Deed Book C - Abstracted Sections 11-20
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

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to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book C.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -P
Q - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK C - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

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p. 144 - 21 Oct 1843 - Robert Hughes of Hinds Co, MS to Bignel Crook of Lauderdale Co for $850, 250 acres on the waters of Laggoon Creek bounded by Jno. Rice, part of 500 acres conveyed by Archibald D. Murphey to Robert Hughes and part of Grant #295 from NC to John Rice.  Wit:  Wm. H. Haralson, E. T. Friend.  Proved by wits 28 October 1843.

p. 145 - 26 Mar 1845 - James A. King of (Livingston?) Parish, LA, executor of Samuel King, dec'd, late of Iredell Co, NC, to Thomas Boyd of Lauderdale Co for $400, 403 acres bounded by Peolia Collier and William Moore.  Ack 26 Mar 1845.

p. 147 - 7 June 1845 - Thomas Blackwell to Samuel S. Gause for $1, negro slaves Molly about 18 years and Alfred about 7 years IN TRUST to protect John P. Gause of Brownsville, Haywood Co who signed as security a note executed to Hiram Bradford and for professional serices rendered at sundry times.  Wit:  Benj. F. Rutherford, James M. Green; proved by wits 7 June 1845.

p. 149 - Wake Co, NC - The last will and testament of Nathaniel Jones, C. T., dec'd was proved in Court on 18 August 1828 by the oath of Nicholas B. Massenburg, one of the witnesses; Henry Warren, the executor, qualified according to law, and he was given leave to sell the perishable estate.
                15 August 1827 - Will of Nathaniel Jones, C.T. of Wake Co, NC leaves to his executors in trust for the use of his wife, Elizabeth Jones, these negroes:  Cesar Jack & Sam men Sally Nelly and Hannah women Vilet Bytha and Sarah Girls John a boy.  After the death of my wife I bequeath the negroes to my son Kimbrough Jones and my daughter Patsey Warren and Nancy Jones unless Nancy dies leaving no lawful heir or heirs in which case the negroes are to be equally divided between my son Kimbrough Jones and my daughter Patsey Warren.
                I bequeath to my son Kimbrough Jones the land and plantation whereon I live containing 300 acres on Crabtree Creek joining Isaac Hunter's old Tavern tract and others, also another tract of 70 acres on the waters of the Beaver dam Creek joining the lands of the heirs of Henry Lane, dec'd, with all my household & kitchen furniture except four beds and furniture all contained in the above item except the four beds I give to my son Kimbrough Jones and his heirs.
                To my daughter Patsey Warren, 10 shares in the State Bank of NC
                To my daughter Nancy Jones 15 shares in the State Bank of NC, a small wagon and gear, the gray horse and the bay mare called Kate, two beds and furniture.
                To my niece Eliza Young, daughter of Henry Jones, 4 shares in the Newbern Bank, two of which are in the name of Kimbrough Jones and which he is to transfer to Eliza Young.
                To my grandson William H. Jones, one negro boy named Isaac.  The residue of my estate after my debts are paid with the next dividend that become due from my bank stock to be divided between my two grandsons Nathaniel Warren and Daniel E. Warren.  Daniel E. Warren is first to have out of the residue $250 which is to be placed in the hands of Nathaniel Jones who has already $250 in his hands all of which is to be under the direction of Henry Warren his father for the use of Daniel.  I give my grandson Nathaniel J. Warren my part and interest of a tract in Tennessee on the north side of Big Hatchie River which was purchased by Nathaniel Jones, C.T. and Kimbrough Jones of John Wilson of Cumberland Co NC.  It is understood that the land is to be at the discretion of Henry Warren one of my Executors to sell or swap and the proceeds to be applied to the purchase of other lands for Nathaniel J. Warren, and Henry Warren is hereby empowered to make a lawful transfer and conveyance to the aforesaid lands.  I appoint Henry Warren and my son Kimbrough Jones Executors.  Wit:  Almond Beevers, N. B. Massinburg.

p. 152 - 6 June 1845 - The will of Nathaniel Jones (C.T.) was presented at Lauderdale County Court June session 1845 for record.  So ordered.

p. 153 - 13 Nov 1844 - Griffith Rutherford of Wilson Co, TN to James H. Chambers for $200, 77 acres on the head drain of Balls Branch of Mill Creek bounded by William B. Chambers, and running by the spring now used by James H. Chambers' family.  Wit:  Leonard Dunavant, Henry F. Rutherford.  Proved by both wits 18 Feb 1845.

p. 154 - 10 May 1845 - James H. Chambers to Thomas P. Chambers for $246, 121 acres on the waters of

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Mill Creek beginning on the bank of a branch at the mouth of a drain on Griffith Rutherford's corner, with his line up the meanders of the branch to the mouth of another drain which on a straight line is north 59 degrees west 26.5 chains, then up the meanders of the last mentioned drain which on a straight line is south 47 degrees west 19 chains, then south 30 chains and 66 links, then east 30 chains to Griffith Rutherford's line, then north 10 chains and 66 links to Rutherford's corner in the bank of the first mentioned drain, then down the meanders of the drain to the beginning.  This is part of a tract granted by NC to Griffith Rutherford #37 for 3000 acres, then conveyed to Henry Rutherford and by him to Mathew Porter, by him to Leonard Dunavant and by him to the said James H. Chambers.  Ack 16 June 1845.

p. 156 - 19 Feb 1844 - William P. Percell of Green Co, Arkansas to Matthew Brandon of Lauderdale Co for $30, all my interest in 56 ½ acres, part of a tract granted by NC to Martin Armstrong, Jr. by grant #27 for 5000 acres (described) which has been divided among the heirs of Alexr. Work of whom the said William P. Percell is one, his interest being the one fifth part of Lot #1 in said division containing 56 ½  acres and being the tract on which Matthew Brandon now lives beginning at the southeast corner of Lot #5 in the division, west 88 1/4 poles, then south with the east boundary of lot #4 100 poles to the north boundary of lot #2, then east 88 1/5 poles to the east boundary line of the original grant, then north to the beginning.  Wit:  Isaac Moore, Edward Keneley; proved by wits 17 June 1845.

p. 157 - 28 April 1845 - Thomas Durham to Lindsey Durham for the love and affection that Thomas Durham hath for his son Lindsey Durham, 50 acres in 11SD,r2,s9 bounded by A. Phillips and a branch.  Wit:  Archer Phillips, D. Bartow.  Ack 16 June 1845.

p. 159 - Thomas N. Davenport to James Sherman for a valuable consideration, all my claim to the proceeds of a judgement recovered against Ivy Chandler by me in Circuit Court at the June term 1845 for about $33.33 except what will be due to L. M. Campbell, my attorney, for prosecuting the suit and obtaining judgement thereon.  This transfer is made on this condition:  a judgement was rendered against me before Thos. J. Childress, JP, in favor of John S. Pope and P. G. Devenport/Davenport, Executors of Abel H. Pope, dec'd, in February 1845 and Sherman is entered as security for the stay of execution, and if I should satisfy the judgement and execution before the expiration in eight months, this transfer to be void.  Ack 18 June 1845.

p. 160 - 14 Feb 1845 - William Richardson of Dyer Co to William Omohundro for $750, 184 acres in Dist 8 on Mill Creek.  Wit:  Wm. J. Pitts, Thos. W. Omohundro.  Ack 17 June 1845.

p. 161 - 12 Nov 1842 - Orville H. Searcy of Ray Co, MO to Reuben Alphin for $412.50, 330 acres in 11SD in the Hatchie Connection, r4,s9, part of NC #340 for 5000 acres to John Rice bounded by Elijah Lake, part of lot #3 as known in the division of the 5000-acre grant.  Wit:  Elijah Lake, L. White.  Proved by L. White 20 July 1844; by Lake 17 June 1845.

p. 163 -   June 1845 - William C. Russell of Warren Co, MS to E. P. Fullen, Samuel A. Thompson, William R. Thompson, and Gorden Stone of Lauderdale Co for $1000, 276 acres in 11SD,r3,s9, part of Entry #498 for 800 acres granted to Russell bounded by John Rhea, Joseph Currie, S. V. Gilliland and Charles McClung.  Ack 16 June 1845.

p. 165 - 29 July 1845 - David P. Faucett of Boon Co, MO, administrator with the will annexed of the estate of William Faucett, dec'd, "of said County & state" being duly empowered in their behalf by the county court of Boon County & state of Missouri at its February session 1844 in pursuance of a title bond executed by the said William Faucett in his lifetime on the 23 March 1827 to Wm. R. Faucett whereby the said Wm. Faucett at that time a resident of Orange Co, NC bound himself to the said Wm. R. Faucett to convey to the said William R. Faucett $200 worth of land in the western district of TN, it being part of $1000 worth of land received of Alexander Morphis.  Now David P. Faucett conveys to Dilley Ann Williams, William Faucett, Richard Faucett, Margaret Jane Faucett, Harriet Faucett, and Eliza Faucett, (all of Marshall Co,

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TN) who are legal heirs of the said William R. Faucett who (has) departed this life intestate, 80 acres, part of 400 acres conveyed by Alexander Morphis to William Faucett in 11 SD,r2,s10 bounded by Lewis Matthews, and J. Morphis.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 29 July 1845.

p. 167 - 13 Feb 1843 - Ivy Chandler and Thomas L. Clark, late merchants and partners acting and trading under the firm and style of Chandler & Clark, to Henry S. Peyton and William D. Lea, merchants and partners acting and trading under the firm and style of Peyton & Lea for $200, town lot in Durhamville north of the public square where the store house now occupyed by Peyton & Lee now stands and known in the plat of the town as #30.  Wit:  Marshall Starnes, Archer Phillips.  Proved by Phillips 8 July 1845; by Starnes 4 Aug 1845.

p. 169 - 13 Aug 1845 - Thomas T. Tuggle of Haywood Co to I. R. Sherrod of Tipton Co for $1580.25, 726 acres beginning in Tipton Co at the southeast corner of a grant for 5000 acres in the name of Daniel Malett, crossing Hatchie River.  Wit:  I. M. Steele, John Tuggle.  Ack 13 Aug 1845.

p. 170 - 18 Aug 1845 - John W. Durant to Richard W. Green for $5, negroes Robin about 60 years and Peggy his wife about 50, 8 horses and 2 colts, 20 cattle, 100 hogs, 3 yoke of oxen, a waggon and an ox cart, a buggy and harness, about 100 bushels of wheat, all my plantation tools, household and kitchen furniture, a double barrel gun, and a rifle IN TRUST to secure I. R. Sherrod of Tipton Co and D. M. Henning who have endorsed a bill payable in New Orleans and Sherrod who has endorsed a note payable at the Branch Bank of TN in Somerville, and John P. Rice who is stayer on a debt... my present overseer, J. H. Kent.  Wit:  H. T. Chapman, Mary Chapman; proved by wits 18 Aug 1845.

p. 172 - 29 May 1845 - William H. Loving of Haywood Co to Mary J. Lee for $10, reconveyance of 1325 acres near the village of Durhamville, the western part of 2500 acres originally granted to George Daugherty and subsequently conveyed by decree of Chancery to Leonidas Polk and by him conveyed to Mary J. Lee, bounded by George W. and Leonidas Polk, Isaac Coachman, and Mary J. Lee (from the 1325 acres there is to be excluded 200 acres in the southern part heretofore sold to James G. Anthony and by him sold to Peter R. Willingham).  This is the property which on 16 June 1843 Mary J. Lee conveyed to Loving in a trust deed to secure her debt on it, but she has now fully paid it.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 17 June 1845.

p. 174 - 9 Sept 1845 - Carroll Co - John W. Durant to David M. Henning of Lauderdale Co (2/3) and I. R. Sherrod of Tipton Co (1/3) for $1500, my crop of cotton, corn, tobacco, rice, and potatoes now growing on my farm in Lauderdale Co.  Ack in Carroll Co 10 Sept 1845.

p. 175 - 15 Sept 1845 - William Sanders to David M. Henning for $42, my entire crop of cotton as it now stands consisting of about five acres.  Ack 15 Sept 1845.

p. 175 - 15 Sept 1845 -William Sanders to Nancy Sanders for $35, one horse cart, one clock, one dining table, 13 head of hogs, and one red cow and calf.  Ack 15 Sept 1845.

p. 176 - 27 Sept 1845.  Samuel W. Davenport to Carter Whitson for $1, a crop of corn now grown, crop of cotton now in the field IN TRUST to secure debt to Carter Whitson.  Ack 27 Sept 1845.

p. 177 - (30 Sept 1845?) - John T. Faucett of Lauderdale Co to David P. Faucett of Boon Co, MO for $5 my interest in an undivided tract in the 11 SD,r2,s10, it being 320 acres of a 400-acre tract formerly granted and sold by Alexander Morphis to William Faucett, a part of 2500 acres entered in the name of John & Alexander Morphis, and my interest is that as one of the heirs of the said William Faucett; also, for another $5 the following personal property:  a bay mare, a sorrel horse, a sorrel mare colt, a cow and calf, six barrels corn, 2 ploughs, 1000 pounds of cotton, part of which is picked out and the balance now in the field, all my household and kitchen furniture including among other things a table, 2 bedsteads, and one set chairs.  The foregoing conveyance is made because I am desirous of moving to MO and David P. Faucett

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has agreed to advance to me the money and means necessary to defray my expenses in removing, to wit $150.  He is to sell the personal property and retain the money as part of the payment of the $150, and if I have not repaid the rest at the end of three years, he is to sell the land.  Ack 30 Sept 1845.

p. 178 - 5 Aug 1845 - New Orleans, LA - Cornelius Attwood Reading of New Orleans appoints John F. Pierson of Hales Point, TN his attorney in fact with full power to accept a deed from J. M. White and wife of MO or from any other person authorized to execute the deed to the undivided fifth of 3119.5 acres on the Mississippi River which was granted to William P. Anderson on 21 Mar 1823 by grant #18862 in 13SD and purchased by John Smith T at a Marshall's sale and conveyed to him by Robert Purdy, U.S. Marshall by deed dated 3 May 1835.  Wit:  J. Stringer, Edward W. Duplesses, S. W. Waters, notary public.

p. 181 - 30 Sept 1845 - David P. Faucett, administrator with will annexed of William Faucett of Boon Co, MO (dec'd) gives power of attorney to Joseph Taylor of Lauderdale Co to pay taxes on 320 acres in Lauderdale Co and rent it out, and, if necessary, to bring suits against any and all trespasses on the land and to employ attorney and council at my expense.  The land is bounded by John Morphis, and William R. Faucett's heirs' tract.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 30 Sept 1845.

p. 182 - 30 Sept 1845 - William J. Smith to James Price for $1, a bay mare, four beds and furniture, three turn-post bedsteads, a folding table, a small square table and sugar chest, two bolts and a half of German linen, half keg powder, keg madder, keg of copperas, a kep of Epsom salts, a box of cigars, about two lbs. indigo, half barrel vinegar, a large pot, a large oven, a small oven, a tea kettle, a waffle iron, a brindle cow, a side saddle, and a looking glass IN TRUST to secure debt to James B. Crook.  Ack 30 Sept 1845.

p. 184 - 15 Sept 1845 - James H. Bates to Archer Phillips for $1, my present growing crop of cotton supposed to be about 23 acres IN TRUST to secure debts owed David Gilliland and David M. Henning; also Gilliland is security for Bates for the stay of execution in favor of David P. Posey.  Ack 20 Sept 1845.

p. 185 - 30 Sept 1845 - Thos. Blackwell to Charles Betts for $254.17 paid by his agent H. T. Chapman, my negro girl Tenor aged about 12.  If, however Brander Williams & Co of New Orleans shall pay to H. T. Chapman, agent for Betts, at sight the sum of $254.17, then this is null and void.  Wit:  John P. Rice.  Proved by Rice 1 Oct 1845.

p. 186 - 1 Oct 1845 - Thomas Blackwell to Samuel S. Gause for $1, negro man Robert aged about 20, boy Alfred age about 7, woman Rose about 40, Tenah about 50, a bay mare, one dark horse called String, a carriage and harness IN TRUST to secure a bill of exchange drawn on Wright Williams & Co, Commission merchants of New Orleans, LA payable to William L. Miller which is endorsed by Miller and John P. Gause of Brownsville.  The bill has been cashed at the Branch of the Union bank at Jackson, TN.  Wit:  P. H. Gibbs, R. V. Richardson.  Ack 3 Oct 1845.

p. 188 - 1 Oct 1845 - My father, John J. Gause, late of Brunswick Co, NC did by his last will and testament dated 3 May 1836 devise to John P. Gause and George W. Gause in trust for the maintenance of me (Julius L. Gause) and family the following negroes he intended for me:  Alfred, Sally and six children--Sue, R   ,     , Emily, Adoline, and Isabella; Stephen, Hessy and four children--Lovenia, Crissy, Tom and Lucinda, and with the consent of the trustees I have kept the negroes on a small farm where I am now residing for the purpose of making a support in pursuance of the trust, and whereas all the cotton and fodder which were made on that farm by the negroes last year was levied on and sold to liquidate a debt I myself contracted, and my family have been deprived of such necessarys as they really require and the true intent of the trust (has been) defeated.  Also, J. P. Gause, one of the trustees, has at times advanced and paid money for me and the use of my family out of his own funds.  Therefore, to better secure the proceeds arising from the labor of a part of the negroes on the farm this year and also to secure J. P. Gause in the payment of about $80 which he paid David Meriweather, surviving partner of Meriweather & Coachman 24 Jan 1845 and $36.23 paid to Durant & Henning 4 July 1845 and $12.71 paid the Clerk of Lauderdale Circuit Court for

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bill of cost in case of an indictment against me as overseer and $4.79 taxes for 1844 paid to the sheriff, I have sold for $1 to Samuel S. Gause all the cotton now growing on the farm where I live and that which is already picked out and in my house and two horses (the cotton is to be taken to A. W. Green's gin, and when baled sold by Saml. S. Gause to the best advantage, and if the debts are not paid by Julius or someone for him before 1 Jan 1846, then the trustee is to sell the horses.  Ack 4 Oct 1845.

p. 190 - 3 May 1836 - Stack Park Plantation - Last Will & Testament of John J. Gause of Brunswick Co, NC:  Sell all my land except my Stack Park Plantation; the money to be applied to payment of my debts. 
                I have already given to my three grandchildren by my dec'd daughter Elizabeth Blackwell sundry negroes and three quarter-sections of land in the Territory of Arkansas (and) this is a full proportion of my estate for them.
                I give to Samuel Frank and John P. Gause in trust for my daughter Ann M. Wilson and her children all the negroes and their increase which I delivered to her on her marriage with William Wilson to be in no way liable or subject to the debts...of the said William Wilson or any other husband which she may hereafter have and have also executed a deed to James G. Basford for the land given her on her marriage which has since been sold by her husband William Wilson.  I also give to my granddaughter Emiline Wilson a negro girl named Hester; to my grandson John J. Wilson a negro boy named Jackson.  If he died before arriving at 21 years or marries, the boy is to go to my granddaughter Julia Wilson.
                To my son Samuel S. I have given eight negroes and have executed a deed conveying his full portion of land except 200 acres on Sha   e called Stand Land Mills for which he has no deed and therefore devise to him and his heirs forever.  I have also given him some stock, timber, wheels and blacksmith tools all this property has been delivered to him and his full proportion of my estate.
                To my son George W. Gause I have given eight negroes, one tract of land on Shattatte(?) called McMilly Back Lane, not executed a deed to him; therefore, devise it to him and his heirs forever; also half of my Laurel Grove Plantation, five cows and calves, one yoke of oxen, negro boy Isaac the son of Lydia to the first son of my son George W. Gause called John Julius, and if no such child, then to his other children if any he should have.  All of this property has been delivered to him and is his full proportion of my estate.
                I leave all the negroes that came by my wife Emily R. to her and at her death to be divided agreeably to Mr. Frederick Miller's will.  I also give her all the furniture that she purchased with money that came from the estate of William Lard, two beds and furniture, two mattresses, my horse Commet carriage, five cows and calves and one yoke of oxen and during her natural life in lieu of her dower, my summer residence Stack Park and after her death to be divided among my heirs not heretofore mentioned.  This bequest is made upon the condition that she be satisfied with my will; if not, my will is that it all be considered my own absolute property and she come in but for a child's part.
                If after my debts are paid there should be any surplus from the sale of my lands and perishable property, that surplus with all my negroes be equally divided among my following children:  John P, Julius L., Jane M., Margaret L., Frederick B., Mariah T. B., and Julia E. Gause, reserving from the above a sum sufficient to build a family vault for the interment of my remains and that of my families hereinafter directed.
                It is my request that my body should be placed in the vault with my two wives dec'd until a new one can be built at the old family ground on the plan-tation late residence of Samuel Gause, dec'd estate then I request my executors to have my own remains intered therein, those of my two wives Mr. and Mrs. Brenards and my children that all within the vault or be interred in the old burying ground...To my son John P. I give my gold watch chain and seal and in the lot of negroes to be assigned to him it is my wish that William be considered as one; to my son Julius L. I give my gold sleeve buttons; to my son Frederick B. I give a set of silver table and tea spoons, my portrait, the sorrel mare, and in the lot of my negroes assigned to him I wish my boy Henry to be considered as one; to my daughter(s) Jane M. and Margaret L. I give each a bed and furniture; to my daughter Moriah T.B. I give a silver ladle marked J.E.B., a set of table-spoons marked J.J.M.T.T.G and the picture Ruarl Senry (Rural Scenery?); and to my daughter Julia E. a set of table and tea spoons to be purchased by my executors and to be engraved with the initials of her name.

                It is my will that the property which will be coming to my son Julius L. when my estate is divided shall be left in trust to John P. Gause and George W. Gause for the use mentioned of the said Julius L.

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Gause and such child or children that he may have and in no way subject or liable to the debts or contracts of Julius.
                It is my will that upon my decease all the negroes with their increase which came by my wife Emily R. should be valued and delivered to her and that after my executors have paid all my just debts I wish all my negroes that came by me to be divided among my children John P., Julius L., Jane M., Frederick B., Margaret L., Moriah T.B. and Julia E. Gause taking first view the negroes that were delivered to my wife and let them be divided among the children which I have by her agreeably to the will of Mr. Miller and then as much out of the negroes that come by myself as will make them share equal with my son J. P. and Julius L. Gause.
                If it becomes necessary to sell any of my negroes to satisfy my debts, then I direct my executors to sell Bachus and Cuffee.  I appoint my friend and kinsman Samuel Frink, my sons John P. Samuel S. and George W. Gause executors.  Wit:  William Basford, James G. Basford, John Basford.  Proved in Brunswick Co by William and James G. Basford at Sept Term 1836 and recorded in Book B, pp 27-32.

p. 194 - 3 Jan 1844 - William P. and Martha H. Pillow to Josias M. Chambers for $375, 100 acres in the Eighth District beginning in the forks of the first drain south of where John Quin now lives...Richard Parr's line...Henry Pitts line...Hugh Smith's corner.  Wit:  Thomas P. Chambers, Henry F. Rutherford.  Proved by wits 16 June 1845.  Martha H. Pillow was privately examined by Edward R. Kennelly, Esq. on 10 July 1845.

p. 195 - 25 Sept 1845 - William Donahoe to Calvin H. Donahoe for $50, my present crop of cotton supposed to be 200#, and my crop of corn supposed to be 30 barrels.  Ack 6 Oct 1845.

p. 196 - 30 Sept 1845 - J. B. Moseley to James G. Henning for $35, my entire crop of cotton as it now stands consisting of about 6 acres.  Wit:  Jas. H. Bates, W. H. Davis.  Ack 8 Oct 1845.

p. 197 - 6 Oct 1845 - Josiah M. Alexander to Mary Fisher, Thomas Fisher, and Susanna Fisher (children of John and Mary Fisher) for $175, 50 acres in 11SD,r6,s8 bounded by James Tompkins, B. Jordan, and Wm. W. Lea.  Wit:  J. L. Hearring, G. L. Rutherford.  Ack 6 Oct 1845.

p. 198 - 2 Oct 1845 - Carroll Co, MS - John W. Durant to David M. Henning and Irwin R. Sherrod for $1500, all my crop of cotton, corn, tobacco, rice, and potatoes now growing on the plantation on which I lived in Lauderdale Co, TN, two-thirds of the crop for Henning and one-third to Irwin R. Sherrod.  Wit:  F. L. Herring, Leon Trousdale.  Proved by Herring in Carroll Co, MS 6 Oct 1845.

p. 199 - 10 July 1845 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell and Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners of Ripley to Albert P. Thompson for $41, Lot #97.  Ack by Byrn, Campbell and Rutherford 4 Sept 1845; by Keller 20 Oct 1845. 

p. 201 - 1 Sept 1845 - State of TN #1353 to Josiah Blankenship for 12 ½ cents per acre, 99 acres and 30 poles surveyed 16 Aug 1845 in r2,s10 bounded by John and Alexander Morphis.

p. 202 - 21 Oct 1845 - Caleb Arnold to Moses Arnold for $208, 52 acres in 11SD,r3,s9, the east end of 155.75 acres which Caleb purchased of Benjamin S. Tappan.  Wit:  Edmund Fitzpatrick, D. A. Bradford.  Ack 21 Oct 1845.

p. 203 - 21 Oct 1845 - Caleb Arnold to John Arnold for $212, 50 acres in 11SD,r3,s9, the east end of 200 acre tract Caleb purchased of Jas. Maney.  Wit:  Edmund Fitzpatrick, D. A. Bradford.  Ack 21 Oct 1845.

p. 205 - 21 Oct 1845 - Thomas L. Clark to David M. Henning for $25, two town lots in Durhamville known as lots 6 & 7 of one-half acre each.  Ack 21 Oct 1845.

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p. 206 - State of TN #1035 to David M. Henning for 12 ½ cents per acre, 68 ½ acres surveyed 29 Jan 1845 in r2,s9 bounded by Tyrie Rodes, Charles McClung, H. Murphey/Murphree, and John Rhea.

p. 207 - 12 Aug 1845 - Henry R. W. Hill of New Orleans, LA to William K. Mc Alister of Davidson Co, TN, for affection and $5, 1600 acres on Cane Creek, part of a 5000 acre tract located for John D. McLemore, it being that part of the tract that was allotted to James Russell and was sold by Russell to Wm. B. McClelland who sold it to Robert Davis and others in trust on 26 Sept 1833 and was conveyed by Benjamin Litton, clerk and master in Chancery, to Henry R. W. Hill.  Ack in Davidson Co 23 Aug 1845.

p. 208 - 23 Oct 1845 - Thomas D. Hart to William K. McAlister of Davidson Co for $88.25, 1600 acres on Cane Creek, the same tract that was sold by James Russell to Wm. B. McClelland which McClelland conveyed to Robert Davis and others in trust on 26 September 1833, and by Benjamin Litton, clerk & master in Chancery to H.R.W. Hill and being the same tract conveyed by Hill to McAlister by deed dated 20 Aug 1845, and being the same tract purchased by Thomas D. Hart at the sheriff sale as the land of Wm. B. McClelland's heirs for the taxes due for the years 1842 and 1845.  Ack 23 Oct 1845.

p. 209 - 20 Nov 1844 - Charles D. Crenshaw of the Republic of Texas, Washington Co to Richard Parr and William Owen of Lauderdale Co, TN for $600, 10 acres on the north side of Mill Creek beginning on the east bank of the first drain that empties into Mill Creek above where Crenshaw has built a mill, together with the mill thereon; also one acre lying on the south side of Mill Creek and joining the above-described land, the same being condemned by an order of the County Court at the December term 1838.  Wit:  Robt. M. Elgin, J. D. Giddings.  Ack in Washington Co, TX 21 Dec 1844.

p. 211 - 20 Oct 1845 - John C. McLemore by his agent Wm. W. Lea of Gibson Co is bound to Pleasant G. Davenport of Lauderdale Co in the sum of $1250 to make him a deed to a tract on the north side of Hatchie River supposed to be 625 acres, it being the eastern half of that portion of a tract of 2500 acres owned by McLemore and King and which was sold under execution on 29 May 1844 as the property of John C. McLemore and bought by William Moore for $312.50, and at a previous sale of the same as the property of McLemore was bid off by Wm. W. Lea for $100...deducting a note given by McLemore to Abel H. Pope deceased.  Wit:  I. M. Steele.  Ack 30 Oct 1845.

p. 213 - 8 Feb 1844 - John N. Rhea to Thomas Crawford & Elizabeth D. Crawford, his wife, Fanny B. Rhea, John F. Preston & Jane N. his wife, Eleanor A. Rhea, all of Sullivan Co, TN except John F. Preston & wife and they are of Washington Co, VA for $2800, it being part consideration of the interest inherited by Elizabeth D. Crawford, Fanny B. Rhea, Jane N. Preston and Eleanor A. Rhea of the estate of Saml. Rhea, dec'd, their father, four-fifths of a tract of 1080 acres in this manner:  to Thomas Crawford & wife, one fifth part; to Fanny B. Rhea, one fifth part; to John F. Preston & wife, one fifth part; and to Eleanor A. Rhea, one fifth part; and John N. Rhea reserves to himself one fifth part.  This land lies beside some of Samuel Rhea's land.  Wit:  Saml. Rhea, Jos. B. Anderson.  Ack in Sullivan Co, TN 28 Dec 1844.

p. 214 - 27 Dec 1844 - Joseph S. Rhea of Washington Co, TN to John N. Rhea of Sullivan Co, TN for $3500, 968 acres, Jos. S.'s part of a 5000-acre tract formerly owned by John Rhea.  Wit:  Saml. Rhea, Jos. R. Anderson.  Ack in Sullivan Co, TN 28 Dec 1844.

p. 215 - 27 Dec 1844 - John N. Rhea to Joseph S. Rhea for $700, my individual fifth part of 1080 acres which lie east of Samuel Rhea's land.  Wit:  Saml. Rhea, Jos. R. Anderson.  Ack in Sullivan Co, TN 28 Dec 1844.

p. 216 - 6 Nov 1845 - Wm. W. Lea and Joseph Wardlaw to John C. Claiborne of Gibson Co for $100, 20 acres in the vicinity of the town of Ripley, it being part of a tract that was laid off of the 5000-acre tract in the name of the heirs of Charles McDowell by a commission appointed for that purpose to the heirs of Joel Lewis, being part of Lot #1 assigned in the division of the land to the Joel Lewis heirs bounded by William

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Hearring, John C. McLemore, and the Fulton road.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, J. L. Hearring.  Ack 6 Nov 1845.

p. 218 - 18 Nov 1845 - Robert C. Campbell to James Johnson for $5, 600 barrels of corn, 1800 pounds of seed cotton, 300 cords of wood cut and corded up, 150 head of neat cattle and 75 head of stock and pork hogs IN TRUST to secure debt to the President Directors & Co of the Farmers & Merchants Bank of Memphis, TN evidenced by a judgement recovered by Chas. Lofland for the use of that bank at the October term 1844 of Circuit Court against Robert C. Campbell & E. S. Campbell and against L. M. Campbell and G. L. Rutherford as the endorsers.  Ack 18 Nov 1845.

p. 219 - 5 Nov 1845 - Patrick H. Whitlaw of Haywood Co, TN to Lysander M. Campbell of Lauderdale Co for $25, one half of two town lots in Ripley, Lots #36 and #43.  Lot #36 is on the east side of the Public Square, and #43 on Randolph Street.  Ack 6 Nov 1845.

p. 220 - 29 Nov 1845 - James G. Henning to Peter R. Winningham for $800, four lots in Durhamville known on the plan of the town as No. 26, 27, 28, and 29--in all one acre--bounded on the east by Water Street, on the west by the Spring Lot, on the south by Main Street, and on the north by an alley.  Wit:  A. Phillips, W. W. Davis.  Ack 1 Dec 1845.

p. 221 - 29 Nov 1845 - Peter R. Winningham to David M. Henning for $5, Durhamville town lots 26, 27, 28, and 29 situated northwest of the Public Square; also three negro slaves Easter about 19 and her child Robert five months old, and Sarah Ann about 12 years old IN TRUST to secure debts owed James G. Henning.  Wit:  A. Phillips, W. W. Davis.  Ack 1 Dec 1845.

p. 223 - 11 Dec 1845 - Irvine R. Sherrod of Tipton Co to Samuel Oldham of Haywood Co. for $2000, 726 acresbeginning in Tipton Co and running north across the Hatchie River bounded by grant of 5000 acres in the name of Daniel Malett.  Wit:  S. S. Gause, John J. Nelson.  Ack 11 Dec 1845.

p. 224 - 20 Dec 1845 - Peter Thompson, agent for Robert G. Thompson, to John Thompson for $650, two negroes--a fellow named Wills and a girl named Jenny.  Wit:  A. W. Thompson, W. A. Wood.  Proved by wits 20 Dec 1845.

p. 225 - 23 Oct 1845 - John C. Claiborne to Algernon S. Claiborne of Gibson Co for $5, the undivided one half of 667 acres and 123 poles bounded by William Lytle on the section line between 10 and 11 sections, and the heirs of Joel Lewis.  It is the same tract conveyed to me by James L. Green's deed of 1 Jan 1845 upon which is situated and included a saw and grist mill.  Also to be included is negro man Robert about 25 years and man Giles about 47 years, woman Maria about 45 and woman Hannah and a negro girl named Lucy about 9 years IN TRUST to secure debt owed the President and Directors of the Bank of Tennessee for $2675.88...note made payable to A. S. Claiborne and by him endorsed to Phil Claiborne, and by Phil Claiborne endorsed to the Bank...note payable to A. S. Claiborne, endorsed by him to H. Wade and endorsed by Wade to the Bank...all payable at the Branch of the Bank of Tennessee at Trenton.Ack in Gibson Co 24 Oct 1845.

p. 228 - 7 Nov 1845 - Lance Graves to Wilson Williams for $500, 100 acres, part of NC's 5000 acre grant to Alfred Moore, also a part of it was bought by Graves from William Conner.  It is bounded by John G. Blount, land entered by John Donelson and John Sterrett but now owned by William Conner, Robert C. West, and land once Blount's but now Campbell's.  Wit:  Rezin S. Byrn, David Williams.  Proved by wits 24 Nov 1845.

p. 229 - 20 Dec 1845 - Griffith L. Rutherford, Sheriff and tax collector, to Samuel A. Thompson for $4.90 at a sale at the Courthouse door in Ripley, 175 acres of which Mary Hillard is the reputed owner to satisfy a judgment issued by Circuit Court on 6 Feb 1843 in favour of the State for $4.90 for taxes, costs, and charges due and unpaid for 1842.  The land is in Dist. 1 bounded by Hardy Murphy's entry.  Ack 29 Dec 1845.

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p. 231 - 22 June 1831 - Last Will and Testament of Francis McMordie of Mercer Co, KY...soul to God...buried in a becoming manner...debts be paid and residue be divided in following manner.  I have already deeded to my son Robt. McMordie 800 acres in Montgomery Co, TN whereon he now lives, and I bequeath to him 200 acres of my land on the Forked Deer River in the Western District of (TN).  I have deeded to my son Hans McMordie 450 acres joining his brother Robt. whereon he now lives; I further bequeath to him 550 acres of the Forked Deer River tract.  I have deeded 1000 acres of that tract to Wilm. C. Cowan and my daughter Polly his wife.  I give and bequeath to my son Abrm McMordie the land whereon I now live containing 100 acres joining John McAfee, John Jones, and Joseph Deland.  I also bequeath to him my negro man Cuff and all the stock on the farm that I have any claim to with the exception hereafter mentioned.  He is to furnish his sister Margaret L. McMordie with a good riding horse, three good cows, and thirty sheep when called for by her.  I also leave them all the tools and farming utensils a part of which (al)ready belong to him, and 500 acres of the Forked Deer River tract.  I bequeath to my daughter Mart L. McMordie 1000 acres of the Forked Deer River land and order that she shall have a handsome bedstead, bureau, and tables to be furnished out of my monies due me or that may rise from sales of land.  My horse watch, horse sword, and bed and furniture I also leave to my grandson Frs. McMordie together with all my Latin, Greek and Hebrew books for his use and for my grandson John Cowan.  I also leave to my son-in-law Dr. John Steele of Ohio $500 to assist in educating a son of his which is to be named Frs. McMordie.  All my household furniture, beds and every other article to be divided between Abrm. and Margaret at their discretion; the kitchen furniture to be divided between them in like manner my wearing apparel to be divided at the discretion of children.  All my other books in like manner, my negro woman Lucy I do not leave free, but she may choose which of my children she will live with and that one is bound to support her comfortably should she become helpless as she nursed them all tenderly and has been a faithful woman.  I also leave to my grandson Fr(anc)is $500 to assist him in getting his education, these legacies to be paid from the sales of the balance of my lands.  I order that the 5000 acre tract on Forked Deer be laid off in 500 acre tracts and that each one shall have as equal a portion of good land as possible.  My eight town lots in the town of Spring-field adjoining Augusta in Georgia I wish to be sold as soon as possibly can be done to advantage and if there be any balance after paying all expenses, that is to be divided equally to my children.  I appoint my two esteemed friends, Abrm J. McMordie and William C. Cowan my executors.  Wit:  John McAfee, Sr., Joseph McGee, William McAfee.  Proved by Jas McGee at January 1834 term of court.

p. 233 - 19 Dec 1845 - Memucan H. Howard of Nashville, Davidson Co, TN revokes all power heretofore executed by me to any person to sell land in Haywood, Lauderdale, or Shelby save such power and authority I have heretofore given to Lyne S. Talliffero of Haywood Co.  Ack in Davidson Co 19 Dec 1845.

p. 234 - 10 July 1845 - Memucan H. Howard to Felix R. Rains, both of Davidson Co, TN, for $600 paid in land in Robertson Co, two tracts in Lauderdale Co in the 11SD--one containing 125 acres in r4,s10 on waters of the Big Hatchie River, being the whole of Grant #3862 dated 8 Jan 1839 issued to Howard bounded by Green Baker, and James Greenlee--the other containing 200 acres in r3,s11 bounded by Joshua Wright, and the President & Trustees of East Tennessee College.  This second tract was also granted to Howard by #4677 dated 15 Feb 1841.  Wit:  Saml. J. Riggs, L. P. Cheatham.  Ack 10 July 1845.

p. 236 - 23 Dec 1845 - Elizabeth Booth of Mississippi Co, Arkansas to David M. Henning of Lauderdale Co, TN for $100 quitclaim 125 acres in Civil District 1 near the waters of Lagoon Creek and the Big Hatchie River joining Aaron J. Spivey's land that is the land formerly owned by Jas. B. Crook lying west and south of the land known as Wm. D. Crooks's and north of the Brownsville and Covington turnpike road opposite the residence of Fleming Chance and east of Big Hatchie River.  Wit:  S. A. Thompson, W. H. Thum; proved by the wits 29 Dec 1845.

p. 237 - 5 Jan 1846 - Rezin S. Byrn, Robert C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller, and Archer Phillips, commissioners of the town of Ripley to Isaac M. Steele for $55 Ripley town lot #90 bounded on the south

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by Jackson Street, west by lot 91 owned by Steele, north by lot 89 belonging to Solomon D. Spain and east ty the common of the town.  Ack 5 Jan 1846.

p. 238 - 2 Jan 1846 - William W. Lea and Eliza A. Lea, his wife, of Gibson Co and Joseph Wardlaw of Lauderdale Co to Alexander Fall of Nashville, Davidson Co, for $1100, 179 acres in 11 SD,r2 and 3,s10, being a part of that portion of the 5000 acres of land granted to Charles McDowell by Grant #17,495, which was decreed by the Supreme Court at Nashville on the 21 Jan 1830 to the heirs of Joel Lewis as their first lot or division bounded by Wm. Hearring's 226 2/3 acre tract, Charles McDowell's heirs, John C. McLemore, Ripley to Fulton Road.  Ack by Wm. W. Lea and wife Eliza A., in Gibson Co on 5 Jan 1846; by Wardlaw in Lauderdale Co 9 Jan 1846.

p. 241 - 9 Sept 1840 - The proprietors of Ashport lease to Patrick Flinn until 1 Jan 1854, 30 acres near Ashport bounded by the Turnpike, near Eli Graves, and Cane Slough.  Flinn is to build a good hewed log or framed house, one story with two rooms at least 16 feet square each with good plank floors above and below with a good kitchen, smoke house and stable and to clear all the land and to enclose it with a close rail fence at least six feet high and to have the buildings and clearings completed by the 1 Jan 1846 or to give up the possession to the Proprietors at that time, also to leave the land and houses in good order for cultivation and occupancy as the expiration of the lease.  /s/ John W. Campbell, Joseph Jones, Matthew Pickett, R. C. Campbell by their agent and atty, William Conner, William Conner, Patrick (x) Flinn.  Ack by Wm. Conner 19 Jan 1846. 

p. 242 - 8 Jan 1846 - Amos Abbott to John W. Flowers, negro woman Nelly about 38 or 40 years (not at this time in perfect health but at the risk of Flowers); a mare I purchased of E. K. Dodge, all my household furniture consisting in part as follows:  one mahogany secretary, four mahogany tables, a mahogany sofa, three carpets, a mahogany chair, six walnut chairs, 20 to 24 common chairs, one mahogany and four common bedsteds with their beds and bedding, two common tables, wardrobe, etc--in short all of my household, table and kitchen furniture.  If, however Abbott pays a note he executed this date for $614.80 payable 22 June 1846 this bill of sale to be void.  Wit:  Hiram W. Caulking, E. K. Dodge, J. M. Alexander.  Proved by Hiram W. Caulking 9 Jan 1846; by E. K. Dodge 19 Jan 1846.

p. 244 - 18 June 1845 - Matthew Pickett to William L. Miller, both of Haywood Co for $2500, 250 acres in the Mississippi Bottom near Ashport, part of the lands belonging to the proprietors of the town which, among other tracts, was allotted in a division of the lands among the Proprietors by commissioners Wm. W. Lea, Joseph Wardlaw and Abel H. Pope to Pickett, joining lands of Wm. Conner and Joseph Jones.  Wit:  John P. Gause, Wm. B. Grove; proved in Haywood Co 29 Oct 1845 by both wits.

p. 245 - 15 Jan 1846 - Nancy Rutherford, James Rutherford, Thomas McG. Rutherford, Wright H. Rutherford, John H. Rutherford, Robert J. Holbrook, Mary E. Holbrook, and Griffith L. Rutherford to Claiborne Rounsaville for $600, 94.5 acres in District 7 bounded by R. P. Currin, Leonard Dunavant, and E. H. Hinton.  Ack 22 Jan 1846.

p. 247 - 1 Nov 1845 - Henry Rutherford to Henry F. Rutherford for $300, 304 acres in Civil Dist. 8, part of 3000 acres granted by NC to Griffith Rutherford by Grant 37; this tract begins at Benjamin Porter's sw corner of 150 acre tract, then with the line north 15 chains to the se corner of another tract of Porter's of 156 acres, then with the line of that tract west 25 chains to the sw corner, then with the line of that tract north 32.5 chains to the corner of a tract conveyed by me to James & Henry R. Crawford, then with the southern boundary of that tract (west) 30.5 chains to the eastern boundary of a tract granted to Benjamin Smith for 5000 acres, then with the line of that tract south 56 chains to several trees marked with different shapes and letter claimed as the sw corner of the original grant of which this is a part, then with a marked line east 145 chains to the bank of Mill Creek, then down the meanders of the creek to a corner of a tract conveyed by me to Griffith Rutherford, then west with the southern boundary of that tract conveyed by me to Matthew Porter and the southern boundary of a tract conveyed to Benjamin Porter to the beginning.  Wit:  S. Richardson, G. L. Rutherford.  Proved by wits 22 Jan 1846.

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