Deed Book C - Abstracted Sections 01-10
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

After finding a name or place in the index, use the numbers following the name
to know which "Abstracted Section" to open.

The page numbers following the names on the index are for the "Abstracted Sections"
and do not match the page numbers in the actual Deed Book C.

Note: a name might appear more than once within a Section#, but was only indexed once for that Section#.

A - C
D - H
I -P
Q - S
T - Y
DEED BOOK C - Abstracted Sections
01 to 10
11 to 20
21 to 30
31 to 40
41 to 50

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p. 1 - 31 May 1844 - Ann V. Martin, executrix of Andrew L. Martin, dec'd of Marshall Co., Miss and John H. Rawlings of Madison Co TN to Thomas Golding of Lauderdale Co, title to 1000 acres which Andrew L. in his lifetime by his agent, Joseph Wardlaw, contracted for $2500 to sell Golding.  Andrew assigned to Rawlings an undivided half of the 1000 acres and did not in his lifetime make absolute conveyance to Golding; therefore, Ann V. Martin as Executrix and John H. Rawlings hereby convey it.  The land is that granted by TN on warrant #834 in 11SD,r3&4,s9&10 bounded by John Rhea, John Wilson, Estes, and Trimble & Co.  Ack by Ann V. Martin in Marshall Co, Miss 31 May 1844; by Rawlings in Madison Co, TN 14 June 1844.

p. 3 - 2 Aug 1844 - James H. Bates by Deed of Trust executed the last of May 1841 registered in Tipton Co to Wm. B. Vincent certain property real and personal to secure debts to Samuel V. Gilliland and others, and the deed of trust is not yet closed and the debts not yet paid.  He is indebted to Gilliland for other unse-cured debts, also two due Joseph Curry, one payable to James G. Anthony, one due Isaac Fullen, one due George S. Johnson and judgements in the Circuit Court of Tipton Co.  Now for $1 paid to Bates by Archer Phillips, Bates conveys IN TRUST 38 acres in Tipton Co bounded by J. Overton and the section line, and the following slaves:  Ben about 31; Charity about 29; Jemima about 30; Pomp about 15; Mary about 14; Priscilla about 12; Hannah about 8; Peyton about 7; Claude about 5; Robin about 11; William about 9; Pup about 8; Marshall about 7; and Susan about 4.  Acknowledged by Bates, Phillips and Gilliland 2 Aug 1844.

p. 6 - 3 Aug 1844 - Isaac J. Pinson to Isaac M. Steele, for $175 and to secure debt to Leroy F. Lockard, a negro woman named Violet about 18 years old IN TRUST.  Ack 3 Aug 1844.

p. 8 - 13 June 1843 - Henry F. Rutherford, Deputy Sheriff, by virtue of five executions in hand in favor of Matthew C. Fizer against William L. Mitchell and Joseph N. Pierce sells negro woman Silva about 40, the property of Pierce, to Joseph Mitchell for $105.  Ack 5 Aug 1844.

p. 9 - Wm. Espy of Lauderdale Co. and Richard Bennett and Matilda, his wife, the eldest daughter of Wm. Espey by his present or second wife, of Madison Co to A.W.O. Totten for $300, a negro boy Charles now in possession of Wm. Espey aged 8 or 9 years.  Ack by Espey and the Bennett at Madison Co. 15 June 1844.

p. 10 - 27 Aug 1844 - John A. Fletcher to Hiram C. Keller for $90, 35 acres in r7,s9, Civil Dist 5 bounded by M. H. Howard and Thomas M. Fletcher.  Ack 27 Aug 1844.

p. 11 - 27 Aug 1844 - John Fletcher to Hiram C. Keller for $300, man slave Isaac.  Ack 27 Aug 1844.

p. 11 - 14 Dec 1841 - State of TN #4918 to John A. Fletcher, 30 acres founded on R.W.T. Warrant #7157 surveyed 9 Dec 1838 in r7,s9 bounded by M. H. Howard and B. F. Jordan.

p. 12 - 30 May 1843 - Reuben Alphin to John Mc. White for $500, negro man Isaac aged about 47.  Wit:  James P. Silvertooth, Lemuel White; proved by wits 20 July 1844.

p. 13 - 30 May 1843 - Reuben Alphin to John Mc White for $12, 330 acres in 11SD in the Hatchie Connection r4,s9, part of 5000-acre grant of NC to John Rice by grant #341 bounded by E. Lake, Hatchie River.  It is part of lot #3 in the division of the 5000-acre tract.  Wit:  J. P. Silvertooth, Lemuel White; proved by both wits 20 July 1844.

p. 15 - 2 Sept 1844 - William D. Lee, adm of Henry A.G. Lee, dec'd, in compliance with a bond made by

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Lee in his lifetime, conveys to Benjamin T. Porter for $1500 land in the 8th Civil Dist bounded by William F. Crenshaw, Benjamin Porter, Smith & Rutherford's line.  Ack 2 Sept 1844.

p. 16 - 2 Sept 1844 - Benjamin T. Porter to Wm. D. Lee for $1500, in the 8th Civil Dist. bounded by William F. Crenshaw, Benjamin Porter, Smith and Rutherford's line.  Ack 2 Sept 1844.

p. 17 - 4 Sept 1844 - Absolum Bostick of Haywood Co to Isaac M. Steele for $75, 5 lots in Ripley--87, 81, 45, 47, and 11.  Ack 4 Sept 1844.

p. 19 - 30 Sept 1844 - Ann L. Porter to Rezin Porter, Benjamin T. Porter, and Henry H. Richardson for $415.40, all her claim to the personal estate of Benjamin Porter, dec'd.  By statute of dower she is lawfully seized of a life estate in 306 acres in Dist. 8, and it is hereby sold to the above.  Wit:  William J. Pitts, E. P. Stricklin; proved by wits 5 Oct 1844.

p. 20 - 15 Sept 1844 - Isaac Stevens of Essex Co., Mass. for $5 and love and affection I bear toward my daughter Elizabeth B. Campbell, convey to L. Marcellus Campbell one slide seat buggy wagon, 1 bureau, 1 rocking chair, 1 set tea ware, and cooking stove, and 8 cane bottom chairs.  Wit:  Mary J. Stevens.  Proved by Mary J. Stevens in Lauderdale Co. - 14 Oct 1844.

p. 21 - 21 Oct 1844 - James Soward to John Soward for $1, three tracts:  200 acres, being the tract which James Soward purchased at a sale made by the Chancery Court at Brownsville, TN, which is the place formerly owned by Benjamin Jordan, dec'd, and the tract on which he now resides; 200 acres joining the above-mentioned tract, being the one conveyed to him by Henry Rutherford on 3 Feb 1844 (See Book B, pp 403-4); and 100 acres which was conveyed to him by Hugh Smith and wife on 25 Nov 1843 (see Book B, pp 386-7); also a negro slave named Simon, about 22 years; a slave named Jacob aged about 45; a slave named Charlotte aged about 20; a yellow horse; a yellow mare; a bay mare; a bay horse; a black horse; two year-old fillys; 60 hogs; 15 cattle; 8 head of sheep IN TRUST to secure debt owed the Bank of Tennessee by a bill drawn on Yeatman & Co. of New Orleans for $375 on which Laban Jones is an endorser, and James Soward is about to liquidate the bill by redrawing on the same house at New Orleans for the sum of $450 and Jones has consented to endorse it.  James Soward is also indebted to Henry F. Rutherford (Jones is security on this debt, too), and to Laban Jones as well.  Ack 22 Oct 1844.

p. 24 - 21 Oct 1844 - John Buchannon to Joshua Stone for $5, horse, colt, cattle, feather beds and furniture, a clock, a wagon & gear, a wheat fan, 4 ploughs and gear, 1 cloth press, and all my crop of corn and cotton that are now in and out the field and about 2200 or 2300 lbs of tobacco IN TRUST to secure debt to Seaton Burks by judgement rendered by H. S. Peyton, Esqr to A. Phillips, also debts due David P. Posey, Reason S. Byrn, J. R. Buchanon, and David A. Bradford.  Ack 22 Oct 1844.

p. 26 - 11 Oct 1844 - David Hay to William Dewoody for $100, 5 acres, 108 poles, bounded by Lot 15 alotted to John W. & R. C. Campbell in the division of the Ashport property, the town of Ashport, L. S. Maclin's lot (which was conveyed to him by Hay), and the Ashport Turnpike Road.  This is part of a lot of 6 acres 108 poles allotted to Joseph Jones as Lot 16 in the division of the Ashport property.  Ack 11 Oct 1844.

p. 27 - 11 Oct 1844 - David Hay to James Hubbard, power of attorney to rent out lands and town lots at and in the town of Ashport, to keep off intruders and trespassers, make settlements with the proprietors of Ashport and to wind up all unsettled matters with them, and if necessary, to bring suits and employ attorneys to obtain and guard my interest in all my lands, town lots, and road stock in the road leading to Ashport.  Ack 11 Oct 1844.

p. 27 - 26 Oct 1844 - Matthew Brandon to Edward Kenelly for $40, a sorrel mare 5 years old last spring supposed to be worth about $40, 20 hogs worth about $40, one small yoke of steers three years old last

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spring at $15, 2 cows and calves (one of which is in Wm. Omohundro's mark) IN TRUST.  Brandon, who was fined by the Circuit Court Judge $2.50 for committing an assault on the body of one Benjamin McCorkle, supposes the costs and fine will amount to $30 or $40, and Henry Crichfield and Wm. B. Sawyer became securities for him.  Crichfield had also stayed an execution for about $50 in favor of F. Champion in E. H. Hinton Esq.'s office, and this deed of trust is to secure Crihfield and Sawyer.  Ack 26 Oct 1844.

p. 29 - 8 Sept 1843 - Patrick M. Duffy of Madison Co, TN quitclaims to James S. Armstrong of Gibson Co, TN for $154, 160 acres on the Mississippi River entered in the name of Calvin Jones, which Duffy purchased under a deed of trust from James S. Armstrong to Jno. W. Campbell as trustee.  The land is lot #2 drawn by M. H. Howard in a division of a tract belonging to McLemore Dickens & Co, it being 1/4 of their locative interest in a 2560-acre tract founded on military warrant #763 for 2500 acres in 13SD,r11,s1.  Ack 8 Sept 1843.

p. 30 - 9 Sept 1844 - James S. Armstrong to Justin L. Edwards for $200, 160 acres bounded by the Miss. River, being Lot 2 drawn by M. H. Howard in a tract belonging to McLemore Dickens & Co, the same being 1/4 of their locative interest in 2560 acres founded on Military warrant #763 in 13SD,11r,s1 entered in the name of Calvin Jones.  Ack 14 Sept 1844.

p. 31 - 16 Oct 1844 - Isaac M. Steele to Joseph Wardlaw for $25, 2 lots in Ripley--#45 and 47.  Ack 16 Oct 1844.

p. 32 - 8 Nov 1844 - Absalem G. W. Byrn & Isaac M. Steele to Henry T. Chism for $300, (no acreage mentioned) in r3,s11.  Ack 8 Nov 1844.

p. 33 - 8 Nov 1844 - Henry T. Chism to Absalom G. W. Byrn for $1, 160.49 acres in r3,s11 IN TRUST to secure debt Henry T. owes jointly with Moses B. Chism to Isaac M. Steele and Chism's debt to A.G.W. Byrn.  Ack by Henry T. Chism and Byrn
8 Nov 1844.

p. 35 - 8 Mar 1843 - John W. Bodenhamer of Giles Co, TN to A(rchibald) Wright of Giles Co., TN, 166 2/3 acres in Hardeman Co on Hatchey River about 7 or 8 miles from Bolivar on the north side of the river joining James(?) Conner's entry; also the undivided half of the locative interest in 150 acres in Hardeman Co on the Hatchey River joining the above tract and being the tract entered in the name of James(?) Conner; Peter Summers (owns?) the other half; also one undivided half of the locative interest in these tracts in Lauderdale Co.:  250 acres founded on warrant #3383 in the name of John Copage; 480 acres in the name of John W. Hamilton; one half of 559 acres and 145 poles in 11th SD founded on warrants #2976 for 290 acres and 16 poles and #3973 for 169 acres and 130 poles, both entered jointly and which tract is exclusively owned by Bodenhamer and Peter Summer; also the undivided locative interest in the following tracts in Hardin Co:  333 acres founded on Warrant #3140; 80 acres No. of Grant 26891 all of which warrants were in the name of Frederick Wright; also 166 2/3 acres near the Tennessee River in the name of Alford Hargote, Warrant #3148 IN TRUST to secure debt owed Wm. C. Summer.  Ack in Giles Co 8 March 1843.

p. 37 - 2 Nov 1844 - James Vaulx of Madison Co. to James L. Green of Lauderdale Co. for $1485.82 and Green's quitclaim to 487 acres and 17 poles to which Vaulx and Green have heretofore been joint owners bounded by the heirs of McDowell, the section line between sections 10 & 11, Lewis, and Joel Lewis' heirs.  In exchange Vaulx quitclaims to Green 667 acres and 123 poles in which the two were heretofore joint owners bounded by Wm. Lytle, section line between 10 & 11 section, and heirs of Joel Lewis.  Ack by Vaulx and Green 2 Nov 1844.

p. 39 - 11 Nov 1844 - Wm. W. Lea and John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Clarissa F. A. Dodge, wife of

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E. K. Dodge of Lauderdale Co for $1 for her separate use, Fulton town lots #157, 158, and 159 fronting each on Jefferson Street and including an alley; also lots 165 and 166, each fronting on Jackson Street; also half of the alley between lots 165 and 164; also that portion of the alley running parallel with Jefferson and Jackson Streets between the above lots fronting on Jefferson and Jackson Streets.  Wit:  H. B. Howell, J. H. Howell; proved by both wits 12 Nov 1844.

p. 41 - 2 Dec 1844 - Wm. W. Lea to John H. Boyd for $50, 25 acres in 11 SD,r3,s9 bounded by James P. Taylor, John Rhea, section line dividing sections 9 and 10, Charles McClung.  Wit:  Joseph Wardlaw, Joseph W. Perkins.  Ack 2 Dec 1844.

p. 42 - 29 Oct 1844 - Clement T. Walker to Thomas G. Rice for $1, a mare and two colts, a cow and three yearlings IN TRUST to secure debt owed Henry S. Peyton ...advertise in Ripley and Durhamville.  Ack 2 Dec 1844.

p. 43 - 10 Dec 1844 - Joseph Wardlaw to Rezin S. Byrn for $87.50, 76 acres and 58 poles bounded by Cane Creek, Samuel Oldham, and Daniel Wheaton.  Ack 10 Dec 1844.

p. 45 - 9 November 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Robert C. Campbell, Hiram C. Keller, and Griffith L. Rutherford, Commissioners of the town of Ripley to Isaac M. Steele of Ripley for $123 Ripley town lot #92 at the corner of Jackson and Randolph Streets.  Ack by Byrn and Rutherford 9 Nov 1844; by Keller 2 Dec 1844; by Campbell 11 Dec 1844.

p. 47 - 10 Dec 1844 - John Floyd to Abner Pitts for $1, 1800 lbs of seed cotton, one road waggon, one yoke of oxen, two mares and colts, a filly, four cows and calves, five yearlings, two beds and steads & furniture, a large cast pot, a dinner pot, two ovens and lids, a log chain, four pair of waggon harness, three free born (boon?) plows, three shovel plows and stocks, two chopping axes, six split bottom chairs, one clock, one man's saddle and a side saddle and bridle IN TRUST to secure debt to Thomas Golding...advertise at the Court house door and four other publick places in the 3rd Civil Justice District.  Wit:  Neil McLeod, E. Farmer.  Ack 11 Dec 1844.

p. 48 - 9 Dec 1844 - John Floyd to Thomas Golding for $900, negro woman Aggy about 38 years and her two children, Easter, about 6, and Bluford, about 3.  Wit:  Thos. J. Childress, Thos. L. Clark.  Ack 11 Dec 1844.

p. 49 - 29 Nov 1844 - Willoughby Williams of Davidson Co to Jeptha Fowlkes of Shelby Co for $718.75, on the Mississippi River, the undivided half interest in 760 acres purchased by him at a Chancery Sale at Franklin, TN and sold as the property of John C. McLemore.  The land was granted by TN to McLemore, James Trimble and Matthew Burrow by Grant #21,036 dated 1 Jan 1824 founded on entry #212, warrant #2210 in the 11 SD,r6&7, s8.  Wit:  John C. McLemore, E. K. Dodge, J. F. James.  Proved in Shelby Co by Dodge 18 Dec 1844.

p. 51 - 11 Nov 1844 - William W. Lea of Lauderdale Co to John C. McLemore of Shelby Co. for $1500, an undivided half of all his interest in all the lots now owned by him by purchase either at tax sales or otherwise in the town of Fulton and to 100 acres laid out originally for the town of Fulton bounded by the Mississippi River, James Trimble heirs, the town of Fulton, Matthew Barrow.  But the lots #347, 348, 349 and 350 including the house and appurtenances thereto belonging now occupied by Lea, and Lots #7 and 8 including the store and warehouse are excepted in this conveyance and retained by Lea as his own exclusive property.  Lea also sells to McLemore an undivided half of 163 acres conveyed by Thomas C. Trimble to Lea on 14 Feb 1837 (See BK A, pp117-8) east and north of and adjoining Fulton, the Mississippi River, the edge of the Hatchie bottom, the northeast corner of J. C. McLemore's 287 1/2 acre division of the 760 acre tract, and M. Barrow.  Wit:  E. K. Dodge, Joel Lewis.  Ack 8 Jan 1845.

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p. 53 - 11 Nov 1844 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Jeptha Fowlkes of Shelby Co. for $1500, all the interest which Lea conveyed to McLemore by his deed dated 11 Nov 1844, i.e. the undivided half of all his interest in lots "now owned and held by him..." (see above).  Wit:  Jas. C. Williams, E. K. Dodge.  Ack in Shelby Co   Dec 1844.

p. 56 - 25 Jan 1845 - Joseph Hays to Albert S. Durham for $425, 100 acres bounded by the 5000-acre tract granted to Daniel Mallet, David P. Posey, Joseph Wardlaw, and John Rhea.  Wit:  J. M. Dickson, Bryant Durham.  Ack27 Jan 1845.

p. 57 - 25 Jan 1845 - Joseph Hays to James H. Cleaves for $1, 20 head of hogs and the 74 acres whereon Hays now resides joining lands of N. W. Barnes, Rhea and Gilliland which was bought by Hayes from A. S. Durham IN TRUST to secure debts owed P. G. Davenport, Archer Phillips, and Smith Kent.  Ack 27 Jan 1845.

p. 59 - 28 Jan 1845 - Isaac J. Pinson to Thomas D. Hart for $600, Ripley town lots #34 and 93.  Ack 28 Jan 1845.

p. 60 - 13 Jan 1845 - Thomas M. Fletcher to Hiram C. Keller for $1296, three tracts in Civil District 5 in r7,s9--one of 200 acres bounded by Trustees of Cumberland College, the Mississippi River, and M. H. Howard; the second of 88 acres bounded by M. H. Howard, Thos. M. Fletcher, and a lake; the third of 36 acres bounded by the Mississippi River and Thos. M. Fletcher.  Ack 31 Jan 1845.

p. 62 - 3 Feb 1845 - Richard Williams of Orange Co., NC to Henry F. Rutherford power of attorney to deliver to John B. Childers a deed with general warranty for 82 ½  acres when Childers pays for it.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 3 Feb 1845.

p. 63 - Shelby Co, TN - 31 Jan 1845  - Jeptha Fowlkes to Jas. C. Williams for $10,000, his interest in the town of Fulton, Mississippi River, it being one-third part of the town and 100 acres joining the town; also, 640 acres granted to McLemore near Ashport conveyed by deed from Jessee Isler & wife & Sally Ann Bryan for $3300.  Ack in Shelby Co 1 Feb 1845.

p. 64 - Shelby Co - 31 Jan 1845 - E. K. Dodge to Jeptha Fowlkes for $10,000, his 1/3 interest to the town of Fulton and all the lands connected therewith UNLESS he pays off the ten promissory notes of $1000 each.  Ack in Shelby Co. 1 Feb 1845.

p. 65 - 31 Jan 1845 - E. K. Dodge to Amos Abbot for $350, a negro man Charles (who has but one arm) and woman Nelly who has an affection of the head.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 3 Feb 1845.

p. 65 - 30 Jan 1845 - Hermis Champ to G. L. Rutherford for $1, a bay stallion, a Leviathan Col. Potter, a chestnut sorrel mare, Roanna and colt, 6 feather beds and furniture, 6 fine bed steads, a dozen and half chairs, 3 tables, a clock, a settee, four pair handirons, a press IN TRUST to secure debts due Thos. D. Hart, David Bradford, N. McCabe, judgement against Champ in favor of Thos. J. Childress and John C. Barnes, admrs. & C obtained before I. M. Steele, justice of the peace; another judgement against H. Champ & D. Fitzpatrick in favor of T. J. Childress & J. C. Barnes, admrs. & C before I. M. Steele, JP.  Ack 31 Jan 1845.

p. 67 - 15 March 1843 - State of TN #207 to Hermis Champ 25 acres for 12 ½ cents per acre entered 13 March 1843 in r3,s10 bounded by Isaac Braden, John Donelson, A. Bryant.

p. 68 - 20 Aug 1844 - State of TN #771 to Hermis Champ for 12 ½ cents per acre, 67.75 acres  surveyed 20 May 1844 in r3,s10 bounded by Jno. Donelson.

p. 69 - 29 Jan 1845 - Asa Pate to James G. Henning for $50, two Durhamville town lots--#27 and 28.  Wit: 

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D. M. Henning, A. Phillips; proved by both wits 3 Feb 1845.

p. 70 - 29 Oct 1844 - John W. Durant to Henry S. Peyton for $200, Durhamville lots #29, a quarter lot on the public square and Water Street, also, #38(?), #41, #42, #43, #44.  Wit:  A. Phillips, Edmund Fitzpatrick; proved by wits 3 Feb 1845.

p. 71 - 28 August 1837 - State of TN #3402 to Thomas M. Fletcher, assignee of James G. Brehon, 200 acres surveyed 1 Nov 1836 in 11SD, r7,s9 on the bank of the Mississippi River bounded by the Trustees of Cumberland College, M. H. Howard.

p. 72 - 14 Dec 1841 - State of TN #4917 to Thomas M. Fletcher, ass. orig. of J. H. Burton, 88 acres in r7,s9, on Entry #49 dated 18 Mar 1837 made in the name of Benjamin B. Jordan bounded by M. H. Howard, a lake.

p. 74 - 10 Dec 1844 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell and Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners of the town of Ripley to Joseph Wardlaw for $132, 2 Ripley town lots--#54 and #55.  Ack by Byrn and Campbell 11 Dec 1844; by Keller and Rutherford 6 Jan 1845.

p. 75 - 17 Feb 1845 - J. W. Durant to Irwin R. Sherrod of Tipton Co for $550, negro woman Silvey about 26 years and her two children Sally about 4 and Pheby about 2.  Wit:  W. B. Grove.  Ack 17 Feb 1845.

p. 76 - 3 Sept 1836 - Thomas Durham of Holmes Co, Miss. to Asa Pate for $30, lots #27 and 28 in Durhamville.  Wit:  D. P. Phillips, Thomas Durham.  On 3 Feb 1845 A. Phillips and D. M. Henning appeared and said they are acquainted with D. P. Phillips, one of the witnesses, and his handwriting, and that he has moved out of the state and they believe the signature to be genuine.  Thos. Durham appeared 17 Feb 1845 and said he was one of the witnesses and knows Thomas Durham, the bargainor, and he signed it in his presence.

p. 77 - 17 Feb 1845 - Daniel Williams for $5 to Isaac M. Steele, 4 cows and calves, a steer and a heifer, 20 hogs, a gray horse about 11 years, a two-horse wagon, a fan mill and a bay cold about 1 year old IN TRUST to secure debt to James A. Lackey.  Wit:  James Price, W. Boydson; proved by wits 17 Feb 1845.

p. 79 - 17 Feb 1845 - Robert F. Maclin to John F. Jett for $100, 20 acres in Lauderdale and Haywood Counties in 11 SD, r2,s10, part of a tract purchased by Maclin from Wm. Conner (deed registered in Haywood Co) bounded by Alford Moore, Robert Walker, J. F. Jett.  Ack 17 Feb 1845.

p. 80 - 20 Jan 1845 - Thomas Blackwell to Henry S. Peyton for $646.28, negro slaves:  woman about 18 and a girl about 12 IN TRUST to secure debts to Peyton, R. C. Campbell, R. S. Byrn, a blacksmith's account due A. Phillips, C. T. Walker, S. Rice, A. Haynes, and David P. Posey, with Blackwell to remain in peaceable possession of the negores for the time mentioned.  Wit:  Richard W. Green, John P. Rice.  Proved by the wits 17 Feb 1845.

p. 81 - 20 Jan 1845 - Thomas Blackwell to J. W. Durant, R. W. Green and J. P. Rice for the amount of a note (of $600) in Memphis Bank endorsed by Durant, Green and Rice, negro man Robert 20, negro woman Rose 40, negro boy Alfred 7 IN TRUST.  Wit:  Henry S. Peyton, Wm. M. Byars.  Proved by wits 17 Feb 1845.

p. 82 - 17 Feb 1845 - Phillip F. Crihfield to Henry Crihfield, senior for $600, 146 acres bounded by Henry Crihfield.  Ack 17 Feb 1845.

p. 83 - 26 Nov 1823 - John Hansard, Sr. of Amherst Co, VA for the love I have for my children and $1 paid by Phillip Burford of Madison Co, Alabama territory, in behalf of my daughter, Mary T. Burford and her children if any, I grant unto Burford as trustee for my daughter: negro woman Judy and her two children

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Henry & Robin; negro lad named James; a horse; a Jersey wagon and harness; a feather bed; and two trunks.  Ack in Amherst Co, VA 20 Nov 1823.

p. 85 - 3 Nov 1844 - Martha L. Childress, Charles C. Dyer and Virginia Dyer his wife, to Griffin Robertson for $894, 223 ½ acres in Civil District 3 bounded by John C. Barnes, Hannah G. Slocum, John D. Edney, John Wilson, McCampbell, Martha L. Childress.  Wit:  Jas. W. Gray, J. C. Barnes.  Ack in Desoto Co., MS 30 Nov 1844.  Proved in Lauderdale Co by John C. Barnes 17 Feb 1856.

p. 87 - 20 Feb 1845 - William Henry Caldwell to Isaac J. Pinson for $225, my interest (one-half) in negro man Peter age 30.  Ack 20 Feb 1845.

p. 88 - 1 Nov 1844 - Charles D. Crenshaw & Oliver Crenshaw of Washington Co, Republic of Texas to Richard Parr for $1000, an undivided interest of 250 acres (one half of a 500-acre tract conveyed by Henry Rutherford to Elizabeth Crenshaw) on the north side of Mill Creek.  It is part of NC Grant #34 dated 10 July 1788 to H. Rutherford and conveyed to Elizabeth Crenshaw, our part being one half of the 500 acres. Wit:  Robt. M. Elgin, J. D. Giddings.  Ack in Washington Co, TX 21 Dec 1844.

p. 90 - 4 Feb 1845 - Robert B. Clarkson of Tipton Co, TN to Thomas Golden for $300, 200 acres in 11 SD,r3,s10 on Cain Creek granted by TN to Abraham Byler by Grant #20566 bounded by James Trimble & Co, Thomas Hickman.  Wit:  Joseph A. Green, Marcus T. C. Green, Jas. L. Bryant, Robert W. Sanford.  Proved by Sanford and Bryant in Tipton Co 6 Feb 1845.

p. 91 - 8 Feb 1844 - James D. Rhea of Sullivan Co, TN to Thomas Boyd for $1500, 288 acres on north side of Hatchie River, the southwest lot of 1250 acres devised by John Rhea deceased to John W. Rhea and others, and John W. Rhea's (part) conveyed by him to James D. Rhea, bounded by Robt. P. Rhea and S. V. Gilliland.  Wit:  Thos. T. Tuggle, John Tuggle.  Proved by the Tuggles in Haywood Co 24 Feb 1845.

p. 93 - 25 Feb 1845 - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff of Lauderdale Co to Alfred Norman of Cole Co, MO, for $21, 449 acres, and for $22, half interest in 335 acres.   Norman recovered a judgement for $814.67 damages and $8.15 costs against Robert C. Campbell in Circuit Court of Lauderdale Co at the October term in 1842 and a writ of fieri facias issued and was delivered to the sheriff on 20 Oct 1842.  There was not enough personal property of Campbell in the county to satisfy the execution and it remained unpaid.  Therefore the sheriff levied on two tracts owned by Campbell:  449 acres in 11 SD,r5,s10 granted to Campbell by TN bounded by John Ward, and R. C. Campbell's entry for 375 acres; and 335 acres granted by TN to William Conner and Robert C. Campbell by Grant #3655 in 11 SD,r5,s10 bounded by J. W. & R. C. Campbell, and William (Nash).  The land was advertised for sale three times for more than 40 days in the Phoenix, a newspaper of general circulation published in Brownsville, and by advertisements in writing at four places in the county, and Norman became the purchaser at the sale on 7 Feb 1843.  He advanced his bid on the 449 acres to $450, and on the undivided half of the 335 acres to $50 and credited the judgement by filing with the clerk of the Circuit Court of Lauderdale County.  Ack 27 Feb 1845.

p. 96 - 22 Jan 1844 - James C. Jones to Thomas M. Rogers, both of Haywood Co, for $400, 100 acres on the waters of the South Fork of the Forked Deer River joining the lands of Hooper, Crihfield and Omohundro being part of a tract granted by NC to Griffith Rutherford (#37) and a part of a tract granted by NC to David Crawford (#379) which had been sold by Henry Rutherford to David Denton being the land conveyed by Henderson Clark, sheriff of Dyer Co by virtue of his office to Jacob Jones, then agent for the above said James C. Jones on 25 Mar 1834 and registered on 20 April 1834 in Book C, pp 257-9.  Witnessed by  Peter S. Gayle and Wm. Barbee on "12 Feb."  Proved by wits 12 Feb 1844.

p. 98 - 24 Feb 1845 - John W. Durant to Samuel S. Gause for $5, slaves Bun and Lewis IN TRUST to secure a bill of exchange drawn on New Orleans for $500 endorsed by S. M. Sweet and Richard W. Green, and discounted by the Bank in Summerville.  Wit:  Thos. G. Rice, Jas. P. Walker.  Ack 3 Mar 1845.

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p. 99 - 28 Feb 1845 - Henry T. Chism to Pleasant G. Devenport/Davenport for $1, a filly, six cattle, a feather bed, clock, a mare IN TRUST to secure debt owed Samuel A. Thompson.  Ack 3 Mar 1845.

p. 100 - 3 Feb 1845 - Moses E. Stone of Marshall Co, KY to Archer Phillips for $380, 76 3/4 acres bounded by S. Wood.  Ack in Marshall Co, KY 6 Feb 1845.

p. 102 - 18 May 1844 - State of TN #639 to Thomas Bond for 12 ½ cents per acre, 144 acres and 32 poles surveyed 9 April 1844 in r3 & 4,s11 bounded by Samuel Deason, John C. McLemore, Adam Boyd, and C. Acuff.

p. 104 - 28 Feb 1845 - Davidson Co., TN - Copy of judgement in Micajah G. L. Claiborn vs. Robert P. Currin and William Maney found for the plaintiff.  The attorney for the plaintiff came, but the defendant did not, but made default (the Court was related to William Maney, but the defendant had waived the incompetence of the Court).  The plaintiff shall recover his debt of $3886.53 plus $98.65, his damages, and his costs.

p. 105 - 28 Feb 1845 - Davidson Co - Copy of judgement in M.G.L. Claiborne vs. Robt. P. Currin - January Term 1845 of Davidson Circuit Court - Plaintiff's attorney came and the defendant came not but made default; therefore, the Court considers that the plaintiff shall recover his debt of $1106 together with his damages occasioned by the detention thereof, $26.00, and his costs in this behalf expended.

p. 106 - 3 March 1841 - Rezin S. Byrn, Hiram C. Keller, Robert C. Campbell, and Griffith L. Rutherford, commissioners of the Town of Ripley to John McLeon for $101, lot #69 on Water Street.  Ack by all on 1 April 1841.

p. 107 - 25 Jan 1845 - Stith Richardson to Edward Fisher for $1, a sulkey or single gig and harness IN TRUST to secure debt of $45 due H. T. Blythe.  Wit:  Isaac M. Steele, James A. Lackey.  Proved by both wits 22 Mar 1845.

p. 108 - 11 Nov 1844 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co and Willoughby Williams of Davidson Co to William W. Lea of Lauderdale Co, Town of Fulton for $1, land and lots situated in and nearby adjoining the town of Fulton:  lots 347, 348, 349, and 150 including the present residence of the said William W. Lea in Fulton; also lots 7 and 8 including Lea's store and warehouse in Fulton; also an undivided half part of all the lots and other portions of the 100-acre tract (part of the 760 acres entered in the name of James Trimble) as originally laid out for the town of Fulton into town lots; also the undivided half part of the tract of 287.5 acres which was alloted to McLemore in the division of the 760-acre tract which includes the town of Fulton, being the lowest lot of the 760 acres fronting on the Mississippi River.  McLemore's interest in the 287.5 acres and his interest in the 100 acres including the town of Fulton was sold under a decree of the Chancery Court at Franklin, TN, and purchased at the sale by the said Willoughby Williams.  Wit:  Joel Lewis, E. F. Dodge.  Ack. in Davidson Co. by Williams 13 Dec 1844; proved in Lauderdale Co. by Lewis on 3 Mar 1845, and by  Dodge 17 Mar 1845.

p. 110 - 11 Dec 1844 - Isaac M. Steel to Carter Whitson for $10, lot #11 in Ripley.  Wit:  Thos. D. Hart, Robert H. Hamil.  Ack 29 Mar 1845.

p. 111 - 1 Jan 1845 - James L. Green to John C. Claiborne of Gibson Co. for $3000 the undivided one-half of the following:  667 acres and 123 poles bounded by William Lytle on the section line between s10&11, and heirs of Joel Lewis; lots 18, 19, 66, and 67, the same conveyed to the said Green by the Commissioners of the town of Ripley on 24 Aug 1843; the ox wagon and carry(?) logs, log chain, saws, crow bars, 3 yoke oxen, 13 cattle, hogs, grain and provisions of every sort on hand, plantation utensils, the stock of lumber on hand together with the mill fixtures and tools.  Ack 2 April 1845.

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p. 113 - 22 June 1844 - Henry Rutherford to Richard Parr and William B. Sawyer for $78.50, 9 ½ acres on Mill Creek joining the land of William Owen and Richard Parr and others, on the southeast corner of Parr's land.  Wit:  Wm. Owen, B. H. Lee.  Proved by Lee 19 Feb 1845; by William Owen 2 April 1845.

p. 114 - 4 April 1844 - John H. Maxwell to R. P. Russell for $400, negro woman slave named Mariah aged about 25.  Wit:  James Price.  Proved by Price 3 April 1845.

p. 115 - 4 April 1845 - Willie Dodd to "my two sons Richard Dodd and Thomas N. Dodd" 76 acres, all that tract whereon "I now live" bounded by Joseph Crockett's 1000-acre tract, and George Bradford, to be equally divided between them according to quantity, quality, and improvements thereon, provided that "I the said Willie Dodd am to retain the dwelling house wherein I now reside for my own especial use and benefit during natural lives of myself and wife Jennett... another condition of this agreement, that the aforesaid Richard Dodd and Thomas N. Dodd have this day stipulated and bound themselves in a bond of this present date with a penalty of $1000" that they will take care of Willie and Jennett Dodd during their natural lives "and to farther enable the said Richard Dodd and Thomas N. Dodd to well, truly, and faithfully to comply with their part of this agreement, I the said Willie Dodd, have this day given unto them, the management and control of the farm I now occupy and all my stock of horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs, and poultry of every kind, and all my farming utensils of every kind, and my oxens, and waggon (and at the decease of the said Willie Dodd and Jennett Dodd) all my household and kitchen furniture of every kind to be equally divided" between them.  Wit:  Alfred Kennedy, Isaac M. Steele.  Ack 4 April 1845.

p. 117 - 28 Jan 1840 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co, TN to William W. Lea for $720, 120 acres on the north side of the Big Hatchie River, the same land entered in the name of McLemore in 11 SD joining a tract of 232 acres in the name of Barrow & Tremble and including part of the first bluff on (the Hatchie) River above its mouth.  Wit:  Thomas R. Potts, Bryson B. Trousdale, Joel Lewis, Edmund Fitzpatrick.  Proved by Joel Lewis 3 Mar 1845; by Edmund Fitzpatrick 7 April 1845.

p. 118 - 13 Aug 1844 - James Maney of Rutherford Co to Caleb Arnold for $700, 200 acres, part of the original survey of the Murphree tract.  Wit:  Edwin A. Keeble/Kuble, J. H. Maney.  Ack in Rutherford Co 13 Aug 1844.

p. 120 - 14 April 1845 - John Rackley to Isaac M. Steele for $5, a sorrel mare about 9 years old, 33 hogs, and one clock IN TRUST to secure debt owed James A. Lackey.  Ack 14 April 1845.

p. 121 - 9 April 1845 - Robert P. Currin of Memphis, Shelby Co, to John M. Bass, President of the Union Bank of Tennessee and James Correy, cashier of that bank of Nashville, Davidson Co, for $5:  2501.5 acres conveyed to Currin by John Rutherford out of a 5000-acre grant to Rutherford (this tract is the eastern part of the 5000-acre tract, on which the farm now cultivated by Currin, his mill and other improvements are situated); also, 66 acres joining the above tract on the west being the same land conveyed to Currin by Jacob Jones (these two tracts are all the land owned by Currin in Lauderdale Co) IN TRUST to secure debt owed the above bank.  Ack in Davidson Co 9 April 1845.

p. 124 - 22 April 1845 - Matthew Brandon to William B. Sawyer for $5, 56.25 acres, part of NC grant #27 to Martin Armstrong, Jr. for 5000-acres, it being the land whereon Brandon now lives bounded by Lots 5, 4, and 2 in the division of the 5000 acres IN TRUST to secure a debt owed Henry Crihfield, Sr.  Ack 22 April 1845.
p. 126 - 28 April 1845 - John H. Chapman to Edward T. Friend of Haywood Co for $5 and a note on John Fullen, two horses IN TRUST to secure debt owed Edward T. Friend, adm of the estate of Bignal Crook, dec'd.  Ack 28 April 1845.

p. 128 - 22 March 1845 - Caroline Hankins of Yallabusha Co, MS (adm of the estate of Samuel W.

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Hankins, dec'd) to George W. Conley of Shelby Co, TN power of attorney to demand of E. H. Hinton, or others, the following slaves:  Mary Ann about 64; Mary about 21 and her two children Thaddeus age 5 and girl child 10 or 12 months; Peter about 17; and Elsa, a girl about 15; and to demand any debts now due; and in my name as the wife and widow of the aforesaid Samuel W. Hankins, dec'd, to petition the county court of Lauderdale Co to revoke and set aside the will or Deed of Trust, made by Samuel W. Hankins and wife Caroline to E. H. Hinton dated 16 Nov 1842 constituting Hinton trustee for Caroline and children, and to pray the court to appoint commissioners to divide the property and effects of the estate as the law provides after the debts and liabilities are paid.  Ack in Yalabusha Co, MS 22 Mar 1845.

p. 130 - 30 Nov 1843 - Caroline Hankins of Lauderdale Co, TN, administratrix of Dr. S. W. Hankins, dec'd, about to leave this county and state, appoints "my father-in-law the Rev. Saml. Hankins my true and lawful attorney" to settle up and transact the business of the estate of my said deceased husband Dr. S. W. Hankins.  Wit:  E. L. Hankins, H. H. Hankins; proved by H. H. Hankins 18 Feb 1845.

p. 132 - 6 May 1845 - James A. Lackey to Isaac M. Steele for $1, Ripley town lot #81, a horse, a man's saddle and a lady's saddle, 3 cows and calves, a bureau, 2 looking glasses, a dish, four tables, 2 beds, bedsteads and furniture, and two clocks IN TRUST to secure debt owed commissioners of town of Ripley evidenced by a judgement obtained before A.G.W. Byrn, JP.  Ack 10 May 1845.

p. 134 - 20 May 1845 - Lee H. Rucker to William B. Sawyer for $1, 70 acres in 13SD,r10,s1 (the tract that was entered in the name of John Branch), and 33 acres which is the locative interest in a tract of 135 acres in 13 SD,r10,s1 that was entered in the name of John Wynn, also 400 cords of cotton wood now on the land on which Rucker now resides, also two mares, one cart and two speckled steers IN TRUST to secure debt owed George Dickinson and a judgement rendered against Rucker in Circuit Court on which Zachariah Mitchell is security and a note made to Phillip Burford, trustee for Mary T. Rucker.  Ack 20 May 1845.

p. 136 - (No date shown, but probably 23 May 1845) - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff, to James L. Green, Ripley town lot #75 to cover a judgement recovered against Robert C. Campbell in the Circuit Court on 6 June 1843 on which a writ of alias fieri facias issued on 12 Jan 1844, for which there was not enough of Campbell's personal property to satisfy.  At the sale at the Court House door in Ripley on 15 June 1844 James L. Green was the highest bidder at $10.  Ack 23 May 1845.

p. 138 - 23 May 1845 - James L. Green of Haywood Co for $10.60 quitclaims to Robert C. Campbell lot #75 in Ripley.  Ack 23 May 1845.

p. 139 - 10 Oct 1822 - Noah Wilson of Sampson Co, NC to Kimbrough and Nathaniel Jones (C Tree) for $800, in 11SD,r3,s9 founded on Military Warrant #36 for 640 acres issued by NC for military services of my father, John Wilson, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War in the line of the state of North Carolina.  The land is bounded by William Russell, John Rhea, and Hardy Murfree.  The locator's part of the land is hereby excepted whatever the same may be, but not to exceed one fourth part.  The land was transferred by my father, John Wilson, to me by transfer of the warrant.  Wit:  Richard Smith, Peter Porter.  Proved by Richard Smith in Wake Co NC in August 1842; at the same term Allen Adams and Adam G. Bank swore that Peter Porter is dead and that they are acquainted with his handwriting and they believe the signature is his signature.

p. 142 - 13 May 1845 - Justin L. Edwards of Madison Co to Joseph Wardlaw for $5 on the Mississippi River, the whole of the lot drawn by M. H. Howard in a division of a tract belonging to McLemore Dickens & Co, it being the one-fourth of their locative interest in a tract of 2560 acres on military warrant #763 in 13SD,r11,s1 entered in the name of Calvin Jones IN TRUST to secure debt due James W. Jackson.  Ack 31 May 1845.

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