Deed Book C - Abstracted Sections 41-50
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

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to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book C.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -P
Q - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK C - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

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p. 496 - 3 Aug 1847 - Thomas W. Brown of Columbus, Lowndes Co., Mississippi and Lucy Ann Brown of New Hanover Co., NC to Nicholas T. Perkins of Haywood Co. for $130, 6.5 acres joining the town of Ripley on the south side of town bounded by Joseph Wardlaw, Main Street, and the Academy lot.  Ack 3 Aug 1847 by Rezin S. Byrn, their agent and attorney in fact.

p. 498 - 26 June 1847 - State of Tennessee Grant #3429 to Sally W. Johnson for 12.5¢ per acre, 99.5 acres, surveyed 13 September 1836 in r5&6,s9 bounded by entry of 640 acres in the name of the Trustee of E. T. College, and an entry for 120 acres in the name of McLemore.

p. 499 - 16 Feb 1847 - Henry H. Richardson and Mary E. Richardson, formerly Mary E. Porter, to Benjamin T. Porter for $112.50, 47 acres, and 100 poles beginning on the west line of Benjamin Porter, dec'd's tract and Rezin Porter's southwest corner, then south 52 poles, then east 100 poles, then north 20 poles, then east 54 poles, then 33 poles, then west to the beginning.  It is part of the land set apart by commissioners appointed by the Circuit Court of Lauderdale County to Mary E. Richardson as one of the heirs of Benjamin Porter, deceased.  Ack 16 Feb 1847.

p. 500 - 26 June 1847 -State of TN Grant #3430 to John E. Watson 102 acres, for 12.5¢ per acre, surveyed 30 Sept 1836 in 42,s  bounded by George Watson's entry for 143 acres, an occupant survey in the name of Robt. Walker, Robert Maxwell's occupant survey,  P. C. Dials entry, and the heirs of G. Watson.

p. 501 - 26 June 1847 - State of TN Grant #3431 to John Watson, Jr. 95 11/160 acres surveyed 20 Feb 1847 in s9 bounded by Geo. Watson's entry for 143 acres, Doherty's entry, P. C. Dial's 4 acre entry, and John E. Watson.

p. 503 - 15 Feb 1847 - Henry H. Richardson and wife Mary to Rezin Porter for $112, 42 acres and 60 poles in the 13th SD, part of two tracts sold to Benjamin Porter by Henry Rutherford and is the part allotted by commissioners to Mary Richardson, formerly Mary Porter, appointed by the Circuit of Lauderdalde to divide the real estate amongst heirs beginning at the original se corner of the Porter tract, then north 113 poles, then west 60 poles, then south 113 poles, then east to the beginning.  Ack 16 Feb 1847.

p. 505 - 5 Aug 1847 - J. R. and J. L. Harrell to David M. Henning for $600, 403 acres on the north side of Hatchie River, part of the King and McLemore tract bounded by Wm. Moore, Thos. Boyd, the creek, the Hatchie River, Peoli Collier, and King.  Wit:  John T. Cain, M. G. Turner, G. W. Stone.  Proved by Cain and Stone 6 Aug 1847.

p. 506 - 19 Aug 1849 James Vaulx and Sugars McLemore of Madison Co. to William Jennings for $500, 202 acres and 15 poles, part of 766 acres entered in the name of John McIver by entry #503.  Ack in Madison Co. 19 Aug 1849.

p. 508 - 22 May 1847 - Lucius J. Polk and George W. Polk of Maury Co, executors of the last will and testament of Rufus K. Polk, late of (Maury Co.), dec'd, appoint William C. Conner of Lauderdale Co. our agent and attorney in fact to superintend, protect, list, and pay the taxes, and lease a tract of 1500 acres belonging to the estate of R. K. Polk, dec'd and known as the lower half of a 3000-acre tract and granted to William Polk by NC by Grant #36 from 3000 acres, and to institute the necessary process in law or chancery to recover damages from any person who may fell the timber or otherwise trespass thereon.  We also authorize him to sell a tract of 1000 acres belonging to the estate of said R. K. Polk lying in Dyer Co., part of a 5000-acre grant to George Doherty, situated in the 13th SD,6r,4s.  Ack in Haywood Co 21 May 1847.

p. 509 - 23 May 1843 - Joseph Jones of Vicksburg, Miss. to Phillip H. Gibbs of Brownsville for $175, his half interest in 100 acres on the east bank of the east chute of the Miss. River entered in the name of Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett & Wm. Conner, beginning at the upper corner of 3840 acres entered in the name of

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McLemore Bryan and Henderson, running up the river.  Ack 24 May 1843.

p. 510 - 3 Sept 1847 - Ivy Chandler, Sheriff to Robert Hewitt - Whereas an execution issued 24 Dec 1846 from the Circuit Court on a judgement rendered at the October Term 1846 in favour of Robert M. Hewitt against Thomas Blackwell and Richard W. Green for $205.40, debt and damages and $10.42 costs, and the execution came to Ivy Chandler, Sheriff, and he levied on a negro girl Cinda, the property of Thomas Blackwell, and sold her at the courthouse door in Ripley on 15 February 1847 to Robert M. Hewitt for $330.  Ack 3 Sept 1847.

p. 511 - 12 May 1847 - Wm. N. Anthony of Dyer Co. to George Chipman for $600.00, negroe boy Charles age about 12.  Wit:  Richard (x) Ketty, C. S. Whitaker.  Proved by wits 12 May 1847.

p. 512 - 12 July 1847 - David A. Bradford to John Bradford, David M. Henning, John T. Cain and Isaac M. Steele for $1, 150 acres to secure them as securities on a bond given by David A. Bradford to the county court of Lauderdale County July Term 1847 as the guardian of Mary J. Burk, Eleanor A. Burke, Robert A. Burke and Caledonia T. Burke.  The land is the tract sold to Bradford by William Smith, executor of Samson Smith on 28 June 1844 (Book C, page 352).  Also, the following slaves:  Stephen, 23; Gin, 19; Cean, 35 and her 5 children, Elizabeth aged about 9, Paschal aged about 6, Peter aged about 4, Frances aged about 3, and Daniel aged about 18 months; Rady aged about 19 and her child Joisa about 18 months.  This conveyance is made IN TRUST.  Wit:  J.B.D. Henley, Wm. M. Byars.  Ack 6 Sept 1847.

p. 514 - 18 Feb 1847 - John Barnes to Nathaniel W. Barnes for $500, negro boy Dick age about 19.  Wit:  H. W. Caulking, W. T. Hulme.  Proved by Hulme 18 Sept 1847; and on 18 Sept 1847 Isaac M. Steele, aged 42 years, says that he is acquainted with the handwriting of Hiram W. Caulking and of John C. Barnes and has seen them both write and that he verily believes the within signatures are their writing.

p. 515 - 15 Sept 1847.  Samuel Davenport to Joshua R. Stone for $79, a mare mule about 5 months, and my present growing crop of cotton as it now stands in the field.  Ack 17 Sept 1847.

p. 516 - 11 Sept 1847 - Joseph Hays to Joseph Currie for $300, 75 acres, part of John Wilson's tract on the waters of Russell's Creek of the Hatchie River.  Wit:  David Gilliland, Wm. C. Jones.  Ack 11 Sept 1847.

p. 517 - 28 Sept 1847 - William M. Byars to Alexander Chilcutt for $110, a one-acre town lot in Durhamville bounded by the road leading from Durhamville to Green's Ferry, a lot now owned by Borum, Anthony Co., and a lot now owned by Dr. D. M. Henning.  Wit:  J. L. Hearring, J. Conner; proved by wits 29 Sept 1847.

p. 518 - 4 Oct 1847 - Henry H. Richardson to Jorden W.A. Richardson for $401, 200.25 acres in Civil District 7, part of a 5000-acre tract granted to Benj. Smith by NC Grant #409 bounded by the road leading from Dyersburg to Brownsville near the improvement of Benjamin F. Fisher, a creek below Bolling Fisher's house, and Bolling Fisher's farm.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, E. H. Hinton.  Ack 4 Oct 1847.

p. 520 - 4 Oct 1847 - Henry H. Richardson to Henry F. Rutherford for $1000, two slaves--a girl named Jane about 17 years and a boy named Henry about 13 years.  Wit:  N. Bryan, Isaac M. Steele.  Ack 4 Oct 1847.

p. 520 - 4 Oct 1847 - Whereas Henry H. Richardson has volunteered to serve during the War between the United States & Mexico and he is justly indebted to James A. Lackey and to John J. Nelson & Co. and to Thomas D. Hart, James W. Strother and Isaac M. Steele.  In order to secure the debts, and for $1, he conveys to James A. Lackey one china press, a bureau, 2 feather beds and furniture, a dining table, a dressing table, a grey filly, a four-wheeled buggie and a candle stand IN TRUST.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, Stith Richardson.  Ack 4 Oct 1847.

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p. 522 - 4 Oct 1847 - Jordan W. A. Richardson appoints James A. Lackey, attorney in fact to collect all debts owed me in Lauderdale or Haywood Counties, and to sell and make a deed(s) to my 200.25 acres known as Dry Hill, it being the same land conveyed by Bolling Fisher to Henry H. Richardson on 16 April 1844 and conveyed to me by H. H. Richardson on 4 Oct 1847.  He is further authorized to sell all the stock at Dry Hill--mare and 2 colts, saddle horse, yoke of oxen, two cows and calves and 3 or 4 yearlings, 30 or 40 head of hogs, an ox cart, and to pay over to my mother any money arising from the sale of the lands or property.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, E. H. Hinton.  Ack 5 Oct 1847.

p. 523 - 26 April 1841 - Jesse Blackfan of New York, New York to John C. McLemore of Shelby Co for $400 paid to me in other lands on the 24th inst., all my interest in 1920 acres on the Mississippi River, 11SD,r5,s10&11, it being an undivided part of 3840 acres granted to Thomas Henderson, John C. McLemore, and Joseph H. Bryan by Grant #22870 dated 14 Dec 1832, the said 1920 acres having been purchased by me at Marshall's sale on the 27 May 1839 for the sum above named and a deed made to my for it by the marshall on 6 Feb 1840.  /s/ Jesse Blackfan by his agt. & atto in fact M. H. Howard.  Ack in Davidson Co by Howard on 27 April 1841.

p. 524 - 7 Oct 1847 - A. H. Dunavant to Alonzo Dunavant for $4000, negro man about 40 named Jim, six head of horses, a mule colt, a cart and yoke of oxen, 20 cattle, 30 sheep, 40 hogs, my household and kitchen furniture, a spinning machine, a spinning wheel, a flax wheel, a sythe, four ploughs and gear, five axes.  Wit:  Henry Travis, L. M. Campbell.  Ack in Shelby Co. 7 Oct 1847.

p. 525 - 29 Sept 1847 - Franklin E. Timmons to Ashbel B. Dunnahoe for $100, my undivided part of the estate of my father William J. Timmons, dec'd, both real and personal.  Wit:  Josiah R. Harril, David C. Russel, Isaac M. Steele.  Proved by Harril and Steele 13 Oct 1847.

p. 526 - 11 Oct 1847 - James H. Bates to Archie Phillips for $1, all my present growing crop of cotton supposed to be about 30 acres IN TRUST to secure debt to David Gilliland; also Gilliland is security for Bates on debt owed John T. Cain.  Ack 13 Oct 1847.

p. 527 - 14 Oct 1847 - Thomas Fitzpatrick to Edmund Fitzpatrick and David Fitzpatrick for $5 and for the natural love and affection I have for my brother David Fitzpatrick and a desire to secure to his separate use and maintenance freed and discharged from any liability for his past contracts or future obligations, 200 acres, the southeastern part of a tract of 1850 acres purchased by me from Thomas L. Williams.  It is situated in Lauderdale County and is the part whereon David Fitzpatrick now resides including all the cleared land and improvements made by David; also the following slaves:  Robert about 30; William about 26 or 27; Sarah aged 13; Rachel aged about 19 and her two children Winston about 2 and Slilas Wright about 9 months; and all the household and kitchen furniture now in the possession of David and which was purchased by me at a sheriff sale made by G. L. Rutherford, sheriff sometime in the year 1841 or 1842 IN TRUST for the sole and separate use, maintenance and support of my brother David Fitzpatrick during his natural life, and after his death for the use and support of his heirs begotten in lawful wedlock should he have any.  If he dies leaving no heirs of his body, then in further trust for the benefit of the heirs of my brother the said Edmund Fitzpatrick.  Edmund is to have the management and control of the property.  Ack 14 Oct 1847.

p. 529 - 25 Sept 1847 - Philip H. Gibbs of Haywood Co. to William Conner for $100, half of an undivided 100-acre tract on the east bank of the East Shute of the Miss. River, it being the same 100 acres entered originally in the name of said Conner, Joseph Jones, and Matthew Pickett bounded by 3840 acres entered in name of McLemore, Bryant, and Henderson.  Gibbs will warrant against all claims through him, but not against the claims of any other person(s), it being Gibb's intention to convey such title only as is vested in him and which he acquired by virtue of a deed from Joseph Jones to him.  Wit:  John H. Tanner, Lewis A. Conner.  Ack in Haywood Co 25 Sept 1847.

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p. 530 - 18 Sept 1847 - William Conner to John C. Barnes for $10, the 1/14th undivided part of 150 acres on the north waters of Big Hatchie River, the same which was formerly owned and occupied by Nancy Childress, dec'd, as her dower during her lifetime.  The part hereby conveyed is the same that William Conner purchased of Hermis Champ and wife (deed registered in Lauderdale Co.)  Wit:  J. Conner, W. C. Wright.  Ack 20 Sept 1847.

p. 531 - 9 Oct 1847 - Cyrus Webb to Ivy Chandler to secure debts owed  . A. Phillips, J & J Borum & Co. which is a judgement on A. Phillips dockett, J. Prescott, Peter R. Winningham (which is staid by M. D. Webb), A. H. Posey, and Earl Fitzchue (Fitzhugh), T. D. Hart, a wagon, 3 yoke of oxen, a mare and horse, 3 cows and calves, a heifer, 3 feather beds, bed steads and furniture, a large wash kettle, ploughs, harrow, and 3 sets of plough gear, a rifle, a man's saddle, a lady's saddle, and Webb's growing crop of cotton IN TRUST.  Wit:  John T. Cain, C. A. Baird.  Ack 18 Oct 1847.

p. 532 - 22 Feb 1847 - Thomas Blackwell to John C. Meux for $710, 2 slaves--Molly, about 19 years, and her child named Lucetta about 7 months old.  Wit:  Geo. W. Gause, Jno. P. Gause.  Proved by wits 18 Oct 1847.

p. 533 - 14 July 1847 - Tyree Rodes of Giles Co., TN to John Bradford for $250, 50 acres about one mile south(?) of Durhamville joining the southeast corner of the lands of Bradford and bounded by Mary J. Lee's tract and Williams Ferry road.  Ack in Giles County 14 July 1847.

p. 534 - 25 August 1847 - Seth M. Blair to Nelson Reynolds in exchange for a negro woman Rachel, 126 acres on the waters of Mill Creek beginning at the mouth of the second drain below Sam Stricklin's north spring and at the northwest corner of a tract belonging to the heirs of Griffith Rutherford, then north with the western boundary of the Lankford tract to a drain at the lower end of the field on the north of the tract (bargained?), then with that drain eastly to its mouth, then west up Balls branch to a corner which is a corner of J. H. Chambers tract and H. F. Rutherford's, then south up a hollow to the corner of Sam Stricklin's tract, it being also the n.e. corner of said Rutherford's tract, then s.e. to the beginning following a drain which divides the         tract of said Stricklin.  Wit:  Wm. B. Sawyer, Wm. Richardson.  Proved by wits 18 Oct 1847.

p. 535 - 18 Oct 1847 - On 2 May 1846 S. M. Blair, the alienor in the foregoing deed, conveyed the tract to Henry F. Rutherford in trust to secure the payment of certain debts specified in the deed of trust.  Rutherford hereby acknowledges satisfaction in full, and hereby quitclaims to Nelson Reynolds all claims which he may have either by virtue of the deed of trust or as executor or heir of Henry Rutherford, dec'd.  Ack 18 Oct 1847.

p. 536 - 27 Aug 1846 - B. T. Porter to M. D. Fiser of Dyer Co. for $600, two negro slaves, Oney about 35 years and Louisa, aged about 7.  Wit:  Jeremiah Pierce, Rezin Porter.  Ack in Dyer Co. 13 Mar 1847.

p. 537 - 18 June 1847 - Rezin Porter to M. D. Fiser of Dyer Co. for $950, Mariah about 16, and Caroline about 9.  Ack in Dyer Co. 19 June 1846.

p. 537 - 30 Sept 1847 - Tyree Rodes of Giles Co to James M. Green and Thomas R. Green for $584, 146 acres bounded by the public road from Durhamville to Williams ferry, by a 100-acre tract sold by Rodes to A. Phillips, by S. C. Lovelace, and by a 58-acre tract sold by Rodes to Wm. Turner.  Refers to a grant now on the Register's Books in Lauderdale or Madison Co.  Wit:  Archie Phillips, Geo. W. Gause.  Proved by wits 18 Oct 1847.

p. 539 -    Oct 1847 - Charles H. Boyd and wife, Harriet, Henry C. Cage and G.A.W. Cage to James Gillespie for $430, 430 acres in 11SD, r3,s10, part of McLemore Barrow & Trimble's 5000 acre grant beginning on the range line between r 3 & 4.

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p. 540 - 26 Oct 1847 - Henry F. Rutherford, devisee and heir and executor of Henry Rutherford, dec'd, appoints Edward Kenneley his agent and attorney in fact to execute, sign, seal, and deliver to Carroll Jackson a deed in fee simple with general warranty for 125 acres in Humphreys Co., TN.  Ack 26 Oct 1847.

p. 541 - 1 Nov 1847 - John Watson to Michael Shoemake for $50, my present crop of cotton supposed to be 2000# more or less and my crop of corn supposed to be 30 barrels.  Ack 2 Nov 1847.

p. 542 - 22 July 1847 - Hanah G. Slocum of Wayne Co., NC to Leroy F. Lockard for $541.50, 181.5 acres, part of NC Grant #335 granted to John Estes, bounded by Nancy Fisher, and James B. Crook.  Signed Hanah G. Slocum by James G. Slocum, her attorney in fact.  Wit:  Thomas Lockard, Isaac Braden.  Proved by wits 6 Nov 1847.

p. 543 - 22 July 1847 - Hanah G. Slocum of Wayne Co., NC to Thomas E. Lockard for $285, 101 acres, part of NC Grant #335 granted to John Estes bounded by Leroy F. Lockard's part of the same grant.  Signed by James G. Slocum, attorney in fact of Hanah G. Slocum. Wit:  Isaac Braden, Leroy F. Lockard.  Proved by wits 6 Nov 1847.

p. 545 - 10 Nov 1847 - Josiah R. Harrell to David M. Henning for $100, my undivided part of the estate of William J. Timmons, dec'd, both real and personal.  Wit:  John T. Cain, A. Phillips, J. N. Wardlaw, R. J. Chandler.  Proved by Cain and Chandler 12 Nov 1847.

p. 545 - 10 Nov 1847 - Ashabel B. Dunnahoe to David M. Henning for $100, my undivided part of the estate of William J. Timmons, dec'd, both real and personal.  Wit:  John T. Cain, A. Phillips, J. N. Wardlaw, R. J. Chandler.  Proved by Cain and Chandler 12 Nov 1847.

p. 546 - 29 Oct 1847 - William Dunnahoe to Calvin H. Dunnahoe for $50, part of the corn and part of my present crop of cotton supposed to be 2000# and my crop of corn supposed 30 barrels.  Ack 15 Nov 1847.

p. 547 - 17 Oct 1847 - H. F. Rutherford to John H. Eison for $2166, 638.75 acres on the north side of Mill Creek, beginning on the creek at R(ichard) Parr's sw corner, north 274 poles, then north 50 degrees west 46 poles, then north 35 poles, then south 87 degrees west 251 poles to Curtis' corner, then south 94 poles, then south 36 degrees west94 poles to the bank of Balls Branch near Curtis' spring, then down the center of the channel of the branch to Mill Creek, then down the center of the channel of Mill Creek to the beginning.  Wit:  Wm. B. Sawyer.  T. T. (x) Kirby.  Ack 18 Oct 1847.

p. 548 - 29 Nov 1847 - Walter Glasson appoints John B. Byrn his agent and attorney in fact to make a warrantytitle to 107 acres in Lauderdale Co. to Ivy Chandler on his making the last payment, and if the purchase money shall not be paid, to file a bill to enforce the lien for it, and to sue and recover all money due and to do any and all acts relative to my business in said county which I myself could personally do.  Ack 29 Nov 1847.

p. 549 - 16 Oct 1847 - Micajah Alsobrook to John H. Somerow for $600, all my claim to one undivided fourth part of a tract supposed to contain 1080 acres beginning at Hugh Torrence's tract, part of NC Grant #74 to Griffith Rutherford for 3000 acres dated July 10, 1788, then south 160 chains to the opposite line of the grant and Torrence's third corner, then east 67.5 chains to the third corner of Grant #74, then north 160 chains to the fourth corner of the grant, the west 67.5 chains to the beginning, being the whole of that part of the tract which was granted by John Rutherford to Matthew Barrow by deed dated 15 Aug 1820 and registered in Register's Office of Stewart County in Book 6 and pages 360 and 361, and by John C. Barrow conveyed to me by deed registered in Lauderdale Co in Book C, p. 258.  Ack 18 Oct 1847.

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p. 551 - 15 Mar 1845 - William T. Haskell of Madison Co., TN, general assignee in bankruptcy for the Dist. of West TN, to John Byrns for $5, lot #70 in town of Durhamville, it being the lot sold to Thomas J. Dobyns by Thos. Durham on 27 Feb 1834.  Dobyns was declared bankrupt on 15 Dec 1842 in the cause "Joseph A. Green against his creditors," and title to the lot became vested in Wm. T. Haskell,  and on 26 May 1843 it was ordered that after properly advertising it for 40 days, Haskell was to expose it for sale in Jackson, Madison Co., TN.  Then on 28 Aug 1843, John Byrns became the highest bidder.  Ack at Madison Co. 15 Mar 1845.

p. 533 - 9 Dec 1847 - Arthur Totty to Archer Phillips for $5, a small two-horse wagon, a grey horse about 7 years old, 5000 pounds of seed cotton now picked out and the remainder of my crop of cotton where I now live as it stands in the field IN TRUST to secure debt owed Robert Walker for rent of land, and debts owed David M. Henning, Josiah M. Alexander, and R. O. Shelton, and owed to Robert C. West for the hire of a negro slave for 1847.  I agree to gather the remainder of my cotton and deliver it and the 5000# already picked to some cotton gin to be designated by Phillips and Phillips is to have it baled and shipped to Memphis or New Orleans and sold, or sold at the gin he chooses.  The proceeds of the cotton are to be applied to the debts and if it is not sufficient and the remainder has not been paid by March 1, then the other property is to be sold.  Ack 9 Dec 1847.

p. 555 - 6 Dec 1847 - Bolling S. Fisher to Jacob Gingry for $80, 40 acres, 138 poles, bounded by E. Fisher, and Stith Richardson.  Ack 11 Dec 1847.

p. 556 -25 Sept 1847 - James M. Lewis of Obion Co. to Wm. W. Lea of Gibson Co. for $400, 200 acres on the Mississippi River, comprising two entries of 80 acres each and one extension of 40 acres in the name of James M. Lewis under the laws of the state for the benefit of persons owning less than 200 acres of land, bounded by John Wynne's 135 acre entry, and Copeland's 640 acre entry.  Wit:  M. L. Crawford, W. H. Parker.  Ack in Gibson Co 23 Sept 1847.

p. 558 - 25 Dec 1847 - Francis W. Damon and wife Mary Ann to John M. Murphy for $300, all their right, title, interest, claim, and demand in and to the real estate of Joseph Murphy, dec'd.  Ack 27 Dec 1847.

p. 559 - 25 Dec 1847 - Bolling S. Fisher to Jacob Gingry, trustee, for love and affection I entertain for my granddaughter Elizabeth Rebecca Bradford, wife of Carroll J. Bradford and $10, 230 acres beginning at the ne corner of E. Fisher's tract and the south line of a tract of the heirs of E. Lee, then east with Lee's south line passing Stith Richardson's corner, then west with Richardson's north line, then north with E. Fisher's east line to the beginning.  Elizabeth is to have the constant use, control and possession of the land free from the control of her husband and free of all liabilities for his debt or debts now due or owing or hereafter to become due or contracted, for the sole use support and maintenance of Elizabeth and her offspring and at her death it is to become the property of her legal heirs share and share alike.  If Jacob Gingry should die, it shall be lawful for Elizabeth or her legal heirs to select another trustee.  If Elizabeth should want to sell or dispose of the land, she, together with the legal trustee, may make title to the land of any part of it.  However, Bolling S. Fisher is to have the use and possession of the land during the life of his wife, Mary Fisher, and himself.  Ack 31 Dec 1847.

p. 560 - 17 Aug 1847 - Whereas a marriage is intended to be had and shortly solemnized between Elizabeth R. Gingry and Carroll J. Bradford, and (her grandfather) Bolling S. Fisher, being desirous to give to Elizabeth his negro woman Delilah and her two children Peggy and Fanny, for $1 paid him by Jacob Gingry, Fisher names Jacob Gingry as Trustee remainder to his brother Andrew Gingry (to preserve the trust estate in the event of the death of Jacob before the objects of this trust are accomplished).  Elizabeth is to have and enjoy the use and profit of the slaves and their increase as her separate property without control of or against her husband(s), and after her death the remainder of the slaves and their increase are to go to her heirs.  Wit:  Jno. F. Pierson, H. H. Richardson.  Proved by Richardson 21 Sept 1847; by Pierson 22 Sept 1847.

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p. 563 - 3 Jan 1848 - Leonard Dunavant to Alonzo Dunavant for $850, negro man Jim about 40 years, one horse, 15 cattle, 3 ploughs, a yoke of oxen, one cotton (sic), 8 hoes, a set of carpenter's tools, 5 axes, 100 barrels of corn, all the hay, oats, and wheat and my crop of cotton and 40 hogs.  Wit:  N. Bryan, Thos. Richardson.  Ack 7 Jan 1848.

p. 564 - 26 June 1847 - State of Tennessee to Silas T. Toncray for 12.5 ¢ per acre, 45.75 acres surveyed 23 Oct 1845 in r3,s11 bounded by 640 acres in name of Blount, an entry in name of Elizabeth Boydston, and E. H. Condray's tract.

p. 565 - On 4 November 1845 the cause of Jesse Blackfan vs. Eliza Donelson & Edward B. Donelson was heard before Andrew McCampbell, Chancellor, and commissioners were appointed to divide the lands in the pleadings.  They have allotted to defendants Eliza Donelson and Edward B. Donelson, Lot #1 which begins in the north boundary of Grant #284 and is bounded by James B. Crook, the Hatchie River, Lot #2 allotted to Jesse Blackfan, for a total of 2500 acres.  To Jesse Blackfan, they allotted lot #2 which is east of lot #1 and on the east side of grant #284, and a total of 1640 acres.  Attested to by Sheppard M. Ashe, clerk of the Chancery Court at Brownsville on 7 Jan 1848.

p. 568 - 17 Jan 1848 - John Wardlaw to Isaac M. Steele for $1, a yoke of oxen, and about 4000# of seed cotton now picked out and the remainder of my present crop of cotton as it now stands in the field on the farm on which I now reside IN TRUST to secure debts to James A. Lackey, administrator of Daniel Williams, for a judgement which Lackey as adm. of the estate of Daniel Williams' recovered against me before James Gillespie on 2 March 1847 who was then acting Justice of the Peace for the county; also in debt to Lackey by a judgement before Justice Gillespie dated 2 Mar 1847.  I agree to gather the remainder of my crop of cotton and to deliver it with that already gathered at Elijah Lake's cotton (gin?) and to have the same ginned and baled after which Isaac M. Steele as trustee is immediately to sell it at private sale by shipping it to Memphis and selling it after March 1 next unless I have previously paid these debts.  Ack 17 Jan 1848.

p. 570 - 25 Sept 1845 - Bolling S. Fisher for the natural love and affection which I have and bear to my son-in-law, Henry T. Blythe, and for the services he has rendered me in cultivating my farm since his intermarriage with my daughter and for his refraining from removing from this country on his marriage at my request and on my promise to indemnify him from any loss he might sustain thereby, I bind myself by my last will and testament to bequeath and to devise to him a negro girl slave named Moriah, now about 14 or 15 years and her increase, if any she shall have before my or my wife's decease.  Wit:  James H. Chambers, A. H. Dunavant.  Proved by Chambers 18 Jan 1848.

p. 571 - 18 Feb 1847 - Augustus R. Lankford of Clark Co., Ala appoints my worthy friend James A. N. Murray of Carrol Co., TN my true and lawful attorney to sell all that tract of 252.5 acres (except for 50 acres which I have sold and conveyed to William Curtis) on the north side of Mill Creek beginning at the mouth of the first branch above where Henry Rutherford now lives, being Henry Franklin (Ruther-ford's) corner, then up the meanders of the branch to the mouth of a drain which by a straight line is about north 37 degrees west 85 chains, then up the meanders of the drain to a fork of the drain which on a straight line is about south 59.5 degrees west 20.5 chains, then south 10 degrees west 24.5 chains to the bank of a small branch at the mouth of a drain, then down the branch as it meanders to Griffith Rutherford's corner which on a straight line is about south six degrees east seven (sic), then with Griffith Rutherford's line east 22 chains to his corner, then with his line south 11 (sic) to his corner at the mouth of a drain, then with his line down the meanders of the drain to the Creek which on a straight line is about south 45 degrees east 37.5 chains, then down the meanders of the center of the channel of the creek to the beginning.  Wit:  Napoleon Priest, John M. Townes.  Proved by wits in Carrol Co. 20 Oct 1847.

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p. 572 - 26 Jan 1848 - James Shearman to Frederick Barfield for $165, for and during the life of John D. Edney, 74.75 acres in the 3rd Civil District bounded by Griffy Robertson.  Ack 26 Jan 1848.

p. 574 - 25 Dec 1847 - Bolling S. Fisher to Jacob Gingry as trustee for $1000, negro slaves James aged about 26, Ann Eliza about 23 and her infant child about three weeks old a female.  He is to permit Elizabeth Rebecca Bradford, wife of Carroll J. Bradford to have the constant use, control and possession of the slaves free of the control of her husband and free of all liabilities for his debt(s) now due or owing, and at her death they are to descend to her legal heirs share and share alike.  In case of the death of Jacob Gingry, trustee, Elizabeth or her legal heirs shall select and appoint such other trustee as she or they may require.  But Bolling S. Fisher is to retain the use and possession of said negro slaves until the death of his wife, Mary Fisher, and himself.  Ack 31 Dec 1847.

p. 575 - 29 Jan 1848 - David Gilliland to Isaac M. Steele for $50, 18 head of cattle.  Ack 29 Jan 1848.

p. 576 - 5 May 1847 - Bolling S. Fisher to Jacob Gingry for $500, slaves Frank about 45 or 50, and Christian, a woman about 50, after the decease of myself and my wife.  Wit:  Jno. F. Pierson, C. J. Bradford.  Ack 1 Feb 1848.

p. 576 - 20 Jan 1848 - Bolling S. Fisher for love and affection for my granddaughter Elizabeth R. Bradford, wife of Carroll J. Bradford, and $10 paid by Jacob Gingry who is to be trustee, 146 hogs, 14 head of cattle, a bull, 2 yoke oxen, a wagon, a filly, 140 barrels corn, one lot of fodder 3500# salted pork, 350# lard, a spinning machine, a log chain, one double and one single barrel shot gun, one lot of books including my family bible, one lot axes, one lot hoes, one lot plows and gear, two sythes and cradles, 3 grass sythes, 5 feather beds, bed steads and furniture, one clock, 4 silver spoons, one silver ladle, one loom, all my household and kitchen furniture, and all personal property that I am possessed of, and the further increase of the live stock, if any, upon the SPECIAL TRUST that Gingry shall permit Elizabeth Bradford to have the constant use free of the liabilities of her husband, and at her death to belong to her legal heirs, share and share alike.  Ack 1 Feb 1848.

p. 578 - 13 Jan 1842 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co. to Lewis S. Maclin and Henry Johnson of Haywood Co. for $800, his interest in two tracts,, one containing 127 acres entered in the name of Bryson B. Trousdale on the Mississippi River supposed to front on the River joining a 200-acre tract entered in the name of D. H. Sullivan, now the property of Matthew on the west and south boundary and B. F. Jordan's 200 acre-tract, now the property of the Union Bank, on the east boundary.  This tract is now in dispute and a suit is pending between B. B. Trousdale, McLemore and Thomas Henderson's heirs and perhaps others as plantiffs and Jacob Boyler defendant, said McLemore's interest in the land supposed to be a half or a third.  The other tract contains 106 acres entered in the name of Bryson B. Trousdale, situated on the Mississippi River joining the 640-acre tract entered in the name of Cumberland College including Ashport on the tract and south of the tract of 200 acres belonging to Pickett on the east and north.  McLemore is not aware that he has any interest in the 106-acre tract, although it is represented as his land.  He thinks it may have been conveyed to him by Trousdale, but has no evidence of title, but whatever interest he may have in it he conveys to Maclin and Johnson.  He conveys his interest in the 127 acres subject to the suit now pending with Boyler; if lost, it is to be the loss of Maclin and Johnson and not the loss of McLemore; as to the 106 acres, McLemore only conveys just such right (if any) he has without recourse on him for either for the consideration money, this being extended as a quitclaim deed.  Wit:  Wm. W. Lea, Joseph Wardlaw.  Proved by Wardlaw 6 Dec 1847; by Lea 30 Dec 1847.

p. 580 - 30 July 1847 - Robert J. Chester, Marshall of West TN, to George W. Bond of Madison Co. for $27, 239 and 138/160 acres in Lauderdale Co in r4,s11 bounded by an entry for 640 acres in the name of J. G. Chalmers, and the Forked Deer River.  This is land of Nathaniel Potter which was levied on to satisfy a judgement against John Postelthwaite and Nathaniel Potter which was recovered in the District Court of the US for the Eighth Circuit by Andrew P. Linn, Robert Allen, and John M. Wilson for $556.47 damages and

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$38.15 costs.  Chester sold it on 24 Feb 1844 at the Court House in Jackson, and Robert Elder was the highest bidder, but Elder assigned all his interest in it to George W. Bond on 29 July 1847.  Ack 10 Sept 1847.

p. 582 - 14 Feb 1848 - John C. Claiborne to Robertson Meadows for $450, a negro girl of black complection named Lucy.  Ack 14 Feb 1848.

p. 582 - 10 Feb 1848 - Bolling S. Fisher to Jacob Gingrey, trustee, for $50, 270.25 acres bounded by a tract owned by the estate of E. P. Lee, a tract of 230 acres conveyed to Gingrey as trustee for E. R. Bradford, and Stith Richardson's land, in SPECIAL TRUST that he shall permit Elizabeth R. Bradford, wife of Carroll J. Bradford to have the constant use, control and possession of the land free of her husband's liabilities, and at her decease it is to belong to her legal heirs share and share alike, and at Gingrey's decease, Elizabeth R. or her legal representatives may select another trustee.  Also, it shall be legal for Elizabeth and her trustee to sell the land.  Ack 16 Feb 1848.

p. 584 - 22 Feb 1848 - William M. Byars to James Byars, Jr. for $100, one pair of black carriage geldings, one named Othello, the other named Omega, one yoke of oxen which I purchased from William Matthews, one lot of hogs bought from Josiah Harold with their increase, also my library of books, my stock of medicines, also one lot of land purchased by me of Mrs. M. J. Lee situated in Durhamville between the lot belonging to R. J. Chandler and the lot bought by James Carlton from H. S. Peyton's estate containing 1/8 of an acre, four feather beds, four bed steads, all my household and kitchen furniture, three ploughs, one harrow, two axes, one set plough gear, one pair iron wedges, two milk cows with their increase IN TRUST for the use and benefit of my beloved wife Mary A. Byars.  The property is to be remain in the hands of myself and wife during our joint lives without molestation or interference, and in case of my death the property shall still remain in the hands of my wife should she survive me exempt from all debts or contracts of any future husband she may have.  Ack 23 Feb 1848.

p. 583(sic) -26 Feb 1848 -  John M. Murphy to Archer Phillips for $5, 150 acres in Dist. 1 joining land of R. C. Campbell on the north, John E. Watson and Wm. Moore on the east, and Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Ba    on south, and Christopher Watson on the west IN TRUST to secure debts owed Erral Fitzhugh on which David M. Henning has become stayor, to John T. Cain, to A. Phillips, to William Shumake, and to Hiram C. Keller, and to Borum, Anthony & Co., and to John Thurmond.  Ack 26 Feb 1848.

p. 585 - 24 Feb 1848 - At a Circuit Court held in Fayette Co, town of Somerville, on 14 and 22 Feb 1848, a promissory note in which Jeptha Fowlkes promised to pay Levin Coe $6000 and a power of attorney dated 19 Feb 1848 and (witnessed by J. C. Waddle) appointing William Barton or P. B. Glenn as Fowlkes' agent to appear before the Court and confess a judgement in favor of Coe for the amount of the note was brought before the Court.

p. 586 - 24 Feb 1848 - At a Circuit Court held in Fayette Co., town of Somerville, on the 14 and 22 February 1848 in the suit Granville D. Searcy vs. Jeptha Fowlkes, the promissory note of Jeptha Fowlkes to G. D. Searcy for $1000 was produced; also a power of attorney dated 15 Feb 1848 appointing William Barton or P. B. Glenn his agent to appear before the court and confess judgement in favor of Searcy (witnessed by J. C. Waddle) was produced.

p. 587 - 13 Feb 1847 - Henry Crihfield, Sr. to Thomas Olds for $130, 87 acres joining lands of Flippin and others (also Philip Saltsman).  Ack 15 Feb 1847.

p. 588 - 20 July 1847 - Thomas M. Rodgers to James W. Parr and W. H. Wright for $4, 2 acres on the waters of Mill Creek joining lands with Mrs. Mary Hooper on the west, Rodgers on the south and east, and H. F. Rutherford on the north, beginning on the creek bank south 25 degrees east 12.75 poles, then north 25 degrees west 18.75 poles, then up Mill Creek to the beginning.  Wit:  John (x) Carnal, Wm. B. Sawyer.  Ack 17 Mar 1848.

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p. 590 - 29 Feb 1848 - Thos. M. Rodgers to Frances A. Walpole [female] for $300, 100 acres in Dist. 8 on the waters of the South Fork of Forked Deer River joining lands of Hooper, Crihfield, and Richardson.  Wit:  Wm. Richardson, E. Kenelley.  Ack 17 Mar 1848.

p. 591 - 20 Feb 1848 - Thomas M. Rodgers to Frances Ann Walpole for $400, a woman slave named Holly.  Wit:  William Richardson, E. Keneley.  Ack 17 Mar 1848.

p. 591 - 20 Mar 1848 - William A. Johnson to Erasmus D. Thurmond for $1, negro girl Minerva IN TRUST to secure debts owed Ann L. Porter, and a judgement in the office of E. H. Hinton executed to James H. Chambers and Wm. B. Sawyer, executors of Josyrus (Josias) Chambers, dec'd, with Thomas M. Rodgers and Benj. H. Walpole securities.  Wit: John H. Thurmond, Robert Sayle.  Ack 23 Mar 1848.


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