Deed Book A - Index N to R
Lauderdale County, Tennessee

Abstracted by
A - B
C - E
F - I
J - M
N - R
- S -
T - Y
DEED BOOK A - Page Number Sections
001 - 099
101 - 199
200 - 299
300 - 399
400 - 499
500 - 599
601 - 644
  • Nash, W., 542
    • Wm., 134, 146, 499
  • Nashville, 26, 48, 80, 122, 156, 206, 213, 218, 227, 234, 254, 256, 333, 415, 439, 449, 457
  • Nashville Bank, 449
  • Nashville Banner, 33
  • National Banner, 4, 33, 71, 86, 191, 206, 218
  • Naul, Robert, 24, 122, 535
  • NC Grant #18, 48
    • #27, 266, 299, 306, 307
    • #34, 28, 66, 214, 366
    • #37, 178, 180, 214, 234, 241, 313
    • #74, 124
    • #79, 48
    • #80, 48
    • #84, 33, 94
    • #89, 71, 196
    • #92, 350
    • #111, 206
    • #114, 206
    • #134, 93
    • #137, 211
    • #156, 441
    • #165, 35, 191
    • #276, 40, 90, 329, 338, 339
    • #282, 48
    • #284, 425
    • #285, 48
    • #291, 48
    • #294, 48
    • #295, 48
    • #297, 48
    • #306, 174
    • #379, 86, 140, 149, 214, 249, 365
    • #401, 218
    • #402, 4
    • #407, 218, 321, 444
    • #411, 4
    • #415, 4
    • #416, 4
  • Nearn, John W., 150, 549
  • Nelson, 359, 361
    • John J., 363
    • Robert, 408, 463, 490
    • Wm., 96
    • Wm. B., 326
  • Nemmo, A. C., 422
  • Nevil/Nevils, Edmund, 514, 620
    • Jerry, 515
  • Nevil, Rebecca, 514
  • New Orleans, LA, 122, 227, 254, 256, 322, 377, 386, 388, 428, 432, 435, 456
  • New York, 227
  • New York City, 90, 449, 457
  • Newberry Dist., SC, 288
  • Nichol, Trimble, Barrow and McLemore, 48
  • Nichol/Nichols, John, 252, 531
  • Niswanger, Caroline, 319
    • Jacob, 236, 319
  • Nixon, John, 568
    • John K., 568
    • Susanah, 568
  • North Carolina Grant #37, 516
  • North Carolina (state of), 275
  • Nunnally, Parth, 407
  • Obion Co., 24, 122, 213, 224, 379, 384, 420, 422
  • Obion River, 48, 75
  • Ohio (state of), 261
  • Oldham, Saml., 26, 96, 114, 250, 446
  • Oliver, John, 199
  • Oliver's Branch, 199
  • Omohundro(e), Allen C., 214, 357, 468, 512
    • James M., 512
    • James W., 512
    • Martha, 468, 512
    • Mary E., 512
    • Mary Ellen, 468
    • Thomas W., 512
    • Thos. W., 248, 468
    • Wm., 214, 248
    • Wm., Sr., 357, 468, 512
    • W. M., 214
    • Wm. M., 357
  • Orange Co., NC, 112, 114
  • Orne, Edward, 10, 11
  • Overton Co., 131, 151, 239, 240
  • Owens, Samuel, 617, 625
  • Paine, Connel & Co., 271
  • Parker, Wm., 251, 405
  • Parr, Moses, 24
    • Richard, 365, 366
  • Pate, A., 247, 385, 586
    • Asa, 62
  • Patterson, B. M., 325
    • Bernard M., 253, 254, 325, 326, 286, 288, 432, 435
    • David, 283
    • Robert J., 638
  • Patton, Alexander, 121
    • Bradford, 121
  • Peel, Thomas, 581, 604
  • Perkins, Nicholas S., 26
  • Perry Co., 420
  • Persons, Benjamin R., 367
  • Pewitt, Thos., 186, 187
  • Peyton, H. S., 619
  • Philadelphia, PA, 124, 165
  • Phil(l)ips, A., 474
  • Phillips, A., 641
    • A. & Co., 428, 430
    • Archer, 405, 430, 471
    • Archibald, 319, 428
    • C. A., 110
    • D. P., 30, 62, 272, .428, 471, 473
    • Dabney P., 9, 32, 61, 63, 162, 237, 238, 270, 279, 312, 385
    • John, 165
    • Thomas, 528
  • Pickett, Matthew, 17, 259, 298, 415, 482, 568, 601
  • Pillow, 574
  • Pinkard, Edward W., 477
  • Pinson, I. J., 205, 346
    • Isaac J., 96, 424, 626
    • W., 367
  • Planters Bank of Tenn, 165
  • Planters Bank of TN at Nashville, 367
  • Plum Orchard, 367
  • Plumb Point Bend, 606
  • Poenick, Jol M., 405
  • Poindexter, 361
  • Polk, Geo. W., 374
    • James K., Gov., 579
    • Leonidas, 374
    • Wm., 48, 253, 254, 326, 374, 388, 435, 604, 606, 607
  • Pollard, George, 597, 634
  • Pope, A. H., 153, 185, 201, 202, 227, 245, 319, 381, 503
    • A. P., 641
    • Abel/Able H., 217, 386, 444, 504
    • John, 344, 349
  • Porter Tract, 505
  • Porter, 518
    • Benj., 551
    • Benjamin, 139, 149, 178, 234, 266
    • Jane B., 176
    • Matthew, 123, 233, 234, 241
    • Rus, 173, 174
    • Rus W., 173, 174, 176, 505
  • Posey, Albert W., 278
    • D. P., 246, 341
    • David P., 350, 474
    • M. A., 216, 242, 296
  • Poston, Zehkariah, 401
  • Powell, Levin(?), 326
  • Price, James, 218
  • Purcell, James P., 299, 593
  •         John N., 271, 592
  • Purdam/Purdom/Purdum, 80, 132
    • E., 276
    • Elisha, 151, 170, 239
  • Railroad to Ashport, 373
  • Ralston, John, 48
  • Randolph Recorder, 330, 333
  • Randolph Whig, 400
  • Randolph, TN, 135, 330, 333, 400
  • Raquier, James, 477
  • Rawlings, John H., 6
  • Ray Co., MO, 93
  • Ray/Rea, John, 319, 456
  • Read, John, Judge, 266, 319
  • Read, W. S., 134, 209
    • W. T.(F)?, 153
  • Reatts, B. C., 367
  • Reed, James, 454
    • Wm. S., 567
  • Reynolds, David, 354
    • Henry, 475
    • John, 239
    • Nicholas, 344, 349, 475
    • Nicholas, Jr., 475
  • Rhay, Jno., 408
  • Rhea/Rhay/Rhey, 159, 181, 336, 479, 574
    • James, 463
    • James D., 82, 165, 466, 555
    • John, 82, 165, 200, 201, 202, 408, 466, 555
    • John. Jr., 200
    • John N., 595
    • John W., 555
    • Joseph, 466
    • Joseph C., 165, 200, 201
    • Joseph L., 466
    • Matthew, 466
    • Robert P., 466, 555
    • Samuel, 466
  • Rhea’s tract, 536, 626
  • Rhinehart, Lewis, 76
  • Rhodes, Tyre. 184, 242, 408
  • Rice, 254, 386, 432
    • A(a)ron, 325, 388, 435
    • J. P., 617
    • John, 48, 93, 174, 183, 425, 574, 642
    • John P., 176, 505, 506, 508, 617, 625
    • Samuel, 227
    • Samuel & Co., 227
    • Shadrack/Shadrick, 174, 176, 505, 506, 508
    • Tho. G., 617, 625
    • Thomas, 176
    • Thomas G., 505, 506, 508
  • Richardson, S., 525
    • Samuel, 422
    • Stith, 157, 266, 327, 366, 478, 551
  • Ripley Commissioners, 397, 406, 411, 447, 467
  • Ripley, (town of), 68, 101, 150, 201, 202, 211, 124, 227, 265, 351, 367, 380, 452
  • Ripley streets
    • Franklin, 561
    • Jackson, 411
    • Lafayette, 280, 406, 411, 447, 467, 553
    • Main, 397, 406, 561
    • Randolph, 150a, 280, 351, 397, 447, 467, 552, 553, 561
    • Washington, 150a, 351, 397
    • Water, 351,
  • Ripley town lots
    • #11, 351
    • #27, 150a
    • #32, 467
    • #45, 351
    • #48, 397
    • #49, 397
    • #77, 406
    • #78, 447
    • #81, 351
    • #87, 280, 281
    • #88, 411
    • #89, 411
    • #94, 411
  • Roberson, Moses, 67, 226
  • Robert, James, 470
  • Roberts, Perry, 103
  • Robertson, Eldridge, 495
    • Eldridge B., 38, 492, 497
    • Elizabeth, 578
    • J. R., 424, 459, 474
    • J. M. C., 29, 143, 279, 315, 424, 448, 459, 474, 510, 578
    • Sterling C., 488
  • Robinson, Coleman R., 67
  • Robison, Isham, 610
    • Richard W., 530
  • Rodgers, Robbin, 589
  • Roman Catholic Church, 415
  • Ross, F. M., 518
    • J. M., 17
  • Rounsaville, Amos, 402
    • Amos, Sr., 321
    • B. F., 306
    • Claburn/Claiborne, 133, 395
    • Wm. G., 395
  • Rowan Co., NC, 103, 106
  • Rucker, Ambrose, 283
  • Rudder, Edward H., 217, 238, 269
    • John H., 217
  • Ruffin, James F., 343
  • Runin, James, 96
  • Rushing, Joseph, 94
  • Russel(l), 129
    • Henneta, 160
    • Jessee, 129, 160
    • John, 156, 321, 379, 384, 637
    • R. P., 341
    • Robt. P., 45, 141, 158, 343
  • Rutherford, 129
    • Alfred, 143
    • G. L., 216, 218, 302, 351, 447, 467, 549, 619, 638
    • Griffith, 71, 86, 136, 178, 180, 191, 194, 196, 214, 234, 241, 313, 430, 516, 517, 518, 542, 551
    • Griffith, Gen., 124
    • Griffith heirs, 84
    • Griffith, L., 65, 138, 143, 319, 337, 478, 526, 561, 574, 597, 599, 611, 614
    • H., 149, 164, 214, 379, 384, 438
    • H. F., 271, 310, 438, 637, 638
    • Henry, 28, 66, 86, 133, 136, 169, 178, 199, 203, 206, 211, 214, 232, 233, 234, 241, 248, 313, 357, 366, 384, 423, 516, 528
    • Henry F., 63, 136, 138, 150, 178, 203, 234, 313, 357, 592
    • James, 125, 126, 128, 143
    • John, 86, 125, 126, 128, 140, 145, 149, 160, 186, 234, 235, 249, 251, 365, 392, 405, 438, 478
    • John H., 143
    • Jno.(?), Jr., 203
    • Mary E., 143
    • Nancy, 143
    • Sarah, 136, 178
    • Tho., 91
    • Thos. McG., 125, 126, 128, 143
    • Wright H., 143
Abstracted by

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