Court February 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby G GALLAHER Guardian of Wm M. minor heir of John GALLAHER deceased was this day submitted to the court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Joanna R minor heir of John GALLAHER dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was [this day –crossed out] Confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of the minor heirs of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the court which was rec’d and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Sarah E minor heir of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Thomas M minor heir of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that the following Receipt be be recorded on the minutes of the Court to wit Rec’d of W CARTER one of the Commissioners to make sale of the lots on the west side of the Square in Waynesboro one note of hand on Jonathan MORRIS and John McDOUGAL for Eighty dollars due the 13th Nov 1848 and one on H ROBERTS & Jonathan MORRIS for one Hundred dollars due the 13th Nov 1848 with a credit of one hundred collars on the 24th day of Dec 1849 / / s / / D J JONES Char of the poorhouse Com

Ordered by this Court that Daniel HELLAN [HELTON?] be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Joseph EAST and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

ORdered by the Court that Henry McGEE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Samuel McGEE and have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

Ordered by the Court that James LAY be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of A G NUMAN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Benjamine MARTIN be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Burrell BAILY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6h 1850

Ordered by the Court that A M FALLEN be appointed [Guardian – crossed out] overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of C W THOMPSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7th 1850

Ordered by the Court that John MORRISON be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Mereda MORRISON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Jeremiah PRINCE be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of DAvid R ADAMS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Moses Price be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joseph G GALLAHER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Jackson JAMES be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Alford SIMMONS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came into Court James HOLLIS administrator of the Estate of Thomas GIST deceased and returned an inventory and accounts of sales verified by his Oath which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came T H MABRY Trustee of Wayne County and reported to the Court the amt. of Revenue arising for the year 1849 which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Monday Febr’ 4th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Franklin SHULL be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John W BERRY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7,1850

Ordered by the Court that John RISNER Jr. be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Joseph BREWER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Joseph B DIXON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class running up the Double Branches that he work from Samuel McGEE to the Indian Creek road and that he have John B DIXON and Joseph DIAL to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered b the Court that C C COOK be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from Indian Creek to Wm BECKHAM’s old hog pen and that he have Levi VICTORY Wm EAVES Joshua GALLION and all the hands in the bounds to work under his direction Isued Feb 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Parris HARGUS be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from Wm BECKHAM’s old hog pen to the County line and that he have T S BECKHAM Thomas EAVES Umphrey M GOFORTH John BECKHAM and all the hands in that bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Reuben EAST be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Isaac MORRIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came George I WALKER who was this day chosen and appointed Gaurdian of the minor heirs of James C. NICKOLS Died and entered in to bond in the sum of seven hundred dollars with Wm B WALKER his Security Condition for the faithful performance of said Guardianship which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded where upon the said George I WALKER took the necessary oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that Wm RAY be appointed Overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in the place of King PRATER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

Came James E McKNIGHT who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of A.C. BIFFLE Dec’d and entered into Bond in the sum of four hundred dollars with E D BIFFLE his security conditioned for the faithful performance of said guardianship which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said James E McKNIGHT took the necessary oath for this qualification

Ordered by the Court that Wm. B. WHITAKER be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class Leading from Waynesboro to Linden and that he work from the forks of the road on Green River to Buffalo and that he have his own hands E WHITAKER & hands and Claton THORP to work under his direction Isued Febr 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Lemuel POPE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd CLass running from Waynesboro to Linden and that he work from Buffalo to the Perry County line and to have the hands on the north side of the river and below Cary W POPE to the County line to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came M H? BURKS Guardian of the minor heirs of Daniel TILLMAN dec’d and reported to the court the amount that has come into his hands as such Guardian verafied by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

This day came James M RAMSEY Administrator of all and singular the goods & chattles of John N SHIELDS Dec’d and suggested in writing in open court the Insolvency of said Estate alleging that the assets which had come to his hands possession or knowledge were Insuffienct to pay the debts against said Estate It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of the Insolvency of said Estate be made in the Middle Tennessean a Newspaper printed in the Town of Lawrenceburg in the State of Tennessee and that notice be given to all persons to whom said Estate is in any way indebted to file their claims duly authenticated with the clerk of this court on or before the first day of January AD 1851 for prorato Distribution as the Law requires in such cases or they will be forever bared?

Ordered that Court adjourn till Tomorrow morning 9 oclock / / s / / D J JONES Chair, Wm M LAFFERTY James T YOUNG

Tuesday Febr. 5th 1850

Court met according to adjournment Present D J JONES Chr. [LAFFERTY and YOUNG his associates – crossed out] JOBE & GRIMES his associates

CAme B HAMM and returned in to Court an Inventory and account of sales of the Estate of William HEFFINGTON deceased Verified by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Henry T HAYS be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joel S WHITTEN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Feb 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Isaac W ROSS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from the Turnpike Road near Oze DICUS to be Florence Road near Carrollville and that he have the following hands Bennet HALE Mary MONTAGUE’s hands Larkin ALTOM Wm MONTAGUE John JOBE A B WEBB and all the hands on the water of Eagle Creek from John O ROBERTS to G W BROWN’s exclusive and all the hands in said bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course / / s / / D J JONES Chair Solomon JOBE John GRIMES

Court January 1850

Monday Jan. Term 1850

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 7th day it being the first Monday in January in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty the following Justices present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chr. HOPSON WATKINS BURNS MONTAGUE GRIMES GANT WATKINS [HOPSON – crossed out] SIMS LEE LAFFERTY YOUNG WILSON VOORHIES

A settlement between Wm Jones Clerk of this Court and L W CANTRELL Guardian of Henry C Minor heir of Milly MAY Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and L W CANTRELL Guardian of Mary Ann minor heir of Milly MAY Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and L W CANTRELL Guardian Wm J Minor heir of Milly MAY Dec’d was this day submitted which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm. W. THORNTON Guardian of Wm R minor heir of Wm DUNCAN Dec’d was this day presented to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded a settlement was this day presented between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Nathan BIFFLE Guardian of N F minor heir of John & Mary W BIFFLE Dec’d to the Court which was received and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that W CARTER be appointed Revenue Commissioner in the 4th District Wayne County Tennessee year 1850 in the place of D.J. JONES Resigned

Ordered by the Court that John McBRIDE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of A H M STUBBLEFIELD and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 10, 1850

Came Wm W THORNTON Guardian of Wm R DUNCAN into Court and renewed his bond in the sum of thirteen hundred and Sixty one dollars with Brinkley HOPSON his Security which was rec’d be the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came Wm. W. THORNTON one of the Executors of the Estate of Josiah THORNTON Dec’d and returned into Court [Inventory – crossed out] an account of Sales verefied by his oath of Said estate which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Monday January 7th 1850

Ordered by the Court that J C ELLIOTT be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of King H ABLES and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan. 10, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Wm CRAIG be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of L P SHAW and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan. 10th 1850

Ordered by the Court that B D KEATON be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class that he word [sic] from the Eleven Mile post to the County Line in the place of J N BLACKSHEAR removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 9, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Isaac GRIMES be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of John W MONTAGUE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 9, 1850

Ordered by the Court that [the Court – crossed out] N F BIFFLE by appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joseph MABRY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 10th 1850

Upon motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL the sum of Twelve 40/100 dollars the amount by him expended for blank books for the of office of Circuit Court Clerk Those who voted in the affirmative wire W CARTER Chr YOUNG LAFFERTY BURNS MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON VOORHIES WATKINS & HOPSON 10 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any money in the hands of the Trustee no otherwise appropriated Isued Jan. 15th 1850

On motion to appropriate to G T FREDAKING the sum of Seven 50/100 dollars the amount be him expended for a Blank Book for the Registers office Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr YOUNG LAFFERTY BURNS MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON VOORHIES WATKINS & HOPSON 10 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee not otherwise appropriated Isued Jan 15th 1850

Ordered by the Court that the road running from the Union Church on Hardins Creek up Mill Creek to S C GRIMESs Mill be disannulled and that the hands [to wit – crossed out] that worked on said Road under John C GRIMES be attached to the the hands that work under Isaac GRIMES

Came Wilson GRIMES & others who was at a former term of this Court a Jury of view and mark out so as to change the Waynesboro and Savannah Road on the lands of A MONTAGUE and report a change made which was rec’d by the Court

Monday, Jany 7th, 1850

Came E. H. PUGH Tax Collector for Wayne County 1849 and returned in to the Court alist of the picked up Taxes verified by his oath which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that the Commissioners appointed at a former Term of this Court to sell the lots on the west Square of the town of Waynesboro hand over to the Treasurer of the Poorhouse Commissioners the balance of the proceeds of said sales and said Treasurer pay the same toward the land purchased by the Poorhouse Commissioners.

Ordered by the court that John McDOUGAL one of the Commissioners appointed at a former term of this court to set apart provisions for the Widow Shields & family for one year amend said order so as to set apart such additional articles which was done and rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Came A MONTAGUE and D J JONES who was at a former term of this Court appointed commissioners to superintend the recovering of the Court house and report that on examination they think that the present Roof will do for several years to come with slight repairs which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded and that the said Commissioners be discharged.

Came Thomas W HILL who was at a former term of this Court appointed Guardian of Augustus W BATT and reported to the Court the amount that has come into his hands as such Guardian verified by his oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

Upon application of J.I.BIFFLE and others, it is ordered by the Court that L.L. MACK, Thompson MORGAN, Stephen BIVINS and Joseph EAST be appointed a Jury of View to view so as to change the Waynesboro and East Point Road so as to run with the line between the lands J.I. BIFFLE and H.H.HUNTER and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued Jan 10. 1850.

On motion to appropriate to W CARTER D J JONES and Jonathan MORRIS Poorhouse Commissioners the sum of fifteen Dollars each for theirservises Those who voted in the affirmative were LAFFERTY WILSON VOORHIES WATKINS HOPSON GRIMES 6 Noes BURNS MONTAGUE GANT SIMS and LEE 5 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Isued Jan 15, 1850

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Joacim DUGGAR Guardian of Wm M CROSSNO was this day presented to the Court and rec’d and ordered to be recorded

Monday Jan 7th 1850

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Joacim DUGAR Guardian of Sarah A CROSSNO minor heir of Jacob CROSSNO Dec’d which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Joacim DUGAR Guardian of Malinda K minor heir of George CROSSNO Dec’d and was received by the court and ordered to be recorded.

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk and this Court and Joacim DUGGAR Guardian of the minor heir of George CROSSNO Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was received and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that John CLEMMENTS Jeremiah DOWDY Wm. L.T. EDWARDS an son Lawson SMITH?? H B V KING and John SMITH be added to the hands allotted to Charles PARKER to open a road of 2nd Class

Came James E McKNIGHT and others who was at former term of this Court appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out a road from Ashland to the Lawrence county Line and report a road found as directed in said order

Ordered by the court that Mw M HORTON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Allen FOX and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan’ 11th 1850

Ordered by the Court that John W YOUNGBLOOD be appointed overseer of the road of first Class and that he work the Waynesboro & East Port Road from the ford of the Creek at P M SATTERFIELDS to John LOYD and that he have the following hands to work under his direction to wit Allen SISK A R SISK Isaac HORTON, Jr. P. M. HORTON Isued Jan 14 1850

On Motion a majority of the justices being present the Court proceeded to lay the public taxes for the year 1850 for the county of Wayne as follows to wit for each poll fifty cents and for each hundred dollars worth of taxable property twenty three and a half cents and an privileges fifty per cent and the State tax.

The court proceeded to elect a chairman & quorum for said court for the present year when David J JONES was duly elected chairman of the court for the present year and said David J JONES William M LAFFERTY & James T?[or S] YOUNG were elected a quorum to hold the quorum courts for the present year.

Monday Jany 7th 1850

[the following entry crossed out] On motion to appropriate three dollars to John ROBNETT for furnishing 115 lbs of pork for J.J.BOYD a pauper of Wayne County the justices who voted in the affirmative are Chairman CARTER YOUNG LAFFERTY BURNS MONTAGUE WATKINS GANT & HOPSON yeas 8 noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated

On motion to appropriate to Washington CARTER Abraham MONTAGUE and David J JONES ten Dollars each for holding the Quoram Courts for the year 1849

Justices who voted in the affirmative are W. CARTER (Chairman) YOUNG LAFFERTY MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON WATKINS GANT HOPSON yeas 9 Those who voted in the negative BURNS noes one So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any moneys in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Ised Jan 15, 1850

Came Samuel L BURNS Administrator wit the will anexed of Lemuel POPE dec’d and presented a supplemental report of assets which have come into his hands such as since his former Report which was rec’d by the court and ordered to be recorded

Matthew H BURKS [?] Guardian of the Minor heirs of David TILLMAN [?] came into Court and presented his report of the assets which have come into his hands as such which was received and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that John SHIPMAN be overseer of the Road of the 3rd Class in the place of Josiah YOUNGBLOOD and have the hands on the head of the creek above said SHIPMANs house Isued Jan 14, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Jesse DOWNING overseer of the Road of the 1st Class Leading from Waynesboro to [Mississippi-crossed out] East Port in the place of Benjamin KING removed have Isaac SHIPMEN Josiah YOUNGBLOOD P M SATTERFIELD L B GANT & hands in addition to the hands heretofore allowed to work under his directions Isued Jan’ 14 1850

Ordered by the Court that James ANDERSON and Abraham MONTAGUE be appointed commissioners to settle with County officers for the year A.D. 1850

Monday Jan’ 8th 1850

Ordered by the Court that W B SKILLERN be appointed overseer to open & keep up the road of 2nd Class from Ashland to the Lawrence County line as viewed and marked out by J. E. McKNIGHT & others and that he have the following hands to wit S C MITCHELL and hands J E McKNIGHT and hands, John STOCKARD and hands Jacob STRICKLAND Wm HOLLOWAY Isaac SURRATT Elias WHITE Wm C McBRIDE Wm H HILL Benjamin HARGROVE[?] James DURHAM Wm WILSON Sam’ HOLMES David SKILLERN James SURRATT Thomas W HILL A W BATTS E [?] ROSS Columbus ROSS Martin STAGGS and Nathan BIFFLE Jr’ to work under his direction Isued Jan’ 10th 1850

Came into Court James HOLLIS who was appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas GIST Dec’d and entered in to bond in the sum of two hundred dollars with John McDOUGAL his security Conditioned for the faithful purformance[sic] of said administration which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered that W CARTER Jonathan MORRIS and D J JONES be appointed Poorhouse Commissioners for the present year whereupon the said W CARTER and Jonathan MORRIS took the necessary oath for their qualification

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Cours / / s / / A. MONTAGUE Wm M. LAFFERTY A.B.GANT

Court December 1849

Monday Dec’r 3rd 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quorum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 3rd day it being the first Monday in December in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty nine The following Justices present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE & JONES his associates

Came Wm THORNTON one of the Administrators of the Estate of Josiah THORNTON deceased and returned into Court an Inventory of said Estate verified by his oath

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of said Court and J S BURNS one of the Trustees of Nancy TEDDER was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and John McDOUGAL Guardian of the minor heirs of John D KING dec’d was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Jacob SCOTT and Daniel MABY Administrators of the Estate of George CROSSNO Deceased was this day presented to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came King BREWER Administrator of the Estate of Thomas B MELTON dec’d and returned in to Court and Inventory and account of sales verafied by his Oath which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came Sampson BREWER & others commissioners appointed by the Court to allot and set apart one years provisions for Elizabeth MELTON widow of Thomas B MELTON Dec’d and returned into [the – crossed out] Court the amount by them set apart for said purpose which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Francis McANALLY be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Barnabas JACKSON and that he work from the Dick SCOTT old house to the Lawrence County Line on the Old Columbia & Waynesboro road and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Decr 14 1849

Ordered by the Court that John McGLAMERY be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm TILLEY removed and that he work from his house to where the Old Natchee Trace & Waynesboro roads intersect and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Decr 3, 1849

Monday Dec’r 3rd 1849

Ordered by the Court that Isaac MORRIS be appointed overseer of the Road of 1st Class in the place of Hazel COPELAND and James [H – crossed out] WILSON and that he work from the four to the eight mile ____?? on the Waynesboro & Savannah road and that he have the hands in the same bounds of said COPELAND and WILSON to work under his direction Isued Decr 3, 1849

Came John GRIMES in to Court and acknowledged the following Receipt to have been executed by him Received of Moran H ROSS by the hands of Jesse HINKLE Eighty dollars and 11 cents in full of the amount in his hands as my Guardian up to this date this December 3rd 1849 / / s / / William H STUBBLEFIELD by John GRIMES atty in fact

Ordered by the Court that the following Persons [Justices – crossed out] be appointed revenue Commissioners in their respective Districts for the year 1850 To wit Dist. First James T. YOUNG Dist second Wm. M. LAFFERTY Dist. Third Thomas MEREDITH Dist. fourth D J JONES Dist. fifth John GRIMES Dist sisth John P VOORHIES Dist seventh A.B. GANT Dist Eight M J SIMS Dist Ninth [Wm R CURTIS – crossed out] Thomas ADAMS District tenth B HOPSON Dist Eleventh A J BREWER Dist Twelfth John DIXON Dist Thirteenth John PHILLIPS

W. CARTER presented to the Court the following receipts to wit

Rec’d of W CARTER forty dollars in County Claims in full of Lot No. [four – crossed out] 4 Sold on the west wide of the Square in the town of Waynesboro this the 3rd of April 1847 / / /s / / T H MABRY Trustee

Rec’d of W CARTER one of the Commissioners appointed to lay off the lots on the Square ninety dollars in pay for the lot that S R LAIRD bought No. 3 this July 3rd 1849 / / s / / T H MABRY Trustee

Ordered by the Court that Wm J MONTAGUE be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Robert MORRIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Jan 8 1850

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course / / s / / W. CARTER Chairman A. MONTAGUE D J JONES

Court November 1849

Monday Nov. 5th 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quorum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the fifth day it being the first monday in November one thousand eight hundred and forty nine the following Justices present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE & JONES his associates

Ordered by the Court that Green WILSON be appointed overseer of the road of first Class in the place of A J ARNOLD and that he work from the two mile to the four mile post on the Waynesboro & Savannah Road and that he have [James -–crossed out] the hands alloted to ARNOLD to work under his direction Isued Nov. 26th 1849

Came Thomas W HILL who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of Augustus W BATT minor heir of Amanda BATT dec’d and entered into bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with John C G WILSON and John G HILL his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said Thomas W HILL took the necessary oath for his qualification

This day came in to Court Matthew J SIMS who was on the 11th day of October Last duly and constitutionally elected Justice of the peace by the qualified voteres of Civil District No. 8 Wayne County To fill the unexpired term of Alexander GRAY Resigned and presented to the Court his commission Where upon the said M J SIMS took the necessary oaths for his qualification

Came Elijah D BURNS who was on the 20th day of October 1849 Duly and Constitutionally elected Justice of the peace by the qualified Voters of Civil district No. 4 Wayne County Tennessee to fill the unexpired term of Hiram ROBERTS Resigned and presented to the Court his Commission Whereupon the said E D BURNS took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that George W BARKER be appointed overseer of the road of first Class in the place of John CARTER and that he work the same bounds and have the hands in the same bounds that James WILSON formerly worked. Rescinded Dec’r term 1849

Ordered that court Adjourn till Court in Course / / s / / W CARTER, Chr, A. MONTAGUE D J JONES

Court October 1849

Monday Oct 1st 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first day it being the first Monday in October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine The following Justice present and presiding to wit W CARTER, Chr HAYNES, YOUNG, JONES, ROBERTS, POPE, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, SHEPARD, BREWER, [?] HAMM, LEE, VOORHIES, A GRAY, WILSON [&-crossed out] GANT and others

  • Ordered by the Court that D K HOOD be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of George DAVIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Charles LISLES [Wm JOHNSON – crossed out] be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of James SPAIN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Came into court John McDOUGAL & others who was appointed at a former term of this Court commissioners to set apart to Mary H SHIELDS widow of John N SHIELDS Dec’d provision for herself & family for one and reported to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded [and ordered to be recorded – crossed out]
  • Ordered by the Court that Wm GOFORTH be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Alexander ROBORTS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that H C[?] DAVIS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James B DAVIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that A G PHILLIPS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of James C DUREN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 8th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that the Clerk of this Court amend the settlement made by said Clerk and Wm C NUNLEY Administrator of the Estate of Anderson NUNLEY Dec’d so as to allow said Administrator the sum of forty nine 96/100 Dollars the amount by him Paid to Wm. EVINS for Rep- . . . . ? the farm of said Estate and that the record the same [sic]

Monday Oct. 1st 1849                                                                                                             Ordered by the Court that Isaac HORTON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Henry J. BREWER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849

  • Ordered by the Court that John LISLE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Jesse OLIVE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that King PRATER be reappointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm BATTLE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Johnathan MORRIS the sum of Eight 80/100 dollars the amount by him expinded for the benefit of J J BOYD and family said BOYD is a man about thirty five years of age by occupation a farmer and resides in Wayne County Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., YOUNG, HAYNES, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, BREWER, HAMM, LEE & SHEPARD 13 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated. Isued Oct 3 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas BREWER be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Allin ROBNETT and that he commence at the forks of the road near Walnut Grove Meeting House and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Wilson GRIMES, Bethel FUSON, Wm J [or I] GRIMES, L [or S] D McMAHAN and Robert MORRIS be appointed a Jury of View to View & mark out so as to change the Savannah & Waynesboro road on the Land of A MONTAGUE and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Jesse DOWNING be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Benjamine KING removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Layfaette STOWE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Johnson BIFFLE and that the have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 9th 1849
  • Upon application it is ordered by the Court that James E McKNIGHT Wm C McBRIDE Wm S RICKETTS W B SKILLERN & J C G WILSON be appointed a Jury to View and mark out a Road from Ashland to the County Line in a direction of Lawrenceburg so as to intersect the Turnpike Road at FORRORs[??] old fields and that they report the same to the next term of this court Isued Oct. 10th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that John CARTER be appointed overseer of the road of . . . Class in the place of Isaac MORRIS . . . and that he have the hand in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 9th 1849
  • It is ordered by the Court that the order made by this Court at its July term 1849 appointed John H HENDRIX, Gilbert SPURLOCK, A C McDOUGAL, Jesse TUCKER[?], and John HOLLIS a Jury to view and report the propriety of changing the road leading up Holly Creek so as to let the Lawrenceburg road leave the Waynesboro road at the upper end of George W DELKs plantation be revived[?] and that they report to the January term of this Court
  • It appearing to the Court that Thomas M JONES a Student at law is twenty one years of age and a man of good moral carachter[sic] it is ordered by the Court that he same be certified accordingly Isued Nov 26th 1849
  • It appearing to the Court here that Thomas B[?] MELTON has lately died in Wayne County having left no last will and testament and it farther appearing to the Court that Elizabeth MELTON his widow does not wish to administer upon said Estate and King BREWER having made application for letters of administration upon said estate and he having given bond in the sum of three hundred dollars with Lot DANIEL and Andrew J BREWER his securities conditioned for the faithful administration of said estate and he having taken the oath prescribed by law it is ordered by the Court that letters of administration issue to him accordingly

It is ordered b the Court that Sampson BREWER, Joseph COCKMAN, and Joseph PRITCHETT freeholders and unconnected with the parties by affinity or consanguinity be appointed commissioners who after having been duly qualified for said purpose proceed to allot and set apart to Elizabeth MELTON widow of Thomas B MELTON deceased so much of the stock crop provisions monies or other assetts belonging to the estate of said Thomas B MELTON as shall be sufficient for the support of herself and family for one year next after the death of her said husband and report to the next term of this Court

  • Upon the petition of Eli F. EDMINSTON and others It is ordered by the Court that Josiah ROBERSON, T Q[?] MONTAGUE, R W SIMS, J S ROSS, and Little CHOAT freeholders be appoint a Jury to view and report the propriety so changing the road leading from Carrolsville to beech Creek so as to strike Beech Creek at John R BREWERs so as to intersect the Beech Creek road at CROSSNOEs and report to the nest term of this Court Isued Oct. 10th 1849
  • James M RAMSEY Administrator of the Estate of John N SHIELDS Dec’d came into court and returned [in to Court – crossed out] an Inventory & account of Sales which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • John CLEMANS & others who was at a former term of [at the last quarterly – crossed out] appointed to view and mark a road of the 2 class beginning at the mouth of Mockinson Creek on Buffalo River and run the best way that can be found to Samuel RILEYs mill and that they report to [the next term – crossed out] this Court and report that they have performed said suty after having been sworn for said purpose It therefore ordered by the court that said report be confirmed an said road established It is farther ordered by the Court that Charles PARKER be appointed overseer to open out said road and that all the hands south of Buffalo River above the mouth of Green River and on Mockinson Creek and on Green River up to RILEYs mill work thereon under his direction Isued Decr 14th 1849
  • It appearing to the Court that William HEFINGTON Late of Wayne County is ded and having made no last will and the widow failing to apply for Letters of Administration and application being mad by B HAMM [and it appearing to the court that he is the largest creditor – crossed out] To have Letters of Administration granted him upon said estate and it appearing to the Court by his oath that he is the Largest creditor and he having entered into bond in the sum of five hundred dollars with A J BREWER and David M SPAIN his securities conditional for the faithful Administration of said Estate and he having taken the necessary oath prescribed by Law it is ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration issue to him accordingly
  • It is ordered by the Court that A J BREWER, Isaac MOTAN, and George W BREWER freeholders and unconnected by consanguinity or affinity be appointed Commissioners who after having been duly sworn for said purpose shall allot and set apart to ________ HEFINGTON widow of Wm. B. HEFINGTON dec’d provisions sufficient for for the support of herself & family for one year from the death of her said husband and that they report the same to the next term of this Court
  • Upon application of Little CHOAT & others it is ordered by the Court that the road leaving the turnpike Road near Oze DICUS and running to Carrollville be changed from a third to a second Class and that S.S. RICKETTS, George F WILLIAMS, Isaac W ROSS, Bennett HALE & Oze DICUS be appointed a Jury to View and mark out so as to change said road so as to put it on better ground and less injury to the owners of the Land and that they report the same to the next term of this court Isued Oct 10th 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of nineteen 25/100 Dollars for making Tax Book for 1849 Isue road Order Venira facious Jury of View &c Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, DIXON & SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Oct. 3rd 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to Wm JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of Eight 72/100 Dollars for Isueing Jury Tickets & making & Recording settlement with the County Trustee Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, A GRAY & DIXON 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Oct 3rd 1849
  • Came Alexander GRAY into Court and tendered to the Court his resignation to the office of Justice of the Peace of the 8th Civil District of Wayne County which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Came Hiram ROBERTS in to Court and tendered to the Court his resignation to the office of Justice of the Peace for the 4th Civil District of Wayne County which was received and ordered to be recorded

Monday Oct 1st 1849                                                                                                                       On motion to recover the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr., YOUNG, JOBE, [POPE – crossed out], JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, GANT, LEE & SHEPARD 9 Noes none Whereupon the Court appointed W CARTER, D J JONES, and A MONTAGUE commissioners to superintend the same

  • On motion to appropriate to W CARTER, D. J. JONES, and Jonathan MORRIS Commissioners appointed by this Court to Examine the Columbia Central Turnpike road the sum of five dollars each To be paid by [the Company of said Road – crossed out] said County Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr, YOUNG, JOBE, POPE, JONES, ROBERTS, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, VOORHIES, GANT, BREWER, HAMM, DIXON & SHEPARD 15 Noes none So said . . .
  • Came David TACKETT who was at the last term of this Court appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of Wiley B TACKETT dec’d and reported the amount that had come into his hands as such Guardian which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the Court that the following good and lawful men of the County of Wayne and State of Tennessee be appointed and summoned by the Sheriff of said County to attend at the [our – crossed out] next term of our Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne at the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro on the first Monday in February next To wit Eliphas PRATER, Josiah ROBINSON, Soloman JOBE, William M LAFFERTY, John BRUMLEY, Washington CARTER, David J. JONES, John GRIMES, John COOK, Robert M POAG, John CRAIG, John N GILLIS, Jesse HINKLE, Zachariah CYPERT, William M HORTON, Daniel McFALL, Isaiah STOUT, Eber HAMM, Wallis HAYES, James SPAIN, Alexander C McDOUGAL, Levi HURST, John MELTON, Mason WHITTEN, James ROBERTSON, and that Clabam ACKLIN andRobert MORRIS be appointed and summand to attend as constables to wait on said Court and that Venirafacious Isue returnable to said Circuit Court Isued Oct 15th 1849
  • It is ordered by the Court that the poor house commissioners are hereby authorized to contract for a tract of land with [from – crossed out] John L FOWLER situated upon Hardins Creek being the place upon which Messes JONES and BALDRIDGE now live known as the old BOYD [BALDRIDGE – crossed out] place including 400 Acres including the Buildings [all the lands owned and claimed by the said Bal.. FOWLER – crossed out] at said place provided the same can be obtained for seven hundred and fifty dollars four hundred dollars to be by the 25th December 1849 and the balance due 25th December 1850 and if said payments are not paid when due the interest to be paid on the balance due until the same [until – crossed out] is paid provided said FOWLER makes or causes to be made a good and sufficient title in fee simple to said land with general warrantee
  • This day Elijah H PUGH Sheriff and Tax Collector of Wayne County for the year 1849 made his report of insolvents showing the amount of Tax on insolvents and removals due the State is to be $6.25 [$14.25 – crossed out] and that due the County of Wayne $14.24 [$19.56 – crossed out] verified by the affidavit required by law It is therefore ordered by the Court said report be confirmed and that said Elijah H PUGH Collector etc be allowed a credit for said amounts respectively in his settlements with the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee and the Trustee of Wayne County It is farther ordered by the Court that said report and affidavit be recorded in the Revenue dockett of this Court. Isued to the Treas. Decr 28th & to Trustee Decr. 31st 184 Ordered that Court adjourn till tomorrow morning 8 Oclock / / s / / W CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Tuesday Oct. 2nd 1849 Court met according to adjournment

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course / / s/ / W. CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Court September 1849

Monday, September 3rd, 1849

State of Tennessee)

Wayne County) Be it remembered that a corum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 3rd day it being the first Monday in September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine. The following Justice of the peace present and presiding W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE & JONES his associates

  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and David TACKETT Administrator of the Estate of W B TACKETT Deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded.
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and A. MONTAGUE Administrator of the Estate of Charlotte GRIMES deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Z W JOHNS one of the administrators of the Estate of Wm R DANIEL deceased was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the court that John G HUGHLING be appointed overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm PARSLEY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept 4, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that J N. BLACKSHEAR be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of John COOK and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept. 4th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Isaac MORRIS be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of James WILSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Sept. 4th 1849
  • Came David TACKETT in to Court and was this day chosen and appointed Guardian to the minor heirs of Wiley B TACKETT deceased and entered in to bond in the sum of one hundred & eight one dollars with John McDOUGAL and Wm BENHAM his securities which was approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said David TACKETT took the necessary oath for his qualification

Monday Sept. 3rd 1849                                                                                                                 Came James ARNETT in to Court and reported the sum of one hundred and sixty[?] five 43/100 dollars amount that has came in to his hands as Guardian of A P KINDEL minor heir of Guston KINDEL deceased which was ordered to be recorded

Ordered that Court adjourn until Court in course W. CARTER, D J JONES, A. MONTAGUE

Court August 1849

Monday Aug 6th [9 crossed out] 1849
State of Tennessee Wayne County
Be it remembered that a Corum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the 6th [9th crossed out] day it being the first Monday in August in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine the following Justices present W CARTER Chr. MONTAGUE and JOBE his associates

  • Ordered by the Court that Little CHOAT and his hands be taken from C B McCULLEY and attached to the number of hands that works now under Sandy GUNTER and that Little CHOAT be appointed overseer in the place of Sandy GUNTER and have said hands to work under his direction Isued Aug. 14, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas P. CASH be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of John H. KELLEY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction and that the said CASH & I W HORTON be added to the number of hands allowed to said KELLEY isued Aug 14, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that George KYLE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Burrel WALKER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Aug 14, 1849
  • Came John P VOORHIES and presented to the Court his Commission as Justice of the peace in Civil District No. 6 And took the necessary Oaths for his qualification
  • Came into Court Robert J CYPERT who has been appointed Deputy Sheriff by E H PUGH Sheriff of Wayne County and took the necessary Oaths for his qualification
  • Came into Court Isaac W HORTON Guardian of Martha Jane FISHER George W HORTON and Mary Ann HORTON and renewed his bond in the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars with Peter H HORTON and Thomas P CASH his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Monday August term 1849                                                                                                 Ordered by the Court that A J SPARKS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of C H LAFFERTY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Aug 14 1849

  • Ordered by the Court that Elijah CROSNO Be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class [on the road crossed out] leading from Carrollville to Centerville and that he work from the County Line near Wm. S LEE‘s to the County Line and that he have the following hands to wit David MABRY, Thos. MABRY, Abraham MABRY, William HERRELL, Wilson HOLMES, Green GOODMAN, Andrew HALFORD, Wm. CROSNO, Henry CULP & hands and all hands in the same bounds to work under his direction
  • Came James H McLEMORE who was this day appointed Guardian of Joel McLEMORE dec’d and entered into bond in the sum of Four thousand dollars with James C WHITAKER and John WHITAKER his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said J H McLEMORE took the necessary Oath for his qualification
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Isaac W HORTON Guardian of Sarah C REEVES Martha J FISHER George W HORTON and Mary A. HORTON minor heirs of Wm. HORTON dec’d was this day presented to the Court which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John N. SHIELDS late of said County is dead and having made no Last Will and testament in writing and the Widow having relinquished her right to Administration request James M RAMSEY to be appointed [and upon application of – crossed out] it is therefore Ordered by the Court that he the said James M RAMSEY have Letters accordingly whereupon the following Letters Isued to wit [here follows the standard recital of letters of administration]

Monday August 6th 1849
Letters of Administration for James M. RAMSEY on the estate of John N SHIELDS continued.

Where upon the said James M RAMSEY took the necessary Oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that John McDOUGAL Joseph EAST and L D MACK be appointed commissioners to allot and set apart to Mary H SHIELDS window of John N SHIELDS deceased [so much of the Stock one years – crossed out] provision sufficient for herself and family for one year from the death of her said husband and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued Aug 14, 1849

  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in course //s// W. CARTER Wm. M LAFFERTY, James T. YOUNG

Court July 1849

Monday July 2nd 1849
State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that a quarterly County Court was began Wayne County) and held for the county of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the 2nd day it being the first Monday in July 1849 the following Justices of the peace present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, JONES, MONTAGUE, GRIMES, WILSON, WALKER, GANT, A. GRAY, ADAMS, BREWER, HAM, DIXON, LEE & SHEPARD

  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm. C. NUNLEY Administrator of the estate of Anderson NUNLEY deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and B WATKINS administrator of the estate of A K POWEL dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded It is farther ordered by the Court that the said Administrator pay the respective pro rata distribution to those entitled thereto according to said report
  • Ordered by the Court that John H HENDRIX Gilbert SPURLOCK A C McDOUGAL Jesse TUCKER and John HOLLIS be appointed a Jury of View to view and mark out so as to change the road leading up Holly Creek so as to let the Lawrenceburg road leave the Waynesboro road at the upper end of George W DELK‘s Plantation and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Isued July 3, 1849
  • Came D J JONES into Court who was appointed at a former term of this court a commissioner to let out and superintend the grading of the public square in Waynesboro and resigned said office Where upon the Court appointed Wm. POLLARD Henry MORRIS and T M MABRY in his stead.
  • Ordered by the Court that James J SCOTT be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class in the place of T G PAINTER removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued July 3, 1849

Monday July 2nd 1849

  • Ordered by the Court that Henry J HOLLIS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd class and that he work the Waynesboro Road leading up Holly Creek from the forks of the Waynesboro and Lawrenceburg Roads to where it crosses the Waterloo Road and that he have all the hands on the waters of said creek in said bounds to work under his direction Isued July 3 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Hiram BRYSON extend his portion of the road and that he work from the Waterloo road at the ford of Green River above S.D. MACK‘s mill and that Stephen BIVENS and J.I. BIFFLE be added to the hands heretofore allowed him Isued July 3, 1849
  • on motion to appropriate to A. MONTAGUE and James ANDERSON county Commissioners to settle with the county Officers it is ordered by the Court that the county Trustee pay to each of said commissioners two dollars and fifty cents for their services settling with the trustee those who voted in the affirmative are CARTER, HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOB, POPE, JONES, WILSON, GANTT, A GRAY, ADAMS, LEE, AND SHEPARD 12 votes so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County trustee not otherwise appropriated. Isued July 4, 1849
  • On motion to appropriate to those entitled thereto severally the amount of their fee in Sundry bills of cost against Wayne County and which are duly certified which said bills of cost are as follows to wit

State of Tennessee vs John A PRATT John A GRIMES witness three 15/100 dollars Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chairman HAYNES, LAFFERTY, JOBE, POPE, JONES, MONTAGUE, WILSON, A GRAY, ADAMS, LEE, and SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated

State of Tennessee vs Andrew M SKULL Clerk $6.75                                                                Solicitor R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                        Sheriff PUGH $7.62 1/2                                                                                                            State witness Wm STANFIELD $7.92                                                                                           Jesse Cyper [Cypert] $6.00 

State of Tennessee vs A G McCANDLESS Clerk $4.68 3/4                                                       Sheriff PUGH $1.91 1/2                                                                                                             Wm. D SCOTT $.25                                                                                                                  State witness Frederick SCOTT 4.2.25

State of Tennessee vs Elijah MORRIS Clerk $8.41 1/4                                                                 Sheriff PUGH $ .91 1/2                                                                                                                   F HUGHS $. 50                                                                                                                                 W S MEDDOWS $1.25                                                                                                                  State witness Lucy COPELAND $2.25                                                                                        Jasper N FOREHAND $1.50                                                                                                    Isaac McGLAMERY $1.50 Isued July 1849

State of Tennessee vs Inhabitants of Waynesboro ) clerk $4.75                                                       Sheriff POLLARD $6.00                                                                                                         PUGH $1.50 Isued July 10, 1849

State of Tennessee vs John W ROSS & James BIFFLE) Clerk $5.00                                        Sheriff PUGH $3.16 1/2                                                                                                            State witness James N STAGGS $3.00 Isued July 10, 1849

Tuesday June 5th 1849
Court met according to adjournment Present W CARTER Chairman ROBERTS & SHEPARD his associates

  • Came in to Court T H MABRY trustee of said County and entered in to Bond in the sum of Twenty six hundred dollars with S L BURNS C ACKLIN and Joseph EAST his securities for the faithful paying over according to Law all monies that shall come in to his hand an account of Common School which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// W CARTER A. MONTAGUE Benjamin WATKINS
  • Court met according to adjournment Present W CARTER Chairman MONTAGUE & WATKINS his associates
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course //S// W CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, Benjamin WATKINS

MONDAY July 2nd 1849
State of Tennessee vs John a TALLEY) Clerk $5.50                                                              Sheriff POLLARD $.25 Isued July 11th 1849

State of Tennessee vs Thos. H. DICKINSON) Clerk $5.50                                                    Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs L L MACK) Clerk $5.50                                                                     Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Robert J CYPERT) Clerk $5.50                                                                  Sheriff POLLARD $ .62 1/2 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Calvin SUTTON) Clerk $4.25                                                                 Sheriff PUGH $1.16 1/2 isued July 11 1849

State of Tennessee vs John SPEARS) Clerk $1.25 Isued July 11, 1849

State of Tennessee vs Thomas PAINTER) Clerk $1.25

Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE MONTAGUE WILSON A GRAY ADAMS LEE and SHEPARD 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated.

[page 55] Monday July 2nd 1849
Ordered by the Court that Abraham FOX be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of John W TACKETT and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. isued July 3, 1849

On motion to appropriate to C B McCULLEY the sum of three dollars for the purpose of purchasing a sledge hammer for the use of the Carrollville and Florence Road Those who voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON WALKER [A GRAY and ADAMS crossed out] LEE and SHEPARD 12 Noes GANT A GRAY & ADAMS 3 so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the Trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued Febr 6th 1850

On motion to appropriate to A T HASSELL the sum of Ninety dollars in part pay for grading the square those wo[sic] voted in the affirmative were W CARTER Chr. [HAYNES crossed out] LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES MONTAGUE GRIMES WILSON WALKER GANT A GRAY ADAMS DIXON and SHEPARD 14 Noes HAYNES 1 so said appropriation was made to be paid by a note given by S R LAIN??? to the commissioners for Town Lots [the following crossed out – out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said county not otherwise appropriated.] Isued July 3, 1849

On motion to appropriate to Jno. MORRIS the sum of eight 80/100 dollars the amount by him appropriated to the Family of John J. BOYD who is in helpless condition said BOYD is a man about thirty five years of age by occupation a farmer and who resides in Wayne County

Ordered by the Court that the commissioners of the poor house for the year 1849 Examine and look out some small farm as near [as crossed out] Waynesboro as practable suitable for a poor house and price the same and that they report the facts to the next term of this Court.

On motion to appropriate to W CARTER the sum of seven dollars and fifty cents for taking care of an old colord [sic] man called Harry WOODFORK Those who voted in the affirmative were HAYNES LAFFERTY JOBE POPE JONES GRIMES WILSON GANT A GRAY ADAMS BREWER HAM DIXON LEE & SHEPARD 15 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the trustee of said County not otherwise appropriated Isued July 27th 1849

[page 56] Monday July 2nd 1849
A majority of the Justices of the peace of said County present the Court proceeded to Elect an Entry taker for Wayne County for the next four years where upon A C McDOUGAL was duly and constitutionally Elected where upon the said A C McDOUGAL came into Court and entered in to bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars with Samuel L BURNS Jonathan I [or J] BIFFLE and A G McDOUGAL his securities which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said A C McDOUGAL took the necessary oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that the following good and Lawful men of the County of Wayne be appointed and summoned by the sheriff to attend at the next term of the Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first Monday in October next to wit William B HARDIN Eaton RAY Isaac W ROSS Little CHOAT Cary W POPE Joseph PITTS Jonathan I BIFFLE [John N SHIELDS – crossed out] James N BLACKSHEAR Adolphas H. M. STUBBLEFIELD Valentine BIFFFLE John JACKSON Snr. Samuel BECKHAM Daniel G. COPELAND William BERRY Alexander GRAY John C JOHNSON James D McFALL William BALENTINE Eber HAM James SPAIN Andrew J BREWER John W LEE Alexander LUTES Thomas SHEPARD Alexander HADDOCK and that Claborn ACKLIN and Robert MORRIS be appointed and summoned to attend as constables to wait on the Court and that Venirafacious Isue returnable to said Circut Court Court

Came into Court Wm. B WALKER and tendered to the Court his resignation as Justice of the peace of Wayne County District No. 6 which was received by the Court

On application of Jeremiah BANKS to be released from working on the road and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said BANKS is not capable of doing servis it is therefore ordered by the Court that he be released from said servis and from paying Poll Tax

Ordered by the County that the following good and Lawful men be appointed as Judges for the August Election next to wit
Dst 1st James T YOUNG Elephas PRATER Josiah ROBINSON
2 Jan’s C ELLIOTT Jesse S ROSS Solamon JOBE
[page 57]
11 Joseph COCKMAN James HOLlIS Isaac MORTON

[following entry crossed out – On motion to appropriate to Samuel WALKER the sum of ten dollars for Keeping a minor orphan of Alexander STAGGS Deceased those who voted in the affirmative were]

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in course //s// W CARTER D J JONES A. MONTAGUE

Court June 1849

Monday June 4th 1849
State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that a Corum County Court was began
Wayne County) and held for the Court of Wayne at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the 4th day it being the first Monday in June in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Forty nine the following Justice of the peace present and presiding to wit W CARTER Chairman MONTAGUE & SHEPARD his associates

  • Ordered by the Court that James McFALL be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of A M SOUTH and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. Isued June 11 1849
  • Ordered by the court that William FOWLER be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of John M HAYES and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction. isued June 11 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Hartwell GREESON be reappointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class and that he have the following hands to wit William R GREESON Wm. R QUALL, Levi MORGAN, Gregory SINCLAIR‘S hands John W MURPHREY, Wm. J COPELAND, Mastin ABIRNATHY Charles McCLEAN, John L LUTTS, Alexander LUTTS, Wm. MARTIN, and Samuel WATKINS to work under his direction & all hands in the same bounds Isued June 11th 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Thomas STAGGS be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of A HARDESON and that he have the following hands to wit Thomas S CURTIS, Amos CURTIS, Wade CURTIS, Wm. CURTIS, A HARDISON, Thomas HINTON, Samuel HINTON, Lawson HINTON, Coleman C HINTON, Richard WHITE John SAUNDERS Henry G. MORRIS & James H HINTON & all hands in the same bounds to work under his direction And that he work from T. S. CURTIS to the County Line Isued June 11 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Ephraim CRABTREE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Zahariah BECKHAM and that he have the following hands to wit Finley S BECKHAM, Ephraim G GREEN, Wm. GREEN, Benjamin F BROOKS, Wm. WATSON, James SHANION, A P DOWNING, Andrew SCOTT, Samuel NELSON, Elias BECKHAN, and Cyrus WEST to work under his direction Isued June 11, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Josiah YOUNGBLOOD be appointed overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in the place of John RAMSEY removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued June 11th 1849

Monday June 4th / 49

  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Stephen LEE Administrator of the estate of Milly MATHENY deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and T H MABRY trustee of Wayne County was this day presented to the Court which was rec’d and ordered to be recorded
  • Came Thomas W. WALDRUP to Court who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of Reuben WHITE deceased and entered in to bond of Five hundred and Twenty dollars with John L FIELDER and Thomas ADAMS his securities which was approved by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and M H BURKS Guardian of G. L. TILLMAN was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • Ordered by the Court that E F DADSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of H B V KING and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued June 11, 1849.
  • Ordered by the Court that Wm. WILBANKS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Henry DANIEL [or DANIELY] and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued June 11, 1849
  • Ordered by the Court that Hiram BRYSON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of John HARDEN and that he have James LEE Wm WORTHEN and John BRYSON to work under his direction and all hands in that bounds Isued June 11, 1849
  • Ordered by the court that James HORTON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Wm. MOSER And that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued June 11th 1849
  • Ordered that Court adjourn tell tomorrow morning 9 Oclock //s// W. CARTER, A. MONTAGUE, Thos. SHEPARD

Court May 1849

Monday, May 7th 1849
State of Tennessee) Be it remembered that a Corum County Court was began Wayne County) and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the 7th day it being the first Monday in May in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and forty nine the following Justice present and presiding To wit W CARTER Chairman MONTAGUE and D J JONES his associates.

  • Upon application of Robert A HILL it is ordered by the Court that [all crossed out]

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that Wille T RUDGERS a Student at law is a man of Good Moral character and is twenty one years of age It is ordered by the court that the Clerk of this Court issue to him a certificate accordingly

  • A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and John T BURNS Guardian of Charles D C minor heir of R H MACK Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was received and ordered to be recorded

A Settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and John S BURNS Guardian of James V MACK minor heir of R. H. MACK Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded.

  • A Settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Joseph BREWER Guardian of Wasson minor heir of Mary ROBERTSON dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the court and ordered to be recorded.
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this court and Wm HEFFINGTON Guardian of the minor heirs of Mary HENSLEY, dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded
  • A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and C B McCULLEY Administrator of the Estate of James DICKSON, dec’d was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded
  • Came John McDOUGAL H ROBERTS & T H MABRY who was appointed at a former term of this Court commissioners to lay off and set apart to olly BURGESS widow of Polly. BURGESS Dec’d one year support and reported to the court the amts. set apart to said widow

Monday May 7th 1849

  • A Settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and T H MABRY Trustee of Wayne County [and the Clerk of the Court of the Common School – crossed out] was this day presented to Court which was rejected by the Court and said Trustee & Clerk was given further time to make and presented said settlement [in the margin is written what appears to be the word “monies”]
  • Came William SINCLAIR Executor of the Estate of John SINCLAIR Dec’d and after having been duly sworn depose and say that he returned a certain note in the inventory of said Estate made by Andrew J COFFEE payable to William and John SINCLAIR Jointly and said note was claimed as the property of John SINCLAIR Dec’d where upon the Court ordered that said Executor & Executrix? be released of half the amount of said note
  • Came John S BURNS who was at a former term of this Court appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of Robert H MACK deceased into Court & entered into Bond of seven hundred and seventy two dollars with David VOORHEIS Nathan BIFFLE and S L BURNS his securities which was approved by the court and ordered to be recorded.
  • Came John G HILL Adminstrator of the Estate of Thomas BURGESS deceased and returned into Court an Inventory and account of sales which was ordered to be recorded
  • Came William SINCLAIR Executor of the Estate of John SINCLAIR Deceased and returned in to Court an acct of a second sale which was ordered to be recorded
  • Came James B DAVIS into Court who was on the 21st of April last Duly and Constitutionally Elected Constable [of erased] by the qualified voters of the Civil District No. 1 Wayne County for two years from the 4th day of March 1884 [sic] next there after and entered into the following bond to wit [there follows a long recital of the exact bond. The bondsmen were James B. DAVIS, David C. McADOO and Anderson DAVIS all of Wayne County, Tennessee. The bond was signed //s// James B. DAVIS, D. C. McADOO and Anderson DAVIS by his mark Wm. JONES attest. This bond carries over to page 49, same date.]

Where upon the said James B. DAVIS and each of said securities came into the court and acknowledged the execution of said bond which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded. Where upon the said James B. DAVIS took the necessary oaths for his qualification.
ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course //s// W. CARTER, A MONTAGUE, D.J. JONES.