State of Tennesse Carroll County August 29, 1850 Der Brother, We are all well at present and hope this ma find you injoing the same blessing. The nabors are well. Thar has been some chils and fever and some dethes. The winter and spring was very wet and sumer has bin dry. Crops are sorry all tho thar are some good crops. I have got a tolabel good crop of corn. The cotton is sorry. Wheat not very good, corn is worth $2 per bushel. Carroll and 2 [?] is offered at the [?] this fall. We received your letr last winter and was glad to hear from you and wold be glad to hear from you all more. I want you to write as soon as you git without fail. I am willing to writ time about with you. I hant [?] since I left father. I left thar las January. I live about ten mils from father rite on Sandy. I have bought a piece of land in the river bottom. James M. came last Sunday. He and family ar well. He is nearly blind he scarcely can see his way. His wife has a son born las December. They call his name David James. I will now tell you our father is hapley mared to the wider Haine. The old man Haines widow that lived thar by exchang. Father embraced the religin of our lord and saver Jesus Crist last November at home just at dark in the hous as he was kindling the fir. Me and Elizabeth was in the kitchin when we heard him begin. I forgot to tel you when he was mared it was the 15th of last April. John B. and family are well when I was thar last week. Sarah was sick but is beter. Father and his companion are well. All of the conection are well as far as I no. August the 30th. We have had a rain today for the first in 4 weeks. We have had some of the hotest wether I have ever felt but it has moderated. The people thinks tha will get $3 or 3 1/2 for their cotton/ wheat is 1 dollar per bushel, bacon is from 7 or 8 cents, beef from 1 l/2 to 2 cents. I must bring my letr to a close. I dont want you to forget to rite as soon as you geit this letr. Yours til death, David Y. Davis