Migration Patterns

Wagon Train

Green Bar

 Migration Paths Website - roots and routes

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 Immigration/passport Records 1834-1843 from Naturalization Records site

 Internet Sources for Transcribed Passenger Records

Visit the Migrations Project for Campbell County, TN

Time Period: 1806 - 1850
Arrival:  1806
From: Washington and Russell Counties, VA
Group: Ali Smith and Family
Robert Glenn (brother-in-law to Ali Smith)
John Kincaid (Revolutionary War Veteran)
Thomas Kincaid (Son to John Kincaid)
John Kincaid, Jr. (Son to John Kincaid)
John Hatfield
Andrew Hatfield (Son to John Hatfield)
Jonathan Hatfield (Son to John Hatfield)
 Departure: 1837
To: Cole County, MO
Group: Robert Glenn's Widow and Children
Theolpolis Miller's Son
Andrew Collett
Contributor: Leslie Collier

Time Period: 1785 - ????
Group:  John Childress and family
Arrival: abt 1785 to North Carolina
Arrival: abt 1794 to Knox County, TN
Group:  Peter Carter Childress, grandson of John Childress
Elizabeth Meadows, wife of Peter Carter Childress (m. abt. 1834)
William Childress, brother of Peter Carter Childress
Jane Meadows, wife of William Childress, sister to Elizabeth
(Additional Note: Elisha Childress, brother of Peter and William married Lucy Meadows, sister of Jane and Elizabeth)
Arrival: Shortly after Peter and Elizabeth's marriage abt 1834
Arrived in Campbell County, TN 
Departure: William and family moved back to Knox County, TN
Burial: Peter Carter Childress - Bowman Cemetery, Campbell County
William Childress - Mt. Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, Knox County
Robert Childress (f/o Peter and William) - Mt. Harmony
Baptist Church Cemetery, Knox County

John Childress - Mt. Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery, Knox County 
Contributor:  Jay Childress


Time Period: 1855 - 1910
Arrival: 1855
Group:  Jeremiah Campbell family
Jeremiah  married Lucinda Branham in 1855.
Departure: Between 1910 and 1929
To: Hazard KY and then Artie WV
Group: Mary Campbell (granddaughter to Jeremiah Campbell)
and Husband Enoch Bowlin/Bolton
Contributor:  Majorie

Time Period: 1849
Group: Branham Family:
Husband: James Branham
Wife: Eliza Loe - daughter of Feilding Loe and Mary Swopes
Children born in Campbell County Tn.and traveled to
Mercer County Mo.:

George - Born 21 Jan 1836
Martha Angeline
Letha Jane
Children born in Mercer County Mo.
A. V.
Departure: 1849 to Mercer County Missouri
Contributor:  Alistair J. Ramsay

Green Bar



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