Deed Book A - Index T to Y
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

Abstracted by
A - B
C - E
F - I
J - M
N - R
- S -
T - Y
DEED BOOK A - Page Number Sections
001 - 099
101 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
400 - 499
500 - 599
601 - 644
  • Talbot/Talbert, Jos., 367, 504
    • Joseph H., 367, 638
  • Taliaferro, F. N., 43
    • Chs. P., 19
  • Tappan, Benjamin S., 19, 91, 154, 188
  • Tappan, Benjamin S. & Co., 611
  • Tate, 48
  • Tatum, George W., 270
  • Tayler, Abram B., 638
  • Taylor, Alfred W., 242
    • Howel Jr., 26
    • J. P., 246, 341
    • James, 141, 242
    • James M., 322
    • James P., 11, 45, 80, 343, 408, 463, 498, 574
    • Joseph, 272,319
    • Jos. P., 408
    • Thos., 11, 80
  • Temple, Green B., 393
  • Tennessee Land Grants :
    • #335, 390
    • #625, 274, 275, 277, 296
    • #1839, 454
    • #2601, 488
    • #2605, 386, 432
    • #2659, 495
    • #2662, 491
    • #2663, 493
    • #2664, 490
    • #2665, 486
    • #2666, 489
    • #2667, 492
    • #2672, 386
    • #2681, 386, 388, 432, 435
    • #2682, 185
    • #2974, 326
    • #2993, 325, 349, 388, 435
    • #2994, 388, 435
    • #3177, 39
    • #3212, 356
    • #3214, 322
    • #3274, 294, 386, 432
    • #3292, 38
    • #3294, 437
    • #3320, 38
    • #3384, 295, 386, 388, 432
    • #3429, 484
    • #3517, 400
    • #3654, 500
    • #3655, 499
    • #3656, 497
    • #3657, 496
    • #3658, 502
    • #3659, 498
    • #3660, 483
    • #3663, 401
    • #3861, 398
    • #3994, 352
    • #11862, 440
    • #15917, 361
    • #16047, 242, 407, 408, 462
    • #16184, 170, 176
    • #16213, 48, 167
    • #17494, 1
    • #17495, 333
    • #17502, 48
    • #18862, 439, 454
    • #20523, 416
    • #21512, 416
    • #21524, 416
    • #21525, 416
    • #21570, 416
    • #21571, 416
    • #21674, 114
    • #22264, 422
    • #22870, 457
    • #22940, 449
    • #22993, 349
  • Tennessee River, 224, 420, 449
  • Termeen, Robert, 367
  • Terrell, John, 16, 416
    • Rachel, 638
  • Terrill, J., 412
    • Thos. T., 24
  • Texas, Republic of: 350, 390, 438
  • Theus, Elisa L., 630
  • Thomas & George, 165
  • Thomas, Jas. _., 160
    • Jas. J., 128
    • Preston, 227, 407
  • Thomas, Robt. J., 43
  • Thompson, James, 48
    • John, 238, 272, 315
    • Samuel A., 638
    • Thos., 76, 95
    • Wm., 76
  • Thurmond, Alfred, 584, 593
    • Alfred S., 438
    • Erasmus D., 140, 149, 241, 249, 365, 438, 584
    • John G., 140, 149, 249
    • Nancy, 139
  • Tioga Co., NY, 20, 40, 41, 42
  • Tipton, 111
    • J., 382
    • Jacob, 184, 227, 242, 407, 408, 462, 463, 464
    • P. M., 254, 325, 386, 388, 432, 435
    • Pleasant M., 325
  • Tipton Co., 1, 10, 11, 16, 17, 23, 29, 30, 31, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 68, 90, 93, 95, 99, 106, 108, 128, 129, 135, 145, 151, 169, 184, 186, 187, 200, 222, 227, 235, 239, 240, 242, 292, 330, 333, 343, 367, 382,390, 400, 407, 408, 216, 453, 477, 484, 486, 488,
  • Tisdale, 156
  • Tisdale Creek, 402, 444, 530
  • Titsworth, 558
    • Christopher G., 126, 127, 128, 129, 157, 160, 186
    • John, 125, 127, 129, 157, 160, 187
  • Tompkins, James, 227
  • Torrance, James G., 518
    • Hugh, 517, 518
  • Totty, Arthur, 264
  • Tremble (See Trimble), James, 3, 11
    • James & Co., 1
  • Trigg, John, 367, 437, 571
  • Trimble (See Tremble), 146, 574
    • Trimble, Brown & Hayes, 48
    • Eliza Malvina, 48
    • James, 48, 119, 252, 531
    • James & Co., 613
    • James heirs, 167
    • John, 48, 167
    • Letitia B., 48
    • Margaret Louisa, 48
    • Mary Ann, 48
    • Susan, 48
    • Thos., 48
    • Thomas C., 117, 167
  • Truth Teller, 4, 146, 191
  • Truth Teller and Western District Sentinel, 33, 71, 86, 206, 308
  • Tucker, A. P., 506, 508
  • Tuggle, Phillip, 154, 641
    • Thos., 428, 430
  • Turnbull, (town of), 90
  • Turner, James S., 217, 218
    • M. G., 622
    • Milton G., 63, 328
    • R., 633
    • Robert, 574
    • Wm. G., 570
  • Turpen, James A., 218
  • Union Bank at Jackson, 454
  • Union Bank of TN, 432, 435, 453
  • Union Bank of TN at Jackson, 367
  • University of NC, 542, 574, 644
  • Vanwick, A., 254
  • VanWyck, A., 256
  • Vanwyck, Abraham, 386, 388, 432, 435
  • Vassor, John, 119
  • Vaulx, James, 43, 399
  • Velts, Priscilla, 138
  • Vickory, Absalam, 280
  • Virginia (state of), 170, 261
  • Voss, Phillip, 239
  • Wakefield. James, 318
  • Walker, 114, 432, 523
    • Clement T., 470, 586
    • David, 296
    • H., 435
    • J. M., 116
    • Jane, 561
    • Robert, 29, 110, 393
  • Wallace, Edwin R., 122
    • Jno., 222
    • Mary L., 122
  • Walpole, Benj., 156
    • Benj. H., 249, 637
    • John, 156, 249, 365, 379, 384, 637
    • John P., 365
    • Thos. D., 249
    • Wm. S., 249, 365
  • Walton, Ellen W., 173, 174, 176, 505
  • Wardlaw, 363
    • J. N., 279
    • Jacob N., 448, 560
    • James, 236, 245, 620
    • Joseph, 101, 102, 151, 159, 181, 236, .242, 303, 319, 321a, 336, 389, 400, 401, 503, 514, 520, 552, 560, 563, 589, 597, 610, 623, 633
    • Mary Ann, 336
    • Thomas, 389, 399, 610
  • Wardlow, John, 623
  • Warren Co., TN, 170, 261, 420
  • Warren Co., MS, 282, 482
  • Warren, Robt. H., 159, 181
  • Washington, Susan, 48
    • Wm. L., 48
  • Wasson, Wm., 84
  • Watkins, 80
  • Watson, B. B., 266
    • C., 578
    • Christopher, 30
    • John, 299
    • Mark, 264, 291, 316
    • Robert, 300, 302
    • W., 302
    • Wm., 299, 300
  • Watts, Hord  261
  • Wayne Co., KY, 367
  • Weakley Co., 361, 416
  • Weakley, Robert, 234
    • Samuel, 133, 199
  • Webb, Geo., 622
  • Webster, Jonathan, 293
    • Robt. P., 293
    • Wilson B., 135
  • Weddle, Wm., 245, 273, 278, 589, 598
  • Weed, H., 428
    • N., 428
  • Welborn, James, 361
  • Welch, Mary A., 637
  • Wells, Francis C., 570
    • John, 570
    • Wm. K., 302
  • Wentz, H. J. A., 96
  • Wert & Jones, 606
  • West, Robert, 31
  • Westcott, Patience, 48
  • Western District Sentinel, 4, 191
  • Wheaton, 401
    • Daniel, 68, 308
    • David, 611
    • John L., 444
    • Mary, 379
  • Whig & Banner, 333
  • White, Benjamine, 23
    • Cary, 23
    • Chas, 446
    • Holland L., 23
    • Joseph, 135
  • Whitehead, Wm., 449
  • Whitfield, John O., 390
    • Mary H., 390
  • Whitson, Carter, 185, 620
    • James, 151, 303, 626
    • James, 303
    • Willo., 602
  • Whitten, Mary, 112
    • Stephen, 112
  • Wilie/Wiley, Terry H., 130, 396, 412
  • Wilkins, Willis, 135
  • Willard, Henry, 318
  • Williams & Chalmers, 367
  • Williams, Daniel, 132
    • David, 131, 132
    • Edward, 140
    • Edwin, 474
    • Elizabeth Ann. 338
    • Geo., 131, 132
    • Geo. R., 131
    • Gideon J., 338
    • H. B. S., 338
    • Henry B. S., 216, 296, 329, 339
    • Henry S., 90
    • Joseph, 339
    • Joseph S., 338
    • Martha, 339
    • Martha M., 338
    • Phenbo(?), 216
    • Pheuba M., 338
    • Phinebe, 296
    • Sampson, 401
    • Samuel J. M., 338
    • W. L., 322
    • William T., 338
    • Wills, 1
    • Wm. B., 367
  • Williamson Co. Court, 234
  • Williamson Co., 19, 23, 91, 252, 321, 373, 444, 477
  • Willie, Terry H., 591
  • Wilson, 202
    • James H., 373, 611
    • Jon, 399
    • Paca, 570
  • Winstead, John M., 477
  • Winton, Samuel, 42
  • Wirt, John, 607
  • Witter, 271
    • John Lee, 136, 138
  • Wood, Armistead, 155, 396
    • Mo., 464
    • Sabert, 246, 341
  • Woodfork, W. W., 604
    • Wm. W., 294, 614
  • Woods, Robt., 449
  • Woodward, J. _., 75
  • Work(e), Alexander, 13, 75
    • Alexander Jefferson, 13
    • Mary, 89
    • Robert S., 89
  • Wright, 226
    • Edmund, 365, 559, 584
    • Elijah, 358, 549
    • Henry, 1, 613
    • John, 358
    • Joshua, 358, 475, 549
    • Lucy, 358
    • Richard, 221
    • Wm. H., 584
  • Wynne, John, 206, 218
    • Wm., Col. 373
  • Yallobusha Co., MS, 431
  • Yancy Co., NC, 292, 293
  • Ye(a)ger/Yerger, John K., 386, 432, 435
    • Jacob T., 80
    • John K., 165, 388
  • York, Abner, 13
  • Young, E. G., 251
    • Ebenezer G., 423
    • Milton G., 251
  • Younger, G. W., 617
  • Yount, John, 279, 312, 385
  • Yudren, A. Y., 506
Abstracted by

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