Mill Cemetery. He was a native of Waterloo, Ala. Survivors include his son, Alex White, Waterloo, Ala.; daughter, Angie Kurosaka, Columbiana, Ala.; sisters, Virginia White, Waterloo, Ala., Faye Heavner, Little Rock, Ark; brothers, J.L. White, South Bend, Ind., David White, South Bend, Ind.; two grandchildren, Grace and Olivia Kurosaka, Columbiana, Ala.; son-in-law, Kyosuke Kurosaka, Columbiana, Ala. He was preceded in death by parents, William Lewis and Mary Gean White; three brothers, Estelle, Namon and Kenneth White; and one sister, Zaddy White. He was a laborer for Sheet Metal Fabricating and a member of the Bible Christian Fellowship.”


WHITE, HANNAH ADELINE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Hannah Adeline White born September 12, 1892, departed from this world, Monday, May 31, 1965, at 2 o’clock a.m. at ECM Hospital. Survivors are her husband, Frank White, Waterloo R# 2 ; two daughters, Mrs. Cordelia Wood of Star Route # 10, Florence, Mrs. J. L. Smith of Mishawaka, Indiana; nine sons, Arnold White, Linville, James, B.F. and Greenberry of Mishawaka, Jack & Lawrence of Waterloo, Owen of Cloverdale and Jason of Florence, R # 1.; one brother, Jess Davis of Collinwood, Tennessee; 48 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews and a host of relatives & friends.”


WHITE, IDA HIGGINS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “ Ida Higgins White was born June 28, 1891 in Alabama, the daughter of the late Andy and Mary Smith Higgins. She was united in marriage to Wess White who preceded her in death on February 6, 1973. Mrs. White departed from this life August 30, 1975 at the age of 84 years, 2 months, and 2 days. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist church at Mt. Olive. She leaves three daughters, Mrs. Vylona Jones and Miss Fleety White, both of Waterloo, and Mrs. Irene Williams, Florence, AL.; two sons, James White, Waterloo, and Jay White, South Bend, Ind.; 18 grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren; and 2 great -great- grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Ethel White, Savannah and Mrs. Lula Gann, Loretta, Tenn.; one brother John Higgins, Mich.”


WHITE, JAMES Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. James White, Route 2, Box 345A, Florence, AL died December 25, 1982 at ECM Hospital at the age of 64. Services for Mr. White will be Monday, December 27, 1982 at Morrison Elkins chapel with Rev. Don Singleton – Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Interment will be at Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include 2 sons, Mr. Kenneth Wayne White, Waterloo, AL. Mr. James Carl White, Florence, AL; 1 daughter, Miss Janice White, Florence, AL; 1 brother, Mr. Jay Lynn White, Mishawaka, Ind.; 1 brother, Mr. Jay Lynn White, Mishawaka, Ind.; 3 sisters, Mrs. Vylona Jones, Miss Fleety White of Waterloo, AL and Mrs. Irene Williams, Florence, AL; 2 grandchildren.”


WHITE, JIMMY LYNN, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: He was born 1 Oct. 1947 and died 16 Mar 1982. “The service for Jimmy Lynn White, 34, Route 9, Florence, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Bumpus Creek Free Will Baptist Church. The Rev. Emerald Bailey and Edward Smith will officiate. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour before the funeral. The family will receive friends at the funeral home after 4:30 p.m. today. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. He was a member of Waterloo Free Will Baptist Church and a mechanic for Melvin Young Motors, Florence. Survivors include his father, James White, Rhodesville; mother, Mrs. Elsie Wallin, Holly Pond: brothers, Carl White, Rhodesville, Wayne White, Waterloo; sister, Miss Janice White, Rhodesville; one niece; one nephew.”


WHITE, LAWRENCE OWEN Information taker from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. prepared by Elkins & Sons Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Lawrence Owen White, 66, Route 1, Florence, died Feb. 3, 1986 at Wayne County Hospital, Wayne County, Tennessee. The funeral will be Feb. 6, 1986 at Murphy’s Chapel Church, with Rev. Virgil Gean conducting the service. Survivors include son, Milas White, Savannah, Tennessee; brothers, Benjamin F. White, Mishawaka, Ind., Jason White, Owen White, James White and Greenberry White all of Florence; sister, Mrs. Cordila Woods, Rhodesville,Ala.”


WHITE, LETHA SHARP, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Savannah, Tenn.   Letha Sharp White, 98, died Monday, Feb. 17, 2003, of heart failure. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at the funeral home chapel, with the graveside service at 1:30 p.m. in Florence City Cemetery, Florence, Ala. She was the sister of Leona Littrell of Florence, Ala.”


WHITE, LINVILLE O. Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. prepared by Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, Alabama. “Mr. Linville O. White, 312 Baker Street, Mishawaka, Indiana, died June 12, 1981 at his residence at age 59. The funeral will be Monday, June 15, 1981 at Murphy’s Chapel Church, with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Survivors include 1 son, Mr. John W. White – Mishawaka, Indiana; 6 brothers: Mr. Benjamin White – Mishawaka, Indiana, Mr. Owen White, Mr. Jason White, Mr. Lawrence White, Mr. Greenberry White, Mr. James White all of Florence, Alabama; 1 sister, Mrs. Curtis Woods – Florence; 1 granddaughter – Tammy White – Mishawaka, Indiana.”


WHITE, MABLE EZEKIEL, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mable Ezekiel White, 72, left this world to be in the arms of her Savior on Jan. 17, 2004, at Memorial Hospital of South Bend, Ind. Mable’s untimely passing was due to complications from a stroke, which occurred on Jan. 9, 2004. Mable was born on Nov. 21, 1931. She was one of seven children born to the late Jesse and Dewey Ezekiel. Her brothers, Robert, George and William “Archie,” have already passed on to a better world. Mable precedes her three sisters, Elizabeth Sharp and Rebecca Brown, of Central Heights, Ala., and Ola Heathcoat, of Savannah, Tenn. Mable met her husband of 53 years, Grady W. White Sr., in their hometown of Waterloo, Ala. They were married in Corinth, Miss., on Sept. 16, 1950. They moved to Mishawaka, Ind., in 1951 and have resided in this area for 52 years. Mable devoted her life to the welfare and care of those she loved and is survived by a family that cherished her, which includes her husband, Grady; their four sons, Larry (Patti) White, of Mishawaka, Grady (Carol) White Jr., of Osceola, Ind., Don White and Ron White, both of Mishawaka; along with six grandchildren, Jesse (Amy) White, of Osceola, Ind., Tracey White, of Mishawaka, Scott (Shawna) White, of Mishawaka, Junell (Ted) Broskey, of South Bend, Ariel Kendrick and Sylvia White, both of Goshen, Ind. Mable is also survived by two great-grandchildren, Caitlin White, of Mishawaka, and Stephanie Broskey, of South Bend. Mable always placed the welfare of others before her own and will be forever loved and missed by both her family and those fortunate enough to have counted her as a friend. A devout Christian soul and a true Southern lady. Friends may call from 3-7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 19, in the Bubb Funeral Chapel North, 3910 N. Main St., Mishawaka, and one hour prior to the service, which will be held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 20, in the funeral chapel, with the Rev. David Stauffer, from the New Life Baptist Church, officiating.”


WHITE, MARGIE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. News clip from Shackelford Funeral Directors, Savannah, Tenn. “Margie White, 85, Route 1, Waterloo, died Monday, Dec. 12, 1994, of natural causes. The funeral will be at ll a.m. Thursday, at Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church. Burial will be in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery.” From Shackelford remembrance pamphlet: In Loving Memory of Margie G. White Date of birth, Friday, March 26, 1909 Date of Death, Monday, December 12, 1994 Age 85 years 8 months 16 days Services Thursday, December 15, 1994, 11:00 AM, Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church Officiating, Virgil Gean and Vernon Gober Interment Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery Lauderdale County, Alabama”  


WHITE, MARY GEAN, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “WATERLOO — The funeral for Mary Gean White, 80, Waterloo, will be at 3 p.m. today at Ford’s Mill Free Will Baptist Church, with Virgil Gean and E.W. Bean officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee, directing. She died Tuesday at her residence. She was a member of the Pentecostal Church. Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Zaddy Bosch, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Virginia Wilder, Waterloo, Mrs. Faye Heavener, Little Rock, Ark; sons, Estol White, David White, Joe Louis White, all of Mishawaka, Curtis White, Waterloo; brother, Henry Gean, Florence; 22 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren.” Note: Mary died Aug. 20, 1985 and was buried on Aug. 22, 1985.


WHITE, MATHIER H., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mathier H. White, 82, Florence, Ala., died Monday, March 4, 2002, after an extended illness. Visitation will be 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at Greenview Funeral Home. A graveside service will be at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 7, 2002, at Greenview Memorial Park, with Brother Jack Coons officiating. He was a native of Tennessee and a former resident of Florence, Ala. He is survived by his son, William L. White and wife, Norma, Mishawaka, Ind.; stepson, Sonny Harris, Hood River, Ore.; step-daughter, Christine Harris, Hood River, Ore.; grandchildren, Adam White, Mishawaka, Ind., Carolyn White, Mishawaka, Ind., and Barbara White, Richland, Mo. He was employed as a millwright for TVA, Muscle Shoals, Ala. He was a World War II veteran. Greenview Funeral Home, Florence, is directing.”


WHITE, MATTIE RIEDOUT Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, TN. “Mattie Riedout White was born July 17, 1892 in Wayne County; the daughter of the late Calvin C. and Elizabeth Frazier Riedout. On April 28, 1913 she was united in marriage to R.W. White, Sr. Mrs. White departed from this life May 28, 1971 at the Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital in Florence; the age of 79 years, 10 months, and 11 days. She leaves her husband of Florence, Ala.; five sons, Floyd White, Hershel and R.W. White, Jr. all of Savannah, Ralph and Tommy White of Florence; six daughters, Mrs. Hester Clay, Hayti, Missouri, Mrs. Myrtle Morris, Savannah, Mrs. Reba Brewer, Mrs. Beadie Black, Mrs. Marie Roberts, and Mrs. Opha Davis, all of Florence, Ala.; 41 grandchildren and 35 great grandchildren; two brothers, Horace Riedout and Roy Riedout, Florence, Ala.”


WHITE, MILES G., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Miles G. White, age 72, of Florence, died Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2003, at ECM Hospital. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and a retired ironworker. The graveside service will be Friday at 2:30 p.m. in Milford Cemetery. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Robert Gilchrist. His parents, Frank and Hannah White, one son, Tracey White, and eight siblings preceded him in death. He is survived by his wife, Heather Ruth Young White, Florence; sons, Tony White and wife, Cheryl, Waterloo, Teddy White, Florence, Terry White, Ocala, Fla., Patrick White and wife, Tammy, Florence, Mike White and Timmy White of Indiana; daughter, Jennifer White Vance and husband, Ronny, of St. Florian; grandchildren, Michael, Coty, Jessica, Brianna, David, Taylor Rae, Terra Lynn, Nathaniel, Christian, Tiffany, Savannah and Josh White; and one great-grandchild, Jasmine Snow White. Pallbearers will be friends and family members. Honorary pallbearers will be Mickey Clemmons, Dr. Sockwell and Dr. Holden. Mr. White was loved very much and will be missed by his many friends and family members. The family would like to thank the doctors and nurses of ECM Hospital and ECM East, who provided excellent care for Mr. White during his illness. The family would also like to give special thanks to Lois Haddock. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


WHITE, NORMA LEE, Savannah, Tennessee SAVANNAH, Tenn. — The funeral for Norma Lee Gean White, 63, Route 1, will be at 1 p.m. today at Whites Creek Free Will Baptist Church with Johnny banks officiating. Burial will be Whites Creek Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, directing. She died Monday, Nov. 9, 1987, at Hardin County General Hospital, Savannah. She was a native of Hardin County, Tenn., and a seamstress at Angelica Manufacturing, Savannah, for over 16 years. Survivors include her husband, Hershel White, Savannah; daughter, Mrs. Jeanna Ford, Savannah; sons, Jerry White, Travis White, Randy White, Ronnie White, all of Savannah; sister, Mrs. Beatrice Gean Stricklin, Savannah; brothers, Aaron Gean, Florence, Ala., Rick Gean, Chicago, Ill., five grandchildren.” Note: Clergy records show the following: Norma Lee Gean White was born September 25, 1924 in Hardin County, daughter of the late Charlie and Georgia Crotts Gean. On April 11, 1942 she was untied in marriage to Hershel L. White. Mrs. White was a member of the White’s Creek Freewill Baptist Church.“


WHITE, OLLIE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean. “Ollie White was born March 6, 1895 in Lauderdale County, Ala., the son of the late Melvin and Elizabeth Scott White. On December 25, 1927 he married the former Thelma Scott. Mr. White departed from this life May 17, 1977 at the age of 82 years, 2 months and 11 days. He served in the U.S. Army as a private in WWI. He leaves other than his wife, two sons Ledford and Melvin Arbie White, both of Waterloo; five grandchildren; two brothers William and Andy White both of Waterloo, and one sister, Mrs. Rosie Franks, Waterloo, Ala.”


WHITE, OWEN LAWRENCE, TimesDaily/Friday, February 19, 1999 “Owen Lawrence White, 74, died Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1999. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at Shackelford Funeral Home, Collinwood. The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Saturday at the funeral home chapel with burial in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Florence, Ala. He was the son of the late Frank and Anna Davis White.”


WHITE, R.T., Times Daily, Florence, AL “R. T. White, 27, 1404 East Second St., Tuscumbia, died at his residence in a house fire. He was a native of Lauderdale County, and had lived in Tuscumbia for five years. He was employed with the Holland Air Conditioner Company. Funeral services were held at 10 a.m. this morning at the Spry Funeral Home Chapel, Sheffield, with Bishop Marck C. Warner, officiating. Burial followed in the Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Lauderdale County. Survivors include the widow, Sandra White; two sons, Robin Timothy White and Jonathan Patrick White; two daughters, Ebba Shevon White and Rebecca Evon White, all of Tuscumbia; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jason White, Florence; grandfathers, Frank White, Waterloo, and Daniel Mac Keeton, Lawrenceburg, Tenn.; six brothers, Marshall White, Tennessee; Albert White, Mearl White, Harold Prince White, Avon White and Ronald White, all of Florence; two sisters, Mrs. Lorene Young, Arkansas, and Mrs. Doris Ledlow, Leighton; a number of nieces and nephews. Active pallbearers were Jerry Kimbrough, David Allen, Winston Richardson, Jerry Patton, Charles Moore, and Lloyd Bryant.”


WHITE, ROBERT, Times Daily, Florence, AL Information in the clergyman’s records of Virgil Gean, Sr. show date of death, October 10, 1976. “Robert White, 85, Waterloo, died Sunday at Colonial Manor Hospital. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a retired factory worker and a member of Post 11, American Legion. He was a World War I veteran and a member of the Baptist Church. Service will be 2 p.m. Tuesday at Bumpus Creek Baptist Church, Rev. Virgil Geans will officiate. Burial will be in Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Surviving are son, Earl White, Waterloo; sister, Mrs. Rosa Franks, Waterloo; brothers, Andy White, Ollie White and William White, all of Waterloo; one granddaughter. Friends may call at the funeral home 7-9 p.m. tonight. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Bearers will be Arbie White, Hershel White, Bill Benson, Edward Dean, Ancil Michael, Horace Pyburn and James White.”


WHITE, ROBERT WEAK, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Note: Clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean Sr. show Mr. White was born May 30, 1895 in Alabama, and was the son of the late Jack and Sally Young White. On April 27, 1913 he married the former Mattie Rideout, who preceded him in death on May 28, 1972. He died on March 23, 1975.” “Robert Weak White, 80, Rt. 8, Florence, died Tuesday at a local nursing home. He was a retired farmer. Services will be 1 p.m. Thursday at Shackleford Funeral Chapel in Savannah, Tenn. With Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will follow in Cemetery. Survivors are six daughters, Mrs. Reba Brewer, Mrs. Bedia Black, Mrs. Marie Roberts, Mrs. Opha Davis, all of Florence, Mrs. Myrtle Morris, Savannah, Tenn. And Mrs. Hester Clay, Hayti, Missouri; sons, Floyd White, Herschel White, R.W. White Jr., all of Savannah, Tenn., Ralph White and Tommy White, both of Florence; brothers, W.A. White, Waterloo, 43 grandchildren and 41 great-grandchildren.”


WHITE, TERRY ANDREW Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Terry Andrew White, infant son of Owen and Eulia White, died in 1965. Besides his parents, he is survived by a brother, Rechil Dail White and 5 half brothers and sisters, Katherine, Jerry, Peggy, Larry and Sue; grandparents, Mr. Frank White, Mrs. Hannah White, Mr. Marvin Smith and Mrs. Zella Smith; a host of uncles, aunts and cousins.”


WHITE, VIOLA WILLIAMS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee. “Viola Williams White was born October 22, 1879, in Hardin County Tennessee, the daughter of Joe and Martha Cossey Williams. Mrs. White was united in marriage June 22, 1902, to Mr. N. D. White who preceded her in death July 19, 1940. Mrs. White lived in the Lutts Community of Wayne County. She was a member of the Freewill Baptist Church. She departed this life February 3, 1970, at Hardin County General Hospital, Savannah, Tennessee, at the age of 90 years, 3 months and 11 days. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Lora Webb, Savannah and Mrs. Myrtle Franks, Lutts,; 14 grandchildren, 7 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Mr. Wheeler Williams and Mr. Cecil Williams both of Savannah; one step daughter, Mrs. Ola McFalls, Savannah; three step sons, Mr. Bill White, Mr. John White and Mr. English White all of Savannah.”


WHITE, WARREN DAVID “SAVANNAH, Tenn. — The Funeral for Warren David White, 70, will be at 1 p.m. Monday at Shackelford Funeral Home chapel, Savannah, with the Revs. Virgil Gean and Carlos Hughes officiating. Burial will be in Holland’s Creek Cemetery. He died Friday, April 3, 1992, at VA Medical Center, Memphis. He was a retired heavy equipment operator in the construction business and World War II U.S. Navy veteran. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Helen Craven White, Savannah; sons, Ricky White, Burl White, Charles White, all of Savannah; daughter, Mrs. Loretta Stricklin, Savannah; brothers, Oliver White, James White, both of Savannah, Claude White, Florence, Ala; sisters, Mrs. Laura Milligan, Florence, Mrs. L.B. Barrier, Scottsboro, Ala.; seven grandchildren; one great-grandchild.” Note: Mr. White was born August 9, 1921 in Hardin County, Tennessee the son of the late Dempsey D. and Louisa Pollard White.


WHITE, WAYNE AMOS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Wayne Amos White was born on December 19, 1911 in Hardin County, the son of the late William and Lou White. On December 5, 1930 he was united in marriage to Clara Webb. He was a member of the New Hope Freewill Baptist Church, was a life long resident of Hardin County, and worked as a farmer and a sawer. Mr. White departed this life on March 18, 1990, at the Hardin County General Hospital, at the age of 78 years, 2 months, and 29 days. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Clara White of Savannah; five daughters, Mrs. Joyce Wesson, Mrs. Betty Ruth Collins, Mrs. Sandra Jean Tate all of Savannah, Mrs. Mary Ann Smith of Michie and Mrs. Barbara Sue Borden of Sheffield, AL; two sons, Junior Wayne White and W.J. White of Savannah; two sisters, Mrs. Marie Phillips and Mrs. Eula Williams of Savannah; three brothers, Nick White, John D. White and Harold White of Savannah; 29 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren and 4 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son Garinth Wayne White in 1940.”


WHITE, WES Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, TN. “Wes White was born March 11, 1892 in Alabama, the son of the late W.T. and Lizzie Scott White. On September 11, 1911 he married the former Ida Higgins. Mr. White departed from this life February 6, 1972, at his home, at the age of 80 years, 10 months, and 25 days. He leaves other than his wife, three daughters, Mrs. Vylona Jones and Miss Fleety White of Waterloo and Mrs. Irene Williams, Florence; two sons James White, Waterloo and Jay Lynn White, South bend, Ind.; 18 grandchildren and 20 great grandchildren; a sister Mrs. Rosie Franks, Waterloo; four brothers Bill, Ollie, Andy, and Rob White, all of Waterloo, Alabama.”


WHITE, WILLIE ANDREW, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The service for Willie Andrew White, 88, will be today at 3 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Waterloo, with Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He died Tuesday, June 13, 1989, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield. He was a retired farmer and a member of Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Waterloo. Survivors include his wife, Margie Balentine White; sons, Turner White, William C. White, all of Waterloo, Jack White, Savannah; daughters, Lula Liles, Jeanette Bennett, both of Florence, Irene Lard, Mishawaka, Ind., Mable Morris, Savannah, Faye Duha, Antioch, Ill.; 22 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Greg Mabe, Bobby Jenkins, Roger Morris, Jackie Balentine, Jimmy Cox, and Clifford Fessler.”


WHITE, WILLIE ANDREW JACKSON Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. which was compiled by Spry Funeral Home of Florence. “Willie Andrew Jackson White, was born October 3, 1912. He died September 6, 1978 at the age of 65 years, 11 months and 3 days. Survivors include one son, William White, Jr., Huntsville, AL; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Bates, Tuscumbia and Mrs. Judy Pettie, Huntsville, AL; one sister, Mrs. Cordila Woods, Florence; seven brothers, Lawrence White, Jason White, Linville White, Owen White, all of Waterloo, B.F. White, Mishawaka, Indiana, James White, Rt. 6, Florence, and Greenberry White, Rt. 4, Florence; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.”


WHITE, WILLIAM LOUIS, from local newspaper, 8/27/81 “ William Louis White, 79, Waterloo, died Wednesday at his residence. He was a retired farmer and a member of Bumpus Creek Pentecostal Church. The service will be at 1 p.m. Friday at Ford’s Mill Free Will Baptist Church. The Rev. Virgil Gean will officiate. Burial will be in Ford’s Mill Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tennessee, directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Gean White; daughters, Mrs. Zaddy Bosch, Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Virginia Wilder, Waterloo, Mrs. Faye Heavener, Little Rock, Ark.; sons, Estol White, David White, Joe Louis White, all of Mishawaka, Curtis White, Waterloo; sister, Mrs. Mollie Shepherd, West Memphis, Ark.; 22 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren.”


WHITE, WILLIAM THOMAS Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home. “William Thomas White was born August 16, 1899 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, the son of the late Melt and Elizabeth Scott White. He married the former Eula Raney, who preceded him in death in 1944. Mr. White departed from this life August 10th at the age of 80 years, 11 months, and 24 days. He leaves two daughters Mrs. Artie Mae Reed, Waterloo, and Mrs. Mildred Hogan, Florence; 2 grandchildren; a sister Mrs. Rosie Franks, Waterloo, and a brother Andy White, Waterloo, AL.”


WHITE, WILLIE ANDREW, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The service for Willie Andrew White, 88, will be today at 3 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Waterloo, with Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery with Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. He died Tuesday, June 13, 1989, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield. He was a retired farmer and a member of Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, Waterloo. Survivors include his wife, Margie Balentine White; sons, Turner White, William C. White, all of Waterloo, Jack White, Savannah; daughters, Lula Liles, Jeanette Bennett, both of Florence, Irene Lard, Mishawaka, Ind., Mable Morris, Savannah, Faye Duha, Antioch, Ill.; 22 grandchildren; 35 great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Greg Mabe, Bobby Jenkins, Roger Morris, Jackie Balentine, Jimmy Cox, and Clifford Fessler.”


WHITE, WILLIE ANDREW JACKSON Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. which was compiled by Spry Funeral Home of Florence. “Willie Andrew Jackson White, was born October 3, 1912. He died September 6, 1978 at the age of 65 years, 11 months and 3 days. Survivors include one son, William White, Jr., Huntsville, AL; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Bates, Tuscumbia and Mrs. Judy Pettie, Huntsville, AL; one sister, Mrs. Cordila Woods, Florence; seven brothers, Lawrence White, Jason White, Linville White, Owen White, all of Waterloo, B.F. White, Mishawaka, Indiana, James White, Rt. 6, Florence, and Greenberry White, Rt. 4, Florence; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.”


WHITSETT, MISS SALLIE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Miss Sallie Whitsett, 95, Rt. 1, Waterloo, died Friday night at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Nursing Home. Funeral services will be held today at 2 p.m. at Ford’s Mill Baptist Church with Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will follow in Ford’s Mill Cemetery, Shackleford Funeral Home of Savannah directing. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Mary White, Waterloo; two brothers, Charlie Geans, Waterloo, Henry Geans Cloverdale.” The minister’s records show the obituary read as follows: “Miss Sallie Whittset passed away Oct 22, 1971 at age 95. She was a member of the body of the Holiness faith, was a Christian for years. She has left 2 brothers and one sister, Mrs. Mary White of Waterloo, Ala Mr. Henry Geans of Cloverdale, Ala. and Mr. Charlie Geans of Waterloo to morn her passing and many nieces and nephews and a host of friends.”


WHITTEN, MARK DEWAYNE, Times Daily, Florence, AL Mark DeWayne Whitten, four weeks old, died Saturday afternoon following a sudden illness. Services will be Monday at 2 p.m. from the Antioch Freewill Baptist Church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Survivors include: parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Whitten, Florence; three brothers, Kenneth, Sammy and Randy Whitten; three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Roberson, Miss Patsy Whitten and Miss Renee Whitten; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Montgomery.”


WILEY, FREEMAN “BRUNO” JR., Times Daily, Florence, AL “Freeman “Bruno” Wiley, Jr., 60, 172 Lunsford Road, Leoma, Tenn., died Friday, Oct. 24, 1997 at his residence after a short illness. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. today at Loretto Memorial Chapel with burial and graveside military honors in Loretto Memorial Gardens. Officiating at the funeral will be Chuck Kitchens. He was born in Cherokee, AL. He is survived by his wife, Dee Ann Conway Wiley, Loretto, Tenn.; son, Bob Wiley, Florence, Ala.; daughter, Kim Wiley, Loretto, Tenn.; mother, Lois Wiley Cross, Florence, Ala.; sisters, Joyce Eskridge, Loretto, Tenn., Earlene Grisham, Iuka, Miss.; father-in-law, Robert L. Conway, Leoma, Tenn.; two grandchildren; several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father, Freeman Clarence Wiley, Sr. He was a retired foreman at Reynolds Metal Company, was a member of Loretto First Baptist Church and was the 1996-1996 Legionnaire of the year for Tennessee. He was a member of the American Post 146 Loretto, Tenn., Masonic Lodge of Sheffield, Ala, Cahaba Temple of Huntsville, Ala., Lawrenceburg Shrine Club and the elks Lodge in Lawrenceburg, Tenn. He was a U.S. Army veteran from the Korea War.”


WILLETT, CLARENCE, Florence Times Daily Note: The tomb shows date of birth 3 Jul 1920 and death was 1 Nov. 1969. “Clarence Willett, 49, Cloverdale, died Saturday at 5:55 p.m. at Flint, Ala. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County and was a farmer in the Cloverdale Community. Services were conducted at 2 p.m. Monday from Wesley’s Chapel by Rev. W.W. Stockman and Rev. Virgil Gean. Burial was in Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Margie Watkins Willett; a son, Morris; four brothers, Clyde, John A., both of Cloverdale; Paul, Winter Haven, Fla.; Marvin, Florence; three sister, Mrs. Willie Lee Threet, Mrs. Eugene Townsend, both of Florence; Mrs. Allen Winters, Cloverdale. Bearers were nephews.”


WILLIAMS, ANDREW MORRIS, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Andrew Morris Williams, 85, formerly a resident of Waterloo, died Tuesday at Sandy Springs, Ga. He was a retired farmer. Services will be Thursday at 4 p.m. at Bumpus Creek Baptist Church with Virgil Gene and Earl Dixon officiating. Burial will be in Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Shackelford Funeral Home, Savannah, Tenn., directing. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Agnew W. Benson, Roswell, Ga.; three sons, M.O. Williams, Martin, Tenn., Melvin Floyd Williams, Mishawaka, Mich., Doyle Williams, Waterloo; 20 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.” Note: Mr. Williams died Jan. 15, 1980 and was buried Jan. 17, 1980.


WILLIAMS, CARL BEDFORD, TimesDaily/Friday, June 7, 1996 Carl B. Williams, 83, Petersville, died Wednesday, June 5, 1996, at ECM Hospital after a brief illness. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. today at Williams Chapel with burial in Williams Chapel Cemetery. The body will be placed in the church at 1 p.m. Officiating will be the Rev. Adolph Lacy and the Rev. Vernon Gober, Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Mr. Williams was born and lived most of his life in Lauderdale County. He attended Underwood Baptist Church and was a retired machinist with Wheelabrator-Fryee and most recently worked at Gifford’s, Spur Station and Bevis Used Auto. He was preceded in death by his parents, John Mitchell and Ola Bell Williams; three sisters and four brothers. Mr. Williams was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. He is survived by his wife, Frances Boyce Sego Williams, Petersville; daughters, Sarah Stricklin, Savannah, Tenn., Debra Chandler, Florence; sons, Jerry Williams, Florence, Larry Williams, Elkhart, Ind.; brother, Clifford Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; two grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Calvin Gifford, Jeff Bevis, Kenneth Gean, Ronnie Brown, Jimmy Shields and David Winborn.”


WILLIAMS, CHARLES EDGAR, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Charles Edgar Williams, 15, Rt. 1, Cloverdale, was killed in a highway accident Thursday near the Natchez Trace Parkway. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a 10th grade student at Central High School. Funeral services will be Saturday at 3 p.m. at Macedonia Church of Christ with J. Self and Norman Hargett officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until time for the service. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Williams; two brothers, Carl and David Williams; five sisters, Misses Ida Jane, Opal, Ebba, Wanda, and Dorothy Williams; maternal grandfather, William Hanback, Rt. 4, Florence. Bearers will be David Angel, Lowell Holcomb, Trent Dixon, Virgil Gean, Jr., Lilbourne Bevis, David Livingston.”


WILLIAMS, CLARA MARIE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Clara Marie Williams, Waterloo, passed away March 21, 2001, at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Cathy and David Winborn. Mrs. Williams was born Feb. 1, 1916, to the late George and Leona Perkins. On Dec. 25, 1936, she married Roy Wesley Williams, who preceded her in death. She was a member of Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church. The service will be Friday, March 23, at Elkins Funeral Home chapel at 1:30 p.m., with Howard Jaggers and Bob Graves officiating. Burial will follow in Williams Chapel Cemetery. The family received friends Thursday, March 22, at Elkins Funeral Home from 6 until 8 p.m. Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. Mrs. Williams is survived by two daughters, Peggy Jean Smith, Waterloo, and Cathy Patricia Winborn, Florence; two grandsons, Jim Smith, Savannah, Tenn., and Wesley Winborn, Florence; one great-granddaughter, Megan Smith, Savannah, Tenn.; sisters, Edna Keel, Florence, and Mae Perkins, Waterloo; brother-in-law, Clifford Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; sisters-in-law, Virginia Williams, Mishawaka, Ind., Francis Williams, Florence, Rubye Williams, Milan, Mich., and Hazel (Pat) Perkins, Florence; several nieces and nephews. P allbearers will be Tim McFall, David Holcombe, Lawrence Holcombe, Dwayne Holcombe, Charles Parker and Leonard Holcombe. Honorary pallbearers will be David McFall, Glenn McFall, Jesse McFall, Billy McFall, Harold Smith, James H. Riedout, Tony Lacher and Pettus Smith. Flowers are appreciated or donations may be made to Hospice of the Shoals, 1108 Bradshaw Drive, Florence, AL 35630 or Williams Chapel Cemetery Fund, 3950 County Road 1, Waterloo, AL 35677. The family would like to thank Dr. John Bartmess, Dr. John Musgrove, Brenda Griggs, Dr. Rao Boorgu, Dr. Rajesh Boorgu, Dr. Subir Paul and the staff of all the aforementioned physicians, We also want to thank Hospice of the Shoals, especially Donna Venable.”


WILLIAMS, DOYLE B., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Doyle B. Williams, 67, of Waterloo, died Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003. The funeral services will be held Monday, Dec. 22, 2003, in the funeral hone chapel at 3 p.m., with Brother Richard Fox officiating. Interment will follow in Hollands Creek Cemetery. Mr. Williams was a native of Lauderdale County, where he worked for many years as a farmer and was a member of the Baptist Church. He is survived by his mother, Martha Jane King; son, Johnny Williams; daughters, Maria Dennis, Sharleen Stricklin and Priscilla Stricklin; brothers, M.O. Williams and Floyd Williams; sister, Agnes Benson; eight grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Pallbearers will be Jack Harris, Tom Ray, Tommy Ray, Raymond Murphy, Jim Wilder and Gereald Keel. Morrison Funeral Home, Florence/Central Heights, is directing.”


WILLIAMS, JOHN MITCHELL, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The service for John Mitchell Williams, 100, Route 1, will be at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church, Waterloo, with the Rev. Virgil Gean officiating. Burial will be in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Waterloo, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Visitation will be 7-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. He died Monday, Nov. 3, 1986, at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex, Florence, after a short illness. A native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, living all his life in Waterloo, he was the son of the late Andrew and Martha Jane Holt Williams, Waterloo, a retired farmer and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Survivors include sons, Carl Williams, Florence, Ray Williams, Milam, Mich., Clifford Williams, Mishawaka, Ind.; daughters, Mrs. Hattye Nesbitt, Waterloo, Mrs. Mary Edna Love, Savannah, Tenn.; 11 grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; four great-great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Hershel Brown, Gene Landrum, Herschel Holcombe, Charles Parker, Charles Dowdy and Tony Locker.”


WILLIAMS, ROBERT OSCAR, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Robert Oscar Williams, 86, a resident of Rt. 1, Cloverdale, died Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. at ECM Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Williams was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale and a retired farmer. Services will be conducted at the Bumpus Creek Baptist Church at 2:30 Friday with Rev. Virgil Geans officiating. Burial is scheduled for Scott Cemetery with Spry of Florence in charge. The body will be at the funeral home until time for services. Surviving are three sons, Edgar Williams, Rt. 1, Cloverdale; Andrew Williams and Ellis Williams, both of Florence; three daughters, Mrs. J.C. Box, Rt. 4, Florence; Mrs. Earl Dixon, Rt. 2, Waterloo and Mrs. James McKelvey, Rt. 4, Florence; two brothers, A.M. Williams, Rt. 2, Waterloo and John L. Williams, Florence; one sister, Mrs. Millie Sego, Rt. 2, Florence; 30 grandchildren and 19 great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as bearers.” Note: Mr. Williams died at ECM Hospital at 9:30 p.m., May 29, 1963. (Spry Funeral Home Minister’s Card)


WILLIAMS, ROY WESLEY, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Roy Wesley Williams, 60, Rt. 2, Waterloo, died today at 2 a.m. at ECM Hospital after an illness of six weeks. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church and was a foreman with Sheffield Read-Mix Co. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Williams Chapel Presbyterian Church with Dr. George DeBoer officiating. Burial will follow in Williams Chapel Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Marie Perkins Williams; two daughters, Mrs. Peggy Smith and Miss Cathy Williams, both of Waterloo; his father, John M. Williams, Rt. 2, Waterloo; three brothers, Carl and Clifford Williams, both of Mishawaka, Ind., Ray Williams, Ypsilanti, Mich.; two sisters, Mrs. Hattie Nesbitt, Waterloo, Mrs. Mary Love, Savannah, Tenn.; one grandson. Bearers will be Billy Heathcoat, David Poss, Billy Bailey, Granville May, Bill South, Lawrence Cochran.”


WILLIAMS, VERNON B., Mishawaka, Indiana “Vernon B. Williams, 50, of Mishawaka, Ind., formerly of Waterloo, died Friday at Mishawaka following a short illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County and attended the Baptist Church. Funeral services will be 3 p.m. Monday at Bumpus Creek Baptist Church near Waterloo, Rev. J. B. Harper officiating. Burial will follow in Scott Cemetery, Shackleford Funeral Home of Savannah directing. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mabel Faulkner Williams of Mishawaka; one daughter, Karen S. Williams of Gary, Ind.; his father, Morris Williams of Waterloo; three brothers, Millard O. Williams of Martin, Tenn., Melvin F. Williams of Mishawaka and Doyle Williams of Waterloo; one sister, Mrs. Agnes Benson of Roswell, Ga. The body will be taken to the Funeral Home at 5 p.m. today and will remain there until shortly before services.”


WILLIAMS, VIRGINIA A., Mishawaka, Indiana “Virginia A. Williams, April 19, 1922-Dec. 24, 2007   MISHAWAKA — Virginia was 85 and passed away on December 24th in Hospice house. She was born to Lanier and Lou Holcombe in Lauderdale County in Alabama near Waterloo, Alabama. She was preceded in death by her husband, Clifford Williams, in November 2001; along with six brothers, Will, John, Elmo, Arthur, Ted and Ruben; and five sisters, Edna, Hattie, Sally, Vera and Gertrude. She is survived by a sister, Rosie (Leroy) Haddock of Killen, Alabama; two sons, Jess (Kim) Williams of South Bend and Denny (Jean) Williams of Mishawaka; a grandson, Brent (Jennifer) Williams; a granddaughter, Susan (Matt) Park; along with two great-granddaughters, Rachel Williams and Hannah Park. She is also survived by one sister-in-law, Frances Williams of Florence, Alabama, and many nieces and nephews whom she loved dearly. As Virginia Holcombe she married Clifford in Alabama in 1940. Their marriage spanned 61 wonderful years. In 1942 they moved to Mishawaka. Clifford and Virginia were members of South Side General Baptist Church. Virginia was briefly employed by Ball band (Uniroyal) during WWII. Later she worked as a seamstress for Fashion Cleaners. Virginia loved her family and had great love for her grandchildren, Brent and Susan. In the last four years her greatest pride came to her in her great-granddaughters, Rachel and Hannah. Virginia had a great interest in current events and the space program. After retirement, Clifford and Virginia made many trips to Orange Beach, Alabama, where she loved looking for sand dollars and garage sales. Virginia was a 20-year cancer survivor and always faced this illness with a smile and a great attitude. The family cannot express their indebtedness to Dr. Rafat Ansari and his staff at Michiana Hematology and Oncology. Their expert treatments and kind and loving ways were the utmost help in the last three-and-a- half years in her battle with cancer. We also thank Hospice House for the quality care and dignity she received in her last few days. Pastor Jeff Little, who was dearly loved by both Virginia and Clifford, will conduct the funeral in the Bubb Funeral Chapel, 3910 N. Main St., at 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 29th. Friends may call in the funeral home on Friday, Dec. 28th, from 4 to 6 p.m. Interment will follow the funeral service at Fairview Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to South Side General Baptist Church Building Fund, or to the Williams Chapel graveyard fund, Waterloo, Alabama.”


WILSON, MRS. ADA BELLE Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and was compiled by Wayne County Memory Gardens, Waynesboro, Tennessee. “Mrs. Ada Belle Wilson, age 73, of Rt. 1 Iron City, Tenn. passed away December 17, 1973, at Coffee Memorial Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County and the daughter of William Luther and Jennie Lou Berry Harper. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist. Survivors include her husband, Mr. James Aaron Wilson ; three sons, James Orville, Edward Boone, and Bobby Glen Wilson all of Rt. 1, Iron City, Tenn.; two daughters, Mrs. Lillie Corene Powell, Warner Robbins, Ga. And Mrs. Gladys Christine Dyer, Tazwell, Tenn.; six brothers, Mr. Lonzo, Rev. J.B. and Mr. Roy Harper all of Cypress Inn, Tenn., Mr. Granville Harper, Cloverdale, Ala., Mr. Chesley Harper, Lincoln Park, Mich., Mr. Warren Harper, Greenville, Miss.; two sisters, Mrs. Lillie Polk, Montevallo, Ala and Mrs. Ida Bevis, Cloverdale, Ala.; 5 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren.”


WILSON, JAMES AARON, Times Daily, Florence, AL “James Aaron Wilson, 77, Rt. 1, Iron City, Tenn., died Wednesday at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Nursing Home. The funeral will be at 3 p.m. Thursday at Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel, Collinwood, with Virgil Geans and Earl Dixon officiating. Burial will be in Memory Gardens, Collinwood. He was a native of Wayne County, a retired farmer, a member of the Baptist Church. He is survived by sons, James O. Wilson, E. B. Wilson and Bobby Glen Wilson, all of Iron City; daughters, Mrs. Lillie Corene Powell, Warner Robbins, Ga., Mrs. Gladys Christine Dyer, Franklin, Tenn., eight grandchildren, four great-grandchildren.”


WINKLER, MARY ELLA LARD Information taken from the clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Mary Ella Lard Winkler was born in Lauderdale County, Alabama, on March 16, 1905, the daughter of the late James Henry and Mary Carson Lard. She was united in marriage to George Winkler, who preceded her in death. Mrs. Winkler was a resident of the Waterloo, Alabama area most of her life. She departed this life on January 1, 1989, at the Mitchell Hollingsworth Nursing Home in Florence, Alabama, at the age of 83 years, 9 months, and 17 days. Mrs. Winkler is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Evelyn Gibbs, of Waterloo; two sisters, Mrs. Martha Hairrell of Florence, Mrs. Estalee Gibbs of Trumann, Arkansas; two brothers, Olen Lard of Savannah, Tennessee, Millard Lard of Iuka, Mississippi; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.”


WINSTED, BETTY LOU, Times Daily, Florence, AL “Betty Lou Winstead, Route 1, Box 306, died Sunday, June 25, 1989, at Helen Keller Memorial Hospital, Sheffield, after an extended illness. She was born in Madison, Wis., and had lived in the Waterloo community for 18 years. She was a nurse’s aide at Glendale Nursing Home and a member of Young’s Chapel Pentecostal Church. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Young’s Chapel Pentecostal Church with the Revs. Paul Holloway and Virgil Genes officiating. Burial will be in Bumpus Creek Cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Visitation will be at 4 p.m. today at the church. Survivors include a son, Thomas Spell, Springfield, Ill.; daughters, Cindie Winsted, Waterloo, Cindy Smith, Savannah, Tenn., Jamie Winsted, Russellville; brothers, Darrell Hull, Cumberland, Ky., Harold Hull, Fort Polk, La., George Hull, Birmingham; sister, Geraldine House, Watson, Ark.” WINSTED, GREEN SILAS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Spry Funeral Home. “Green Silas Winsted, 83, Rt. 3, Box 287, Russellville, AL was born July 24, 1907 in Franklin County AL. He was a member of Victory Freewill Baptist Church of Russellville. Mr. Winsted died 21 Oct. 1990 at Muscle Shoals Nursing Home, Muscle Shoals, AL. The funeral will be 23 Oct. 1990, with Virgil Gean conducting the funeral and Spry Funeral Home directing. Survivors include his wife, Lillie Winsted; sons, W.J. Winsted and Jimmy Winsted; one daughter, Betty Patton; a sister, Mary Ellen Winsted; a brother, Jeff Winsted; 10 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews.”


WITT, CHARLES D., TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Charles D. Witt, age 57, died May 23, 2002, at his residence. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. Charles was employed by Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital for a number of years. Visitation will be 4-7 p.m. Saturday, June 1, 2002, at Greenview Funeral Home. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Greenview Memorial Chapel, with the Rev. Paul Holloway Jr. officiating. Burial will follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Survivors include his sister, Irene Doss and husband, Danny, of Clearmont, Calif.; along with a number of nieces , nephews and cousins. Charles was preceded in death by his parents, Dewey M. Witt and Willie Young Witt; and a niece, Diane Ramos. Pallbearers will be Danny Doss, Floyd Keeton, Randy Keeton, Ricky Keeton, Wayne Roth and Mark Manning. Honorary pallbearers will be Dr. Edsel Holden and his associate, Barbara, Dr. Felix Morris and the nursing staff at ECM Hospital. The family wishes to thank Hospice of the Shoals for the care given to Charles. In lieu of Flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Hospice of the Shoals, P.O. Box 307, Florence, Al 35631-0307. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


WITT, DEWEY MARLIN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The service for Dewey Marlin Witt, 80, Route 1, will be at 2 p.m. Friday at Murphy’s Chapel, Lauderdale County, with Fred Dillion officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery, Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Visitation will be 6-9 p.m. today at the funeral home. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. He died Tuesday, May 30, 1989, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. He was a lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Stewartsville Church of Christ and a retired construction worker. Survivors include his wife, Willie Young Witt, Waterloo; son, Charles Witt, Waterloo; daughter, Elsie Doss, Clairmont, Calif.; four grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren. Bearers will be Danny Witt, T.C. Witt, Cecil Young, Floyd Keeton, Junior Woods and Doyle Young.”


WITT, WILLIE LEORA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Willie Leora Witt, age 93, of Florence, died Friday, Jan. 5, 2001, at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. She was a native of Florence and a member of Stewartsville Church of Christ. The visitation will be Saturday, Jan. 13, 2001, at Greenview Funeral Home from 5 to 7 p.m. The funeral will be Sunday, Jan. 14, 2001, at 2 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Freewill Baptist Church, with burial to follow in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Officiating at the service will be Fred Dillon and Wayne Woods. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. She was preceded in death by her husband, Dewey M. Witt; and one granddaughter, Diane Ramos. Survivors include one daughter, Irene Doss of Claremont, Calif.; one son, Charles Witt of Waterloo, Ala.; three grandchildren, Michael Campell and wife, Kathy, of Sioux Falls, S.D., Mark Campell and wife, Jennifer, of Loomis, Calif., and Shelia Maas and husband, Tim, of Rocklin, Calif.; 16 great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews. Pallbearers will include Floyd Keeton, Rickey Keeton, Randy Keeton, Alfred South, David Weiss and Michael Young. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


WOODS, CHARLES GROVER, SR., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “Charles Grover Woods Sr., age 46, of Waterloo, passed away Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010. Visitation was Sunday, Jan. 31, at Light House Holiness Church. The service will be a 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1, at the church, with burial in Ford’s Mill Cemetery, with Brother Paul Holloway and Brother Lynn Holloway officiating. Pallbearers will be Mike Elliott, T.C. Hart, Quinton Woods, Seth Holloway, Andy Pitts and Chad Adams. Honorary Pallbearers will be Ross Adams, Tim Adams, Tim Barrett and Terry Woods. Survives include his wife of 28 years, Libby Woods; sons, Charles Woods Jr. (Rebekah), of Waterloo, Chris Woods, Samuel Woods, both of Waterloo; sister, Regina Phillips, of Waterloo; brothers, Chris Wilkerson, of Russellville, Larry Seagrove, of Arizona; granddaughter, Gracie. Please sign the guest register at spry Spry-Williams Funeral Home is directing.”


WOODS, GLEN, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Glen Woods, age 73, of Florence, Ala., died Tuesday, May 7, 2002. At Glenwood Convalescent Center. Glen was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of Stoney Point Church of Christ and the Dulcimer Music Association. Mr. Woods was retired as a deputy with the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Department and worked for many years with the State Highway Department. Glen was noted for his love of singing and playing the guitar. Visitation was Wednesday evening at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. today at Stoney Point Church of Christ. The body will be placed in the church at 10 a.m. today. Lawrence Williams and Rickey Phillips will officiate. Burial will follow in Stoney Point Cemetery. Survivors include his wife, Geneva A. Woods of Florence, Ala.; sons, Kent Woods of Muscle Shoals, Ala., Barry Woods of Florence, Ala.; daughters, Karen Barrett of Florence, Ala., Glenna McRight of Huntsville, Ala., Lisa Montgomery of Florence, Ala.; brother, Harold Woods of Tuscaloosa, Ala.; 13 grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Mr. Woods is preceded in death by his mother, Mattie Taylor Woods; father, Floyd Woods; sister, Ruby Woods Winborn; brothers, Floyd Virgil Woods, James Edward “Buddy” Woods and Fred Woods. Active pallbearers will be Josh McRight, Martin McRight, Jason Woods, Raymond Scott, Calvin Woods and Jerry Woods. Honorary pallbearers will be grandsons, Bradley Woods, Jerrod Woods and Blake Cockran. Memorials may be made to the Stoney Point activities fund. The family wishes to express their sincere appreciation to Glenwood Convalescent Center for the care given to Mr. Woods, Dr. Yoder and the Gambro Kidney Dialysis Center, Hospice and the Dulcimer Music Association. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


WOODS, HAROLD TAYLOR, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. Harold Taylor Woods, 64, of Leighton, died Saturday, March 27, 2004, at Helen Keller Hospital. His visitation will be Tuesday, March 30, 2004, from 11 a.m. until noon, at Morrison Funeral Home, Tuscumbia. His funeral service will be Tuesday at Oak Grove Pentecostal Church, in Waterloo, at 2 p.m. Visitation at the church will be from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery, with Brother Ted Vafeas officiating. He is survived by his wife, Linda Sue Woods; son, Wade and wife, Bethany Woods; stepsons, Calvin Johnson, Donnie and wife, Martha Johnson, Jason and wife, Kelly Johnson; sisters, Ruth Bruce, Josephine and husband, Ralph Pulley, and Darlene Hipps; and four grandchildren. In Lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the Harold Woods Memorial Fund at the Lauderdale County Teachers Credit Union, 103 Mangum St., Florence, AL 35630. Morrison Funeral Home, Tuscumbia, is directing.”


WOODS, REV. J.C., Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “FLORENCE — The funeral for the Rev. J.C. Woods, 67, Route 14, Box 495, Florence, will be at 3 p.m. today at Canaan Methodist Church, with the Revs. Roland Parrish and Virgil Geans officiating. Burial will be in the Canaan cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, directing. He died Monday, April 21, 1986, at his residence. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a Freewill Baptist minister, a retired heavy-duty equipment operator for Ballew and Roberts Construction, a member of Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church and a World War II veteran. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edith E. Woods, Florence; sons, J.C. Woods Jr., Eddie Faye Woods, Gene Michael Woo0ds, George Steve Woods, all of Florence, David Orlan Woods, Rockwood, Tenn., Larry Don Woods, Nettleton, Miss., Jimmy Carl Woods, Waterloo; daughters, Mrs. Connie Sue Montgomery, Florence, Mrs. Shelia Duncan, Nettleton; brothers, Coy Woods, Kingston, Tenn., Earl Woods, Salisbury, Tenn., Carlos Woods, Pulaski, Tenn.; sisters, Marie Vasser, Waterloo, Hazel Mansell, Mishawaka, Ind., Edith Wilson, Eloise Cob, both of Florence; half brothers, Covie Woods Oakachobee, Fla., Grover Woods, Adkins Woods, both of Florence; half sisters, Douthie Terry, Mary Ann Burch, both of Florence; 18 grandchildren. Bearers will be sons.”


WOODS, WILLIAM CLYDE, Times Daily, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — The funeral for William Clyde Woods, 56, Route l, will be at 2 p.m. today at Bumpus Creek Freewill Baptist Church with the Rev. Sam Young officiating. Burial will be in Scott Cemetery with Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. The body will be placed in the church at 8 a.m. Woods died Thursday, March 30, 1989, at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, following a brief illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, a member of the Church of Christ, and was employed as a bus driver with the Lauderdale County Board of Education. He is survived by his wife, Barbara Woods; sons, Frankie Lynn Woods, Freddie Wayne Woods, Johnny Lee Woods, Jackie Wade Woods, Johnny Lee Woods, Jackie Wade Woods, and Randy Dale Woods; parents, William E. and Wylodine Woods, all of Waterloo; sisters, Oneda Herron, South Bend, Ind., Edith Price, Waterloo, Lorine Staggs, Sheffield, Robbie Parrish and Earline Woods, both of Waterloo; one grandson and a number of nieces and nephews. Bearers will be Kenneth Staggs, Clovis Parrish, John Parrish, Andrew Parrish, Jerome Haynes and Joseph Haynes.”


WOODS, WILLIAM HOWARD, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Mr. Woods passed away 21 June 1975. “William Howard Woods, 61, 912 Kerns St., Taft, Calif., died Saturday at ECM Hospital. He was a native of Florence, had lived in California 17 years where he was an operating engineer in the oil business and a member of the Operating Engineers Local at Taft. He was a veteran of World War II. Service will be 10 a.m. Monday at Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence. Rev. Virgil Geans will officiate. Burial will be in the Wright Cemetery, Lauderdale County. Surviving are sister, Mrs. Johncy Vasser, Mrs. Orlan Wilson, Mrs. Russell Cobb, all of Florence, Mrs. Hazel Mansel, Mishawaka, Ind.; Mrs. Ted Revell, Nashville; brothers, J.C. Woods, Florence; Coy woods, Harriman, Tenn.; Earl Woods, Carlos Woods, both of Saulsbury, Tenn. Nephews will serve as bearers.”


WORD, RAYFORD LEE Information taken from Clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr., compiled by Shackelford Funeral Home. “Rayford Lee Word was born February 20, 1926 in Lauderdale County, Alabama, son of Laura Mansel Word Michael and the late Clarence Word. Mr. Word was a retired timber cutter and he enjoyed fishing very much. Mr. Word departed from this life September 26th at his home, the age of 59 years, 7 months, and 6 days. He leaves a daughter Clara Ruth Word, Savannah; 4 sons Donald B. Word, Nashville, Tennessee, Arnold J. Roger Dale, and Johnny Wayne Word, all of Savannah, Tennessee; 5 Grandchildren; His mother Mrs. Laura M. Michael, Savannah; 4 half brothers Willis Michael, Atlanta, Georgia; Edsel Michael, Corinth, Mississippi, Albert and Waymond Michael, both of Savannah, Tennessee. He was preceded in death by his father Clarence Word, 1 son Raymond L. Word, 1 brother Arnold Word, and a sister Corene Johnson.” Note: Mr. Word died Sept. 26, 1985 and was buried Sept. 28, 1985.


WORD, RAYMOND LOVELESS Information taken from clergyman’s records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. and prepared by Shackelford Funeral Home. “Raymond Loveless Word was born December 6, 1946 in Hardin County, the son of Rayford and Mollie Bevis Word. On December 24, 1971 he married the former Joan Foreman. Mr. Word departed from this life December 25th at the age of 34 years, and 19 days. He leaves other than his wife, a son Raymond Shawn Word, Savannah; his parents of Savannah; a sister Miss Clara Ruth Word, Savannah; four brothers Donald Word, Nashville, Arnold, Roger, and Johnny Word, all of Savannah; Paternal Grandmother Mrs. Lura Michael, Corinth, MS; and Maternal Grandmother Mrs. Sarah Bevis, Savannah.” WRIGHT, GARY PAUL Information taken from clergy records of Virgil H. Gean, Sr. “Gary Paul Wright age 23, Rt. 3, Florence died Saturday at McFarland Park. He was a native of Lauderdale County and employed by Auto Seals Company, Tuscumbia, Ala. (death was in June 1975) He is survived by his wife, Evelyn Hinton Wright, and daughter Amanda Gail Wright; his parents, J.T. and Ima Jean Wright of Florence; three sisters, Joyce Diane Gilchrist of Collinwood, Tenn., Sandra Kay Gooch of Florence, Martha Gail Wright of Florence; two brothers, Jeffery Wade Wright and James Thomas Wright both of Florence; one grandparent, H.B. Wright, of Littleville and a host of relatives and friends.” WRIGHT, MRS. REBECCA DIANE, Cypress Inn, Tennessee “Mrs. Rebecca Diane Wright, 25, of Rt. 1, Cypress Inn, died Thursday at her home. Services were held at 1 p.m. today at Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in Collinwood, burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and was a beautician. She was the daughter of Nick and Grethel White, Savannah, Tenn.. Other survivors in addition to the parents include her husband, Everett Wright; son, Everett Lance Wright; Lutts, Tenn., and Vernon White, Savannah, Tenn.; sisters, Mrs. Robbie Joe Prince, Savannah, Mrs. Devora Kilburn, and Mrs. Betty Lou Geans, both of South Bend, Ind.”


WRIGHT, WILLIAM A., East Lauderdale News, October 6, 1994 “The funeral for William A. Wright, 73, Florence, was Sunday, October 2, at Elkins Funeral Home Chapel, Florence, with Lamar Plunket officiating. Burial was in Grreenview Memorial Gardens. Mr. Wright died Friday, September 30, at Florence Hospital after an extended illness. He was a native of Lexington, member of the Church of Christ, Electricians Local 558, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and was a veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife, Nelda Wright, Florence; sons, Dan Wright, Marietta, Ga., Kirk Wright, Florence; sister, Evelyn Gearhart, Pensacola, Fla.; step-brothers, Ted Mitchell, Killen, Carroll Mitchell, Athens; step-sister, Roberta Clem, Athens; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society.”


WYLIE, MARVIN, Times Daily, Florence, AL “LEXINGTON — The funeral for Marvin Wylie, 65, Route 2, Lexington, will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Loretto memorial Chapel, Loretto, Tenn., with Lloyd Jones and Melvin Campbell officiating. Burial will be in Greenhill Cemetery. He died Saturday at Eliza Coffee memorial Hospital, Florence, after an extended illness. He was retired from the Lauderdale County Commission as a custodian and was a member of Grays Chapel Freewill Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Edna Thigpen Wylie, Lexington; sons, Robert Edison Wylie, both of Florence; daughters, Mary Kuebel, Baltimore, Md., Corrine Lara, Riverside, Calif.; sister, Maybell Benefield, Killen; brothers, W.B. Wiley, Greenhill, Milford Wiley, Onis Wiley, both of Killen; seven grandchildren. Bearers will be Jimmy Wylie, Danny Collier, Junior Stutts, Doyce Michael, Oden Wise, Leo Hunter, Bill Curbow, Troy Barnett.”


YOUNG, AUDRY, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Audry Young, 86, Waterloo, died Wednesday, Sept. 16, 1998, after an extended illness. Visitation was Wednesday evening, Sept. 16, at Valley View House of Prayer, Waterloo. The funeral will be Thursday, Sept. 17, 2 p.m. at Valley View House of Prayer, with burial in Young Cemetery, Waterloo. Officiating at the funeral will be Bro. J.C. Young and Bro. Larry Burbank. She was a native of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her husband, Bill Young, Waterloo; sons, Roland Young, Waterloo, Cletus Young, Waterloo; daughters, Bonnie Bevis, Waterloo, Shirley Young, Florence, Jewel Scott, Waterloo, Babie Martin, Cypress inn, Tenn.; 16 grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by grandsons, Tommy Dale Scott and Joey Clay Daniels. Pallbearers will include grandsons. She was a member of Valley View House of Prayer. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.”


YOUNG, AUDREY J., Times Daily News, Florence, AL “WATERLOO — Audrey Jean Young, 49, died Friday, Sept. 25, 1987, at Humana Hospital Florence. She was an employee of Rudy’s Farm Meat Packing Co. and was a member of Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. The funeral will be today at 5 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel Baptist Church with the Rev. Roland Parrish and Emerald Bailey officiating. Burial will be in the family cemetery with Shackleford Funeral Home, Collinwood, Tenn., directing. She is survived by her husband, Roland Young of Waterloo; two daughters, Debbie Smith and Diane Woods of Waterloo; three sons, James Young and Billy Young of Waterloo, and Eric Young of Florence; two sisters, Alta Austin and Alene Bogus of Florence; three brothers, Aulton Hanback and Arlon Hanback of Florence, and Alfred Hanback of Waterloo; and six grandchildren. Bearers will include Charles Jones, Roy Lynn Jones, Billy Stanley, Less Moody, Bobby Hanback and Norman Hanback.”


YOUNG, ANDREW CLEVELAND, Times Daily, Florence, AL Note: Cemetery records show Mr. Young died, June 1968. “Andrew Cleveland Young, 73, Waterloo, Rt. 2, died at ECM Hospital at 10:55 p.m. Sunday. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a farmer, and a member of the Waterloo Church of Christ. Services will be conducted from Morrison-Elkins Chapel in Florence Tuesday at 2 p.m. by Charles Stidham. Burial will be in Greenview Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing.  Surviving are wife, Mrs. Alice Young, Waterloo, Rt. 2; a son, Arnold, Florence; a brother, Clarence, Mishawaka, Ind.; two sisters, Mrs. Cleve Young, Mishawaka, Ind.; Mrs. James Young, Cloverdale; a granddaughter, Linda Young, Florence.”


YOUNG, CECIL LOYD, TimesDaily, Florence, Al “Cecil Loyd Young, 75, Florence, Ala., died Thursday, March 7, 2002, after a sudden illness. Visitation will be 6-8 p.m. today at Greenview. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Greenview Funeral Home chapel, with burial in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the funeral will be the Rev. Larry Smart. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. He is survived by his wife, Arline Young, Florence, Ala.; daughters, Wanda Young Gamble and husband, Dr. Robert Gamble, Scottsboro, Ala., and Teresa Young Williams, Sheffield, Ala.; sister, Hazel Keeton, Florence, Ala.; brothers, Harold Young, North Little Rock, Ark., and Fred Young, Mishawaka, Ind.; grandchildren, Kerrie Beth White, Melanie L. Fell, Mallory Gamble, Chad Yerbey and Shana Yerbey; great-grandchildren, Alex Richardson, Hannah White, Morgan Fell; also a number of nieces, nephews and cousins. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ernest E. Young and Maudie Bevis Young; and a brother, Doyle Young. Pallbearers will include Chad Yerbey, Ricky Keeton, Donald Young, John Moody, Andy White, Joe Poss, Bobby Wallis and Preston “Butch” Hillis. Mr. Young was retired as an operator at TVA after 40 years of service. Mr. Young was a World War II veteran, a member of the American Legion Post No. 11 and a member of the Baptist Church. He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and a friend to all. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


YOUNG, CHARLIE WESTBROOKE, Times Daily, Florence, Alabama “Charlie Westbrooke Young, 87, Chapel Beat area, Florence, died Sunday at Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex, Florence, following an extended illness. He was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County, the husband of the late Minnie Mae Young, a member of American Legion Post 11, a director of the Farm Bureau, a retired lumber man and farmer and a veteran of World War I. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Murphy’s Chapel Free Will Baptist Church with burial in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery, Elkins and Son Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Friends may call at the funeral home tonight 7-9. The body will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service. Survivors include sons, Joseph I. Young, Florence, Paul Ray Young, Waterloo, Charles W. Young, Mishawaka, Ind.; daughters, Mrs. Chris Daughtery, Florence, Miss Mary A. Young, Beverly Hills, Calif.; sister, Mrs. Myrtle Ellison, Florence; 15 grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren. Grandsons will serve as bearers.”


YOUNG, DOYLE RAY, TimesDaily, Florence, Al “Doyle Ray Young expired Sunday, July 29, 2001. Mr. Young spent his early years in Waterloo, Ala., and moved to Florence in 1928. He graduated from the University of Alabama Law School in 1939 and practiced law in the partnership of Potts and Young. He was a veteran of World War II and a member of the American Legion Post 11. He served on the Board of Trustees of FSU, now UNA. After retiring from active law practice in 1979, he devoted his time to various volunteer efforts and was proud of initiating math contest to encourage young students in the area. He was a longtime member and deacon of Highland Baptist Church. Mr. Young is survived by his wife, La Verne Flowers Young; a daughter, Janice Young Mehling; a son, Don Young; three grandchildren, Daniel, David and Laura Young; a sister, Effie Stewart; and a brother, R.D. Young; and 10 nieces. Visitation will be this evening from 6 p.m. to 8p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home in Florence. The funeral service will be at 10 a.m. Wednesday at Greenview Memorial Chapel, 3657 Old Chisholm Road, with burial in Greenview Memorial Park. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Jim Warren. Pallbearers include B.J. Kelley, Bubba Rutledge, Jimmy Carringer, Jerry Dean, Chris Lee and Terry Haddock. Honorary Pallbearers include Frank V. Potts, Jess Keller, John Devon Landers and Bill Bobo. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial donations in Mr. Young’s name to either of the following charitable and research organizations: American Cancer Society, (800) 227-2345. The Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, (800) 457-4777. St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, P.O. Box 50, Memphis, TN 38101-9929. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.” YOUNG, EURA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL, August 6, 1998 “Eura Young, 78, Waterloo, died Tuesday, Aug. 4, 1998. Visitation will be Thursday 6-9 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home, Florence. The funeral will be Friday at 2 p.m. at Church of Lord Jesus Christ with burial in Murphy’s Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Young will be placed the church. Officiating at the funeral will be the Rev. Bobby Crosswhite. She was a native and lifelong resident of Lauderdale County. She is survived by her sons, Jim Young, Waterloo, Donald Young, Waterloo; daughters, Alice Charp, Waterloo, Agnes Collins, Waterloo, Dorothy Ezekiel, Florence, Debra Daniel, Savannah, Tenn.; sister, Audrey Young, Waterloo; 12 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Young was preceded in death by her husband, Ellie Young, and a son, Johnny Young. Pallbearers will include Wayne Sharp, Chris Ezekiel, Michael Young, Jeremy McDonald, Nichlos Kelley and Stephen McClain. She was a member of Church of Lord Jesus Christ. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence directing.


YOUNG, MRS. HOSEA L., South Bend, Indiana “Mrs. Vera Mae Young, 56, of 808 E. Lawrence St., was pronounced dead on arrival at 3 p.m. Wednesday at Memorial Hospital, South Bend. She had been ill for a long time, but death was unexpected. Born June 5, 1914, in Waterloo, Ala., she had lived here 37 years, moving from Waterloo. As Vera Mae Holcombe, she was married to Hosea L. Young on June 11, 1933 in Florence, Ala. She was employed at Uniroyal Inc. Surviving in addition to her husband are four sons, Ronnie L. of South Bend, James L. of Mishawaka, Larry T. of Granger, and Donald D. of Osceola; 11 grandchildren; four brothers, Willard and Rubin Holcombe, both of Florence, Arthur of Mishawaka, and Elmo of Detroit, and five sisters, Mrs. Sally Geans and Mrs. Gertie Neely, both of Detroit, Mrs. Edna Young of South Bend, Mrs. Rosie Haddock, Killen, Ala., and Mrs. Virginia Williams, Mishawaka. Friends may call after 7 p.m. today in the Bubb Funeral Chapel where services will be held at 3 p.m. Friday. Rev. William C. Neece, pastor of First Church of God, will officiate, and burial will be in Southlawn Cemetery, South Bend.”


YOUNG, JAMES EMMETT, Times Daily, Florence, AL “James Emmett Young, 76, Rt. 4, Florence, died Wednesday at 12:25 p.m. at ECM Hospital following a six-month illness. He was a native of Lauderdale County, a retired school bus driver and merchant, and member of Wesley Chapel Methodist Church. Funeral services will be Friday at 2 p.m. from Wesley Chapel Methodist Church with Rev. James J. Webster and Rev. George Bretherick officiating. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery. The body will be at the residence until 1 p.m. and will be taken to the church to like in state. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Wesley Chapel Church Building Fund. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Annie Bert Young, two daughters, Miss Inah Mae Young, Florence, Mrs. Charles T. Hargett, Crystal Springs, Miss.; two brothers, Homer B. Young, Florence, J. S. Young, Waco, Tex.; two foster brothers, Clyde and Cecil Murphy, Florence; two foster sisters, Mrs. Marvin Llewellyn, Mrs. Paul Rice, Florence; two granddaughters, Eddie and Melinda Mae Hargett. Pallbearers will be Douglas Murphy, Marvin Whisenant, James Darby, Bobby Darby, Neil Davis, Larry Young, Billy Young and Daniel Young. Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home is in Charge of arrangements.”


YOUNG, ODUS C., Mishawaka, Indiana Funeral services for Odus C. Young, 59, Mishawaka, Ind., will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at Murphy’s Chapel with Rev. Joseph R. Ragland officiating. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery with Morison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be taken to the church to lie in state. Mr. Young died Saturday at 3 p.m. at Mishawaka. He was a native of Lauderdale County, residing in Mishawaka since 1949. He was employed with Dodge Manufacturing Co., and a member of the First Church of God, Mishawaka. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Nettie Young; two sons, C.W. Young, Osceola, Ind. Melvin Young, Mishawaka; two daughters, Mrs. Macil Gooch, Florence, Mrs. Carolyn Heck, Rogersville, Tenn.; two brothers, Bill and Earnest Young both of Rt. 4, Florence; a sister, Mrs. Willie Witt, Florence; 20 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. Bearers will be John Bruce, Harding Bruce, Reeder Bruce, Amos Bruce, Byrum Bruce and Durwood Bruce.”


YOUNG, RACHEL BEASLEY, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “The funeral for Mrs. Rachel Beasley Young will be Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2004, at 11 a.m. in the worship center at Highland Baptist Church, with the Rev. Chris Underwood, Dr. John Brock and the Rev. bud Mayfield officiating. Burial will follow at the Florence City Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the Highland Baptist Fireside Room (CLC), Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2004, from 6-9 p.m. Elkins Funeral Home is assisting the family. Mrs. Young, 88, died peacefully Monday morning, Aug. 30, 2004, around 8 a.m. at Southside Place, which was her home the last three years. She was preceded in death by her loving husband, Charles Edgar Young; her mother and father, Collie Van and Alla Mae Beasley; and her sister, Mildred Beasley Jackson. She graduated from Limestone County High School, where she met and married her late husband, Charles Edgar Young. They moved to Florence in 1937, where she lived the rest of her life. In 1943, Mrs. Young was appointed by ther Governor of Alabama to serve in her husband’s position as Circuit Clerk of Lauderdale County. This she did successfully until Mr. Young returned from World War II to resume his role as circuit clerk. Mrs. Young worked for 15 years at the Alabama Industrial Bank; however, her greatest accomplishment was that of homemaker, raising and loving her family and serving her Lord. She was a loving and precious wife, mother and grandmother and a friend to everyone she met. She will always be loved and cherished by her family. Mrs. Young is survived by her daughters, Carolyn Kelley (B.J.), Florence, and Joan Carringer (Jimmy), Florence; five grandchildren, Kim K. Nelson, Kristin K. Murphy, Charles J. Kelley, Rachel C. Bryant, Carolyn C. Lowery; eight great-grandchildren; a brother, C.V. Beasley Jr.; sister, Mabel B. Ezell; nieces and nephews; and a host of loving friends. Pallbearers will be Charles J. Kelley, Keith W. Bryant, Jonathan W. Lowery, Thomas A. Murphy, Joseph Mark Nelson, George Allen Beasley and Collie Van Beasley IV. Honorary bearers will be Scotty and Anita South, Dr. Lyman Mitchell Jr., Tommy Upshaw, Don Lambert, Joe Tate, Dr. Bob Bailey, Dr. Greg Risner; Randy Cook and Davis Hughey. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to the Highland Baptist Church Building Fund. A special acknowledgement to Scotty and Anita South and the staff of Southridge who loved and cared for our loved one as if she were their own.”


YOUNG, RONALD DOUGLAS, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Ronald Douglas Young, age 81, of Muscle Shoals, Ala., died Saturday, Aug. 10, 2002, at Shoals Hospital after an extended illness. He was a native of Waterloo, Ala., and a graduate of Coffee High School of Florence. He graduated from Auburn University in 1942, when the university was known as Alabama Polytechnic Institute, with a degree in chemical engineering. At Auburn, Ronald excelled in all his studies, earning an honorary academic award in chemical engineering. Ronald retired from TVA as a chemical engineer in 1985 after 38 years of dedicated service. During his years, he worked at Redstone Arsenal, TVA in Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Reynolds. Ronald traveled extensively with IFDC. His dedicated efforts in the development of the fertilizer process took him to many foreign countries, Russian, Africa and Asian countries. His knowledge and concern for the process of fertilizer contributed much to the welfare of the people in the Third World countries. Because of his knowledge of TVA, Ronald was called upon to speak at seminars in many countries and in the united States. He truly loved sharing his knowledge of TVA and telling others, of its history. An avid Auburn fan since 1942, Ronald was a member of the Auburn University Golden Eagle Club, a longtime member of the Florence Rotary Club and the Presbyterian Church. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, having attained the rank of major. Living close to the water was one of Ronald’s great loves he possessed while being able to teach those who wanted to learn to water ski. His love for skiing allowed him the pleasure of water skiing at the age of 65. Many people in the Tri-Cities area were taught to ski by Ronald. Being the avid fan he was, he helped many students to get into Auburn University, especially the co-op programs. He was always encouraging students to advance in their careers. Visitation with Ronald’s family will be Monday, Aug. 12, 2002, from 1 p.m. until 2 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home chapel. A service of celebration will be at 2 p.m. following the visitation. The Rev. Bud Mayfield will officiate, with burial to follow in Greenview Memorial Park. His first wife, Evelyn Barley Young, preceded him in death, along with a daughter, Marilyn Terese Young. He is survived by his present wife, Shellia Young of Muscle Shoals; daughters, Susan Taylor; Russellville, Karen Vandiver, Charlotte, N.C., Madelynne Turner, Safety Harbor, Fla., and Rhonda Smith of Birmingham; a stepdaughter, Melanie Barringer, Muscle Shoals; a stepson, Walter Baker, Auburn; and a sister, Effie Young Stewart, Florence; grandchildren, Glenda Borden, Michael and Evan Taylor, Ann and Will Vandiver, Barley Hodges, Christopher Turner and Kelly Spencer. Active pallbearers will be his daughters and family members. Memorials may be made to the Michael J .Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Disease Research. War Eagle! Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


YOUNG, VIOLA, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Viola Young, age 90, of Waterloo, died Friday, Oct. 25, 2002, at Glenwood Rehabilitation Center after an extended illness. She was a native of Lauderdale County and a member of Souls Harbor Church of Wrights. Visitation will be Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Greenview Funeral Home. The funeral service will be Sunday, Oct. 27, 2002, at 2 p.m. at Murphys Chapel Baptist Church, with burial to follow in Murphys Chapel Cemetery. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Bobby Crosswhite. The body will be placed in the church one hour before the service. Miss Young was preceded in death by two sisters, Elizabeth Kelly and Daisy Pitts; and an infant brother. She is survived by two brothers, Bill and Bart Young of Waterloo; three sisters, Mary and Hazel Hill of Florence, and Vernette Kelly of Florence; three special nieces, Rachael Bevis of Waterloo, Robbie Strickland of Savannah, Tenn., and Janet Smith of Waterloo; and a special nephew, Dempsey Young of Florence. Pallbearers will be family and friends. Greenview Funeral Home of Florence is directing.”


YOUNG, WILBUR L., Times Daily, Florence, AL “Wilbur L. Young, age 88, of Florence, passed away Sunday, July 11, 2010. Visitation will be 5-6 p.m. Friday, July 16, at Spry-Williams Funeral Home , Florence. Service will follow at 6 p.m. in the funeral home chapel, with Brother Terry Herston officiating. Interment will be in Mansion Memorial Park in Bradenton, Fla. Mr. Young was a U.S. Army veteran, having served in World War II where he received the American Defense Service Medal, ATO Medal, Good Conduct Medal and World War II Victory Medal. He was a member of Palmetto Baptist Church in Florida and was retired from Citrus Farms, of Florida. Preceding him in death was his wife, Ana Belle Young. Survivors include daughter, Kathleen Stockton, of Florida; sister, Dorothy Adkison, of Florence, Ala.; nephew, Steven Adkison, of Florence; nieces, Brenda Hakenewerth, of Killen, and Shannon Davis, of Rogersville; numerous grand nieces and nephews. A special thanks to Tau Beta Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha and Hospice of the Shoals. Spry-Williams Funeral Home directing.”


YOUNG, WILLIAM LEE, TimesDaily, Florence, AL “Mr. William Lee Young, 82, Florence, died Nov. 19, 1998, at ECM Hospital after an extended illness. A graveside service will be at Greenview Memorial Park on Saturday at 2 p.m. with Dr. Barry Anderson officiating. Elkins Funeral Home, Florence, directing. Mr. Young was a lifelong resident of Florence and a member of First United Methodist Church. He was retired from and the owner of Young-Pittman Co. He was a partner in Rivermont Development Co. and other real estate and development interests. He was preceded in death by his parents, J. Will Young and Daisy Corinne Young. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Smith Young; daughters, Susan Haddock and husband, Terry, of Florence, Mary Catherine Young of Florence; son, Robert Young and wife, Judy, of Florence; sister, Dorothy Spencer of Myrtle beach, S.C.; grandchildren, Jennifer King of Decatur, Brian Haddock of Birmingham, Andy Haddock of Florence, and Jenny Young of Florence; three great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church Building Fund or the ARC of the Shoals.” ____________________________________________________________________________________

Wayne County Obituaries

David C. Whitten, Jr.
submitted by

Mrs. Jo Anne Norwood
Obituary pasted to the
fly pages of the David Clay
Whitten Bible. Publication not given.
David C. Whitten, Jr., my youngest brother, was born in Wayne county, Tenn. if I am not mistaken, March 8, 1864, and died there, May 21, 1879. Surely the truth of the expression “Death loves a shining mark,” was seen in his case. He was converted at nine years of age, and immediately joined the Methodist Church. His life was short, but a happy one. He was always a good child, and after his profession of religion he was indeed a model boy. He was obedient to his parents — did that they bade him with as much cheerfulness as any one could. Their wish was his pleasure. His sickness was of short duration, and he died an easy death. He was very judicious in the selection of his companions, it being a maxim of his, that it is better to keep good company, or else keep none. Few boys of his age ever had more friends among both the aged and the young, for he won all hearts to him. His temper was always even — nothing seemed to fret or worry him, for his religion enabled him to walk uprightly before his God. His history may be summed up in few words. As a son, he was dutiful; as a brother, good and kind; as a student, attentive to his studies; as a playmate, gently and living; as a boy, a model; and as a Christian, pious and devoted to the Church. A letter from his father , bearing date of the day he died, says: “My son, David, your youngest, sweet little brother, died this morning. To me it is the saddest day of my life. I feel that my staff and stay for my declining years is broke. The family take his death very hard. He died easily and in a few minutes. He was the most patient person in sickness I ever saw; complained of nothing but pain; took everything given him kindly … It is common for people to say, when they lose a child, “That was the best one.” I can say, from the depth of my heart, he was the sweetest-spirited child I have reared. My wish was his will. He rarely fretted — was nearly always in a good humor, and was never too tired to wait on me. He was strictly pious. I never knew of his doing an immoral deed in all his life. His ma said to him the day before he died, ‘Son, would you be afraid to die?’ His response was prompt, heroic and decided, ‘No, ma, I should not.’ ”  Thus died one too pure and good for earth. He was the first one of our immediate family to died. Truly God has been good to us. My father, mother, two brothers, and two sisters – all the family – are religious, and my sincere prayer is that we may meet at last in that clime where death is an eternal stranger. L. F. Whitten, Munford, Ala, May 28, 1879.


Boone W. Whitten
Submitted by

Mrs. Jo Anne Norwood
Obituary pasted to the fly pages of the David Clay Whitten Bible. Publication    not given.
My Dear Brother, Boone W. Whitten, was born in Wayne county, Tennessee, September 8th, 1860. Was born of the Spirit, September, 7th, 1873, which was his thirteenth birthday. Of the genuineness of his conversion he was never in doubt. Of the wisdom he manifested in joining the Church at an early age, there can be no question. He was a Christian boy, of choice and pious from principle. It seems hard to give up one who was so promising, so pure; but we must bow in submission to the will of the Lord. Just before his death he prayed, “Father, they will be done, not mine.” He was living at my house, teaching school; had been for five months, and I know whereof I affirm, when I say he was one of the purest, steadiest young men I ever met. He had built up a fine school in this community, and in the school room, every morning, asked God to bless his pupils in their studies, and him in teaching them. he was engaged, mind, soul and body in his profession. He taught by example and precept; was studious at home, carrying on his course of study which he had pursued in college. While he instructed the minds of his pupils, he looked closely after their morals, and when dying said: “Tell my pupils to remember the good advice I gave them in the schoolroom, and be good boys and girls and meet me in heaven.” In 1881 he attended the State Normal School, at Florence, Ala. where he was loved by his fellow pupils, President and Professors. President S. P. Rice is said to have remarked when he left college: “If all my boys had been as studious as Boone Whitten, it would have been a paradise on earth.” But as a Christian he was nearer perfect. He prayed fervent, trustful prayers around out fireside that he might grow in grace and get to be nearer like Jesus. He studied his Bible every day, and frequently called my attention to certain portions of the Scriptures which were more precious, unto him than jewels. his fixedness of purpose to serve God was unalterable. He would have died rather than do wrong, or bring reproach on the precious Savior. When he came to died, April 21st, I said to him: “Brother, is your faith still strong?” He replied, “Yes, sir, I know that Jesus will save me.” He called all around him and bade them farewell, telling them to meet him in heaven, and sent loving messages to his parents, brother and sisters. During a prayer offered by Brother Andrew Jackson, he said: “Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee,” and repeated it. He gave minute instructions relative to the distribution of his effects, and requested to be carried back to Tennessee and buried by the side of our brother, David, who died three years since. I carried him back, read the burial service in the presence of hundreds of his friends, and buried his body in hope of glorious resurrection.  L. F. Whitten, Easta Boga, Ala., April 28, 1882.


David Clay Whitten
Submitted by

Mrs. Jo Anne Norwood
Obituary pasted to the fly pages of the David Clay Whitten Bible. Publication   not given.
The subject of this sketch was born in Lauderdale County, near Florence, Ala., July 27, 1823. His long and useful life was spent in Wayne County, Tenn., and nearly entirely so in the same community. He was honored and respected by all who knew him. He never was defeated but once before the people for any office for which he asked at the ballots of his fellow-citizens, and he always believed that it was a benign providence that defeated him in that contest for public preferment. While it was not until 1865 that he was converted and joined the Church, yet from my earliest recollection his home was the itinerant preacher’s home. No preacher ever felt long at a time that he was a guest, but a feeling that he was an inmate of the home would unconsciously steal over not only the preacher, but all whose fortune it was to share his hospitality. Many a Tennessee Conference preacher has shared this grace at his hands and that of his well-ordered household. His bereaved and sorrow-stricken wife, who is truly bereft, and who from her girlhood had feared God and worked righteousness, was his strong stay for more than forty-one years. I never knew a better woman than she. I remember that during the cruel war between the States, when sin of every form held high carnival, she never faltered for a moment in her faith and loyalty to God and his cause. No wonder that out of such a family should be born two itinerant Methodist preachers. Rev. O. B. Whitten, the younger, was one of the most popular young preachers ever in the Memphis Conference. His career was short – only a little more than three years – yet impressing himself upon all who knew him. Rev. L. F. Whitten, of La Fayette, has been a faithful member of that Conference since its organization in 1870. I doubt if any man in that Conference has made a better record for devotion to the cause of Christ, the interest of Methodism and humanity, during these years than he. David Clay Whitten died in peace with God and in hope of heaven Feb. 20, 1889, and was laid beside his three sons who had preceded him to heaven – to await the resurrection of the just.
     Truly, to that community, a great man in Israel is fallen, for he was a leader – a natural leader of the people. Especially was this true of him among the young people. He was a theologian of no mean pretensions. Biblical and Methodistic doctrines were questions of highest interest to him, and he took great pleasure in discussing them with men who had read and who thought. But he is gone — we shall see him no more. Peace to his memory, while we plead Heaven’s consoling benedictions upon his bereaved widow, son and two daughters, who mourn their loss.  T. G. W., Moberly, Mo. March 1889. [note: T. G. W. was Rev. Thomas G. Whitten, son of Joel S. Whitten who was David Clay Whitten’s older brother.]


Mrs. John Y. Parker
Obituary pasted in the front cover of the Mattie Brewer McCorkle Bible, McCorkle-Stafford Collection, Wayne County Historical Society
Mrs. John Y. Parker, 63, died Sunday night of acute indigestion at her home on Indian Creek. Burial took place Monday in the Mt. Hebron Cemetery, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. G. R. Wilkerson and N. C. Jeter. Mrs. Parker was a devoted member of the Christian Church. [Note: This is Eliza (Elizabeth) Lucinda Brewer, b. 1856/7, daughter of Hiram and Cazada Hayes Brewer. She married first to J. T. Lowery; second to Joseph Clayton Stribling; and third to John Y. Parker. Her death occurred before Jan, 20, 1920 since she does not appear in the 1920 census for Wayne County, TN. She does not have a tombstone in the Mt. Hebron Cemetery, although she is buried in the Parker plot. Obituary probably from “The Wayne Countian”.


Lt. John W. Stribling
Obituary pasted in the front cover of the Mattie Brewer McCorkle Bible, McCorkle – Stafford Collection, Wayne County Historical Society
Stribling Is Laid To Rest, Funeral Services Held At Honolulu.
     Funeral services for Lieut. John W. Stribling, Jr., aged 27, of Florence, who was drowned while fishing at Waimea, about 40 miles from Honolulu, on Oct. 13, were held at Schofield Barracks, Honolulu, Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock, according to messages received by his parents here. His wife, who was drowned at the same time, was buried there also.

    It is not known here today whether the body of Lieut. William F. Stevenson, aged 29, of Schofield Barracks, a native of South Carolina, who was drowned at the same time, has been found.
     A native of Florence, Lieut. Stribling, attended the city schools, graduating from Coffee High School here, and finishing at West Point Military Academy in 1929. He had been stationed with the United States Army at Honolulu for the past four years.
     Three years ago he was married to Miss Thora Berge, of Norway, the wedding occurring in Honolulu.
     Surviving Lieut. Stribling are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Stribling of Florence; two sisters, Miss Jimmie Lou Stribling, of Florence, and Mrs. J. H. Bidle, of Florence; and two brothers, Cedric Stribling of Florence and Raymond Stribling of Chattanooga. [Note: No date of name of newspaper appears on the clipping. It probably was taken from “The Florence Times” of October 1934. John W. Stribling Jr. was the son of John William and Mattie Belle McFall Stribling, and the grandson of Joseph Clayton Stribling of Lutts, Tennessee.]


James Russell Butler
Submitted by

Jerry L. Butler
Source: The Florence Times, July 6, 1943, page 2
Funeral Services Held on Monday Afternoon
James Russell Butler, aged 73, passed away Saturday midnight, at his home, 511 Stevenson Street, Florence, after a several weeks illness. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sallie Butler, four sons, Aubry and Westley of Florence, Clarke, of Cloverdale and Pat, of Dayton, O.; four daughters, Mrs. Louis Barnes and Mrs. J. T. Rickard, of Florence; Mrs. Ed Montgomery, of Iron City, Tenn., and Mrs. W. F. Ward, of Cloverdale, and one sister, Mrs. Frances Handley, of Texarkana, Tex.
     The funeral was held Monday at 2 p. m., from the Methodist Church at Crystal Springs in Wayne County, Tenn. with Rev. J. D. Reid, of the Church of the Nazarene, Florence, officiating. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery, Fielder in charge. Pallbearers were Paul Barnes, F. E. Rickard, R. H. Wilson, Eugene McCluskey, Bill Edwards, Mr. Fortenberry and Mr. Rideout.


Mrs. Sallie Butler
Submitted by
Jerry L. Butler
Source: The Florence Times, November 26, 1943, page 3
Funeral Arrangements Will Be Announced Later
Mrs. Sallie Butler, aged 73, died this morning at 12:10 o’clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Rickard, 414 Georgia Avenue, Florence.
     Survivors are four daughters, Mrs. Floyd Nard, Cloverdale, Mrs. Edward Montgomery, Iron City, Tenn., Mrs. Louis Barnes, Florence, and Mrs. J. T. Rickard, Florence; four sons, Pat Butler, Dayton, O., Clark Butler, Wesley Butler, Aubrey Butler, all of Florence; three sisters, Mrs. S. P. Davis, Mrs. Dora Hanback, and Mrs. Martha Handley, all of Florence; two brothers, Johnie Smith, Cloverdale, and Wesley Smith, Florence; and a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
     Services will be announced later by Brown Service.


Henrietta Lewis
Source: “Wayne Citizen”, Clifton, TN, Thursday, July 4th, 1884.
     Henrietta Lewis born was in Clifton, March 27th, 1883, and died in Clifton, July 9th, 1884.
     Her father, Henry A. Lewis, died in Ashland, December 1st, 1882 of consumption and as little “Retta was a very delicate child, we never thought she would live to mature age. Teething and something like the flux was more than her little frame could bear.
     And then the angels came one night, And took her soul away; to live with them and God and light, And everlasting day.
     The Clifton’s good and gentle folk, Made coffin, shroud and grave, Beneath a little shady oak, Her dust with dust they layed.  J. W. P.


Rev. Ben Martin
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace W. Carver,
Cypress Inn, TN
Rev. Ben Martin Dies Wednesday at 87
     Rev. Ben Martin, veteran of the Civil War and one of the very few survivors of the Union army in this section, died at his home on Hardins creek, Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. following an illness of several days. Rev. Martin had been in Waynesboro Tuesday for short time but was feeling week and fainted before he reached home, and owing to the infirmities of age her death was no unexpected.

     Rev. Martin had been a Baptist minister in Wayne County for a long period of years and up to the present year had been rather active in his work for the branch of the Baptist church to which he belonged. He had preached all over Wayne county and was well known to a large number of people over the county.
     Mr. Martin had reached his 86th years last March.
    The funeral service was held at the residence on Hardins creek at eleven o’clock, Thursday morning and burial was had at McGlamery cemetery south of Collinwood, Thursday afternoon.
     Rev. Martin leaves a large family in this section, with a number of sons, daughters and a large number of grand children. [Note: No date or name of publication on clipping. Rev. Martin died 28 Jan 1931 according to his tombstone inscription, McGlamery Cemetery.]


J. B. Lawson
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace W. Carver
Cypress Inn, TN
Lawson Answers Death Summons
Funeral services for J. B. Lawson, 74 of Cypress Inn, Tenn. who died Sunday afternoon following an attack of flew and pneumonia which lasted for three weeks, were held Monday afternoon from the home with Rev. Hallman, his pastor, officiating and Fielder directing.

     Mr. Lawson was one of the most highly respected citizens of his community. He always gave  of his time and means to the support of school and church activity. He was a member of the Salem Methodist Church, of Cypress Inn community, and also a member of the Cypress Inn Masonic Lodge.
     Mr. Lawson is survived by his wife, Mrs. J. B. Lawson, two sons, S. W. Lawson of Chicago, and W. N. Lawson of Philadelphia, Penn.; two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Bundrant, and Mrs. Hays Spain, both of Waynesboro, Tenn.; and three brothers: Joe Lawson of Oklahoma, W. Y. Lawson of Cypress Inn, and S. H. Lawson of Florence. [Note: no date or name of publication on clipping, but probably the “Wayne Countian”  dated 23/24 October 1928, based on dates on tombstone.]


M. F. Butler
Submitted by

Jerry L. Butler
Source: The Florence Times, Florence, AL, January 18, 1934, page 3
    M. F. Butler, aged 43, died at the family residence at Jacksonburg, Thursday, Jan. 11 after a seven weeks illness of pneumonia.  Mr. Butler, a farmer of that community, was well and favorably known.
    Funeral services were conducted at the Railroad Church with Rev. Kerney officiating.  Interment followed in the adjoining cemetery with O. L. North, of Ethridge, Tenn., in charge.
     Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Bessie Butler; six children, four girls, Ida, Gracie, Eva, and May, and two sons, Levoid Elvin and Bobby Joe; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Butler; four brothers, Clark Butler, of Cloverdale; Wesley, of Wilson; Aubrey of Florence, and Patrick of Kentucky; four sisters, Mrs. J. T. Rickard, Mrs. W. L. Barns, of Florence; Mrs. F. Nord, of Bethel Grove and Mrs. Edward Montgomery, of Oak Grove.
    Active pallbearers were Joe Boyd, S. C. Robinson, Jettie Boyd, Charlie Davis and John Henry Davis.  Honorary pallbearers were J. R. Clemons, Troy Myles, C. C. Myles, F. Y. McClure, J. F. Blackburn and E. J. Eckl.


Joseph D. Dunn
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
Friday, Aug. 4, 1950
Funeral Services For Joseph Dunn Conducted July 10
     Funeral services for Joseph D. Dunn were conducted from his home on Route Two, Collinwood, July 10th, with Rev. Robert Spain, pastor of the Methodist church officiating.

     Mr. Dunn died at his home July 8th following a long illness. He was 84 years old.
     Born in Sunny Side, County Durham, England, He came to this country at the age of 19 and had made his home at Collinwood for the past 20 years. He was a respected resident of the community in which he lived and was a member of the Methodist Church since early manhood.
     Survivors are one son, John M. Dunn, of Cincinnati, Ohio: two daughters, Mrs. E. Byler and Mrs. Frances Davenport, both of Collinwood; nine grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
     Burial was in the McGlamery Cemetery.


Mrs. Frances Jane Dunn
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
January 1936
Mrs. Frances Jane Dunn
Mrs. Frances Jane Dunn, 65 years old, died January 7, after an illness of several months; at the family home near Collinwood. Funeral services were held the following day, at the home, with Rev. Blankenship, pastor of the Collinwood church, officiating. Interment was in McGlamery cemetery, with Harris, Legg and Williams in charge.

     Mrs. Durham [sic] was born in Morton, Durham county, England, but when nine years old was brought by her parents to South Pittsburg, Tenn. She married Joe Dunn at Dayton, Tenn., in 1887.
     She is survived by Mr. Dunn; two daughters, Mrs. Byler of Wayne county, and Mrs. Frances Davenport, Dallas, Texas; a son, John Dunn, Muncie, Ind. and seven grandchildren.
Richard Arthur Arnold
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Nashville Tennessean
no date or page on clipping
Richard Arnold Services Today
Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. today at Woodlawn Cemetery for Richard Arthur Arnold, 86, an employee of the Nashville Post Office for almost half a century.

      Arnold, who has been assistant district manager of the Railway Mail Service and chief statistician during his 46 years in the Postal Service, had been nationally recognized for his work.
      Arnold, who died at Vanderbilt Hospital Saturday night after a long illness, had lived for almost half a century at 2120 Ashwood Ave. He moved to McKendree Manor early this year.
     Widely known as a ham radio operator, Arnold had helped relay emergency messages during various floods and during World War II.
      He was one of the organizers of the Nashville chapter of the National Association of Retired Civil Employees and for many years was chairman of its membership committee. In that capacity he gained many new members and helped push legislation benefiting retired civil employees.
      Born near Iron City, Tenn., Feb 13, 1889, Arnold was the son of James D. and Caroline Whitten Arnold. He was graduated from Lawrence County High School and attended the state teachers college at Murfreesboro.
      After teaching in Iron City, he entered the Postal Railway Mail Service in 1913, and soon moved to Nashville in that capacity. In 1914, he was married to the former Pearl Spencer of Iron City. She died in 1971.
      Arnold taught classes in higher mathematics at Watkins Institute for several years, and after his retirement from the Postal Service in 1959, worked for three years for Third National Bank.
     He was active in Belmont United Methodist Church. The Rev. Earl Parker will conduct the services.
     Arnold is survived by several nieces and nephews. All former mail service employees and all postal supervisors of the Nashville Post Office will be honorary pallbearers at the services this morning.


J. R. Linville
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
24 Oct 1975, no page on clipping
Funeral services for Jasper Randolph Linville, 86, were conducted October 14, at 10 o’clock from Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church with Rev. O. A. Lindsey, Rev. Doyle Wallace and Rev. Paul Sanderson officiating. Burial was in Railroad Church Cemetery at Iron City. Mr. Linville died October 12 at Rolling Acres Nursing Home in Florence, Ala., where he had made his home for several years. He was a native of Wayne County, the father of Osbie J. Linville, Lauderdale County Superintendent of Education, a member of Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church and a retired brick mason. Surviving are two other sons, Orbie G. of Florence and Clarence Linville of Iron City; three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell of Florence, Mrs. Aileen McDonald of Sheffield, Ala, and Mrs. Louise Montgomery of Cloverdale, Ala.; a brother, Herman B. Linville of Iron City and two sisters, Mrs. Annie M. Moore of Iron City, and Mrs. Nellie Roberson of Killen, Ala.


J. R. Linville
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, 13 Oct 1975, no page number on clipping.
J. R. Linville Dies at 86
Jasper Randolph (Jap) Linville, 86, father of Osbie J. Linville, Lauderdale County Superintendent of Education died Sunday at Rolling Acres Nursing Home. He was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. a member of Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church and a retired brick mason. Service will be 10 a.m. Tuesday at Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church. Officiating will be Rev. O. A. Lindsey, Doyle Wallace and Paul Sanderson. Burial will be in Railroad Church Cemetery, Iron City, Tennessee.; Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Surviving in addition to Osbie Linville are two other sons, Orbie G. Linville, Florence; Clarence Linville, Iron City; daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell, Florence; Mrs. Aileen McDonald, Sheffield; Mrs. Louise Montgomery, Cloverdale; sisters, Mrs. Annie M. Moore, Iron City; Mrs. Nellie Roberson, Killen; brother, Herman B. Linville, Iron City. Bearers will be J. W. Linville, Grady Roberson, Lloyd Moore, Oris Linville, Foy Butler, Edwin Linville, Rayburn Linville, Billy Linville.


Mrs. Mattie Farris Melson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
16 June 1967
Funeral Services Held Sunday For Mrs. Mattie Melson
Funeral services for Mrs. Mattie Farris Melson, 94, of Collinwood were conducted Sunday, June 11 at 2:30 from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Roger Villines officiating. Burial was in McGlamery Cemetery. Mrs. Melson died June 9 at Wayne General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of William Joseph and Nancy Ann Thompson Farris. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ethel Melson Whitt, of Collinwood, a brother, J. F. Farris Sr. of Memphis; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Melson of Savannah and Mrs. Lola Farris of Caruthersville, MO; and a number of nieces and nephews.


Mrs. Fannie Bell Horton
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 18 August 1967. No page number on clipping.
Funeral Services For Mrs. Horton Conducted Aug. 8
Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Bell Horton, 83, of Cypress Inn were conducted Aug. 8 at 2 o’clock from Cromwell Cross Roads Curch with Willie Daniel officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Horton died Aug. 7 at Wayne County General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of James Wayne and Betty Woody Horton. In 1898 she married Peter A. Horton who passed away in 1907. She was a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors are a son, Lee W. Horton of Cypress Inn; a daughter Mrs. Mary Ada Murphy of Lutts; a brother, Jasper Lee Horton of Cypress Inn; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


Dewey Clyde Barkley
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times
22 Jan 1972. No page number on clipping.
Dewey Clyde Barkley, 89, 902 Sannoner Ave., died today at the residence. He was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., had lived in Florence 30 years. He was a charter member and Deacon at Highland Baptist Church, a member of the Florence Masonic Lodge, and was the retired owner of Barkley Air Conditioning and Heating Co. Funeral services will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. at Highland Baptist Church with Rev. Jodie Gamble officiating. Burial will follow in Florence Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until one hour prior to the service when it will be placed in the church. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Edith T. Barkley; a brother, Carter Barkley, Florence. Bearers will be Allen Lovelace, Billy Kelley, Raymond Sitter, Edgar Young, Guy Hamilton, E. G. Dorris, Tom McDougal, Ottie Stansell.


Mrs. Mary Catherine Barkley
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times,
Monday, 15 Feb 1971
no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Mary Catherine Barkley, 90, Cypress Inn, Tenn. Rt. 1, died at Wayne County Hospital Sunday at 3:30 p.m. She was a native and lifelong resident of Wayne County and widow of John Rich Barkley. She was a member of Balentine Freewill Baptist Church. Service will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Balentine Freewill Baptist Church by Rev. Emmerald [sic] Bailey. Burial will be in Balentine Cemetery, Spry of Florence directing. The body will be at Collinwood Funeral Home until time for services. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Thomas E. Franks, Cypress Inn; Mrs. Altie Hammock, Waynesboro; Mrs. Howard Wright, Cypress Inn; Mrs. Henry Dodd, South Bend, Ind.; two sons, Allen Barkley, Iron City; Willie Barkley, Lutts, Tenn.; a brother, Wallace Patterson, Lawrenceburg; 35 grandchildren; 42 great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Reba Earline Brewer
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times
Monday, 15 Feb 1971, no page number on clipping
Mrs. Reba Earline Brewer, 48, of 311 S. Richards St., Florence, died Sunday at 12 noon at Lauderdale Christian Nursing Home. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn. and had lived here 26 years. She was a member of Railroad Methodist Church in Wayne County, Tenn. Surviving are the husband, Buford Brewer; three sons, Cecil, James Larry, Donald Ray; mother, Mrs. Hershel Keeton; a sister, Mrs. George Robert McMullan, all of Florence; four brothers, Neller Keeton, Junior Newton Keeton, bobby Keeton, Billy Keeton, a grandchild, all of Florence. Bearers will be cousins.


Edgar Byler
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News,
Friday, 24 May 1968, no page number on clipping.
Funeral services for Edgar Byler, 79, of Collinwood were conducted Sunday, May 19 at 2 o’clock from Collinwood Church of Christ with Roger Villines officiating. Burial was in McGlamery Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Byler died May 17 at Colonial Manor Nursing Home. He was a native of Izzard County, Ar., a son of Shadrach E. and Lauretta Downing Byler. He was a retired Pharmacist and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are a son, Edgar D. Byler of Collinwood; two step-sons, Robert Walsh of Marianna, Pa., and Joseph Walsh of Houston, Texas; two daughters, Mrs. Laura Jane Walround [sic] of Rochelle, Va., and Mrs. Naomi Ruth Parker of Downey, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. C. J. Farris and Mrs. M. A. Brown both of Collinwood; and six grandchildren.


John Thomas Cypert
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times
Thursday, 20 June 1974,        no page number on clipping.
John Thomas Cypert, Sr., 88, Rt. 5, Florence, died Wednesday at Mitchell Hollingsworth Annex. He was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., had lived in Florence 50 years, was a retired carpenter. Funeral services will be held Friday at 3 p.m. at the First Church of the Nazarene, Florence, with Rev. Wendell Shirley officiating. Burial will follow in Greenview Memorial Park, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until 2 p.m. when it will be placed in the church. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Della Wright Cypert; three sons, John T. Cypert, Jr., Russell Cypert, and Douglas Cypert, all of Florence; five daughters, Miss Orine Cypert, Miss Pauline Cypert, Mrs. Sarah Pumphrey, all of Alexander, VA; Mrs. Frances Thoresen, Springfield, VA., Mrs. Emily Jean Wirokman, Landover, Md.; a sister, Mrs. Emma Blackwell, Carlisle, Ark., nine grandchildren, two great-grandchildren. Nephews will serve as bearers.


Mrs. Annie Downing
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times,
1 June 1971, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Annie Downing, 73, Florence, Rt. 3, died this morning at 5:30 at ECM Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and had resided in Lauderdale County most of her life. She was a member of Stony Point Church of Christ and the widow of Taylor Downing. Services will be conducted Wednesday at 2:30 p.m. from Morrison-Elkins Chapel in Florence by Derrell Davis. Burial will be in Grenview Memorial Park, Morrison-Elkins Directing. Survivors are a sister, Mrs. Roxie Lindsey of Florence, nieces and nephews. Bearers will be nephews.


Mrs. Odie Hayes Bevis Gullick
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times
14 Feb 1973, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Odie Hayes Bevis Gullick, 76, 131 Button Ave., died Tuesday at the residence. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., a member of the Jackson Heights Church of Christ. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at Morrison Elkins Chapel, Florence, with Leon Cole officiating, Morrison-Elkins of Florence directing. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. D. A. Yearout, Waverly, Tenn.; two sons, B. L. Bevis, Florence, and J. C. Bevis, Midland, Tex,; 17 grandchildren, 15 great-grandchildren. Members of the Jackson Heights Church of Christ will serve as bearers.


Mrs. Myrtle Hanback
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, no date or place number on clipping.
Mrs. Myrtle Hanback, 52, Iron City, Tenn., died Friday at Wayne County General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bates. Surviving are the husband, Howard Hanback; three daughters, Mrs. Ina Gilchrist and Mrs. Arnell Bratton of Collinwood, Tenn.; Mrs. Idell Robbins, Warren, Mich.; a son, Edsel Hanback, Lincoln Park, Mich.,; three sisters, Mrs. Mollie Fowler, Cypress Inn, Tenn.; Mrs. Joyce Dodd, Mrs. Ollie Stricklin, both of Iron City, Tenn.; three brothers, Wesley, Cleo and Clarence Bates, all of Iron City; seven grandchildren, and a number of nieces and nephews. Service will be conducted today at 2 p.m. from Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church near Cypress Inn. Burial will be in Collinwood Memory Gardens. The body will remain at the Collinwood Funeral Home until time for services.


Mrs. Ethel Holt
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, no date or page number on clipping.
Mrs. Ethel Holt, 79, of Florence, died Tuesday at ECM Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County. Services will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. at Sherrod Ave. Church of Christ with Robert Brooks officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Hope Cemetery in Wayne County, Tenn., with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. The body will be placed in the church one hour prior to the service. Survivors include one son, Robert Holt, Louisville, Ky.; six daughters, Mrs. Ruth Koger, Miss Sue Holt, Florence, Mrs. Frances Nichols, Gadsden, Mrs. Betty Duncan, Gallatin, Tenn., Mrs. Nell Anderson, Scottsboro, Mrs. Mary Ann Malone, Decatur; one brother, Jim Spain, Iron City, Tenn.; one sister, Mrs. Pearl Coffman, Iron City; 13 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.


Oliver Noah Holt
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times,
Friday, 21 June 1974, no page number on clipping.
Oliver Noah Holt, 55, 121 E. Lelia St., Florence, died early Friday morning at ECM Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was a native of Wayne County, Tennessee, and a member of the Florence Boulevard Church of Christ. He was a former employe [sic] of White Rubber Products in Florence. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at Mt. Hope Church of Christ in Wayne County, Bro. Kelby Smith officiating. Burial will follow in the adjoining cemetery, Spry Funeral Home of Florence directing. The body will be at the funeral home until one hour prior to services. Survivors include the wife, Mrs. Annie B. Holt, of Florence; three daughters, Mrs. Betty Jean Cantlin of New York City, N.Y., Miss Judy Ann Pigg and Mis Vicky Carol Holt of Florence; five sons, Noah Gaylon Pigg, Oliver M. Holt, Garrison Andrew Holt, Ricky Marion Holt and Nickey Keith Holt, all of Florence; his mother, Mrs. Daisy Lorene Holt of Florence; four sisters, Mrs. Elsie Hall of Florence, Mrs. Mildred Collins, Mrs. Billy Ruth Weddington and Mrs. Betty Lash, all of Florence; two brothers, Roy Lee Holt of Waynesboro, Tenn., and Ray Holt of Florence, and five grandchildren. Bearers will be Billy Staggs, Ronnie Green, Leonard Nichols, Buck Bogus, Jim Bogus and Tommy Holt.


Mrs. Lillie Linville
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times
5 Oct 1970, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Lillie Linville, 76, of 414 Georgia Ave., Florence, died this morning at 7:45 at ECM Hospital. She was native of Wayne County, Tenn., and had lived here for 36 years. She was a member of Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2 p.m. from Royal Avenue Freewill Baptist Church by Rev. Doyle Wallace and Rev. Dee Glover. Burial will be in Railroad Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins directing. The body will be at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hours prior to services. Surviving are the husband, J. R. Linville, three daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Mitchell, Mrs. Louise Montgomery, Florence; Mrs. Aline McDonald of California; three sons, Osbie J., Florence; W. Clarence Linville, Iron City, Tenn., Rt. 1; Orbie G., Florence; 14 grandchildren; 15 great-grandchildren; a great-great-grandchild.


Will Turner Moore
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source, Florence Times,
Monday, 29 April 1974, no page number on clipping.
Mr. Will Turner Moore, 75, Rt. 2, Iron City, Tenn. died Sunday after an extended illness at Crockett General Hospital. He was a retired farmer. Services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Williams Chapel with L. O. Cook and Lloyd Jones officiating. Burial will be in Hollis Cemetery with Loretto Memorial Chapel directing. The body will be at the residence until time for services. Surviving are the widow, Ola Risner Moore, Iron City; five daughters, Mrs. Lois Linville, Noblesville, Ind.; Mrs. Inell Russ, Mrs. jewel Tidwell, Mrs. Joanne Thompson, all of Iron City, and Mrs. Carolyn Hood of St. Joseph, Tenn.; five sons, G. W., Junior, Dale, Charles and Billy, all of Rt. 2, Iron City; 39 grandchildren, 26 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.


Samuel (Sam) Theodore Wilson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, Tuesday 1 Aug 1972, no page number on clipping.
Samuel (Sam) Theodore Wilson, Iron City, Tenn.; Rt. 1, died Monday. He was born Aug. 5, 1892. Services will be conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. from Railroad Methodist Church, Chisholm Highway, by Willie Daniel and Emerald Bailey. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery. The body will be at Wayne Memory Garden Funeral Home at Collinwood, Tenn., until time for services. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Beula Roberson Wilson, Iron City, Rt. 1; two daughters, Mrs. Irene Scott Hogan, Iron City, Rt. 1; Mrs. Vera Harper, Cypress Inn, Tenn. Rt. 1; a brother, Jimmy Wilson, Iron City; 10 grandchildren; 19 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren.


Richard Harvey Wilson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, Saturday, 17 June 1972, no page number on clipping.
Richard Harvey Wilson, 82, Rt. 6, Florence, died at the residence Thursday morning. Mr. Wilson was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., had moved to Lauderdale County in 1921, going into the grocery business. he was president and founder of the Wilson Food Grocery Chain, retiring in 1966. He was a member of East Florence Church of Christ. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the East Florence Church of Christ, Franklin T. Puckett officiating. Burial will follow in Florence Cemetery, Spry of Florence directing. The body will remain at the funeral home until being placed in the church one hour prior to services. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Roxie Barnett Wilson; a daughter, Mrs. Bernice Shooter, Florence; three sons, Cecil H. Wilson; Owen T. Wilson and Orlan V. Wilson, all of Florence; three sisters, Mrs. Fern Dalton, Florence, Mrs. Gertrude Hays, and Mrs. Itlie Rich, both of Iron City, Tenn.; two brothers, Proctor and Shelby Wilson, both of Iron City; eight grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren.


Walter F. Whitten
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, 23 Aug 1973, page 2.
Funeral services were held Tuesday for Walter F. Whitten, 74, Rt. 1, Iron City, Tenn. Mr. Whitten died Sunday at ECM Hospital. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Rosie Rich Whitten; a son, Fred Allen Whitten, Florence; three daughters, Mrs. Ora Jean Kelley, Florence, Mrs. Earlene Barkley and Mrs. Eliza Butler, both of Iron City; five sisters, Mrs. Mae Gallien, Mrs Bulah Stutts [sic], both of Florence, Miss [sic] Virgie Rich, Iron City, Miss [sic] Velma Rich, Savannah, Tenn.; 10 grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. Services were held at Middle Tennessee Funeral home, Collinwood, with Rev. Willie Daniel and Rev. Emerald Bailey officiating. Burial was in Wayne County Memory Gardens, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. Nephews served as bearers.


Ernest Warrington
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, Thursday, 16 July 1970
Ernest Warrington, 66, Rt. 1, Lutts, Tenn.; died Thursday, from injuries sustained in a farm accident Thursday afternoon. Funeral services were held today at 3 p.m. at the Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel, Waynesboro. Burial will follow in Mt. Hebron Cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral home directing. Mr. Warrington was a native of Wayne County, a farmer, a member of the Church of Christ. He is survived by the widow, Mrs. Christine Beckham Warrington; three sons, B. G. Warrington, Lutts, James Ronald Warrington, Winneconne, Wis., Jerry Lynn Warrington, of the residence; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Penney, Clarksville, Tenn; a brother, Glenn Warrington, Savannah; two sisters; Miss Marguerite Warrington and Mrs. Sallie Kate White, both of Tuscumbia; eight grandchildren.


John F. O. (Lando) Townsend
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, Thursday, 3 Jan 1974, no page number on clipping.
John F. O. (Lando) Townsend, 80, 1009 North Wood Avenue, Florence, died Wednesday night a Mitchell-Hollingsworth Annex. He was a native of Wayne County, Tenn.; and had resided here since 1911. He was a member of the North Wood United Methodist Church and served as a postal employe[sic] 36 years before retiring. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from Morrison-Elkins Chapel, Florence, by Dr. O. S. Gamble. Burial will be in Florence Cemetery, Morrison-Elkins Funeral Home of Florence directing. Surviving are a son, Robert L. Townsend, Florence; two brother, Carter Townsend, Florence; Edward Townsend, Greenhill; two granddaughters. Bearers will be Eugene Townsend, Williard Townsend, Troy Townsend, J. R. Richards, Henry Killen, Jr., Royce Quigley.


Elbert Lee Stricklin
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, 1973. Exact date and page number not on clipping.
Elbert Lee Stricklin, 65, Iron City, Tenn., Rt. 1, died Wednesday at Wayne County General Hospital, Waynesboro, Tenn. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. from Railroad Church in Wayne County by William M. Holloway. Burial will be in Wayne County Memory Gardens, Collinwood, Tenn., Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. He was a native of Wayne County and a member of the Methodist Church. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Clara Gallien Stricklin; five sons, Shaler and Robert of Cypress Inn, Tenn.; John D., Richard Neal, and Marion H.; all of Collinwood, Tenn.; a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Beard, Iron City, Rt. 1; four brothers, James, Waynesboro; Dee, Florida; Jay and Fred, Lutts, Tenn.; two half-brothers, Charlie Stricklin, Martin, Tenn.; Arthur Stricklin, Savannah, Tenn.; a sister, Mrs. Estelle McFall, Savannah; seven grandchildren; three step grandchildren.


Mrs. Minnie Wright Roberson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Florence Times, 26 June 1971, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Minnie Wright Roberson, 74, Wayne County, Tenn., died at ECM Hospital Friday at 5 p.m. She was a lifelong resident of Wayne County, and member of Railroad Methodist Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Ivan Pigg, Wayne County; three son, Randle, Florence; Ernest, Wayne County; Carl, Sheffield; a brother, Ed Wright, Cypress Inn, Tenn.; two sisters, Mrs. Laura Jones and Mrs. Della Cyper [Cypert], Florence; 14 grandchildren; a great-grandchild. The body will be at Middle Tennessee Funeral home at Collinwood until time for services at Railroad Methodist Church, Wayne County, Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. George Bracey and Rev. Emerald Bailey will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery.


Eugene C. Turman
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967. No page number on clipping.
Funeral service for Eugene C. Turman, 70, of Arkansas were held recently with burial in Bassett Cemetery. Mr. Turman did at Chickasawba Hospital in Blytheville. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Polk and Molly Dixon Turman. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lucy Turman; two brothers, Frank of Waynesboro and Carl Turman of Collinwood; and a sister, Mrs. Elsie Matlock of Noble, Okla.


Joe Johnson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967. No page number on clipping.
Clifton – Funeral services fo Joe Johnson, 84, were held Saturday at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church with burial in the church cemetery. Mr. Johnson, retired farmer, died Thursday night in Hardin County General Hospital. He was a lifelong resident of Hardin County. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Minnie Prater Johnson; three daughters, Miss Mary Verna Johnson of Dyer,; Mrs. Hazel Cagel of Adamsville; and Mrs. Kate Droke of Memphis; two son, Flex and Ben Johnson, both of Clifton; a sister, Mrs. Mary Grimes of Clifton; a half-brother, J. W. Hardin of Clifton; and eight grandchildren.


John Thomas Andrews
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967, no page number on clipping.
Funeral Service Thomas Andrews Conducted Sunday
Funeral services for John Thomas Andrews, 92, of Route 5, Waynesboro, were held Sunday, January 22 at 2 o’clock from Highland Methodist Church with Rev. Fred Hosea officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Andrews died January 19 at his home. He was a native of Morgan County, Alabama, a son of Henry and Nancy Calline Dinkins Andrews. He was a retired former and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Minnie M. Andrews; ten sons, Early and tom of West Point, Chester and James of Waynesboro, Lester of Lawrenceburg, Walter of Loretto, Dewey of Detroit, Mich., Teat Andrews of Collinwood and Franklin and Porter Andrews of Forsythe, Ga.; five daughters, Mrs. Willie Bailey of Summertown, Mrs. Estelle Story of West Point, Mrs. Willodean Gambrell of St. Joseph, Mrs. Myrtle McMullen of Forsythe, Ga., and Mrs. Lillie Mae Dixon of South Gate, Mich.; 58 grandchildren; 64 great-grandchildren and 11 great-great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Emma Grimes Old
Submitted by the late
Margaret M. Morrison
Source: The Morrison Papers
Mrs. Emma G. Old Dies at Lebanon
Lebanon, Tenn., Oct. 15 – (Special) – Funeral services for Mrs. Emma Grimes Old, 73, were to be conducted this morning at 11:30 from the First Baptist Church with Dr. Alvin H. Hopson, pastor, officiating, assisted by the Rev. Sam Dodson, Jr. pastor of the Lebanon Methodist Church. Burial was to be in the Lebanon Cemetery. Mrs. Old died Thursday night at 7:30 o’clock at her home on East Spring Street, following an illness of several months duration. A native of Wayne County, she was a daughter of the late Robert A. and Dora Bivins Grimes, and was educated in the public schools of Waynesboro. She moved to Wilson County over 40 years ago with her husband, the late R. L. Old, who operated a store in Watertown for about 25 years before opening his Lebanon store. They moved to Lebanon about 15 years ago. A member of the Baptist Church, she was an ardent church worked until ill health forced her retirement. She was a member of the Womans Missionary Union, Womans Club and the Lebanon Garden Club, in all of which she took an active part. Survivors are two daughters, Miss Gladys Old and Mrs. Byron Dinges, both of Lebanon; one grandson, David Dinges, of Lebanon; three brothers, J. T. Grimes, of Columbia, Tenn., Alfred and Shields Grimes of Loretta [sic], Tenn.; and three sisters, Misses Elsie and Mayme Grimes and Mrs. Mattie Sills, all of Loretta [sic], Tenn. (Note: Copied rom a printed news item in the scrap-book of Mrs. Arthur B. (Ethel Old) Caton, Waynesboro, Tenn.


Mrs. Ora Morrison
Submitted by the late
Margaret M. Morrison
Source: The Morrison Papers
Mrs. Ora Morrison, 68 year-old widow of the late William Seymore Morrison, died Tuesday night at her home on upper Green River after a very brief illness. Mrs. Morrison was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church and highly respected. Survivors are her children, Grayford Morrison, Mrs. C. H. Rose, Cypress Inn, and Mrs. Jesse Duren of the Green River Community. One brother, T. S. Cypert, two sisters, Mrs. Carrie Huckaba, of Lawrenceburg, and Mrs. C. L. Boyd, also survive. Funeral services were held on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at the home by Rev. J. M. Jones of Waynesboro. Burial was in the Shields Cemetery, with the Wayne Funeral Service in charge of arrangements. (Note: Copy from printed news item in the scrap-book of Mrs. Arthur B. (Ethel Old) Caton, Waynesboro, Tenn.) [Note 2: clipping probably from The Wayne County News, 1941, the date of death on Mrs. Morrison’s tombstone, Shields Cemetery.]


James Huckaba
Submitted by the late
Margaret M. Morrison
Source: The Morrison Papers
James Huckaba was born Sept. 6, 1876, died October 4, 1923, at the age of 47 years and 1 month. He professed faith in Christ and united with the Green River Baptist Church of the Indian Creek Association in the year 1899. Mr. Huckaba was married to Miss Carrie Cypert on May 24, 1900. Five children were born to them, Misses Bernice, Lucille and Edyth Huckaba, and two sons, James Thomas and Alfred Merida. Mr. Huckaba was a son of John Fletcher and Mary A. Huckaba, and is survived by his mother, his wife and children and the following sisters and brothers, Mrs. Ellan Lynn, Mrs. Lela Lumpkins and Miss Laura Huckaba, G. M. Huckaba and Edwin F. Huckaba, Mr. Huckaba had been an invalid for a long time, but was patient and had the loving care of his loved ones throughout his affliction. Funeral services were conducted at the Baptist Church in this City Friday afternoon by Dr. W. H. Wood, the following being selected as pall bearers, John Davis, Frank Davis, M. J. Sims, B. J. Alford, R. J. Moore – Freemon & Company undertakers in charge. (Note: Copied from printed news item in the scrap book of Mrs. Arthur B. (Ethel Old) Caton, Waynesboro, Tenn.)


Dr. C. Buchanan
Submitted by the late
Margaret M. Morrison
Source: The Morrison Papers
Dr. C. Buchanan, one of Wayne County’s most prominent and highly respected citizens and a physician of wide repute, departed this life in the Woman’s Hospital at Nashville, Tennessee, on Monday morning at 7:45 o’clock, A.M., November 29, 1920, age seventy-eight years, seven months and nine days, just seven years, seven months and twenty days following the decease of his devoted wife, Ella A. Hassell Buchanan. Failing health for several months had made its impress upon him and gave its warning of impending dissolution. He was doubtless conscious of his serious condition, but neither he nor his friends expected the end so soon. On November 19th, 1920, he left his home for Nashville, Saturday the 20th, he entered the Woman’s Hospital, and on Monday, November 29, after several days of unconsciousness, he passed away. his niece, Miss Adnye Buchanan, and two grand-nieces, Misses Irma and Lorine McAlister, Mrs. Brank Boyd, his deceased wife’s sister, and Wayne Copeland were at his bedside when the final summons came. As peacefully and as quietly as an infant’s slumber, he breathed his last and passed over the Great Divide into the land of eternal rest. his remains were brought to Waynesboro on Tuesday. Funeral services were conducted at the M. E. Church South in the presence of hundreds of his friends, who crowded the church and its approaches to pay their beloved and true friend their last tributes of respect. The occasion was indeed most solemn and affecting. Men and women arose from their seats to state their sense of bereavement and to pay tribute to his memory as a man, as a physician, as a Christian and friend. Beautiful songs were sang by the choir in which were young ladies and young men, by the bedsides of whose mothers he had sat, and with his tenderness and skill had nursed them through the pains and joys of motherhood into health and happiness and hope. Not a dry eye was there, not a lip that did not tremble, not a cheek unbedewed with tears. Beautiful flowers, the remembrance of loving friends, covered the casket in which lay the remains of a man whom the people loved. John Buchanan, of Giles County, his brother, and his niece, Mrs. Meda Brown, of Florence, and his nephew Joe Ussery and niece, Miss Ruby Ussery, of Giles County were present. After the services at the church the remains were interred beside those of his wife in the Hassell cemetery on Green River. A large assembly of friends had also gathered there to pay their last respects to their departed friend, and as the casket was tenderly lowered into the grave tears of sorrow were seen, whispers of love and expressions of gratitude were heard in every part of the grief-stricken crowd. toward the man whom they had known and loved so well. Dr. C. Buchanan was born April 20, 1842 in Giles County, Tenn. He served through the entire Civil War as a Confederate Soldier, in Co. I of the 3rd Tennessee Regiment. After the War, he taught school at Liberty school house in Lawrence County, Tenn. He attended medical college at Nashville and later at Louisville. In 1868, he located at Waynesboro, and began the practice of medicine, in which he continued until the end. In August, 1872, he married Ella A. Hassell, the daughter of A. T. Hassell, of Waynesboro, the ceremony being performed by Bishop McTyre of the M. E. Church South. His wife preceded him to the place of final reunion on the 9th day of April, 1913. Since then, he has lived at the old home place in Waynesboro with his niece, Miss Adnye Buchanan. He is survived by two brothers, John Buchanan, of Giles Couonty, and Frank P. Buchanan, of Hutchins, Texas, and the children of two deceased brothers, Judge D. Buchanan of Lawrenceburg, and J. P. Buchanan of Giles County. The children of Judge Buchanan are, Lonnie, Solon, Walter, Frank, Sam and John. The children of J. P. Buchanan are William, Clarence, Clara, Ella, Annie, Adnya, Meda, James, and Roy. Wayne County never had truer, better, braver man, and no man ever had a more loyal and devoted friend. He was sympathetic, gentle and kind, and yet when duty called or when be believed he was right, he followed the convictions with unflinching courage and unswearving fidelity. He was a faithful and liberal member of the M. E. Church, South and one of the teachers in the Sunday School. (Note: Copied from a printed article in the scrap-book of Mrs. Arthur B. (Ethel Old) Caton, Waynesboro, Tenn.)


Mrs. Lennie Whitten
Submitted by
Bill Page
Source: Dallas Morning News, March 30, 1906, p. 10.
Whitten – Midlothian, Texas, March 27 – Mrs. Lennie Whitten died here this afternoon of pneumonia.  She would have been 80 years old on August 3.  She was born near Florence, Alabama, on August 3, 1826.  She leaves a daughter, Mrs. J. F. Belew of this place, and a son, Rev. Leander Whitten of Rusellville, Alabama. 


Mrs. Mattie Brewer McCorkle
McCorkle-Stafford Collection
Wayne County Historical Society
Source: clipping pasted to inside cover of Bible. Probably from Florence Times, 8/9 Aug 1953.
Mrs. Mattie BREWER McCORKLE, wife of the late William J. McCORKLE, who was a resident of Florence for a number of years, passed away at her home in Birmingham Thursday night. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. A. STAFFORD and Mrs. R. Brent BUTCHER, both of Birmingham; three granddaughters, one step-granddaughter, and one step-grandson. The funeral services were held at the home in Birmingham at three o’clock Saturday afternoon, after which the body will be brought to Florence and remain in Brown Service Chapel until time for the graveside service at 2 p.m. Sunday. Interment will be in the Florence cemetery with Rev. L. E. KELLEY conducting the service. The family requests that no flowers be sent.


Cecil Thompson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
18 Aug 1967 page not recorded on clipping.
Final Rites For Cecil Thompson Held On Aug. 13
Funeral services for Cecil Thompson, 65, of Collinwood were held Aug. 13 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home with Roger Villines officiating. Burial was in McGlamery cemetery. Mr. Thompson died Aug. 11 at Coffee Memorial Hospital [Florence, AL]. He was a native of Lawrence County, a son of William C. and Laura Moore Thompson. He was a retired TVA employee, a member of the Masonic and Eastern Star Orders of Collinwood, a member of Woodmen of the World and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Annine Lura Pitts Thompson; one half-brother, Ishmael Thompson of Florence, Ala.; two nieces and a nephew.


Willie D. McLin
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News,
18 Aug 1967, no page number of clipping.
Funeral Service For W. D. McLin Conducted Aug. 15
Funeral services for Willie D. McLin, 67, of West Hollywood, Fla., were conducted Aug. 15 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home with Elton Cartner officiating. Burial was in Mt. Hebron Cemetery. Mr. McLin died Aug. 11 at South Broward Hospital in Dania, Fla. He was a native of Hardin County, a son of Carrol and Annie Shelly McLin. He was a retired farmer and member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Lena Clay McLin; four sons, Edward E. of Miami, Herbert L. and Bennie of West Hollywood, and Jimmy of U.S. Navy stationed in Vietnam; two daughters, Mrs. Ralph Burns of Clilfton and Mrs. Danny Poe of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.; a brother, Carl McLin and a sister Mrs. [rest of clipping cut off]
Eddie Burt Simon
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
18 Aug 1967, no page number of clipping.
Final Rites For Eddie Burt Simon Pine Hill Church
Funeral services for Eddie Bert Simon, 84, of Lutts, were held August 2 at 2 o’clock from Pine Hill Church of Christ with Ed Clark officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Simon died July 31 at Colonial Manor Nursing Home in Florence. [Alabama] He was a native of Lauderdale County, Alabama, but had spent almost his entire life in Wayne County. His parents were John and Mary White Simon. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Odella Bevis Simon of Lutts; two sons, Wayne and Clifford Simon of Florence; five daughters, Mrs. Cleo Farris of Florence, Mrs. Roy Miles of Cloverdale, Alabama, Mrs. Elihu Martin of Lutts, Mrs. Vernon Pigg of South Bend, Indiana, and Mrs. Charles Holt of Tulsa, Oklahoma; twenty-nine grandchildren and thirty-two great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Dan and Charles Simon, Harold and Horace Pigg, and Grandville and Gary Farris.


Charlie Goodman
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 16 June 1967, no page number on clipping.
Final Rites for Charlie Goodman Conducted Friday
Final Rites for Charlie Allen Goodman, 84, of Route 3, Waynesboro were conducted Friday, June 9 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home with Barney Webb officiating. Burial was in Oak Ridge Cemetery. Mr. Goodman died June 7 at Wayne General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Daniel and Mary Ann Goodman Goodman. He was a retired former and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include two sons, Lester of Nashville and Dewey Goodman of Hohenwald; three daughters, Mrs. Ruby Perry of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Naomi Aiken of Torrance, Calif., and Mrs. Jewell Walker of Cicero, Ill; 19 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren.


John Warrington
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 26 May 1967, no page number on clipping.
Final Rites For John Warrington Conducted Friday
Final rites for John W. Warrington, 87, of Savannah, were conducted Friday, May 19, at 2 o’clock from Mt. Carmel Church with Sonny Barber officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Warrington died May 18 at Hardin County Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Thomas and Fannie Nunley Warrington. He was a retired farmer. Survivors include two sons, Ernest of Lutts and Glenn Warrington of Savannah; two daughters, Miss Margaret Warrington and Mrs. Sally White both of Tuscumbia, Ala.; a brother, Walter Warrington of Columbia; two sisters, Mrs. Mary Davis of Savannah and Mrs. Mamie Hardin of Clifton; eight grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.


John Henry Lindsey
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 16 May 1967, no page number on clipping.
Former Wayne Resident Dies In Chattanooga
Funeral services for John Henry Lindsey, 90, of Chattanooga, were held Thursday, May 25 at 11 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral home Chapel with Rev. J. W. Daniel officiating. Burial was in Macedonia Cemetery in Lawrence County. Mr. Lindsey died May 22 at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Lindsey. He was a retired carpenter and a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include two son, Horace and Hugh Lindsey of Chattanooga; eight grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.


Lonnie Hinton
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 16 June 1967, no page number on clipping.
Funeral Service McGlamery Church For Lonnie Hinton
Funeral services for Lonnie Hinton, 84, of Collinwood were held Wednesday, June 7 at 2 o’clock from McGlamery Church with Rev. J. W. Daniel officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Hinton died June 5 at his home. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Zep and Betty Martin Hinton. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Church of God. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Sally Ann Fraley Hinton of Collinwood, a son, Glen Hinton of Mishawaka, Ind.; three daughters, Mrs. Velma Vicsek of Mishawaka, Ind., Mrs. Bessie Bratton of Gary, Ind., and Mrs. Ethel Staggs of Collinwood; a brother, Ed Hinton of Mishawaka, Ind.; 24 grandchildren and 28 great-grandchildren.


Elijah Edward Devers
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 2 June 1967, no page number on clipping.
Funeral Services For E. E. Devers Conducted Tuesday
Funeral services for Elijah Edward Devers, 85, of Clifton were conducted Tuesday, May 30 at 3 o’clock from Evans Chapel Methodist Church with Sonny Barber officiating. Mr. Devers died May 28 at Wayne County General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County and a retired farmer. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Rosie Dicus Devers; a son Nathan Devers of Amory, Miss; two daughters, Mrs. Alice Davidson of La Grange and Mrs. Ora Stricklin of Waynesboro; a stepson, Claude Albert Wood, of Clifton; a brother, Will Devers of Waynesboro; three sisters, Mrs. Della Todd, Mrs. Lizzie Shaw and Mrs. Hettie Peacock all of Waynesboro; six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Maie Pulley
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967, no page number on clipping
Final Rites For Mrs. Maie Pulley Held On Saturday
Final rites for Mrs. Maie Pulley, 76, of Route 3, Waynesboro were conducted Saturday, January 21 at 1 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Fred Hosea officiating. Burial was in Walnut Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Pulley died January 20 at Wayne General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Andy and Mandy DeVasure Long. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Dick Pulley; four sons, Monroe of Waynesboro, and C. G., James and Frank Pulley all of Dover, Ohio; four daughters, Mrs. Edna Howe of Waynesboro, Mrs. Annie L. York and Mrs. Maxine Lovell of Dover, Ohio; and Mrs. Grace Ellis of Indiana; three sisters, Mrs. Tammy Pulley and Mrs. Gertrude Morgan of Waynesboro and Mrs. Loue Frazier of Oklahoma; a brother, Charlie Long of Waynesboro; 36 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Flora Jane Thompson
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967, no page number on clipping.
Final Rites Are Held Sunday For Mrs. Thompson
Final rites for Mrs. Flora Jane Thompson, 78, of Route 2, Collinwood were conducted Sunday, January 22 at 2:30 from Butler Grove Baptist Church. Rev. Willie Daniel officiating with burial in the church cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Thompson died January 21 at Wayne General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Solomon D. and Darcas Jane Daniels. Survivors include two sons, James of Joplin, Mo., and Vernie L. Thompson of Fallbrook, Calif.; five daughters, Mrs. Rosie Stooksberry of Jonesboro, Ark, Mrs. Vergie Daniel of Collinwood, Mrs. Ruby Price of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Bertie Heard of Route 2, Collinwood and Mrs. Eliase Parker of Waynesboro; three sisters, Mrs. Fronie Butler of Collinwood, Mrs. Missie Butler of Waynesboro and Mrs. Lou Anna Butler of Iron City; 30 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.


Bruce Poag
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Jan 1967, no page number on clipping.
Funeral Services For Bruce Poag Highland Church
Funeral Services for Bruce Poag, 88, of Route 4, Waynesboro, were conducted Thursday, January 19 at 2 o’clock from Highland Methodist Church with Rev. B. B. Powers officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Poag died January 16 in Blytheville Hospital in Arkansas. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of James S. and Laura Bush Poag. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include three sons, Roy of Osceola, Ark., James of Route 4, Waynesboro and Hughes Poag of Manilla, Ark.; four daughters, Mrs. Mary Crews of Waynesboro, Mrs. Verna Hollis of Turlock, Calif., Mrs. Maggie Tolle of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. Laura Gobbell of Truman, Ark.; a sister, Mrs. Ethel Hargett of Cherokee, Ala.; 22 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.


Robert T. (Bob Taylor) Gallaher
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, Friday, April 4, 1969, no page number on clipping.
Rites for Bob Taylor Gallaher Held March 29
Funeral services for Robert T. (Bob Taylor) Gallaher were conducted Mar. 29 at 1:30 from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home chapel, with burial in Gallaher cemetery on Factory Creek. Mr. Gallaher, 83, of Route 5, Waynesboro, died Mar. 27, at Wayne County General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, son of John L. and Sarah Jane Hollis Gallaher. He was a retired farmer, a member of the Baptist Church and a member of Waynesboro Masonic Lodge. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Ann Cole Gallaher; two daughters, Mrs. Edwinna Stricklin of Lutts, and Mrs. Frances Jane Moore of Waynesboro; a brother, Will Gallaher of Leoma; two sisters, Mrs. Mattie Moore of Waynesboro and Mrs. Georgia Jackson of Paducah, Texas; and two grandchildren.


Mrs. Sallie Hardin Whitehead
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 12 Jan 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Sally Hardin Whitehead
Final rites for Mrs. Sally Hardin Whitehead, 80, of Waynesboro were conducted Sunday, January 7, at 2 o’clock from Waynesboro Church of Christ with Truman Keith officiating. Burial was in Shields Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral home in charge. Mrs. Whitehead died January 6 at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville after suffering severe burns. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Charlie and Mollie Barnett Hardin. She was a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include two sons, Stenitt and Herman Whitehead both of Waynesboro; four daughters, Mrs. Carline Gannon and Mrs. Hattie Duren of Waynesboro, Mrs. Arlie Griffin of Hohenwald and Mrs. Christine Smith of Milford, Mich.; a step-daughter, Mrs. Opal Kelley of Hurtsboro, Ala.; a brother, Jim Hardin of Detroit, Mich.; three sisters, Mrs. Herschel Nutt of Lawrenceburg, Mrs. lora Lee of Waynesboro, and Mrs. Pearl Anderson of Hohenwald; 35 grandchildren; 70 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Jimmy Paul Whitehead, J. T. Cannon, Billy Joe Duren, Charles Griffin and Franklin and Junior Lee.


Mrs. Roxie Viola Balentine
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 12 Jan 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Roxie Viola Balentine
Funeral services for Mrs. Roxie Viola Balentine, 83, of Florence, Alabama were conducted Sunday, January 7, at 2 o’clock from Mt. Pleasant Methodist Church with Rev. Emerald Bailey and Rev. J. W. Daniel officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. Mrs. Balentine died January 4 at Wayne General Hospital after a long illness. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Joe Thomas and Sarah Davis Creasy. She was a member of Pentecostal Holiness Church at Florence, Ala. Survivors include a son, Birdie Balentine of Iron City; six daughters, Mrs. Goldier Corum of Humboldt, Mrs. Icy Pilkington of Savannah, Mrs. Girdie Irby and Mrs. Emma Jane Moore both of Collinwood, Mrs. Lyda Murl Phillips of Cypress Inn and Mrs. Mary Henson of Florence, Ala.; two brothers, Baysdon Creasy of Iron City and Rich Creasy of Nashville; a sister, Mrs. Callie Vickery of Florence, Ala; 25 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Sarah O. Stooksberry
Submitted by
Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County New, 12 Jan 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Sarah O. Stooksberry
Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah Orbadean Stooksberry, 41, of Waynesboro were held Friday, January 5 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral home Chapel with Fred Hosea officiating. Burial was in McGee Cemetery. Mrs. Stooksberry died January 3 at a Western State Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Frank and Zada Clay Dugger of Waynesboro, who survive. She was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church. Additional survivors include her husband, James Stooksberry of Oklahoma City, Okla.; Three brothers, Joe and Paul Dugger of Waynesboro and Howard Dugger of Columbia; three sisters, Mrs. J. M. Clayton and Mrs. Herman Thompson of Waynesboro, and Mrs. Willard Creamer of Florence, Ala.


Raymond G. Morris
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 12 Jan 1968, no page number on clipping
Raymond G. Morris
Final rites for Raymond G. Morris, 48, of Mishawaka, Ind., were held Friday, January 5 at 11 o’clock from Lutts Community Church with C. M. Robbins of Savannah officiating. Burial was in Shiloh National Military Park with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. Mr. Morris died January 2 at a South Bend, Ind. hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of R. W. and Ola Hodges Morris of Lutts, who survive. He was a factory worker and a veteran of World War II. Survivors in addition to his parents are his wife, Mrs. Lessie Kilburn Morris of Mishawaka, ind.; two sons, Raymond Glen and Ronald Lynn Morris both of Mishawaka, inc.; two brothers, Reeder of Cypress Inn and Doyle Morris of Lutts; two sisters, Mrs. C. M. Daniel of Lutts, and Mrs. J. R. Combs of Savannah; and two grandchildren.


Mrs. Nora Middleton Knight
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 12 Jan 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Nora Middleton Knight
Funeral services for Mrs. Nora Middleton Knight, 74, of the Culp’s Chapel Community, were held at 1 o’clock January 2 at Culp’s Chapel Methodist Church. Burial was in the Church cemetery. Mrs. Knight died December 31 at Hardin County General Hospital. Survivors are four brothers, Ernie and Bill Middleton of Blytheville, Arkansas; Danny Middleton of Culp’s Chapel, and Jesse Middleton of Corinth, Mississippi; and two sisters, Mrs. Fronie Culp of Culp’s Chapel and Mrs. Carrie Parker of Clifton.


Harry L. Stull
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Dec 1968, no page number on clipping.
Harry L. Stull
Funeral services for Harry Lancaster Stull, 72, retired electrician and plumber of Waynesboro were conducted Dec. 23 at 1 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Reverend Robert Shelton officiating. Burial was in the Clifton Cemetery. Mr. Stull died Dec. 21 at Veterans Hospital in Nashville. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of William P. and Martha Lancaster Stull. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church, a Mason and a veteran of World War I. Survivors are his wife, Mrs. Clara Hughes Stull, a daughter, Mrs. Martha Lillian Deller of Knoxville; a granddaughter, Miss Jennifer Deller of Knoxville and a sister, Miss Elizabeth Stull of Savannah.


Mrs. Margaret E. Reed
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Dec 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Margaret E. Reed
Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret E. Reed, 87, of Collinwood were conducted December 24 at 1 o’clock from Butler Grove Church with Rev. George Kelley officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing. Mrs. Reed died Dec. 23 at Wayne County General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Thomas J. and Sarah Jane Landcaster Thompson. She was member of Macedonia Baptist Church. Surviving are a son, Ernest Reed, a daughter, Mrs. Rosie Jones and a brother, Monroe Thompson, all of Collinwood; a sister, Mrs. Tilda Martin of Waynesboro; 11 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.


Michael L. Johnson
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Dec 1968, no page number on clipping.
Michael L. Johnson
Graveside services for Michael L. Johnson, three weeks, were conducted Dec. 23 at 2 o’clock at Centenary Cemetery with Nick White officiating. Middle Tennessee Funeral home was in charge. Survivors include his parents, James M. and Jeraldine Fowler Johnson of Oxford, Ala; tow brothers, Kenneth and Paul Johnson of the home and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Johnson of Lutts, and Mrs. Harriet Barber of McColl, S.C.


Mrs. Plina Elizabeth (Lizzie) Thompson
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 27 Dec 1968, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. P. Elizabeth Thompson
Final rites for Mrs. Plina Elizabeth (Lizzie) Thompson, 81, of Champaign, Ill, were held Dec 23 at 10 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. B. B. Powers officiating. Burial was in Walker Cemetery. Mrs. Thompson died Dec. 20 at Leonard Nursing Home. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of john and Mary Helton Throgmorton. She was a Baptist Faith. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Mary Lou Smith of Champaign, Ill; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


William C. Flippo
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 28 Feb 1969, no page number on clipping.
William C. Flippo
Funeral services for William C. Flippo, 80, of Route 6, Waynesboro were conducted February 27 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Burney Webb officiating. Burial was in Memory Gardens. Mr. Flippo died Feb 25 at Wayne County General Hospital. He was a native of Lawrence County, a son of John and Amanda Hill Flippo. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Seiber Flippo; four sons, Ford of Inkster, Mich., W. C. Jr. of Waynesboro, James of Ft. Campbell, Ky., and Leon Flippo of the home; six daughters, Mrs. Madalene Leftwich of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Pauline Camper of Warren, Mich., Mrs. Mattie Skelton of Waynesboro, Mrs. Senia Skelton of South Gate, Mich., Mrs. Normaline Bouchard of Wyandotte, Mich., and Mrs. Ruby Faye Hammack of Trenton, Mich.; a sister, Mrs. Herbert Jones of Waynesboro; a stepson, William Travis Hicks of Dearborn Heights, Mich., 25 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren and four step-grandchildren.


Miss Lizzie Davis
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 4 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
Miss Lizzie Davis
Funeral services for Miss Lizzie Davis, 83, of Clifton were conducted April 3 at 2 o’clock from First Baptist Church with Rev. B. B. Powers and Rev. King Thetford officiating. Burial was in Memorial Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Miss Davis died April 1 at Wayne County General Hospital. She was a native of Waynesboro, a daughter of J. N. and Nancy Copeland Davis. She was a former school teacher and had taught Sunday School for many years at First Baptist Church where she was a member. Survivors include a number of nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews.


Terry Reese
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 4 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
Terry Reese
Final rites for Terry Finn Reece, 11, of Florence, Ala. were conduced March 29 a 2 o’clock from Forrest Hills Baptist Church with Rev. Hatcht and Rev. Helms officiating. Burial was in Tri-City Memorial Gardens. Young Terry fell dead in a neighbor’s yard March 27. He was a native of Florence, Ala., son of Robert and Geraldine Beckham Reese who survive. He was a fifth grade student at Harlem High School. Other survivors include three brothers, Bobby, Brian and Kevin all of the home and grandmothers, Mrs. Lorene Redmon of Waynesboro and Mrs. Robert Reese of Huntsville, Ala.


Joe Pat Roberts
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 4 Apr 1969, no page number on clipping.
Joe Pat Roberts
Final rites for Joe Pat Roberts, 53, of Sheffield, Ala. were conducted March 29 at 2 o’clock from Second Baptist Church with Rev. R. E. Mayo and Rev. Thomas Thornton officiating. Burial was in Sheffield Oakwood Cemetery. Mr. Roberts died March 27 at Shoals Hospital after an illness of four months. He was a native of Marshall County but had made his home in Sheffield for the past 23 years. He was an employee with the Power Department for 19 years and a member of Second Baptist Church. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ovalee Cook Roberts; a step-son, Jimmy Baccus of Sheffield; a step-daughter, Mrs. A. . Borden of Colbert Heights, and a number of brothers and sisters.


Jesse Bundy Wilson
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 4 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
Jesse B. Wilson
Funeral services for Jesse Bundy Wilson, 78, of Collinwood were conducted March 30 at 2 o’clock from Cromwell Crossroads Church with Richard Taylor and J. W. Daniel officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Wilson died march 28 at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of John F. and Mary Pigg Wilson. He was a cabinet maker by trade and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Melvin Rich of Nashville; four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.


Mrs. Pairsada Crowe
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 11 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Pairsada Crowe
Final rites for Mrs. Pairsada Crowe, 84, of Paducah, Ky. were conducted April 4 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. Henry J. Golson officiating. Burial was in Boyd Cemetery. Mrs. Crowe died April 2 at Madisonville Kentucky Hospital. She was a native of Lewis County, a daughter of Dock and Sally Edwards Barbour. She was a member of the Methodist Church. Survivors include five sons, Clovis of Paducah, Ky., Edward of Chicago, Ill., Willard of Detroit, Mich., Loyd of Houston, Texas., and Farris Crowe of Nashville; 19 grandchildren and a number of great-grandchildren.


John R. Faulkner
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 11 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
John R. Faulkner
Funeral services for John R. Faulkner, 49, of Chicago, Ill, were conducted April 8 at one o’clock from Cromwell Cross Roads Church with Rev. R. E. Pugh officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Faulkner died April 5 at his home. He was a native of Hardin County, a son of Mrs. Fanny Warrington Faulkner of Lutts and the late Elisha Faulkner. He was a tool and die maker by trade and a member of Lutts Methodist Church. Survivors in addition to his mother are a brother, Grady Faulkner of Mishawaka, Ind., and two sisters, Mrs. Richard Horton and Mrs. Althea House of Lutts.


Marlon Wesley Lockard
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 18 April 1969, no page number on clipping.
M. Wesley Lockard
Funeral services for Marlon Wesley Lockard, 64, of Lutts were conducted April 16 at 2 o’clock from Cromwell Cross Roads Church with Rev. Walker Rich of Savannah officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Lockard died unexpectedly April 14 at his home. He was a native of Pemiscot County Missouri, a son of James Wesley and Ida Decker Lockard. he was a farmer and a member of the Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Ruby Horton Lockard, a son, Bas E. Lockard of Waynesboro; a daughter, Mrs. Mamie Risner of Lutts; a brother, John Alvin Lockard of Hornersville, Mo.; a sister Mrs. Othie Scott of Collinwood and eight grandchildren.


Mrs. Tennie Elizabeth Cole Martin
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 25 April 1969, page 7.
Mrs. Tennie Martin
Funeral services for Mrs. Tennie Elizabeth Cole Martin of Waynesboro were conducted April 20 at 2:30 from First Baptist Church with Rev. King Thetford officiating, assisted by Rev. B. B. Powers. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. Martin died April 18 at Wayne County General Hospital. She was a native of Wayne County, a daughter of Addison W. and Emma McKinnon Cole. She was a retired school teacher, bookkeeper for Hassell and Hughes, and employee of the City of Waynesboro, and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include three sisters, Mrs. Ethel Turman, Mrs. Bess Belew, and Mrs. Grace Morrow all of Waynesboro; three step-sons, Walter Martin of Albuquerque, N.M., Tommy A. Martin of Chattanooga, and Roy Martin of Florence, Ala.; three step-daughters, Mrs. Lula Jackson of Detroit, Mich., Mrs. Beulah Taylor of Collinwood and Mrs. Mae Mulligan of Florence, Ala.; a number of nieces and nephews.


Noah Webster Martin
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 25 April 1969, page 7.
Noah W. Martin
Final rites for Noah Webster Martin, 65, of Collinwood were conducted April 22 at 2 o’clock from Collinwood Methodist Church with Rev. J. W. Daniel and Rev. Paul Z. Ball officiating. Burial was in McGlamery Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Martin died April 20 at Wayne County General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of David H. and Lousette Blair Martin. He was a carpenter and a member of the Church of Christ. Survivors include two sons, David Henry and James Ronnie and a daughter Bertie Aileen Martin all of the home; two brothers, Charlie of Pulaski and Luther Martin of Collinwood; two sisters, Mrs. Lola Prohart of Ajo, Arizona and Mrs. Eunice Barnett of Collinwood; and several nieces and nephews.


Billie Stricklin
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 25 April 1969, page 7.
Billie Stricklin
Funeral services for Billie Stricklin, 44, of Route 2, Lutts, were conducted April 22 at 2 o’clock from Cromwell Cross Roads Church with Rev. Thurman Stults and Rev. Elton Cotner officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Stricklin died April 20 at Wayne County General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of W. T. and Mattie Brown Stricklin. He was an employee of Collinwood Manufacturing Company, a veteran of World War II and a member of Free Will Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Jewell Melson Stricklin; three daughters, Margaret, Frances and Billie Ann Stricklin all of the home; two brothers, James of Lutts and David Stricklin of Adamsville; and two sisters, Mrs. Marie Phillips of Shiloh and Mrs. Flora Jean Melson of Adamsville.


William Arthur Vickery
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 25 April 1969, page 7.
William A. Vickery
Funeral services for William Arthur Vickery, 53, of Jackson, Miss. were conducted April 18 at 2 o’clock from Lindsey Chapel Church. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Vickery died April 16 at his home. He was a native of Lauderdale County, Ala., a son of John A. and Ona Balentine Vickery. He was a construction worker and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Jean Seltzer of San Francisco, Calif.; four sisters, Mrs. Cora Balentine; Mrs. Ola Tomlin and Mrs. Alice Nichols all of Mishawaka, Ind.; and Mrs. Beatrice Broyles of Savannah; two grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.


Ernest Floyd Adams
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 25 April 1969, page 7.
Ernest Floyd Adams
Final rites for Ernest Floyd Adams, 60, of Route 5, Waynesboro were conducted April 19 at 1:30 from Fishtrap Church with Rev. Richard Bailey officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Mr. Adams died April 17 at his home. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of William D. and Docia Dial Adams. He was a farmer, a member of the Wayne County School Board and a Methodist. Survivors include his wife, Sula Mae Carden Adams; two sons, James W. of Savannah, Ga.; and Amos S. Adams of Waynesboro; a daughter, Mrs. Lou Nell Dean of Louisville, Ky.; four half-brothers, Herman Adams of Earl, Ark., Richard Adams of Augusta, Ark., James Earl Adams of West Helena, Ark., and Arnold Adams of La Porte, Ind.; four half-sisters, Mrs. Willie Mae Grable of Bell Gardens, Calif., Mrs. Louise Hardy of West Memphis, Ark., Mrs. Leona Burk of Little Rock, Ark., and Mrs. Esterlean Golden of Proctor, Ark., and two grandchildren.


Mrs. Eula Pitts Waters Walker
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 9 May 1969, no page number on clipping.
Mrs. Eula Walker
Final rites for Mrs. Eula Pitts Waters Walker of Clifton were held May 1 at 10 a.m. at Mt. Carmel Methodist Church. Rev. G. C. Self officiated with burial in the church cemetery. Mrs. Walker died Apr. 29, in Hardin County Hospital at Savanna. She was a native of Wayne County and had lived most of her life in Clifton. She was a daughter of the late Dona Ellis and J. J. Pitts. Survivors include a son, Jack Waters of Nashville; two daughters, Mrs. Louise Walker of Cerro Gordo, and Mrs. Ruth Wilson of Savannah; three sisters, Mrs. Gertie Phillips of Rienzi, Miss., Mrs. Charlie Davis of Waynesboro, and Mrs. Lillian Long of Savannah; and a grandson, Capt. James Jeter of Warner Robbins AFB, Georgia.


Vance Drake Lynch
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 9 May 1969, no page number on clipping.
Vance Drake Lynch
Final rites for Vance Drake Lynch, 5, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lynch of Waynesboro were conducted May 2 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with Rev. H. H. Hurst officiating. Burial was in Mt. Hope Cemetery. The child was killed Wednesday afternoon, April 30 in an automobile accident. Survivors in addition to the parents are two brothers, Lance Price and Jerry Anthony and a sister Dawn Marie all of the home; and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Roy Westergaard of Berkeley, Calif.; and Mrs. Lillian Lynch of Waynesboro.
William S. Nance
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 9 May 1969, no page number on clipping.
William S. Nance
Funeral services for William S. Nance, 60, of Matthews, Mo. were conducted May 4 at 2 o’clock from Nunnelee Funeral Chapel in Sikeston, Mo. The Rev. Ellis A. Grant officiated with burial in the Garden of Memories Cemetery. Mr. Nance died May 2 at Methodist Hospital in Memphis after a short illness. He was a native of Nancy Bend Community in Hardin County, a son of William S. and Emma Nancy. He was a farmer and a member of the Little Vine General Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Mary Northcutt Nancy, seven children; a brother, Benham Nancy of Savannah; and give grandchildren.


Archie E. Holt
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 13 June 1969, no page number on clipping.
Archie E. Holt
Funeral services for Archie E. Holt, 74, of Elkhart, Indiana were conducted June 6 at 2 o’clock from Metz Funeral home with Earl Cook officiating. Burial was in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Mr. Holt died June 4 at Elkhart General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County but had made his home in Elkhart for the past 24 years. He was a member of the Willowdale Church of Christ. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Dona Holt; four sons, Weston J. of Lawrenceburg; James D. of South Bend, Ind.; Everett E. of Elkhart; and Gilbert S. of Bloomington; four daughters, Mrs. Esther Harder of Lewisburg, Mrs. Ruby Hunsberger of Elkhart, Mrs. Marle Morrow of Lawrenceburg, and Mrs. Viva Roberts of Chattanooga; four brothers, Marvin and Arvil Holt of Cypress Inn and Erate and Warren Holt both of Florence, Ala.; six sisters, Mrs. Hattie Bevis, Cloverdale, Ala., Mrs. Ethel McFall of Lawrenceburg, Mrs. Addie Gilchrist and Mrs. Odie McFall of Cypress Inn, Mrs. Ollie McFall of Ethridge, Mrs. Essie Mahan of Cloverdale, Ala.; 13 grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren.


William Pose Butler
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 13 June 1969, no page number on clipping.
William Pose Butler
Final rites for William Pose Butler, 81, of Rt. 2, Iron City were conducted June 7 at 2 o’clock from Butler Grove Church with Rev. J. W. Daniel officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge. Mr. Butler died June 5 at Lawrence County General Hospital. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Jim and Bon Martin Butler. He was a retired farmer and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Lillie Daniel Butler; two son, Jimmy and Iron City and Johnny Butler of Lawrenceburg; three daughters, Mrs. John Holt and Mrs. Walter Brison both of Collinwood, and Mrs. Melvin Thompson of Iron City; three brothers, Wess and Henry of Collinwood, and Harvey Butler of Iron City; a half-brother, Ernest Butler of Birmingham, Ala.; a sister, Mrs. Annie Thompson of Collinwood, 26 grandchildren; 33 great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren.


Willie White, Jr.
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News, 13 June 1969, no page number on clipping.
Willie White, Jr.
Funeral services for Willie White, Jr., 31, of Waynesboro were conducted June 7 at 2 o’clock from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home with Thomas Roper officiating, assisted by Mr. White’s nephew, Bobby White. Burial was in Cromwell Cross Roads Cemetery. Mr. White died June 5 at his home. He was a native of Wayne County, a son of Willie White, Sr. of Waynesboro, who survives and the late Osa Atkinson White. He was a machinist at Ford Motor Company in Detroit, Mich., and a member of the Baptist Church. Survivors in addition to his father are his wife, Mrs. Katherine M. Scalf White; two daughters Layra Kay and Lisa Annette of the home; five brothers, Bill and Dan of Nashville, J. T. and Joel of Ypsilanti, Mich.; and Iley White of Chicago, Ill., five sisters, Mrs. Marie Pope of Waynesboro, Mrs. Azlee Stanfield of Savannah, Mrs. Waymon Moser of Collinwood, Mrs. Susie West of Ypsilanti and Mrs. Monetta Ellison of Warrior, Ala.


Little Juanita Hassell
Submitted by

Don Meredith
Source: Clifton Times
Clifton, Tennessee
Thursday, December 20, 1894
Vol. XXI    No. 43
Page 3
Little Juanita Hassell
     At 11 o’clock last Monday morning little Juanita Hassell died after about 60 hours of untold suffering from an attack of the croop.
     Funeral Services were held at the residence Tuesday afternoon and the burial took place in the Clifton cemetery.
     All the physicians in town were in attendance, and Dr. Buchanan of Waynesboro was called Friday night.  At 12 o’clock, the only hope to save it was to perform tracheotomy, which means the insertion of a tube into the windpipe.  Through this, the little sufferer breathed a living death until Monday at 11 o’clock.
     She was the idolized of her parents and the pet and pride of almost every one in Clifton.  An interesting and intelligent child, far above the ordinary, with a disposition that was purity and innocence itself, it is not surprising that the universal sympathy in her death should touch the brinks of grief.  There is not a person in Clifton who would not make any sacrifice to show these dear parents how deeply they deplore the death of their child, and who would not willingly help to bear the burden of this bereavement.  Words and language fail the writer in expressing the depth and sincerity of the sympathy he feels for these parents whose numerous kindnesses have afforded him numberless pleasures and whose devotion to their only child has often been an object of his admiration.
     She is gone but not forgotten.  The love that belongs to those children whom Divinity has taken to himself is a chord as strong as bands of steel that bind us to the hope of rest beyond this tide of tribulations, and a ladder by which we mount to the heights of His eternal promises.


Charles F. Pennington
Submitted by

Don Meredith
The Wayne County News
Friday, December 27, 1940
Page 1
Dies Following Injuries Received in Altercation with Bill Lawhead

Charles F. Pennington, a former resident of Waynesboro, and well known here died in the U.S. Veteran’s Hospital in Memphis Monday morning where he had been taken for treatment for injuries received in an altercation near Hohenwald late last week.
It is reported that the difficulty occurred at the farm of Mr. Pennington adjoining the Meriwether Lewis Park about six miles east of Hohenwald.  One Bill Lawhead, of Indianapolis, Indiana, had been making his home with Pennington for some time following a disappointment in a business venture in Lewis County, and was at work for Mr. Pennington erecting a house when an argument arose over a settlement, resulting in the injuries causing his death. Mr. Pennington received his early education here, where he resided with his father, Robert Pennington, and members of his family until his early manhood.  He entered the United States Railway mail service and was assigned from Jellico to Knoxville in East Tennessee.  While laying over at Knoxville during the days he was on duty, he entered the University of Tennessee Law department, and graduated there some years ago.
After the close of the World War in which Mr. Pennington volunteered his services, He opened a law office at Hohenwald, and was actively engaged in the practice of his profession there.  He has appeared before the courts here on numerous occasions, and was widely known here where he has a number of relatives.  During his service for his country he was assigned to the Transportation service and crossed the Atlantic Ocean several times with convoys.  He entered the ranks as a private but was promoted to the rank of Major before the close of the war, and was holding that commission when he received his honorable discharge from service.
Mr. Pennington is survived by one brother, George Pennington of Napier and one half brother of Old Hickory, also two sisters and one half sister, Mrs. Frank Scott, Ruppertown, Mrs. Mora Crews and Mrs. Jess Barber.
He was buried at Napier, in Lewis County, near his boyhood home.


Rev. Daniel Judd
Submitted by

Steven Elder
Source: “Christian Advocate”
Nashville, TN
23 Aug 1860
Rev. Daniel Judd
As announced in your columns, this good man has gone from labor to reward. He was a native of Pennsylvania, but emigrated to Tennessee while young. For a number of years he was a resident of Nashville, and died in Wayne county, Tenn., on the 11th of July 1860, in his 60th year. He was converted and united with the M.E. Church soon after he reached mature manhood, and in a short time thereafter began to preach the gospel. He exercised his gifts for thirty-four years as a local minister, and was faithful and useful in his holy calling. He was a man of good natural mind and respectable acquirements in his knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. His life was consistent. He maintained a good reputation, and exercised an influence favorable to the cause of Christianity.

His last sickness was protracted, but sanctified to his good. As he approached the grave, his soul repined for the joys of the “better land.” Few men ever met death with a firmer trust in the merits of Christ than did Brother Judd. Indeed his victory was complete. He talked of death with perfect calmness: and of his hope beyond the grave with full assurance. His exhortations to wife, children and friends were fraught with wisdom, and his last hours full of comfort. He died like a Christian; in full possession of his mental faculties, he bade adieu to earth,
“And died, his father’s God to meet”
Daniel Judd will long live in memory and afflictions of his friends; and will doubtless live in heaven for ever. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.”
J.B. McFerrin


W. Riley Davis
Submitted by

Mary Edith Wood
Wayne County News
22 Oct 1936
W. Riley Davis, highly respected farmer of the Beech Creek community, died at his home Monday, October 19th, after a long Illness. He was 84 years of age.
He is survived by his last wife, Mrs. Ferbie Pulley Davis, and four children to their union, as follows; Mrs.. Arizona Howell, Mrs. Viola Holt, Charlie and Bradley Davis all of the Beech Creek section, and Mrs. Ella Bawcom of Miss, daughter by his first marriage Burial was in the Bawcom Cemetery on Beech Creek.


James F. Cunningham
Submitted by

Betty Martin
Santa Ana Register–Monday, Jan., 7, 1946
    James F. Cunningham, 88, died today in his home a 332 N. Orange St., Orange. He was a native of Waynesboro, Tenn.    Survivors are a son, Arthur S. Cunningham of Orange; two brothers, George and John of Oklahoma; a sister, Mrs Mary Dugger of Arkansas and other relatives.    Services will be held in the chapel of the Shannon Funeral home in Orange at 2:30 p.m. Thursday with interment in Fairhaven cemetery. 


Emily West Murrie
Submitted by

Terry Ceballos
The Vienna Times, June 29, 1939  (Vienna, IL)
Aunt Emily Murrie, 94, Called Home To Rest on Sunday Evening June 25 Death Claims Aged Mother Sunday, June 25, 1939Emily West Murrie, daughter of Woodson and Martha (Casteel) West was born June 2, 1845, in the state of Tennessee and when a small child came with her parents to Southern Illinois.  She was one of a family of ten children, viz. Henry, James A., Osburn H., Mary, Martha, William, Amanda E., Narcissie Catherine and Fannie West. All are deceased. Mrs. Murrie departed this life at her home, southeast of Vienna, ILL., June 25, 1939, at the ripe old age of 94 years and 23 days.On February 18, 1874, she was united in marriage to Jefferson Monroe Murrie and to this union seven children were born, Fleetie and Freddie having preceded her in death.  In September, 1896 the home was again bereft, this time taking the husband and father, leaving Aunt Emily with the responsibility of the home and rearing of her family, which responsibility she assumed with such Christian fortitude that her children and those who came in contact with her can rise up to call her blessed.  It can be truly said of her that her doors were open to widows and orphans and those less fortunate than she, and her advice and counsel will long  be remembered by those as the same motherly advice as given her own children.  Even the passerby received as hearty a welcome from Aunt Emily as those nearest her.Her alertness, activity and keen mind kept her young despite the years which continued to roll on.She professed faith in Christ as her Saviour some 65 years ago. She was not only a Christian, but one of God’s noble women, serving rather than being served, proving her faith and sincerity in the Lord by her good works; visiting the sick or those in distress, all will stand as a living monument to her memory, yet living that quiet, unpretentious, unassuming life that spoke volumes.Aunt Emily never united with any church, yet she made the Cumberland Presbyterian church at Concord her spiritual home.Those surviving to mourn her passing are the following sons and daughters:  Mrs.  Ida Lay, Simpson; C. W. and Harry Murrie, Vienna: Newton J. and Walter Murrie of Simpson.  Also surviving are twenty-four grandchildren, fifteen great grandchilden, a host of nieces and nephews.

“I cannot say, I will not say, that she is dead, she’s just away.”

 (Her Death Certificate records that the doctor attended her from 6-18-1939 to 6-25-1939.  Cause of death:  cerebral hemorrhage which began on June 18, 1939.  Other contributory causes: arteriole sclerosis.)


Robert Walter SmithSubmitted by
Doris Smith HalfordObituary Wayne County NewsNovember 1980 
Robert Walter Smith died November 4th, 1980 after a long illiness. Robert left behind a wife, Frances. (Clifton) 3 daughters Doris Halford and Terri Warrington of Clifton and Robbie Jones of Utica, Mich.He was the son of the late Lytle and Sally Smith of Clifton.
My Dad passed away when he was only 57 years of age, at that time I thought he was an “old” man but now that I am his age I realize he did not get to enjoy life enough and I definately did not get to talk with my dad enough.
After all these years, not a day goes by that I don’t think to myself, I wish I could tell my Dad what I have done with my life and tell him all about my grandchild. I know he would smile and say, “I am so proud”


J. E. Mann
Submitted by

Jerry W. Murphy
The Clifton Mirror
Vol. 24  No. 9
Clifton, Tennessee
Friday, Dec. 9, 1904
page 1
Suicide of J.E. Mann
    J. Eugene Mann, a traveling salesman out of Nashville, was found dead in his room at the Morris Hotel in Birmingham, Ala., last Saturday. His death was caused by morphine.
    Mr. Mann formerly made this territory and was well-known in Clifton. He was a big, whole-souled man and his fine business and social qualities made him a general favorite. The news of his tragic death was quite a shock to his Clifton friends. No reason for the suicide has been assigned.


Albert Murphy
Submitted by

Jerry W. Murphy
“Wayne County News”
Vol. 107, No. 30
dated 10 Jan 1964
Page 1
Funeral Services Are Held Monday For Albert Murphy
    Albert Murphy, 83, of Route 1 Lutts died at his home Monday January 6. Funeral services were held Tuesday from Mt. Hebron Church at 2:00 o’clock. Rev. Andrew Garrett officiated. Burial was in Houston Cemetery with Middle Tennessee Funeral Home in charge of arrangements.
    Mr. Murphy was a native of Wayne County, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Seal Murphy. He was a member of the Holiness church.
    He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Maude Murphy; a daughter, Mrs. Alonzo Melson, and a son James Haggard Murphy both of Waynesboro. [Comment – He was the son of William “Bill” Murphy and Mary Ann Brown. He was listed as 2 years old on the 1880 census thus making him actually older than the obituary would indicate. The children by his first wife were omitted from the obituary. They were: Seab Murphy, Sr., Lewis Murphy, Janie Smith, Henry Murphy, J.T. Murphy and Haggard Murphy.]


William Andrew Shepard
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
Newspaper clipping
No newspaper name
Date on clipping:
25 Oct 1915 
Valuable Citizen Called
Mr. W. A. Shepard Answers the Final Summons. A Progressive and Good Man
The whole community was distressed when the news spread abroad Monday morning that Mr. William Andrew Shepard has passed away at his home on Walnut street from an attack of heart trouble.

      Although he had not enjoyed the best of health for the past year, Mr. Shepard had been confined to his home for only a few days; and the report of his death came as a chock to the people, who had learned to respect him as a conscientious, able and progressive citizen, a good and generous man, public spirited and earnest in the upbuilding of the community.
     Mr. Shepard was a native of this section, having been born and raised near Cypress Inn, Tennessee, on the county line, and where he accumulated a goodly share of the possessions of this world, before moving to Florence several years ago. After becoming a citizen of Florence, he gradually took his place as one of the best and most valuable men here. A man of means, public spirited to the fullest, he was a great upbuilder for Florence; the type of man who is worth a great deal to the community and the public.
     He was a member of the Church of Christ and of the Masonic Lodge, and prominent in all civic affairs.
     He is survived by his widow, and three daughters, Misses Mary, Annie and Gladys.
     The funeral services were held at the family residence on Tuesday morning at ten o’clock, conducted by his pastor, Rev. Isaac C. Hoskins, after which interment took place in the city cemetery.
     As mark of respect to him, and in appreciation of many qualities he had embodied in his citizenship of Florence, the stores closed during the hour of the funeral services, and the business men of the city paid tribute to him at his grave.


Annie Lawson
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
No date or name of newspaper on clipping.
Probably The Florence Times
Cypress Inn
Editor Times – The death angel visited our midst October 28, 1914, and claimed for its victim little Annie Lawson, aged seven years, four months and 28 days. She was such a sweet and lovable little girl, and was the pet and favorite of all her relations. Being only seven years of age, she was in the third grade of her school work, and during her illness she would say she wanted to get well and go back to school. But the Lord saw fit to call her home to be with her father, Andrew Lawson, who preceded her to the grave a little more than three years ago. Her many friends attended her bedside and did all they could for her, but to no avail. Her mother, Mrs. Minnie Lawson and her little sister, Emily, were both in bed with typhoid fever when she died, and “Little Annie” had been sick with whooping cough and typhoid fever for more than two months. She was laid to rest by her father at the Austin cemetery the 29th, in the presence of a host of relatives and friends. It seems sad to think we shall never hear her dear voice and see her pleasant face any more in this world. But the Lord knew best, and we can only strive to live so when we are called away we can meet her beyond the pearly gates; for Jesus said, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
     There was a band in heaven
     That was not quite complete;
     So God called little Annie
     To fill the vacant seat.
One Who Loved Her.


Culus Lawson
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
No date or name of
newspaper on clipping.
In Memory
The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Lawson, on Saturday, Dec. 5th, 1914, and claimed for its victim one of their twin boys – Culus Lawson, aged 6 years, 1 month and 12 days. He had been sick only a week, and the doctors and friends did all they could, but to no avail. The Lord called him to heaven, where there is no sickness, pain or death. It seemed so sad to see the “twin brothers” parted. They were so devoted to each other. Where you saw one, just there too, was the other. But now Culus has gone and left us and is beckoning to father, mother and little brother to come to him beyond the pearly gates. Culus was laid to rest in the Mt. Hope cemetery, after funeral services conducted by Rev. Wilkerson of Waynesboro, Tenn., in the presence of a host of relatives and friends.

A Friend.


Jonathan Belew Lawson
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
no date or name of paper
on clipping
[Lawson died 21 Oct 1928
according to tombstone in
Austin Cemetery.]
Funeral services for J. B. Lawson, 74, of Cypress Inn, Tenn, who died Sunday, afternoon following an attack of flew and pneumonia which lasted for three weeks, were held Monday afternoon from the home with Rev. Hallman, his pastor, officiating and Fielder directing.

    Mr. Lawson was one of the most highly respected citizens of his community. He always gave of his time and means to the support of school and church activity. He was a member of the Salem Methodist Church of Cypress Inn Community and also a member of the Cypress Inn Masonic lodge.
     His follow masons had charge of the funeral and laid him to rest with masonic honors.
     Mr. Lawson is survived by his wife, Mrs. J. B. Lawson, two sons, S. W. Lawson, of Chicago, and W. N. Lawson, of Philadelphia, Penn., two daughters, Mrs. Jessie Bundrant and Mrs. Hays Spain, both of Waynesboro, Tenn., and three brothers, Joe Lawson of Oklahoma, W. Y. Lawson of Cypress Inn, and S. H. Lawson of Florence.


Luther Gilchrist
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
clipping dated 31 Oct 1917
no name of newspaper
on clipping
The many friends of Luther Gilchrist were grieved at his death, which occurred Wednesday, October 31st at Greenville, S.C. while in preparation for war. His death resulted from an attack of measles, followed by pneumonia in both lungs. About two months ago he was called out for the training camps and he immediately responded to the call. He was living with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist, on Weatherford, where he was held in high esteem for his many noble traits of character. Luther had won and retained a host of friends who sincerely mourn his death. His body was sent home for interment, and was conveyed to Mt. Hope Cemetery on Wednesday of last week, where Rev. R. P. Lawson conducted the funeral rites and his body was laid to rest by loving hands. The planting of the United States flag on the grave closed a sad scene. The deceased left to mourn his death a father, mother, four brothers and three sisters, besides a host of friends. The sympathy of the community goes out to the bereaved ones, May He who doeth all things well comfort the sorrowing hearts. A Friend.


Mrs. Mary Olive
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
no date or name of newspaper
on clipping
On November 13, 1923, the Death Angel visited at the home of Mrs. Early Davis and claimed her loving mother. She was 72 years old and loved by all who knew her. She leaves one daughter, one son, and one sister to mourn her death.

     Her death was due to a cancer of the stomach from which she suffered about five months. Three sons and her husband have preceded her and will welcome her on that bright and beautiful shore. She told them that she was ready and willing to go when her Savior called her.
     Mrs. Mary Olive was a good Christian woman. I believe if any one has gone to heaven she has, and is sleeping in the arms of her Savior. She was laid to rest in the Mt. Pleasant cemetery. Written by her niece, Ida Olive.


John Craig McClanahan
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
clipping dated
Died Nov. 9, 1930
No name of newspaper
J. R. McClanahan received word last week of the death of his brother John, who was residing in Everett, Washington. He was a former Wayne Countian and left here a number of years ago.

     The Everett News said relative to his death:
     John Craig McClanahan, for several years instructor in the commercial department of the Everett high school and later instructor in a local business college, lost his light through inhalation of carbon monoxide gas as he was adjusting a wheel on his automobile Sunday morning. The tragedy occurred in a garage at Marysville, adjoining a residence he had purchased a few days ago.
     Mr. McClanahan, with his wife and daughter, Bonita, 14, a student in North Junior high, had been living at the Olympic Apartments, 2325 Colby avenue. The family planned to move to their Marysville home yesterday. Mr. McClanahan had been going to Marysville to spend the nights there.
     It was his intention to come to Everett Sunday morning to attend church. When he failed to appear at the expected time and a telephone call to Marysville brought no response, Mrs. McClanahan, accompanied by Mrs. Edgar Johnson, motored over to learn what had detained him,
     Reaching Marysville they found Mr. McClanahan’s car in the garage entrance, part of it in the open air and the rear of the machine in the building. At the rear of the car they found Mr. McClanahan lying on the floor unconscious, but apparently still alive. A physician was summoned and a call sent to Everett fire department for a lungmotor. All efforts to revive him failed.
     The engine of the car was running and tolls on the floor indicated he had attempted to make some hasty adjustment after getting ready to start for Everett. While doing so he had breathed the deadly gas.
     Mr. McClanahan was born on a farm near Iron City, Tennessee, October 8, 1881. Following a course in the public schools, he went to Bowling Green , Kentucky, and was graduated from commercial college there and later from a commercial college in Chicago. He also was a graduate of the Zannanian Art School of Columbus, Ohio. Before coming to Everett he followed his profession in Phoenix, Arizona and later in Montana.
     He served as an officer in the First Baptist church here and was always prominent in its activities. he consistently lived his religion.
     Besides his widow, Mrs. Verna McClanahan, and their daughter, he leaves a brother and two sisters, Leonard McClanahan, Mrs. Josephine Austin, and Miss Mattie McClanahan living in Alabama, and a brother, Reuben McClanahan, in Tennessee.
     Funeral services conducted by the Rev. H. Robinson McKee, pastor of the First Baptist church, will be held today at 1:30 o’clock in the Callacombe & Fickel mortuary. Pall bearers will be members of the Sunday School class which he taught. Interment will be in Evergreen cemetery.


Willis E. McClanahan
Submitted by

Mrs. Grace Wright Carver
no date or name of newspaper
on clipping [probably
Florence Times,
Florence, AL]
Mr. Willis E. McClanahan Voluntarily Takes His Life
On Tuesday morning last the sad intelligence rapidly spread through our city that Mr. Willis E. McClanahan had committed suicide . Tired of living, “a physical wreck,” as he himself had written, he took chloroform in the early part of the day, and in a few hours he had passed to the great beyond. Mr. McClanahan was a native of Wayne County, Tenn., and had been a school teacher for many years. He left that occupation several months ago and came to Florence, where he was agent for the sale of a patent smoothing iron and kept a clothes-pressing business, his location being in the small room on Court stret near the corner of Tuscaloosa street. He occupied a room in the rear of his place of business and took his meals at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bosley on Seminary street. He appeared at his boarding house between 8 and 9 o’clock, and soon after his arrival he appeared in a dazed condition. His condition becoming alarming, Dr. Lindsey was summoned, but when he arrived the case was beyond remedy, and he died about 10 o’clock. In his vest pocket was found a piece of paper on which was written the words, “a physical wreck.” No satisfactory clue is given as the cause of the rash act, excepting what was contained in these few words.

     Under the direction of Mr. W. A. Shepard, for many years an intimate friend of the family, the body was sent Tuesday afternoon to the old homestead near Bethel Grove, Tenn. where the sad news had previously been sent.
     Mr. McClanahan has always borne a most excellent reputation. Those who know him well agree that his character was above reproach. he was about 35 years of age and leaves three brothers and two sisters. In this connection, is is recalled that his father Mr. Thomas McClanahan, some five or six years ago, also committed suicide by hanging himself at his home near Bethel Grove.


Christine R. Whitehead Kilburn Smith
Submitted by

Lee Clifford
Christine R. Whitehead Kilburn Smith was the Daughter of Silas and Sarah (Hardin) (Lee) Whitehead. Born 26 June 1923, in Waynesboro. She was the youngest of 9 ( Silas had 3 with first Wife, Sarah had 3 with first husband and the couple had 3 of their own). Silas was the town Blacksmith and J.P. for awhile.
     Christine Married Waford Harvel Kilburn in Collinwood, Tenn. in Nov 1940. Waford and Christine moved between Michigan and Tennessee. The couple had 3 children Still Living and in Mich. All the children were born in Waynesboro, Tenn. Waford died 1963 in Michigan. Christine went on to marry Seldon Smith and they had 1 child together also living in Michigan.
    Christine departed this life on 7 Oct 2002, in Waterford, Oakland Co., Mich. Buried at Oakland Hills Cemetery, Novi, Michigan. Had 6 grandchildren, 12 great grandchildren.


Mrs. N. W. Bratcher
Submitted by

Lee Freeman
“Clifton Mirror”
Friday, December 16, 1904
page 5 “Local News”
Mrs. N, W. [Newman W.] Bratcher, of Indian Creeki [sic] died Thursday.   






Lee Bratcher
Submitted by
Lee Freeman
“Florence Times”
Wednesday, 5 Jun 1929,
page 1
Heart Trouble Believed Cause of Death.
     Lee Bratcher, aged 49, farmer of Lauderdale County residing about seven miles from Florence, was found by his wife dead in his bed about 2 o’clock this morning.
     Death was caused by heart failure, it is believed.
The survivors are: Mrs. Leona Bratcher; a son, Reeder [should be Reedus] Bratcher, and a daughter, Mrs. W. A. Freeman; four brothers, Charlie Bratcher, E. B. Bratcher, Wayne Bratcher, and S. K. Bratcher; and two sisters, Mrs. John Holt and Mrs. William Morgan.
    The funeral services will be held tomorrow at 11 o’clock at Pisgah Church, about seven miles from Florence on the Cloverdale Road and will be conducted by Rev. Hallman, pastor of the Cloverdale Methodist church. O. R. Fielder in charge.
The pallbearers will be: William Gerner [sic], James McDaniel, Ben Holt, Reeder Clanton, Stephen Moomaw, and John McCorkle.


Lee Bratcher
Submitted by

Lee Freeman
“Florence Herald”
Friday, June 7, 1929, page 12
     Funeral services for Lee Bratcher, 49, prominent farmer of this county living some seven miles out from the city was who was found dead in his bed about 2 o’clock Wednesday morning, were held at Pisgah church at 11 o’clock Thursday morning with Rev. Hallman, officiating and O. R. Fielder, directing.
     He is survived by his widow, one son, Reeder [should be Reedus]; one daughter, Mrs. W. A. Freeman and four brothers, Charlie, E. B.[,] Wayne and S. K.; and two sisters, Mrs. John Holt and Mrs. William Morgan.


Redus McKay Bratcher
Submitted by
Lee Freeman
“Florence Times”
Monday, January 26, 1948
Page 10
    Redus [sic] McKay Bratcher, aged 39, route 3, Florence, died Saturday at 9:15 p.m., at the Eliza Coffee Memorial hospital after a long illness. He was a member of the Florence Masonic Lodge.

Surviving are his wife Mrs. Redus [sic] McKay Bratcher; two sons James Harold and Donald Ray; his mother, Mrs. Lee Bratcher, all of Florence; and one sister, Mrs. Allen Freeman of Cloverdale.
     Funeral services were held today at 1 p.m., from the Pisgah church, L. B. Stewart and Earl Prater, ministers, officiating. Internment was in the Pisgah cemetery, Brown Service conducting. Masonic services were held at the grave.
     Active pallbearers were Joe Boyd, Will Irons, O. E. Barr, Sam Nobb, D. T. Wilcoxson, W. M. Clung.
     Honorary pallbearers were Dr. W. W. Alexander, Dr. W. J. Brown, Dr. George A. Cashman, Charlie W. Cochran, Edgar S. Cochran, A. L. Larry, James Larry, Woodrow Smith, Jessee Wilcoxson, Emmett Irons, Ellis Irons, Melvin Marks, and Eugene Hayes.


John A. Bratcher
Submitted by
Lee Freeman
Source: “Daily Herald”
Maury Co. TN
Monday, November 23, 1914
John Blatchford [BRATCHER]

     John BLATCHER [sic], aged 57, died very suddenly Sunday morning at 5 o’clock of heart trouble at his home near Bigbyville. He had been in the best of health apparently, but shortly after rising, he fell over and expired before anyone could come to his relief.
    Mr. BLATCHER [sic] leaves a wife and one son, Will. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian church at McCains. The funeral services took place there this morning at 11 o’clock, conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. A. BLADES. The interrrment was in the McCains cemetery. Oakes & Nichols in charge.
Additional information from Lee Freeman: Obituary of John A. BRATCHER (c.1854/1857-1914; son of William and Matilda BRADLEY Bratcher)


J. E. Bratcher
Submitted by
Lee Freeman
Source: “Tri-Cities Daily”
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1968, p. 2.
     Services for James Ellis BRATCHER, 45, of Tuscumbia, Rt. 3, will be Friday at 2 p.m. from Bethlehem Baptist Church with Rev. Malcolm KING officiating. Burial will be in the adjoining cemetery, Morrison-Elkins, Tuscumbia, directing.
     Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Lenice BRATCHER, Russellville; father, Roscoe BRATCHER, Tuscumbia; mother, Mrs. Freddie TAYLOR, Tuscumbia; two daughters, Mrs. Margie WRIGHT, Miss Kathy BRATCHER, both of California; four sons, GARY, WILLIAM, RALPH, ELVIN, all of California; a sister, Mrs. L. C. HAND, Tuscumbia; five grandchildren.
    Bearers will be Cecil MITCHELL, A. D. CASTEEL, Eugene SOCKWELL, James CLARK, Charles ROBERTS, Donald PENNINGTON.


Rev. Rufus Walker
Submitted by
Lee Freeman
Source: Clifton Times, Thurs., May 29, 1890, p. 3
Rev. Rufus WALKER died at his home on Eagle Creek, five miles from Clifton, last Sunday morning at 4 o’clock. He has been in the ministry for a number of years, and was a man well known and liked throughout this section. His life’s toil has rounded to a close, and he is now enjoying that reward given him for services to his Maker. From “Waynesboro, Tenn.” News, Written by “Langdon,” Clifton Times, Thurs., May 29, 1890, p. 4.
It was with serious regret that we heard of Rev. WALKER’s death. The members of his church at this place held him in high esteem, believing him to be a true and noble man.


Joe Dixon
Submitted by

Lee Freeman
Source: “Waynesboro, Tenn.” News, Written by “Langdon,” Clifton Times, Thurs., July 3, 1890, p. 3
Mr. Joe DIXON died last week of typhoid malarial fever. He leaves a wife and several children. Two of the children have typhoid fever, though not dangerously. 




Elias Thrasher
Submitted by Lee Freeman
Source: Florence Times, Fri., Dec. 21, 1900, p. 1
Old Citizen Gone
       Mr. Elias THRASHER, one of the old citizens of Lauderdale, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hettie MARKS, near Jacksonburg, on the 8th instant of some liver trouble. He was 77 years of age, having been born in June, 1873 [should be 1823]. For many years he had been a member of the Christian church.


Mrs. Hettie Marks
Submitted by Lee Freeman

Source: Florence Times, Fri., March 23, 1917
Mrs. Hettie Marks.
       After a long life of usefulness Mrs. Hettie A. MARKS passed away at her home north of Florence on last Wednesday, March 14th, the body being laid to rest on Thursday afternoon in the cemetery at Stony Point after services in the church there in which Elder HARRIS officiated.

       Mrs. Marks was an example of fine Christian womanhood. Having joined the Christian church in early girlhood, she lived a consecrated life for more than three score years, her home the entire time being spent on the plantation where she was born. The mother of a family of five sons and one daughter, she showed a remarkable devotion to her children and their rearing. Forty-one years ago, just half of her life’s journey, she was left a widow, since that time she had devoted her interests entirely to her children.
        Four of the sons live in Lauderdale, Messrs. E. L. and James MARKS of Florence, W. E. MARKS of Hines, and M. L. MARKS at Jacksonburg. Mr. M. H. MARKS lives in Sheffield and the daughter, Mrs. W. J. STRICKLAND, is a resident of Haskill, Arkansas.


Juanita Hassell
Submitted by Lee Freeman
Source: Clifton Enterprise, Thurs., Dec. 20, 1894, p. 3
Little Juanita Hassell.
      At 11 o’clock last Monday evening little Juanita HASSELL died after about 60 hours of untold suffering from an attack of the croup.
      Funeral services were held at the residence Tuesday afternoon and the burial took place in the Clifton cemetery.
      All the physicians in town were in attendance, and Dr. BUCHANAN of Waynesboro was called Friday night. At 12 o’clock the only hope to save it was to perform tracheotomy, which means the insertion of a tube into the windpipe. Through this the little sufferer breathed a living death until Monday at 11 o’clock.
      She was the idolized of her parents and the pet and pride of almost every one in Cliston [sic]. An interesting and intelligent child, far above the ordinary, with a disposition that was purity and innocence itself, it is not surprising that the universal sympathy in her death should not touch the [brinks?] of grief. There is not a person in Clifton who would not make any sacrifice to show these dear parents how deeply they deplore the death of their child, and who would not willingly help to bear the burden of this bereavement. Words and languages fail the writer in expressing the depth and sincerity of the sympathy he feels for these parents whose numerous kindnesses have afforded him numberless pleasures and whose devotion to their only child has often been an object of his admiration.
      She is gone but not forgotten. The love that belongs to those children whom Divinity has taken to himself is a chord as strong as bands of steel that bind us to a hope of rest beyond this tide of tribulations, and a ladder by which we mount to the heights of His eternal promises.
From the Clifton Enterprise, Thurs., Dec. 20, 1894, p. 3.
      The following was handed to us by a friend of the parents of little Juanita HASSELL:One by one our loved ones leave us, just as the leaves
       in autumn wither and fall;
And the sad truth deeply grieves us, but death in
       time will claim them all.       An old Danish proverb truly says Death does not blow a trumpet but comes to us unawares just when we least expect it. Yes, cruel death steals in and plucks our faire flowers.
       Little Juanita was just blooming into lovely childhood when she was transported by angels to a fairer clime, and no sweeter, lovelier flower blooms in all the garden of paradise. She is not dead but quietly sleeps until the great resurrection morn while [her] sweet little spirit basks in the sunlight of God’s everlasting love, Who taketh notice even of the sparrows when they fall.
        We think we are resigned to God’s will, but  when the icy hand of death falls upon those we love our hearts cry out for our lost darlings and in our anguish we almost forget that God is love but we should feel that He doeth all things well.
        Father, mother, do not weep, for she is happy beyond human conception of happiness. Go, hope and [bid?] their weeping cease, steal from their fom their [sic] hearts the pang and bear a soft balm to those who fondly mourn the dead. And while I know your heart is breaking and you long for the sight of a lovely face and the touch of that baby hand and the sweet voice which you will long to hear which will echo no more in your hall and the gay laughter of childish glee is forever silent in that once bright and happy home. And I know dear CLARA that Christmas will only bring up sweet memories of long ago, but for the sake of the dear babe of Bethlehem bow in humble submission to His will and  [lovingly?] pass under the rod.
                                                                                A FRIEND.


Harriet Stout
Submitted by Lee Freeman

Source: Florence Gazette, Saturday,  January 28, 1888,
p. 3
“We are sorry to report the death, last Saturday, of Pneumonia, of that excekllent lady, Mrs. Harriet STOUT, of Wayne County, Tenn. She was formerly Miss SPAIN, of our county.” 


Rankin Youngblood
Submitted by

Edgar D. Byler, III
Source: Wayne County News
no date on clipping but July 1937 
Rankin Youngblood
Rankin Youngblood was drowned July 20, 1937, at TVA dam, when gates in the dam were accidentally opened on him.

    His vacant place can never be filled. We will miss him do for he was kind hearted and always ready to help anyone in distress. He was an open book to the world.
    Rankin told his mother two weeks before his death that when he died he would go to rest and also told her and his father that he was going to die soon.
    God does all things well, and Rankin was too good to stay any longer on this troublesome world.
   We want to thank all of our friends for their kindness in our bereavement and for the beautiful floral offerings. Everyone was very nice and we thank them again.Friend after friend departs,
Who hat not lost a friend,
There is no union here of hearts
That finds not here an end.
Were this frail world our only rest,
Living or dying, none were blest;
There is a world above where parting is unknown,
A whole eternity of love and blessedness alone.
And faith beholds the dying here
Transplanted to that happier sphere.     We leave all ills to God, out Father, and ask Him to make us able to bear our troubles and at last send us to our dear boy where trouble comes not more.
Written by his mother and family,
W. Youngblood.


William Thomas Warton
Submitted by

Michelle White
Source: Electra, TX newspaper
1 April 1943, page 4
The funeral of William Thomas Worton, 65, was held Monday afternoon at 4 p.m. at the Church of God with the Rev. G. M. Bloomingdale officiating.  Mr. Worton died Saturday at 11 p.m. after a paralysis stroke on Wednesday.  He was a native of Tennessee and had lived in Electra 25 years.  Burial was in the Electra cemetery in charge of the James B. Totten Funeral Home.
 [W.T. was son of William J WARTON and Lydia Catherine SCOTT]


Samuel O. Warton
Submitted by Michelle White
Source: Electra (TX) Star
20 Dec 1945, page 9
FUNERAL SERVICES  S. O. WORTON HELD MONDAYFuneral services for Samuel O. Worton, 56, of San Francisco, Calif., formerly of Electra who was killed in Monrovia, Calif., Dec. 10, were held from the Fundamental Baptist Church of Electra at 2 p.m. Monday. Rev. Ray Morrow, pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev. W. W. Rivers, pastor of the First Baptist Church.  Worton was killed while enroute to Electra.  He had started to get in his car when another automobile struck him.  Survivors include the widow; two daughters, Mrs. Iva Ragsdale and Mrs. Colma King, both of Holliday; four sons, O. C., B. D. And Lloyd Worton, Holiday and Kelly Worton, Jacksboro; three brothers Richard Worton, Amarillo; J. A. Worton, Fort Worth and F. F. Worton, Morton; and two sisters, Mrs. Ada Kuioum, Corpus Christi, and Mrs. Ollie Cato, Electra.  Interment was in the New Electra Cemetery under the direction of the James B. Totten Funeral Home. [Sam was son of William J. WARTON and Lydia Catherine (SCOTT)Sam was born possibly in Nashville but his parents were from Waynesboro.  I do not have proof of his birth, his wife was the submitter of info on death info and she stated Nashville.] 


Lydia Worton
Submitted by Michelle White
Source: Electra (TX) Star
30 Sep 1943, page 1
Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at the Church of God, for Mrs. Lydia Worton, 83, who died Saturday afternoon at the Electra Hospital.  Rev. G. M. Bloomingdale officiated and interment was in the Electra cemetery, under the direction of the James B. Totten Funeral Home.  Survivors include four sons, Fred of Maple, Texas; Richard, Amarillo; John of Melba, Calif.; two daughters, Mesdames Ollie Cato and Ada Knioun of Corpus Christi, and one brother Bob Scott, of Tahoka, Tx.[Lydia was wife to William J. WARTON, she moved to TX by 1920 with her children]


Charles Warton
Submitted by Michelle White
Source: Electra (TX) News
26 Jan 1926
Charles Warton, aged 47, died at 5 o’clock Wed. Morning following an illness of eight days, pneumonia being the cause.  He is survived by his wife and three small children, Jessie, Charlie and Joe Noah; also his mother, Mrs. Lydia Warton, and five brothers and two sisters.  The brothers are Tom, John, Richard, and Sam of Electra, and Fred of Hail Center.  The sisters are Mrs. Olie Cato of Crowell and Mrs. Ada Kenyon of Okla.  Funeral services were held at half past two Thursday at the Warton residence about a mile north of town, with Rev,. E. M. Francis officiating.  Interment took place in the Electra cemetery.
 [Charles was son of William J WARTON and Lydia (SCOTT) WARTON]


Johnny Hitchcock
Submitted by Lee Freeman

Source: Florence (AL) Times
29 Jun 1895, page 2
“Old Uncle Johnny HITCHCOCK,” one of the best know [sic] citizens of West Lauderdale, died at his home near Walnut Grove, just across the Tennessee Line, some months ago, and his funeral was preached the first Sunday in June by Dr. CARTER, the presiding Elder of that district.. [sic]  The event drew the largest congregation that ever assembled at Walnut Grove. “Uncle JOHNNY” had been an official member of the Methodist Church 52 years. A noble old soldier has gone to his reward. He was in his 78th year.


William S. Worthing/WarthenSubmitted  byBarbara (Warthen) WallaceSource:  The Mannsville News,Mannville, Indian Territory

September 30, 1907, page 1

Vol. 4, # 13,

    The subject of this sketch, W.S. Worthing (sic), was born in Wayne County, Tenn., Feb. 1829. He moved to Collin County, Texas, in 1854. Here he spent the greater part of his life. He moved to the Ind. Ter. in 1892, located near Mannsville. Here he remained until the time of his death which took place Sept. the 7, 1907.
     Bro. Worthing was one of our oldest preachers in this country. While he was 78 years old and stooped with age, yet he never knew what it was to give up. He was always ready to do his part of the Lords work. he was an honest man in every sense of the word, always faithful to his engagements. He fell on the battle field while battling for God. The last work he ever done on earth was done for his Master. Bro Worthing was never a man to hunt easy places in the Kingdom of God, but like Him, who called him to labor, he made himself of no reputation, but took on himself the form of a servant. It seemed to be his delight to get in the hardest places and labor for his Master. As content as most men, where they are continually encouraged by the way. He leaves behind 10 children, 5 of whom were present at his funeral. Bro. Worthing preached for 40 long years and his greatest desire was to see all his children saved. Bro. Worthing leaves behind him a host of good warm friends, who will greatly miss his presence, but most of all his young brethren in the ministry will miss his presence among them.
     Two old scarred soldiers had fought together and suffered together, at last one of these soldiers was dying when his comrade said to him, ” You will soon be with Jesus. Then you will be happy.” The reply was, “I can not be happy to the fullest extent until you get there.” So when all get there who have been led to Jesus by Bro. Worthing’s influence, his happiness will be full. Our prayer is that his children may be able to meet him around the thrown of God.(Authors) C. W. Crawford, J. J. Risinger, J. R. Hall Note: His father was John Worthen of Wayne County, TN; 1850 Wayne County Federal Census, Wm Worthen  married Sarah Ann (unknown) within the year; second wife is said to have been Margaret Elizabeth Colphen (sic); 1860 third wife listed on the marriage record as Lette Wilkerson (sic)(widow of Mr. Wilkins & mother of John Wilkins). 
Judge Jonathan Morris
Submitted by Lee Freeman
Source: “The Florence Herald”
Friday, September 26, 1902
page 1 &
Friday, October 3, 1902
page 8
From “Local News Notes,” the Florence Times, Friday, September 26, 1902, p. 1.
     Judge Jonathon Morris, father of the late Dr. Wayne Morris, died at his home in Waynesboro, Tenn., Wednesday morning at an advanced age. Dr. Morris was well known here by many of our citizens. From “Necrological,” the Florence Herald, Friday, October 3, 1902, p. 8.
Judge Jonathon Morris.
    A telegram announcing the death of Judge Jonathon Morris at Waynesboro, Tenn. was received by his daughter-in-law Mrs. Wayne Morris Wednesday Sep. 24th. Judge Morris was 87 years old and had lived the greater part of his life in Waynesboro. He had been very feeble for more than a year.
     Judge Morris was a member of the masonic [sic] fraternity, and had been a member of the Methodist church fore more than thirty years. His remains were escorted to the cemetery by the Masonic Lodge and laid to rest beside his wife with Masonic honors.


Mrs. Elizabeth Whitten
Submitted by Bill Page
Source: “Nashville Christian Advocate”
November 3, 1853
Died, at the residence of her son, David C. Whitten, on the 4th of
August last, sister Elizabeth Whitten, in the 66th year of her age.
     Sister W. was a native of South Carolina; married George Whitten on the 26th of May, 1808; moved to Tennessee, and settled in Wayne County, in 1818. – Some two years before she left the State of her nativity, she sought, and doubtless obtained, religion, and for many years gave clear manifestations of her united ties to the church, and devotion to God. A few years before her death, she seemed quite cold, and at times thought that she was lukewarm; but before her death she gave her friends to understand that she was willing to die.
     For many years, her house had been a good home for the heralds of the cross. Many of the itinerants well recollect her mother-like treatment. Peace be to her gentle spirit. Her works praise her, though she is in the gate.
W.B. Edwards.
Oct.21, 1853.
(from Nashville Christian Advocate, November 3, 1853)


George Whitten, Esq.
Submitted by Bill Page
Source: “Nashville Christian Advocate”
22 May 1856
Died of pneumonia, April 27, 1856, at his own residence, in Wayne
County, Tenn., George Whitten, Esq. He was a native of South Carolina,
was born in 1787, professed religion in his thirtieth year, and attached
himself to the Methodist E. Church soon thereafter, in and to which he
was as much devoted as any person I ever knew. For thirty-nine years of
his life his seat was rarely vacant when the Word of Life was to be
    He was the subject of sore affliction for the last half of his life,
yet he never absented himself from the sanctuary of the Lord when the
weather was such that he could turn out in safety.
    He was so much attached to the Church of his choice that I never knew
him in all my life fail to contribute his proportional part of
quarterage, no matter how much he might be straitened in his pecuniary
    So great a friend was he to class meetings and love-feasts, that I
never knew him present at one but that he told the dealings of God with
his soul, and the Lord nearly always blessed him when he spake. I well
remember the last love feast I saw him at, at a quarterly meeting at
Whitten’s Chapel, in June last. Brother Burr (P.E.) remarked that time
was precious; my father arose; with his white locks waving in the gentle
breezes, said he, “Brethren, I feel that this is the last love-feast I
shall ever attend; therefore I do the more freely speak. I have been
battling for heaven near forty years, and though I have been subject to
trials like you all, yet, thank God, I’ve ever found his grace
sufficient for me – though I’ve been tired by the way, thank God I’ve
never tired in the way.” When he sat down he was in an ecstasy, and
there was scarce a dry eye in the house. I record this, because it was
the last love-feast or sacrament that he ever did attend. His
sufferings were very great, of twelve days’ duration; but during his
afflictions he spoke freely of death and eternity. He remarked some day
or two before he died that he had not been as happy as he could wish;
“But,” said he, “I know the reason; my pain is so excrutiating, though,”
said he,” I feel no condemnation – I believe it will be well with me
after death.”
    He has passed away from among us, yet he still lives in our hearts and
Wayne County, Tennessee
(Nashville Christian Advocate, May 22, 1856
[“D.C.W.” was David Clay Whitten, I think, who was his son.]


Charles B. Morrow
Submitted by Sue Sumner
Source not given.
Charles Morrow, age 69, of Toledo, Ohio, Died
Thursday, November 11, 2004, at home surrounded loving
family. He was born October 25, 1935, to Mr. and Mrs.,
Marvin A. Morrow ( Clara Melton). He was a  U.S. Navy
Veteran and most recently employed at Village Dairy
Farm and In & Out Mart.
Survived by children, Paul Morrow,Leota (Ralph)
Shively, Bill (Effie) Morrow  all of Toledo and Todd
(Andrea)Morrow of Wauseon, Ohio: 8 Grandchildren :
mother Clara (Melton) Morrow of Toledo; sister Sue
(Bob) Sumner of Toledo: girlfriend, Janet Mockbee of
Toledo. He was preceded in dearth by his wife, Sharon
Morrow and father Marvin A. Morrow.
Friends will be received at Strabler Funeral Home (
1163 W. Sylvania Ave. Toledo, Ohio (419)269 1111) on
Monday, November 15,  from 2-4 and 6-8 P.M. Where
services will be held on Tuesday at 11 A.M.. Burial
East Swanton Cemetery. Charles was loved by all and
will be greatly missed.
Submitted By Sue Sumner (sister)


Marion Franklin Rich, Jr.
Submitted by
Marion Franklin Rich, Junior was born on November 09, 1977. He died on May 20, 1994. He was a native of Wayne County, TN. and died at a very early age of only 16. He was the son of Marion Franklin Rich and Patsy Faye Rich-Moore. He was a member of Piney Grove Freewill Baptist Church where he was peacefully laid to rest. Survivors include, other than his parents, two sisters, Christina Faye Caperton (Rickey) and Samantha K Rich, both of Collinwood, TN. Grandparents, Junior (Bug) and Alta Sherrill of Saint Joseph, TN. and Loyal Rich of Cypress Inn, TN. and is also survived by a number of aunts, uncles and cousins. He was preceded in death by a grandfather, Orbie Franklin Rich of Cypress Inn, TN.


George Tucker Helton
Submitted by

Dave N. Lee
George Tucker HELTON, one of our best and most highly respected citizens, quietly passed away at 5:45 p.m., Tuesday, Feb.10, 1925, at the home of his son, J. D. HELTON, in Waynesboro, aged 81 years, 11 months, and 23 days. A recently contracted cold which rapidly developed into pneumonia, was the immediate cause of his death. His illness was of short duration and his death a surprise and shock to his family and friends. Three companions had preceded him: the first, formerly, Miss Nancy OLD, the second, Miss Nancy Catherine MORROW; the third, Miss Bettie REEVES, the last having died just two weeks previous to his death. Funeral services, held at the residence of this son, J. D. HELTON, were conducted by Rev. Win. N. IRWIN and Rev. Roy ANGEL, afier which burial took place in the Green River cemetery.He leaves surviving him these children: J. D. HELTON, postmaster and Wayne HELTON of Waynesboro, Mrs. Laura LEE, wife of Joe LEE of Lawrence County. Another son, Joe had also preceded him leaving two children: Martha and Bessie. Three brothers also survive him:J.W. HELTON of Eldorado, Ark, age 89 years; H. A. HELTON of Waynesboro, age 79 years, and Sam HELTON of Cement, OkIa, age 69 years.Since the death of his last wife he has made his home with his son, J. D. HELTON where he was given every attention, medical and otherwise, which love and duty could supply. He was a man of strong physique, but of quiet and unostentatious demeanor, a kind husband and father whose life was exemplary in his attachment to his home and family.Possessing a kindly, genial disposition, he met the cares and responsibilities of life with cheerfulness and fortitude combined, and was of that type of man, who, beneath a rugged exterior, possessed the stirring qualities characteristic of the good citizen, the honest man and Christian gentleman. As a worthy member of the Baptist church he lived a life consistent with his professor and faith. Conscious of the nearness of the end when first stricken with unwavering faith he entered the valley of shadows passing through it without a tremor, opened his eyes in sight of the other side and with the remark, “lsn’t it Daylight?” folded his hands upon his breast, closed his eyes, and fell asleep in the sweet peace of eternal rest.I am sure that in the last moments, while earth was receding and the ship was tossing amid the breakers, he trusted the Great Pilot, and with resignation to His will could say:Leave not thou me; Great Pilot, unattended,
When the shore-line fades from view.
Go thou with me until the voyage is ended –
Guide my frail bark safely through,
Leave not along thy servant at the crossing,
Of Life’s shadow, unseen shore;
Steer thou. 0! Pilot, while the ship is tossing
O’er the breakers to the goal.
There is no danger, with such pilot guiding
Shallows, breakers though there be;
Though dark the shadows, I am still confiding,
Guide, Great Pilot, guide thou me.

A Friend.


Thompson C. Butler
Submitted by
John Russell Butler
from a handwritten copy.
Thompson C. Butler born Mary 6, 1860. Departed this life Oct. 26, 1942. Being 82 years 5 months twenty days of age. He had been in failing health for sometime and had paralysis.
     He was born in Ala. bur moved to Decatur Co., Tenn in early manhood where he married Miss Huldy Hay and to this union five sons and one daughter were born. His wife died several years ago and he moved to this community.
     He married Mrs. Nancy Morrow, widow of the late F. E. Morrow, on July 24, 1904 and to this union two sons were born.
     He was a member of the Christian Church.
     Survivors are: His wife, Mrs. Nan Butler, children Henry, Earl and Mrs. Charlie Stricklin of Lutts; Vernon and Wade of Memphis; Omer of Decaturville; Ben of Rives and Hobert of Texarkana, Texas. Sister Mrs. Frances Handley of Texarkana, Texas, one brother Russel Butler of Florence, Ala. One sister Mrs. Mary Handley of Savannah has died since his death. There are 16 grandchildren, 6 great grandchildren. Several other relatives and a host of friends.
     Funeral services were held at the Lutts Community Church Tues afternoon at 2:30 o’clock by the Rev. B. J. Cantrell. Burial in the Lutts Cemetery with Wayne Funeral Service in charge.
     Step-children Mrs. E. A. Warrington, Lutts,  Mrs. W. H. Lindsey, Lawrenceburg, Martin Morrow, Florence.
Nov 18, 1942, Mary Ethel.


James Wright
submitted by
Lee Freeman
from Florence Times-News, Monday, January 23, 1928, p. 3.
James Wright, aged 55, Lauderdale county farmer, resident of the “Reserve” beat, near Smithsonia, died at 1:30 a.m. today.  He had been in failing health for several months.  The body will be shipped by motor to Cypress Inn, Tenn., Tuesday morning, where funeral services will be held at 11 o’clock.  The deceased is survived by a wife and seven children.  Fielder is in charge of arrangements.


D. A. Lindsey
submitted by
Lee Freeman
from Florence Herald, Friday, May 26, 1939, sec. 2, p. 4.
D. A. Lindsey Dies After Long Illness
David A. Lindsey, aged 82, died at the family residence on Highland Street Thursday morning following a five-months’ illness. Funeral rites will be conducted this afternoon at 2:30 o’clock from the residence, with Rev. C. E. Holt, Church of Ch[r]ist minister, officiating.  Burial will follow in the Florence cemetery, with Smith in charge of arrangements.
Surviving are two sons, Albert and Edward Lindsey, of Florence; two grandchildren; two half-brothers, Edgar Lindsey, of Georgia, and Alonzo Lindsey, of Florence, and three half-sisters, Mrs. G. S. Myrick, Miss Geanie Lindsey and Mrs. Lula Holt, all of Florence.Mr. Lindsey was a native of Warsaw, Mo., coming to Florence with his family when a child. He later went to Wayne county [sic], Tenn., to reside, but returned to Florence to make his home.


Freeman Boyd Melton
submitted by
Sue Simpson, a granddaughter
probably from The Wayne Countian Nov 1928
Boyd Melton Funeral Friday Afternoon
The funeral of Boyd Melton, one of Wayne county’s best known young sawmill men, was held this Friday afternoon and burial was made in Walnut Grove cemetery on Forty-Eight Creek. Mr. Melton was almost instantly killed Wednesday in the woods near the Melton Brothers mill on Hardins creek by the kick of a mule which struck him just above the heart. He was logging at the time he was killed.
Mr. Melton leaves a wife and four small children, the oldest of whom is eleven years and his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Melton, and three brothers, Harvey, Terry and Clarence, and two married sisters. He was a member of the Christian church.The funeral was held at the Waynesboro Christian church Friday noon with Rev. Cantrell in charge assisted by Rev. W. A. Ward and Rev. R. R. Smith.A tribute from the pen of Frank Boyd was read at the service by C. L. Boyd, this being reproduced below.“Although not present on this sad occasion: although these words are no expressed by these lips, — I cannot permit an occasion like this to pass without an expression of the high esteem and regard with which I have ever held our departed friend and brother.“I know of no higher type of real, true, manhood and worth than he. His character and reputation entitles him in our highest encomiums and praise. Without richest — in the sense of the world’s goods — he was rich in the higher and better attributes which go to make for ideal citizenship. His life has been, not only true to the highest standard of good citizenship, but has been conspicuous in its devotion to right living, honor, and for every virtue which constitutes an ideal husband, father and friend.

“And, as these words are being expressed through lips other than mine, I will be conscious of this solemn presence – this final parting – this present farewell; but with this consciousness comes to me the assurance that his life has not been in vain, and that, sometime in the great beyond we shall renew our association in an eternal – neverending – perfect – reunion.

“His father and mother have given to Wayne County, and every community in which Boyd Melton was known, a gift of true manhood – a type of ideal citizenship – a reputation without stain – and in his death we are conscious not only of our own personal, but public bereavement.”


Mary J. Aylor Wright
Submitted by
Tammie Davis
From Florence Times
Wednesday, July 13, 1938, page 6 and Florence Herald, Friday,
July 15, 1938, page 8
Mrs. Wright, 90, Goes to Reward Cypress Inn, Tennessee, Woman is buried today Mrs. Mary J. Wright, aged about 90, died this morning, a few minutes after midnight, at the home in Cypress Inn, Tenn., after an illness of four and one-half years. A native and lifelong resident of Tennessee, Mrs. Wright was the widow of the late James Wright, having made her home for the past 40 years at Cypress Inn. Surviving are four sons, W.A. Wright of Cypress Inn; Sharper Wright of Florence; Joe Wright of Winston County, Ala., and Marion Wright of Threet’s Cross Roads, and a daughter Mrs. Mary Martin of Cypress Inn. Funeral services were conducted this afternoon at 3 o’clock at the Christian church at Cypress Inn, with Elder E.C. Holt of Florence, a minister of the Church of Christ , officiating. Burial followed in Hayes Cemetery near Cypress Inn, Brown Service, Florence, directing.Funeral Rites Held for Mrs. Wright

Funeral rites for Mrs. Mry J. Wright, aged about 90, who died Wednesday morning at the family residence at Cypress Inn, Tenn., following an extended illness, were conducted Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church at Cypress Inn, with Elder C.E. Holt, of Florence, a minister of the Church of Christ, officiating. Burial followed in the Hayes Cemetery, near Cypress Inn, with Brown-Service, Florence, directing.

Mrs. Wright was a native and lifelong resident of Tennessee and had made her home at Cypress Inn for the past 40 years.

Surviving are four sons, W.A. Wright of Cypress Inn; Sharper Wright, of Florence; Joe Wright, of Winston County, Ala., and Marion Wright of Threet’s Cross Roads and one daughter, Mrs. Mary Martin, of Cypress Inn, Tenn.


R.C. Scott
Submitted by
Michelle White
From Lynn County News
12 October 1945, front/back page, Tahoka, Texas
R C Scott, 82 years old service at 1st Baptist, Harris Funeral Home
survived by aged companion
7 daughters (all apparently listed as “Mrs”)
of Tahoka, TX – N.W. Smith, R.R. Lee, E.J. Cobb, H.L. Duckett, G.L. Herrin
of Lubbock, TX – M.B. Norris
of Estancia, NM – C.L. Blackwell 5 daughters and 1 son preceded him in death 16 grandchildren, 3 great-grandchildren grandsons in military
Pvt Billy Harris Smith, killed in action at Cebu Island, April 12
Pvt Billy Jack Hancock of the Marines in Okinawa and returned to US
Sgt R S Smith parachute rigger in England/France here on furlough
Sgt W L Moody served in Quartermaster Air Force in various European sites, came home in July

born in Waynesboro, Tennessee
married Miss Alice Lay there on 7 October 1900

moved to Texas years ago, and moved from Stephenville to Lynn County in 1927


George Ray Brown
Submitted by
From Nashville Tennessean
24 May 1982, Nashville, Tennessee
George Ray BrownFinal rites for George Ray Brown, 61 of Nashivlle were held May 23 at 2 P.M. from Middle Tennessee Funeral Home Chapel with H.H.Hurst officiating. Burial was in Brown Cemetery on Hardin Creek.Mr. Brown died May 21 at Maury County Hospital in Columbia.He was a native of Wayne County, a son of the late Robert and Lillie Young Brown. He was a carpenter and attended the Church of Christ.Survivors include a son, Joe Ervin Brown Sr. of Nashville, two brothers, Charles of florence and Webb Brown of Waynesboro, two sisters, Bessie Devers of memphis and Elsie Lawson of Mt. Pleasant; and three grandchildren, Joe E. Brown Jr., James E. Brown, both of Nashville and Jerry F. Brown of Florence.


Levi D.Cummings
Submitted by
Marjorie Cummings
From Times Daily
29 July 1976, Florence, Alabama
Mr. CummingsLevi D.Cummings, 83, of Route 3, Florence, died Sunday at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital.Survivors include one brother: Charlie Cummings and one Nephew Charles H. Cummings, both of Florence.Service will be today at 2 pm. at the Stony Point Church of Christ, Derrell Davis officiating. Burial will follow in the church cemetery, Middle Tennessee Funeral Home directing.The body will remain at the Middle Tennessee Funeral home in Collinwood, Tenn. until one hour prior to services when it will be taken to the church.


Mary Clara Helton Peveto
Submitted by
Leigh Ellen Peveto Mott
From Orange Leader
1985, Orange, Texas
Mary Clara Helton Peveto died Jan. 4th 1985 was born in Wayne Co. Tenn. on Dec. 1st 1921 and was survived by son Roland Lee Peveto; a daughter Leigh Ellen Peveto; grandson Darryl Ray Mott, Jr.; granddaughter Ashley Faye Peveto; her brother Harold Helton from Wayne Co. Tenn.


Parker Lay
Submitted by
Margaret Freemon
From The Wayne Countian
24 Dec 1925, page 1, Clifton, Tennessee
Parker Lay Killed Monday by Falling TreeParker Lay was faatally injured Monday Morning by being hit be a tree which he was cutting for wood, and he died during the afternon. A short time before the accident happened, Lay had cut a tree which in falling lodged against another, and when this second tree was cut down it fell in such a manner that it struck Lay in the head, crushing his skull and breaking his back.The accident happened about a mile above town.Lay leaves a wife and four children. 
Rev. Simon P. Whitten
Submitted by
Jerry Murphy
From The Christian Advocate
June 4, 1881, Nashville, Tennessee
The Rev. Simon P. Whitten, 1822-1881Simon Peter Whitten was born in Newberry District, S. C., June 7, 1822. His father, Mason Whitten, and his mother, Nancy Hair, were both natives of the same district. When in his third year his father moved to North Alabama, and settled near Florence. Three years afterward the family moved across into Tennessee, and settled in Wayne county. He professed religion, and joined the Methodist Episcopal Church, April 15, 1839; was licensed to preach, August, 1841. He was married to Nancy Hays, Aug. 28, 1842. She died Dec. 1, 1843. In October, 1841, he was received into the Tennessee Conference, and appointed to the Lincoln Circuit, which had twenty six preaching places, covering the ground now (1881) occupied by two stations and three or four circuits. Joseph Smith was his colleague. Quarterage receipts, $60 25. In 1845 he traveled Marshall Circuits, in Alabama, with Joseph Turrentine, Quarterage received $59 70. First two years, all told, $119.95. In 1846 he traveled Lawrence African Mission, also in Alabama—had twenty appointments in three weeks. Quarterage and traveling expenses paid by the pastors in full, but owing to some arrangement, he never exactly understood, Conference took it all from him except $100. This was the last year he failed to receive his full disciplinary allowance. He went to the Limestone Circuit, in Alabama, in 1847, with Dawson Phelps. In 1848 he was ordained elder by Bishop Paine (having been ordained deacon by Bishop Andrew in 1846), and stationed in Shelbyville, Tenn. In 1849 and 1850, stationed in Tuscumbia, Ala. In 1851 and 1852, stationed in Franklin, Tenn. In 1853, stationed at Hobson Chapel, Edgefield, Tenn. In 1854, stationed again in Shelbyville, Tenn. In 1855, Agent for the Tennessee Conference Tract Society. In 1856, stationed at Andrew Church, Nashville, Tenn. In 1858, stationed in McMinnville, Tenn. In 1859, stationed at Andrew church, Nashville, Tenn., again. In 1860, stationed at Spring Hill, Tenn. In 1861, presiding elder of Centerville District, and returned in 1862, where he remained until 1865, no sessions of the Conference being held for 1863 and 1864 in consequence of the war. This district embraced Forts Henry and Donelson, and was early the scene of war, and most of it was overrun backward and forward by the contending armies, and was especially the scene of many dashing raids and bold partisan warfare. But the presiding elder, feeling that there was the greater need for the Church to be taken care of, remained in his district, filling every appointment except two Saturday appointments. Most of the preachers remained with him, and local preachers were employed to take the places of the few who left, so that there was regular preaching at all the churches during all the war. The preachers and official members were called together each year about the time the Annual Conference should have met, and the work was readjusted, and such changes made as seemed to be necessary, never keeping any man in any charge longer than the disciplinary term. At these meetings the statistics were reported and recorded, the Conference and missionary collections received and disbursed, appropriations made for the next year, and every part of the Annual Conference work which could be done was attended to, including the preparation and record of memoirs of deceased ministers. Thus the organization of the district, etc. was kept up. In 1865 he was stationed in Huntsville, Ala., and on the 5th of November was married to Mary Williams, of Stewart County, Tenn. In 1866 he was appointed and reappointed Agent of the American Bible Society for West Tennessee and North Mississippi. In April 1876 he resigned his position as Bible Agent, and in the fall of the same year returned to the regular work of the itinerancy, with which he had never severed his connection. When Conference met at Columbia, in 1876, he was sent to the Mt. Pleasant Circuit, where he served four years. In 1880 he was sent to the Alexandria Circuit, where, after serving his people faithfully for near six months, on the morning of the 19th of May he peacefully laid aside the cross for the crown.The foregoing is a brief outline of the life and labors of the Rev. S. P. Whitten, one of the most honored and beloved members of the Tennessee Conference. His death was very sudden. He was in usual health, and after eating dinner he sat down and had a pleasant and cheerful conversation with his family, and proposed to ride to his recording stewards to procure facts preparatory to his District Conference. Stepping out of the parsonage to make ready for his ride he was suddenly stricken with paralysis, and was brought back to the house, lingered thirty-six hours, and without speaking a word, fell asleep in Christ.Brother Whitten was of medium size, compactly built, and usually enjoyed comfortable health. He had a sound mind, which he carefully cultivated by reading and study. He was an able minister of the New Testament and a genuine Methodist preacher. His life was consistent and his example worthy of imitation. He administered the affairs of the Church with prudence and marked ability. As circuit preacher, missionary, stationed preacher, presiding elder, and Bible agent, he did his work with system, zeal, ability, and success. He was a delegate to the general Conference in 1870, and honored his Conference in that relation.He belonged to a large family of Methodists, several of whom were and are honored Methodist preachers. Brother Whitten was a member of my family for twelve months while filling Hobson Chapel, and was a discreet, amiable Christian gentleman in private life. He has left a widow in feeble health, who rejoices in hope of joining him soon in the glory land, and two children, who esteem it an honor to be the descendents of a parent so worthy.

The members of the Tennessee Conference and thousands will receive the tidings of his death with great sorrow.

A good man, a faithful minister, and a loving friend. We mourn his departure, but he died in Christ.

J. B. M. Ferrin


John C. Rasbury
Submitted by
Jean R. Parsley
From The Wayne Countian
5 Mar 1931, page 1, Clifton, Tennessee
John C. Rasbury Dies at Topsy Home(By Addie Walker)John C. Rasbury, who has been one of Topsy’s most prominent citizens during his entire life, died Wednesday afternoon, February 26, 1931, at the family home. He had been in feeble health for some time, however the end came unexpectedly as his condition was not thought to have been more serious than for sometime.Mr. Rasbury was born October 3, 1846, being eighty-four years, four months and twenty-two days at the time of his death. At the age of twenty-four he was married to Miss Sarah A. Harbison who survives him together with two daughters, Mrs. J.F. Craig, Lawrenceburg and Mrs. Ora Bell, of Clovis, New Mexico, and four sons, A.M. and H.L. of Hohenwald, Quinton, Paducah, Texas and Oliver of the home, one brother A.L. Rasbury near Riverside and one sister, Mrs. John R. Kelly, Steele, Missouri, also a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren.At the age of seventeen years he became a Confederate soldier and served under General Nathan B. Forrest during the Civil war. He was one of the great southern patriots, who bravely wore the gray until his flag went down in blood and tears and then accepted the decision of war in good faith and came home to become a loyal American citizen and help rebuild his desolated country. As long as health permitted he attended the Confederate Reunions each year. He was the last survivor of the “Army in Gray” that lived in the north part of Wayne county.

Mr. Rasbury joined the Primitive Baptist church the first Sunday in August, 1908 and lived a Christian life. He had a wide circle of friends and was a man that was devoted to his family and was loved by all who knew him. So he leaves a host of friends as well as relatives to mourn his loss.

Funeral services were conducted at the home by Elder J.A. Pope and M. Saunders of Dickson, and burial was in the family cemetery at Salem.


Gladys Prince
Submitted by
Brenda Holden
From The Noblesville Ledger
12 Jan 2008, Noblesville, Indiana
Noblesville – Gladys PrincePrince 91, of Noblesville died Thursday Jan. 10 2008, at Riverview Hospital in Noblesville. Mrs. Prince worked in Laundry at Riverview Hospital.She was born Dec. 31, 1916 in Wayne County Tenn, the daughter of Pink and Lula (Bromley} Linville. She was married to Clyde Prince who died in 1984.She is survived by a son and a daughter-in-law, Fred and Sue Prince, six grandchildren Jim Prince, Brenda Holden, Darrell Prince, Ray Prince, Mark Prince, Lisa Nodine. two brothers, P W Linville and Hardison Linville, Several great-grandchildren, and great-greatgrandchildren.In addition to her husband, she was preceded in deat by two grand children, Jerry Prince and Karen Siebert. Calling will be noon to 1:30 pm today at Randall and Roberts Funeral Home in Noblesville with servces immediately following. The Rev. Andrew Marshall will orriciate. Burial will be in Oaklawn Memorial Gardens in Fisher.