OBITS of our Ancestors
Page 3

10 March 1922 - Dresden Enterprise
  DEATH RELIVES LONG SUFFERING - Uncle Green  Taylor,  86  years  of age, died
Sunday at the home of his grand son, Clarence Taylor, near  Dresden, after many months of  illness.  Mr. Taylor had been  confined to  his bed fora long period, though he  appeared  perfectly resigned, and some time agorequested that after death  no  funeral service  be held over  his remains,  stating  that  he had endeavored all through life to preach his own funeral.  His had been a long  and honored career.  He was upright  in all  his  dealings  and  died  as  he  had lived-without an enemy.

  The  remains  were  laid to rest  Tuesday at Blooming Grove.  There are eleven children, as follows: J.J., T.E., Dock,  S.A.  and  a  son  in Mississippi; Mrs Woody Dunlap, Mrs. Mattie Insco, Mrs . Bud Duke,  Mrs. Elbert  Heathcoat,  Mrs. A.H.  Insco  and  Mrs. Ad  Burroughs.  It is estimated that he leaves 200 grand, great and great great grand children. Two  aged  brothers,  Messrs. Ben and John Taylor, near Sharon, survive him.

31 Oct 1941 - Dresden Enterprise - OBITUARY

  J.J. Taylor  expired suddenly at him home in Dresden Thursday noon, last week. He arose and went  about  his  chores  in the  forenoon,  being  in his usual health.  Just before noon he suffered a heart attack and  expired shortly.  Mr. Taylor was 78 years of age, his birthday being Friday following his demise.  At one  time he  served  in  this  district  as  duty sheriff, making a faithful,diligent  official,  just as  he had a citizen, husband  and  father.   He was, indeed, a good, conscientious citizen, and in his death we lose one of our best men.  Quiet,  unassuming, of a sociable disposition, Jim Taylor made friends of all with  whom he  came in contact.  He died as he lived--a Christian gentleman. Surviving are three children:  Mrs.  Florence  Davis,  Dresden;   Finis Taylor, South Gate, Calif., and  Mrs. Emily Newberry,  near Ore Spring;  two brother and one sister:  Boss, Scooba, Miss.;   Dock Taylor and Mrs. Era Burroughs, Dresden. Funeral services were held from  the Methodist church  on Saturday by the Rev. Cayce Pentecost, the Rev. H. W. Davis and the  Rev. Letie Clement. Interment in Sunset cemetery, with Bowlin & Riggs directing arrangements.


EVA COLEMAN TAYLOR (wife of Asa Richmond)

27 Jan 1928 - Dresden Enterprise     Sudden Death Shock To Relatives, Friends Relatives and friends in Dresden  were profoundly shocked Tuesday afternoon, when news came of the death of  Mrs. Eva Richmond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Taylor, at her home near Wingo. Twin  babies were  born to Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Saturday night.  The mother did not  get along well  and passed  away  Tuesday,  leaving  nine children, her husband,  father and  mother,  one brother, Finis Taylor., Lansing,  two sisters, Mrs.  Florence  Davis,  Martin,  and  Mrs.  Emily Newberry,  Ore  Springs.  The deceased was reared near  Dresden, but had resided near  Wingo for  a number of years. Hers  was a life  of devotion to her  family of children and husband, as well as to the mother and father, brother and  sisters.  She was a good woman, a devout Christian and  held in the highest esteem.    Her father, Mr. J.J. Taylor, was at her bedside when the end came. The remains of  Mrs. Richmond reached  Dresden Wednesday afternoon and were carried to the  home of her  parents,  Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Taylor. Services were held at McClain's Chapel Thursday by Revs. E. L. Robinson  and J.L. Thomas, with interment at the cemetery. The Enterprise  joins with a host  of friends in  extending sympathy to the sorrowing family.


5 August 1927 - Dresden Enterprise        Death of Aged Man Mr. Ben Taylor, aged 84, died Sunday after a long illness.  The remains were laid to rest Monday at Corinth.  The deceased was the father of Frank and Al Taylor, Mr. Taylor's companion survives him.


 Mrs. Martha Ann Elizabeth Taylor, daughter  of S.C.(G)  and Sarah J. Taylor, was born Jan. 8, 1860; died Sept. 9, 1930; age  70 years, 8 months and one day. She was married to  John R. Anderson,  Jan 15, 1878.  To this union was born two children,  Alice, a baby  girl having died  in infancy, and Willie, living to be twenty years. After Mr. Anderson's  death she  was married to Mr. W.C. Insco Nov. 21, 1901. This union was very happy and continued  for ten  years, when Mr. Insco departed this life.  She was later married to Mr. Albert Maubray. Early in life  she made a public  profession of religion and at the age of 18 united with the Corinth Baptist church,  where she remained a loyal member until death. Mrs. Insco, as she  was commonly  known, was  of a large and highly respected family of this community.  She leaves  four brothers,  Mr. James J. Taylor, T.E. Taylor, S.A.  Taylor, of  Dresden;  Mr. A. M.  Taylor of Scoobe, Miss.,  one brother, Mr. C.C. Taylor, having precede her to the grave.
Mrs. Insco's life  was a great  inspiration to  us all.  She truly walked by faith and  not by sight, proving  to us all  that she sought a city  which  hath foundations and whose builder and maker is God. She never  complained in her sufferings and seemed to be perfectly reconciled to God's providential dealings with her, dying in a triumphant faith of God and the immortality of the soul. Let's "lift up out heads, for, behold our Redemption draweth nigh," and "weep not for her as one who had no hope.


13 April 1928 - Dresden Enterprise     Former Dresden Lady Is Dead at Jackson.
The following account of the death of a former citizen of this vicinity appeared in the Jackson Daily Sun on Saturday: Funeral services for Mrs. Jennie Duke, 62 years of age, who died at 2 o'clock Saturday morning following several months illness during the past several few days of which her condition had been considered as critical, will be held this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from 529 North Hays avenue. Mrs. Duke had made her home in this city with her daughter, Mrs. J. W.Cherry, for many years and was widely known and respected here.  She was a Baptist in belief.  Besides Mrs. Cherry of this city, she is survived by another daughter, Mrs. E. J. Allen of Muskogee, Okla., one son, Thomas C.Duke, of Cleveland, Ohio; four brothers, J.J. and D.C. Taylor of Dresden, OffieTaylor of Lansing, Mich., and A.M. Taylor of Scooba, Miss.; four sister, Mrs. Martha Insco and Mrs. Add Burroughs of Dresden; Mrs. A.H. Insco of Steel, Mo.; and Mrs. Alma Heathcott of this city. The funeral will be conducted by the Rev. C.L. Smith of Henderson, assisted by Rev. R.E. Guy of this city and interment will be in Hollywood."


24 June 1932 - Dresden Enterprise    Former Citizen Dies At Home in St. Louis. News reached here Saturday of the death of Mrs. Della Insco, beloved wife of Elder A.H. Insco, at their home in St. Louis.  Burial Monday at Malden, MO. The deceased was the daughter of the late Green Taylor.  She and family removed from Weakley county some twenty years ago, locating in Missouri. She was the sister of Messrs. J.J., T.E. and Dock Taylor, Mrs. Era Burroughs, Mrs. Elma Heathcott, of Jackson, and Mr. A.M. Taylor of Mississippi. Friends here extend sympathy to the bereaved.

The above Obits Submitted by Sharon Humes


Mrs. Era Burroughs Dies at Home  of Daughter in Michigan.

Death quietly came to Mrs. Era Burroughs Monday in a Ypsilanti, Michigan hospital, following a stroke on Saturday.  All the children were present.  Mrs Burroughs, age
65, was stricken just one day after her 48th wedding anniversary.

Mrs. Burroughs, nee Taylor, was born near Dresden and was well known throughout this area.  She possessed a radiant personality, and though frail and in ill health most
of her life, carried on for the several children after being left alone with them in 1922.

Mrs. Burroughs had spent a great deal of her time for the last ten years in Ypsilanti, Michigan, dividing her time with children there, and making visits with the sons
who remained here.  She was in usual health when stricken Saturday in the Michigan city.

The remains reached Dresden Wednesday morning and lay at the home of a son, Roy, until the funeral Thursday afternoon at First Baptist Church, conducted by Rev.
Fred Wood and Dr. T.N. Hale, with burial in Walker's Chapel Cemetery, Bowlin & Riggs in charge of arrangements.

Pallbearers were Snoda Parham, Eugene Shaw, Charlie Taylor, Cayce L. Pentecost, Blake Pentecost and Henry Spikes.

Surviving are three sons, Fred of Ypsilanti, Mich., Roy and Alfred Burroughs of Dresden; two daughters,  Mrs. Mae Mitchell (Robert) of Ypsilanti, Mich,, and Mrs.
Sarah Goebel (Gerald) of Tecumseh, Mich., and one brother, S.A.(Dock) Taylor, of Dresden.

Submitted by Sarah Goebel


16 April 1908 - Dresden Enterprise  B. R. Caraway was born October 1, 1827, in  Wilson, county,  Tenn.; died April 14, 1908.  He  lived in  Middle  Tennessee  until  about 1852, when he moved to Weakley county, near Martin,  with his father and mother.  He was married to the widow Hutcherson October 14, 1852.  To this union was born five children, of whom three are living, as  follows:  Eliza  Richmon, Met Ross, Bettie Allen.  She had one child,  Asa  Hutcherson, before she was  married to  Mr. Caraway.  She died January 6, 1859.  He was  then  married to  S. V. Milborn,  August 1, 1859,  his present wife, no children having been  born to them.  He profess religion about 1890.  He never joined any  church, but  believed in Holiness." (The date for Isabella's  death must be wrong since she was in the 1860 Census of Weakley Co.)


Gleason, Tennessee.    Uncle  Brink Caraway died  at his  home north of Dresden Tuesday morning  at 1 o'clock  at the  advanced  age of eight-one years.  He has been in bad health for many  months, being  unable  to  walk without  the aid of crutches, and for the last  several months has been in a serious condition with rheumatism.  Some  days  ago  he  was  en route home  from  Martin,  when  taken critically  ill on  the  road.  He was taken home and gradually grew worse. Mr. Caraway was  an old-time tanner,  having  learned  the  trade  at the Blakemore tan-yard in Dresden when a young  man, and it  is said  of him that  he was the best tanner in the whole country.   He  was twice  married, and  his  body  was interred  at  Hopewell,  near  Gleason, on  Wednesday by the side of  his  first wife.


Dresden Enterprise - 17 July 1914   Mrs. Sallie Caraway was born in Halifax county, Va., in the year 1828, Nov.1; died June 15, 1914; age eight-four years, seven months and fifteen days. She first married a Mr. Wilmoth, who died in eleven months, after which she married Brink Caraway and raised three step children.  Her husband preceded her to the grave six years ago.  Her maiden name was Barlow.  She professed religion several years ago and joined the church at Walker's Chapel, of which she lived a consistent member until last year, when she moved her membership to McClain's Chapel.  She lived an exemplary Christian life.  She was a good step-mother, strong in her convictions for right, faithful to her friends until God saw fit to take her home.  We should all try to live so that when we are called to go we can hear the Master say to us, as we believe he had said to her "Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou in the joys of thy Lord." Funeral services were conducted by Rev. T. J. Simmons at Walker's Chapel, Monday, June 15, 1914.


20 Sep 1918-Dresden Enterprise  Death of Mrs. Richmond   Information reaches  here of  the death  last week of Mrs. Eliza Richmond,  at her home near Wingo, Ky.  The deceased was  a daughter of the late Brink Caraway, the  old tanner,  She was born and reared just north of Dresden and wasabout 65 years of age.


 7 April 1933 - Dresden Enterprise Death Removes  Noble  Christian Character  -  After an illness of many weeks, Mrs. Celia  Smith  Taylor  passed  away  at  the  family  residence in  Dresden Wednesday.  She  was 72  years and nine months  of age, and  the daughter of the late Fletcher Smith. Mrs. Taylor  was united  in marriage to Mr. J. J. Taylor 42  years ago. Three children  survive  this  union: Finis Taylor, Mrs. J. M. Davis, Martin, and Mrs. Horace Newberry,  Ore Springs.  She was a  loyal devout member of the Methodist church, where funeral services were  conducted this (Thursday)  afternoon by her pastor,  Rev. E. F. McDaniel,  assisted  by Elder Cayce Pentecost,  Miss. Letie Clement  and  Mr. W. W. Jones,  Rev. J. L. Thomas. Interment  at  the Dresden cemetery, with Winstead,  Jones &  Bowlin  Bros.  in  charge  of arrangements. A legion of friends  extend  profound  sympathy  to the  bereaved  husband and children in  their  grief occasioned by the  passing of this good woman, whom to know was to admire.



14 March 1919 - Dresden Enterprise  Mrs. Susan, widow of the late Daniel Glasgow, died Tuesday morning at the home of her brother, Coleman Smith, east of Dresden, after an illness covering a period of two years.  She was about 60 years of age and was a sister of Mrs. J. J. Taylor.  The remains were laid to rest Wednesday at West Union, services conducted by Rev. Webb Jackson.


6 December 1935 - Dresden Enterprise     Ore Springs, Dec. 2.--....We had not gotten over this shock, when early Friday morning, we were called to summon help at Mr. Coleman Smith's, as he had died suddenly while building a fire in the cook stove.  He was 79 years of age, a splendid citizen, and a good christian, being a member of West Union M.E. church.  He had just recently moved in his new home and he and his devoted wife were as happy as they could be when death cut him down.  He leaves his aged companion, two daughters, Mrs. Bruce Parrott, and Mrs. Wade Glisson and one grand daughter, Mrs. Frank Bishop to mourn his death.  Burial at West Union with services conducted by Revs. Nall and Sanson....


15 March 1929 - Dresden Enterprise   On Tuesday, March 12, death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith and claimed for its victim her beloved husband, Robert Smith.  He was born Dec. 14, 1868; age 61,years two months and 29 days; was married to Miss Emma Summers Oct. 8, 1895.  To this union was born three children--two girls and one boy--Nolie, Lester and Louisa.  Louisa died in infancy, 21 years ago.  Nolie died 10 years ago, leaving one son, Lester, and his aged companion.  He had been a sufferer for six years with T.B..  All that medical aid and loving hands could do could not stay the hand of death.  He professed religion in early life and 13 years ago joined the Missionary Baptist church at West Union and lived a faithful christian until death.  He was the son of Fletcher and Hixie (a line was repeated..)All preceeded him to the grave, but one brother, Coleman; sisters, Selia (Celia) Hallian (Holly) and Fannie.  He will be greatly missed as a loving companion, father, grand father and brother.  He spoke of his loving Savior and said he was ready to go home when the Savior called and rejoiced several times on his death bed and wanted the fourth chapter of Hebrews read at his funeral and asked that Bro. Less Glisson and Bro. Henry Felps conduct the funeral over his last remains.


4 November 1932 - Dresden Enterprise  The death Angel visited the home of Henry Smith and claimed his beloved wife, Mrs. Fannie Smith.  She was the daughter of Fletcher and Hixy Smith. She professed in early life and joined the M.E. church at Pleasant Hill and moved her membership to Houston, Miss., where she live a member until death. She was born Feb. 27, 1870; age 62 years, seven months and 28 days.  She leaves a heartbroken husband, nine children, two sisters, one brother, 28 grand children, a host of relatives and friends to mourn her death.  Burial Thursday at Pisgah.


Dresden Enterprise:  3 August 1917  "Martha Piety Asher (nee Smith) was born June 22, 1874, died July 27, 1917; age 43 year, one month and five days. She professed faith in Christ at the early age of ten years and joined the Methodist Protestant church at Mt. Pleasant, where she lived a faithful member until August 28, 1911, when she, together with her husband and two daughter, joined the Missionary Baptist church at Thompson's creek, where she lived a very devoted member, always regular in attendance at church and Sunday schoool and faithful in all her christian duties to her family, neighbors and church.  Her christian influence is especially manifested in the lives of her children, who were so faithful to their mother.    She was married to T. H. Asher Oct. 14, 1891.  To this union four children were born, two boys and two girls---Sular, Thomas, Susie and Cecil.  She leaves a devoted husband her four children, three brothers and four sisters and a host of relatives and friends, who, together with her church, realize their great loss.    She often spoke of heaven and her desire for her children to meet her there.  We would not tell her loved ones not to weep at the departure of a loving wife, a devoted mother and true friend, but we would say, weep not as for one who has no hope, for she leaves the blessed assurance that she is at rest with her Savior, where we hope to meet her.  Written and read at burial July 28, 1917, by a true friend and brother in Christ.--J. R. Paschall"


DRESDEN ENTERPRISE - February 14, 1919 "A NOBLE WOMAN PASSES TO REWARD - Dresden Shocked Tuedsay Morning at the Announcement of the Sudden Death of Mrs. Emily Duke, Ten Children Survive.   Dresden was shocked ...Mrs. Duke had been puny for several days, but her illness was of so light a nature that many of her intimate friends did not even know of her indisposition until informed on Tuesday morning of her demise....perhaps succumbed to an attack of heart trouble. Mrs. Duke, with her husband, the late W. P. (Press) Duke, move to Dresden some 25 years ago, taking charge of the Cashon hotel on the north side.  In the hotel business as in private and social like, these excellent citizens became very popular and for a long while after quiting the hotel many traveling men continued to stop with them at their home, just south of the square.   Mr. Duke was gathered home several years ago.  He was born May 11, 1833.  The suject of this sketch was born Nov. 17, 1846, and was united in marriage to Mr. Duke on March 27, 1864 during the dark days of the Civil war.  To this union 12 children were given, ten of whom survive, as follows: Mrs. Emma Hawks, Mrs. Mary Stow, Calvin Duke, Miss Rebecca Duke, Mrs. Ada Smith, Mrs, Agnes Burk, Ben J. Duke, Mrs. Lillie Brasfield, Gilbert Duke and Mrs. Violet Bruce.  Besides these, sharing in the affections of Mrs. Duke are Mr. Clanton Duke and sister, Mrs. Nora Williams, both of whom Mrs. Duke reared and who looked upon her as a mother. But mother is gone to that home prepared for the faithful, and while these children are bereaved and anguished, yet they have the sweet consolation that mother was spared to them all these years--to counsel them, to nurture them to man and womanhood and to bless and inspire them to higher and nobler things. And, also, may they not gather consolation from the thought that their dear mother is at rest. Their legion of friends unite in extending condolence.Services were held at the Methodist church Thrusday morning by her pastor, Rev. Caleb L. Smith, and interment in the family burying lot at the Dresden

The Above Obits Submitted by Sharon Humes


The Messenger Union City, TN  Nov 14, 1983

Carlis D. GATEWOOD, 87, a resident of South Side Manor, South Fulton, died Sunday evening at Volunteer General Hospital in Martin. Services will be held at 1pm Wednesday at Murphy Funeral Home, with Billy NEWBY officiating. Burial will be in Hatler's Chapel Cemetery in Martin. GATEWOOD, a retired Motor Wheel Corp. employee of Lansing, MI, was born in Tennessee May 22, 1896. He was the son of the late James b. GATEWOOD and Mrs. Gorder JONES GATEWOOD. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Jane [June] HEATH of South Fulton; two sons, Homer D. GATEWOOD, and Thomas B. GATEWOOD, both of Lansing; three sisters, Mrs. Alice Mae MORRISON of South Fulton and Mrs. Elsie MITCHELL  and Mrs. Rudell PERRY, both
of Detroit, MI, and a brother Golsby GATEWOOD of Martin.


Lansing State Journal Lansing, MI February 13, 1971
(Although Gladys died in Lansing, MI, she was born in Weakley County, as were her parents, siblings and children.) Mrs. Gladys JAMES, 56, of 3021 Plymouth Rd, died Friday in a local hospital. A resident of Lansing for the past 20 years, she was a member of the Church of Christ. She is survived by her two sons, Thomas and Homer GATEWOOD of Lansing, a daughter, Mrs. June HEATH of Lansing; 11 grandchildren, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James ADKINS of Lansing, a brother Hershel ADKINS of DeWitt; four sisters, Mrs. Helen DARNELL of DeWitt, Mrs. Annie Lou GRAHAM of Lansing, and Mrs. Shirley WILLIAMSON of Albion. Services will be Tuesday at 10 am in the Gorsline-Runciman East Chapel, East Lansing, with burial in Eastlawn Memory Gardens.

James died on April 29, 1964.

James Bray [Broy] GATEWOOD of 105 Poplar died at 2:45 pm at the Weakley County
Hospital following a lengthy illness. He was 91.  Mr. GATEWOOD was born February 9, 1873. He was a farmer and a member of Hatler's Chapel Church of Christ. He leaves a wife, Mrs. Gorda [Gorder] GATEWOOD; three sons, Carlis, Jones and Golsby GATEWOOD, all of Martin; four daughters, Mrs. Neil WALKER, Mrs. Alice May MORRISON, and Mrs. Rudell PERRY, all of Martin, and Mrs. Elsie MITCHELL of Detroit; 36 grandchildren and 58 great grandchildren. Mr. GATEWOOD reared seven children and one grandaughter, Mrs. Genell BAUM of Memphis.  Services were held Friday afternoon, May 1 at Hatlers Chapel with Bro. Lewis BROWN of Dyersburg, Bro. Malcolm BARKER, Bandaner, Kentucky and Bro. Garvin BRUNDIGE, Poole, Kentucky officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery with Doug Murphy Funeral Home in charge.


Bay City, MI Formerly of Lansing, MI Age 89, died September 22, 1988. Mrs. ADKINS was born January 25, 1899 in Dresden, TN. She was a member of the United Pentecostal Church. She was preceded in death by her husband, James; and a daughter, Gladys. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Ruby POWERS of Lansing, Mrs. Leon (Helen) DARNELL of Tennessee, Mrs. George (Shirley) WILLIAMSON of Albion and Mrs. William (Annie Lou) GRAHAM of Midland; one son Hersel Jim [Hershel] ADKINS of Ionia, 18 grandchildren, 39 great grandchildren; 2 brothers Walter TAYLOR of Lansing, and Bennie TAYLOR of Tennessee, 2 sisters, Florence PHILPOT of Florida and Annie BRADBERRY of Tennessee. Funeral services will be held Saturday, 10:30 am at the Gorsline-Runciman Lansing Chapel with the Rev. Charles E. BOLINGER, Pastor of the Apostolic Bible CHurch officiating. Interment will be in East Lawn Memory Gardens. The family will receive friends at the Funeral Home Friday, 2-4 and 7-9 pm.


Lansing State Journal Feb. 2, 1973 James T. ADKINS, 78, of 5000 Stafford, died Thursday at a local hospital. He had retired from the Michigan Health Department in 1960 and also worked at Lansing Drop Forge. He was a member of the United Pentecostal Church.Surviving are his wife, Lillie; four daughters, Mrs. Pleas POWERS of Lansing, Mrs. Leon DARNELL of DeWitt, Mrs. George WILLIAMSON of Albion, and Mrs. William GRAHAM of Mt. Pleasant; one son Hershel Jim ADKINS of DeWitt; two brothers Eli ADKINS of Lansing and Dulon ADKINS of South Fulton, TN. Services will be Saturday at 2:30 pm at Gorsline-Runciman Lansing Chapel. Note*James was born in Weakley County on September 19, 1893.  Casket bearers were: Russell DURFEE, Douglas BRADMAN, George WILLIAMSON Jr., Tommy GATEWOOD, Homer GATEWOOD, and Richard ADKINS

The above Submitted by Cris Gatewood Bean


On January 12th, last Friday, Mrs Dave VOWELL, whose home was in the Hatlers' Camp Ground vicinity, died after an illness of about two weeks from pneumonia.  Mrs. VOWELL was sixty-three years of age, and leaves two children --- Oscar VOWELL and Mrs. Ludie CLINARD, wife of Henry CLINARD, of North Martin.  The burial took place Sunday at Hatlers' Camp Ground, the services being postponed on account of the bad weather. This is the obituary of my g grandmother, Paradine JONES VOWELL, b. 1853, in Weakley Co.,  dau. of A.J. and Margaret JONES and wife of David H. VOWELL, son of John Lewis VOWELL and Melvina Dunseath DUKE. There is no date on the obituary, but Paradine  died c1916.  My JONES family was living in Weakley Co., TN by 1830. I found the obituary in the Bible of my grandmother, Ludie VOWELL CLINARD.....Brenda

Submitted by Brenda Simmons Gartside, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Submitted by Maureen WHITE PIERCE, a great-great-great granddaughter.  It's interesting that her daughter's name isn't even mentioned - it was Alberteen.

Obituary (undated, old photocopy of original) Mrs. Eliza Unity Winston (nee Bondurant) was born July 26, 1832.  She was married to Mr. Robert Jeter Winston June, 1850.  To this union was born one 
child, who became the wife of Mr. G. M. Terry.  Mr. Winston died June, 1852, Leaving Sister Winston a widow, in which state she lived till her death, which occurred May 15, 1908.  Her only daughter passed away about seventeen years ago, leaving seven children --four boy's and three girls.  She took the place of mother to these, her grandchildren, which place she filled with that degree of patience and tenderness that characterizes a real mother, and those noble boys and girls loved and appreciated her as a mother. She professed religion in early life, and joined the C. P. church about twenty-five years ago, and lived a consistent christian life till her Master called her home to be reassociated with her husband, daughter and loved ones of long ago, to live together in the sunlit climes of eternal bliss.  She is gone but not forgotten.  Those boys and girls and their father, Mr. G. M. Terry, for whom she planned and labored, with a host of relative sand friends, will think often of such a noble, sacrificing mother and friend.  She leaves one brother and three half brothers, but when we think where she has gone, oh, what a motive power to draw us all closer to God, since it is only the good who will ever see her again.
    Shall we meet beyond the river.
     Where the serges cease to roll,
     Where in all the bright forever
     Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul?
     Let's all say, yes, we'll meet.
Her funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. R. B. Jackson, at the Methodist church, assisted by the writer.  We laid her tired body to rest in Mt. Vernon cemetery to await the trumpet sound on the resurrection morn. Mrs. Winston was born one-fourth of a mile north of Dresden on the old red 
hill, and her father was a law partner of Col. Jack Gardner, so well and favorably known all over West Tennessee.  R. M. Vaughn



Mrs. Emma Wade Vaughan died at her home here May 29 at 6:40.  She was 69 years of age.  A complication of diseases caused her death and seven weeks of illness.   She was born near Sharon and in 1891 married to Mr. Billy Barton, who preceded her in death several years ago.  To this union there were born six children, five of whom survive her, namely:  Mrs. Marjorie Perry of Jackson, Tenn., Mrs. Nell Hillis of Martin, Mrs. W.H. Swinney of Greenfield, Clifford Barton of Pennington, N.J. and Huron Barton of Jackson, Tenn.  She is also survived by eight stepchildren:  Mrs. John Overton of Bradford, Tenn., Mrs. A.C. Hayes of Dyersburg, Mrs. R.A. Boden of Dresden, Mrs. W.A. 
Lovelace of Como, Charlie Barton of Bradford, Miss Mildred Vaughan, Miss Vivian Vaughan and Charlie Vaughan, all of San Francisco, Calif.  There are two sisters and four brothers surviving:  Mrs. A.G. Terry of Medina, Tenn., Mrs. Edgar Adams of Sharon, Tenn., Claud Nowlin of Memphis, Rev. Wm. D. Nowlin of Plant City, Fla., L.D. Nowlin of Edna, Texas and D.W. Nowlin of Dallas, Texas.  This good woman was married the second time to Mr. W.H. Vaughan a retired railroad man, on the first Sunday in November, 1924, and they have been making their home here since that time.  There were no children born to this union.  Funeral servcies were conducted from the 
Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock by the Rev. L.M. Real and the Rev. W.A. Lamb.  Interment will be at the Woodlawn  Cemetery in Sharon.  Martin Undertaking Company in charge.

Notes from submitter - daughter of  Caroline MARTIN and William D. NOWLIN, born 18 May 1867 near Sharon, died 29 May 1936.  Obituary copy is from the scrapbook of Fannie BONDURANT BURTON, now in the possession of her daughter Mary Tom BURTON DENNIS.


Sharon News of Weakley Co. Press, Martin, TN. 
Copied from Fannie (Bondurant) Burton's scrapbook May 1982 by her daughter Mary Burton Dennis

ALBERT G. (BUD) TERRY Services for Medina Auditor Will Be Today MEDINA, Tenn. Nov. 2 - Services for Albert Gallatin (Bud) Terry, 66, who died Friday morning at Milan Hospital following a short illness, will be held at the Baptist Church Sunday afternoon at 2 with the Rev. W. A. West 
officiating.  Burial will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery at Sharon. Born and raised at Sharon, he moved to Medina about 25 years ago and was a railroad auditor.  He retired when his health failed several years ago.  He was a church deacon and a former Sunday School teacher.  He leaves his wife, Lillie Nowlin Terry; three daughters, Mrs. Waters Keeton of Medina, Mrs. Ernest White of Honolulu, Hawaii, and Mrs. Joseph Spirakis of  Pensacola, Fla; two sisters, Mrs. R. J. Tidwell and Mrs. W. S. Taylor and a brother, Hermon Taylor all of Sharon.


The Jackson Sun, Jackson TN, 5 May 1960 - Mrs. TERRY's Rites at Medina Today MEDINA, Tenn. Funeral services for Mrs. Lillie May TERRY, 82, who died Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walters [should be Waters] KEETON, In Medina, were to be held at 2 p.m. today at the Medina Baptist Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Barney FLOWERS, and the Rev. T.A. DUNCAN of Martin.  Burial in Woodlawn cemetery, Sharon, with Replogle Funeral Home in charge. Mrs. TERRY was the widow of A.G. TERRY, auditor for the Southeast Railroads. They had made their home here for 40 years. Besides Mrs. KEETON, she leaves two other daughters, Mrs. Ernest WHITE of Medina and Mrs. Joe Spirakis of Pensacola, Fla.; seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild.The following served as pallbearers, Olan McADOO, Penick McLEMORE, Finis MANSFIELD, Bill ADCOCK, John SMITH and Ray ROWLETT.

[Note from submitter, great-grandaughter Maureen WHITE PIERCE - Lillie was the daughter of Albert G. (Bud) TERRY and Caroline E. GLASS.]


Clinton, Van Buren County, Arkansas
Democrat paper
May 9, 1930

Archie Lewis Johnson, age 85 years and 9 days, died at his home here in Clinton Saturday morning May 3, 1930, terminating an illness of more than one year.  Interment took place at the family burying ground on the farm
east of town Sunday afternoon, following services at the home conducted by Rev. J.M. Hughes.  "Uncle Lewis' as the deceased was familiarly known to his friends and acquaintances, was born in Weekly County, Tenn., April 24, 1845, being the eldest child of a family of fourteen.  In Obine County, Tenn., on Feb. 13, 1873, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary Morris.  To their union twelve children, ten boys and two girls were born and seven of whom, with the mother, survive, as follows: Lum, Dick and John of Clinton, Floyd and Porter of Cleveland, Ohio, and Amanda and Nan of Clinton. "Uncle Lewis" came to Arkansas in 1877, arriving in Clinton Jan. 1st, and settling on a farm east of town and which he continued to own until time of his death.  In 1899 the family moved to Clinton where they have since made their home. Soon after his removal to Clinton Uncle Lewis engaged in the mercantile business, but continued operation of his farm. Because of failing health he retired from business activities about five years since.  A man of indomitable energy and frugal habits he succeeded in obtaining a competency of this world's goods and left his family well provided for. Besides his immediate family Mr. Johnson is survived by two brothers, Monroe Johnson of Kennon, Tenn., and Dallas Johnson of Reaves, Tenn.  In their bereavement the family have the sympathy of may friends.

Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown us and words of sympathy spoken during the illness and following the death of our beloved husband and father, A.L. Johnson. Also for the beautiful floral offerings.  May God reward as you so richly deserve. Mrs. Mary Johnson and Children.

Submitted by Donnie Pickard. 


Rosenberg Newspaper.  Funeral services for Boyd Tillman, 71 of Rosenberg, Texas who passed away 9 am Thursday October 9, 1969 in Rosenberg. He was a native of Greenfield, Tenn. retiring in 1958 as mechanic for Gulf Oil Transportation Dept. Survivors: wife Alvina "Mickey" Tillman of Rosenberg, son Donald B. Tillman of San Jose, Cal, three grandchildren, sister Mrs. Margaret Stickney of Houston, half-sister Mrs. Beryl Patze of Tomball, half-brother Dorman Tillman of Houston, niece Mrs. Ruth Stickey of Pennsylvania. Funeral services 10 am Saturday. Garmany & Co. Chapel in Rosenberg. Rev. T. Walter Moore officiating assisted by Rev. Weldon Morton. Burial in Forest Park Lawndale  Cemetery, Houston. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Garmany & Co. Rosenberg. 


 Mrs. Lillie Belle Tillman, widow of John Tillman, died in Houston, Texas Friday morning of last week after being ill for some time. She was 88. Mrs. Tillman was born here where her husband was in the drug business for a number of years. She and her husband made their home here for several years before going to Texas. She was a Methodist. Funeral services and burial were in Houston. She leaves
 one son and one daughter both of Houston and a number of nieces and nephews in this vicinity.


 Greenfield, TN Newspaper  April 26,1923.  With much appreciation we acknowledge the expression of sympathy and acts of helpfulness, which were so kindly extended to us in our hours of bereavement, in the loss of our dear mother, Mrs. W. B. Morrow, who cherished with unfailing regard the ties of homeland. May each one who ministered to mother during the many years received, as she, a life full of days, and at its close, be numbered with those of John "who are before the throne of God. For the lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall lead them into living foundations of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.  In memory    Her Children


Mrs. Bettie Tillman (nee Campbell) the subject of this notice was born Dec 26,1847, died May 1,1910; age 62 years, 4 months and five days, She was united in marriage to J. C. Tillman Oct 7,1867. To this union was born seven sons Riley, EB, John, Isaac, WT, TN, and Oby, all of which survive her and whom she lived to see grown and married. Sister Bettie united with the Primitive Baptist Church in July 1874. She was ever ready to do her duty in all things. She was very much devoted to her children and was untiring in deeds and kindness to them. Not long before her death  she expressed to the writer and wife her gratitude for the kind and loving deeds shown by her children. Sister Tillman was of a cheerful disposition and tried to make those with whom she associated. Her son EB was at her side when she breathed her last. Sister Tillman is dead and gone but she lives in the hearts of those who loved her so dearly, she lives in the good and worthy examples that she has left behind. She leaves two sisters- Mrs. Jim Williams and Mrs. Mary Heath; also six brothers, together with a host of relatives and friends to mourn the loss of such a friend. Children, weep not as others which have no hope. Your dear mother is at rest with the savior. May God bless you all and help you to bear this heavy stroke. The funeral services was conducted by the writer at the Hillis Cemetery to a large and sorrowing congregation, after which the body was laid a way to await the resurrection morn. A sleep in Jesus, blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep.   In hope J. C. Ross

The children of Sister Bettie Tillman desire to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and many friends for their kindness and sympathy shown in the sickness and death of their mother.  J. C. R.

Submitted by Don & Claudia Tillman


Reno Gazette Journal 
Sunday August 3, 2002
P. 4C

Serena Sigl Frost, age 60, passed away on Tuesday, July 29, 2003 due to her long battle with Parkinson's Disease, at Life Care Center of Reno, NV. 

She was born on November 6, 1942 in Gleason, TN to Ole and Margaret Hargrove. Serena was raised in Lansing, Michigan until she moved to Pasadena, CA, where she worked at Cal Tech as a secretary. In 1978, Serena moved to Nevada and has lived in the Reno/Carson City area for 24 years. Serena worked many years at I.G.T. until retiring in 1996 as Director of Corporate Human Resources. Serena was preceded in death by her parents. She is survived by her daughter, Gia Aragon of Reno, NV; brother Michael Hargrove of Jarretsville, Maryland; grandson Caleb Aragon of Reno, NV. She will be missed by all. A celebration of her life will be held on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 5:30 p.m. at the Reno Hilton. A toast to Serena will be at 6:00 p.m.Cremation is under the direction of Reno Memorial Cremation and Burial Society, Reno, NV.

Submitted by Nita Phillips

Mrs. Elizabeth S. BAILEY

THE NASHVILLE CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, 1897-1899 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Bailey, Widow of the late Judge Howson C. Bailey, was born August 1st, 1827 in Campbell county, Virginia.  She professed religion and joined the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of fifteen.  She married Howson C. Bailey, of Charlotte county, Virginia, February 13th, 1843, and emigrated the same year by state to Macon.  Fayette county, Tennessee.  They moved to Graves county, Kentucky, in 1840, and remained six years, thence to Hickman county Kentucky, where they both united with the Methodist Episcopal church South:  and lived, labored and loved for nearly thirty years.

No wonder this place was chosen by them for their earthly remains to abide till that day when "this mortal shall put on immortality."

In 1885 they moved to Sharon, Weakley county, Tennessee, and made this their home till death. They made many strong friends through life, but none more devoted than those of their latter home at Sharon, Tennessee.  There she gave up her devoted companion who had journeyed with her more than fifty years and only preceded her two years and eleven days. She was stricken with paralysis while visiting her niece.  Mrs. Sallie B. Murphey, near Fulton, Kentucky, and died April 16, 1897, being nearly seventy years of age. She leaves five sisters:  Mrs. Mildred Terry, Brook Neal, Va.; Mrs. Agnes Terry, South Boston, Va.; Mrs. Kate Bailey, Keysville, Va.; Mrs. Fidelia Payne, Ironton, () (sic); and Mrs. Sallie Fore, now at Sharon, Tennessee, and many nephews and nieces who loved her dearly and are deeply bereaved.  But they sorrow, not as those who have no hope, for they have the blessed assurance that she will be forever with the Lord.  She was a devout and pious Christian, a beloved wife an affectionate sister and aunt and a kind and helpful friend and neighbor. Her home was distinguished for its Christian hospitality, especially for Methodist ministers. She was never an awn (sic) mother, but many can testify to her love and care for orphans, of whom she raised several and corresponded with them through life.

The writer has been a personal witness and a beneficiary of her love abiding interest and encouraging letters for nearly twenty years.  We shall never enjoy her presence in our home again, or hear her words of comfort and delight, but memory will hold her dear, for we hope to meet in Heaven. We laid her to rest under the shadow of the monument she had erected for our "Uncle and Aunt," in the cemetery at Hickman, Ky., after an impressive burial service conducted by Rev. W. C. Sellars, of the Memphis Conference.

 HOWSON BAILEY TERRY Clinton, Ky., May 4th, 1897

(Elizabeth is the daughter of Elizabeth PALMER & Thomas BAILEY of Charlotte Co., VA, submitted by Maureen (White) Pierce and married her 1st cousin)


Robert Lee JONES


Ardie B. CREWS

Jerry Wayne JONES

Cora Estress PARHAM


<>see newspaper clippings of obits
Submitted by Randy Jones

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