Deed Book C - Abstracted Sections 31-40
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

After finding a name or place in the index, use the numbers following the name
to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book C.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -P
Q - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK C - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

– 31 –

p. 362 - 21 July 1846 - James H. Sanderson to Rezin S. Byrn for $1, all my blacksmith tools and all my carpenter and waggon maker tools IN TRUST to secure debts owed Rezin S. Byrn and Absolum G. W. Byrn which are to be paid in blacksmith work.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, W. H. Davis.  Proved by both wits 21 July 1846.

p. 363 - 7 July 1845 - Griffith L. Rutherford to Thomas Golden - Tax sale for $10.26 in unpaid taxes for 1842 against 640 acres owned by Peter R. Booker in Dist. 3 bounded by John Rhea.  Sale made first Monday of July 1843.  Ack 29 July 1846.

p. 364 - 15 Aug 1840 - J. W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, and William Conner, Proprietors of Ashport, and to Robert C. Campbell lease until 1 Jan 1850 joining the town of Ashport bounded by the promenade, the turnpike, Eli Grove's lease nearest the Miss. River, on the condition that Campbell clears and fences all the land with a good close fence at least six feet high and clears it of logs by the 1st of January 1846 and delivers the premises at the expiration of the lease to the proprietors, the usual buildings not required of Campbell.  Ack 29 July 1846.

p. 366 - 2 August 1846 - Nathaniel W. Barnes to Wm. P. Posey, Wm. A. Cleaves, James Brown, Joseph Hays, Richard Golding, and J. B. Mosely, trustees, for $1, a tract bounded by W. A. Cleaves and P. G. Gaines, A. S. Durham, Jas. Brown, Joseph Hays.  The tract is for building a place of worship for use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.  Ack 3 Aug 1846.

p. 367 - 29 Jan 1838 - Ezekiel Farmer to Talbot Ethington for $340, one negroe boy named Bill aged about 6.  Wit:  James Johnson, J. M. Scott.  Ack 5 Aug 1846.

p. 368 - 5 Aug 1845 - Benjamin Litton, clerk and master of Chancery Court held at Franklin, Tennessee, to Henry R. W. Hill of Davidson County for $2525, 1600 acres which was sold to Hill at public auction on 1 May 1839 in accordance with an order of the Chancery Court at the October term 1838.  It is in Tipton County, Western district of TN on Cane Creek, part of a 5000 acre tract located for John D. McLemore, it being the part of the tract that was allotted to James Russell and sold by Russell to Wm. B. McClelland and conveyed by McClellan to Robert Davis and others on 26 Sept 1833.  Ack 2 Mah 1846.

p. 370 - 16 Mar 1846 - William Connor to Champ C. Conner, both of Haywood Co., for $1, 250 acres near Ashport and some other small lots south of the Turnpike, being the same lands allotted to Wm. Conner in a division of said lands by Wm. W. Lea and others except that part of the 250 acres north of Cane Slough about 27 acres, and Lot #19 for 12 108/160 acres which have been sold to John W. Campbell, also Lot #10 for 17 115/160 acres purchased of Joseph Jones and the eastern half of lot #13 for 14 127/160 acres purchased of Matthew Pickett, also all interest of Wm. Conner in the unsold lots of Ashport, it being 1/8 part, also Wm.'s 1/3 part of 203 acres on Cole Creek bluff where the Ashport road crosses, entered in the name of J. W. and R. C. Campbell and William Conner, also, one negro man Sam, about 32, negro woman Clarissa, about 40, 2 black mules, 2 sorrel mules, a horse waggon and gear and one ox waggon, onw pleasure carriage and harness, one fine mantel clock IN TRUST to secure debt to the Union bank of Tennessee at Jackson on which Champ C. Conner and Matthew Pickett are endorsers, also a judgement recovered by R. G. Henley against Conner, also a debt to Wood and Abbott of Philadelphia, and to Rogers Brothers & Co. and to Charles B. Kimball, Reese & Haylen, Thomas Wood & Co., Joseph Tallman, W. A. Everly, Charles Schaffer, Edward Cole, Gregg & Elliott, Elijah Bowers, W. E. & J. G. Whelan, Milton S. Lukins, Heddrick & Haglentine, Rogers Brothers & Co., Joseph C. Grubb, and R. S. Caufman.  Wit:  James W. Strother, Jas. R. Strother.  Ack in Haywood Co. 23 May 1846.

p. 372 - 14 Aug 1846 - Lysander Marcellus Campbell to George A. Campbell all my interest in the south half of lots 36 and 43 in Ripley as described in the plan of the town and in the deed of partition between Benjamin S. Tyres and L. M. Campbell.  Ack 14 Aug 1846

p. 373 - 12 Aug 1846 - Griffith L. Rutherford to Joseph Wardlaw for $5.47 - Tax sale for taxes due for 1844 on 250 acres in District 6 bounded by Adam Boyd's 5000 acre tract which (blank) Endrick is the reputed owner.  Ack 1 Sept 1846.

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p. 374 - 12 Aug 1846 - Griffith L. Rutherford to Joseph Wardlaw for $5.47 - Tax sale for taxes for 1844 for 250 acres in District 7 on which Kindrick(?) is the reputed owner, bounded by Adam Boyd's 5000 acre tract.  Sale was advertised and held on the first Monday of July 1845.  Ack 1 Sept 1846.

p. 375 - 10 July 1846 - Samuel Lusk to Henry Shearer for $200, (acreage not shown) in 11SD,R3,S11 bounded by Thomas Henderson.  Wit:  J. M. Smith, Jessee Ledbetter.  Ack 7 Sept 1846.

p. 377 - 2 Sept 1846 - Robert P. Rhea of Sullivan Co., TN to James A. Rodgers of Haywood Co, TN and Wm. F. Bason of Orange Co. NC for $1500, 288 acres in R3,S9, part of 2500 acre tract granted by TN to John Rhea, bounded by 288 acres conveyed by James D. Rhea to Thomas Boyd in the north boundary of King and McLemore's tract, Thomas Fitzpatrick, Saml. V. Gilliland.  Wit:  Sam Rhea, Jas. K. Anderson.  Ack in Sullivan Co 2 Sept 1846.

p. 379 - 19 Sept 1846 -James H. Bates to Archer Phillips for $1, all my present growing crop of cotton supposed to be about 28 acres IN TRUST to secure debt to David Gilliland and to William Blackboon, to Winningham & Cain, and to Nancy Fisher.  The death of neither of the parties will change or effect the agreement.  Ack 19 Sept 1846.

p. 380 - 9 Aug 1846 - Nathaniel W. Barnes to Joseph Currie for $275, 85 acres in Civil District 3 bounded by John Wilson.  Wit:  David Gilliland, Wm. C. Jones.  Ack 21 Sept 1846.

p. 381 - 23 Sept 1846 - Peter R. Winningham to David M. Henning lots 26, 27, 28, and 29 in Durhamville situated northwest of the public square and four notes, two of them on P. Walker, one on A. R. Carrigan, and one on Thomas Tuggle, IN TRUST to secure debt to James G. Henning.  Wit:  Thomas A. Anthony, Ivy Chandler.  Ack 23 Sept 1846.

p. 383 - 21 Sept 1846 - David P. Posey to Thomas Hazlewood, Joseph Taylor, William Turner, Wm. P. Posey, John P. Rice, David M. Henning, Silvius M. Sweet, and Charles S. Baird, trustees for $40, 16 acres, 3 roods and 1 pole on which to build a Methodist Episcopal Church South.  Ack 21 Sept 1846.

p. 385 - 19 Sept 1846 - Richard Taylor of Haywood Co to William M. Walker of Lauderdale Co. for $100, quitclaims all interest in 67.74 acres in R3,S10 bounded by Jno. Donalson.  Ack 19 Feb 1846.  Reg. 28 Sept 1846.

p. 386 - 15 Feb 1846 - Hermis Champ to Richard Taylor of Haywood Co. for $75, 67.74 acres in R3,S10 bounded by John Donalson, without recourse on me either in law or equity.  Wit:  W. Bryan, J. L. Herring.  Ack 24 Feb 1846.

p. 387 - 5 Oct 1846 - William Dunahoe to Calvin H. Dunahoe for $50, the part of the corn and my present crop of cotton supposed to be 2000 pounds, and my crop of corn supposed to be 30 barrels.  Ack 5 Oct 1846.

p. 388 - 7 Oct 1846 - Absolum W. Byrn to Terry H. Willie for $50, 200 acres in Dist. 6, r4,s11 which Elijah B. Foster had on 1 Feb 1841 sold Byrn in trust, bounded by John C. McLemore.  It was made to secure a debt owed Terry H. Willie.  Ack 7 Oct 1846.

p. 389 - 7 Oct 1846 - Isham Matthews to Alexander Matthews in trust for my daughter Elizabeth B. Price for the love and affection I entertain for her, a negro girl Aggy (about 14 years old), free from the debts, contracts, or control of the husband of Elizabeth.  Wit:  S. Venable, W. B. Hamer.  Ack in Williamson Co., TN 7 Oct 1846.

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p. 390 -Will of John J. Gause (same as appears on pp. 190-4 in Book C).

p. 394 - 19 Oct 1846 - Caleb Arnold to Miles Arnold for $456, 114 acres,it being the west part of a tract which Caleb purchased of James Maney.  Wit:  George Webb, John T. Cain.  Ack 19 Oct 1846.

p. 395 - 7 Oct 1846 - Union Bank of Tennessee to Thomas W. Erskine of Davidson Co, TN, power of attorney to sell any of the bank's lands in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Tennessee, whether the legal title to the land is vested in the President, Directors & Company of the bank or in John M. Bass, President, John Sommerville, Cashier, Albert H. Wynne, and Thomas Washington, Directors.  Ack 7 Oct 1846.

p. 396 - 17 April 1846 - Asa Pate, Wm. Turner, and John T. Cain, a committee appointed by the trustees of the Durhamville Church (Methodist Episcopal South) to David M. Henning, for $20, lot #3 in Durhamville bounded by Lot 1, Water Street, and R. Miller's lot #1.  Wit:  Wm. B. Byars, Bryant Durham.  Proved by Bryant Durham 7 Oct 1846 and Wm. Byars 19 Oct 1946.

p. 398 - 6 July 1846 - James L. Crawford and wife Margaret L. of Boyle Co., KY to Francis McMurdie of Mercer Co, KY for $5, 500 acres, (part of?) the Boyd survey.  Wit:  Elias Tompkins, A. Downing.  Proved by witnesses, both justices of the peace, in Mercer Co. KY on 6 July 1846.

p. 400 - 6 July 1846 - Francis McMurdie of Mercer Co., KY to James L. Crawford of Boyle Co., KY for $5, $500 acres (same as in foregoing deed).  Wit:  Elias Tompkins, A. Downing.  Proved by witnesses 6 July 1846.

p. 402 - 29 Oct 1846 - Henry Willard to Andrew J. Graves for $650, negro man Willis aged about 21.  Wit:  A. B. Dunahoe, D. M. Henning.  Ack 29 Oct 1846.

p. 402 - 19 Oct 1846 - Wm. M. Walker to Avelener Sanders and her heirs, 67.75 acres in r3, s10 bounded by John Donaldson.  Ack 15 Nov 1846.

p. 403 - 13 Nov 1846 - John C. Barrow of Madison Co, TN to Micajah Alsobrook of Lauderdale Co. for $420, all my interest in an undivided 1/4 part of 1080 acres south of the south fork of the Forked Deer River bordered by Hugh Torrence's tract, part of NC Grant #74 to Griffith Rutherford for 3000 acres dated July 10, 1788, this being the whole of that part of the tract which was granted by John Rutherford to Matthew Barrow on 15 Aug 1820 and registered in the Register's Office of Stewart Co. in Book 6, pp 360 and 361, and by Matthew Barrow conveyed to John C. Barrow and registered in Lauderdale Co. Book C, p. 258.  This part to be at least 240 acres.  Ack 13 Nov 1846.

p. 405 - 19 Nov 1846 - Wm. Espy to Wm. L. Chambers and Robert G. Chambers of Bedford Co., TN for $540, 462 acres bounded by the South Fork of the Forked Deer River and John Soward, part of a tract granted by NC to Wm. T. Lewis for 1496 acres by Grant #146.  Ack 29 Nov 1846.

p. 406 - 24 October 1846 - Thomas Blackwell to Samuel S. Gause for $1, negro woman Molly, aged about 19, and her child Lucetta, aged about 3 months, a boy Alfred, about 7, woman Rose, about 40, woman Tena about 50, a mare, and a horse named Strong, a carriage and harness IN TRUST to secure debts owed Wright Williams & Co., Commission Merchants of New Orleans endorsed by William L. Miller and John P. Gause of Brownsville.  Wit:  A. Phillips, Ivy Chandler.  Proved by wits. 2 Nov 1846.

p. 408 - 31 Oct 1846 - James Vaulx & Sugars McLemore bind themselves to pay Henry H. Richardson $648.56 if they don't make a deed to him for 136 acres they sold him in 11th SD,r2,s11 for $329.28 when he has paid off the debt.  The land is bordered by John McIver.  Acknowledged before Jno. J. Nelson and W. C. Wright by Isaac M. Steele, attorney in fact for the sellers.

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p. 410 - 7 Dec 1846 - Charles L. Read, Sr. of Haywood Co. to Jonathan Read and Charles L. Read, Jr. for $2000, 308.125 acres on waters of Cole Creek, part allotted to J. M. McLemore, bounded by part allotted the heirs of Robert Searcy, and by J. C. McLemore.  Wit:  J. L. Hearring, James M. Lake.  Ack in Lauderdale Co. 7 Dec 1846.

p. 412 - 8 Dec 1846 - Edward Fisher to John F. Pierson for $150, 150 acres in District 7, part of NC Grant 409 to Benjamin Smith for 5000 acres (this from the southwest corner of the grant).  Ack 8 Dec 1846.

p. 413 - 27 Nov 1846 - Pleasant G. Davenport to Josiah R. Harrel for $400, 400 acres, part of the King and McLemore tract bounded by Wm. Moore, Thomas Boyd, Peoli Collier.  Wit:  J. J. Pope, Carter Whitson.  Ack 27 Nov 1846.

p. 414 - 28 Nov 1846 - James H. Bates of Lauderdale Co. to Richard H. Mumford of Tipton Co. for $1, 38 acres joining the town of Covington, it being the same land on which Bates resided previous to his removal to Lauderdale Co, and the same on which Samuel P. Bernard now resides, and the following slaves:  man Ben, aged 34; Charity, 31; Mis a, 32; pomp, 17; Mary, 16; Martha, 15; Peyton, 9; Hannah, 10; Prunetta, 14; Charles,11; Reuben, 13; William, 11; Puss, 10 ; Marshall, 9; Susan, 6 IN TRUST to secure debt of $306 to James G. Tally and Charles W. Fallen/Fullen, executors of Wm. Tally, dec'd, Leonidas Aldridge, James A. Calhoun and Stephen Smith.  The amount was paid by Wm. Tally in his lifetime and Aldridge, Calhoun, and Smith as securities for Bates as constab(le?) in Tipton Co.  Also, Bates is indebted to Frederick R. Smith for $410.86, the amount of sundry judgements which Smith recovered before Jordan Brown, a Justice of the peace of Tipton Co..  Bates has heretofore made deeds of trust to Wm. B. Vincent of Tipton and Archibald Phillips of Lauderdale Counties to secure Samuel V. Gilliland and they are on record in the Register's offices of Lauderdale and Tipton Co.  If Bates does not pay the debts in due time, the land is to be sold in Covington and the slaves in Lauderdale, if Bates lives there at the time and if not, then at Durhamville.  Wit:  J. H. Lauderdale, B. Myers.  Proved in Tipton by witnesses 28 Nov 1846.

p. 418 - 26 Dec 1846 - On 9 September 1840 Samuel V. Gilliland gave a title bond to Henry Willard for 97 acres in SD11,s9&10,r5 on Coal Creek of the Mississippi River founded on Grant #21582 issued by the Register of West Tennessee to James Copeland bounded by Wm. Bradshaw's entry and James P. Taylor's entry.  Since then Samuel V. Gilliland has died, and Willard has paid the purchase money to David Gilliland, executor of Saml. Gilliland, dec'd, and David Gilliland hereby makes the deed.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, G. L. Rutherford.  Ack 26 Dec 1846.

p. 419 - 29 Dec 1846 - John D. Edney to James Sherman for $150, 70.75 acres for "my natural life."  The land is in District 3 bounded by Griffy Robertson's land.  Wit:  Thos. J. Childress, C. C. Dyer.  Proved by witnesses 1 Jan 1847.

p. 421 - 7 Dec 1846 - Jonathan Read and Charles L. Read, Jr. of Haywood Co to the heirs of William J. Timmons (to wit) Franklin, Martha M., Henry, Emily, Martha V. B., Elizabeth, Mary, and Hester M. of Lauderdale Co, for $2000, 398.125 acres on the waters of Cole Creek bounded by J. C. McLemore, and heirs of Robert Searcy.  Wit:  Jonathan L. Hearring, Isaac M. Steele.  Ack 7 Dec 1846.

p. 422 - 24 Aug 1846 - Elnathan H. Condray to the Regular Baptist Church of Christ at Zion, for the regard he has for the pure Religion of Christ and with desire to promote the cause of the same and of sound morality, 2 acres in 11SD,r3,11s.  Wit:  William Jimmons, Drury Massey.  Ack 21 Dec 1846.

p. 424 - 5 Jan 1847 - Henry Willard to Elisabeth Timmons, administratix, and Ashabel Dunnahoe, administrator of Wm. J. Timmons, for $3500 for the benefit of the heirs at law, legal distributees and creditors of Wm. J. Timmons, dec'd, the following slaves:  Chap, 40; Charles, 30; Cate, 32; Mary Ann, 14; Sam, 16; Clayton, 14; Belinda, 9; and Harriet, 7.  Wit:  G. L. Rutherford, Isaac M. Steele.  Ack 5 Jan 1847.

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p. 425 - 6 Jan 1847 - Josiah R. Harrell to James L. Harrell for $450, 400 acres on the north side of the Hatchey River, part of the King and McLemore tract beginning on the dividing line between Wm. Moore and this tract...Thos. Boyd's line...corner on the creek between Moore and this tract...Hatchey River...dividing line between Peol. Collier & King.  Ack 6 Jan 1847.

p. 426 - 9 Jan 1847 - James Price to Isaac M. Steele for $25, one crib on unhusked corn at my residence.  Ack 9 Jan 1847.

p. 427 - 1 Jan 1847 - Rezin S. Byrn to my daughter Elisabeth H. Morris, for love and affection, loan of a negro slave named Louisa aged about 14 at the time I first loaned her to my daughter on 26 Dec 1843.  Wit:  A.G.W. Byrn, R. C. West.  Ack 14 Jan 1847.

p. 428 - 18 Jan 1847 - John Langley to Isaac M. Steele, for $1, occupant claim in r3,s11,11SD, bounded by 5000-acre grant of Adam Boyd, S. H. Hogsett's occupant entry, and John Wood's occupant entry IN TRUST to secure debt to Robertson Meadows .  Ack 18 Jan 1847.

p. 429 - 23 Jan 1847 - Samuel W. Davenport to Joshua R. Stone for $1, cattle, bed and bedding and a mettle clock IN TRUST to secure debt owed Daniel P. Borum on which Joshua R. Stone and S. A. Thompson are securities, and one owed S. A. Thompson.  Ack 23 Jan 1847.

p. 431 - 28 Jan 1847 - John A. Hogsett to Thomas P. Hogsett for $600, two slaves, one a woman named Mariah, the other a girl named Hannah.  Mariah is about 40 and Hannah, her child, is about 3.  Wit:  J. L. Hearring, H. T. Chism.  Ack 29 Jan 1847.

p. 432 - State of TN Grant #843 to James J. Osteen for 12.5 cents per acre entered 26 Oct 1844, 85 acres surveyed 6 May 1844 in r3, s11 bounded by B. Smith.

p. 433 - 10 Feb 1847 - Thomas Boyd to John H. Boyd for $1575.50, 288 acres on the north side of the Hatchey River, it being the southwest lot of a 1250 acre tract devised by John Rhea to John W. Rhea and others and John W. Rhea's part alloted by commissioners and conveyed by him to the said James D. Rhea and bounded by Robert P. Rhea, and S. V. Gilliland.  Ack 10 Feb 1847.

p. 434 - 10 Feb 1847 - Thomas Boyd to John N. P. Spence for $540, 403 acres on the north side of the Hatchey bounded by Peoli Collier, a creek, the division line between William Moore and King, and the division line between Collier and King.  Ack 10 Feb 1847.

p. 435 - 9 Feb 1847 - Thomas Boyd to Joshua R. Stone for $925, three slaves--a woman Hannah, about 21; a girl Julian about 6, a boy Isaac about 8 months.  Ack 10 Feb 1847.

p. 436 - 9 Feb 1847 - Thomas Boyd to William R. Boyd for $2550, six slaves--a woman Abby about 35; a girl Sarah, about 12; a girl Fanny, about 10, a boy Dickson, about 8; a girl Winny, 6; girl Jane, about 4.  Ack 10 Feb 1847.

p. 437 - 9 Feb 1847 - Thomas Boyd to John H. Boyd for $1975, six slaves--a woman Hetty, about 32; girl Sarah, about 16; boy John about 9; girl Frances about 4; woman Mary about 18, a boy Henry about 2.  Ack 10 Feb 1847.

p. 438 - 4 Feb 1845 - Benjamin Lytton, Clerk and master of the Court of Chancery at Franklin, TN to Smith Kent of Haywood Co. for $650, 130 acres, part of NC's 5000-acre grant #296 to John Rice, and a part of 1368 acres which was allotted to the heirs and legal representatives of Patience Westcott in a division made

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by commissioners appointed to divide the grant between the said heirs, John C. McLemore, heirs of James Trimble, heir of John M. Campbell and the heirs of Robert Searcy in the counties of Haywood and Lauderdale, and bounded by Matthew Pickett and James C. Cogshell in obedience of an order of a court of Chancery held at Franklin for the district composed of the counties of Williamson & Davidson at the October term 1836 in the cause between John Webb and others, complaintants and George W. Peachly and others, defendants.  It was decreed that the land be sold, and William Connor, who was appointed agent by the clerk of the court, did on the 15 April 1837 sell the real estate to Smith Kent.  Ack in Davidson Co. 4 Febru1y 1847.

p. 440 - 13 Jan 1847 - Reasin Porter to J. W. Echols of Dyer Co. for $675, boy named Jefferson.  Wit:  Matthew D. Fiser, Wm. P. Pillow.  Proved by wits in Dyer Co. 29 Jan 1847.

p. 441 - 28 July 1846 - State of Tennessee No. 2004 to William Strain for 12.5¢ per acre, 107 acres and 140 poles entered 17 Feb 1846 and surveyed 17 Feb 1846 in r3,s10 bounded by entry of Thomas Hickman.

p. 442 - 18 Sept 1846 - Leonard Dunavant to the heirs of James Carson, Sr., dec'd, late of Williamson Co. for $335, 121 acres bounded by the Benjamin Porter, Sr.'s corner (on the west), Griffith Rutherford (on the north), and Thos. Chambers (on the east).  Wit:  John Wynne, J. G. Jones.  Ack 15 Feb 1847.

p. 443 - 16 Feb 1847 - John P. Rice to Thomas G. Rice for $5, 255 acres in 11 SD, r2,s9, bounded by Samuel Owen IN TRUST to secure debts to James P. Walker...give notice at Courthouse door and in Durhamville.  Ack 16 Feb 1847.

p. 444 - 6 Jan 1846 - Wilson Williams to Robert F. Maclin of Haywood Co. for $400, negro woman Juda about 33 years.  Ack 15 Feb 1847.

p. 445 - 29 Jan 1847 - Hermis Champ of Mississippi Co., Arkansas to Thomas Golding for $50, 25 acres in r3,s11 of 11SD bounded by Isaac Braden's occupant entry, John Donalson, and A. Bryant.  Wit:  James Prescott, James Shermon.  Proved by wits 16 Feb 1847.

p. 446 - 26 Feb 1847 - Benjamin T. Porter and Rezin Porter to Matthew D. Fiser of Dyer Co. for $5, our interest, right, and claim to the real and personal estate of Benjamin Porter, dec'd, consisting of the tract on which Porter lived and the personal estate as exhibited in the inventory returned by us as administrators to the County Court IN TRUST because Benj. T. Porter has sold to Fiser slaves Ana and Louisa for $600 and Rezin has sold to Joseph W. Echols of Dyer Co. a boy named Jeff for $675, and to Fiser, Mariah and Caroline for $950, and the slaves are the subject in part of a suit now pending in the Chancery Court at Brownsville in which Ann L. Porter claims a distributive share as the widow of Benjamin Porter, dec'd, and in the event of her winning the suit the slaves may be liable to a division and may be taken from the purchasers in which the Porters will be liable for the purchase money.  Also, this is to secure a debt owed by the Porters to M. R. Hill.  Wit:  H. F. Rutherford.  Ack in Dyer Co. 27 Feb 1847.

p. 448 - 14 Feb 1847 - Robert J. Chester as marshall of the USA for the Western Dist of TN to Archibald W. O. Totton and Samuel J. Hays of Madison Co. for $5, 1500 acres in Lauderdale County to satisfy an alias f   facias execution which was issued on 23 April 1844 in favor of Margaret Smith against Thomas G. Polk for $1799.85 founded on a judgement rendered in the court in favor of Margaret Smith against Polk for debt, damages, and cost.  The marshall had found no other property in West Tennessee on which to levy, and did on 30 July 1844, levy on Polks' lands in Lauderdale Co., it being one half and the upper end of a 3000 acre tract on the Mississippi River below the large timber at the lower end of the island below the mouth of Forked Deer River, it being on the Navigator, Island #30.  Then on 12 October 1844 he sold it to Totton, who at $5 was the highest bidder at the courthouse in Jackson.  Totton assigned an undivided half of his interest to the land to Samuel J. Hays.  Ack in Madison Co. 15 Feb 1847.

p. 450 - 18 Feb 1847 - Peter R. Winningham to Archer Phillips for $850, lots 26, 27, 28, and 29 in

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Durhamville on the northwest of the public square.  Wit:  John T. Cain, Caleb Arnold.  Proved by wits 15 Feb 1847.

p. 451 - 9 Dec 1846 - Christopher Watson to William Moore for $135.19, 39 acres and 130 poles bounded by Mary J. Lee's tract.  Wit:  John T. Cain, Thos. A. Anthony.  Proved by wits 1 Mar 1847.

p. 452 - 21 Aug 1846 - State of TN #2093 to James A. Lackey & Joel Sawyer for 12.5¢ per acre, 101 7/16 acres entered 10 Mar 1846, surveyed 10 Mar 1846, in r3,s11, beginning in the range line between ranges 3 & 4 where the section line between 11 & 10 intersects.

p. 453 - 10 Mar 1847 - A. J. Graves to David M. Henning for $650, one negro boy named Willis formerly owned by Wm. J. Timmons and then by Henry Willard.  Wit:  B. N. Graves, Edwin A. Graves.  Ack 10 Mar 1847.

p. 453 - 10 Mar 1847 - Isaac M. Steel, appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. J. Timmons, dec'd, at the January 1847 term of County Court, was instructed in February 1847 by the Circuit Court to sell negro boy slave Clayton, about 15 years old, to the highest bidder after 20 days notice.  Today he was sold to Thomas Fitzpatrick for $681.  Wit:  Rezin S. Byrn, J. L. Hearring.  Ack 10 Mar 1847.

p. 455 - 10 Mar 1847 - Isaac M. Steel, appointed administrator of the estate of Wm. J. Timmons, dec'd, at the January 1847 term of County Court, was instructed in February 1847 by the Circuit Court to sell negro slave named Mary Ann, aged about sixteen, to the highest bidder after 20 days notice.  Today she was sold to Moreau P. Estes for $540.  Wit:  J. L. Hearring, T. Fitzpatrick.  Ack 10 Mar 1847.

p. 456 - 17 March 1847 - Thomas Blackwell to John M. Green for $5, negroes Rose, about 40; Tinie (woman) about 55; horses, cattle, hogs, a large close carriage and harness, a three-horse waggon & gear IN TRUST to secure debts owed Richard W. and Samuel W. Green.  Wit:  Geo. W. Gause, B. H. Green.  Proved by wits 17 Mar 1847.

p. 458 - 13 April 1847 - Mary J. Lee to Doct. William M. Byars for $100, a one-acre Durhamville town lot bounded by the road leading from Durhamville to Green's Landing, the lot owned by Borum Anthony & Co., and a lot owned by Dr. David M. Henning.  Wit:  J. D. Tinsley, J.B.D. Henley.  Proved by Tinsley and Henley 13 April 1847.

p. 459 - 13 April 1847 - Mary J. Lee to Doct. William M. Byars for $10, Durhamville town lot beginning at the NE corner of said Byars Kitchen at the sw corner of lot #38, bounded by the main road leading from Durhamville to Brownsville, the public square.  Wit:  J.B.D. Henley, J. D. Tinsley.  Proved by wits 13 April 1847.

p. 460 - 19 Feb 1847 - New Hanover Co, NC - Lucy Ann Brown to Thomas Brown of Columbus, Mississippi, power of attorney to sell the land I may own in any portion of TN, and to grant powers of attorney to do the same.  Wit:  Thos. C. Miller, J. O. Stedman.  Ack in New Hanover Co, NC 23 Feb 1847.

p. 462 - (10 Mar 1849) - James L. Crawford and wife Margaret (living in Boyle Co., KY) to Dickeson Jennings for $1000, 500 acres bounded by Boyds survey, McMordies land, Sam Lusk, and Wm. Cowan's heirs, on which Jennings now resides.  Ack 10 Mar 1849 in Danville, KY.

p. 464 -        1820 - Ethan Allen McDowel of Buncombe Co., Wm. Paxton and wife (Sarah/Sally) of Buncombe Co., Charles McDowel and Wm. Dixon & wife Margaret (Peggy) of Burke Co., all of NC, and heirs at law of Gen. Charles McDowell, dec'd to Thomas Brown of Bladen Co., NC for $2000, 1277 acres, part of 5000 acres granted to Gen Charles McDowel by TN grant #17495 in Tipton Co on both sides of Cain Creek of Big Hatchie in Section 10 of Range 2 and 3, the part of the tract hereby conveyed is bounded

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by a tract granted to Daniel and Wharton, and an entry in the name of Elizabeth Cesnia, and including all of the two lots of land allotted out of the before mentioned tract to Brown as appears by the plat of the same by William H. Henderson, one of the commissioners for the division of the 5000 acres and filed in the Clerk's office of the Federal Court at Nashville in the suit Lewis vs. McDowel.  Wit:  W. M. Dowel, Chaus. McDowel & A. Mitchel, Jr., A. L. Erwine, J. Williams.  Ack by Margared Dixon in Burke Co January 1828; by Wm. and Sally M. Paxton on 16 April 1833; proved by wit A. Mitchell and A. V. Erwin in Burke Co April 1833.

p. 468 - 5 May 1847 - William Richardson to James H. Chambers for $5, 74.75 acres known as the Omohondro farm, and where Wm. Richardson now lives, on Mill Creek near the big Bridge over the creek on the road leading from Ripley to Dyersburg beginning on the east bank of Mill Creek about a quarter of a mile below Mill Creek bridge...the bank of Olivers branch...R. Carnell's corner...the orchard fence IN TRUST to secure the note Richardson gave Wm. Omohundro for the above tract of land for $340 on 28 Jan 1846 which note was assigned by the said Wm. Omohundro to Richard F. Omohundro of Virginia for value received.  Now if Richardson should pay to Wm. B. Sawyer, agent for R. F. Omohundro the full amount due on or before 1 Jan next, then this deed to be null and void, but if he does not satisfy the note by the time specified, then James H. Chambers as trustee after giving 15 days notice may expose the tract to public sale.  Ack 10 May 1847. 

p. 469 - 11 Sept 1846 - Hugh McClung of Knox Co, TN to Ebenezer Alexander for $5, all his interest as one of the heirs in the residuary portion of the estate of his father, the late Charles McClung of Knox County, being one-seventh part of a tract lying on the Mississippi River in Tipton Co in the Devil's Elbow of the river containing 574 acres; also one-seventh part of 860 acres in Lauderdale Co., TN within about 3 miles of the town of Ripley and being the only tract of land owned by Charles McClung in Lauderdale Co at the time of his death; also a tract in Rhea Co, TN near the town of Washington on both sides of the road leading from Washington to Smith's Cross Roads which originally contained 5000 acres but a large portion has been sold in various tracts, most of it by Robert Gillespie, who has been and still is the agent for the Executors of Charles McClung for the sale of lands; also one-seventh part of all the lands of which the said Charles McClung died owning in Scott and Lee Counties VA and for the sale of which James Francisco of Sullivan Co., TN is now the agent; also all his interest and claim in all the notes, bonds, obligations, etc which have been received by himself or Gillespie and Francisco as agents IN TRUST to secure a debt to the estate of his father, the said Col. Charles McClyng, dec'd, more particularly shown by the books of the late firm of C. M. & H. McClung.  Wit:  M. M. Gaines, Jas. H. Armstrong.  Ack in Knox Co. 11 Sept 1846.

p. 472 - 13 Oct 1845 - Joseph H. Talbot of Madison Co, TN to Abner Vaughn - John G. Calmers on 28 August 1839 executed a deed of trust to Talbot, the real property conveyed being an undivided fourth part of an entry in Lauderdale Co in the Plumb Orchard made in the name of Thomas P. Hall, R. H. Byrn, William H. Long, and John G. Chalmers, and by virtue of the power vested in Talbot by the deed of trust, he advertized it according to the terms in a newspaper printed at Jackson to be sold on 27 April 1840, and Abner Vaughn became the purchaser for $132.  Ack in Madison Co on 13 Oct 1845.

p. 473 - 6 July 1846 -The last will and testament of Francis McMordie, dec'd of Mercer Co, KY, which has been probated there devised to Wm. C. Cowan, Robert McMordie, Hans McMordie, Margaret L. McMordie (now wife of James L. Crawford) and Abram J. McMordie certain portions of 5000 acres in Tipton Co (now Lauderdale Co) TN which had been granted to Adam Boyd by NC #92.  William C. Cowan was devised 1000 acres, Robert McMordie 200 acres, Hans McMordie 550 acres, Margaret L (Mrs. J. L. Crawford) 1000 acres, and Abrm J. McMordie 500 acres.  The legacies have been laid off, the whole tract having been surveyed into 500-acre tracts as directed by the will, and Wm. C. Cowan, who is now dead, did by the consent and in the presence of the other heirs go forward and make choice of 1000 acres (described; also, the tracts of the other heirs are described--that of Robert shares a border with some property of J. J. and H. R. Crawford).  The land lies on Cole Creek and Fish pond.  Ack by Abraham J. McMordie, Jas. L. Crawford and Margaret L., his wife, in Mercer Co., KY on 6 July 1846.  Ack. by A. J. McMordie, James L.

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Crawford and Margaret L. Crawford, his wife, before Circuit Court Judge John Bridges at Boyle Co. Circuit Court 10 March 1847.

p. 477 - 14 Jan 1847 - Carter Co., TN - Nathaniel G. Taylor, Alfred M. C. Taylor, Charles K. Gillespie and wife Evelina E. C. Gillispie, formerly Evelina E. C. Taylor, all heirs at law of James P. Taylor, dec'd, all of Carter, Co. appoint Alfred E. Jackson of Washington Co. our attorney in fact to convey 640 acres belonging to us as heirs situated in Lauderdale Co on Cane Creek of Big Hatchey River between Ripley and Fulton on or near the main road between these points.  The tract was granted to James P. Taylor and is the only 640 acre-tract in Lauderdale Co granted to him individually and it is believed it adjoins the big Hatchey Connection.  Should Jackson sell the land he is authorized to pay over to Gen. Wm. B. Carter all the proceeds except the fifth thereof which is to be paid to (C. K. Gillespie, Evelina E. C. Gillespie, N. G. Taylor, Alf. M. C. Taylor).  N. B.  The said Jackson is authorized to apply the proceeds of 550 acres of the land to Wm. B. Carter's use instead of the quantity stated.  Wit:  A. W. Taylor, Ab. S. Hamilton.  Alfred Taylor acknowledged before Alfred W. Taylor and Ab. S. Hamilton, and N. G. Taylor and Charles and Evelina Gillespie acknowledged before James L. Bradley in Carter County on 15 Jan 1847.

p. 479 - 31 May 1847 - Andrew A. Carr to Samuel A. Thompson 119 tier of ash timber lying in Jones Slough IN TRUST to secure a debt of $15 owed Thompson who is to take possession of the timber until the debt is paid.  Wit:  Wm. C. Fain, James Price.  Proved by wits. 31 May 1847.

p. 480 - 3 June 1847 - William W. Sanders and wife, Aveliner, to James Gillespie 67.75 acres in r3,s10 bounded by John Donalson, 2 cows and calves IN TRUST to secure debt owed Daniel McLeod by judgement before John J. Nelson, JP and a debt to Wm. P. Gaines by judgement before Henry H. Richardson, JP, on both of which Hiram C. Keller is security, and a debt to Keller...notice of sale to be given at the Court House door in Ripley and at the election ground in the 3rd civil district and three other public places.  Ack 3 June 1847.

p. 482 - 16 February 1847 - James G. Anthony to Thos. R. Tuggle for $630.80, 83 1/3 acres bounded by Mary J. Lee, P. R. Winningham, the road leading from Brownsville to Ripley, and the representatives of I. D. Coachman.  Ack 1 March 1847.

p. 483 - 25 Mar 1847 - Wa(y)ne Co., NC - Hannah G. Slocumb of Wane Co, NC appoints Junius G. Slocomb my true and lawful attorney to convey all or any portion of a tract on the north side of the Big Hatchey river in Lauderdale Co which was devised by the late Col. Joseph Green to his four youngest children together with other lands and on a division between the children fell to me.  Wit:  Waitman Thompson, G. W. Collier.  Proved by wits in Wane Co., NC 30 Mar 1847.

p. 485 - 27 Mar 1847 - Absolam Williams to Wilson Williams, Martha Williams, Jane B. Williams and Sarah Williams for the natural love and affection which I bear (them) my children, having already made advancements to my other children, 160 acres in Montgomery Co., TN on Budes Creek, being composed of the same tract conveyed to me by Sarah Ivy and the tract conveyed to me by John Grisham, also 74 acres in Haywood Co on the north fork of        Creek, it being the same tract conveyed to me by Samuel Allen; also all the right, title and claim which I have in and to the following slaves whither in reversion or remainder:  Betty, a very old woman, Willie, her only child woman, Squire, Richard, Junius, Hunt, Martha, Betsy, Mary, Jack, Lucy, Fanny, Sarah, Ned, Jim, Pallis, Captain and their increase, a suit for which said slaves is now pending in the Chancery Court at Trenton, TN by me against Thomas Jones and others; said slaves to be laid off in six equal lots of which Wilson is to have three, and Martha, Jane B., and Sarah one share each follows.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, Alex. H. Dunavant.  Proved by wits 27 Mar 1847.

p. 486 - 31 Mar 1847 - Whereas Junius E. Street by his last Will & Testament devised a tract in Lauderdale Co. to Bridget Street with authority as executrix jointly with Absolam G. W. Byrn, the other executor named in the will, to sell the land, and whereas Bridget Street and A.G.W. Byrn did sell it to David M. Henning on 23 Jan 1845 for which they executed their title bond.  Now Henning has paid $404, the full

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purchase money and Byrn as surviving executor hereby conveys to Henning 101 acres in s2,r9 of 11SD bounded by Robert P. Russell's tract which he bought from Thomas Fitzpatrick, a tract formerly owned by Dudley Durham, and a creek.  Wit:  Ivy Chandler, R. C. West.  Proved 22 June 1847.

p. 488 - Wilson Williams to Robert F. Maclin and Lewis S. Maclin of Haywood Co. for $5, negro boy Allen about 15, and 100 acres on which I now live in Lauderdale Co. in the 2nd civil district IN TRUST because Absalom Williams has instituted a suit in Chancery Court at Trenton against Thomas and William Jones and has also filed an amended bill including Thomas Jones of Gibson Co., Wm. Newbern, Daniel E. Parker of Dyer County, & Saml. Williams of Gibson Co. in which case an attachment is sought to be issued and desired to be levied upon certain negro slaves alledged to be in the possession of said defendants and to be the property of said Absolam Williams and whereas the said Lewis S. Maclin and Robert F. Maclin have in connection with said Wilson Williams become the security of the said Absalom Williams in bonds for the prosecution of the suits and for the payment of damages for the issuance of said attachment, this trust deed to to secure them.  Ack 15 Feb 1847.

p. 489 - 29 May 1847 - Christopher Strong to Charles S. and David P. Dickson, my grandsons, for love and affection, 428 acres in 11SD,r4,s11, entry 495 bounded by the 1000 acre entry in the name of Blackfan and Wright heretofore sold by John C. McLemore to me bounded by the section line between the 10th and 11th sections, McLemore, and Moses Roberson; also 360 acres, the north portion of 1000 acres I purchased of John C. McLemore, 640 of which I have given to Charles W. Bowen.  This tract is on the north side of Cane Creek in s10, r4 bounded by James Trimble & Co.  Wit:  Peter R. Light, Jackson Rye.  Ack in Dickson Co, TN 29 May 1847.

p. 491 - 3 July 1847 - James W. Herndon of Missouri to Richard Parr and Henry Pitts -  Whereas Herndon heretofore sold to Hugh Smith two tracts in Lauderdale Co and executed a title bond to him, one of the tracts having been conveyed to Herndon by Henry Rutherford and by quitclaim from Robert Weakly bearing date 6 Dec 1825 (and is registered in the Register's office of Dyer Co in Book A, pp. 223-4-5) containing 200 acres, the other is bounded by Henry R. Chambers and Elizabeth Crenshaw and contains 14.25 acres.  Smith assigned the bond to Pitts and Parr who have paid the balance of the purchase money.  Ack 3 July 1847.

p. 492 - 15 May 1846 - James G. Anthony of Haywood Co to Phillip Walker  for $800, 117 2/3 acres in Lauderdale and Haywood Counties, it being the eastern end of a 200-acre tract purchased by Anthony from Mary J. Lee and purchased by her from Leonidas Polk, the southeastern corner of a 1325-acre tract, which (was) part of a 2500-acre tract emtered in the name of George Doherty on the headwaters of Camp Creek bounded by the road leading from Brownsville to Ripley, Thomas R. Tuggle, Mary J. Lee, and the representatives of I. D. Coachman.  Wit:  Peter R. Winningham.  Ack 1 Mar 1847.

p. 494 - 11 June 1847 - Thomas Bond of Haywood Co is bound to Eli Lucas of Haywood Co. and Charles W. Murphy of Mulenburg Co., KY in the penal sum of $4000 to make them a deed for 1000 acres on Tisdale Creek bounded on the south by Benjamin Williamson's 640-acre tract, on the west by the lands of John Crockett, on the north by    , the east by    .  It is the tract which Bond purchased under a decree of the Chancery Court at Brownsville and sold as the property of Francis Nunn, dec'd, and for a more specific statement of the boundaries, the decree of the Chancery Court is referred to.  Lucas and Murphy are to pay to Bond $10,254.20 (in several payments) after which he will make them a deed.  Ack in Haywood Co. 11 June 1847.

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