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Category: Public Records

James Leeper Deed to John Endsley (1821)

James Leeper Deed to John Endsley (1821)

FamilySearch microfilm #0476354: Bedford County TN Deed Book O, pages 250-251 This Indenture made this sixth day of December 1821 Between James Leeper of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee of the one part and John Endsley of the State and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth that the s’d James Leeper for and in Consideration of the Sum of Seven hundred Dollars to me in hand paid by the aforesaid John Endsley, the receipt whereof is…

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Mary Endsley et al. Deed to Bedford Endsley (1836)

Mary Endsley et al. Deed to Bedford Endsley (1836)

FamilySearch microfilm #0476359: Bedford County Deed Book FF, pages 469-470 [see notes at end] This Indenture made this 28th of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and thirty six, between Mary Endsley, Executrix of John Endsley, dec’d; of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee , Alfred C. Anderson, and Damaris his wife, formerly Damaris Endsley of the County of Lincoln, John M. Endsley, Isaac N. Endsley, Willis Burgess and Cynthia Burgess his wife, formerly Cynthia…

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John Milton Endsley Deed for Liberty Valley School (1883)

John Milton Endsley Deed for Liberty Valley School (1883)

Marshall County Deed Book C2, page 175 [Community Deed to one acre Extended to them by J. M. Endsley & Recorded October 3, 1883] I, John M. Endsley, of the County of Marshall in the State of Tennessee for the benefit of rising generations of the community at large, do hereby give, bargain, and convey to said community all the right, title and claim that I have in and to one acre of land lying in the 5th Civil District…

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Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Bedford Endsley Deed to Beech Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church (1883)

Marshall County Deed Book C2, page 176′ In and for the consideration of the love and esteem that I share for the cause of Christianity and the hope I have for its advancement I do hereby give, transfer and convey to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at old Beech Hill all the right, title and claim that I have in and to a certain tract or parcel of land for the purpose of erecting a Church house for the benefit of…

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James & John Elliott Deeds to James Armond & John Vincent (1836)

James & John Elliott Deeds to James Armond & John Vincent (1836)

Marshall County Clerk Probate of Deeds 1836-1840 Note: Probate of Deeds does not indicate an estate action. Both Probate of Deeds below are on page 1 of the volume.   James & John Elliott Deed To James Armond; 72 & 1/2 Acres STATE OF TENNESSEE) MARSHALL COUNTY ) Personally appeared before me, Martin W. Oakley, clerk of Marshall County Court, James and John Elliott, the above bargainors with whom I am personally acquainted, and who acknowledged that they executed the…

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Issac N. Endsley Deed of Gift to Sarah M. Endsley (1873)

Issac N. Endsley Deed of Gift to Sarah M. Endsley (1873)

Marshall County Deed Book Y, pp 58-60 Sarah M. Endsley Deed of Gift to Land Executed by Issac N. Endsley & rec’d June 23/1873 This indenture made the 12 Twelf day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and Seventy-three between Isacc N. Endsley of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee of the one part and Sarah M. Endsley, wife of the said Endsley of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Endsley…

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John B. Cummings Deed of Gift to George W. Cummings & Newton A. Cummings (1860)

John B. Cummings Deed of Gift to George W. Cummings & Newton A. Cummings (1860)

FamilySearch microfilm #0977509: Marshall County Deed Book S, page 485 I, John B. Cummings, of Marshall County and State of Tennessee for and in consideration of the Mutual love and affection which I now for (sic) for my two sons, George Was & Newton A. Cummings have this day given, granted and conveyed and by these presents do give, grant and convey unto them and their heirs and assigns forever all the right & title, claim and interest which I…

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James Leeper Deed to George Cummings (1820)

James Leeper Deed to George Cummings (1820)

Bedford County Deed Book P, pages 236 237 This Indenture made this 8th day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Twenty Between James Leeper of Bedford County and State of Tennessee of the one part and George Cummings of the county and state aforesaid of the other part. Witnesseth: That the said James Leeper, For and in consideration of the sum of Fifteen hundred and One Dollars and eighty seven and One Half…

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George Cummings, Deceased, Sale of Real Estate (1847)

George Cummings, Deceased, Sale of Real Estate (1847)

Marshall County Deed Book H, pages 412-414 State of Tennessee) Marshall County ) Circuit Court August Term 1847 Monday morning August 16th 1847 Irwin McAdams’ Title to Land Decreed to him by the Court & Recorded the 14th day of September 1847 Court met according to adjournment, present the Hon. Edmond Killahuskey, Judge & C–Proclamation being made, the court was opened— John Cummings, Admr of George Cummings) EXPARTE) it’s Final Decree Be it remembered that this cause came to be…

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Minos Cannon Land Grant (1809)

Minos Cannon Land Grant (1809)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book A, page 386 Minos Cannon’s Grant # 468 for 1540 acres of land Recorded January 10th 1809 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 468 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That by virtue of Warrant No.1277, dated the 10th day of July 1784, issued to Minos Cannon by John Armstrong, Entry officer of claims for the North Carolina Western lands and entered on the 17th day of August 1807 by No. 198–…

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