Court in April 1851

Monday, April 7th 1851.

State of Tennessee Wayne County§ Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the 7th day it being the first Monday in April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty one Where and when the following Justices present and presiding to wit David J JONES Chairman LAFFERTY CARTER CURTIS BARKER MONTAGUE YOUNG WILSON VOORHIES A B GANT CYPERT L B GANT BREWER HAM DIXON & HUCKABY

Came Rial BREWER Sheriff and Collector of the public taxes for Wayne County for the year 1851 and entered into the following bonds To with [here follows the standard bond. Bondsmen were Rial BREWER, Isaac MORRIS, George T. FREDEKING, John McDOUGAL, C B McLEAN, & G. W. BARKER. The bond was signed as follows //s// Rial BREWER, Isaac MORRIS, George Th FREDEKING John McDOUGAL G W BARKER C B McLEAN]

And the said Rial BREWER and each of his securities came into Court and acknowledged the execution of said bond for the purposes there specified which was received by the Court and ordered to be ordered

Monday April 7th 1851

State of Tennessee [Tennessee – crossed out] Wayne County

[here follows a second bond for Rial BREWER with the same securities for the same offices]

Ordered by the Court that William JAMES be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of William FOWLER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. Isued April 9th 1851

Upon the petition of M B FOWLER & others it is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of Wayne County summons a Jury to consist of not less than five nor more than twelve freeholders to view and [marked – crossed out] and report the expedience of desannuling the new road and opening the old road from Baker CYPERTs to John McGLAMERYs and that they report the same to the July term of this Court Isued April 9, 1851

A settlement between William JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby G. GALLAHER Guar. of the minor heirs of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which as confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Monday April 7th 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to W CARTER the sum of four 50/100 dollars for making Coffin & c for U STAGGS a pauper who died at the poorhouse in said County those who voted in the affirmative D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY YOUNG BARKER L B GANT DIXON & HUCKABY(7) Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of [the – crossed out] any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Lewis DICUS be appointed overseer of the Road of 2d Class in the place of [Lewis DICUS – crossed out] Larkin GRIMES and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction

Upon the petition of King PRATER and Henson RAY it is ordered by the Court that the line dividing the first & second Districts of Wayne County be so changed as to run with Morrison [Creek – crossed out] Branch of Beech Creek attaching the said King PRATER and Henson RAY to the first district

Ordered by the Court that Abraham MONTAGUE & Jonathan MORRIS be appointed Commissioners to settle with the County officers of Wayne County for the year 1851 in the place of A MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON

Upon motion to appropriate to Jonathan MORRIS the sum of three 40/100 dollars for furnishing articles for paupers for Wayne County Thos who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY CARTER YOUNG BARKER VOORHIES CYPERT L B GANT DIXON & HUCKABY 10 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued April 9, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to R BREWER the sum of 4 15/100 for Wood Broom &c furnished the Court Room for 1851 those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY CARTER YOUNG BARKER VOORHIES CYPERT L B GANT DIXON & HUCKABY 10 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not other wise appropriated Isued April 9 1851

The Last Will & testament of Robert S CYPERT deceased was this proven in open Court by the oath of T M WHITTON & Osborn REEVES Subscribing witnesses thereto which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon came James B ANDERSON Executor appointed in said will and entered into bond in the sum of four hundred dollars with T.M. WHITTON his security which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the Court ordered Letters to Isue to the said James ANDERSON accordingly and where upon the said James ANDERSON took the necessary oath for his qualification

Monday April 7th 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to Henry MORRIS the sum of forty 75/100 dollars Chr. Bill for waiting on J J BOYD a pauper who died at the Poorhouse in said County Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY CARTER YOUNG BARKER CYPERT L B GANT DIXON & HUCKABY 9 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Charles M THOMPSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Ed SHIPMAN removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that John MASSEY be appointed overseer of the road of 2 Class and that he work from the Cross roads near Esqr BREWERs to the County line and that he have John CANNENS[?] James BENNETT Nathan BENNETT James McGAW John BENNETT Hezakeah MASSEY Peter PRINCE and all the hands in that bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Joseph G GALLAHER be appointed Overseer of the Road of 2d Class in the place of John LEE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Thompson M MORGAN be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of John A KENNADY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Henderson WHITE be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Henderson DICKERSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued April 9, 1851

Came W W GRIMES Guardian to the minor heir of James GRIMES dec’d and renewed his bond in the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars with Wm. M LAFFERTY and Wm F CROMWELL his securities which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Robert A ROBNETT be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Solomon PHILIPS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Elias BECKHAM be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Lemuel PANNEL removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Green WILSON the overseer of the road of 1st Class open and keep open the road [of as – crossed out] Viewed and marked out by G W BARKER and others a Jury appointed to change the road at the head of the branch above Wm ARNOLDs Isued April 9 1851

Monday April 7th 1851

Came Geo. R. BIFFLE and others who at aformer term of this Court a Jury to view and mark our a change in the road of 2d Class reading dow[sic] Buffalo from Ashland and report a change found as directed in said order And if is [further – crossed out] ordered by the Court that A C RASBERRY be appointed overseer to open and keep up said in the place of J F STOWE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Came James DICKEY and others a Jury of View summonds to view a change in the Waynesboro & Savannah road near Wm J GRIMES and report a change found as directed in said order

Came Nathan BIFFLE and others who was appointed a Jury to View and mark out a change in the road of 2d Class leading down 48 Mile Creek near Wm B WALKERs And report a road found as directed in said order

[Came into court T M WHITTON who was on the 27th Feb. 1851 duly elected Constable of Wayne County by the qualified Voters of the 10th Civil District to fill the unexpired term of Lasson HAYES removed and entered into the following bond to wit§ – this entire entry marked error]

James M RAMSEY et als Exparte§ Petition to sell land and for Dower

Be it remembered that this cause came on this day a further hearing before the Worshipful David I JONES William LAFFERTY W CARTER and others Justices &c. present and presiding upon the report of the Clerk & Master & special commissioner and report of the Surveyor & commissioners which reports being unexcepted to and in all things confirmed and are in the words and figures following to wit

James M RAMSEY et als Exparte§ The undersigned Clerk & Master and special commissioner in this cause would respectfully report to your Worships that in obedience to a decretal order made at your February term 1851 after having given the notice and upon the terms therein mentioned he on the 8th day of March 1851 [after having given the notice and upon the terms therein mentioned – crossed out] sold the lands mentioned in said order when Mary H. SHIELDS being the highest and best bidder therefor became the purchaser of all the said lands lying upon Green River and described in the petition in this cause in exhibits A & C subject to the dower of the said Mary H SHILDS[sic] at the sum of $50-00 [$50.00?] who executed her bond with Samuel R LAIRD security thereto payable twelve months

Monday April 7th 1851

after date And Henry H HUNTER at the same time being the highest and best bidder therefor became the purchaser of the lands mentioned in said petition lying on Chalk Creek and described in exhibits B & D at the price of $214-00 who executed his bond for the same payable twelve months after date with John McDOUGAL security thereto both of which securities are decreed good and sufficient a lien being retained upon said lands until said purchase money is paid. All of which is respectfully submitted this April 7 1851 //s// William JONES Clk

Cc4.jpg (19355 bytes)

State of Tennessee, Wayne County§ By order of the Court Court of Wayne County February term 1851 We Jesse S ROSS Surveyor Joseph EAST and John R HELTON Commissioners to allot and set apart to Mary H SHIELDS her dower out of the lands of John N SHIELDS her deceased husband after having understood the whole matter have proceeded to run and mark off 132½ acres as her dower beginning at the South West corner of James HELTONs 155 acres Entry Running South passing TURNERs So East corner at 2 poles in all 25 poles to a large poplar Thence East 32º South 32 poles to a Rock hickory and sweet gum pointers, Thence South 40 poles to a chesnut[sic] Thence east 10º south 126 poles to a stake Thence north 110 poles to the S B lines of A G McDOUGAL Entry Thence West on McDOUGAL & HELTON S B 175 poles to the beginning including the improvements lots dwelling houses &c being in our Judgement the one third part in value of the real estate of John N SHIELDS deceased died seized and possessed of Given under our hands this Feb 27th 1851 //s// Jesse S ROSS Surveyor Joseph EAST John R HELTON

It is therefore ordered and decreed by the Court that all the right and title to the use and occupation of in and to said land above laid out and allotted to said Mary H. SHIELDS be divested out of the said petitioners heirs at law of said John N SHIELDS be

[divested out of them – crossed out]

and that the same be vested in said Mary H SHIELDS and her assigns for and during her natural life It is further ordered and decreed by the Court that [all other matters be reserved until said purch – crossed out] and all other matters be reserved until said purchase money is paid

Monday April 7th 1851

T M WHITTON who was on the 27th Febr. 1851 duly and legally elected Constable of Wayne County by the qualified voters of the 10th Civil District thereof to fill the unexpired term of Lawson HAYS removed came into Court and entered into the following bond to wit

[standard bond follows. Securities were T H MABRY James B ANDERSON and Wm B ROSS. Bond was
for $4000.00]

And the said T M WHITTON T H MABRY and Wm B ROSS came into Court and acknowledged the execution of said Bond and the Court approved of the same and ordered it to be recorded Whereupon the said WHITTEN took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Upon motion to appropriate to Rial BREWER Sheriff of Wayne County the Sum thirty dollars for exaficious services for the year 1850 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY YOUNG MONTAGUE BARKER VOORHIES CYPERT L B GANT & DIXON 9 Noes A B GANT 1 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued April 9, 1851

Upon motion it is ordered by the Court that Wm B ROSS be appointed a Commissioner to have a Pessery built in the North west corner of the Court yard for the Convenience of the Citizens of the County

Monday April 7th 1851

Upon motion to appropriate Geo. W BARKER A B GANT T P CYPERT Wm. R CURTIS B HOPSON A J BREWER John DIXON David WHITTEN the sum of five dollars [Revenue commissioners – crossed out] each W. CARTER Wm M LAFFERTY & John P VOORHIES the sum of six dollars each to John T YOUNG the sum of Four dollars and to James C WHITAKER the sum of two dollars for their services as revenue commissioners for their respective Districts the year 1851 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY YOUNG MONTAGUE BARKER WILSON VOORHIES A B GANT CYPERT BREWER HAM & HUCKABY 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued April 9, 1851

Ordered by the Court that John STOCKARD be appointed overseer of the road of 2 Class in the place of William CRAIG and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued April 9, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL Clerk of the Circuit Court and other their fees respectively in certain bills of Cost against Wayne County which are duly certified to wit

State of Tennessee vs James McCLANAHAN§ John McDOUGAL Clerk $5.50 R. A. HILL $5.00 Rial BREWER $1.00 Isued April 11, 1851

State of Tennessee vs John GILL§ Clerk J. McDOUGAL $5.75 R.A. HILL $5.00 R. BREWER $ .29 J F HALL $1.00 A. MONTAGUE $ .50 Wm. T HELTON $ .50 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Frank STOWE§ [ACKLIN $ .25 T. MEREDITH $5. – crossed out] C. ACKLIN $ .25 T. MEREDITH $ .50 A. M. FALLER[?] $1.63 H. PRATER $ .75 Isued April 12, 1851

State of Tennessee vs William STAGGS§ C. ACKLIN $ .25 John JACKSON $ .25 Wm. WALKER $2.25 James KYLE $2.25 R. BREWER $ .25 Isued April 9, 1851

State of Tennessee vs A G NUMAN§ R BREWER fifty cents J B HURST $5.00 [Milus TRAMEL $2.00 – crossed out] A J SHAW $3.37 Isued April 9, 1851

State of Tennessee vs A G NUMAN§ R. BREWER $ .50 Isued April 9, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Sol PHILLIPS§ R. BREWER $ .25 C. ACKLIN $ .25 G. BUSH $5.34 R. STAGGS $7.89 Isued April 14, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Sol PHILLIPS§ R. BREWER $ .50 J N STAGGS $3.00 Isued April 11, 1851

State of Tennessee vs J A LAWSON & Sarah REEVES§ R. BREWER $1.50 J. HAYES $ .50 Thomas ALLEN $2.19

State of Tennessee vs F. CORBORN[?]§ E. H. PUGH $ .25 Stephen PARSLEY $2.25

Monday April 7th 1851

State of Tennessee vs T CARTER§ E. PUGH $ .25 John CARTER $5.00 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs C. ACKLIN§ E. H. PUGH $ .75 Mark F EDWARDS $6.00 B F THOMAS $5.38 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs J W TACKETT & I DICKESON§ James GRAY $1.71 R. J. CYPERT $1.00 E. H. PUGH $ .75 Oran MABRY $3.26 John Q TACKETT $6.26 Phillip TACKETT $6.42 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Gray BRYANT & A SNOW§ R. BREWER $ .25 J. B. HURST $2.25 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs G. BRYANT & A SNOW§ J. McDOUGAL $5.75 R. J. CYPERT $1.25 R. BREWER $ .29 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Gray BRYANT§ Indict in ten cases R. BREWER $ .25 in cash $2.50 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Robert MORRIS§ R. BREWER $ .25 M WILSON $2.50 J. N. STAGGS $ .50 Jonath[??] Issued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs James HARRIS§ J McDOUGAL $17.50 Wm. BENHAM $ .50 N. B. EAKIN $ .50 W. D. DAVIS $ .50 N. Y. BROWN $ .75 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs James LACKEY§ J. McDOUGAL $11.25 Wm. BENHAM $ .50 Jonathan MORRIS $ .75 Isued April 10, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Jacob TIPPER§ J. McDOUGAL $6.32 B. B. ALEXANDER $1.25 R. BREWER $ .25 Isued April 12, 1851

State of Tennessee vs John W. ROSS§ McDOUGAL John $6.87 [R. B. – crossed out] E. H PUGH $ .50 Isued April 10th 1851

State of Tennessee vs Hal PRATER§ J. McDOUGAL $4.74 R. BREWER $1.50 Isued April 10 1851

State of Tennessee vs Halloway PRATER§ J. McDOUGAL $5.62 T. MEREDITH $1.50 Isued April 12, 1851

State of Tennessee vs Gray BRYANT§ J. P. CLARK $5.75, John McDOUGAL $6.87, L. L. MACK $1.50, R. BREWER $ .25 Isued April 16, 1851.

Thos who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY CARTER YOUNG BARKER VOORHIES CYPERT L B GANT DIXON & HUCKABY 10 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated

Monday April 7th 1851

Samuel C MITCHELL et als vs Samuel L BURNS§ Bet[sic] remembered that this cause came on for hearing this day before the Worshipful David J JONES, W CARTER, W J YOUNG W. LAFFERTY, A MONTAGUE G W BARKER T. P. CYPERT L B GANT A B GANT, J P VOORIES, J C G WILSON, John DIXON Geo E HUCKABY A J BREWER B HAM & others Justices &c present and presiding upon the report of the Jury appointed and summoned and Sworn for the purpose of laying off and valuing the one acre land of said defendant oposite the lands of said petitioner Samuel C MITCHELL for the purpose of building a Grist Mill which report is in the words and figures following to wit§

The undersigned freeholders having be summoned by the Sheriff of Wayne County and Sworn as a Jury of View to lay off one acre of land on the Mill site near Ashland off the land of S L BURNS the defendant in the petition And learning that the defendant has no land on the opposite side of the River nearer than two hundred yards and believing that we have no right to lay off said land therefore we did not lay off said land. All of which is respectfully submitted to the consideration of the worshipful Court This the 22d day of March 1851 //s// D J JONES L G RASBURY A C RASBURY

Which report being unexcepted to is in all things confirmed It is therefore further ordered by the Court that the said Jurors be allowed one dollar each for their services to be taxed in the bill of costs in this cause that the petitioner herein be dismissed and that said defendant recover of said petitioners Samuel C MITCHELL John STOCKARD & J J KINKEAD costs of this cause and that execution issue for the same

Upon motion Thomas Young was this day appointed a commissioner & Treasurer of the poor house in said County for the year 1851

Ordered that Court adjour till tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// D J JONES Chair, Wm. M. LAFFERTY G. W. BARKER

Tuesday April 8th 1851

Court met according to adjournment

Present & presiding D J JONES Chr BARKER & LAFFERTY [YOUNG – crossed out] his Associates

A settlement Between William JONES Clerk of this Court and Joseph BREWER Guardian to Wasson minor heir of Mary ROBERTSON Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was [submitted – crossed out] Confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between William JONES Clerk of this Court and A J BREWER Guardian to the minor heirs of Mary HENSLEY Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Seth DABBS be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of A M FALLEN removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued April 9, 1851

Came Thomas YOUNG Jonathan MORRIS and W CARTER and took the necessary Oath for their qualification as poor house Commissioners [and the said – crossed out] for Wayne County the year 1851 And the said Thomas YOUNG who was appointed Treasurer of said board and entered into bond in the sum of one thousand dollars for the faithful performance of his duty as such Treasurer with Wm J YOUNG his security which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course //s// D J JONES (Chair Wm. M. LAFFERTY G. W. BARKER

Court January 1851

Monday January 6th 1851
State of Tennessee Wayne County Be it remembered that a Quarterly County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the [6th day of January, crossed out] sixth day it being the first Monday in January in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifty one the following Justices of the peace present and presiding (To wit) David J. JONES, Chairman, YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE WHITAKER CARTER BURNS MONTAGUE BARKER A.B. GANT WATKINS CYPERT {S.B. GANT, crossed out] CURTIS HOPSON GRAY BREWER HAM DIXON & PHILLIPS

Ordered by the Court that William R QUALLS be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Hartwell GREESON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jany 8th 1851

Ordered by the Court that Daniel G COPELAND be appointed overseer of the Road of 2d Class in the place of Samuel MARTIN and that he have the hands in the [place, crossed out] same bounds to work under his direction isued Jan 8, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Samuel SINCLAIR be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of William BAKER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 8, 1851

Came Benjamin WATKINS and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed a Jury of View and report a road found as directed in said order which was received and ordered to be recorded

Came T.T. MAYBERRY admr. of the estate of Daniel MAYBERRY, deceased with his report of account of sails varryfyed[sic] by his oath which was received and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that William MARTIN be appointed Overseer of the road of 2d class in the place of Isaac HORTON [extended of 14th Civil District, crossed out] and that he have the hands the same Bounds to work under his Directions. Isued Jany 8, 1851

[ordered By the Court that forty eight dollars and twelve and a half cents be appropriated to Jesse CYPERT for, crossed out]

Ordered By the The Court that Elijah MATHENY be appointed overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of N F BIFFLE and that he have the hands in the same Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8th 1851

Ordered By The Court that Thomas J ROBERTS be appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of J D HINKLE removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8th 1851

[page 144] no heading
Ordered By The Court that Abraham MARBERRY be appointed Overseer of 2d class Road in the place of Elegah CROSSNO and that he have the hands in the same Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8th 1851

Ordered By The Court that Cornelius W BAILY Be Appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of Joseph HAM and that he have the same hands in the Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8th 1851

ordered By The Court that John TAYLOR be appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the Place of John BRADSHAW and that he have the hands in the same Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8, 1851

Ordered By the Court that Bethel FUSTON be appointed Overseer of 1st class Road in the place of W J MONTAGUE? and that have the hands in the Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8 1851

Ordered by the Court that Jacob BENHAM be appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of John FISH and that he have the same hands in these Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jan 8th 1851

Ordered By the Court that Henry PORTER be appointed overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of F McNALLY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued Jan 8 1851

Ordered By The Court that Edward SHIPMAN be appointed overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of William WEST and and that he have the hands in the same Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jany 8, 1851

Ordered by the Court that John F MASON be appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of [over, crossed out] John TILLY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued Jan. 8, 1851

Ordered By the Court that [Levi P, crossed out] Mark FOWLER be Appointed Overseer of 2d Class Road in the place of Levi VIALS and that he have the hands in the same Bounds to work under his directions Isued Jan. 8, 1851

Ordered by the Court that R H COOPER be appointed revenue commissioner of the 14th civil district for the year 1851 in the place of David ROGERS

Monday Jan. 6th 1851
Upon Motion a majority of the Justices of the said County present It is ordered by the Court that the fourteenth Civil district of Wayne County be extended running with Rosses Creek from Tennessee River to the Carrollville & Florence road thence with said Road to the Turnpike Road thence with said road so as to include J. C. ELLIOTT in said fourteenth district thence to the District line where it crosses the said Florence Road

Came Washinton CARTER and Jesse S ROSS Commissioners appointed by a former term of this Court to sell certain lots in the Town of Waynesboro and made the following report to wit We offered for sale to the highest bidder (after [giving, crossed out] advertising) on this 4th day of Jany 1851 On a credit of twelve months William c BURNS became the purchaser of one at the sum of fifty four dollars and seventy five cents Jonathan I. BIFFLE of two at one hundred and eighteen dollars R A HILL President of of the board of Trustees of Ashland Academy at ninety dollars Whole amount Two hundred sixty two seventy five cents Which was rec’d and ordered to be recorded

Came into Court L W CANTRELL Guardian of the minor heirs of Milly MAY deceased and renewed his bond in the sum of six hundred twenty seven 92/100 dollars [with, crossed out] William THORNTON and Brinkley HOPSON his securities Conditioned for the faithful performance of said Guardianship and the said CANTRELL and his said securities came into Court and acknowledged the execution of said bond where upon the Court received the same and ordered it to be recorded

Upon motion to appropriate to henry MORRIS and T. COX physicians each the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for attending with a Jury of inquest and examining a dead body a negro boy the property of John W WALKER Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY WHITAKER CARTER BARKER WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON GRAY HAM and PHILLIPS, 11, NoesMONTAGUE 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan 8, 1851

Catherine MABRY vs Thomas T MABRY et al. petition for Dower
Came the petitioner by her Council and it appearing to the Court that said Thomas T. MABRY Abner? MABRY and Thomas T. GOODMAN and wife are legatees and heirs at law of said Daniel MABRY deceased have had the

5 days notice of her intention to a make this application and are present and assenting to the decree the said said Thomas T. MABRY being also Administrator of the Estate of the said Daniel MABRY Dec’d It further appearing to the Court that the following named persons are heirs of said Daniel MABRY dec’d and minors under the age of twenty one years [to wit, crossed out] and have no regular Guardian to wit [line blank]
It further appearing to the Court that said petitioners is the widow of said Daniel MABRY dec’d and as such entitled to dower out of the lands of which said Daniel MABRY died seized and possessed It is therefore ordered adjudged and Decreed by the Court that Jesse S. ROSs Henry CULP and Joseph ROBINSON be appointed commissioners to lay of and allot to the said Catherine MABRY the one third part in value of the lands of which her dec’d husband died seized and possessed including the mansion house where the said Daniel MABRY usually resided prior to this death together with the necessary out houses and that said commissioner report to the next term of this Court and that a writ of Dower issue c. Isued Jany 11, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to Amos T HASSELL foreman of a Jury of inquest summons by W CARTER to examine the dead body of a negro boy the property of John W WALKER [and it, crossed out] the sum of six dollars and it is further ordered by the Court that the said A T HASSELL pay to T H MABRY Cyrus TYREE J J BIFFLE Burrel WALKER G W HOUSE Wm R BELL Itia CHRISTA John JACKSON Thomas TURLEY Smith WARFIELD & A P COOK Jurors aforesaid each the sum of fifty cents those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY WHITAKER CARTER BARKER WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON GRAY HAM  PHILLIPS 11 Noes MONTAGUE 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of nay monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued Jany 8, 1851

Came Henry CULP and others who were at a former term of this Court appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to the window of Daniel MABERRY dec’d one years provision and reported the same to the Court which was received and ordered to be recorded

Upon motion to appropriate to Jesse CYPERT late Jailor of said County the sum of Eight dollars and fifty cents for keeping Ja??? GILL in said Jail Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY CARTER BARKER WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON GRAY & PHILLIPS 9 Noes MONTAGUE 1 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands in the County Trustees hands not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan 8, 1851

Monday Jan 6th 1851
upon motion to appropriate to Jesse CYPERT late jailor the sum of thirty two 87/100 dollars for keeping James McCLANAHAN in said Jail Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr WHITAKER CARTER BARKER WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON GRAY & PHILLIPS 9 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan 9, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to Jesse CYPERT late Jailor the sum o six dollars and seventy five cents his fee for keeping Jas. McCLANAHAN in said Jail of Wayne County Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY WHITAKER CARTER BARKER WATKINS CUTIS HOPSON GRAY & PHILLIPS 10 Noes MONTAGUE 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne county not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan. 9, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to Eli MERRYMAN the sum of three dollars for moving John? J BOYD a pauper of said County to the Poorhouse Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY CARTER WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON BRAY HAM & PHILIPS 11 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan. 9, 1851

Came John PHILIPS into Court who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of John WHITTON deceased and entered into bond in the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars with Gray PHILIPS his security for the faithful performance of his guardianship and the said John PHILIPS and gray PHILLIPS Came into Court and acknowledged the execution of said bond which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came George W. BARKER and others who was appointed at a former term of this Court a Jury of View and reported to the Court a road found as directed in the order which was received and ordered to be recorded

Upon motion to appropriate to YOUNG & HELTON the sum of ten dollars eighty two & one half cents for goods furnished for the paupers of Wayne County the year 1850 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY CARTER BURNS WATKINS CURTIS HOPSON GRAY BREWER HAM & PHILIPS 13 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan 9, 1851

Upon motion a majority of the Justices present the Court proceeded to lay the public Taxes for the present year 1851 for the County of Wayne as follows to wit for each Poll thirty five cents and for each hundred dollars

Monday Jany. 6th 1851
worth of Taxable property thirteen and one half cents and on all privileges fifty percent on the State Tax

Ordered by the Court that Lott DANIEL be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John RISNER removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 9, 1851

Came L B GANT who was duly elected Justice of the peace by the qualified voters of the eight Civil district of Wayne County and presented to the Court his Commission where upon the said L B GANT Took the necessary Oaths for his qualification and took his seat on the bench

Came Robert JOHNSON and other who was appointed at a former term of this Court a Jury of View and report a road found as directed in said order which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Upon motion a majority of the Justices present it is ordered by the Court that Abraham MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON be appointed Commissioners to settle with the Clerk and trustee of Wayne County the present year 1851

Upon motion a majority of the Justices present the Court proceeded to elect a Commissioner to take the census of the free white male inhabitants of Wayne County who are twenty one years of age and upwards in Compliance with an act of the last general assembly and whereupon James HAGGARD was duly elected

A majority of the Justices present the Court proceeded to elect a corum Whereupon David J JONES was elected Chairman and William m LAFFERTY and George W BARKER his associates all Justices of the peace for Wayne County were duly elected to hold the Quorum Courts for the County of Wayne the present year 1851

Came Simpson CHOAT and others who was appointed at a former term of this Court a Jury of View and reported to the Court a road found as directed in said Order which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A majority of the Justices present the Court appointed Abraham MONTAGUE Jonathan MORRIS and Washington CARTER Commissioners to superintend the Poor house the present year 1851 And said Abraham MONTAGUE Treasurer of said board and whereupon the said Abraham MONTAGUE refuses to give his bond as the in such cases directs

Waynesboro Monday Jany 6th 1851
Came Thomas M JONES Administrator of all and singular the goods and Chattles rights & Credits of the estate of Mason TIDWELL deceased and returned into Court An Inventory and act’s of sales verified by his Oath which was received and ordered to be recorded

On motion to appropriate to David J JONES William M LAFFERTY and James T YOUNG the sum of ten dollars each for holding the Quorum Courts for Wayne County the year 1850 Those who voted in the affirmative were CARTER BURNES MONTAGUE BARKER A B GANT CYPERT CURTIS GRAY HAM & PHILLIPS 10 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan’y 9 1851

Ordered By the Court that Fielden COLE be appointed overseer of Road 2d class in the place of John McBRIDE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jany 9, 1851

Came L D MACK and others who at a former term of this court appointed a Jury of View and reported to the Court a road found as directed in the said order which was received By the Court and ordered to be recorded

Upon motion to appropriate to CARTER & EAST the sum of three dollars for Repairs on the Raugh[sic] of the Court House in Waynesboro those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr YOUNG HAYNES JOBE BARKER CYPERT & DIXON 7 Noes MONTAGUE & A B GANT 2 So said appropriated was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jany 9, 1851

Upon motion to appropriate to W CARTER the sum of Twelve dollars and to Jonathan MORRIS & C B McCLEAN Each the sum of six dollars for their services as poorhouse commissioners for the year 1850 Eyes D J JONES Chr YOUNG LAFFERTY JOBE BURNS BARKER and L B GANT 7 Noes MONTAGUE A.B. GANT BREWER & DIXON 4 so said appropriation was maid[sic] to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the trustee of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued Jany 10, 1851

Monday Jan’y 6th 1851

On motion to appropriate to James A. BALDRIDGE Superintendent of the poor house for 1850 one hundred and fifty dollars Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFERTY, JOBE, POPE, CARTER, BURNS, BARKER, A.B. GANT, CYPERT, L.B. GANT, BREWER & DIXON 14 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued Jany 10, 1851

Thomas A. POPE et al vs Samuel J. ANDREWS et al petition to sell land & divide slaves.
Be it remembered that this cause came on this day for further hearing before the worshipful county court of Wayne County David J JONES Washington CARTER William M LAFERTY James T YOUNG & Others Justices of the peace of said County present and presiding Upon the report of Samuel L BURNS commissioner to set said land and John McDOUGAL & others commissioners to divide and allot the slaves mentioned in the pleadings of this cause which report ar[sic] in the words and figgers[sic] as follows to wit to the worshipful County Court of Wayne County the undersigned in Obedience to a directed order maid[sic] by the Last term of your Worshipful Court after having given the notice in the manner and upon the time mentioned in said order Proceeded on this day to sell the land mentioned therein belonging[sic] to the heirs at law of Lemuel POPE deceased when William R. BELL being the highest and best bidder became the purchaser of the 258 acre tract At the sum of Thirty two hundred and fifty dollars and Cary W POPE being the highest and best bidder because the purchaser of 640 acre tract a t the sum of One hundred dollars and William R BELL Executed his Bonds for said purchas[sic] money One for sixteen hundred and twenty five dollars payable twelve months after date and the other for sixteen hundred and twenty five dollars payable two years after date with Amous T HASSELL and Thomas MEREDITH as his securities to Each which were[?] by me decreed[?] good and sufficient and said Cary W. POPE Executed
[page 151] no heading
his Bond for the purchas[sic] money for said 640 acres one of Which is Payable twelve months after date for fifty dollars the Other Payable Two years after date for fifty dollars with J L ROSS and John CLEMENTS as his securities who were declared[?] Good and Sufficient all of which is Respectfully Submitted January 3d 1851 //s// Samuel L. BURNS Com.
To the worshipful County Court of Wayne County We the undersigned in obedience to a decretal order issued by your Worships at the last term of your Court after having been duly sworn for said purpose have proceeded to value the Slaves mentioned in said Order Except Daniel who from an Injury Received since the making of said Order is at present considered worthless and is left for further action By you. And in our Estimate have included and [sic] Infant child of `Ann’ b borned since the making of said decree We value the whole of said slaves at Seven Thousand one hundred and twenty five dollars which sum divided by nine the number of original shares gives to each the sum of seven hundred and ninety[sic] one dollars and sixty six cents We then proceeded to allot and set apart to the said partys[sic] as directed in said decree as follows to wit to Carry W POPE Crawford valued at $800.00 and he is to pay to Thomas A POPE the sum of eight dollars and thirty four cents to Thomas A POPE Louisa and John valued at $775.00 and he is to receive from Carry W POPE the sum of $ 8.34 and from G A PARHAM M P PARHAM William PARHAM and Henry PARHAM the sum of $8.34 to Martha CRUMP Bandy & Greenly {or Grumly] valued at $800.00 and she is to pay the heirs of said William R POPE the some[sic] of $8.34 to Ann MITCHEL and William MITCHEL Ann and her two youngest children Lutitia and her infant who is not yet named valued at $725.00 and she is to pay to the said children and minor heirs of William R POPE the sum of one hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty four cents to John O POPE & others children and heirs of John W. POPE deceased Calvin valued $ 750.00 and They are to receive from the said Lemuel J ANDERWS et als. Children and heirs of Elizabeth ANDREWS deceased the some[sic] of $41.66 to the said Lemuel j ANDREWS and others children and heirs of Elizabeth ANDREWS deceased Wily and Sibba valued at $900 and they are to pay to the said children and heirs of said William R POPE deceased the some[sic] of
Twenty four dollars and ninety Eight cents to the said John O POPE and others children and heirs of said John O POPE the sum of fifty one dollars and 66 cents and to Danial BAUGH Gardian[sic] of said Sarah E BAUGH and George ARMSTRONG and wife Ann L the sume[sic] of fifty one dollars and 66 cents to to Gustavus A. PARHAM, Mathew P PARHAM William PARHAM Henry PARHAM Henry valued at $800.00 and they are to pay to said Thomas A. POPE the said sum of $8.34 and to the children and heirs of said Thomas A. POPE deceased Malissa and ben[sic] valued at $625.00 and they are to received from said Ann MITHCHEL and William MITCHEL the some[sic] of One hundred and thirty three dollars and 34 cents from said Martha CRUMP the some[sic of $8.34 and from said Lemuel J ANDREWS and Others children and heirs of said Elizabeth ANDREWS the some[sic] of $24.98 which said somes[sic] so charged to the several lots the value of which Exceeds the average value of the whole of said shares and added to the shears[sic] the value of which is less than the average value makes the value of all of said lots Equally[sic] in value ar[sic] within a few cents of being Equaly[sic] All of which is Respectfully Submitted given under our hands and seals this January 3d 1851 //s// John l BURNS John McDOUGAL J J BIFFLE F WITHERSPOON D.J. JONES
Which report not being in any wise Excepted to and in all things confirmed it is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed By the Cort[sic] that all the right title claim and Interest of the other petitioners and defendants in all to said slave Crawford be divested Out of them and that the same be vested in the said Carry W POPE his heirs and assigns forever
it is further Ordered and decreed by the Cort[sic ] that said Carry W POPE Pay it to the said Thomas A POPE the said sum of Eight dollars and thirty four cents it is further Ordered ajudged[sic] and decreed By the Court that all the right title[sic] claim and Interest in and to said slave Luisa and John Be divested out of them and vested in said Thomas A POPE his heirs and assigns forever it is further ordered and decreed By the Court that all of the right title[sic] claim and Interest of the other petitioners and of the defendants in and to said slaves Bandy and Grundy be divested out of them and that the same be vested in said Martha CRUMP her heirs and assigns forever it is further Ordered and decreed By the court that said Martha CRUMP Pay to said Licey[?] J POPE Gardina[sic] of the minor heirs of William R. POPE the said sum of Eight dollars and thirty four cents
it is further Ordered and decreed By the Court that all the Wright[sic] title[sic claim and Interest of the other petissuners[sic] and defendants in to said slave An and her two children Lutitia and the said Infant be divested Out of them and that the same be vested in said William MITCHELL and wife Ann there[sic heirs and assigns forever
It is further Ordered and decreed By the Court that said William MITCHEL and wife Ann pay to said minor heirs of William R POPE the said some[sic] of One hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty four cents
It is further Ordered and decreed By the Court that It is further Ordered and decreed By the Court that all the right title{sic] claim and Interest of the Petissuners[sic] and defendants in and to said slave Calvin be devested[sic] Out of them and that the same be vested in the said John O POPE Palmurah[?] POPE W William POPE and Arnastatia[?] POPE and Edwin POPE Jontly their heirs and assigns forever.
It is further ordered and decreed by the Court that all the rights title claim and interest of the petitioners in and to said Slave Willie and Sibley be divested out of them and the same be vested jointly in the said Samuel J ANDREWS and others who take as the children and descendants of Elizabeth ANDREWS it is further ordered and decreed by the Court that said Samuel J ANDREWS and others taking as aforesaid pay to the said minor heirs of William R POPE Dec’d the said sum of thirty four dollars and sixty six cents and that pay to said Daniel BAUGH as other Guardian of said Sarah E BAUGH George ARMSTRONG & wife Ann L the said sum of forty one Dollars and sixty six cents it is further ordered and decreed by the Court that said sums so due from said Samuel J. ANDREWS and others be paid by said Samuel L. BURNS Administrator &c out of any funds in his hands to which said Lemuel J. ANDREWS and others so taking as aforesaid may be entitled as distributors of said Lemuel POPE deceased and the receipts of the regular guardian of said minors and those entitled thereto shall be a good voucher in the hands of said Samuel l BURNS It is further ordered by the Court that said Samuel L BURNS hire out said Slave Willie but so as to have him subject to the further order of this Court [that-crossed out] and that he provide for the maintenance[sic] of said slave Sibby. If she cannot be hired until further ordered by this Court and account to this Court for the same
It is further ordered and decreed by the court that all the right title claim and interest of the other petitioners and defendants in and to the said slave Henry be divested our of them and that the same be vested in said Gustavus A. PARHAM Matthew P PARHAM William PARHAM and Henry PARHAM jointly and their heirs and assigns forever
It is further Ordered and decreed by the Court that said Gustavus A. PARHAM Matthew P PARHAM William PARHAM and Henry PARHAM pay to said Thomas A POPE said Sum of Eight dollars and 34 cents It is further ordered and decreed by the Court that all the right title claim and interest of said other petitioners and defendants in and to said Slave Arthur be divested out of them and be vested in Sara E BAUGH and George ARMSTRONG and wife Ann ARMSTRONG jointly their heirs and assigns forever that is to say the one half in interest of the Sarah E BAUGH and the other half in the said George ARMSTRONG and wife Ann It is further ordered and decreed by the Court that all the title claim and interest of the other petitioners and defendants in and to said Slave Melissa and Ben be divested out of them and that the same be vested in said Leonida POPE Gustavus POPE James POPE Lucy A. POPE and Mary POPE jointly their heirs and assigns forever It is further ordered by the Court that said Samuel L BURNS make such provisions for said Slave Daniel as the necessity of the case may require and pay the expenses of the same out of any assets in his hands belonging to the estate of said Lemuel POPE Deceased until further directed by this Court. It is further ordered and decreed by the Court that said Samuel L BURNS out of any assets in his hands belonging to the said estate not heretofore paid over or herein directed to be paid pay to Robert A. HILL the sum of twenty five Dollars his counsel fee in this cause and that he pay to each of the said commissioners in like manner for their services the sum of two dollars except F. WITHERSPOON who shall receive three dollars and that he also pay in like manner the others costs of this cause which have not…[unreadable]. it is further ordered by the court that Executions _____[unreadable] issue upon the application of the parties for the sums so decreed to be paid as aforesaid respectively all other matters in this cause not herein disposed of are reserved for the further action of this Court

It appearing to the Court that Robert L CYPERT one of the Constables of Wayne County in and for the 8th district had been duly notified agreeable to the Statute in such cases made and provided to appear at this term of this Court and give other and better security and the said Robert L CYPERT having failed to come into Court agreeable to said notice and enter into bond with good and sufficient Security The Court [proceeded to appoint a constable to fill-crossed out] declared the office of constable in the said Eight Civil district of Wayne County to be vacant and thereupon the court appointed Robert J CYPERT Constable pro tem to fill said vacancy until said office shall be filled by the people of said Eighth district And thereupon the said Robert J Cypert entered into the following bond to wit [standard bond follows. Amount $5000.00; securities were G.W. BARKER, Rial BREWER, and T.P. CYPERT.] / / s / / D.J. JONES G W BARKER Rial BREWER T. P. CYPERT. and the said R.J. CYPERT and Each of his said Securities came into cert[sic] and acknowledged the Execution of said Bond in open Cort[sic] Which was Received By the Cert[sic] and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said R.J. CYPERT took the nessarry[sic] Oath fer[sic] his Quallifycation[sic]

A magority[sic] of the Justices of being Present it is Ordered By the Cort[sic] that the commissioners who were appointed at a former term of this cort[sic] to lay off and sell sertain[sic] Lots in the town of Waynesboro lay off and sell Lot of the South side of the Public Square in said town according to an act of General Assembly of the State of Tennessee

Ordered that Court adjourn till ten o clock tomorrow morning // s// D J JONES (Chair Wm. M. LAFFERTY G. W. BARKER

Tuesday Jany 7th 1851
Court ment[sic] according to an adgournment[sic] Present and presiding D.J. JONES Chr. LAFFERTY & BARKER his associates.

A Settlement maid[sic] between William JONES Clerk of this Court & Joaccim DUGGAR Guardian of the minor heirs of George CROSNOE deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement maid[sic] between William JONES Clerk of this Court and William THORNTON Guardian of minor heirs of William Duncan deceased was this day submitted to the court which was affirmed and ordered to be recorded

A Settlement maid[sic] between William JONES Clerk of this Court and John McDOUGAL Guardian of the minor heirs of J. D. KING deceased was this day Submitted to the court which was [this day-crossed out] confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

A Settlement maid[sic] between William JONES Clerk of this Court and John LAMB Guardian of the minor heirs of Washington JOHNSON dec. was this day Submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement maid between William JONES Clerk of this Court and John LAMB Guardian of the minor heirs of Washington JOHNSON was this day Submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded. [repeated ?]

A settlement maid between William JONES Clerk of this court and Jno. L BURNS Trustee of Nancy TEDDER was this day submitted to the court [and- crossed out] which was received and confirmed and order to be recorded

A Settlement maid between William JONES Clerk of this court and Eber HAM [spelled with a small “h”] administrator of the Estate of Samuel HAM deceased was this day submitted to the court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.

A Settlement between William JONES Clerk of this Court and L. W. CANTREL Gardian [sic] of minor heirs of Milly MAY deceased was this day submitted to the court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

Upon application it is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of Wayne County summons a Jury of View to consist of not less than five nor more than twelve free holders who after having been duly sworn for said purpose shall proceed to view and mark out a road beginning at the Waynesboro Road near Jess TUCKER‘s Mill leading dow[sic] Butler’s Creek and intersect said Waynesboro road near M FISHERS and that they report the same to the April term of this Court

This day David J JONES Chariman of the County Court of Wayne County bound Zachariah TRENTHAM son of Mary TRENTHAM by consent of said Mary TRENTHAM in writing to Lucius HARLOW and the said D J JONES and Lucius HARLOW entered into indentures accordingly

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course // // D J JONES Chair Wm. M. LAFFERTY G.W. BARKER

Court December 1850


Monday December 2d 1850

Be it remembered that a chorum[sic] County Court was began and held in and for the County of Wayne at the court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first Monday being the Second day of December in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fifty There was presant[sic] and presiding David J. JONES, Chairman, YOUNG & LAFFERTY his associates.

Came B HOPSON & others who was appointed at a former term of this Court Commissioners to allot and set apart to Diannah widow of Wm HOLT Dec. support for one year and returned in to Court their report accordingly which was rec’d by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came James ANDERSON Adm’r of the estate of Jesse COPELAND and returned into Court an account of sales of said estate Verified by his oath which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came James ANDERSON Adm’r of the estate of Elizabeth LOYD dec’d and returned into Court an account of sales of said estate Verified by his Oath which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that James T. YOUNG William M LAFFERTY James C WHITAKER W CARTER B HOPSON A J BREWER John DIXON David WHITTON & David ROGERS Justices of the peace of said Court by appointed Revenue Commissioners for their respective Districts for the year 1851

Came John HAYES Adm’r of the estate of William HOLT dec’d and returned into Court an Inventory & account of sales Verified by his Oath which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came William S BRUMLEY Adm’r of the estate of John BRUMLEY dec’d and returned into Court an Inventory & account of sales verified by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Thomas A POPE et als vs Lemuel J [?] ANDERWS et als Petition to sell land and slaves
Be it remembered that his cause came on this day for further hearing when it appearing to the Court that publication has been as to the non resident defendants in the cause as required by a decretal[sic] order made at the last term of this Court and said defendants having failed to plead answer or demura[sic] It is ordered by the Court that this cause as to them be taken for confession and set for hearing esparte[sic]

December 1850
Thomas A. POPE et als vs Lemuel J ANDREWS et als petition to sell land and divide slaves
Be it remembered that this cause came on this day for further hearing before the worshipful David J JONES William LAFFERTY and James T YOUNG Justices of the peace for the County of Wayne and State of Tennessee duly commissioned and qualified to hold the County Court for said County then and there presiding and hold said Court upon petition order pro confessor exhibits and proof When it appeared to the satisfaction of the Court that Lemuel POPE died in said county of Wayne in January 1848 leaving and surviving him neither widow or descendants but leaving and surviving him the petitioners and defendants his distributes and heirs at law as mentioned and set for in the petition in this cause and that they as such distributees and heirs at law are entitled to the land and slaves as mentioned and so for in said petition and it further appearing to the Court from the proof in the cause that the same be sold It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that Samuel L. BURNS be appointed commissioner who after having given 30 days notice in written advertisement at the Court House in Waynesboro, Ashland, Clifton and Sorby, in said County shall proceed upon said land to sell the same upon a credit of one and two years to the highest bidder that he take bonds from the purchase money with two or more good and sufficient securities retaining a lien until the same is paid that he enter into bond with two securities payable to the chairman of this court in the sum of six thousand dollars conditioned for the faithful performance of this duties as such commissioner and that he report to the next term of this Court.

It is further ordered & adjudged and decreed by the court that John McDOUGAL Jonathan I BIFFLE Franklin WITHERSPOON David J JONES and John A BURNS or a majority of them be appointed commissioners who after having been duly sworn for said purpose shall proceed to value the slaves mentioned in the said petition to wit Daniel, Bandy, Ann, Crawford, Calvin, Henry, Anthony, Wiley, Grundy, Melissa, Louisa, Ben , Sibba, Lutitia and John

Monday 1850
and add their whole value together and shall then divide said slaves into nine lots making each lot as near equal in value as can be and charging the lots greater in vale than the one ninth part of the value of the whole number and with the excess over such average value and giving to such lots as may be less in value than such average value such sums as will make them all equal in value and that they allot and set apart to said Thomas A POPE, Cary W POPE, Martha CRUMP and Ann MITCHELL each one lot and to the said children of John POPE deceased one lot to the said children of William R. POPE deceased one lot to the said children of Elizabeth ANDREWS deceased one lot to the said children of Amarilla BAUGH deceased one lot and that they make their report of the same under their hands and seals to the next term of this Court
Said Samuel L BURNS came into Court and enter into bond with Jonathan J BIFFLE and Claiborn ACKLIN his securities in the sum of sic[sic] thousand dollars payable to David J. JONES Chairman of this Court and his successors in office conditioned as the law directs for the faithful performance of his duties Samuel L. BURNS and his said securities in open Court which bond so executed and acknowledged as aforesaid is approved by the Court
All other matters in this cause are reserved until the coming in of said reports.
Isued Dec’r 28th 1850 to S. L. BURNS)

Ordered by the Court that Nathan BIFFLE Jr be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Lafayette STOWE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. Isued Dec’r 4th 1850

It appearing to the Court that Tiding THOMPSON [and, crossed out] William D COPELAND and John W CYPERT three of the securities of Robert L CYPERT for the faithful performance of his duties as constable of Wayne County have removed from the State of Tennessee it is therefore ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue a notice to said Robert L CYPERT requiring him to appear at the next term of this Court and give an additional bond with other and better [security, crossed out] security for the performance of his duties as such constable or his said office will be declared vacant [void, crossed out] and this Court will proceed to fill his place as such Constable by appointing some other person thereto.

Came Simpson CHOAT and James C WHITAKER two of the Commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to allot to the widow of John BRUMLEY dec’d and year provision and report accordingly which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Mary H SHIELDS vs James M RAMSEY Administrator of John N SHIELDS Dec’d
Petition for Dower
Margaret Elizabeth SHIELDS Ester Abigale SHIELDS Leander W.D. SHIELDS Eugenia SHIELDS & Framina A. SHIELDS Minor heirs of said John N. SHIELDS Dec’d
This day came the petitioner by her counsel and on motion of said petitioners counsel [it is ordered by the Court, crossed out] it appearing to the Court that the said defendant James RAMSEY administrator as aforesaid has had the same? required by law and that the other defendants are minors under the age of twenty one years the Court being guardian ad litum for said minors It is ordered and decreed by the Court Joseph EAST and John R. HELTON two free holders and citizens of the County of Wayne unconnected to the parties either by affinity or consanguinity and Jesse S ROSS County Surveyor of said County be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to allot and set apart to the said Mary H. SHIELDS her dower out of the lands of which the said John N SHIELDS died seized and possessed so as to include the one third in value of said descendants lands and including the mansion house and out houses where the said John N SHIELDS usually resided previous to his death and that a verit of Dower issue all other matters being reserved isued Dec’r 4th 1850

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in Course //s// D J JONES Chair James T YOUNG Wm. M. LAFFERTY

Court October 1850

Monday October the 7th 1850
State of Tennessee Wayne County
Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began and held for the county of Wayne at the Courthouse in the Town of Waynesboro on the 7th day it being the first Monday in October One thousand eight hundred and fifty the following Justices of the peace present and presiding (to wit) D J JONES Chr. YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WHITAKER, CARTER, BURNS, MONTAGUE, BARKER, WILSON, WATKINS, WHITTON, PHILIPS, DIXON, LEE

Ordered by the Court that Jessee RILEY be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Andrew WILLIAMS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Issued Oct. 12th 1850.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court & James ARNETT Guar. of Alfred P. minor heir of Guston KINDED[sic] dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

On application it is ordered by the Court that Wm BENHAM, A MONTAGUE, Isham KEATON, John COOK, Martin COOK, John MONTAGUE, F WITHERSPOON, Burton DILL be appointed a jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the Waynesboro & Savannah road between Isham KEATON & Martin COOK‘s and that they report the same to the January term of this Court Isued Oct. 12th 1850.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Josiah ROBINSON Administrator of the estate of Nancy ROBINSON dec’d was this day submitted to the court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Thomas MONTAGUE Guardian of the minor heirs of Mary W MONTAGUE dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was received and ordered to be recorded.

Came James ARNETT Guardian of Alfred P Minor heir of Guston KINDEL dec’d and renewed his bond in the sum of three hundred and sixty dollars with George W. BARKER his security which was rec’d by the Court [which was rec’d -crossed out] and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered by the Court that the Tax collector receive from John R WATSON the Tax on fifty dollars in the place of One hundred & fifty dollars the Valuation on land

Monday Oct. Term 1850
Ordered by the Court that John L. [S.?] FOWLER, be appointed Overseers of the road of 1st Class in the place of D.K. HOOD and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Issued Oct. 12th 1850.

Upon petition it is ordered by the Court that George W. BARKER, Thomas YOUNG, Bennet COLE, James ARNETT, Spincer SMITH, & Wm ARNOLD be appointed a Jury to [of crossed out] View so as to change the Waynesboro & Savannah road where it goes down the hill to Harding Creek and that they report the same to the January term of this Court Issued Oct. 12th 1850.

Upon motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL and those entitled thereto their fees in a certain bill of cost against Wayne County which said bill is duly certified (To Wit) State of Tennessee against B B REED presentment for Tippling John McDOUGAL Clerk $7.50, R A HILL $5.00, Sheriff E H PUGH $1.50, Sheriff BREWER $1.29, State witness Wm POLLARD $6.00, Issued to McDOUGAL Oct 10th 1850.

State of Tennessee (vs) B B REED Presentment for Tipping Clerk John McDOUGAL $7.50,  R A HILL $5.00, Sheriff PUGH $1.50, Sheriff BREWER $1.29, State witness Wm POLLARD $6.00 Oct 14th 1850.

State of Tennessee (vs) B B REED presentment for Tippling Clerk John McDOUGAL $7.50, R A HILL $5.00 [State witness Wm POLLARD $6.00 – crossed out] Sheriff PUGH $7.75 [or $1.15], R. BREWER $1.29, Jailer CYPERT $4.75 Issued Oct 14th 1850.

State vs B B REED Presentment for Tippling Clerk John McDOUGAL $7.37, R. A. HILL $5.00, Sheriff E H PUGH $1.50, R. BREWER $1.29.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SUTHERLAND Presentment for Tippling clerk John McDOUGAL $6.00, R A HILL $5.00, Sheriff L L MACK $1.25, E H PUGH .25,
BREWER 116 1/2 Issued Oct 14th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SUTHERLAND) Presentment for Tippling Clerk John McDOUGAL $568 3/4, R. A. HILL $5.00, Sheriff PUGH $1.50, Sheriff BREWER $104, State Witness Elijah McMAHAN $150 Issued Oct 14th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SUTHERLAND,  Clerk McDOUGAL $562 1/2, R A HILL $5. Sheriff BREWER [amt. smeared], Sheriff PUGH $1.50 Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $587 1/2, r a Hill $5. Sheriff BREWER $104, Sheriff L.L. MACK $125. Witness [James??] WILSON $150. Sheriff PUGH 50 cts. Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND Clerk McDOUGAL $562 1/2, R.A. HILL $5. Sheriff L.L. MACK $150 Sheriff BREWER 104.

Monday October 7th 1850
771 State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $568 3/4, R A HILL $5, Sheriff MACK $125, Sheriff PUGH 25 cents, Sheriff BREWER $104, Witness Michael WILSON $2.25 Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $562 1/2, R A HILL $5. SHERIFF MACK $125, Sheriff PUGH 25 cents, Sheriff BREWER $104 Issued Oct 14 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $581 1/4, HILL $5 Sheriff PUGH $150, Sheriff BREWER $104, Jailor CYPERT $475, State Witness Elijah McMAHAN $150. Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $587 1/2, HILL $5 Sheriff MACK $125, Sheriff PUGH $.50, Sheriff BREWER $129 Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $662 1/2, R A. HILL $ 5. Sheriff MACK $1.25, Sheriff PUGH 50 cents, Sheriff BREWER $1.16 1/2 Issued Oct 14, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $3.44 1/2 Issued Oct. 12, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Robert W STORY Wearing Bowie Knife, McDOUGAL Clerk $6.75, R.A. HILL $5. Sheriff. BREWER $291 1/2, Justice W CARTER 50. Sheriff MACK $200. Jailor E.H. PUGH $13 62 1/2, Jailor Jesse CYPERT $52 62 1/2, States Witness William M GRIMES $1.75, Willoughby PUGH $175. William H BROWN $1.75 William M REED $75. William T HELTON $100. John PUGH 1.50 Jonathan MORRIS 25. [editor’s note: the amounts listed in this case and those preceding are probably for $1.75, $1.00, et cetera. The clerk failed to include his decimal points in all cases.) Those who voted in the affirmative were D.J. JONES Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WHITTAKER, CARTER, BURNS ,MONTAGUE, BARKER, WILSON, WATKINS, T P CYPERT, PHILIPS, & WHITTEN. 14 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee not otherwise appropriated.

Ordered by the Court that the valuation of a tract of land given in by J L CYPERT to the revenue Commissioners of the 12 Civil district be reduced from five thousand dollars to five hundred dollars and that the Collector receive the Tax accordingly.

Ordered by the Court that Benjamin WATKINS Jackson MARTIN Henry GREESON Hartwell GREESON Archabald MURPHREY James A LAWSON and Reason BAKER be appointed a Jury to View and mark a road around the corner of Samuel MARTIN’s field and that they report the same to the January term of this Court Issued Oct 12th 1850.

Ordered by the Court that Richard WHITAKER be appointed Overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John SMITH and that he have Mrs. SMITH and Mrs. SIMMONS’s hand in addition to the hands formerly allowed to work under his direction.

Monday October 7th 1850
On motion to appropriate to Jesse CYPERT the sum of one dollars and fifty cents for repairs done on the floor of the Jail house those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, WHITAKER, CARTER, MONTAGUE, BARKER, WILSON, WATKINS, T P CYPERT, John CYPERT, DIXON, LEE, PHILIPS, & WHITTEN. 15 noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee not otherwise appropriated. Issued Oct 14th 1850.

[Came Thomas – crossed out] It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court here that Mason TIDWELL late of said County is dead without making any last will and testament in writing And application being made by Thomas M JAMES to have letter Testamentary granted to him upon all and singular the goods & Chattles rights and Credits of the said deceased and he having entered into bond in the sum of Five hundred dollars with R TIDWELL and C Y PARKER his securities which was approved of by the Court Whereupon the Court ordered letters accordingly Issue to him Whereupon the said JAMES Took the necessary Oath for his qualification.

Upon motion to appropriate to I [or J] E ROLLS the sum of one 25/100 dollars for labor done on the Poorhouse farm. Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. [YOUNG – crossed out] WHITAKER CARTER WILSON WATKINS LEE PHILIPS & WHITTEN. 8 Noes YOUNG, MONTAGUE, & T P CYPERT. So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee not otherwise appropriated Issued Oct 14th 1850

Upon motion to appropriate to Wm JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of twenty four 75/100 dollars for Issuing[sic] road orders V Benirafacious Jury of View, Tax Book & Certificate on bound to purchase land Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr., YOUNG, LAFFERTY, WHITAKER, CARTER, BURNS, MONTAGUE, BARKER, WILSON ,WATKINS, T P CYPERT, John CYPERT, DIXON [LEE -crossed out] PHILIPS & WHITTEN. 15 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Issued Oct 14th 1850.

Upon Application it is ordered by the Court that John H GRAVES be released from paying Tax on a Negro boy listed by the revenue commissioner the present year as satisfactory proof being made that said boy is under the age of twelve years.

John CYPERT this day tendered to the Court his resignation in writing to the office of Justice of the peace of the 8th Civil District Wayne County which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded.

Monday October 7th 1850
John W LEE this day tendered to the Court his resignation in writing to the office of Justice of the peace of the 12th Civil District of Wayne County which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered by the Court that the Following good and lawful men of the County of Wayne be appointed and summons to attend and serve as Jurors at the next term of the Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne at the Courthouse in the Town of Waynesboro on the fourth Monday in January next to wit James T YOUNG, William HAYNES, Solomon JOBE, Marcus COOK, Simpson CHOAT, Washington CARTER, David J JONES, Wiley ROCHELL, Rewben EAST, John P VOORHIES, John G HILL, Benjamin WATKINS, William WEST, Thomas P CYPERT, William BERRY, John C JOHNSON, Thomas STAGGS, Brinkley HOPSON, Thomas LAWSON, James HOLLIS, Isaac PARISH, John B DIXON, William H CASTEEL, David WHITTON, David RODGERS, and that William I. [or J.] HADDOCK, and John JACKSON Jr. be appointed and summons to attend as constables to wait on said Court and that Venirafacious Issue returnable to said Circuit Court.

Ordered by the Court that Joseph COPELAND be appointed Overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John W SKULL and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction issued Oct 14 1850.

Ordered by the Court that John MARTIN be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Jesse DOWNING and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Issued Oct 14th 1850.

Came into Court William BURKETT who was this day Chosen and appointed Guardian to John BRADY minor heirs of Mary BRADY deceased and entered into bond in the sum of Seventy five dollars with Jonathan MORRIS his Security which was approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said BURKETT took the necessary oath for his qualification.

Upon application it is ordered by the court that Simpson CHOAT R H WHITAKER Wm B WHITAKER G W SIMMONS James C WHITAKER & John SMITH be appointed da Jury to View and mark out so as to change the Waynesboro & Shannonville road to leave the old road near TOUNENDS [?] Shop & intersect the same near C Y PARKER ‘s and that they report the same to the Jany term [next- crossed out] of this Court Issued Oct 14 1850.

Monday Oct. 7th 1850
Ordered by the Court that Simpson CHOAT Thomas MEREDITH and James C WHITAKER freeholders be appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to the Widow of John BRUMLY deceased so much of the Stock Crop provisions and Money as shall be sufficient for the support of herself and family one year from the death of her said husband. Issued [Nov 4th 1850 -crossed out] Oct 14, 1850

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and William & Resign SINCLAIR Executor & Executrix to the last will and testament of John SINCLAIR dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Came John McDOUGAL Guardian of the minor heirs of John D KING deceased into Court and tendered to the Court his resignation to said Guardianship which was received by the Court Whereupon came A P PHILIPS who was appointed in his (said McDOUGAL) stead and entered in to bond in the sum of two hundred dollars with Solomon PHILIPS his security which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said PHILIPS took the necessary Oath [took-crossed out] for his qualification.

It appearing to the Court that John BRUMLY late of said County is dead and having made no last Will and testament in writing and application being made by William S BRUMLY to have letters granted to him upon all and singular the goods and Chattles rights and Credits of the said deceased and he having entered into bond in the sum o f two thousand dollars with James C WHITAKER S L BURNS & Joseph PITTS his securities which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the Court ordered letters to Issue to him Accordingly Whereupon the said Wm S BRUMLY took the necessary Oath for his qualification. [in left margin is written “Oct term 1850]

Came Rial BREWER Sheriff and Collector of the public Tax of Wayne County for the present year 1850 And reported to the Court the amount of removals and insolvences to thirteen dollars and sixty five cents [and-crossed out] State tax and Thirty five dollars and thirteen cents County Tax and upon motion to make said Collector the aforesaid allowance those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, WHITAKER, CARTER, MONTAGUE, BARKER & DIXON. 9 Noes none so said allowance was made to be reduced from the Gross amount of the Tax.

Upon motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL Clerk of the Circuit Court and others the amount of their fees respectively in Certain bills of Cost against Wayne County which are duly certified and as follows to wit.

Monday October 7th 1850
State of Tennessee vs Robert S [or L] CYPERT) Clerk John McDOUGAL $6.31 1/4,
Sheriff E H PUGH $212 1/2, Witness Alexander GRAY $ .75, James W GRAY $1.71, James W STANFIELD $187 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs David DANIEL, Clerk John McDOUGAL $9.37, Sheriff POLLARD $1.50, JONES .50, PUGH .04, CYPERT .50 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Franklin WALLSWORTH Clerk McDOUGAL $8.87 Shff Jono. MORRIS $ .75 POLLARD .75 Witness James W STANFIELD $3.75 J M ADKISON $2.11 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Abijah D. MITCHELL, Clerk McDOUGAL $5.50 Shff BENHAM 25 cents Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Nathaniel MARTIN, Clerk McDOUGAL $7.62 1/2.

State of Tennessee vs Jahu C WILLET, Shff PUGH 50 Witness T. [CAR or COX] $2.25 Isued Oct 15th 1850

State of Tennessee vs Jacob B BIFFLE, Sheriff PUGH 50, Witness J C WILLET $5.24,
(Hassells) Benj. B REED $2.25 Issued Oct. 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Robert L CYPERT, Sheriff PUGH 50, States witness James W STANFIELD $4.49 isued Oct. 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Benjamin F THOMAS, Shff PUGH 50, Witness W J HELTON $3.00 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Stephen LEE, Clerk McDOUGAL $9.50, Sheriff PUGH $2.00, Sheriff BENHAM 79, Witness D J JONES $ 6.75, W CARTER $7.50, Jas? MORRIS?? $3.00 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs James L SNOWDEN, Clerk McDOUGAL $8.81 1/4, Sheriff PUGH $1.75, W CARTER 3.00 Issued Oct. 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs George WHITTEN Jr., Sheriff BREWER 25, witness Eber HAMM $3.85 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

Monday October 7th 1850
State of Tennessee vs Samuel LAWSON, Sheriff BREWER 24, Eber HAMM $3.65 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Enoch HASSELL, Clerk McDOUGAL $6.06 1/2, Sheriff PUGH $1.50, Witness C H LAFFERTY $3.83 Issued[sic] Oct. 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs John A. ROBERDS, Clerk McDOUGAL $2.81 1/4, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff LL MACK $125, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff L L MACK $1.25, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff PUGH 1.75 Issued Oct 15. 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND) Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Shff PUGH 150. Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff PUGH 150 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff PUGH 150 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff PUGH 150 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

Monday October 7th 1850
109 State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND, Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Sheriff MACK $175, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

111 State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND Clerk McDOUGAL $6.50, Sheriff MACK $1.25, Sheriff PUGH 25 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs Joseph SOUTHERLAND) Clerk McDOUGAL $6. Shff MACK $125 Shff PUGH 25 Isued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs John ALFORD alias John ALPHEN) Clerk McDOUGAL $2.50 Shff BREWER $1.00 Issued Oct 15, 1850.

State of Tennessee vs J F STOWE alias Franklin STOWE & Rebecca BOOKER?) CLERK McDOUGAL $3.06 1/4, Sheriff BREWER 75, Witness Holloway PRATER 75. Issued Oct 18th 1850.

State of Tennessee vs S SPEAR & F PARKER [Frank STOWE & Keziah – crossed out) Sheriff PUGH $75, Sheriff POLLARD 25, Robt? MORRIS? 25, Wm JONES 50, R BREWER 50, Witnesses C HOLT 150, Stanford C GRIMES $547, John GRIMES $4.50 Issued Oct. 18, 1850

Clerk McDOUGAL for Judgment against County 75 Clerk McDOUGAL for thirteen copy for cost for County Cour? @ 25+ 3.25 $4.00 Issued Oct 10th 1850.

Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY WHITAKER, CARTER, BURNS, MONTAGUE, BARKER, WILSON, WATKINS, T P CYPERT PHILIPS, & WHITTEN. 14 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated.

Upon motion to appropriate to W CARTER Esqr. the sum of five dollars for holding [a Jury of-crossed out] an inquest over a Slave Bill the property of John W WALKER Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES, Chr. YOUNG, WHITAKER, BURNS, BARKER, WILSON, WATKINS, T P CYPERT, John CYPERT, DIXON, PHILIPS, & WHITTEN. 12 Noes MONTAGUE 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not other wise appropriated Isued Oct 14, 1850.

Ordered that Court adjourn till tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// D J JONES Chair Wm. M. LAFFERTY, W. CARTER

Tuesday oct. 8th 1850
Court met according to adjournment Present D J JONES Chairman LAFFERTY & CARTHER his associates.

Came in Court John McDOUGAL and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed to allot to Mary A E GRIMES one years provision and reported to the court accordingly which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Ordered by the Court that Jesse HALFORD be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of H W. DAVIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Issued Oct 14th 1850.

Ordered that Court adjourn untill Court in Course //s// D J JONES Chair Wm. M LAFFERTY W CARTER.

Court April 1850

Monday April 1st, 1850

State of Tennessee Wayne County

Know all men by these presents that we Thomas H. MABRY Wm POLLARD Thomas MEREDITH Jonathan MORRIS S L BURNS and John L. CYPERT all of the County [of Wayne – crossed out] and State aforesaid are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the sum of twenty five hundred dollars which payment well and truly to be made we bind ourselves our heirs executors & administrators dated this 1st day of April 1850 The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Thomas H MABRY is trustee of Wayne County whose duty is to receive and pay over all fines by him received under an act of the Assembly entitled an act to punish small offenses. Now if the said Thomas H MABRY as such trustee shall indemnify said County for any loss occasioned by [any – crossed out] breech of his duty in proceeding under said act and pay as lawfully directed all fines received or which might have been received by him under said act then this obligation to be void else to be and remain in full force and effect / / s / / T H MABRY (seal) William POLLARD (seal) Thomas MEREDITH (seal) Jonathan MORRIS (seal) S L BURNS (seal) John L CYPERT (seal)

And the said Thomas H. MABRY and each of his said securities acknowledged the execution of said bonds in open Court which was approved of and received by the Court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said Thomas H MABRY took the necessary Oath for his qualification.

Ordered by the court that Hiram MORRISON be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of John MORRISON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Apr 3, 1850

A settlement between the County Commissioners and the County Trustee was this day presented to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that John LEE be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Joseph DIAL removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued Apr 3, 1850

Monday April 1st 1850

Upon the petition of Nathan F BIFFLE It is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff summon a Jury to consist of not less than five nor more than twelve free holders who after they have been duly sworn for said purpose shall view and report the propriety of changing the road leading from Waynesboro to Ashland where it passed his residence so as to run on the north instead of the south side of the branch and that they report to the next term of the Court Isued May 28th 1850

Ordered by the Court that the following good and lawful men of the County of Wayne be appointed and summoned by the Sheriff of said County to be and attend at the next term of our Circuit Court to be held for said County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the fourth Monday in May next to wit Thomas MABERRY David C McADOO Jonathan C ELLIOTT Robert W SIMS Samuel L. BURNS Calvin B McLEAN Joseph EAST Abraham MONTAGUE Bennett COLE Elisha R McANALLY Nathan BIFFLE Peter COLE William HAWK Matthew J SIMS John CYPERT John HAYES George COOK Brinkley HOPSON Henry PIGG George W BREWER George W DELK George E HUCKABY Micajah McGEE George WHITTEN William THORNTON Sr. And that Losson HAYES and Robert C MACK constables be appointed and summoned to attend and wait on said Court and that Venirafaciaus Isue returnable to said Circuit Court Isued Apr 3 1850

On petition of Mason TIDWELL and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said TIDWELL is blind and in indigent circumstances and unable to do manual Labor it is ordered by the Court that the said Mason TIDWELL have the privilege of Hawking and Peddling within the Court of Wayne on his taking the Oath prescribed by law in such Cases

On motion to appoint EAST & CARTER the sum of six dollars and sixty four cents for repair on the Court house those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY MONTAGUE WILSON VOORHIES WATKINS SIMS HOPSON GRAY BREWER HAM DIXON LEE PHILLIPS and WHITTEN 17 noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

Ordered by the Court that the Commissioners appointed by this Court to examine in to the Condition of the town lots in Waynesboro be authorized to compromise with any persons having in possession by any Color of title any of said lots belonging to Wayne County without any pay for the improvements there on as they may think just.

Monday April 1st 1850

Ordered by the Court that Solomon COOCH George I WALKER David VOORHIES Elisha POLLOCK and John VOORHIES freeholders be appointed a Jury of View to View and mark out so as to change the Buffalo road Beginning at David VOORHIES and thence down on the South side of said River and intersect the Mt. Pleasant road at John CRAIGs and that they report the same to the next turn of this Court.

Came John H HENDRICK & others who was appointed at a former term of this Court a Jury of View to View and mark out a change in the road leading up Holly Creek and report the Change made as directed in the order which was received by the Court.

On motion to appropriate to James T YOUNG Thomas MEREDITH John GRIMES John P VOORHIES A B GANT M J SIMS Wm R CURTIS B HOPSON B HAM John DIXON and John PHILLIPS the sum of five dollars each and to W CARTER and Wm. M LAFFERTY each the sum of six dollars for their services as revenue commissioners for the present year 1850 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE BURNS CARTER MONTAGUE WILSON [GANT- crossed out] WATKINS SIMS HOPSON DIXON LEE PHILLIPS BREWER HAM WHITTAN 18 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued Young May 6th 1850 Isued May 27th 1850

Came in to Court Rial BREWER who was on the first Saturday in March 1850 duly and constitutionally elected Sheriff for Wayne County by the qualified Voter thereof for the next two years thereafter ensuing and entered into the following bond to wit [here follows a standard bond which carried over to page 105, no heading] bond signed Rial BREWER (seal) Wm BENHAM (seal) John HAYES(seal) J W STANFIELD (seal) Brinkley HOPSON (seal) J I BIFFLE (seal) And the said Rial BREWER and each of his said securities Acknowledged the execution of said bond in open Court which was approved of and received by the Court whereupon the Said Rial BREWER took the necessary Oaths for his qualifications [here follows another version of the above bond which has been crossed out]

Monday April 1st 1850

Ordered by the Court that Joseph S[?] ROBNETT be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John JACKSON Jr. and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Apr 13 1850

Ordered by the Court that Allen KERLEY work on the Waynesboro and Ashland Road under John FISH and that he be exempt from working on road that he formly worked on

On motion to appropriate to John ROBNETT the sum of three dollars the amount by him expended for the support of James J BOYD a pauper of Wayne County in the year 1849 those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Cr. YOUNG LAFFERTY CARTER MONTAGUE WILSON VOORHIES WATKINS HOPSON GRAY PHILLIPS & WHITTEN 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated

It is ordered by the Court (there being more than [a majority-crossed out] two thirds of the Justices of the Peace in said County present) that an additional civil district to be known as district No 14 be and the same is hereby established and bounded as follows to wit commencing where the old line between Wayne and Hardin County intersects the Tennessee River thence up the river to the point where the line between Wayne and Hardin County as established by the act of 1849-50 attaching a portion of Hardin County to Wayne County leaves said river thence with said line to the old Wayne County lines thence north with said line to the beginning being that portion so attached to the County of Wayne It is further ordered by the Court that the Town of Clifton in said District be and is hereby established the place of holding elections and the precinct in and for said District until the same is changed by a majority of the voters of said District voting in any District election voting for the same. It is further ordered by the Court that the Sheriff open and hold an election for on Constable and two Justices of the peace for said District after having given the notice required by law

Monday April 1st 1850

This day came Rial BREWER into Court who was on the first Saturday in March 1850 duly & constitutionally elected Sheriff [of Wayne County-crossed out] and Collector of the public taxes of Wayne County and entered into the following bonds to wit [here follows a standard bond] / / s / / Rial BREWER (seal) Wm BENHAM (seal) John HAYSE (seal) Wiley BREWER (seal) Brinkley HOPSON (seal) J W STANFIELD (seal) Z M JOHNSON (seal) Lasson HAYS (seal) [there follows here another bond carrying over to page 108 with the same signatories] And the said Rial BREWER and each of his said securities acknowledged the execution of said Bonds in open Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said Rial BREWER took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that Sheriff pay over to the Commissioners of the Poorhouse the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars out of the County Tax when collected the present year 1850

On motion to appropriate to M J SIMS the sum of Eight dollars for holding the Election for County officers in March 1850 Those who Voted in the affirmative were D J JONES chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE BURNS CARTER MONTAGUE VOORHIES WATKINS HOPESON HAM DIXON LEE & PHILLIPS 16 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

Ordered by the Court that L D MACK Lewis HARDIN Stephen BIVENS Isaac MORRIS Thompson MORGAN [& Sylvester SHIELDS-crossed out] be appointed a Jury of View to view so as to change the Waynesboro & Waterloo Road so as to run on the line dividing the lands of J I BIFFLE and Silvester SHIELDS and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued May 28th 1850

[page 109] Monday April 1st 1850

On motion to appropriate to E H PUGH Sheriff the sum of six dollars and sixty five cents for bord &c John WAGGONER in jail and for wood furnished Court Room Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE CARTER WATKINS BREWER DIXON LEE PHILLIPS & WHITTEN 12 Noes MONTAGUE So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

On petition it is ordered by the Court that Wm B WALKER A C RASBERRY Andrew JACKSON Peter YOUNG John STOCKARD and James E McKNIGHT be appointed a Jury to View and mark out so as to change the road leading down fortyeight mile Creek by the plantation of E D BIFFLE and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued May 28th 1850

A majority of the Justices of Wayne County present the Court proceeded to elect a Ranger for said County for the next ensuring two years whereupon David J JONES was duly elected And entered into bond in the sum of five hundred dollars with C B McLEAN and R A HILL his securities conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such ranger And the said D J JONES and each of his said securities Acknowledged the execution of said bond in open Court and the Court approved and received said bond and ordered it to be recorded. Whereupon the said D J JONES took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

A majority of the Justices of the peace being present the Court proceeded to elect a Corner for Wayne County for the next two years ensuing Whereupon John L CYPERT was duly elected and the said John L CYPERT entered into bond in the sum of Twenty five hundred dollars with S L BURNS T H MABRY Wm BENHAM and Jon. MORRIS his securities Conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties in said office And the said John L CYPERT and each of his securities acknowledged the execution of said bond in open court which was approved of and received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said John L CYPERT took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that Soloman PHILLIPS be appointed Overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John S BURNS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Apr 13 1850

Monday April 1st 1850

Ordered by the Court that the following men be appointed Trustee of the Ashland Academy for the next two years and until their successors is appointed (To wit John McDOUGAL A G McDOUGAL L L MACK S D MACK T H MABRY F WITHERSPOON R A HILL A P COOK A T HASSELL W L T EDWARDS J S BURNS Z CYPERT Nathan BIFFLE D K COOK and James ANDERSON

Came into Court Wm J HADDOCK who was on the first Saturday in March 1850 duly and lawfully elected Constable for Wayne County by the qualified voters of the 13th Civil district thereof for the next two years thereafter and entered into the following bond (to wit) [here follows a standard format bond] / / s / / William J[?] HADDOCK (seal) A J BREWER (seal) B HAM (seal) Joseph BREWER (seal) John PHILLIPS (seal) C F DIXON (seal) A L ROBERLSON (seal) And the said William J HADDOCK and each of his said securities acknowledged the execution of said bond in open Court which was approved of and received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said Wm J HADDOCK took the necessary oaths for his qualification

Monday April 1st 1850

On motion to appropriate to A MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON each the sum of two dollars and fifty cents for their services settling with the trustee for the year 1850 those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY [JOBE-crossed out] CARTER MONTAGUE WILSON VOORHIES GANT WATKINS SIMS HOPSON BREWER HAM DIXON LEE PHILLIPS & WHITTON 18 Noes BURNS 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustees of Wayne County not otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

On motion to appropriate to E H PUGH Sheriff the sum of Thirty dollars for Exaficious [?] services for the past twelve months Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES JOBE CARTER SIMS DIXON LEE PHILIPS 9 Noes MONTAGUE GANT BREWER HAM LAFFERTY 5 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee no otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

On motion to appropriate to G T FREDAKING the sum of seventy five cents his fee for Registering bond to Poor house land[?] Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr. YOUNG HAYNES LAFFERTY BURNS CARTER MONTAGUE WILSON VOORHIES GANT WATKINS SIMS HOPSON BREWER HAM DIXON LEE PHILIPS WHITTON 19 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued May 28th 1850

Ordered that Court adjourn untill tomorrow 4 Oclock / / s / / D J JONES Chair James T YOUNG W. CARTER

Tuesday April 2d 1850

Came into Court Thomas MEREDITH and Clabon ACKLIN who was this day appointed deputy Sheriff by Rial BREWER Sheriff of Wayne County and took the necessary Oaths for their qualification

George W BARKER this day presented to the Court his Commission as Justice of the peace in the 5th Civil District Wayne County Whereupon the said George W BARKER took the necessary Oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that E H PUGH R A HILL & L L MACK be appointed commissioners to Examine the public Square as worked on by A T HASSELL and report to the next term of this Court whether or not said HASSELL completed said work according to contract and if not what is lacking

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course / / s / / D J JONES Chair James T YOUNG W. CARTER

1861 Convention Of Union Men Of Wayne County, Tennessee

The following newspaper article gives a brief account of the Unionist Convention which was held at Clifton on the 1st of April 1861.  The article was transcribed and submitted by Bill Page 


“The Union men of Wayne assembled at Clifton on the 1st.  On motion of Judge Morris, Col. C.B. McLean was called to the Chair and John Fuson and T.J. Cypert were chosen Secretaries.  Ordered that the Chair appoint a committee of three to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, whereupon he appointed Esquires T.H. Gibbs, Wm. Montague and John J. Porter.  Said Committee having retired in a short time returned and reported strong Union resolutions, which were adopted.  The following was also adopted.

“Resolved, That the Hon. Andrew Johnson is justly entitled to and will receive the warmest thanks and gratitude of every patriot of the land for his noble, gallant and patriotic defence of the Constitution and the Union.

“The following list of delegates were appointed, to wit:

“Thompson Morgan, King Preter, A.H. Montague, J.C. Sparman, Wm. R. Bell, J.R. Smith, Johnathan Morris, N.W. Poque, Wm. Montague, Isaac Griggs, J.J. Biffle, Peyton Craig, E.B. Martin, C.M. Thompson, J.L. Cypert, Martin Sims, Jas. Hinton, Thos. Adams, Jessee Davis, Johnathan Whitton, P.W. Hensley, Sam’l Bromley, Joseph Gallaher, Henry McGee, D.W. Carroll, Henry Culp, David C. Whitton, W.H. Brown, John Montague, T.H. Gibbs, J.A. Lawson, Wm. Cromwell, Jas. N. Staggs and Jas. North.

“Resolved, That in the absence of any of the regular appointed delegates, any good Union man from Wayne is requested to participate in said Convention as our delegate.

“Resolved, That the Chairman and Secretaries be added to the list of delegates.

C.B. McClean, Chairman
John Fuson, T.J. Cypert, Secretaries”

Nashville Republican Banner, 7 April 1861, p.2


Goodspeed’s History of Wayne County, Tennessee

Transcribed by Fred Mutishaw

[Note: This history was published in 1886 and was compiled from a number of different sources which were not listed or cited. Please use information in this history with caution. And always verify the information given]

WAYNE COUNTY is on the extreme western side of the Highland Rim, with its northwestern corner extending into the valley of the Tennessee. The county presents a generally broken surface, with parallel and transverse ridges and intervening hollows, the ridges usually radiating from the center in all directions, except to the east, the general surface of the county being a plateau of about 800 feet elevation.

The principal streams are Indian Creek, Hardin Creek, Shoal Creek, Buffalo River, Bush Creek and Second Creek. Mill Creek is a tributary of Hardin Creek. Butler Creek, Big, Middle and Little Cypress and Factor Fork are all tributaries of Shoal Creek. Forty-eight Creek, Moccasin, Rock House, Mill, Opossum, Chapel Creeks and Green River are all tributaries of Buffalo River. Wayne has lands particularly suited for farming and grazing, and the remainder for minerals. Of the 700 square miles in the county, about 200 square miles of it are mineral lands of iron ore. This seems to lie in inexhaustible beds of fine quality, the yield at the furnace being forty-four per cent. For working this ore the Wayne Furnace was built about 1835, and in 1868 the Gaylord Iron & Pipe bought the old Wayne Furnace and 21,000 acres of land for $40,000. They increased the capacity of the furnace to twenty-four tons per day. The agricultural land in found in the river and creek bottoms, and covers about ninety square miles of fine lands. These lands yield heavy crops of all the cereals, cotton, peanuts, and the other lands are suited for grazing. From the extensive ranges, stock raising can be carried on at immense profit. Wayne County affords an immense growth of valuable timber. In the southern portion of the county are immense growths of yellow pine. The ridges furnish oak, chestnut and poplar, and the glades furnish cedar. large quantities of the chestnut oak bark is used in the various tanneries in the county. Great quantities of timber are used at the furnaces for wood and charcoal smelting.

The first settlers of Wayne County were mainly from the older counties of Middle Tennessee and from North and South Carolina. The early settlements were made on North Carolina military grants, occupants’ claims and warrants. The first settlement was made by Frederick Meredith, Mark F. Edwards, William Henton, Lovick Rasbury, Richard Churchwell and Craig W. Pope, on Buffalo River in 1815. On Hardin Creek were Isaac G. Grimes, Henry Grimes, Peter Renfrow and John Johnson, in 1816. Thomas G. Harvey, Charles Burns, James Reeves, Samuel Loggans and William Scott settled on Green River in 1816 and 1817. On Indian Creek Henry and John Rayburn, Jesse and Baker Cypert, Benjamin and David Schull settled in 1818. James Surrett settled on the east fork of Hardin Creek in 1819. David Gallaher and John Dixon settled on Shoal Creek in 1818. William B. Payne, William B. Walker, Joseph Staggs, Nathan Biffle and Isaac Robertson settled on Forty-eight Mile Creek in 1818. Other settlers in different parts of the county before 1820 were Jacob Biffle in the Eight District, where land was entered in 1812; David Carter, assignee of Elizabeth Walker, also in the Eighth District; also William B. Ross, Joseph Denton, Wiley Harrington, Thomas Reeves, J. W. Nunley, T. Gambel, Daniel Cherry, Jacob Fraley, J. R. Russell, John Gibson and J. P. Walker. John Watson settled on Hardin Creek in 1820, and Lewis Johnson and Henry Colston on Beech Creek about the same time. The following entered lands before 1820: Michael Robertson, Henson Grove, Mark F. Edwards, Isaac Rice, William Williams, Thomas G. Harvey, James H. Gambel, Alexander Steele, James R. Russell, Daniel Voorhees, Samuel Mayfield, John Meredith, John Duke, R. P. Scoot, John McCulley, David Carter, John Welch, Allen Brown, James Davis, James Collins, John Mitchell, G. H. Garrett, R. C. Harris. John Akin, S. Read, J. L. Smith, James Davis, James Elliot, John Brown, James Staggs, W. B. and James P. Walker, Jesse Thompson and the Morris family. The first water and tub-mills in county were build on Moccasin Creek, in 1818, by John Meredith; the first horse-mill was built by John O. Roberts, on Beech Creek, in 1820. The first cotton-gin was built near where old Carrollville stood, by William B. Ross, in 1819. The first ferry across the Tennessee River, within the limits of the county, was established in 1818 at Carrollville, but the owner of the ferry is unknown.

The first church erected in the county was built on Green River, just east of the site of Waynesboro, at the grave-yard in 1820, by the Methodists. The Rev. James English was the first preacher. At the mouth of Forty-eight Mile Creek the Primitive Baptists also built a church in 1820, the Rev. Willis Dodson was the first pastor of it. The first merchants in the county were Malachi Wimberly and Anderson Stoneball, near Ashland, in 1819. A Mill was built on Buffalo, near Ashland, by John Biffle, about 1830. The first tan-yard was built on Eagle Creek, by James Elliott, in 1819.

The first boat up the Tennessee for business was a keel boat owned by Samuel Cade. This was loaded with salt and other supplies. Wesley Warrington kept the first wood-yard for steam boats, about 1823-25. The first camp-meeting was held on Eagle Creek about 1823.

Near Ashland may be seen many relics of the Mound-Builders. These mounds are the usual shape, but arranged in a somewhat circular outline, with the larger mounds in the center. The whole cluster numbers perhaps forty or fifty. Surrounding these is an old earth-work of very distinct outline, having a moat and embankment of considerable height. In the hollow below is an old Indian burying-ground, where numerous skeletons have been found, some in very perfect state of preservation. The graves are marked by stones above ground, with the graves walled and covered by the same material. In all or nearly all are found charcoal or charred remains. This burying-ground was discovered by Prof. Smith, of the Columbia Atheneum, in 1877, where may be seen excellent specimen remains. On a tributary of Forty-eight Creek, called Court House Creek, are fine natural bridges. Passing beneath the first sharp angle in the little stream there appears an open court which rivals almost any of the natural curiosities of the world. Here, according to tradition, the dusky savage once held his council fires. A little further down the stream the water passes under the second archway and dome of splendid beauty and symmetry.

Wayne County was created by a act of the Legislature in 1817, but on failure to have it engrossed it had to be repassed in 1819. It was named in honor of Gen. Wayne, “Mad Anthony,” of Revolutionary fame, and embraces an area of 338,291 acres. The court for organization met at Factor Fork, where the old Natchez trace crosses that stream. The next meeting was held at William Barnett’s, on old Town Branch, where it continued to meet till 1822. The following justices were present, holding commissions from the governor: Benjamin Hardin, Henry Rayburn, Jesse Cypert, Wm. Burns, C. A. Pope, Wm. Walker, John Meredith,Reuben Kyle, Wm. B. Curtis, Wm. B. Ross, S. Perley and David N. Gallaher. The officers chosen were Wm. Barnett, clerk; Benjamin Hardin, sheriff; J. M. Barnett, circuit clerk; John McClure, register; John Meredith, trustee; John Hill, ranger; and Wm. B. Payne, coroner.

The first court house was built, it is supposed, by Wm. Barnett in 1819 or 1820. This was a small log house with a dirt floor, board roof, and large openings in the side for windows. This house was in use about two years. On the location of Waynesboro as the county seat in 1822, a new log court house was erected the same year. This house was built at a cost of $800 on the Square, and differed not greatly in size or construction. The third house was built in 1827, and was a frame building. This building was two stories high, and was about 24X30 feet. The upper floor was used as the court room, with the offices below, and had two entrances as the present house.

The present court house was built by Nathaniel Thomas. It was begun in 1843 and completed in 1844. It is a good brick building, in excellent state of preservation, and is two stories in height. The upper floor is used as the court-room, while the offices are below. The building is about 35X40 feet, and was erected at a cost of about $4,000.

The first jail was built at Old Town, and was a very rude structure. It was in use only about two years. The second jail was built of round logs at Waynesboro in 1822. The third jail was built of hewn logs. It stood till some time between 1830 and 1840, when it was replaced by a brick jail. This jail stood just north of the Eureka Building, and was erected at a cost of about $700. The elements, time and war unfitted this as safety. In 1873 J. G. Berry, A. T. Hassell, M. Collier, G. W. Boyd and J. R. Hughes were appointed committee for the construction of a new jail. The material of the old was sold to the Methodists, Masons and others, and a new lot purchased east of the Square. The contract was let to Wm. A. Fowler. The new jail was built at a cost of $1,664.25, less $148.93 realized on the old jail.

The poor at first were farmed out to the lowest bidder. The first farm was on Green River, two and three-fourths miles below Waynesboro. This was a small place, and little improvements were made upon it. In 1849 a farm was purchased by Washington Carter, D. J Jones and Jonathan Morris for $400. In 1866 the present farm was purchased of J. L. Fowler by A. Montague, G. W. Barker and J. A. Grimes, as poor-house commissioners, for $700. The county now owns about 145 acres of good land and maintains its paupers at a small cost.

Although Wayne has neither turnpike nor railroad, the Columbia Central Turnpike formerly passed through the county from Columbia to Clifton. This road was completed about 1844, but has suffered to fall into disuse since the war. In 1880 the charter of the Nashville & Tennessee River Railroad was spread upon record. This road is intended to connect the Nashville & Tallapossa Road with the Memphis & Knoxville Road, at or near Clifton.

The meeting of the first county court is elsewhere stated, both as to place and members. The first circuit court was held at the log court house on old Town Branch, north of Waynesboro, in the spring of 1820, with J. M. Barnett as circuit clerk, Benjamin Hardin as sheriff and Wm. F. Doherty as solicitor-general. A loss of all county records to 1848, the circuit court records to 1851, and those in the chancery court to 1861, renders it impossible to follow the courts fully. One of the longest cases ever tried in Wayne County was the case of Meredith against Renfro, which vexed the courts for sixteen years. The first murder case believed to be the case wherein Haggard killed Busby. The case grew out of a quarrel between two little boys, sons of the two men. The case was tried in Dixon County on change of venue, and Haggard was acquitted. Another case was the “State vs. Choat,” for the killing of Mosby. This case resulted in acquittal, on the plea of self-defense. In 1828, Wm. Venable and James McDool, the former a gray-bearded old man and the latter a boy of sixteen, were convicted of passing counterfeit money. They received for punishment on the bare back, twenty-five lashes. About this time the officers of the law were compelled to contend with a gang of counterfeiters, horse-thieves and murderers, under John A. Murrell, whose life and adventures were written many years ago. and whose exploits extended over a large portion of the State. About 1830, occurred several damage suits, one, “Miller vs. Robertson,” for false imprisonment, in which the plaintiff got judgement for $10,000. Another was case of Chas. Teas against W. B. Ross, for swearing to a lie. This suit resulted in a verdict for $10,000 for the plaintiff, but was afterward compromised for $900. Charles Reeves brought a suit for slander against John O. Roberts, for saying that Reeves “stole horses, cattle and hogs.” The plaintiff was awarded damage to the amount of $2.50. All cases previous to the passage of the “penitentiary law,” in 1832, were punished by imprisonment, fines, whipping, standing in the stocks, branding — any or all of these. The first person sent to the State’s prison was Mathew Murphy, who was sentenced on March 23, 1839, for a term of three years and the second case was David Staggs, who was sentenced for one year from October, 1842. The offense in neither case is given, but it is presumed it was larceny. The first divorce suit was the wife of Henry Mahon against her husband. The suit was brought in 1829, on the plea of inhuman treatment, and granted. The first of the circuit court records began with May 26, 1851. The usual number of cases of gaming, peace warrants, wearing bowie knives, larceny, vi et armis, and other minor misdemeanors occur. In 1852, Moses Page, “without the fear of God before his eyes, and being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil,” assaulted Thomas H. Short and killed him with a gun. Page was tried , convicted, and sentenced to the penitentiary for a term of three years. One of the heaviest suits for damage, in former years, was the suit of Sanders and Martin against Gallaher, King, McDougal and East, in which the plaintiffs got judgment for $1,126.05. This case was decided at the March term, 1840.The case of the State against Daniel G. McCarn, on a change of venue from Hardin County, came up for trial in Wayne County Circuit Court. He was tried for being accessory before the fact for an assault and Battery with intent to commit murder. The trial was begun in 1850, and ended October 9, 1852, in conviction and sentence to the penitentiary for seven years. An appeal to the supreme court was taken, and the case reversed and ordered begun de novo. The case was tried again with the singular result of conviction and sentence for twelve years instead of seven. A very hotly contested suit was the case of Dr. Wm. G. Childress against John Morrow, for slander. The case was begun in 1857, and ended in February, 1860 in judgement for $5,000 for plaintiff. Dr. Childress had treated a son of Morrow, who died. The latter accused the former of malpractice, hence the suit. The jury in the case were Andrew Jackson, W. T. Bryant, J. M. Moore, Little Choat, J. I. Biffle, John Stockard, J. W. Howard, Jasper Davis, J. L. Kyle, J. Scott, J. N. Hollis, and J. C. Whitton. Judgement was rendered, and it was ordered that execution issue, when the plaintiff in open court remitted all the fine except one cent. A very hotly contested case was begun January 3, 1876, entitled State vs. John W. Bundrant and Peter Bundrant. They were tried for the murder of S. R. Dicus. The case was continued from January 3, 1876, till November, 1879, and ended in the conviction of John Budrant and sentence to the penitentiary for five years,

Another case of note was the case of the State against T. G. Brown, D. E. Holt, Wallace Hays, Austin Hays, Wm. A. Fowler and Jesse Atkisson. They were tried for the murder of Wm. H. Hays in October, 1878. Atkisson died before trial. The suit ended August 20, 1879, in a sentence of Thomas G. Brown and D. E. Holt for a term of several years in the penitentiary; Wm. Holt, Austin Hays and Wallace Hays to six months in the county jail. The circuit courts were closed from January 29, 1862, to September 23, 1865. The last jury before the war consisted of L. M. Morgan, Little Choat, S. R. Denny, J. H. McClure, Wm. Eads, A. G. Clay, Wm. Pollard, J. H. Rutledge, Jas. Durham, J. C. Walker, Wm. Sinclair, J. J. Porter, J. N. Hollis, J. A. Gibbs, John L. Smith, Isaac Robinson and F. Churchwell. Many very bitter suits grew out of offenses committed during the war. On January 23, 1874, was spread upon the minutes a tribute of respect to the memory of Judge Elijah Walker, of Savannah, who died December 31, 1873. Judge Walker was doubtless the ablest judge ever upon the Wayne County bench. The chancery court for the district of Wayne, Hardin, Lewis and Lawrence was established by the Legislature February 5, 1847, with Jerry H. Cahal as chancellor, who served till 1852, when J. L. Brine was chosen to fill his place. Judge Brine was succeeded by C. Pavatt in 1855, who in turn was succeeded by R. H. Rose on February 28, 1866. Judge J. W. Doherty served from 1868 to 1870, when he was succeeded by Hon. Geo. H. Nixon, who served till 1886. The clerks and masters have been Col. McLean, A. T. Hassell, J. W. Helton and Capt. P. H. Craig since 1873. One of the longest and most peculiar cases ever tried in the chancery court was the case of Sarah C. Smotherman against James Smotherman, for divorce and alleging as a plea, brutal and inhuman treatment. The case was in the courts for about sixteen years. A judgement rendered by Judge Hughes in favor of the plaintiff in April, 1868, and the same confirmed by Judge Nixon in September, 1871. The divorce, custody of their child and alimony in lands were granted to plaintiff. The case was taken to the supreme court on a writ of error by the defendant. Whereupon said court found error, not only in the point at issue, but the whole proceedings. The whole case was accordingly referred. Pending this decision the defendant had married a second time and the plaintiff had been confirmed in possession of her lands. The curious case was then presented, of two legal owners of the same property and a man having two legal wives.

In 1861 the case of Mary J. Ricketts, administratrix, vs. C. B. McCulley et al., involving the right of title, was begun. McCulley was the legal owner of two tracts of land. On March 2, 1861, he conveyed to his wife and children one of his tracts of land. He was owing Ricketts $1,260. Although it was proved McCulley was owner of other real estate valued at $1,500 and personal property to the amount of $1,000, he subsequently failed. S. S. Ricketts died in 1863, intestate, and the plaintiff, as administratrix, revived the debt in her own name, and got judgement against the land conveyed, and had it sold on execution. The case was take to the supreme court in 1865, and the conveyance made by McCully was confirmed from that fact that at the time of the conveyance he had ample property to pay his debts and the conveyance at the time indicated no fraud. The case of Carr vs. Grimes, executor, in 1877, involved the mental capacity of the decedent to make a will. In this suit about $10,000 worth of property was involved. The supreme court confirmed the action of the defendant. W. P. Kendrick and Rob A. Hill were, doubtless, the resident lawyers of the Wayne County bar. The latter in now United States district judge, with headquarters at Oxford, Miss. The present bar is represented by Robert Cypert, Boyd & Haggard and John F. Montague.

Waynesboro was founded in 1821, on the lands owned by Wm. Burns. A deed was made for 40 acres to James Hollis, John Hill, Nathan Biffle and Chas. Burns for $300. These men were the commissioners appointed by the General Assembly to establish a county seat for Wayne County. The transfer was made March 1, 1823. The commissioners were empowered to sell lots, and with the proceeds to build a courthouse, jail, stocks, ect. Among the first purchasers of lots were James Blair, Chas. Burns, Wm. Barnett, Wm. Copeland, Wm. Burns, Willis Copeland, H. W. Mahon, Willey Simmons, J. W. Lemaster, Jordan Morris, John Hill, Obedience Hill, James Anderson. The first dwelling-house was erected by Wm. Burns in 1821. Wm. Meredith began merchandising in 1821; and Wm. Barnett opened the first hotel in the place, also in 1821. A postoffice was established in 1821, with Wm. Barnett as postmaster.The first practicing physician was Martin Mahon, who began practice in 1822-23. The first local attorney was Thomas F. Edwards, who began practice about the time of Dr. Mahon. The first school was opened in the town in 1821-22. The first church was built at the grave-yard just east of town, across Green River, with the Rev. James English as pastor. The house of Burns, above mentioned, stood some distance from town near where Mr. Whitby now lives. Wm. Barnett’s stood where Mr. Hassell’s house now stands; John Hill’s was near. These were the first houses in Waynesboro proper, and were small round-log houses.

The business of Waynesboro was about such as is seen in a small inland town till about 1844-45, at the completion of the old Central Turnpike, when business gradually increased, reaching its maximum activity about 1855, but remained good until the war. Since that period the place has suffered some loss of trade from the sale of goods at many country stores throughout the county. The principal business for one or two decades before the war was done by A. T. Hassell, James Anderson, and Wm. West & Co. The former of these has done an extensive business since 1844. The present firms are A. T. Hassell, M. J. Sims, Bromley & Martin, Huckaba Bro. & Co., Turman Helton & Co., drug stores, G. W. Boyd & Co., A. T. Collier; hotel, Thomas Young.

Waynesboro was incorporated in 1852, with the usual powers of such corporations. The following constituted the first board: Cyrus Tyree, I. Warner, S. R. Laird, J. C. Bridges, G. W. House, J. Morris and N. C. David. Of these Tyree became mayor; David, recorder, and Bridges, treasure. The charter was allowed to lapse in 1860, but was renewed again in 1870, with Matthew Collier, mayor, and C. C. Stribling, recorder.

The first newspaper in Waynesboro was The Family Visitor, edited by W. L. Morris. This was in the early part of 1850. This was followed by Waynesboro Times, under B. A. Murtishaw, in 1856. Then came the period of the war, and no more paper till 1872, when the Review was started by the Malone Bros. This was followed by the Wayne County Citizen, on February 19, 1874, by Stribling & Warren as proprietors, with Robert Cypert as editor till December 24, 1874. On November 24, 1875, the paper was first issued at Clifton, where it has since remained.

Waynesboro Lodge, No. 127, was organized February 13, 1851, with the following officers: Jas. Anderson, W. M.; Chas. Cox, S. W.; N. F. Biffle, J. W.; D. K. Hood, Treas.; John McDougal, Sec.; A. P. Cook, S. D.; S. R. Laird, J. D.; J. C. Bridges, S. and T. Visiting members, P. Whitehead and S. D. Whitley, both Master Mason. The first members added were W. R. Kindle and J. M. Jones. The membership now numbers thirty-seven. A chapter was instituted November 1, 1879, with J. J. Comes as High Priest; C. Buchanan, King, and J. Jackson, Scribe. A Grand Army Post was organized in 1884 by Capt. Jones, of Nashville. It is known as the Wm. P. Kendrick Post, No. 5. It enrolls from fifty to sixty members.

About two miles below where Clifton now stands, formerly stood Carrollsville, named in honor of Gov. Carroll. This place was founded in 1818 on the lands of Thomas Reeves. The sale of lots began in 1821. At the time Reeves sold his interest to Johnson & Blackburn. Henry Mahon, John Blackburn, Matthew Grimes, Henry Rayburn, Stephen Stubblefield, Jacob Spencer, Malachi Wimberly, Chas. Harrington and John Elliott were principal property owners of the place. The business men were Hugh Simpson, Chas. Teas, Hine & Ross, and R. A. McCullough. It is claimed that Carrollsville came within one vote of being made capital of the State. On the completion of the Central Turnpike to its terminus on the river, at Clifton, Carrollsville began rapidly to decline, so that now noting remains to mark the site of the old town. This place witnessed one of the first tragedies in the county, the killing of Dr. Green by Edward Sanford. A quarrel arose over the sale of some liquors, and Green assaulted Sanford with a gun, and was himself killed by a stone in the hands of Sanford. Clifton, it may be said, grew from the ruins of Carrollsville; it was founded in 1840, and was named from the high cliff upon which it stands. It is situated sixteen miles west of Waynesboro, on the Tennessee River, at the terminus of the old Central Turnpike. The lands were purchased of Stephen Roach by Evan Young, Granville A. Pillow, W. J. Polk and James Helton, of the Turnpike Company. The first owners of lots were R. C. Hemphill, A. T. Hassell, James Walker, John O. Roberts, Edward Spears, J. Wright, R. H. Cooper and S. S. Ricketts. The first business men were James Walker (who managed the old “Marine Furnace),” A. T. Hassell & Co., Cooper & Hemphill. Clifton has always been an excellent business point, by far the best in the country. It now has the following dry goods and general stores: Hughes & Grimes, Thompson & Cook, J. J. Nichols, T. N. Copeland. Drug and grocery stores: T. R. Ricketts & Co., Stribling & Hassell, Hardin & Duncan. Groceries: Charles Ricketts.

The Cumberland Presbyterian Church was built in 1859, on a lot deeded to them by H. W. Hunter. The Methodist Church was built much later. Masonic lodge, No. 173, called Clifton Lodge by last report, has a membership of forty-five. Clifton also has a chapter, No. 57, R. A. M., and a council, No.37, R. & S. M. Clifton was incorporated by an act of Legislature in 1854, but allowed its charter to lapse during the war; however, it has since revived. The first number of the Wayne County Citizen was issued on November 25, 1875, by C. C. Stribling and Warren. The paper, however, had been published at Waynesboro by the same firm since 1874. On December 21, 1876, Mr. T. F. Warren severed his connection with the paper. Since that time it has been owned by C. C. Stribling. It is no more than justice to say that the Wayne County Citizen is a paper of uncommon merit. Politically it is Independent.

Ashland is situated eleven miles northeast of Waynesboro, and was established in 1830 by Ephraim Dixon and Samuel Mitchell. The postoffice at that place is called Forty-Eight; formerly it was called Pleasant Hill. Malachi Wimberly and Anderson Stoneball sold goods near where Ashland now is in 1819. The first settlers around Ashland were Lovick Rasberry, Nathan Biffle, James Russell, Wm. Walker and Wm. Burns. Following Dixon & Mitchell, above mentioned, Buckner & Dickson were the next business firm. Ashland has usually had from one to two general stores. The principal business of the place in now done by A. H. Cunningham.The Cumberland Presbyterian Church and Masonic lodge room, on Buffalo, was built in 1878. The trustees of the church were G. T. Walker, A. B. Wisdom, R. A. Shaw, W. F. Edwards and James Durham, and the Buffalo Lodge, No. 329, were T. S. Evans, W. M.; Theodore Clendenen, S. W.; P. H. Craig, J. W., and others.

Flatwood is a small neighborhood village, about fourteen miles north-west of Waynesboro, founded about 1850. It is the seat of two stores, a postoffice and a school. The business firms are Harris & Hurt and Burns & Graves.

Old Town was the former seat of justice for the county. It was situated on Old Town Branch, a small tributary of Green River, about five miles from Waynesboro. The only residents of the place were Wm. Barnett and John Hill. Nothing now remains to mark the former site of Old Town, so called in distinction from Waynesboro, or the new town.

Though hardly a part of military history, it may be stated that Wayne County was, like all other counties, divided into districts embracing all subject to military duty. The first divisions for the county were Beech Creek, Eagle Creek, Hardin Creek, Indian Creek, Cypress Creek, Buffalo River, Forty-eight Creek and Rich Creek. In these were the companies of Capts. William Gambrell, G. H. Tucker, Isaac Robertson, H. J. Ray, A. Morris, Thomas Reeves, John Rayburn, Frank Mayberry, Sherrell, Thompson and Aydlotte. These increased in number as the population grew. No regular organized body of men went from this county to either the Seminole or Mexican war. The only representatives of either of those wars is the Rev. George E. Huckaba, who commanded Company H. of the Second Tennessee (Federal) Mounted Infantry in the late war. The county was almost unanimous for the Union till hostilities began, when there was a division. The southern part of the county remained firm for the Union during the whole struggle, while the northern portion was almost unanimous in favor of the Confederacy. The first troops raised for the Confederate Government were for the Ninth Tennessee Cavalry. These troops were mainly recruited about Waynesboro and in the vicinity of Ashland and Flatwood. The first company was A. The officers of this company were J. T. Biffle, captain; J. M. Benham, first lieutenant; P. H. Craig, second lieutenant; G. P. Wells, third lieutenant. The second company had for its officers James M. Reynolds, captain; Reiley Littleton, first lieutenant; John Littleton, second lieutenant. The third company of this regiment was commanded by Capt. John A. Johnson, with B. S. Hardin, first lieutenant, and A. H. Ross, second lieutenant.

The Ninth was mustered into service in August, 1862, at Waynesboro. The operations of the regiment were confined to the surrounding counties, in guarding railroads, bridges, rivers, ect. Later the regiment was ordered to Murfreesboro with Forrest, where it joined in an attack and capture of the same, also in the raid through West Tennessee in December, and upon Franklin and Spring Hill. In 1863, the regiment was in pursuit and capture of Col. Streight, of the Fifty-first Indiana, in his raid through Georgia. The regiment was engaged at Chickamauga, Chattanooga, and at Knoxville in the siege of Burnside’s army. In December, 1863, P. H. Craig raised Company B, consisting of about seventy-fife men, and was attached to the Twentieth Regiment. Their operations were confined mainly to Alabama and Mississippi till the fall and winter of 1864, when the entire army invaded Tennessee in the advance upon Nashville. A very brilliant dash was made upon Johnsonville and the Federal supplies at that place captured and burned, amounting to more than a million dollars. The troops then advanced upon Nashville, by way of Florence, Wayland Springs, Lawrenceville, Columbia, Spring Hill and Franklin. In that engagement the Twentieth was on the right, under Forrest. After the retreat to the Federals from Franklin the Twentieth joined in the pursuit, and struck the Federals at Hollow Tree gap and drove in the pickets at Nashville. Forrest, with a large portion of his cavalry, was sent to assist in the operations against Murfreesboro. After the defeat of Hood at Nashville these forces were hastened to Franklin to cover the retreat from Tennessee. Those that escaped the disaster were collected at Tupelo, Miss., and soon afterward sent East to engage in the final struggle in that section. For the ninth Battalion there recruited Company F from Wayne County. This was commanded by T. D. Whitehead as captain; William M. Biffle, first lieutenant; Dr. R. W. Couch, second lieutenant; S. W. Burns, third lieutenant. These men were mustered into the service in 1861, at Camp Anderson, near Nashville. After the defeat and capture at Fort Donelson, the men captured were held till the last of August, 1862, when they were exchanged and were soon after reorganized. At the reorganization, W. L. Bromley was chosen captain; Joseph Clendenen, first lieutenant; James E. Grimes, second lieutenant; J. T. Cotton, third lieutenant. J. H. Akin was in command of the battalion, the history of which is found elsewhere. Several companies went out in Deering’s Fifty-fourth, but after the stampede and disorganization of the regiment the men were assigned to Dixon’s Forty-eighth. The companies were three in number. The officers of the first were T. R. Hughes, captain; William L. Montague, first lieutenant; Jasper Benham, second lieutenant; A. K. Hardin, third lieutenant. Of the second, D. S. Skillern, was captain; D. H. Jones, first lieutenant; J. H. Shields, second lieutenant; J. B. Huckaba, third lieutenant. Of the third company, James M. Reynolds, was captain; J. N. Hollis, first lieutenant. (See history of Dixon’s Forty-eighth for a history of this regiment.)

The first company for Federal service was Company A. of the Tenth Tennessee (three years). Officers: Captain, Ed B. Bladen; Henry N. Lee, first lieutenant; John J. Brewer, second lieutenant. Mustered into service April 26, at Nashville. Henry N. Lee was afterward chosen captain. The men were mainly from south part of the county. Number of men, 92. Services were mainly garrison and guard duty. Second Mounted Infantry (one year), regimental officers: John Murphy, colonel; Owen Haney, lieutenant-colonel, J. M. Dickerson, major; Nat Brown, adjutant. Organized at Nashville in 1864. Services were mainly at Clifton and other parts of Wayne and other counties. Company A — T. J. Cypert, captain; Jas. Moore, first lieutenant; C. C. Stribling, second lieutenant. Company B — W. A. Harrison, captian (afterward Sam H. Martin); E. D. McGlamery, first lieutenant; Elias Thrasher, second lieutenant. Company C — A. J. Roberts, captain; Wm. Barnett, first lieutenant; Alfred Cottham, second lieutenant. Company D — C. W. Shipman, captain; Phillip Howard, first lieutenant; Asberry Thompson, second lieutenant. Company E — Henry D. Hamm, captain; J. J. Bromley, first lieutenant; G. H. Brewer, second lieutenant. Company H — Geo. E. Huckaba, captain; John Judd, first lieutenant; Wm A. Skillern, second lieutenant. Company I or K — A. Garner, captain; Mr. Barnett, first lieutenant; Mr. Glasgow, second lieutenant. These were all in the Second Tennessee Mounted Infantry.

Sixth Tennessee Cavalry was composed of the companies of Capt. G. Berry and Capt. D. I. Dickerson. The Eigth Mounted Infantry consisted of the company of Capt. C. W. Shipman, formerly of the Second Tennessee, as above, with E. V. Truman as first lieutenant. Eldridge’s artillery consisted of Lieut. Wright and a few men from different parts of the county.

The schools of Wayne County were entirely isolated in their character till 1843, when Ashland Academy was built. This was built under the old seminary law. This building stood a short distance southwest of the Public Square of Waynesboro. The first trusttees were John McDougal, Nathan Biffle, J. L. Ross, Abraham Montague, D. L. Jones, R. W. Kendel, S. D. Mack and T. M. East. In 1849 the funds had so accumulated that an additional academy was erected. This was called the Female Academy, and stood on Lot 31, where the college building now stands. The building was under the same board of management as the other. These served the public until the reorganization of the schools since the war. In 1885 was erected in Waynesboro the new school building known as the Waynesboro College. This was built by a joint stock company of leading citizens of the place and vicinity. This is an excellent building and is managed as a consolidated school. The schools of the county were organized under the present system in 1873, by James Anderson, county superintendent. A comparison of superintendent’s reports for 1880 and 1885, the only ones available, will show the increase in attendance and number of the public schools. In 1880 the number of scholastic population was white, 3733, colored, 334; total, 4,076. Number of teachers in the county: White, 56, colored, 5: total, 61. The enrollment during the year was 2,577, white and 127 colored. The average attendance was 2.003 white, and 98 colored. The county then had 1 brick, 12 frame and 20 log schoolhouses, and expended for schools $2,109.95. The scholastic population for 1885 was 4,180 white and 392 colored; total, 4,572. The pupils enrolled were 3,042 white and 297 colored; total, 3,339. The average daily attendance was 1,861 white and 200 colored, or 2,061 in all. The number of schoolhouses was 19 frame and 26 log houses, the whole number being 45. The whole number of schools in the county, however, including females’ schools, was 75, 67 of which were white and 8 colored. The total amount expended for that year was $6,546.62.

The first Methodist Church erected in the county was built just east of Waynesboro, at the grave-yard, about 1820. This was a small log building, and served as a place of worship till 1840. In That year the lot opposite Capt. P. H. Cray’s residence was deeded by Thomas Boshers to D. J. Jones, John McDougal, Thomas Boshers and Thomas East, as trustees of the church. This was a frame building and stood till the war. In 1878 one wall of the Cumberland Church fell, and was repaired by the Methodists and Masons. The Methodists were allowed an interest in that building. The Methodists also have churches at Indian Creek and a camp-ground was also established there in 1859; the trustees having been A. G. McDougal, J. B. Biffle, W. T. Childress, A. P. Denning, J. J. Denning and W. Roachwell; one at Culp’s Chapel, built in 1877, Eagle Tannery, Clifton, Ashland, Flatwood, Furnace Branch, El Bethel and Beech Creek.

The first Primitive Baptist Church was built near the mouth of Forty-Eight about 1820. To this belonged the Russells, Biffles, Walkers and Thompsons. This church is still sustained with a good membership. The church on Hardin Creek is half a century old: also the one at Goshen, in the Sixth District, is nearly as old. There is also a church of this denomination on Upper Indian Creek. Churches of more recent datestand in the First and Ninth Districts. The founders of these older churches have long since been “gathered to their fathers.”

By far the most numerous branch of the Baptist family is the branch known as the Missionary Baptists. The oldest organizations of this church are at Indian Creek and Philadelphia, each of which dates back more than a half a century. Besides the two mentioned, there are churches at Green River, Zion, Friendship, Bethlehem, Union, or Beech Creek, Holly Creek, Chestnut Creek, Oak Grove, Macedonia, Rayburn Creek, Pleasant Valley and Leatherwood. The aggregate in membership amounting to about 700. Besides these, there are a number of Free-Will Baptists in the county, there being a church of this denomination at the head of Factor Fork and at Oak Grove; also a number of others.

The first Cumberland Presbyterian Church erected in this county was perhaps, the church at Waynesboro. This was erected about 1830 by the Presbyterians and Masons. The church at Clifton was built in 1859; they are both substantial brick buildings. This denomination has churches at Shady Grove, Ashland, New Providence and Mount Olive.