Author Archives: dheap

Fire at Rogersville (1872)

Fire at Rogersville – The railroad depot at Rogersville, Hawkins county, in this State, was destroyed by fire on Monday night of last week.  It is supposed to have been the work of an incendiary. Source: Cleveland Banner, 25 January 1872. Paper available online at the Google News Archive.

J.A. HALL Seeks Son (1872)

Capt. J.A. HALL, of Ducktown, Polk county, Tenn., wants information relative to the whereabouts of his son, W.G. HALL.  He was last heard of at Lebanon, Texas, in July last.  Anybody knowing anything about him will confer a favor by addressing Capt. J.A. HALL, Ducktown, Tenn. Source: Cleveland Banner, 18

John TONKIN Stops By (1872)

On Monday last Captain John TONKIN, of Ducktown, dropped in upon us, looking at hale and hearty as a young gentleman of twenty-five.  The Captain says everything is brisk and prosperous in that direction. Source: Cleveland Banner, 11 January 1872. Paper available online at the Google News Archive.

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