The Decatur County TNGenWeb site is dedicated to the on line presentation of historical and genealogical information related to Decatur County, Tennessee. As part of the TNGenWeb project, we are committed to providing free access to this information to current and future researchers.
Contributions from all sources are welcomed to build on the base of material that is currently available. This web site exists only through the generosity of contributors to this effort.
Much of the initial material for this site has been migrated from Thanks to David Donahue and Brenda Fiddler for providing a strong foundation for the Decatur Co. TNGenWeb.
Please visit our memorial page honoring David Donahue who dedicated a good bit of his short life amassing much of the information on this web site.
I would like to be a speaker: 2 programs available: “Civil War Medicine” and Civil War Feuds”
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My aunt was Dorothy Louise Christensen who married Martin Albert Small Jr. Both are buried in Albuquerque, New Mexico. “M.A.” (as he was called) died in 2005, and my aunt died in 2006.
I am the grandaughter of Ralph Hays and great grandaughter of Granville Hays. Your article says Bob Hays was married in Burton Missouri, Scott county, I don’t know of Burton but there is a Benton Missouri Scott county where Ralph Hays lived.Aunt Hazel and Aunt lillian lived in California. I would like to talk to someone about some of these relatives,
William Burrell rushing is my GGGRANDFATHER. We had records that said Isaac was his dad and that Richard A was isaacs dad. Please help ? Looking for documents or any direction? Kim Rushing Bailey
I am researching the Houston family of Decatur County and when reading some old deeds (c1850) I find reference to a Graham Creek. I can find no current day reference to a Graham Creek. I believe it to have been located in Range 8, Section 9 in the vicinity of today’s Johnson’s Creek and Bear Creek – I’m guessing it is close to the Barnett Cemetery. I’m hoping someone knows where Graham Creek is/was.
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I am a descendant of the Myracle, Sykes, Culp, and Jackson families. I would like to how know to update the genealogy information. LOVE the information that is there!! Great work!
Thank you,
I can add quite a few on the Yarbro family. Love to help I’m a history buff love reading about my family noticed it has not been up dated in quite a long time.
I’m looking for someone to contact me associated with the Ivey, Brasher, Culver, and Boldin families. I have multiple pictures for them I’d love to share and figure out how are families are related.
I am the grand daughter of Tressie Lorene Gibson Cagle (and later Howe),and daughter of Charlotte (mispelled at least once in your listing) Lorene Cagle Baker. I was born Brenda Lorene Baker, with Lorene being mispelled also. As you can see Lorene is a middle name going back at least these 3 generations, so it feels that much more important to get correct. I stumbled across your page while searching for any information regarding my grandmother, Tressie’s admission to a hospital, convent or alike in 1945 or 1946, apparently having a severe case of postpartum depression shortly after my mother’s birth in Dec. 1945. I only learned of this from my Aunt Clarice in the past couple of years, at around 50 yrs old, myself. This information could help me to better understand the complicated relationship that my mother Charlotte had with her mother, Tr.essie. I also believe that any history of severe anxiety and/or depression in one’s family history could lead someone to getting help for themselves sooner if they also suffer from these illnesses. I believe this information would have helped myself as well as a few of my cousins, had we known about this history in the family.
I would like to join and leave an occasional thing pertaining to the Akin(s), in Decatur County for a hundred years. Can you set me up?