Pictures of the graduating classes of Scotts Hill High School that were severely damaged by water a few years ago when the roof of the new high school was damaged in a storm. A group of alumni have raised funds to have the photographs professionally restored or replaced.
Before they can be displayed in the new Scotts Hill High School, they require shatterproof frames. As a by product of the restoration/replacement effort, a digital image of each graduating class picture was generated. It was decided to fund the new frames by selling DVDs of these pictures.
The DVD contains the graduating class photographs for the years 1930 through 2011 with the exception of the years 1932, 1933 and 1936. These group pictures are the same as those that have lined the halls of Scotts Hill High School for many years and include the names and pictures of both graduates and teachers. The pictures can be viewed either in a slide show format with background music or as individual group pictures for more detailed viewing on your computer.
The 1957 class picture shown above is a typical example but the images on the DVD are much higher resolution for easy viewing.
Ordering Information
The DVD is priced at $15 plus $2.50 for shipping and handling if mailed. To order, please send your check made out to SHHS PICTURE PROJECT to
Be sure to include your return address for delivery of the DVD. If you are local to the Scotts Hill area and want to pick up your DVD, please contact Doris Buck at (731) 549-3495.
If anyone is able to provide pictures for 1932, 1933 or 1936 for scanning, please contact me so this important collection can be completed.