Obits of our Ancestors
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Friday, November 11, 1904       THE DRESDEN ENTERPRISE

John J. DREWRY (son of John Drewry, grandson of Richard Drewry)

On Sunday night November 6, at 12 o’clock, John J. DREWRY departed this life, having been sick several weeks. Mr. DREWRY was eighty-three years of age and left two daughters, Mrs.Florence BLACKMORE and Miss Nanny DREWRY, and one son, Horace DREWRY, who resides in California surviving him. For many years he had been a citizen of Dresden and he was universally loved. His father was at one time U. S. Marshal in Nashville, and his grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Few men  have made better use of their opportunities and amassed a larger amount of general information than he. He had been a reader of history, poetry, and the classics since boyhood and a retentive memory stored away the learning thus accumulated, until he was, up to very recent years, a storehouse of general learning. No man has ever lived in Dresden who enjoyed a joke or more keenly relished good wit than Mr. Drewry. His was a gentle and kindly life, and his love of nature and the beautiful in humanity made him an attractive figure amongst men. Many gems of verse have come from his pen, always to the delight of his friends. On numerous occasions, short poems written by him have found their way into print. His soul bubbled over with music and poetry and love. There were none who knew him but who were fond of his society and his charming stories. He was a companion to his daughter, and made home happy for her all through the latter’s years of his life, while bereft of others, to whom he was as fondly devoted. At one time he was the register of Weakley County and made a splendid officer. Again, he did a kindness for the confederate soldiers of Weakley County; while commissioner of registratons, after the war, that placed the veterans under great obligations of gratitude to him. There were few men like him, and the ever changing years, as they come and go, will not soon produce such a philosopher and kindly soul as left Dresden when the voice of John J. DREWRY was hushed in the silence of death.

The funeral ceremonies were conducted by Bro. RUSSELL at the late residence of the deceased, and in the presence of weeping relatives and friends, and he was buried by the hands of affection beneath a bank of beautiful flowers. The friends of his youth are all gone, and while tracing the shadows of life, the shadows of death fell on him, and his eyes closed to this earth forever. A sweet perfume will still linger about his precious memory, and hundreds who knew him here, and loved him, will be thankful for his life and happiness which he taught and illustrated to others. God bless the children, and especially she who will set by the window and listen for the footfall that will never RETURN , and  watch for the sight of that good father who is gone. 

Submitted by MaryCarol


CLICK HERE to see newspaper clipping
Submitted by Fay Elam Garrett


Gabriella Bradberry

Gabriella Bradberry was born June 16, 1842, died Jan. 28, 1925, at the age of 82 years 12 days. She was married to J. H. Ford Aug. 14, 1867. He preceded her to the great beyond about six years.  To this union was born ten children---Henry E. St. Louis, Ill: George and Ben, Dresden: Mrs. W. E. Ford, Clarksville: Mrs. E. Dyers,Newbern; Mrs. Will Jackson, Gleason; Mrs. Crocker, Miss Lula Ford, Mrs. Roxy Ford and a son, Elmo, having died several  years ago. There is left also forty-two grand children and twenty great grand children. Mrs. Ford united with the Methodist church at Pleasant Hill and lived a devoted Christian life.

Her lifeless form was tenderly laid to rest at West Union Jan 29, The deceased was a noble, good devout Christian character, a benediction and an inspiration to her family and a large circle of friends. She was administering angel where there was sickness and distress. She was a devoted indulgent mother and a home builder in the truest sense of the term Hers was a long and useful live and her reward in the great beyond will be eternal live around the pure white throne of her Heavenly Father.

Submitted by
Sharon A. McNair Thurman


From the Dresden Enterprise, Friday July 14, 1933

Bro. Jack Mc Clain was born October 2, 1853; died July 9, 1933; age79 years, eight months and 15 days. He married Mary Alderdice April 18, 1875, and to this union was born nine children, four boys and five girls: Lawrence, Walter, Monroe and Alvie, Bertha and Bessie, who have  preceded their father in death, Anner and Grace. Bro. McClain professed a faith and made peace with Jesus in the year of 1880 and united with the Missionary Baptist church at that date and lived a true, devoted christian life.

Bro. McClain leaves a devoted companion, six children, 26 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, two brothers, three sisters and a host of other relatives and friends to mourn his death. Funeral services were held Monday at Old Bethel by Bro. T. L. Glisson, with the song service in charge of Mr. Earnest Poyner. Interment at McGuire cemetery, Jackson & Son in charge of arrangements.

Submitted by
  Martha smith


 From the Dresden Enterprise, Friday October 16, 1925

Andrew J. Killebrew was born Dec. 19, 1843; died October 8, 1825, age 81 years, nine months and 19 days.He was married to Evelin Francis Hodges Dec. 10, 1866. To this union three children were born-two girls and one boy. Bettie, the older girl preceded her mother and father to the grave several years ago. Uncle Andrew never joined any church, but was a firm believer in the Primitive Baptist and always attended church regular and helped to look after the welfare of the church.  He enlisted in the Confederate army in April 1863 and made a true soldier from then to the close of the war. He was a kind husband and father, and was always cheerful with all his friends. He was a leading citizen and was always found on the right side of all questions. The remains were laid to rest Friday at Little Zion after services by Rev. T. N. Hale.

Submitted by
Martha Smith


This is the obituary for Mack Carlton, son of William and Catherine
Right Grooms Carlton from the Dresden Enterprise:

On June 15, 1914, Mack Carlton took typhoid fever. He lay between life and death until July 14. He would get better and then worse. During this long illness he was cared for as well as loving friends could. Mack was born July 18, 1893, being twenty years, eleven months and twenty six days old. He was married May 28, 1914 to Miss Edna Witherspoon. Mack was always a good boy and a boy who I liked to meet. If he had an enemy I have never heard of it. He was never heard to say an unkind word of anyone. He was never heard to untter a curse word in his whole life. He never knew the taste of whiskey until  the day before his death.  When he got sick, he expressed himself that he was not afraid to die. He remained in his right mind almost to the last. He called all his relatives and friends around him and bid them goodbye. He leaves a wife, father and mother (Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Carlton) and two brothers and two sisters. His remains were laid to rest at Meridian in the presence of a large crowd. Rev. J. C. Ross conducting the funeral service.  His illness was the most pathetic scene I ever witnessed. He asked the doctor the night before he died was there any chance for his recovery. The doctor told him it was doubtful. This did not frighten Mack in the least. He then called his friends around him. He bid all to live a better life and meet him in heaven.His mother asked him once was he alone and he told her no. He could not see them, but he could hear them. The last words he spoke were “goodbye, papa,” then he expired quietly. It was heart-rending for his young wife to give him up so soon. I extend my greatest sympathy to one and all his relatives. Written  Roy Whicker

Submitted by
Martha Smith


August 5, 1932   Gleason News

Mr Ben RAY died Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Tuxie CARLTON, where he had been making his home.He had been in bad health for several years, due to paralysis although he was up and about until two or three months ago. He was 60 years old. Seven children survive, one boy in St. Louis, one boy and two girls here. Funeral services
conducted at Meridian by Rev. O. A. GARDNER. Gleason Undertaking Co. in charge.

Submitted by
Martha Smith


January 10, 1919     Gleason Gleanings Column

Mrs Rhom Mitchell died Dec 30, 1918, and was buried the 1st inst. Aunt Liza, as she was familiarly known, was an aged lady. She leaves a husband, (Uncle Rhom Mitchell) a daughter, Mrs Black, who lives in McKenzie, and four sons - Ed, LeCurgus, Tommie and Dr. Mitchell.

Submitted by
Martha Smith


April 26, 1918     Sudden Death of Estimable Woman

The sudden death of Mrs. W. W. Mitchell, of Greenfield, was a shock to her legion of friends there. Mrs. Mitchell died on the train while en route to Nashville for an operation. The remains were brought back toGreenfield on Monday and laid to rest on Tuesday.The deceased was the wife of  Dr. W. W. Mitchell, one of Greenfield's most deservedly popular physicians and a good man. She was a noble woman, and loved by all who knew her. Her maiden name was Edmonston, thedaughter of the late Dr. Edmonston of Gibson County where her saintedmother died just a few days ago, and a sister to Mr. Frank Edmonston  ofGreenfield.All the bereaved have the profound sympathy of a large circle offriends.

Submitted by
Martha Smith

February 19, 1915  Ruth Lee Grooms

On February 11, the angel of death visited the home of Mr ans Mrs Tom  Grooms and  called from them one of their twin girls, little Ruth Lee at the age of two years. Her illness only lasted a few days, and though a baby, therewas never a more patient sufferer, taking all her treatment without a murmur, seemingly realizing her serious illness. All was done for her that loving hands could do, but God in his wisdom saw fit to take littleRuth into his living arms. She was a lovable child, with a bright, happy disposition and she, with her twin sister, Rebecca brought much joy and sunshine into the home, and were loved by all who knew them. We extendour deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones, and will say to the broken-hearted mother and father. Look on the other side of  the river, and see by the eye of faith your darling baby among the angels watching and waiting for you. "May God's comforting words help you to say, "Thywill, not mine, be done."  One Who Loved Her.

Submitted by
Martha Smith


May 19, 1922     Greenfield Greetings Column    Death of Precious Child

On May 9, 1922, little Billy Dean Herron died. He was the bright little son of Mr and Mrs C. B. Herron. They did not get to keep him too long. He died at the age of two years, six months, and fourteen days. At the time of his death he was residing with his parents at the home of his motherâs father, Mr. Z. W. Grooms. He was buried May 10 at Highland cemetery. The death of a child, who can reconcile? The passing of an aged person seems the natural consequence of years - the fitting termination of a faithful life. The mystery of the going of a child we must rest in Him who doeth all things well. Let us trust that wise and good providence to the end, believing that not one of these little ones shall slip from His care. To Mr. and Mrs. Herron, the fond grandparents and all the bereaved ones, the sympathy of all their friends is extended.

Submitted by
Martha Smith


 from the Weakley Co. Tennessee Newspaper, May 1942.

On Thursday evening April 9th 1942 Mrs. Emma Klllebrew passed away, just peacefully and quietly passed away. She became seriously ill with a heart attack a few days previous her death and suffered a lot until she reached an unconscious stage of several hours.
Mrs. Killebrew was 95 years old and lived in Martin, Ralston, or in this section all her life. She held her membership at Ralston Methodist church where her funeral was conducted Saturday afternoon in the presence of a full house of friends and loved ones.

Before her marriage she was a Blakemore, one of 19 children. The old home place where her parents resided with their large family was about one mile south of Ralston and is sill referred to as the OLD BLAKEMORE place. While the house has been torn away for several years.

As a family, the Blakemores were held in the highest esteem, A people of high ideals and strong convictions the right principals of living. Out of the 19 children, 13 were reared to manhood and womanhood. In time one by one stepped out to constitute a home of their own. May I say sincerely from reference of older people they had a sound foundation upon which to start and a good backing. I mean came from a Christian home of influence and discipline which lead to noble man and women capable of constituting home of the best type. We see the home of these children dotted all around us and as expected are homes to be proud of.

Mrs. Killebrew was an outstanding character in many respects. Back in her early days of activity when doctors and nurses were fewer than we have now she was one to volunteer to their needs, no doubt she has made more shrouds and ministered in laying out the dead more than any one in her time, for she was a talented seamstress and found joy in serving others. In my earliest recollection of her I began hearing these expressions, "Aunt Em Killebrew is a wonderful character", Aunt Em did so and so for us, I can't forget her". I  have continually heard this all these years which further impressed me with her useful and un-reserving life.

Aunt Em was a lover if children and readily made friends with them. In an usual way they clung to her as a pal. She mastered the art of winning the love and friendship of all ages. At her funeral one of the impressive features was about 12 or 14 junior boys and girls were flower bearers. For several years she has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. Mattie Carmichael who was ever watchful and attentive to every need.

There is only one sure guarantee for one to live to be old and that's from God's on word, "Honor thy father and mother that thy days may be long on earth". God is the insurance agent, the policy is written in the above few words, the dues to be paid is to honor thy father and mother. We feel that this promise was fulfilled in the life of Mrs. Killebrew and in her going she was the deserving recipient in rich rewards when she entered those pearly gates and met her Lord for truly she not only honored her father and mother  but illuminated out and out to love and honor God, her home, her children, her neighbors and friends. She learned early in life and practiced our Lords great command "LOVE". She did love God and humanity and ministered unto their needs exemplifying in a large measure the sprit of Christ.

Those who knew Mrs. Killebrew will say "Amen" to every word but will  probably add "not enough said".

by Mrs. George Walling
Martin, Tennessee

Submitted by Bob Killebrew, Great Grandson of Mrs. Killebrew
Mrs. George Walling was the next door neighbor to my great-grandmother, Mrs. Killebrew,
I found the newspaper clipping in some papers of my grandfathers.

Obituary of Mandy

 Jones (Mary Amanda Fowler Underwood} found in the Jones Family Bible now being held by Kay Davis. Died on the 1st day of July 1892. Sister Mary Amanda Fowler Jones, consort  of Adolphus Jones and daughter of Dr. Underwood. She professed religion in August 1882. Was baptized by Elder J. N. Wright and joined the Johnson Grove Baptist Church which she remained a member until her death. She was present at our June meeting, at the next we laid her in the grave near her church. Her sickness was short, her death triumphant. she leaves a husband, five children and some brothers and sisters to morn their loss. Children remember her advice and prepare to meet her.`

Submitted by
Bob Killebrew


Dresden Enterprise February 1916  Honored Citizen Passed Away

Death of B.D. Irvine Removes One of The County's Best Known Men

In the death of Benjamin D. Irvine , Dresden and Weakley county loses one of the oldest and best-known men. Mr. Irvine died Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock at his home in Dresden following a brief illness. On Monday of last week Mr. Irvine was down town, but quite feeble, as he had been most of the winter. Going home, he took his bed , but his condition did not become critical until Saturday, and many of his friends in town did not even know of his illness. He sank rapidly.

 Mr. Irvine was the son of Sam Irvine, for many years circuit court clerk of this county. His mother was a Miss Jones, his parents coming here from Virginia and settling on Thompson Creek, nine miles east of Dresden. where the deceased was born and reared. And where he received an education in the common schools of the community. When about twenty years of age, Mr. Irvine came to Dresden to reside, being deputy to his father, and it was evidently in this station that he learned the methods of careful business transactions that afterwards characterized his life, he being considered one of the best
business men of the country. In early life he was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Moran, sister of  the late John W. Moran. To this union thirteen children were born, eight, with their sainted mother, surviving him, as follows: Thomas E. Irvine, California; Sidney Irvine, Bowie, Texas; Robert Lee Irvine and James A. Irvine and Moran Irvine and Mrs. Sophia Irvine Ferguson, Dresden: Forrest Dabney Irvine, Ft. Worth, Texas; and William Preston Irvine, Georgia.

In early life Mr. Irvine engaged in the mercantile business in Dresden, remaining in public life until the early ‘90's, when he retired. During his long and successful business career he was associated with such well-known men as Tom Baker, now cashier of a leading bank at Paducah; John R. Moore, John W. Moran, C. W. Cottrell and others of equal prominence.  All these relations terminated most pleasantly and most agreeably, there being no word of criticism, no spark of ill feeling?nothing but the most cordial, friendly relations between himself and his business partners. The reason of this was his fair , honorable , open methods, his fairness toward his associated and his generous disposition. There was nothing little about the man. He was broad and liberal in all matters. While in those days he was making money, paying not as much attention to the future welfare of his soul as in his latter days, yet he was a liberal contributor to religious matters, evidenced by his generous donation when the present Methodist church was erected, and his donation of both the lots on which stand the Presbyterian and Baptist churches here.

 All his characteristics were positive?none negative. The ties of friendship were enduring and strong with him. Possessing a high sense of honor, his word was his bond; and it has been said of him by one who is in a position to know, that he never knew Mr. Irvine, in all the latter's various and many business transactions to take an undue advantage in a business deal. He was absolutely without guile. He was an unassuming man. Perhaps his
strongest characteristic was his generosity and indulgence toward his family. He possessed an analytic mind, weighing carefully any and all matters he had in hand.

During the latter years of his life a great change had come over him spiritually. He spent many long hours searching the scriptures, which, as was said at his funeral, resulted in his conversion and recognition of "Christ as his hope." This inscription("Christ is my Hope") was engraved upon his tomb at his direction before his demise, and he left every assurance that he fully believed in and trusted in the saving grace of his Master.

No more gentlemanly, affectionate, modest man ever lived in Dresden than Uncle Ben Irvine, who is now gone to his final home. Peace to his ashes!Funeral services were conducted at his late home Monday afternoon by Rev. G.T Mayo, A.E. Scott and D. C. Johnson, and a worthy tribute paid him by his life-long friend, Mr,. Geo. S. Boyd. The remains were held over to Tuesday morning, pending the arrival of tow sons from Texas, and laid to rest at 10 o'clock Tuesday, at the Dresden Cemetery

Submitted by
Mary Irvine Kennedy

Dresden Enterprise February 1916      In Memoriem

Mr. Editor,

My eyes overflow with tears as I read from a card just recieved from my son, "Uncle Ben Irvine will be buried today." He was one of my first friends in Dresden and one of the truest , most steadfast. Should I be blessed in returning how I shall miss his familiar figure and his hearty greeting, always asking about the absent members of my household, calling each by name. His affection for my dear father is one thing which can never be forgotten. Once a week would he come, bearing a bag of confection " for the Squire and to have a chat." these visits were tho-roughly enjoyed and did much to cheer the loneliness of old age and to embalm " Uncle Ben" in the memory of all the home circle. I am not writing poetry now (words missing) mere sentiment, but the prosy side of life has often the real poetry and sentiment which the whole world akin. When I first came to Dresden, I was told" there are no real poor people in this town." This was both gratifying and amazing, for the many places where our tent had been pitched we realized the truth of the scriptural statement, "The poor ye have always with you." Uncle Ben adhered strictly to the Bible rule, "Let not your left hand know what your right hand doeth." We soon found that Dresden was no exception to the presence of those needing help and that help was never refused by Uncle Ben, but was given always with the strict injunction, "my name is not to be mentioned in this matter." I was strictly Masonic as to the benefactor and the beneficiaries during their earthly sojourn, but, now, I feel that the seal of silence can be broken. As I said, during all the years of our sojourn in Dresden he was a steadfast friend, never waited an hour to settle a school bill, nor for the account to be sent him. Not only did he give to the poor but he gave to missions. I remember meeting him once on the little bridge not far from his home and he asked me, "Doesn't Brother Mooney need some missionary money?" I replied"I've never seen a Methodist preached who didn't." I thought he was joking , but he looked very grave as he handed me some money, saying, "Give him this, but don't mention my name."

As I sit in bed in my sick room all these things come to mind and I  see again all the children of the household, all of whom I loved and  love?Sophia, "Bobby Lee", Moran, Jack, and the irrepressible, bright,  good-hearted Will. I wish I could see them all again , but not around their  father's grave. To each and to all my sincere sympathy and the assurance that they have an abiding place in my affections.

Mrs. Sue F. Mooney, Nashville, Tennessee

Submitted by
Mary Irvine Kennedy

Obituary - Monroe BRADBERRY
Born 1870 - Date of Death: About 1888

Monroe, the 18 year old son of Mr. John Wesley BRADBERRY, of No. 24, died at his fathers home last Sunday, after a short illness of consumption. Interment took place Monday at the family burying ground, attended by a large number of sorrowing companions and relatives.  The deceased was an upright, moral, industrious, honest, young man, admired by all who knew him.

Submitted by
Ann Treehugger


The Cumberland Presbyterian August 7, 1884, page 2

At her home near Gleason, Tenn., Mrs. Eliza Foust, wife of the Rev. W.J. Foust. She was born Feb. 5, 1847; professed religion in 1859, and joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church; was married in 1863, and died July 10, 1884. This, in brief, is the record of a life that came, and as a light shone for thirty-seven years, and then went out-- but not forever. It does not shine here, except in her works, which do follow her; but doubtless it glows more brilliantly in a land brighter and fairer than this. Sister Foust always tried to do right; was consistent, energetic, open hearted. Perhaps no woman was ever a more devoted, faithful wife and mother. Her husband and children appreciate her worth now that she is gone as they never did before. May God bless and care for them in their bereavement B.G. MITCHELL.

Submitted by
Sherry Davis-Ellis


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