Deed Book A - Pages 601 to 644
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

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DEED BOOK A - Page Number Sections
001 - 099
101 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
400 - 499
500 - 599
601 - 644

p. 601 - 11 Dec 1839 - John W. Campbell, Robt C. Campbell, Wm. Conner, Joseph Jones and Matthew Pickett, the original proprietors of Ashport, to Epaphroditus S. McCraw of Madison Co for $160, Lot #11 in Block N fronting 45 feet on Exchange Square and running back south eastwardly 100 feet to a 20-foot alley.  Ack in Madison Co by John W. Campbell 14 Dec 1839.

p. 602 - 6 May 1840 - John C. McLemore of Shelby Co to Memucan H. Howard of Davidson Co. all right, title, and interest in 635 10/160 acres, the equal undivided half of the following 5 tracts all entered in the names of Charles J. Love and Frederick Hargett in the 13th SD:  Entry #1164 for 333 1/3 acres, CW #2998, r10s4 on the bank of the Miss. River Dyer County; Entry #1174 for 207 144/160 acres founded on CW #2997 411s5 on the bank of the river in Dyer Co; Entry #1176 for 228 144/160 acres founded on CW #2994 r11s5 on the bank of the river in Dyer Co; entry #1166 for 207 144/160 acres founded on CW #2985 r8s5 in Dyer Co; Entry #1162 for 292 16/160 acres founded on CW #3002 r1s8 in Weakley County on waters of Cypreess Creek.  McLemore's interest was conveyed to him by Peter Swanson by deed dated 6 Oct 1838.  McLemore also conveys to Howard 520 3/16 acres in Lauderdale Co in the Miss. bottom 11 SD, it being his interest in entries made in the name of Frederick Hargett:  Entry #1574 for 559 148/160 acres founded on Certif. #2973 for 267 130/160 acres and #2976 for 292 11/160 acres 46s9&10, his interest being 231 61/160 acres; Entry #1568 for 500 acres founded on CW #2979 46s9 his part being 106 2/3 acres; Entry #1571 for 198 3/4 acres founded on CW #2988 46s10 his part being 82 20/160 acres.  McLemore's interest in the 3 entries being subject to a deduction of one undivided half thereof which is or was claimed by Peter Swanson for his services in procuring and entering the warrants on which the entries are founded.  Also McLemore conveys to Howard about 60 acres or whater his interest is in Entry #613 founded on Warrant #980 for 640 acres entered in the name of Wm. Fowler in the 13th SD r11s5&6 in Miss bottom Dyer and Obion Counties granted to Fowler by #2988.  Wit:  Willo. Williams, Sam. S. Love; ack in Davidson Co 7 May 1840.

p. 604 - 8 June 1840 - Benjamin Litton, Clerk & Master of Chancery Court holden at Franklin, TN to Memucan H. Howard of Davidson Co.  At Chancery Court held at Franklin october term 1838 it was ordered in a cause in court between Saml. L. Love, Exr. of Chs. J. Love & al, Complainants, and the creditors of Chs. J. Love and others, defendants, that certain real estate be sold.  The clerk on 18 April 1839 sold the land at public auction and Memucan H. Howard was the successful bidder and has now paid the money.  Deed is therefore made to: 1028.5 acres in Lauderdale Co in the Miss. River bottom 11 SD r6&7s9&10, the equal undivided half of Entry #64 for 2047 acres made in the names of Charles J. Love and Memucan H. Howard and granted to them by TN Grant #4163 dated 8 Aug 1839, begins in r6s10 at sw corner of Frederick Hargett's entry for 198 3/4 acres and the se corner of M. H. Howard's entry for 640 acres, west 233 poles past his sw corner then north with his west line to the south line of James H. Graves entry then west to the east boundary of a 3000 acre tract granted to Wm. Polk then south to the point of the needle or 6 1/2 degrees west from the true meridian with Polk's line...88 acre entry of B. F. Jordan...30 acres in name of John occupant claim for 400 acres in names of Thomas Peel and Moses Fletcher...5000 acres in name of W. W. Woodfolk.  Ack. at Davidson Co 24 June 1840.

p. 606 - 22 Feb 1841 - Samuel Lancaster and R. C. Brinckley of Jackson, Madison Co, having purchased 640 acres for taxes in 11 SD r7s9&10 in Plumb Point Bend on the bank of the Miss River entered in the name of the Trustees of Cumberland College by #757 and granted to them by Grant #23113 dated 28 January 1835, and lies west and south of 3000-acre grant in the name of Wm. Polk and was sold in the name as the property of Wert & Jones for $20 we sell to Memucan H. Howard of Davidson Co.  Ack in Lauderdale Co 22 Feb 1841.

p. 607 - 12 July 1838 - John C. Barnes, sheriff & collector to Robert C. Brinckley and Samuel Lancaster of Madison Co.  At February term of Circuit Court Guy Smith, then sheriff, reported taxes unpaid for 1836 on a tract in the name of John Wirt and N. R. Jones in Civil Dist. 5 containing 640 acres bounded by the Miss. River beginning corner of a tract in name of Wm. Polk granted to him by Grant #56 for 3000 acres, then south 448 poles to the sw corner of Polk's grant, then east 64 poles, then 166 poles, then west 120 poles to the Miss. River, up river to beginning, judgment entered for $13.35 amount of tax, cost and charges due.  Brinckley and Lancaster bought it for $13.35.  Ack 18 June 1839.

p. 610 - 17 Feb 1841 - Isham Robison in trust to Thomas Wardlaw, 1 mare, 5 cows (descriped), 25 hogs, 2 feather beds, bed sted and furniture to secure debt to Joseph Wardlaw of $110.125.  Ack 17 Feb 1841.

p. 611 - 4 March 1841 - Griffith L. Rutherford, sheriff of Lauderale Co to James H. Wilson and James Marshal for $300, 384 acres.  Because Benjamin S. Tappan & Co recovered a judgment for $6788.10 debt and $7.35 cost against Searcy D. Sharp in the Circuit Court of Williamson Co on 11 Mar 1840 upon which a writ of fieri facias issued on 13 Nov 1840 and there being no personal property sufficient to satisfy the execution, Rutherford levied on 1 Jan 1841 on 384 acres belonging to Searcy D. Sharp in Dist. 2 in r2s10 bordering Lot #1 of David Wheaton's 640 acre grant.  Ack 4 Mar 1841.

p. 613 - 11 Nov 1840 - Christopher Strong of Dickson Co to his grandson Charles W. Brown of Marshall Co, MS for love and affection, 640 acres to be taken off the south end of a 1000-acre tract granted to Jesse Blackfan & Henry Wright by #17,494 dated 19 June 1832, on north side of Cane Creek in r4s10 bounded on the south by James Trimble & Co's 5000 acre tract.  Wit: Michael M. Dickson, J. D. Bower; ack 14 Nov 1840.

p. 614 - Because Wm. W. Woodfolk recovered a judgment for $1597.55 debt and $1.625 costs against Wm. W. Lea in Circuit Court of Madison Co on 28 Oct 1841 on which a writ of fieri facias issued on 30 Nov 1840, Griffith L. Rutherford as sheriff levied on 200 acres in Dist. 4 southwest of Saml. V. Gilliland's 97 acre tract and sold it at auction on 15 April 1841 to Henry Willard for $55.  Ack. 16 April 1841.

p. 616 - 4 March 1841 - Alfred Brigam/Briggam in trust to John A. Hogsett 3 cows and calves, 2 feather beds and clothing, 2 bed steds and 200 cords of wood to secure debt to Edwin R. Smith by account for $62.12 and a note for $6.25; also indebted to Bryant Cowell on account for $60.  Ack 4 March 1841.

p. 617 - 15 March 1841 - Samuel Owens to John P. Rice and Shadrick Rice trustees for $1, 1 acre west of G. W. Younger's land and we of J. P. Rice's on which to build a house of worship for use of the members of the Methodist Episcopal church in the USA.  Wit: Geo. W. Gause, S. M. Sweet, Tho. G. Rice; proved by Gause and Sweet 5 April 1841.

p. 619 - 19 Feb 1841 - Julius L. Gause to John P. Gause of Haywood Co and George W. Gause of Lauderdale Co. for $553, negro slave Handy aged about 17.  Wit: Tho M. Blackwell, H. S. Peyton, Saml. L. Gause, G. L. Rutherford; proved by Peyton and Rutherford 5 April 1841.

p. 620 - 13 Jan 1840 - Edmund Nevils in trust to Carter Whitson to secure debt to Pleasant G. Davenport of $55, 2 cows and calves, 2 heifers, hogs (described), 30 bbls. of corn, 2 stacks fodder, 2 feather beds, 1 bureau.  Wit: James Wardlaw, Joseph (x) F. Crocker; ack 20 Feb 1841.

p. 622 - 21 Oct 1840 - Mariah W. Blackwell to Champ C. Conner, M. T(?) Anderson, A. M. Estes, Geo. Webb, M. G. Turner and James Lovelace, trustees of the Baptist Churches of Christ called Society Hill and Elam both in Haywood Co., 4 acres, the parcel of ground on which the dripping spring camp is built in Lauderdale Co. west of R. C. Campbell's occupant, touching H. Stone's spring branch.  This is part of an occupant entered in the name of Jame McCearley and transferred by him to Stephen J. Blackwell and now in possession of his widow Mariah Blackwell.  Wit: Lance Graves, Wm. H. Stone; proved by both witnesses 6 Mar 1841.

p. 623 - 5 April 1841 - John Wardlow in trust to F. W. Damon 44 hogs to secure debt to Joseph Wardlaw for $49.60, also a judgement which Joseph Wardlaw stayed in favor of P. G. Davenport for $25.  Ack 7 April 1841.

p. 625 - 1 Jan 1841 - Shadrick Rice and John P. Rice to Samuel Owens for $2800, 400 acres in 11 SD r10s8&9 [this is more likely to be range 2], part of 5000-acre NC grant #306 to R. Mumford, west of Saml. Gause land, north of S. M. Sweet's 200 acres, and south of John Rice's 255 acres.  Wit:  Geo. W. Gause, S. M. Sweet, Thos. G. Rice; proved by Feo. W. Gause and Silvius M. Sweet 5 April 1841.

p. 626 - 24 April 1841 - Stephen Gardner in trust to Isaac J. Pinson for $500, 162 3/4 acres on waters of Hatchy River bounded on south by Rhea's 5000 acre tract, on west by Hickman's 640 acre tract, north by McDowel's land, east by James Whitson to secure debt to Wm. P. Gaines for $246.  Wit: Neil McLeon, Ezekiel Smith; proved by witnesses 26 April 1841.

p. 628 - 28 Jan 1841 - Erasmus S. Campbell in trust to John W. Campbell a house and lot of 1.5 acres northwest of Jackson in Madison Co where Erasmus S. Campbell formerly lived joining McGavock's tract, a wagon and steers, cow and calf, horse and buggy, a clock, a table, 3 bedsteds, 2 beds and bureau, a press, a wardrobe, half dozen chairs and set china, a work table, to secure debt to Dr. Alexander A. Campbell of Jackson of $500; Alexander A. is my security in a penal sum of $2400 in a suit pending in Chancery Court at Huntingdon between me and Edwin H. Childress and Wm. B. Miller.  Ack in Madison Co 17 Feb and 20 Feb 1841.

p. 630 - Elisa L. Theus of Madison Co for love and affection I bear my daughter Ann D. Campbell, wife of Dr. E. S. Campbell, convey in trust to Dr. Alexander H. Camp[bell of Jackson, TN the following negroes:  Harriet  Juno  Lea  and Saby for the sole and separate use and benefit of my daughter Ann D. Campbell during her natural life to be free from the control of her husband and at her death the negroes and their increase to go to her children by her present husband living at the time of her death and to the children of such of her children as may be dead at that time, her grand children taking such share as their parent would have taken if alive; the trustee to take charge of the negroes and apply the proceeds of their labor to the separate use and to assist her in raising and educating her children.....[pages 631 and 632 missing]...

p. 633 -....Wm. W. Lea to J. M. Alexander for $5, 680 acres bound by R. Turner's 266 acres on the west and Wm. W. Lea's 45 acre entry on the south, which was sold at the courthouse door.  Wit: M. A. Blythe, Joseph Wardlaw; ack 26 May 1841.

p. 634 - 21 May 1841 - Josiah M. Alexander to Leigh Maddux, George Pollard, James S. Ewing, and Brandon Merrill, citizens of Louisiana, merchants and partners trading uner the firm and style of Leigh Maddux & Co for $5 and for having satisfied an execution in their favor against Wm. W. Lea for $3345.90 bought by him as property of Wm. W. Lea in 4th Civil Dist...[pages 634 and 635 missing]

p. 637 -...Robert Love to Mary A. Welch...Wit: Robt. M. Henry, Robt. Love, J. R. Love; proved by Robt. Love and J. R. Love 7 June 1841.

p. 637 - 4 June 1841 - John Walpole to John Russell, negro girl Lette for $500.  Wit:  H. F. Rutherford, Benj. H. Walpole; proved by both witnesses 7 June 1841.

p. 638 - 7 May 1841 - H A G Lee to Robert J. Patterson negro girl Tamor for $400.  Ack in Dyer Co 7 May 1841.

p. 638 - 8 June 1841 - Samuel A. Thompson, constable, to Abram B. Tayler, negro girl Hannah, about 23, for $471.  Because Rachel Terrell on 19 Dec 1840 recovered a judgement against John L. Flippin, adm. of John Flippin dec'd and G. L. Rutherford and H. F. Rutherford, securities, before E. H. Hinton, a jp for the county for $104.50 and cost of suit and upon which execution issued on 10 May 1841 and came to the hands of Saml. A. Thompson constable for the county on 20 May 1841 and levied on 22 May 1841 upon a negro girl named Hannah about 23, she was sold on 7 June 1841 to Abram B. Tayler, the highest bidder at $471.  Joseph H. Talbot paid the amount.  Ack. 8 June 1841.

p. 640 - 21 May 1841 - Wm. W. Lea to James R. Lea of Haywood Co. for $800, 2 town lots in Fulton, #10 and 20; #20 being the one on which the storehouse now occupied by Wm. W. Lea now stands, each lot fronts on Washington Row next to the Miss. River and runs back at right angles 80 feet.  Ack 21 May 1841.

p. 641 - 20 Jan 1840 - John W. Durant to Silvius M. Sweet for $2200, 200 acres surveyed by A. P. Pope, county surveyor on 14 January at request of Silvius M. Sweet, part of a tract granted to R. Mumford for 5000.  Wit: Philip Tuggle, A. Phillips. Ack 7 June 1841.

p. 642 - 28 April 1841 - Joseph Eastbrook, President, and D. A. Deadrick, Secty for the Trustees of E. T. University of the County of Know to the heirs of Samuel Dickins, dec'd for $5, Entry #773 founded on Warrant 859 in 11th SD r5&^s9 granted to the Trustees by Grant #23,338 dated 19 Feb 1825 bounded on the east by John Rice's 5000 acre NC grant and situated 290 poles north of the southern section line.; also 400 acres granted by TN to the Trustees by grant #23,337 dated 19 Feb 1825 in 11 SDr6s8 issued on Entry #735 founded on Warrant #850 north and west of P. Swanson's 640 acres.  Wit: Perry Dickinson, P. D. Gates; proved by witnesses 12 May 1841.

p. 644 - 5 Dec 1835 at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Univ. of NC at the Executive office in Raleigh the following resolution was adopted: that the report of Charles Manley as agent of the Trustees of the University with regard to sale of their land in TN met with concurrence of the Board and it approved and the coneyance made by Charles and Manley and Samuel Dickens to Messrs. Dr_ne & Gifford is ratified and confirmed.  Resolution copied 31 Jan 1837.

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