Savannah Courier, August 8, 1889
Decaturville High School
Prof. J. F. Hughes, Principal of the Decaturville High School, was here last week and gave us an order for his Catalogues, which we are printing this week. Prof. Hughes is one of the most successful teachers in the State and Decaturville is to be congratulated on her good fortune in securing his services for another year. He is also advertising his school in this paper which you will see by consulting another column.
Miss Nannie Broyles has been employed to teach in the music department of the Decaturville High School for the next year. Miss Nannie is a fine musician and will give satisfaction and add to the popularity of the school.
Is there anyway I can find any information about the John Nelson Singleton family that was from that area.My grandmother was Almeda C. Singleton.She married John Murdie Middleton from Henderson County.I would surly be grateful.
Rachel Dayhuff
Rachel, what would you like to know? I will help you.