The War In The Backwaters

The War In The Backwaters

by William R. Morris

This article was originally published in “The Wayne County Historian” Vol. 2, No. 2, June 1989

During the Civil War many small skirmishes were fought in and around the city of Clifton, Tennessee. Among those military actions was an extended fight occurring in late July of 1864, between Col. Jacob Biffle’s 19th (9th) Tennessee Cavalry, C.S.A., and Col. John Murphy’s 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry, US Volunteers, as well as the U.S. Navy gunboat “Undine”.

Clifton, a town located on the Tennessee River in the northwest corner of Wayne County, had been occupied as a military post by the 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry since late December 1863. The garrison was roughly located on a small knoll behind the Clifton Presbyterian Church. As part of his duties, Col. Murphy, commander of the Clifton post, would send detachments of his force on patrols, scouting the area to gather information, forage, and, on occasion, to skirmish with regular and guerrilla Confederate forces.

Since the fall of Fort Donalson in February, 1862, the US Navy had sent frequent gunboat patrols up and down the Tennessee River. These boats would travel the river to gather intelligence, and on occasion, do battle with Confederate military forces on shore. When possible they would stop at Union military posts, like Clifton, to render assistance.

Biffle’s Cavalry Regiment, formed in late 1862, was involved in numerous raids and battles during its service under Generals Nathan B. Forrest and Joseph Wheeler. Although records reflect that in late 1864, the unit was involved in actions occurring in Georgia, there also exist records indicating that a least a portion of the unit was in the Wayne County area of Tennessee in late July. Biffle’s Cavalry regiment, as well as the 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry, were composed primarily of men from Wayne County, Tennessee.

On Friday, 22 July 1864, after a skirmish at Clifton with Confederate forces in which SGT Barnett Hughes of Company I was wounded, and the enemy beaten back, Col. Murphy began to separate his force. Col. Murphy left Clifton with two companies of his regiment to establish his new headquarters at Section 54 of the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. Murphy left the remainder of his command at Clifton under Major James M. Dickerson.

On the 23rd of July, another skirmish occurred. During the course of this fight, Ephrim Brown and Daniel McGee, both of Company A, 2nd Tennessee Mounted Infantry [afterwards referred to as TMI], were killed. Brian Frankham of Company D, TMI, was captured.

On Sunday, 24 July, no military actions occurred at Clifton, However, Col. Murphy’s detachment had run into trouble. As the two companies and headquarters staff neared the Hickman County town of Centreville, they were attacked by the Confederates. Company F’s William Porter was captured and William Campbell was killed.

The following day the U.S.S. “Undine” (No. 55), an eight gun, US Navy gunboat, arrived at Clifton. The vessel was under the command of Acting Master John L. Bryant. During the afternoon, the “Undine” prepated to leave Clifton. In the process of backing from the bank, the boat struck a snag, tearing a two feet long hole in the bottom. Despite all his efforts, Bryant became aware that keeping the boat afloat was a lost cause. He ordered his sailors to begin dismounting the boat’s cannon and to land the ammunition and stores.

The boat sank on a slant in water four to nineteen feet deep. Bryant dispatched his acting ensign, J. P. Neave, and four men to seek naval assistance.

On Tuesday, the 26th, Biffle was again in position to attack the post at Clifton. Dickerson had met with Bryant and had taken two of the 24 pound howitzers back to the stockade along with a squad of sailors to assist in mounting the cannon. Bryant meanwhile had mounted two additional cannon on the riverbank to cover not only the roads leading to the river, but the west bank of the river opposite Clifton.

Wednesday, while activity inside the stockade remained relatively quiet, events continued to happen. Bryant’s crew placed their salvaged stores and ammunition in a house near the riverbank. Company F had left the post en route to Col. Murphy’s location at Centerville. As that company neared Centerville, Pvt. Paskel Moore was killed in action with the enemy.

Fighting resumed around the post on the 28th. Men from Company H, 2nd TMI were engaged with the surrounding Confederate cavalry. Company I managed to leave the post to join Col. Murphy. Bryant’s men were involved in removing iron and coal from around the “Undine’s” boilers when they saw the U.S.S. “Elfin” (No. 54) approaching. The “Elfin” was returning with Ensign Neave and the four sailors Bryant had sent for help. Bryant was probably relieved to know that help was on the way.

Little occurred on the 29th. The salvage efforts continued on the “Undine”. There was a lull in the fighting around the post. Company F, 2nd TMI, had arrived at Centreville.

Biffle’s attack on Clifton rapidly escalated on the 30th of July. True to the proven battlefield experiences gained from his service under General Forrest, Biffle demanded the surrender of the post. At 6:30 A.M., Biffle sent a message under a flag of truce to Post Commander, Major Dickerson, in which he demanded the surrender of both the town of Clifton and the garrison located there. Biffle gave Dickerson twenty minutes to decide his men’s fate. In order to further pressure Dickerson, Biffle also demanded that all the citizens of the town be allowed to leave as he intended to shell it immediately. This demand was similar to ones made of Federal troops by General Forrest throughout the war. On this occasion the demand proved a useless tactic since Dickerson refused to respond. Dickerson’s decision was no doubt influenced by the presence of the “Undine’s: formidable 24 pound howitzers. The soldiers and sailors prepared for the attack. Although the Union men continued to man their posts through the day and into the night, no general attack ever came.

On 31 July 1864, the attack at Clifton ended. Additional naval vessels arrived and with their crews’ assistance and equipment, Bryant managed to refloat the “Undine” and make temporary repairs. The boat’s stores, guns and ammunition were taken with the “Undine” when she left Clifton. Companies A, B, C, D, and E (2nd TMI) remained at Clifton, while Companies F, G, H, I, and K joined Col. Murphy and established camps in and around Section 54 of the Nashville and Northwestern Railroad. Biffle’s regiment withdrew.

In a short time, events leading to General Forrest’s attack on the Union supply depot at Johnsonville would bring all three of these units together again. Biffle’s cavalry would return with vengeance. Murphy’s regiment would suffer its greatest loss. The “Undine” would become part of the only naval force in history to belong to and be operated by a cavalry unit. But those are other stories.


Brownlow, James P., Report of The Adjutant General Of The State Of Tennessee Of The Military Forces Of The State From 1861 To 1866, S.C. Merce, 1866.

Civil War Centennial Commission of Tennessee, Tennesseans In The Civil War, University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN, Second Printing 1984.

Henry, Robert S., “First With The Most” Forrest, Broadfoot Publishing Co., 1987

U.S. Government, Official Record of Naval Forces On Western Waters, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, n.d.

U.S. Government, Compiled Service Records Of Volunteer Union Soldiers Who Serviced in Organizations From the State of Tennessee, National Archives, Microfilm Publication 395, Roll 136.

“The Clifton Mirror”, March 23, 1906.

Death Records 1908-1912

This file was prepared from a transcription of these records for Wayne County, Tennessee. The original transcription was done by Mrs. Nelle Jones Berry in 1985 and was published in “Wayne County, Tennessee Cemetery And Death Records” which was published jointly by the Wayne County Historical Society and The Byler Press. Input of these records was done by Mrs. Linda Davis Ledlow.

Should there be any question concerning a specific record and the information transcribed, please refer to the Original Certificate for clarification. Please do not contact Mrs. Ledlow or Mrs. Berry.

These records are found in the County Clerk’s office in the courthouse in Waynesboro, TN. The book is a large book, measuring approximately 12″x18″ in size, and about one-and-one-half inches thick. On the front cover is the title “Vital Statistics”. The first half of the book lists records of births between 1908 and 1912. The second half lists deaths for the same period. Only the records of deaths have been abstracted here.

This was used as a record book. The original certificates were sent to Nashville and are now on file at the State Library and Archives. A microfilm copy of both the records book in the clerk’s office and the original certificates from the Office of Vital Records is on file in the Wayne County Room at the Wayne County Public Library.

Only the entries in the record book for 1908-1912 have been copied here. The original certificates for 1908-1912 have not been copied for this book.

Each entry in the book covers a line on two pages of the book. Only the right hand pages are numbered. The deaths are listed by a combination of Civil and School District for a two year period, i.e., 1908-09, 1909-10, etc.

The headings at the top of each page are Name of Deceased, Date of Death, Sex, Color, Age, Married or Single, Place of Death, Cause of Death, lace of Birth, Occupation, Name of Physician Last in Attendance, Name of J.P. or Coroner Holding Inquest, and Date Recorded. Only the following have been abstracted: Name of Deceased, Date of Death, Sex, Color, Age, Place of Death and Place of Birth.

BURTRAM, Bob, 4 Dec., 1909, M-W 43 M died County Asylum, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

CASTEEL, Lizzie, 31 Oct., 1908, F-W 23 M, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co.,Tenn.

FAGAN, Bruce P., 2 Apr., 1909, M-W 52 widower, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Steward Co., Tenn.

GRIMES, Lizzie, 18 Aug., 1908, F-W 80 M, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

HAM, ______? 10 Jan., 1909, M-W 4 hours, S, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, Anna B., 26 Nov., 1908, F-W, 2 weeks S died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

KEA, Sarah A., 11 Dec., 1908, F-W, 63 years, Married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Waynesboro, Tenn.

KEETON, Susie, 3 Mar., 1909, F-W 86 years, widow, died County Asylum, born Murry Co., Tenn.

LUTTS, Becky, 29 May, 1909, F-W 70 years, Widow,. Died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Bedford Co., Tenn.

McMILLIN, Francis, 17 May, 1909, F-W 75 years, Widow, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

MORRISON, J. H., 24 Jan., 1909, M-W 37 years, Married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

McLEAN, U. A., 30 Mar., 1909, M-W, 29 years, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

NOWLIN, Inet, 2 June 1909, F-W, 1 month, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

POINTER, Brister, 16 Apr., 1909, M-C, 75 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn, born Williamson Co., Tenn.

RUTLEDGE, Jane, 12 Dec., 1908, F-W, 78 years, widow, died Wayne Co., Tenn, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

RAY, _____, 24 May, 1909, F-W, 1 hour, infant, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPARKMAN, Roscoe, 27 June, 1909, M-W, 5 months, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Decatur Co., Tenn.

SINER, George, 15 Oct., 1908, M-C, 29 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SHULL, Bettie, 21 Apr., 1909, F-W, 62 years, widow, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Hardin Co., Tenn.

TURMAN, Wm., 15 Nov., 1908, M-W, 69 years, widower, died Waynesboro, Tenn., born Bedford Co., Tenn.

BENHAM, Mary, 5 May, 1909, F-W 72 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne County, Tenn.

BATTLES, Nancy, 12 May, 1909, F-W, 81 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BATTLES, Hartwell, 7 Mar., 1909, M-W, 79 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BAKER, Coy, 19 Mar., 1909, M-C, 1 year, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CRAIN, Harry A., 9 Sep., 1908, M-W, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Raymond, 24 Jan., 1909, M-C, 1 year, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

DICUS, Jewel, 4 Apr., 1909, M-W 1 day, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

EVERETT, Eliza, 11 May, 1909, F-C, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

FRANKS, Jess, 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 3 years, single, died Flat Creek, Tenn., born Flat Creek, Tenn.

HASSELL, Clara, 3 Mar., 1909, F-W, 39 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Sarah, 11 Nov., 1908, F-C, 4 months, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Claud, 2 Sep., 1908, F-C, 30 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HORTON, John, 18 Mar., 1909, M-W, 10 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

HORTON, Hester, 5 Apr., 1909, F-W, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born, Wayne Co. Tenn.

JOHNSON, ______, 4 Apr., 1909, M-C, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

KYLE, ______, 3 Mar., 1909, M-W, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

MITCHEL, Catherine, 11 Nov., 1908, F-C, 50 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

MORRIS, Leslie, 11 Mar., 1909, M-C, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born, not listed.

MOORE, Thomas, 22 July, 1908, M-W, 90 years, married, died Olive Hill, Tenn., born in East Tennessee.

MAYBERRY, ______, 4 Mar., 1909, F-C, still birth, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Clifton, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Exel, 5 Jan., 1909, M-C, days, single, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Clifton, Tenn.

NUNLEY, Amanda, 6 May, 1909, F-C, 60 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

POLLOCK, Walter, 24 Feb., 1909, M-W, 28 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. Born Allens Creek, Tenn.

ROBINSON, Susan, 10 Aug., 1908, F-W, 70 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn., born not known.

ROBERTS, Robert, 4 Sep., 1908, M-W, 4 months, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

REEVES, Oscar, 23 Aug., 1908, M-W, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

SEALS, Charles, 5 May, 1909, M-W, 25 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Kentucky.

SPEAR, Amanda, 8 Aug., 1908, F-W, 86 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Dickson Co., Tenn.

TUNE, Luther, 30 July, 1908, M-W, 18 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WALKER, Grace, 8 Aug., 1908, F-W, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Ora, 6 June, 1909, F-C, 4 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WARRINGTON, Gilbert, 25 Feb., 1909, M-C, 82 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born, Wayne Co., Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Rosevelt, 10 May, 1909, M-C, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born, Clifton, Tenn.

BREWER, Lovid(?) P., 3 Nov., 1908, M-W, 1 year, single, died Iron City, R.R. 3, born Iron City, R.R. 3.

BRYSON, Pattie, 2 July, 1908, F-W, 49 years, married, died West Point, Route 1, born Wayne County, Tenn.

BRUTON, Edna P., 13 Oct., 1908, F-W, 1 year, 3 months, single, died Chisholm Creek, born Chisholm Creek.

BREWER, R. Bunice, 2 July, 1908, F-W, 8 months, single, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

BLASENGAME, Gracie, 26 June, 1909, F-W 6 months, single, died Waynesboro Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

BLASENGAME, Laura, 1 Feb., 1909, F-W, 28 years, married, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

CLARK, Zany, 3 May, 1909, F-C, 3 months, single, died Allens Creek, Tenn. P.O., born Allens Creek, Tenn.

GALLOWAY, L. E., 1 Feb., 1909, F-W, 38 years, married, died 48 P.O. Wayne Co., Tenn. born Lewis Co., Tenn.

GOODMAN, Hass, 2 June, 1909, F-W, 1 year, single, died Lovic, Tenn. born Lovic, Tenn.

HOLLIS, Mary E. (Mary E. KILBURN), 13 Oct., 1908, F-W, 74 years, single, died West Point, Route 1, born Hardin Co., Tenn.

HOLLIS, Mary C., 17 Oct., 1908, F-W, 2 years, single, died West Point, Route 1, born West Point Route 1.

HOLLIS, Fannie, 27 May, 1909, F-W, 30 years, married, died West Point, Route 1, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

HOLLIS, _______, 17 Feb., 1909, M-W, infant, single, died West Point, Route 1, born West Point, Route 1.

HUGGINS, Angeline, 12 Jan., 1909, F-W, 81 years, widow, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Lawrence Co., Tenn.

LAY, William A., 21 Sep., 1908, M-W, 2 years, 5 months, died Waynesboro Route 5, born Waynesboro, Route 5.

MILLER, Ethel, 22 May, 1909, F-W, 22 days, died Chisolm Creek, born Chisolm Creek.

McGEE, Martha, 11 Sep., 1908, F-W, 84 years, widow, died Factory Creek, Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co., Tenn.

MORGAN, William F., 1 Apr., 1909, M-W, 6 months, died Allens Creek, Wayne County, born Allens Creek, Wayne Co.

McLEAN, William, 3 Sep., 1908, M-W, 6 months, single, died 49 P.O., Wayne Co., Tenn. born 48 P.O. Wayne Co., Tenn.

MARSHALL, Cora L., 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 1 day, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

POAG, _____ 14 Feb., 1909, F-W, infant, died Waynesboro, Route 4, born Waynesboro, Route 4.

POPE, W. J., ___ Dec., 1908, M-W, 12 days, died Flatwoods, Tenn, born Flatwoods, Tenn.

SURATT, E. M., 15 Sep., 1908, M-W, 1 years 11 months, died Factory Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee. Born Lawrence Co., Tn.

STAGGS, Alax, 20 Oct., 1908, M-W, 29 years, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

STAGGS, Chat??, 15 Aug., 1908, F-W, 38 years, married, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., born unknown.

STAGGS, Delcie, 19 Oct., 1908, F-W, 2 years, died Allens Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn born Allens Creek., Wayne Co.

STAGGS, ____, 8 May, 1909, F-W, Infant, died Allens Creek, born Allens Creek.

SHETTON (SHELTON??) ______, 25 Sep., 1908, M-W, infant, born and died Allens Creek.

STULLS (STUTTS??), Laura, 10 Dec., 1908, F-W, 5 years, 9 months, died Waynesboro, RR4, born Waynesboro RR 4.

TATUM, Mrs. M.C., 2 Nov., 1908, F-W, 56 years, married, died Allens Creek Tenn, born Kentucky.

BURNS, Columbus O., 7 May, 1909, M-W, 64 years, single, died Martins Mills, Tenn. born Alabama.

CHOWNING, ____, 30 Mar., 1909, F-W, 5 days, died Martins Mills, Tenn born Martins Mills, Tenn.

MELSON, Margaret Ann, 20 May, 1909, F-W, 60 years, married, died Rayburns Creek, born Wayne Co., Tenn.

OWEN, ____, 24 Feb., 1909, F-W, 1 day, died Indian Creek, born Indian Creek.

OWEN, ____, 13 Mar., 1909, F-W, 17 days, died Indian Creek, born Indian Creek.

STRICKLIN, ____, 19 June, 1909, F-W, 1 day, died Rutherford Creek, born Rutherford Creek.

STEELE, Henry, 3 Apr., 1909, M-W, 3 months, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

YEISER, Jacob D., 14 Nov., 1908, M-W, 86 years, married, died Houston, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Lexington, Ky.

BREWER, Jesse, 16 June, 1909, M-W, age not given, married, died Gillis Mills, place of birth not given.

BETTIE??, Hattie J., 17 Aug., 1908, F-W, 15 years, single, died Lutts, Tenn. born Whittens Stand, Tenn.

BUTLER, ____, 1 Mar., 1909, F-W, infant, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lutts, Tenn.

BUTLER, Alga, 29 Nov., 1908, M-W, 8 months, died Holly Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn.

BOYD, ____, 28 Apr., 1908, M-W, 2 months, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

EATON, Osa, 9 May, 1090, F-W, 15 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn., born Lutts, Tenn.

EATON, ____, 11 Apr., 1909, W, infant, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lutts, Tenn.

FOWLER, ____, 6 Nov., 1908, M-W, 4 days, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

FOWLER, ____, 6 Nov., 1908, M-W, 4 days, died Pleasant Valley, Tenn. born Pleasant Valley, Tenn.

GEAN, Mary T., 21 Sep., 1908, F-W, 48 years, married, died Stout, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

KELLEY, John, 10 Oct. 1908, M-W, 62 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Tennessee.

KELLEY, Linsy?? Jane, 17 July 1908, F, 25 years, married, died P.O. Iron City, Tenn. born Tennessee.

LANCASTER, Susan, 13 Apr., 1909, F-W, 75 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Alabama.

LANCASTER, ____, 2 Oct., 1908, F-W, __, single, died Pleasant Valley, born Pleasant Valley.

MARTIN, Ella, 17 Nov., 1908, F-W, 20 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Tennessee.

MARTIN, Sally, 24 Jan., 1909, F-W, 93 years, married, died Butlers Creek, born Tennessee.

NEWMAN, J. C. L., 13 Jan., 1909, M-W, 80 years, married, died P.O. Iron City, Tennessee, born Alabama.

WILLIAMS, ____, 1 Apr., 1909, W, infant, murdered, Second Creek, born Cypress Inn.

ADKISON, Isaac, 28 June, 1910, F?-W, 24 years, married, died, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Wayne Co.

BROWN, Myrtle, 1 Mar., 1910, F-W, 18, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

COLE, Elizabeth, 4 Jan., 1910, F-W, 71 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAY, ____, 13 Feb., 1910, M-W, still born, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne County, Tenn.

FOWLER, Alberty, 22 Jan., 1910, F-W, 3 years, 5 months, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Wayne Co. Tenn.

GALLIEN, Maud, 14 Aug., 1909, F-W, 28 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Michigan.

KEA, W. W., 8 Oct., 1909, W-M, 77 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tn.

MORROW, Ollie, 28 Jan., 1910, W-F, 7 months, single, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPARKMAN, Florence, 24 July, 1909, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne County, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

WALKER, W. A., 5 July, 1910, M-W, 70 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BROWN, Ross, 23 May, 1910, M-W, 20 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Humphries Co., Tenn.

BIFFLE, Dorcas, 8 June, 1910, F-C, 98 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Maury Co., Tenn.

CLARK, Mrs. Lyda, 15 Dec., 1909, F-W, 70 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Indiana.

EVANS, James, 1 Aug., 1906, M-W, 56 years, died Marties? Island, E. Clifton, Tenn. born Lawrence Co. Tenn.

FRANKS, ____, 15 Jan., 1910, M-W, still born, died Flat Creek, Tenn.

GRIMES, Cynthia, 8 Aug., 1909, F-C, 18 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

HUGHES, Ed, 21 Sep., 1909, M-C, 24 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

HUGHES, Genova, 7 Mar., 1910, F-C, 4 years, died Hardin Co., Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

MOORE, Cora, 19 Sep., 1909, F-W, 30 years, married, died Hardin Co., Tenn. born Savannah, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Nordis?, 28 May, 1910, F-C, 16 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn., born Tenn.

NEWMAN, Rosco, 17 Aug., 1909, M-W, 5 months, died Tennessee, born Indian Creek, Tenn.

PRATER, Tennie, 6 June, 1910, F-W, 38 years, married, died Ross Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

PRATER, ____, 16 Dec., 1909, M-W, — single, died Ross Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee, born Ross Creek.

RICKETTS, Malissie, 21 Feb., 1910, F-W, 64 years, married, died Eagle Creek, Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co. Tenn.

TINNON, Mary, 9 Apr., 1910, F-W, 80 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

TINNON, Etheldra, 8 Oct., 1909, F-W, 89 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

TAPLEY, Clarence, 13 Dec., 1909, F-C, 40 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Wm., 2 Nov., 1909, M-C, 8 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Clifton, Tenn.

ATKINS, Vesta, 23 Apr., 1910, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn., born Wayne Co. Tenn.

ADAMS, Docia, 24 Nov., 1909, F-W, 24 years, married, d. & b. Wayne Co., Tenn.

BELL, L. R., 14 Oct., 1909, M-W, 51 years, single, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born, Flatwoods, Tenn.

BRYANT, Arithmer, 17 Nov. 1910, F-W, 2 years, single, died Sheffield, Alabama, born Sheffield, Alabama.

BREWER, M. E., 28 Feb., 1910, F-W, 52 years, married, died & born, Wayne Co., Tenn.

COZART, Frank, 18 Nov., 1909, M-W, 52 years, married, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Virginia.

CLAY, M. E., 9 Feb., 1910, F-W, 24 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAYTON, ____, 20 Feb., 1910, F-W, infant, born & died Lawrence Co. Tenn.

DABBS, Nathaniel, 30 June, 1910, W-M, 59 years, married, died Lovic, Tenn. born Ashland, Tenn.

DAVIS, Jessie J., 15 April, 1910, M-W, 10 days, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

DIXON, Aldred, 24 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DIXON, ____, 2 July, 1909, M-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DARNELL, Elizabeth, 5 May, 1910, F-W, 92 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born in East Tennessee.

ENGLISH, Henry, 14 Dec., 1909, M-C, 11 years, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

GALLAHER, L.E., 5 Apr., 1910, M-W, 31 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GOBBELL, E. W., 2 Apr., 1910, M-W, 86 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HIMES, James, 25 Sep., 1909, M-W, 38 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Horners Store, Tenn.

HOLT, Hugh B., 14 Apr., 1910, F-W, 2 years, died Clifton, Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

HALFORD, ____, 20 Jan. , 1910, F-W, 1 month, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

HUCKABA, Babe, 20 Jan., 1910, F-W, 48 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, ____, 23 Mar., 1910, M-W, 7 days, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

KILPATRIC, Hester, 16 Apr., 1910, F-W, 6 months, born and died Lovic, Tenn.

LONG?, Wayman, 1 Oct., 1909, F-W, 2 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

MEREDITH, Jno. F., 8 Mar., 1910, M-W, 65 years, married, born and died Lovic, Tenn.

McWILLIAMS, Callie, 5 Apr., 1910, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

MITCHEL, Clyde, 28 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 months, born and died, Wayne Co., Tenn.

NELSON, Pink Hollis, 24 May, 1910, M-W, 16 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OWEN, ____, 6 Feb., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PEVAHOUSE, ____, 12 Feb., 1910, F-W, 3 months, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

REDMAN, James, 18 Dec., 1909, M-W, 2 years, born and died Allens Creek, Tenn.

RICKETTS, Willie, 5 Dec., 1909, M-W, 3 years, born and died Lawrence Co., Tenn.

STONE, Willis S., 4 Jan., 1910, M-W, 69 years, married, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born Gaynesboro, Tenn.

SMITH, Lillie, 15 July, 1909, F-W, 19 single, born and died, Clifton, Tenn.

STAGGS, ____, 4 Apr., 1910, F-W, infant, Born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

VANLEER, Willis, 16 May, 1910, F-C, 19 years, married, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Tenn.

WILLIAMS, Jane E., 16 July, 1909, F-W, 84 years, married, died and born Flatwoods, Tenn.

WARREN, Clarence, 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 9 days, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

WILSON, Peggy, 20 Oct., 1909, F-W, 63 years, married, died Flatwoods, Tenn. born Waynesboro, Tenn.

WOODS, Jno., 19 Feb., 1910, M-C, 36 years, married, died Napier, Tenn. born Bear Springs Furnace.

WHITEHEAD, Bessie, 30 June, 1910, F-W, 18 years, single, died Forty-eight Tenn., born Wayne Co., Tenn.

YORK, Tomie, 7 Apr., 1910, F-W, 2 years, died Allens Creek, Tenn. born Clarksville, Tenn.

ADKINSON, David, 20 Sep., 1909, M-W, 91 years, married, died Waynesboro, Tenn., born Giles Co., Tenn.

AYERS, ____, 27 June, 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Indian Creek.

BANKS, ____, 15 Apr., 1910, M-W, 2 days, born and died Indian Creek.

BERRY, Wm. A., —- 1910, M-W, 82 years, married, died Cyclone, Tenn. born Wayne Co., Tenn.

BECKHAM, Ione, 14 June, 1910, F-W, 11 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

EATON, Bettie J., 5 June, 1910, F-W, 70 years, married, died Martins Mills, Tenn., born Alabama.

FARISS, Clyde, 2 Nov., 1909, M-W, 21 years, single, died Lutts, Tenn. born Houston, Tenn.

HEARD, Jas. H., 3 Aug., 1909, M-W, 59 years, married, died Roanoak Creek, born Alabama.

MILLER, Alonzo, 20 Apr., 1910, M-W, 5 years, born and died Houston, Tenn.

McWILLIAMS, Callie, 3 April, 1910, F-W, 21 years, married, died Houston, Tenn. born Cyclone, Tenn.

MATTOCK, Opal, 15 Oct. 1909, F-W, 14 months, born and died Eagle Creek.

NOWLIN, ____, 24 March, 1910, F-W, 7 days, born and died Waterfall Creek.

SINCLAIR, Catherine, 22 Dec., 1909, F-W, 83 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Alabama.

WEBB, Wm., 12 Mar. 1910, M-W, 64 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. born Martins Mills, Tenn.

BERRY, Girdie, 14 Mar., 1910, F-W, 18 years, single, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

BALENTINE, Nancy Jane, 20 Dec., 1909, F-W, 62 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

BREWER, ____, 26 Apr., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BOYD, Dee, 7 Dec., 1909, M-W, 34 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BRADLEY, Lafayette, 30 Mar., 1910, M-W, 33, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, Raymon, 16 Jan., 1910, M-W, 9 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CURTIS, Frank, 14 Feb., 1910, M-W, 21 years, single, died Cypress Inn, Tenn. born Victory, Tenn.

DARBY, Homer, 15 May, 1910, M-W, 7 years, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

DARBY, Mattie Bell, 22 Oct., 1909, F-W, 10 months, born and died Cypress Inn. Tenn.

DODD, Miles, 27 Jan., 1910, F-W, 82 years, married, born and died in Tenn.

DANNELLY, Gus, 20 Dec., 1909, M-W, 38 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DANIEL, Jeby, 4 Feb., 1910, M-W, 6 months, 16 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DANIEL, Katy, 6 July, 1909, F-W, 16 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HANDLEY, Tommie, 16 Aug., 1909, M-W, 18 months, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HAYES, Willie Cecil, 18 May, 1910, M-W, 22 months, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HAYES, ____, 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 3 days, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

HAYES, ____, 20 Apr., 1910, F-W, 4 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

HARDING, Mattie, 12 Apr., 1910, F-W, 22 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn, Tenn.

HENSON, Lennie Pearl, 7 Feb., 1910, F-W, 2 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

IVENS?, James, 9 June, 1910, M-W, 10 Months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

JOHNSON, H. W., 19 Aug, 1909, F-W, 21 years, married, born and died Stout, Tenn.

JOHNSON, H. W., 30 Jan., 1910, M-W, 70 years, died Stout, Tenn, born Lutts, Tenn.

KELLEY, Oaley, 2 Jan., 1910, F-W, 24 years, married, born and died Tenn.

McFALL, ____, 14 Dec., 1909, M-W, 3 weeks, died Stout, Tenn. birth not given.

McFALL, Hettie, 29 Nov., 1910, F-W, 40 years, married, born and died Stout, Tenn.

MITCHEL, Althy L., 6 May, 1910, F-W, 4 months, 6 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OLIVE, Minnie D., 24 June, 1910, F-W, 6 months, 25 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

OLIVE, Walter, 21 June, 1910, M-W, 14, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PATTERSON, Neal, 26 Dec., 1909, M-W, 71 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. birth not given.

PRINCE, Betty, 5 Aug., 1909, F-W, 71 years, married, birth and death Tennessee.

ROBERTSON, S. W., 27 Jan., 1910, M-W, 76 years, married, born and died Tennessee.

ROBERTSON, Dudley, 3 July 1909, M-W, 5 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

SPAIN, John H., 23 Mar., 1910, M-W, 10 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

WHITE, ____, 1 Feb., 1910, M-W, 2 days, born and died Stout, Tenn.

WHITE, ____, 2 Feb., 1910, F-W, 2 days, born and died Stout, Tenn.

BREWER, Sanders, 23 Dec., 1910, M-W, 21 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BUTLER, Frank, 15 Feb., 1911, M-W, 34 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, Lela, 31 Dec., 1910, F-W, 1 year, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CHAMBERS, ____, 15 Feb., 1911, M-?, 5 hours, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CLAY, ____, 20 Feb., 1911, F-W, 15 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CHAMBERS, Maude, 30?? Feb., 1911, F-W, 15 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GALLAHER, Infant, 24 Mar., 1911, M-W, 9 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KEA, John, 29 Mar., 1911, M-W, 30 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KILBURN, Hubert, 14 June, 1911, M-W, 11 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LANGFORD, Laura, 2 Feb., 1911, F-W, 25 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Arkansas.

NELSON, Robert, 21 Oct., 1910, M-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PULLEY, ____, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, 6 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

REAVES, Infant, 15 June, 1911, M-W, 3 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

STAGGS, Soloman, 5 Dec., 1911, M-W, 8 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

WIGFALL, Nettie, 27 July, 1910, F-B, 12 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

ABRAM, Mrs. Jas. 13 July, 1910, F-W, 20 years, married, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

BAKER, Neely, 20 Sep., 1910, F-C, 38 years, died Tenn., born Clifton, Tenn.

CHERRY, Ike, 14 Oct., 1910, M-C, 26 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Eva, 12 Apr., 1911, F-C, 5 years, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

CHURCHWELL, Jas., 19 Aug., 1910, M-C, 1 year, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

EVANS, Alice, 6 Jan., 1911, F-W, 54 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Clifton, Tenn.

EVANS, Joe, 15 Jan., 1911, M-W, 10 years, died Wayne Co., born Clifton, Tenn.

FLOYD, Jane, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Tenn.

FRIER?, Mrs. Emma, 19 Dec., 1910, F-W, 63 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Arkansas.

GUIN, Malica, 16 Apr., 1911, F-C, 35 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tennessee.

GENTRY, ____, “Infant died and cannot get any data as they moved away.”

HAWKINS, Mrs. E. A., 22 Dec., 1910, F-W, 75 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

HUGHES, Martha, 9 Jan., 1911, F-W, 78 years, married, died Clifton, born Tenn.

JETER, Clyde, 17 July, 1910, F-W, 11 years, d. Clifton, b. Tenn.

JOHNSON, James, 22 May, 1911, M-W, 1-1/2 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JOBE, Mrs. W. F., 24 Sep., 1910, F-W, 42 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

LOWERY, Carrie, 24 Sep., 1910, F-C, 30 years, single, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

LOWERY, Robt., 24 Apr., 1911, M-C, 19 months, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

MONTAGUE, W. Y., 25 June, 1911, M-W, 69 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

MONTAGUE, Mary, 10 Apr., 1911, F-W, 10 months, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

MOORE, Martha, 24 Jan., 1911, F-W, 61 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

PRATER, Arch, 2 Sep., 1910, M-W, 77 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

ROBERSON, Addie, 2 Sep., 1910, F-C, 17 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

ROBERSON, ____, 24 June, 1911, F-C, 4 days, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

SHELBY, Jim, 24 June, 1911, M-C, 35 years, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

THOMAS, Nancy, 28 Nov., 1910, F-W, 44 years, not stated.

THOMAS, Mary, 23 May, 1911, F-W, 75 years, married, died Clifton, Tenn. born Tenn.

WOODRELL, Susie, 20 Jan., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

WEATHERSPOON, Hanett, 12 Aug., 1910, F-C, 38 years, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

WALKER, Anna, 27 Mar., 1911, F-C, 18 years, single, died Wayne Co., Tenn. born Tenn.

WOLF, ____, 15 Dec., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Clifton, Tenn.

BOYD, Jane, 23 Dec., 1910, F-W, 77 years, married, died Clifton, born Waynesboro.

BARNES, Cypert M., 26 Sep., 1910, M-W, 8 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BARNES, Robert, 12 Feb., 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, died Poplar Point, Mo. Born Clifton.

CULP, Ada, Apr., 1911, F-W, 39 years, married, born and died Clifton.

DENTON, Becky J., 4 Apr., 1911, F-W, 57 years, married, died Waynesboro, born Horner.

DAVIS, J. R., 7 Jan., 1911, M-W, 87 years, married, born and died Waynesboro., Tenn.

DAVIS, Minnie, 14 Jan., 1911, F-W, 84 years, married, born and died Waynesboro, Tenn.

DAVIS, W. C., 14 June, 1911, M-W, 73 years, married, born and died Clifton.

JOBE, Joseph W., 14 Mar., 1911, M-W, 2 years, born and died Clifton.

KING, S. C., 17 Jan., 1911, M-W, no age, single, born and died Waynesboro.

KELLEY, Tina, 24 July, 1911, M-W, 2 minutes?, born and died Waynesboro.

MORGAN, Minnie, 26 Apr., 1911, F-W, 32 years, married, born and died Flatwoods.

MORGAN, Mable & Myrtle, Sep., 1911, F-W, 5 months, died Hickman, Ky. born Flatwoods.

POPE, Hillard, 25 Dec., 1911, M-W, 8 months, born and died Waynesboro.

PEAVYHOUSE, Clarence, 14 Nov., 1910, M-W, 5 months, died Topsy, born Linden.

SANDERSON, F. M., 8 Feb., 1911, M-W, 69 years, married, died Waynesboro, born Millegeville.

STARNES, Annie, 24 Apr., 1911, F-W, 35 years, married, died Clifton, born Flatwoods.

THOMPSON, M. D., 17 Apr., 1911, M-W, 29 years, married, died Etna Furnace, born Flatwoods.

THARP, Lizzie B., 13 Apr., 1911, F-W, 24 years, single, born and died Flatwoods.

TURNBO, Etta, 28 Jan., 1911, F-W, 29 years, married, born and died Clifton.

WARREN, Mintie P., 19 Jan., 1911, F-W, 54 years, married, born and died Clifton.

WARREN, Elvis, 24 Mar., 1911, M-W, 14 years, born and died Clifton.

ABRAMS, Lee A., 22 Feb., 1911, M-W, 9 months, born and died Martins Mills.

BECKHAM, Janie, 4 July, 1910, F-W, 1 year, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

COPELAND, ____, 12 Aug., 1910, M-W, no age, born and died Martins Mills.

CRAMEARY, ____, Sep., 1910, F-W, 2 min?, born and died Indian Creek.

DANIELS, Lena, 3 Sep., 1910, F-W, 2 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

DOWNING, Bessie, 11 Mar., 1911, F-W, 8 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Wayne Co.

EATON, Willie May, 13 Dec., 1910, F-W, 9 months, born and died Houston, Tenn.

KING, Ellen, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, 9 years, born and died Indian Creek.

STRICKLIN, Lena, 24 Dec., 1910, F-W, 18 months, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

SHERRILL, ____, 4 June, 1911, M-W, no age, born and died, Lutts, Tenn.

SLRITLING (STRIBLING?), Jas. M., 16 Sep., 1910, M-W, single, 73 years, died Lutts, Tenn. born Lawrence Co.

STEELEY?, Lena, 10 June, 1910, F-W, 16 months, died Lutts, Tenn. born Hardin Co.

STUTTS, Alman, 26 Dec., 1910, M-W, 1 month, born and died Houston, Tenn.

SMITH, Herschel, 27 June, 1911, M-W, 4 years, born and died Houston, Tenn.

BREWER, Mary C., 17 July, 1910, F-W, 14 months, born and died Stout, Tenn.

BEVIS, Wash, 25 Aug., 1910, M-W, 57 years, married, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

DODD, Daulton, 8 August, 1910, M-W, 12 months, died Cypress Inn, no place of birth.

HAYES, Martin V., 16 Feb., 1911, M-W, 13 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

HENSON, James Isaac, 13 July, 1910, M-W, 21 years, married, died Cypress Inn born Alabama

JOHNSON, W. W. Esq., 1 June, 1911, M-W, 79 years, married, died Lutts, Tenn. born Warren Co., Tenn.

McFall, ____, 7 Nov., 1910, F-W, 1 day, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

MARTIN, ____, 1 Jan., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Cypress Inn.

MURPHY, James, 11 Jan., 1911, M-W, 75 years, single, died Stout Tenn., born Alabama.

MARTIN, Nancy, 5 Nov., 1910, F-W, 90 years, married, died Lutts, born Cypress Inn.

SHEPARD, Marie, 7 Aug, 1910, M-W, 14 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

STRIBLIN, James, 16 Sep., 1910, M-W, 73 years, born and died Lutts, Tenn.

SOUTHERLAND, Estella, 14 Oct., 1910, F-W, 15 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

WRIGHT, Rosco, 26 May, 1911, M-W, 2 years, born and died Cypress Inn.

WILLIAMS, Bet, 22 Apr., 1911, F-W, no age, single, died Lutts, no birthplace.

DANIEL, Willie Dock, 29 Nov., 1910, M-W, 4 months, 25 days, born and died Butlers Creek.

DANNELLY, Nancy, 1 Feb., 1911, F-W, no age, married, born and died Butlers Creek.

FOWLER, Dora, 17 June, 1911, F-W, 27 years, married, died in Alabama, born Wayne Co.

KELLEY, Jamie, 26 June, 1911, F-W, 27 years, married, born and died Butlers Creek.

THOMPSON, James, 5 Dec., 1910, F-W, 26 years, married, died Iron City, Lawrence Co., born Holly Creek.

THOMPSON, James Mathen, 4 Apr., 1911, M-W, 1 month, born and died Butlers Creek.

BASTROP, A. Mandy, 6 Mar., 1911, F-B, 18 years, single, died Nashville, Tenn., born Stribling, Tenn.

BIRD, Clarince, 27 Dec., 1910, M-W, 6 years, died Wayne Co. born Lawrence Co.

BRENT, Billie, 16 July, 1910, M-W, 15 years, single, died Wayne Co. born Lawrence Co.

CASH, Mary, 25 June, 1911, F-W, 1 year, died Wayne Co., born Lewis Co.

CASTEEL, Lillie, 22 Nov., 1910, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CREECY, Jim T., 5 Apr. 1911, M-W, 5 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

COPELAND, Coleman, 6 Dec. 1910, M-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

COPELAND, Ada, 14 Mar., 1911, F-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DURHAM, Mattie, 21 May, 1911, F-W, 68 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Alabama.

DURN, O. L., 30 Nov., 1910, M-W, 30 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DOOLEY, Charley, 20 Sep., 1910, M-W, 50 years, married, died in Ark., place of birth not known.

GODDEL, Sicero, 5 Sep., 1910, M-W, 13 years, died Wayne Co., born Lewis Co.

GALLAHER, A. H., 28 Apr., 1911, M-W, 32 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HOWELL, Carl T., July, 1910, M-W, 2 years, died Dickson Co., born Centerville, Tenn.

HOLLIS, ____, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

JACKSON, Andy A., 28 Feb., 1911, M-W, 12 years, died 6th Dist. Wayne Co.

KOUTCH, Mary, 9 Mar., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

KIMBREL, ____, 5 Nov., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Lawrence Co.

KILBURN, ____, 26 Oct., 1910, M-W, 11 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LONG, ____, 3 Aug., 1910, F-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

LOPP, Rebecca, 5 Dec., 1910, F-W, 26 years, married, born and died Lawrence Co.

LUKER, Teallie, 25 May, 1911, F-W, 33 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

McANALLY, Jim, 23 June, 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Lawrence Co. born Wayne Co.

MORGAN, Ruth, 11 Mar., 1911, F-W, 1 year, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

NUTT, Artis, 16 May, 1911, F-W, 37 years, married, died Forty-eight Creek, born Tenn.

NELSON, J. H., 25 Mar., 1910, M-W, 57 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

PAYTON, ____, Jan., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

RAY, Joe?, 3 Sep., 1910, M-W, 23 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

RILEY, Mary, 10 Oct., 1910, F-W, 38 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

SCHMITTO, Marvin, 21 Jan., 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, died Wayne Co. born Montgomery County, Tenn.

STAGGS, Earlie B., 26 Feb., 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

SMITH, S. A., 3 Feb., 1911, M-W, 40 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

STAGGS, Matthew, 4 Aug., 1910, M-W, 35 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

TODD, ____, 6 Jan., 1911, M-W, infant, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

TURMAN, Lillie, 17 June, 1911, F-W, 22 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

TODD, Millie, 12 Jan., 1911, F-W, 67 years, married, died Wayne Co. place of birth not known.

ARNETT, Jim, 4 June, 1912, M-W, 69 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BLACK, Carolyn, 6 Mar., 1912, F-W, 1 year 21 days, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BARNES, Cleveland, 24 Dec., 1912, M-W, 25 years, single, died Wayne Co., born in Alabama.

CASTEEL, Mary E., (Mrs.), 11 July, 1911, F-W, 57 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

GRIMES, Mansfield, 25 Dec., 1911, M-B, 18 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HICKERSON, Earn, 20 June, 1912, M-B, 20 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

HICKERSON, Oes, 19 June, 1912, M-B, 21 years, single, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

[Earn and Oes HICKERSON are listed as having been “shot by Fred Cole.”]

LONG, Bill, 18 July, 1911, M-W, 60 years, married, died Wayne Co. born Illinois.

McBRYER, Mary, 6 Feb., 1912, F-W, 82 years, married, died Wayne Co. born North Carolina.

MORGAN, Filda, 18 Aug., 1912, F-W, 12 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BROWLES, Lucius, 1 Apr., 1912, M-B, 55 years, married, died Clifton born Tenn.

BROMLEY, Charlie, 25 Dec., 1911, M-B, 16 years, single, born and died Clifton.

CHRISTIAN, Alberta, 14 Sep., 1911, F-C, 9 years, born and died Clifton.

CHANNELS, Estella, 8 May, 1912, F-C, 16 years, died Clifton, born Hardin Co.

CHURCHWELL, Charlie, 24 June, 1912, M-C, 21 years, single, died Clifton, born Wayne Co.

DOXEY, L. B., 29 June, 1912, M-W, 60 years, married, died Clifton, place of birth not known.

DIXON, ____, 4 Feb., 1912, F-W, 2 weeks, died Clifton.

GRIMES, Dorthine, 15 Oct., 1911, F-C, 7 months, born and died Clifton.

GRIMES, Wilson, 2 Oct., 1911, M-W, 80 years, married, died Pitts Creek, born Wayne Co.

HICKERSON, Oss, 29 June, 1912, M-C, 24? Years, single, died Hardins Creek, born Wayne Co.

“Shot by Fred Cole.” [possibly the same entry as above?]

JETER, Nancy, 8 Aug., 1911, F-W, 33 years, married, died Clifton, born Wayne Co.

JENLEY, Mary, 5 Sep., 1911, F-W, 13 months, died Hardin Co., born Tenn.

JETER, (infant), 5 Sep., 1911, F-W, 1 month, born and died Clifton.

JEFFRIES, ____, 2 June, 1912, F-W, no age, (still born) at Clifton.

LOWERY, ____, 10 Sep., 1911, M-C, 1 year, born and died Clifton.

McDONALD, Tom, 9 Apr., 1912, M-W, 25 years, married, died Eagle Creek.

PACK, Sarah, 5 May, 1912, F-W, 18 years, single, born and died Clifton.

RUSS, Elizabeth, 17 Oct., 1911, F-W, 78 years, died Clifton, born Tenn.

SMITH, William, 10 Oct., 1911, M-W, 3 years, born and died Ross Creek.

TAPLEY, ____, 25 Feb., 1912, F-B, 2 months, born and died Clifton.

WEATHERSPOON, Chas., 12 Oct., 1911, M-C, 18 years, died Clifton, born Tenn.

WEBSTER, Joseph, 25 Dec., 1911, M-W, 72 years, married, died Clifton, place of birth not listed.

WOOD, R. J., 25 Feb., 1912, M-W, 48 years, married, died Clifton born Hardin Co.

WHITSET, Abbie, 3 Mar., 1912, F-C, 36 years, married, died Clifton, born Humphreys Co.

WALKER, Mary, 4 Apr., 1912, F-W, 74 years, married, died Eagle Creek, born Tenn.

WOODRELL, Tom, 9 May, 1912, M-W, 72 years, married, died Ross Creek, born Tenn.

WILSON, Elizabeth, 30 June, 1912, F-W, 66 years, married, died Hardin Creek, place of birth not listed.

WARRINGTON, Lessie, 10 Aug., 1911, F-B, 4 months, born and died Clifton.

BROMLEY, Alvin, 11 Apr., 1912, M-W, 11 months, born and died Flatwoods.

BARNES, G. C., 17 Dec., 1911, M-W, 28 years, single, died Clifton born Waynesboro.

BOYD, Zora, 8 Jan., 1912, F-W, 20 years, single, born and died Clifton.

BOYD, Joe, 10 June, 1912, M-W, 68 years, single, born and died Clifton.

BUNCH, Tom, 4 Oct., 1911, M-W, 4 years, died Waynesboro, born Hickman, Ky.

CONWAY, Maggie, 1 July, 1911, F-W, 16 years, single, born and died Clifton.

DABBS, Jake, 13 Jan., 1912, M-W, 30 years, single, born and died Flatwoods.

DAVIS, Mabel, 28 July, 1911, F-W, 15 years, single, born and died Clifton.

GORDON, Oscar, 15 Apr., (year blank) M-W, 2 years, single, born and died Clifton.

MATHENA, Ada, 15 July (year blank), F-W, 28 years, married, died Clifton, born Savannah.

PRATER, Edna, 11 Jan, 1912, F-W, 11 days, born and died Flatwoods.

PRATER, Fredna, 11 Jan., 1912, M-W, 11 days, born and died Flatwoods.

PITTS, Lizzie, 5 Nov., 1911, F-W, 52 years, married, born and died Waynesboro.

PULLEY, Martha, 11 Aug., 1911, F-W, no age, single, born and died Waynesboro.

PITTS, Mary, 3 Apr., 1912, F-W, 2 years, born and died Clifton.

PULLEY, Jack, Aug., 1911, M-W, 1 year, born and died Waynesboro.

POPE, Myrtle, 29 May, 1912, F-W, 2 months, born and died Waynesboro.

STEEL, Margaret, 25 Feb., 1912, F-W, 56 years, married, born and died Clifton.

STARNES, Bessie, 29 Aug., 1911, F-W, 14 years, died Clifton, born Flatwoods.

SMITH, Early, 13 Nov., 1911, F-W, 9 years, born and died Clifton.

STEEL, Annie, 23 June 1912, F-W, 2 months, died Decaturville, born Clifton.

THOMASON, F. M., 3 Oct., 1911, M-W, 72 years, married, died Flatwoods, born Columbia, Tenn.

WOODRELL, T. W. 16 Apr. 1912, M-W, 79 years, married, born and died Clifton.

ARNETT, Earl, 4 Nov., 1911, M-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BREWER, J. J., 14 Feb., 1912, M-W, 87 years, married, died Cyclone, Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co.

BECKHAM, Neal, 5 Mar., 1912, M-W, 39 years, married, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

CRONEAN, Annie P., Oct., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

DOWNING, Lizzie, 21 Oct., 1911, F-W, 32 years, married, died Martins Mills Wayne Co., born Wayne Co.

GREESON, H. C., 19 May, 1912, M-W, 72 years, married, died Lutts, Wayne Co., born Wayne Co.

MELSON, Veda, 30 Sep., 1911, F-W, 7 months, died Wayne Co. born Martins Mills.

TACKETT, Carman, 8 Apr., 1912, M-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co., Tenn.

BEVIS, Roy, 10 Mar., 1912, M-W, 3 months, born and died Lutts.

CYPERT, Sallie, 27 Nov., 1911, F-W, 53 years, married, died Cypress Inn, born Georgia.

CODY, Virgil Doil, 3 Dec., 1911, M-W, 3 months, born and died Cypress Inn.

DARBY, ____, 1 Feb., 1912, M-W, no age, born and died Cypress Inn.

DARBY, ____, 1 Feb., 1912, M-W, no age, born and died Cypress Inn.

GEAMS, T. H., 22 July, 1911, M-W, 60 years, married, died Gillis Mills, born Lutts.

HOLT, Oscar R., 24 Dec., 1911, M-W, 7 years, born and died Lutts.

HENTON, Caroline, 25 July, 1911, F-W, 53 years, married, died Gillis Mills, born Tenn.

HOLT, Charlie, 11 Dec., 1911, M-W, 1 day, born and died Cypress Inn.

LAWSON, Andrew, 27 July, 1911, M-W, 27 years, married, born and died Cypress Inn.

McFALL, (babe of M. V. McFALL) 4 Mar., 1912, M-W, 5 days, born and died Cypress Inn.

McFALL, (babe of J. D. McFALL) 14 Nov., 1911, M-W, born and died Lutts.

McFALL, Alice, 16 Nov., 1911, F-W, 21 years, married, born and died Lutts.

PATTERSON, George Dewey, 2 Feb., 1912, M-W, 5 years, born and died Lutts.

PATTERSON, Mary A., 5 Apr., 1912, F-W, 70 years, married, born and died Lutts.

PIGG, (Delaware’s baby) 24 Feb., 1912, F-W, born and died Cypress Inn.

RICH, Sarah Jane, 28 Feb., 1912, F-W, 75 years, married, died Cypress Inn born Tennessee.

STOVE, Virgil, 12 Apr., 1912, M-W, 2 days, born and died Cypress Inn.

BOYD, Elihue, 5 Jan., 1912, M-W, 87 years, single, died Lewis Co., born Wayne Co.

FEATHERSTON, ____, 27 Mar., 1912, F-W, no age, born and died Forty-Eight.

GALLAHER, Mary Herman, 23 Dec., 1911, F-W, 1 month, born and died Forty-Eight.

GRINDER, ____, 17 June, 1911, M-W, 4 days, died Topsy, no place of birth.

SPRINKLE, M. C., 25 Jan., 1912, M-W, 69 years, died Topsy, born Maury Co.

WESTBACKER, Ed, 4 Nov., 1911, F-W, 20 months, born and died Topsy.

ARNETT, Earl, 4 Nov., 1911, M-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, 9 Sept., 1911, F-W, 71 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

CLANTON, Oscar, 5 Feb., 1912, M-W, 22 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

DANIEL, Rosalee, July, 1911, F-W, 50 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

KELLEY, Early, 5 Dec., 1911, F-W, 4 months, born and died Wayne Co.

MYHAN, Polly Ann, 17 June, 1912, F-W, 55 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

OLIVE, Jim, 10 July, 1911, M-W, 32 years, married, born and died Wayne Co. [killed]

SMITH, Clara, Feb., 1912, F-W, 4 months, born and died Wayne Co.

WALLIS, Larimore, 16 Apr., 1912, M-W, 30 years, married, died Lawrence Co., born Wayne Co.

WILLIAMS, Nancy, Aug., 1911, F-W, 18 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BLASSINGIM, Bertha, 16 Mar., 1912, F-W, 5 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, John, 10 Feb., 1912, M-W, 83 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

BREWER, Flora, 3 Sep., 1911, F-W, 2 years, born and died Wayne Co.

CANNON, Isabelle, 18 Nov., 1911, F-W, 70 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Bedford Co.

GRIGGS, Judie, no date of death, F-W, 68 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

GRIGGS, Granny, 10 Sep., 1911, F-W, 76 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not known.

GRIGGS, Mrs. W. M., 26 July, 1911, F-W, 42 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Alabama.

HOLLIS, ____, 22 Oct., 1911, M-W, 3 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Rady, 11 Nov., 1911, F-W, 47 years, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Nannie, 27 June, 1912, F-W, 26 years, married, born and died Wayne Co.

HOLLIS, Lula B., 17 Nov., 1911, F-W, 3 years, born and died Wayne Co.

McGEE, Harriet, 4 Oct., 1911, F-W, 48 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Lawrence Co.

NELSON, Ruby, 10 Mar., 1912, F-W, 6 months, born and died Wayne Co.

POAG, James S., 12 Apr., 1912, M-W, 77 years, married, died Wayne Co., place of birth not shown.

POAG, Laura, 18 Aug., 1912, F-W, 65 years, married, died Wayne Co., born Houston Co.

ROBNETT, Nora, 8 June, 1912, F-W, 34 years, single, born and died Wayne Co.

SHAN, ____, 14 Apr., 1912, F-W, 4 weeks, born and died Wayne Co.

SCOTT, Jim, 9 Mar., 1912, M-W, 18 years, born and died Wayne Co.


Biffle, Jonathan Frank

Jonathan Frank Biffle was born in Wayne County, Tenn., in 1849, His father Jonathan Biffle, was a Tennessean, a farmer, and when a young man was deputy Sheriff of Wayne County. He served in the Ninth Tennessee Regiment in the late war, under Jake Biffle, and was captured in 1864, while at home on furlough, and taken to Rock Island, Ill., where he was retained a prisoner until his death, January 23, 1864. He left a wife and three children to mourn his loss. His widow, Eliza A. (Hardin) Biffle, married George Walker, of Tennessee, and died July 14, 1885. Our subject, after his death, resided with his mother until her second marriage, when she left, giving him possession of the home-farm. He afterward inherited a portion of this farm, and purchased the remainder, in all consisting of 350 acres of fairly improved land. His principal products are corn, small grain and peanuts. Besides this, he owns sixty-four acres of land below his present farm, and a two-thirds interest in 183 acres of timber land. In 1877 he and Mary Clendennin united their fortunes. She a Tennessean by birth, born 1858, daughter of Joseph and Bettie Clendennin. Mr. and Mrs. Biffle have four children: Joe., Jonathan A. (who died 1881) Nettie E. (who died in1883) and John W. Mr. Biffle is a Democrat.

Zion Cemetery

Location: Leave Highway 64 East at Memory gardens via Natural Bridge Road to 48 Bridge thence to Zion via Kelly Chappel.

Biffel, Anioa, 26 Jun 1880-24 May 1882                                                                                     Biffle, Mary C. 1858-1916                                                                                                      Biffle J. Frank 1849-1913                                                                                                             Biffle John W. 25 Jan 1885-28 Jul 1901                                                                                     Biffle, Will E. 20 Oct 1886-9 Aug 1887                                                                                   Biffle, Mattie 3 Oct 1879-6 Feb 1884                                                                                    Biffle, Nathan M. 1832- 13 Aug 1837                                                                                   Biffle, Nathan 16 May 1792-3 May 1853                                                                               Biffle, Ursula 14 Apr 1795-25 Feb 1857                                                                                Biffle, Margaret Caroline died 25 Oct 1841                                                                         Biffle, Infant child of J. I. and M. Biffle                                                                                Biffle, Mary Jane age 9y, 4m, 10d                                                                                         Biffle, Jonathan 10 Dec 1815-1838                                                                                           Blundell, Mary 26 Jul 1848-31 Oct 1841                                                                          Cunningham, Walker May 31 Mar 1885-7 Aug 1886                                                             Cothran, Mary E. 13 May 1851-29 Mar 1898                                                                      Craig, Tommie 27 Feb 1887-27 Oct 1888                                                                             Craig, S. E. 1846-1881, Confederate                                                                                       Craig, Mary 17 Mar 1872-19 Apr 1889                                                                                     Craig, Diana 2 Feb 1812-20 Oct 1884                                                                                        Craig, John 21 Jun 1799-2 Jan 1877                                                                                             Craig, Alva May 17 Feb 1875-                                                                                               Craig, Laura W. 21 Jun 1852-12 Mar 1877                                                                               Craig, Martha Anne 17 Apr 1841-28 Oct 1871                                                                 Clendenin, Bernice 12 Oct 1901-9 Oct 1902                                                                     Clendenin, Alice M. 25 Apr 1878-1 Dec 1881                                                                       Clendenin, Edward 8 Aug 1860-21 May 1878                                                                    Clendenin, Elizabeth 13 Apr 1833-25 Oct 1867                                                                   Clendenin, Joseph A. 27 Jan 1831-2 Jul 1883, Confederate                                              Clendenin, James D. 31 Aug 1868-16 Feb 1889                                                                Clendenin, Sallie Hall 21 Oct 1844-22 May 1931                                                        Clendenin, Brown Hall Jr. 8 Mar 1914-23 Aug 1916                                                   Clendenin, Brown Hall Sr. 17 Sep 1874-20 Jan 1915                                                           Davis, Infant 13 Apr 1885-18 Apr 1885, son of W. J. and J. J.                                                   Flippo, Ruth Harris 1894-1931                                                                                                 Graham, John M. 26 Aug 1887-30 Sep 1907                                                                           Graham, M. Lula 17 Aug 1870-16 Oct 1900                                                                     Grimes, W. E. 1864-1937                                                                                                                 Harris, L. B. 23 Sep 1875-21 Aug 1906                                                                              Harris, Margaret 6 Sep 1836-6 Jul 1904, wife of W. H.                                                        Harris, Susan, no date                                                                                                            Harris, W. F., no date                                                                                                                  Harris, Calvin 1869-1942                                                                                                     Harris, Rose 7 Feb 1880-12 Dec 1933                                                                                       Harris, infant 8 Nov 1910, daughter of C. M. and Rosa                                                               Harris, Alvis G. 16 Oct 1915-8 Nov 1921                                                                           Harris, Fred 30 Sep 1898-October 1928                                                                             Harris, Watt 1908-1959                                                                                                       Harris, Claudia Lee 2 Sep 1901-21 Sep 1903                                                                           Harris, Grace 1914                                                                                                                 Harbison, Dorcas Ann 18 Jun 1851-10 Mar 1863                                                                 Harbison, B. K. 17 Oct 1842-7 Apr 1862                                                                             Harbison, W. J. 15 Dec 1832-24 Apr 1863                                                                              Harbison, Sarah J. 12 Oct 1811-18 Oct 1872                                                                   Jackson, Frank Boyd 19 Aug 1887-23 Nov 1904                                                                  Jackson, Luvenia Alice 22 Nov 1854-8 Jan 1886                                                                          Kuten, John K. 20 Feb 1845-22 Aug 1917, Confederate                                                   McClain, Cecil, no dates                                                                                                   McClain, Nina, no dates                                                                                                       McClain, C. P., no dates                                                                                                        McClain, Willard, no dates                                                                                               McCallen, John 1874-19 Jan 1941                                                                                     Mitchell, Mary 11 Feb 1818-5 Feb 1900                                                                          Mitchell, Samuel G. 8 May 1808-16 May 1852                                                                        Staggs, Patsey J. 1 Mar 1871-19 Mar 1894                                                                                Smith, Jessie 12 Nov 1885-15 Sep 1886                                                                            Skillern, A. M. 17 Jul 1819-21 Jan 1889                                                                            Skillern, E. A. 7 Jan 1931-23 Sep 1886, wife of D. S.                                                        Skillern, Davis S. 20 Aug 1824-15 Dec 1904                                                                   Stockard, Samuel 26 May 1852-6 Jul 1869                                                                    Stockard, Maggie 7 Jun 1795-24 Feb 1878                                                                    Whitehead, J. H. 24 Dec 1859-10 Apr 1936                                                                Whitehead, Laura E. 20 Apr 1866-12 Dec 1942                                                         Whitehead, Norman 24 Aug 1908-14 Oct 1908                                                                Whitehead, Hazel 1 Nov 1897-7 Nov 1897                                                                         Whitehead, Silas 20 Jul 1871-24 Dec 1936                                                                        Walker, Ellen 9 Jun 1841-5 Sep 1887                                                                                         Walker, Infant 3 Mar 1900, son of J. F. and E. Walker                                                       Walker, W. B. 22 Feb 1789-19 Apr 1878                                                                             Walker, Anna Scott 8 Mar 1794-28 Jun 1874                                                                            Walker, Adeline J. 18 Jun 1848-24 Aug 1862                                                                               Walker, infant 11 Sep 1777, son of J. A. and E. E.                                                                 Walker, Annie K. 26 Sep 1878-11 Sep 1879                                                                       Walker, Burrell 18 Jul 1814-6 Mar 1852                                                                                 Walker, E. A. 10 Dec 1827-14 Jul 1885                                                                            Warfield, Elizabeth 11 Sep 1831-1 Sep 1851                                                                           Warfield, Mary 18 Feb 1829-23 Apr 1850

Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery


Philadelphia Cemetery

GPS Coordinates: 35° 18? 34?N, 87° 55? 02?W

The Philadelphia Baptist Church Cemetery lies on the north side of US Highway 64W from Waynesboro. To reach the cemetery, travel north from the courthouse square in Waynesboro on highway 13 for a distance of ½ mile. Turn left to access the US64 bypass. Turn left on the bypass and travel approximately 10.2 miles. The cemetery is behind the church and was founded in 1942.

Enumerated by David Montgomery at [] and is current as of 8 March 2013.

Alley, James Elliott; b. 27 Sep 1922, d. 10 Dec 2003, Tec 4 US Army WWII 236th Combat Engr. Brigade
Alley, Jean (Martin); b. 31 Aug 1928, only date, wife of James Elliott, m: 29 Aug 1947
Baker, Erie W.; b. 21 Dec 1898, d. 11 Aug 1980, wife of Jack H., m: 25 Dec 1926
Baker, Jack H.; b. 09 Apr 1904, d. 30 Nov 1992
Biffle, Billie (Lynch); b. 30 Sep 1926, only date, wife of Olin Andrew, m: 18 Dec 1947
Biffle, Everett W.; b. 05 Jul 1917, d. 13 Jun 1994
Biffle, Jane E.; b. 12 Sep 1920, only date
Biffle, Olin Andrew; b. 13 Nov 1919, d. 16 Dec 2003, M Sgt. US Air Force, WWII, Korea & Vietnam
Boyd, Blanche; b. 22 Jul 1900, d. 20 Dec 1977
Boyd, Dick; b. 25 Jan 1892, d. 10 Jul 1960
Boyd, Richard C. “Dickey”; b. 05 Jul 1942, d. 31 Dec 2003
Bray, Jacqueline (Baker); b. 03 Mar 1929, d. 30 Jul 2012
Brown, Clara (Kelley); b. 1909, d. 2001
Brown, Elliotte D.; b. 15 Oct 1915, d. 24 May 2001, wife of Frank, m: 19 Mar 1937
Brown, Frank; b. 07 Apr 1914, d. 28 Jan 1989
Brown, Joe Dillon; b. 11 Feb 1932, d. 16 Feb 2013, husband of Leoda (Johnson), US Navy & Korea Vet., m: 24 Dec 1955
Brown, William D.; b. 1905, d. 1964
Burcham, Clay; b. 13 Dec 1933, only date
Burcham, Patricia Ann; b. 05 Nov 1947, only date, wife of Clay, m: 03 Aug 1992
Clay, Lester; b. 1883, d. 1961
Clay, Roxie; b. 1883, d. 1982
Cole, Bessie Mae; b. 1908, d. 1984
Cole, David Harrison; b. 31 May 1952, d. 03 May 2004
Cole, Eugene E.; b. 1917, d. 1981    
Cole, Fred; b. 14 Aug 1886, d. 17 Dec 1962
Cole, Hardin; b. 1901, d. 1953
Cole, James Frank; b. 31 Aug 1919, d. 28 Mar 1979, Sgt. US Army WWII
Cole, Joe P. Jr.; b. 19 Sep 1911, d. 27 Apr 1994, S Sgt. US Air Force WWII & Korea
Cole, Joe; b. 1877, d. 1964
Cole, Marietta; b. 22 Oct 1892, d. 31 Jan 1948
Cole, Michael Hardin; b. 16 Dec 1948, d. 03 Dec 2013
Cole, Myrtie; b. 1874, d. 1951
Cole, Rickie; b. 29 May 1955, d. 29 May 1955
Cole, Robert; b. 1922, d. 1969, Tennessee Pfc. 141st Inf. 36th Inf. Division WWII
Cole, Violet Catherine (Harrison); b. 14 Feb 1917, d. 05 Mar 2013, wife of Eugene E., m: 04 Jan 1942
Daniel, Marietta (Cole); b. 05 Jun 1932, only date
Daniel, Pauletta; b. 30 Jan 1950, d. 08 Feb 1950
Daniel, William Paul; b. 16 Feb 1929, d. 07 Jun 1992
Davidson, Alfred F.; b. 1875, d. 1952
Davidson, Alfred Franklin “Frank”; b. 23 Jan 1910, d. 15 Jun 2003
Davidson, Clarice Virginia; b. 07 Sep 1930, d. 28 Feb 1995
Davidson, Freeman Cole; b. 14 Aug 1908, d. 25 Jun 1995
Davidson, Helen; b. 27 Sep 1904, d. 04 Oct 1977
Davidson, James Russ; b. 15 Jun 1914, d. 24 Nov 2008
Davidson, Jay Price; b. 05 Sep 1917, d. 22 May 1981
Davidson, Kathleen (Falls); b. 30 Oct 1922, d. 19 Jul 1998, wife of Jay Price, m: 27 Apr 1941
Davidson, Mae (Devers); b. 11 Mar 1911, d. 04 Oct 1999, wife of Alfred Franklin m: 04 Jan 1933
Davidson, Mae Tom; b. 21 Sep 1913, d. 01 Nov 1998, wife of James Russ, m: 18 Aug 1935
Davidson, Mattie Lucille; b. 01 Nov 1911, d. 15 Jul 1916, daughter of Alfred F. & Mattie M.
Davidson, Mattie M.; b. 1874, d. 1959
Dedrick, Linda Sue (Morris); b. 30 Mar 1959, d. 26 Nov 2008
Doran, Hattie B.; b. 1896, d. 1985
Doran, John B.; b. 1883, d. 1953
Edwards, Fred Edgar Jr.; b. 22 Oct 1946, d. 27 Oct 2009, brother of James S.
Edwards, Fred Edgar Sr.; b. 22 Feb 1909, d. 12 Feb 1952
Edwards, James S.; b. 28 Jul 1950, d. 29 Sep 1996
Edwards, Vada (Smith); b. 06 Aug 1910, d. 17 Feb 1999
Gillis, Jessie; b. 18 Aug 1924, d. 13 Oct 2010, wife of Tom
Gillis, Tom; b. 03 Dec 1919, d. 01 Aug 1985
Graham, Ella B.; b. 13 Dec 1907, d. 20 Oct 1970
Graham, James Alfred; b. 16 Jan 1899, d. 13 Mar 1981
Graham, James Alfred Jr.; b. 06 Sep 1930, d. 10 Jun 2012, husband of Mary Odelle (Warren), US Navy
Graham, Lee A.; b. 1875, d. 1951
Graham, Minnie L.; b. 1882, d. 1972
Greeson, Montague S.; b. 25 Nov 1904, d. 01 Jun 1990
Griggs, Kermit S.; b. 13 Feb 1941, d. 27 Sep 1958
Griggs, Maynard P.; b. 1914, d. 1978
Griggs, Pearl S.; b. 1915, only date, wife of Maynard, m: 23 Nov 1938
Haggard, Frances M.; b. 11 Jan 1908, d. 15 Jul 1978, wife of J. Herbert, m: 03 Nov 1929
Haggard, J. Herbert; b. 15 Jul 1899, d. 24 Jan 1987
Haggard, Martin Lewis Sr.; b. 15 Jan 1935, d. 08 Nov 1994
Haggard, Sibyl (Davidson); b. 07 Dec 1937, only date
Harkey, Allen B.; b. 26 Dec 1916, d. 26 Feb 2003
Harkey, Mary Len; b. 21 Jul 1921, d. 22 Oct 2004
Hollandsworth, Amanda; b. 1852, d. 1894
Hollandsworth, Betty; b. 1870, d. 1896
Hollandsworth, Clara: no dates
Hollandsworth, George: no dates
Hollandsworth, James; b. 1868, d. 1926
Hollandsworth, Joseph; b. 1842, d. 1920
Jones, Edgar M.; b. 14 Oct 1907, d. 11 Jun 1967
Jones, Lota D.; b. 24 Sep 1909, d. 15 Feb 1990
LeCroy, Boyd; b. 25 Jun 1906, d. 28 Sep 1990
LeCroy, Opal; b. 08 Oct 1911, d. 27 Apr 1995, wife of Boyd, m: 03 Nov 1929
McClain, Alice J. (Morris); b. 16 Dec 1941, d. 04 Nov 2012, wife of Hubert, m: 16 Oct 1963
McClain, Hubert; b. 29 May 1941, d. 30 Jul 2005, OM3 US Navy
Middleton, J. Emory; b. 21 Jul 1904, d. 19 Mar 1988
Middleton, Ruby B.; b. 22 Sep 1901, d. 22 Oct 1982, wife of J. Emory, m: 05 Oct 1932
Moore, Annie B.; b. 1898, d. 1956
Moore, Carrye M.; b. 15 Mar 1911, d. 11 Jul 1997
Moore, Emma B.; b. 1879, d. 1950
Moore, Frances Jane; b. 1923, d. 1998
Moore, Kennie H.; b. 1898, d. 1932
Moore, Robert Creed; b. 14 Mar 1953, d. 07 Nov 2008
Moore, Roy Hardin; b. 1919, d. 1978, Sgt. US Army WWII
Moore, Walter L.; b. 1874, d. 1958
Moore, William A.; b. 13 May 1913, d. 12 Oct 1969
Morris, Billy Fay; b. 30 Oct 1930, d. 24 Sep 1957, Tennessee BM2 US Navy Korea
Morris, Charlie H.; b. 04 Nov 1903, d. 27 Mar 1990
Morris, Elizabeth (Dillon); b. 04 Sep 1907, d. 01 Nov 1988
Morris, Jacob W.; b. 28 Apr 1881, d. 27 Feb 1954
Morris, James Herman “Pete”; b. 19 Nov 1900, d. 14 Feb 1976
Morris, Lucille R.; b. 15 Jun 1909, d. 14 Nov 2001
Morris, Marvin; b. 25 Sep 1905, d. 26 Jan 1976
Morris, Mary (Walker); b. 04 Oct 1903, d. 23 Nov 2000
Morris, Ola; b. 17 Apr 1882, d. 29 May 1956
Morris, Raleigh; b. 08 Jun 1908, d. 29 Nov 1975
Morris, Roy Guy; b. 05 Nov 1878, d. 12 May 1954
Morris, Sarah; b. 15 Mar 1886, d. 26 Nov 1978
Moser, Jane; b. 27 Sep 1855, d. 13 Sep 1943, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Moser
Nowlin, Atrell; b. 19 May 1913, d. 13 Dec 2000
Nowlin, Elloy (Sims); b. 10 Jul 1937, d. 16 Dec 2013, wife of Eunice Elton, m: 01 Nov 1952
Nowlin, Eunice Elton; b. 03 Jun 1934, only date
Nowlin, Garlin; b. 24 Jan 1893, d. 27 Dec 1973
Nowlin, Lem; b. 26 Jul 1897, d. 16 Jul 1969
Nowlin, Opal B.; b. 20 Jun 1895, d. 17 Mar 1970
Patterson, Fran; b. 1922, d. 2000
Patterson, Martha Lou; b. 06 May 1949, d. 06 May 1949
Patterson, Pat; b. 1920, d. 1994
Pickett, Misty Carol (Cole); b. 05 Oct 1967, d. 06 Feb 2012, wife of Walter “Waldo”
Pigg, Madgie; b. 1895, d. 1949
Pigg, R. L.; b. 1893, d. 1949
Risner, Jewell (Morris); b. 07 Feb 1921, d. 28 Oct 2012, wife of Kenneth John
Risner, Judy Garland; b. Oct 1942, d. Nov 1949
Risner, Kenneth John; b. 13 Jan 1915, d. 20 Apr 2002
Samuels, Emma (Morris); b. 24 Apr 1871, d. 05 Mar 1962
Samuels, William D.; b. 14 Jun 1877, d. 19 May 1965
Shipman, J. A.; b. 1879, d. 1955
Shipman, Lena H.; b. 1879, d. 1952
Shull, Ada; b. 28 Apr 1864, d. 19 Apr 1956
Shull, Edith (Hardin); b. 1908, d. 1982
Shull, John R.; b. 1889, d. 1964
Shull, Kathryn Marie; b. 30 Mar 1944, d. 21 Jun 2005
Shull, Max Hardin; b. 04 Nov 1941, only date
Shull, Max; b. 1891, d. 1957, Tennessee Wagoner Infantry WWI
Shull, Virginia P.; b. 1892, d. 1961
Sims, Fannie; b. 16 Feb 1901, d. 13 Nov 1960
Sims, Lela; b. 1895, d. 1985
Sims, Lester; b. 1889, d. 1970
Sims, Mary C.; b. 1866, d. 1944
Sims, Will G.; b. 09 Sep 1890, d. 02 Nov 1973
Sims, William C.; b. 1852, d. 1949
Skelton, Gary Eugene; b. 24 Sep 1968, d. 08 Nov 1986
Skelton, Janetta (Cole); b. 13 Oct 1949, d. 08 Nov 1986
Smithson, Bobby Joe “Bob”; b. 03 Oct 1932, d. 29 Dec 2000
Smithson, Jennie (Morris) “Jean”; b. 07 May 1933, only date
Walker, Bert; b. 10 Jul 1912, d. 23 Mar 2008, M Sgt. US Army WWII
Walker, Ivy P.; b. 01 Nov 1891, d. 28 Aug 1901
Walker, Jessie Gray; b. 04 Sep 1879, d. 25 Sep 1965
Walker, John A.; b. 26 Dec 1883, d. 26 Jun 1952
Walker, Leona T.; b. 15 Feb 1883, d. 14 Dec 1905, wife of Gray
Walker, Margret Virginia; b. 28 Aug 1884, d. 30 Aug 1951
Walker, Mason Gray; b. 25 Sep 1915, d. 10 Nov 1946
Walker, Rosanna R.; b. 09 Mar 1853, d. 14 Aug 1948 
Walker, W. D.; b. 08 Oct 1853, d. 28 Apr 1936
(Inscription on the above stone reads: Buried at Philidilphia) (spelling seems incorrect)
Youngblood, Joe; b. 14 Feb 1900, d. 03 Oct 1986
Youngblood, Lena C.; b. 31 Aug 1900, d. 17 Dec 1992

Montague/Grigg Cemetery

Location: Eagle Creek, Wayne County, TN

Walker, J. B. 19 Mar 1822-1 May 1902                                                          Walker, Emily C. 14 Sep 1830-1863, wife of J. B. Walker                         Walker, Mary E. 11 Feb 1853-3 Oct 1856, daughter of J. B. and E. C.      Walker, Amanda J. 22 Dec 1827-13 Jan 1886, second wife of J. B.      Edmiston, James Edward 1854-1918, Father                                           Edmiston, Mattie Walker 1862-1950, Mother                                        Edmiston, Mary C. daughter of M. E. and J. E.                                     Lancaster, C. Elisha 21 Dec 1884-16 Nov 1893, son of J. A. and S. M., age 8y, 10m, 25d                                                                                                   Lancaster, no name, 29 Jul 1883-13 Aug 1883, son of J. A. and S. M.

To the right is a row of seven small graves, each is covered with three layers of triangular shaped, hewn stones. None have markers.

Watkins, Kittie S. 17 Jan 1858-11 Sep 1922, wife of N. E.                      Watkins, N. E. 2 Oct 1846-23 Nov 1903, Master Mason, Husband of Kittie Moore, Eddie W. 1882-1964                                                                         Moore, Edd 1880-1966                                                                                 Moore, Rugh 26 Aug 1915-29 Jul 1923, daughter of W. E. and Eddie Moore         Hughes, Lizzie 24 Nov 1868-26 Sep 1886, daughter of J. W. and Kittie Hughes Hughes, Bernice 2 Jun 1878-22 May 1885, daughter of J. W. and Kittie Hughes Hughes, Gid B. 6 Jul 1880- 4 Dec 1886, son of J. W. and Kittie Hughes   Hughes, Kittie R. 24 Jan 1837-22 Mar 1897                                               Hughes, J. F. 11 Sep 1863-29 Jan 1936                                                       Hughes, Lizzie 13 Sep 1863-11 Apr 1897, wife of J. F. Hughes                 Hughes, Alice 11 Jun 1865-20 Oct 1932                                                 Montague, Rhoda O. 21 Jul 1854-2 May 1874

To the right is a child’s grave covered with three tiers of hewn stones. No marker. An unmarked adult grave. A grave with natural field stones at head and foot. No inscriptions.

Johnson, J. W. , Jr. 23 Dec 1904-15 Oct 1905, son of J. W. and Bettie     Johnson, James H. 21 May 1911-d. 2y,5m,17d, son of J. W. and Bettie   Johnson, Mary Catherine 3 Apr 1906-3 Jul 1907                                    Johnson, John W. 22 May 1868-18 Nov 1932, Master Mason                  Johnson, Bettie Collins 30 Jul 1880-18 Aug 1925                                         Biffle, J. E. 31 May 1893-31 May 1944                                                          Biffle, Anna Belle 15 Jan 1899                                                                   Ricketts, Ora Spear 23 Oct 1911-11 Dec 1960                                         Ricketts, Joe Leo 14 Jul 1907-29 Jul 1976                                                Ricketts, John M. 19 Oct 1944, infant son of Leo and Ora Ricketts             Johnson, Nathaniel, Dr. 31 Jul 1890, age 29y, 6m, 24d, husband of Bettie Johnson, Rhoda F. 6 Mar 1877-16 Feb 1880, daughter of W. A. and S. A. Johnson, J. Rufus 26 Feb 1873-15 Sep 1875, son of W. A. and S. A.         Brown, Annie L. 13 Oct 1866-7 Nov 1893                                               Johnson, William A. 29 Sep 1836-7 Nov 1893                                         Johnson, Sophronia A. 24 Sep 1839-24 Apr 1900, age 60y, 7m, married 21 Sep 1865                                                                                                                Brown, Annie L. 6 Sep 1893-8 Aug 1904, daughter of Alanson and Laura Brown                                                                                                               Cook, George Richard 9 Mar 1927-23 Nov 1944                                         Davis, Briggs Hughes 11 Jun 1873-17 Jan 1923                                            Davis, Elihu G. 7 Jun 1863-17 Apr 1937                                                       Davis, Susie 14 Mar 1904-30 Mar 1905                                                         Ricketts, Jewell B. 8 Dec 1907-6 Feb 1968                                               Ricketts, Cecil R. 30 Aug 1901                                                                      Gillis, Patsy 1941-1941                                                                                   Gillis, Van E. 1898-1956                                                                                   Gillis, Willie 1898-1978                                                                                 Ricketts, Sarah F. 27 Sep 1868-7 Oct 1925                                                    Ricketts, Johns S. 8 Oct 1868-18 May 1943                                                 Ricketts, Eliett L. 19 Dec 1910-13 Jan 1919, son of Sam and Sarah           Ricketts, Malissa M. 1833-1910                                                                 Ricketts, William L. 6 Jul 1841-10 Aug 1893, Master Mason                      Grigg, Isaac 31 Mar 1821-20 Mar 1901, Master Mason                               Grigg, Mary A. 26 Mar 1835-25 Oct 1907, wife of Isaac                              Grigg, Joseph Franklin 19 Oct 1856-14 Aug 1870, son of Isaac and Mary A.

To the left there are two mounds of natural fieldstones which appear to be graves. Farther left is teh grave of a child covered with three tiers of hewn stones. No markings. On the north side of the cemetery are five graves near a very large pine tree which are marked with natural fieldstones. No inscriptions.

Cook, Almira Irene 27 Sep 1848, 11 May 1886, wife of W. M. Cook, married 22 Jan 1873                                                                                                            Cook, Charles Rufus 19 Aug 1884-29 Aug 1884                                          Cook, J. Milton 17 Feb 1874-16 Dec 1877, son of W. M. and A. I.       Montague, John 6 Oct 1805-16 Aug 1881                                                     Montague, Nancy 17 Oct 1809-3 Jan 1880, wife of John                              Cook, Alfred L. died 16 Jan 1914, 9y, 4m, 22d, the son of W. T. and C. A. Cook Cook, William T. 1 Apr 1880-6 Mar 1969                                                       Cook, Carrie K. 21 Jun 1886-20 Apr 1977                                                              Walker, Mason Gray 25 Sep 1915-10 Nov 1946

Enumerated by C. D. and S. H. Gallaher

Cook Cemetery

Location: Lower Hardin Creek, Bill Frank Farm.

Biffle, Anna Walker, 23 Aug 1891 - 25 Sep 1966
Cook, Clara Moore, 3 Jan 1895 - 25 Aug 1919, wife of T. H.
Cook, Dr. Nathaniel F., 1850 - 1930
Cook, P. R., 25 Apr 1855 - 6 Apr 1905
Cook, Heber J., 30 Aug 1876 - 21 Dec 1899, husband of Mary E.
Cook, Mary E., 26 Oct 1876 - 29 Apr 1906, wife of Heber J.
Cook, Nat, 28 May 1886 - 20 Sep 1899, son of N. T. and T. R.
Cook, John L., 12 Aug 1826 - 6 Sep 1876
Cook, Mary Anne, 11 July 1832 - 27 Apr 1901
Cook, Ada B., died 30 Nov 1899, 14 y. 8 m.
Cook, Mamie H., died 24 June 1899, age 2 y. 9 m.
Cook, John H., died 27 Feb 1900, age 40 y., 10 d.
Deberry, Mottie, 30 Oct 1854 - 16 Apr 1892, wife of H. H. & D.
Griffin, Grace Cook, 31 Aug 1897 - 15 Oct 1916, wife of W. E.
Johnson, Frances, 9 Apr 1810 - 19 Jan 1885, m. Nathaniel F. JOHNSON 8 Mar 1831
Walker, Newton L., 10 Sep 1857 - 11 Dec 1918, age 61 y. 2 m. 24 d.
Walker, Fannie Cook, 26 Sep 1862 - 21 Nov 1942
Walker, Grace L., 8 Aug 1889 - 31 July 1908, daughter of N. L. and Fannie.

1861 Convention Of Union Men Of Wayne County, Tennessee

The following newspaper article gives a brief account of the Unionist Convention which was held at Clifton on the 1st of April 1861.  The article was transcribed and submitted by Bill Page 


“The Union men of Wayne assembled at Clifton on the 1st.  On motion of Judge Morris, Col. C.B. McLean was called to the Chair and John Fuson and T.J. Cypert were chosen Secretaries.  Ordered that the Chair appoint a committee of three to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting, whereupon he appointed Esquires T.H. Gibbs, Wm. Montague and John J. Porter.  Said Committee having retired in a short time returned and reported strong Union resolutions, which were adopted.  The following was also adopted.

“Resolved, That the Hon. Andrew Johnson is justly entitled to and will receive the warmest thanks and gratitude of every patriot of the land for his noble, gallant and patriotic defence of the Constitution and the Union.

“The following list of delegates were appointed, to wit:

“Thompson Morgan, King Preter, A.H. Montague, J.C. Sparman, Wm. R. Bell, J.R. Smith, Johnathan Morris, N.W. Poque, Wm. Montague, Isaac Griggs, J.J. Biffle, Peyton Craig, E.B. Martin, C.M. Thompson, J.L. Cypert, Martin Sims, Jas. Hinton, Thos. Adams, Jessee Davis, Johnathan Whitton, P.W. Hensley, Sam’l Bromley, Joseph Gallaher, Henry McGee, D.W. Carroll, Henry Culp, David C. Whitton, W.H. Brown, John Montague, T.H. Gibbs, J.A. Lawson, Wm. Cromwell, Jas. N. Staggs and Jas. North.

“Resolved, That in the absence of any of the regular appointed delegates, any good Union man from Wayne is requested to participate in said Convention as our delegate.

“Resolved, That the Chairman and Secretaries be added to the list of delegates.

C.B. McClean, Chairman
John Fuson, T.J. Cypert, Secretaries”

Nashville Republican Banner, 7 April 1861, p.2


General John Bell Hood’s Invasion of Tennessee, October 1864 – January 1865

Written and submitted by Edgar D. BYLER, III

[Editor’s Note: This paper was presented to the Col. Jacob BIFFLE Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Waynesboro, Tennessee]

Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis in July of 1864, appointed Gen. John Bell Hood of Texas as commander of the Army and Department of Tennessee. Hood’s orders and general plan of action were to stop US Gen. Sherman from taking Atlanta, Georgia. However, when Atlanta fell to Sherman’s forces on 2 September 1864, Hood was forced to reconsider his strategy.

Between the 2nd of September and the second week in October, 1864, Hood attacked Sherman’s positions wherever and whenever possible. Hood did succeed in destroying the railroad between Chattanooga, Tennessee and Atlanta, but his original intention of drawing Sherman out of Atlanta failed. Sherman cabled Gen. Thomas in Nashville that he was cutting loose and was on his way to Savannah, Georgia.

Hood now found himself in the unenviable position of attempting to shadow Sherman, trying to bring him into a pitched battle with of hope of defeating him, or Hood could strike what he thought would be a death blow to the Union by invading Tennessee. After conferring with Gen. Beauregard and President Davis, the decision was made to invade Tennessee. The Confederacy hoped that such an invasion would force Sherman to return to Tennessee to defend the strategic supply points of Nashville and Paducah, Kentucky.

Between October 9th and the 30th, Hood’s army, composed of three corps: Cheatham, Lee and Stewart, began a long, recuperative retreat into Alabama. The men who had been pushed and wearied by the assault on Sherman’s troops needed to be re-outfitted and re-armed. This was accomplished as well as was feasible at various points in northeastern Alabama.

Hood first attempted to cross the Tennessee River at Decatur, Alabama. But was unable to cross due to high water and the earlier destruction of the railroad bridge. He then ordered the army to proceed to Tuscumbia, where he arrived on the 30th of October.

Hood’s army of the Tennessee was strung out in camps between Tuscumbia, South Florence, Leighton and Bainbridge. Attempts were made to cross the Tennessee River by pontoon at Bainbridge, located above the shoals, but the pontoons were cut by Federal forces.

On the 31st of October, Gen. Stephen Lee’s forces began crossing the Tennessee River from South Florence. They ran into Federal troops under the command of Gen. Hatch and following a short skirmish, Hatch retreated toward Waynesboro, Tennessee. The Confederate forces under Lee marched into Florence, Alabama to the jubilant celebration of its inhabitants.

Between the 1st of November and the 20th, Hood experienced one delay after another. Gen. Forrest did not arrive in Florence until the 14th of November having been opposite Johnsonville, Tennessee before being ordered to join Hood at Florence. While Lee’s corps had successfully crossed the river, Cheatham and Stewart’s corps were still unable to cross due to high water and flood damage to the pontoon bridge. Cheatham finally crossed the river on the 12th and 13th, while Stewart was unable to cross until the 20th.

While Hood was waiting for Cheatham and Stewart’s corps to make it across the river, Forrest had arrived and was placed in command of all the cavalry units. Forrest immediately set out toward Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, harassing the Federal troops under Gen. Hatch at every turn. Hatch finally struck back at Forrest’s command on the 19th of November in a battle on Butler Creek in Wayne County, Tennessee. The battle proved inconclusive and Hatch withdrew toward Lawrenceburg with Forrest in hot pursuit.

On the 15th of November, Col. Jacob Biffle was apparently raiding from Ashland, Wayne County, Tennessee to Linden, in Perry County and Clifton in Wayne County. It was in Clifton that Biffle was joined by more of Forrest’s command who had crossed the river from west Tennessee. On the 16thof November, Biffle was camped on Indian Creek, Wayne County, Tennessee (near his home at Biffle Spring) and probably joined up with Col. Rucker of Forrest’s command who on that date was occupying Waynesboro, Tennessee.

 The records do not indicate where Biffle and Rucker were between the 16th and the 18th of November. They had probably moved out toward Lawrenceburg, Tennessee to join with Forrest’s main force. We know that they were not in Waynesboro, Tennessee on the 18th because on that date, Col. Horace Capron (US) of the 6th Division, 1st Brigade of Wilson’s Cavalry, had occupied the town with his force composed of men from the 14th and 16th Illinois Cavalry, the 5th Indiana and the 8th Michigan.

Capron did not occupy Waynesboro without a fight. He reported to Gen. Wilson and Gen. Schofield that he “occupied Waynesboro this evening [18th Nov] with the loss of 1 killed, 1 mortally wounded, 1 severely wounded, and that he had captured two scouts from Forrest’s command.” He stated that citizen intelligence reported Hood’s army was at Florence, Alabama and that Forrest was in the area around Lawrenceburg. Capron would remain in Waynesboro until the 22nd when he retreated to Mt. Pleasant and joined Gen. Hatch.

Finally, on the 20th of November, Hood was ready to begin his march. Stewart had finally crossed the river and had gone into camp six miles north of Florence on the old military road, camping at Wilson’s crossroads [now known as St. Florian]. Lee was about ten miles north of Florence on the Chisholm Road, while Cheatham and the Headquarters were just north of Florence on the old Waynesboro-Florence road [present day Cloverdale road]

cheathamFrom this point until the army was united south of Mt. Pleasant, Tennessee it was spread out over a large area from Middle Cypress Creek on the west to the east of Shoals Creek. Hood’s plan was to have Cheatham’s corps and the Headquarters move north on the Waynesboro-Florence Road to Waynesboro and then on the old Columbia Central Turnpike to Mt. Pleasant. Lee would take the Chisholm Road north, moving toward West Point, Tennessee, then turn west onto the old Natchez Trace and then to the Columbia Central Turnpike. Stewart’s route remains somewhat of a mystery. He originally started out on the Military Road, but appears to have turned west near Pruitt’s Mill (Pruitton, south of Iron City, Tennessee) and followed behind Lee.

For all the soldiers marching north from Florence, Alabama, this was a time of celebration as well as despair — celebration because they were back in Tennessee which was home to many of them; despair because of the weather and their inadequate equipage and rations. When they left Florence, it was raining; but this quickly changed to snow and ice. The weather turned much colder and troops in Lee’s corps reported seeing icicles two feet long on Butler Creek. Add to this the fact that the roads were normally impassable in such weather, but were now a muddy morass because of the movement of the artillery pieces and baggage trains, it is a wonder that the troops made such good time. Often traveling 13 – 16 miles per day.

LeeOn the 21st of November, Hood’s headquarters were at Mr. Westmoreland’s house just west of the Cloverdale Road, near present day Pisgah Methodist Church. Cheatham was camped at Rawhide (Cloverdale). Lee had crossed into Tennessee near the old Van Leer furnace on Butler Creek with Stewart somewhere between Wilson’s Crossroads and Pruitton.

On the 22nd of November Cheatham had marched 18 miles north on the Waynesboro-Florence Road and was camped about 15 miles south of Waynesboro. The headquarters was in a deserted house about 14 miles south of Waynesboro (near the present intersection of the Natchez Trace Parkway and Tennessee Highway 13, south of Collinwood). Lee’s corps was camped between Wayland Springs and West Point; and Forrest was engaged in the Battle of Lawrenceburg with Gen. Hatch.

It is important to point out here that Gen. Hatch had been ordered by Gen. Thomas in Nashville, to hinder the advance of Hood’s forces as much as possible, but was not to fully engage them in battle. This was to allow Thomas time to get reinforcements from Paducah, Kentucky into Nashville to strengthen his force. This was not a surprise raid on Hood’s part and Thomas well knew the importance of Hood’s force of 36,000+ men advancing toward him. Thomas’ problem was that he didn’t know exactly where Hood was going to strike.

Cheatham left camp at the intersection of the Waynesboro-Florence Road and the Old Nashville Road (Natchez Trace) on the 23rd and arrived in Waynesboro by 4:00 P.M. It is believed that his corps and the Headquarters group followed the Trace to the area of McCalls passing through what is today Collinwood, then either turned down Chalk Creek or followed the old Green River Road.

They found Waynesboro deserted. All the townspeople had fled to the nearby countryside. Cheatham didn’t stop in Waynesboro, but continued on the old Columbia Central Turnpike towards Lawrenceburg. He went into camp that evening at Wayne Furnace. Lee and Stewart were still bogged down in western Lawrence County while Forrest had proceed up the Military Road to near Summertown.

On the 24th, Cheatham, along with Hood and his headquarters, left Wayne Furnace and marched 14 miles to Mrs. Chambers house on the old Columbia Central Turnpike (just north of Ovilla). Lee had crossed over into Wayne County, probably from Fish Trap Creek and turned north onto the Pinhook Road which left the Waynesboro-Lawrenceburg Road just above where Zion Baptist Church is today and intersected the Turnpike south of Ovllla. Stewart continued north up Chisum Creek, joining the Turnpike near Deerfield.

StewartBy the 25th, Hood’s headquarters was at Mt. Pleasant; Cheatham was south of Mt. Pleasant; Lee was on the Columbia Pike north of Mt. Pleasant, Stewart was at Henryville and Forrest was south of Columbia. By the 26th they were all at Columbia, Stewart’s corps bringing up the rear.

What followed was the Battle of Franklin and the Battle of Nashville where all Hood’s plans were dashed. Hood was a defeated man and submitted his resignation, the army was placed under the immediate command of Gen. Richard Taylor, later joining Gen. Joe Johnston for the denouement of the war.

One footnote concerning Wayne County following the battle of Nashville. The 30,000+ Federal troops who had been sent in pursuit of Gen. Hood’s retreating forces, were turned aside at Pulaski, Tennessee and made a quick march to Clifton, Tennessee where they were loaded onto transports and sent to Paducah, thence by train to Virginia for the closing episodes of the war.

Thus in the closing days of the war, Wayne County, Tennessee was to experience the trauma of two large armies passing through its territory. Everything that was not tied down or hidden was confiscated by first the Confederate troops, then the Union troops. The residents were left destitute.

History of Wayne County, 1880 by Thomas Meredith

Contributed by Mrs. Edwinna STRICKLIN, Lutts, Tennessee

Note: This is taken from a xerox copy of a manuscript in the Tennessee Historical Society Collection, Tennessee State Archives and Library.

Wayne County – 1820

Wayne County was established by act of the General Assembly passed on the _____day of _____, 18__, and named for “Old Mad Anthony Wayne”, one of the heroes of the Revoluntionary War. This county is situated in the south western part of Middle Tennessee, and is bounded on the South by the State of Alabama and Hardin County; on the east by Lawrence; on the north by Lewis and Perry; and on the West by Decatur and Hardin Counties, from which it is separated by the Tennessee River, and has an area of 1000 square miles.

The pioneer settlers of this County were chiefly from the older and more central Counties of this division of the State. The first settlement within the limits of what is now Wayne County was made by Frederick Meredith, Mark F. Edwards, William Newton, Lovick Rasbury, Richard Churchwell, and Cary W. Pope on Buffalo River, in 1815; Isaac G. Grimes, Henry Grimes, Peter Renfro and John Johnson, settled on Hardin Creek in 1816; Thomas G. Harvey, Charles Burns, James Reeves, Samuel Loggans and William Scott, all settled on Green river in 1816; Henry and John Rayborn, Jessee and Baker Cypert, Ben Hardin, and David Shull, settled on Indian Creek in 1817-18; James Arnett settled on _______? branch of Hardins Creek in 1819; and //
[page 2]
William Morris pitched his tent on Hardins Creek in 1818; John Dixon and David Gallaher on Shoal Creek in 1818; and on Forty-eight mile creek, William B. Pogue, William B. Walker, Joseph Staggs and Nathan Biffle were the pioneer settlers.

The first water mill built in the County was in 1817, on Mockasin Creek, by John Meredith; and the first horse mill was built by John O. Roberts on Eagle Creek in 1820. The first school taught in the County was in 1818 by Mark F. Edwards on Mockasin Creek.The first church erected in the County was on Green river, just east of the site of Waynesboro, by the Methodists in 1820, the Rev. James English and Rev. John Craig being among the first ministers to preach in it. At the mouth of Forty-eight mile creek, the Primitive Baptists erected the next church in 1820, the Revs. Willis Dodson, John   Reeves and William Hodges being the first preachers here.

The first merchants in the County were Malachi Wimberly and Andrew Stowball near Ashland in 1819. The first cotton gin built in the County was by William B. Ross, near old Carrollsville in 1819; Thomas established the first ferry on the Tennessee river, in Wayne County, in 1818.

Wayne County was not organizaed //
______20, though ineffectual efforts to this end had been made before this date. The first County Court was organized at old Town Branch, in the winter of 1819-20 by the following named Justices of the Peace who was commissioned by Gov. Joseph McMinn, to wit:

Ben. Hardin, Henry Rayburn, Jesse Cypert, William Burns, Cary W. Pope,John Meredith, Reuben Kyle, William R. Curtis, William B. Ross, Syphus Reily, WilliamB. Walker and David H. Gallaher.

William Burns was elected Chairman of the Court; William Barnett, Clerk; Ben. Hardin, Sheriff; John McClure, Register; John Meredith, Trustee; John Hill, Ranger; and William B. Pogue, Coroner.

The first Circuit Court was held in the little log Court house, on OldTown Branch, 4 miles north of the present County Seat; in the spring of 1820, Judge _____Turley, presiding; GeorgeBarnett, Clerk; and William F. Doherty, Solictor-General.

Wayne County has had four Court houses. The first was of logs, resembling a primitive log smoke house, with one door, dirt floor, and “big cracks” for windows, board roof, &c. This //
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used about two yearsas the “temple of Justice” for Wayne.

The second was built at Waynesboro about 1820. It was of logs also and not any more pretentious than the first. The third was a frame building built about the year 1827. 24 x 30 feet two stories high with Court room, Clerk’s offices &c. It had a door at each end was lighted by about a dozen windows. It was regarded as afine structure in its day. The fourth and present [1880] Court house is of brick, 30 x 40 feet, two stories high with Court room, Clerk’s offices &c. and cost about $4000.00. It was erected in 1840 or about that time.

There have been five jails: the first was of logs at “old Town”, and was used for about two years. The second was of logs also, being the first at Waynesboro. The third was a hewn log jail, 18 x 18 feet and well finished. The fourth was of brick, lined with logs, and was used until 1876. The fifth is a strong log building, 2 stories high, weatherboarded, and lined with 1½ inch oak plank with iron cages.

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Thomas Meredith, son of Frederick Meredith, from whom I obtained all my information concerning Wayne County, is now in his 75th years and has lived within ¼ miles of where his father first settled for the last 64 years. He is active for one of his age, enjoys good health and has a second wife, in her 49th year. Thos. Meredith, Rocky Point, Wayne County, Tenn.

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Waynesboro, the County Seat, was founded in 1821, on the land of William Burns and named for Gen. Anthony Wayne, of Revolutionary farm. It is located in a broken, though healthy and productive section on the west bank of Green river, about six miles north of the geographic center of the County and is supplied with excellent water from a never failing spring which issues from a bluff just north of the public square. The town is situated about 90 miles south west from Nashville, 18 miles north of east from Clifton on the Tennessee river, with which it is connected by a turnpike road. It has no railroad facilities, and its chief shipping points are Clifton and Columbia, to and from which goods and produce are conveyed by wagon.

The first dwelling built in the place was by William Burns, in 1821; and Wm. Merrill was the first merchant, beginning business in the Fall of this year. The first hotel keeper was William Barnett, who opened house in 1821 also. The post office was established in this year, and William Barnett appointed the first postmaster. Dr. Martin Mahon was the first physician here, beginning practice in 1822-3; and the first attorney to locate //
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in the town was Thomas F. Edwards in 1822-3. The Methodists erected the first church in Waynesboro in 1834-7 and Rev. William P. Kendrick was their pastor. The first newspaper – Waynesboro Times – was published here in 1856, B. F. Murtishaw, editor and proprietor. The first school taught in the town was by Nathaniel Casey in 1821-2. Waynesboro was incorporated in 18__. and Thomas H. Maberry elected the first mayor.

The town attained its greatest prosperity about the year 1836, and has rather declined since. It has now 4 stores of general merchandise, 1 drug store, 1 saloon, 1 milliner shop, 3 blacksmith shops, 1 boot and shoe shop, 1 carpenter shop, 1 tanyard, 2 hotels, 2 livery stables, 1 school – Ashland FemaleAcademy, 1 church – occupied by Methodist and Cumberland Presbyterians alternately, 1 colored church, 1 Masonic Hall, Lodge Knights of Honor, brick Court house, jail, no preachers, 2 physicians, 2 lawyers and a population of about 300, of which about 75 are colored.

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Villeges of Wayne Co
Clifton, a post village on the east bank of the Tennessee River, 16 miles west from Waynesboro, was founded in 1840, on the land of Stephen Roach, and took its name from the high [banks] on which if is situated. It is the most flourishing village in the county, having the advantage of the navigation of the Tennessee River, and being the chief shipping point for the County. Clifton has some half dozen stores, a number of mechanic shops, a foundry, a school, two churches, a newspaper establishment “Wayne County Citizen”, 4 physicians, a good ferry and a population of about 200, of which 35 are colored.

Ashland, a post hamlet, in the Centerville road, 11 miles north east from Waynesboro, was established about 1830 by Ephraim Dixon and Samuel Mitchell, its first merchant. It has two stores, 2 churches, a school, Masonic hall, mechanic shops & a small population of about 50 inhabitants. It is pleasantly situated on the south bank of the Buffalo river.

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Flatwoods, a post hamlet, on the Linden road, 14 miles north west from Waynesboro is pleasantly situated on the north bank of Buffalo river, and has a store, blacksmith shop, schhol, church and a small population of about 25 inhabitants.

Carrollville, once a small place on the Tennessee river, a mile below Clifton, exists now only in name. “Old Town” on old Town branch, 4 miles east of north from Waynesboro, was for a year or two the seat of Justice for Wayne County. Northing of it now remains, but the spring from which issues most excellent water.

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Wayne County 1820 – 1880
State Senators: Jonathan Morris, Archibald McDougal, Thomas J. Cypert.

State Representatives: William Burns, Benj. Hardin, John Rayborn, Jonathan Morris,Andrew Brown, Merida Morrison, William Pougue, John A.Talley, Ed. B. Martin, John Porter, William Benham, Ulyses Ross, Wm. P. Kindrick.

Sheriffs of Wayne County 1820 – 1880
1. Ben. Hardin – 2 years – 1820-1822
2. John Rayborn – 12 years – 1822-1834
3. James L. Smith – 2 years – 1834-1836
4. Jesse S. Ross – 4 years – 1836-1840
5. Samuel J. Alexander – 2 years – 1840-1842
6. Samuel L. Burns – 2 years – 1842-1844
7. William Benham – 4 years – 1844-1848
8. William Pollard – 2 years – 1848-1850
9. Elijah H. Pugh – 2 years – 1850-1852
10. Rial Brewer – 2 years – 1852-1854
11. Elijah H. Pugh – 4 years – 1854-1858
12. Jacob B. Biffles – 2 years – 1858-1860
13. David S. Skillern – 2 years – 1860-1862
14. John F. Hall – 2 years – 1862-1864
15. John Grimes – 1 years – 1864-1865
16. Jas. M. Dickerson – 3 years – 1865-1868
17. Elijah V. Turman – 1 year – 1868-1869
18. Jas. M. Stribling – 1 year – 1869-1870
19. Joseph G. Gallaher – ½ year – 1870-1870
20. William J. Grimes – 2 years – 1870-1872
21. James M. Stribling – 2 years – 1872-1874
22. Henry Brewer – 2 years – 1874-1876
23. David H. Jones – 2 years – 1876-1878
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The first paper established in Wayne County was the “Waynesboro Citizen” published and edited by Malone Bros. on the 23rd of Feb’y 1872. Neutral in politics. H. R. & T. B. Malone.

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