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Category: Public Records

Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Marshall County Deed Book Vol. V, pages 315-316 For and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and ninety dollars to us in hand paid or otherwise secured to be paid, the receipt of the same is hereby acknowledged. We have bargained and sold & do hereby transfer & convey to William McLain, his heirs and assigns forever all our joint and separate right, title, claim and interest in and to the following described lot,tract or parcel of Land,…

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Jesse McLane Land Grants (1827)

Jesse McLane Land Grants (1827)

Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book 6, page 387             Grant # 5064 Jesse McLane’s grant for twenty four acres {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 5064 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of the sum of twelve & 1/2 cents per acre, paid into the office of the Entry-Taker of Lincoln county, and entered on the 7th day of July 1824 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the…

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Robert McCuistion Land Grants (1813)

Robert McCuistion Land Grants (1813)

Tennessee General Land Grants Book G, page 264 Robert McCuistion Grant # 4952 for 80 acres in Lincoln & Bedford Counties Recorded Oct 1st 1813 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 4952 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of military service by Jeremiah Litteral to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 3175 and dated the 19th day of December 1785 and entered on the 15th day of July 1809 by No….

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Thomas Cummings Deed to David Lowry (1813)

Thomas Cummings Deed to David Lowry (1813)

Bedford County TN Deed Book E, pages 132-133 This Indenture made & executed This Thirteenth of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirteen between Thomas Cummings and David Lowry Both of the State of Tennessee and County of Bedford. Witnesseth that the said Thomas Cummings for himself, his heirs & for & in Consideration of the sum of three hundred and Fifty Dollars in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , hath…

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Wilson Liscomb Land Grant (1815)

Wilson Liscomb Land Grant (1815)

Tennessee General Land Grants Book K, page 410 Grant # 4582 Grant to Wilson Liscomb recorded 29 August 1815 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, in consideration of military service performed by Wilson Liscomb to the State of North Carolina warrant No. 3571 dated the 24th day of October 1787 and entered on the 24th day of August 1807 by No. 309 there is granted by the State of Tennessee,…

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J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

J. B. Endsley Deed to Trustees of Christian Church at Liberty (1907)

Marshall County Deed Book R-2, page 582 For and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to me in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged I, J. B. Endsley, have this day bargained and sold and do by these presents transfer and convey to J. A. Mosley, W. R. Woodward, T. A. McAdams, H. B. Leonard and R. B. Cummings, Trustees of the Christian Church at Liberty in the new 3rd civil district of Marshall County Tennessee…

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James Kidd Land Grant (1820)

James Kidd Land Grant (1820)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book Q, page 153 Grant # 13,802 James Kidd’s grant for Ten Acres Bedford County Recorded January 20, 1820 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, By virtue of part of Certificate No. 977 dated the 17th day of April 1812 issued by the register of West Tennessee to the Heirs of Henry Dixon for 320 acres & entered on the 6th day of August 1812 by…

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James Kidd Land Grant (1824)

James Kidd Land Grant (1824)

Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book I, page 433, Grant # 438 68 acres & one hundred poles Bedford County James Kidd {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of the sum of twelve & 1/2 cents per acre, paid into the office of the Entry-Taker of Bedford county, and entered on the 7th day of May 1824 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General…

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Joshua Kelly Land Grant (1827)

Joshua Kelly Land Grant (1827)

Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book 6, page 310 Grant # 5053 Thirty Three acres granted to Joshua Kelly {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 5053 To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of the sum of twelve and 1/2 cents per acre, paid into the office of the Entry-Taker of Lincoln county, and entered on the 3d day of May 1824 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of…

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James Leeper Deed to Jno Endsley (1821)

James Leeper Deed to Jno Endsley (1821)

FamilySearch microfilm roll # 0476354: Bedford County, Tennessee Deed Book O, pages 240-241 THIS INDENTURE made this sixth day of December 1821 between James Leeper of the one part and John Endsley of the other part, both of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee. WITNESSETH, that the said James Leeper for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said John Endsley, the receipt wheeof is acknowledged by Him…

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