Campbell County Death Certificates
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In 1908, the state of Tennessee passed a law requiring death certificates be issued for those persons who died in Tennessee. This law stayed in effect until 1912. Unfortunately, it was not renewed in 1913. As a result, there are no death certificates for 1913. In 1914, the law was re-enacted.

To enter death certificates for family members and ancestors please use our Death Certificate Form. An index of those already on the site follows the link to this form.

The Tennessee State Library and Archives has online an index to the 1914-1919 death certificates for the state of Tennessee. They are currently working on an index for the years 1920 - 1922.

Partial Death Index by county at Tennessee Archives for 1914-1925.

Tennesssee Surname Packets of death certificates can be ordered from Philip Gowan.  Please see page for list of surnames available. 

For death certificate lookups, Melissa Barker has volunteered her time to do these on a limited basis.  Copy fees if a copy is desired are expected to be paid up front.  Donations for her time and trouble are always appreciated although not expected.

Tennessee Death Certificates can also be ordered online for the years 1908 through 1954 (except for 1913).

Identification required for ordering ceritifed copies of birth and death records in Tennessee as of February 15, 2005.

The death certificates for Campbell County for the years 1908-1912 have been transcribed and are online with the Campbell County TNGenWeb site. 

The Tennessee State Library and Archives also provides an index for the 1914-1925 death certificates for various counties including the index for Campbell County . Copies of death certificates for the years 1908-1912 and 1914-1956 may be obtained from the TSLA . Death certificates issued after 1957 - 2007 may be obtained from the Tennessee Department of Health, Office of Vital Records .

The Tennessee State Library and Archives is putting online a statewide index to all TN death certificates. Currently the following years are online:

Since Campbell County is located on the Tennessee-Kentucky Border, some residents death certificates may have been recorded by the State of Kentucky. Kentucky Vital Records has a searchable online index to Kentucky Death Certificates for 1911 - 1992 . Kentucky death certificates may be ordered from the Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics or an independent researcher . The Kentucky Vital Records Project is also a good resource for Kentucky death records. 

The Cleveland Historical Library in Bradley County, TN sells the following books:

  • Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1914-1925 by Edna Wiefering
  • Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1926-1935 by Edna Wiefering
  • Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1936-1946 by Edna Wiefering

The Cleveland Historical Library will also make copies of death certificates and send them to you by mail. Each certificate costs $5. To order, send

  1. $5 per certificate
  2. The name of the deceased
  3. Date of death (approximate date, if not known)
  4. County of death
  5. Certificate number (if known)


Cleveland Public Library History Branch
833 Ocoee Street
Cleveland, TN 37311

Bonnie Mumford has the books Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1926-1935 and Campbell County, Tennessee Vital Statistics 1936-1946 and is willing to lookups from these books. Please limit your requests to 1 or 2 names per email per day. Give as much information about the individual as you know, such as: name, date of birth, date of death, father's name and/or mother's name. This information will help her distinguish between 15 different John Jones.

Death Certificates often contain old medical terms that are no longer used. The Old Medical Terms site contains a description of what these terms mean.

Death Certificates for Sailors

The following information was researched by Neal Byrge:

1-800-876-1131 ext 629

NAVY--Write this Number down and put it in a safe place. If, during war time your Sailor was Killed in action and buried at sea, there may or may not have been a death certificate prepared, depending on the circumstances.  You will need the Sailor's name, but they will ask you for additional information that you should know (date of birth, where he entered the service, etc)  I tested it, I have a cousin who Was Killed in Action and buried at sea.  They told me to hold on while they searched, in about 3 minutes he was back on the line said "yes we have this name  could you give me some personal information so we are sure we have the right person" I gave 
them his home of record.  They then gave me a world of information on him. More than a Death Certificate would give you.

In Peace time Sailors are not buried at sea, their bodies are delivered at the next port of call for shipment to their home station.  A death certificate is or should be prepared and registered in that State.  A copy should be in his records. 

If the death occurs in the US, the death certificate is prepared and registered in the state where the death occured.

All the above also applies to the Marine Corp.

ARMY- Air Force.  In the US Death Certificates are prepared and registered in the state where the death occured.  Overseas Death Certificate is prepared by the nearest Military Facility, a copy should be in the service mans file.

Online Searchable Death Indexes for the USA

If you have obtained the death certificate for a person who was born in or died in Campbell County after 1913, please consider submitting the information from the death certificate using the easy form below.


Example of TN Death Certificate

A   |  B   |  C   |  D   |  E  | F   |  G   |  H   |   I    | J   |  K   | L   | M
N  |  O   |  P   |  Q   |  R   |  S   |  T   |  U  |  V  | W   |  X  |  Y   |  Z

Married women are listed under their husband's surname.




  Thank you for any contributions that you make to the database.
They are greatly appreciated!!



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