Court in October 1851

Monday October 6th 1851
Be it remembered that a Quarterly County Court was began & held for the County of Wayne at the Court House in the Town of Waynesboro on the sixth day it being the first Monday in October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and fifty one When and where the following Justices were present and presiding to wit D J JONES Chairman LAFFERTY BARKER HAM HAYNES A B GANTT [B HAM – crossed out] Solomon JOBE, John MONTAGUE, George G HERRON, L B GANT, A J BREWER C W POPE PHILIP & CARTER

It appearing to the Court that Elizabeth DICKSON [WARREN – crossed out] wife of Samuel DICKSON has died in [this – crossed out] Wayne County intestate And the said Samuel DICKSON having this day come into open Court and renounced his right to administer upon the separate estate of his said wife and Thomas WARREN [having – crossed out] son of the said Elizabeth having applied to this Court for Letters of Administration upon the separate estate of said Elizabeth WARREN It is therefore ordered by the Court that Letters of Administration upon the goods and chattles rights and credits of said Elizabeth WARREN upon his entering into bond and security as required by law and came into Court said Thomas WARREN and William POLLARD and John M McDOUGAL his securities and entered into bond in the [sum – crossed out] the penal sum of four thousand dollars conditioned for his faithful administration of said estate which bond was duly acknowledged in open Court by said Thomas WARREN William POLLARD and John McDOUGAL and approved by the Court And thereupon the said Thomas WARREN was duly sworn in open Court Faithfully to discharge his duty as such Administrator as prescribed by law

James ARNETT Guardian to A P KINDEL minor heir of Guston KINDEL deceased came into Court and renewed his Bond in the sum of four hundred dollars with G W BARKER his security which was approved of by the court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that John HARDIN be appointed Overseer of the road of Second Class in the place of Daniel BRYSON removed and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 7, 1851
Ordered by the Court that William KEATON be appointed overseer of the road of second [road – crossed out] Class in the place of Luke LEE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct. 7, 1851

[page 197] Monday Oct 6, 1851
Ordered by the Court that Henry HOLT be appointed overseer of the road of second Class in the place of Jesse HALFORD and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Iused Oct 1851

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Josiah ROBINSON Guardian to the minor heirs of Enoch JAMES Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between William JONES Clerk of this Court and D J JONES Guardian to Giles VANSANT was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and James ARNETT Guardian to Alfred P KINDEL minor heir of Guston KINDEL dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

Upon the petition of Wm POLLARD Administrator of the estate of Jacob A KEATON deceased [amend – crossed out] it is ordered by the Court that said Administrator amend his settlement with the Clerk of this Court

Came Wm M LAFFERTY and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to the widow of John ALTOM deceased one years support and reported accordingly which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came D J JONES Administrator of the estate of Cynthia STOCKARD dec’d and returned into Court an inventory and Account of sales of said estate verified by his oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came D K HOOD and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed to lay off to Samuel STOCKARD minor heir of Cynthia STOCKARD deceased a support for one year and reported accordingly which was received and ordered to be recorded

Came Wm BENHAM Administrator of the estate of John ALTOM deceased and returned into Court and Inventory and Accounts of sales verified by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came C B McLEAN Administrator of the estate of Henry GRIMES deceased and returned into Court an Act. of second sale of said estate verified by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Came John McDOUGAL and other who was at a former term of this Court appointed Commissioners to lay off to the widow of Lemuel ASKEW deceased one years support for herself & family and reported accordingly which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

[page 198] Monday Oct. 6 1851
George G HERRON who was duly elected a Justice of the Peace for Wayne County by the qualified voters of the fourteenth Civil District thereof came into Court and presented to the Court his Commission And Whereupon the said George G HERRON Took the necessary oaths for his qualification and took his seat on the bench

On motion to appropriate to John McDOUGAL Clerk of the Circuit Court and others their fee respectively in certain bills of Cost against Wayne County which are duly certified to wit
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                            Peter PRINCE§                                                                                                         John McDOUGAL $7.81½                                                                                           R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                          Rial BREWER $2.75                                                                                                  L[or S] I DAVIS $4.01

Isued Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                             John STRICKLIN§                                                                                                    John McDOUGAL $7.81¼                                                                                            R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                          Rial BREWER $3.16½                                                                                               Wm B ROSS $19.87                                                                                                       C A ACKLIN $ .75                                                                                                    Thos. S CURTIS $1.50                                                                                                     I H STRICKLIN $2.46                                                                                                     James MARTIN $3.50                                                                                                  John HAYES $3.50

Isued Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                         Robert MACKEY§                                                                                                       John McDOUGAL $6.25                                                                                                R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                                E H PUGH $ .50

State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                     Adam GREENFIELD§                                                                                                    John McDOUGAL $6.25                                                                                                R A HILL $5.00                                                                                                              E H PUGH $ .50

State of Tennessee vs                                                                                            Wiley HALE§                                                                                                              John McDOUGAL $7.25

Isued Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                            Wiley HALE§                                                                                                           John McDOUGAL $7.25

Isued Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                     Gray BRYANT§                                                                                                         John McDOUGAL $5.25                                                                                                R J CYPERT $1.25                                                                                                          R. BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                   Gray BRYANT§                                                                                                                J McDOUGAL $5.50                                                                                                       R J CYPERT $2.50                                                                                                           R BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                   Gray BRYANT§                                                                                                                J McDOUGAL $5.25                                                                                                      L L MACK $1.25                                                                                                             R BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                 Gray BRYANT§                                                                                                                J McDOUGAL $5.25                                                                                                       L L MACK $1.25                                                                                                           R. BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct. 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                     Gray BRYANT§ & A I SNOW§                                                                                       J McDOUGAL $5.25                                                                                                      R J CYPERT $2.50                                                                                                            R. BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct. 10, 1851
[page 199] Monday Oct. 6th 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                  Gray BRYANT§                                                                                                                J McDOUGAL $5.25                                                                                                       R J CYPERT $1.25                                                                                                     BREWER $ .25

Iss’d Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                     Henry G MORRIS§                                                                                                         J McDOUGAL $17.30                                                                                               Wm. POLLARD $1.00                                                                                                   E H PUGH $ .50                                                                                                      Jasper N. FOREHAND $9.05                                                                                  John GRIMES $2.25

Iss’d April 13, 1852
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                          Henry G. MORRIS§                                                                                                        J McDOUGAL $14.43¾                                                                                       POLLARD $1.75                                                                                                             E H PUGH $ .25                                                                                                        John GRIMES $ .25                                                                                                 Jesse G GRIMES $1.50

Iss’d Oct. 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                              Wm SCOTT§                                                                                                             John McDOUGAL $8.12½                                                                                           E H PUGH $ .50

Iss’d Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                       William DIXON§                                                                                                            J McDOUGAL $4.25                                                                                                       R BREWER $ .25

Issued Oct 10, 1851
State of Tennessee vs                                                                                                     David LITTLETON§                                                                                                       J McDOUGAL $8.37

Isued Oct 10, 1851
Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr, LAFFERTY, BARKER, HAYNES, JOBE POPE CARTER A B GANT BREWER HAM J. MONTAGUE & HERRON 12 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated

This day the non cupative will of James W STANDFIELD was produced in Court and proven to be the last will and testament of said James W STANDFIELD by John W SHULL Robinson TALLY and P. S STANDFIELD who after having been duly sworn deposed and said that they were acquainted with said James W STANDFIELD on the 22d day of August 1851 during his last sickness and in his own dwelling house in said County and in their presence they being be him called upon [by – crossed out] them and particularly the said John W. SHULL made the following deposition of his property to wit that it was his will and desire that his father and John W SHULL should administer upon his effects and take care of his children and keep them together on his plantation and that all his household property should be kept for their benefit also two cows to wit one called pink and the one called the Gillis cow also one filly to be kept with the children for their use & benefit the ballance sold and
[page 200] Monday Oct 6th 1851
his matters settled up and all his debts paid off The children to be kept on his place if they could be satisfied if not the land to be rented our until the youngest child come of age that he died the same day that it was made that at the time said testator was of disposing mind and memory and not under any undue influence that the said non cupative will was reduced to writing by them and signed by them on the 30th day of August 1851 It is therefore ordered by the Court that the noncupative will be established and that the same as committed to writing by said witnesses be recorded and thereupon William STANDFIELD and John W SHULL the executors nominated in said will applied for Letters testamentary upon said Will and they having entered into bond in the penal sum of fifteen hundred dollars with John A STANDFIELD William WEST T H DICKERSON and Robinson TALLY as their securities conditioned for their faithful execution of the trusts in said will which bond was acknowledged in open Court and which was duly approved by the Court It was therefore ordered by the Court that Letters Testamentary issue to said Executors accordingly And thereupon the said John W. SHULL and William STANDFIELD were duly sworn [to – crossed out] faithfully to execute the trusts of said will

Came Wm BENHAM and others who was at a former term of this Court appointed a Jury to View and mark out so as to change the road of 2d Class through the lands of N F JOHNSON and report a road found as directed in said order which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
On motion to appropriate to A C McDOUGAL the sum of Twenty five dollars for his services as one of the commissioners appointed to superintend the building of the Court house Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY BARKER HAYNES JOBE POPE CARTER BREWER J MONTAGUE HAM & HERRON 11 Noes A B GANT 1 So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Iss’d Oct 20

Upon petition of M J SIMS and others it is ordered by the Court that Bennett COLE James ARNET Daniel HELTON S L SHIELDS Joseph EAST D K HOOD & Cyrus TYREE be appointed a Jury to View and mark out a change in the Road leading from Waynesboro to Gibbs Wool Factory so as to go down the left hand side of the
[page 201] Monday Oct 6, 1851
ridge north of John L FOWLERs Residence and that the[sic] report to the January Term of this Court and that order isue [from page 200 Isued Oct 8, 1851]

Upon the petition of Wm Melton & others it is ordered by the Court that A J BREWER Jefferson BREWER Wilie BREWER Jr G W BREWER Lewis BREWER A J RISNER or any five of them be appointed a Jury to View and mark out so as to change the road of 2d Class leading down Butlers Creek so as to leave the Florence Road between P W HENSLEYs house and the house of William MELTON and run on the west sid[sic] of said MELTONs plantation and intersect the old road below Wm MELTONs plantation And that they report they same to the January term of this Court and that order Issued Oct 8, 1851

Open motion to appropriate to William JONES Clerk of this Court the sum of forty three dollars Eight one cents for services rendered making Tax book &c the 1851 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY BARKER HAYNES JOBE A B GANT BREWER PHILIPS J MONTAGUE HAM & HERRON 11 Noes none So said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Issued Oct 13, 1851

A majority of the Justices of the peace present Came Rial BREWER Collector of the public Taxes of Wayne County the present year 1851 and reported to the Court the amount of Removals and insolvencies to the amount of ten 51/100 [Eight – crossed out] dollars [and thirty two and one fourth cent – crossed out] State and [Eighteen 81/100 dollars – crossed out] Twenty 76/100 dollars County Tax which report was received and ordered to be recorded Iss’d Dec 1, 1851

Came C F DIXON into Court and resigned his office as Constable of the Twelfth Civil district of Wayne County which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Upon motion to appropriate to A T HASSELL the sum of Eleven dollars and ninety five cents for 116 llbs Bacon and Tobacco furnished the poorhouse commissioners July the 15th and 25th 1851 Those who voted in the affirmative were D J JONES Chr LAFFERTY BARKER HAYNES JOBE CARTER GANT L B GANT J. MONTAGUE & HERRON 10 Noes none so said appropriation was made to be paid out of any monies in the hands of the County Trustee not otherwise appropriated Issued Oct 20, 1851

Upon motion it is ordered by the Court that David COOK Wm HAWK and A B GANT be appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to the minor heirs of James W STANFIELD deceased under the age of fifteen [fourteen – crossed out] years old so much of the stock crop provisions and moneys as shall be sufficient for the support of said heirs one year from the death of their said father and that they report the same to the next term of this Court Issued Oct 13 1851

[page 202] Monday Oct. 6, 1851
It appearing to the Court that John S STANFIELD who is a citizen of the County of Wayne is unable to procure the means of living by manual labor from bodily infirmity and it further appearing to the Court that said STANFIELD is in indigent circumstances and has no other means of support Is it therefore ordered by the Court a majority of all the Justices present [and – crossed out] that the said John S STANFIELD is hereby authorized and empowered to hawk and peddle or Merchandize without License in the said County of Wayne and State of Tennessee provided said STANFIELD shall take an oath before the Clerk of this Court that he will not retail the Goods of any other persons directly nor indirectly but that the goods sold by him shall be exclusively his own and provided further that this shall be no authority to said STANFIELD to sell Spiritous Liquors or Clocks without obtaining a License therefore Isued Jan 17, 1852

Personally appeared in open Court Buckly HAM Administrator of the estate of William HEFFINGTON deceased and suggested the insolvency of said estate It is therefore ordered by the Court that said administrator give notice in the Nashville Weekly Union a public Newspaper published in the Town of Nashville in said State for three successive weeks and also by a written notice on the Court house door in the Town of Waynesboro for all those creditors of said estate to come forward and file their claims on or before the first Monday in October 1852 with the Clerk of this Court properly authenticated or they will be for ever barred

On motion it is ordered by the Court that George W BROWN J C ELLIOTT and S[?] H GRIMES be appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to Mahuldah Maranda and Jincy Minor heirs of Dilly GOFORTH deceased and under the age of fifteen [fourteen – crossed out] years so much of the stock crop provision and money as will be sufficient for one year support for said minors from the death of their said Mother and that they report the same to the same to the November term of this Court that Order Isue accordinly Isued Oct 13, 1851

Came Wm BENHAM into Court who was this day appointed Admr. of the estate of Dilly GOFORTH deceased and entered into bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars with Jacob BENHAM AND Rial BREWER his securities which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said Wm BENHAM took the necessary oath for this qualification

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and David TACKETT Guardian to the minor heirs of Wiley B TACKETT deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded
[page 203] Monday Oct. 6, 1851

Came David TACKETT Guardian to the minor heirs of W B TACKETT Deceased and renewed his bond in the sum of Two hundred dollars with R BREWER and C ACKLIN his securities which was received by the Court [which was rec – crossed out] and ordered to be recorded
On Motion [Came D J JONES – crossed out] it is ordered by the Court that James ANDERSON D. J. JONES and John McDOUGAL by appointed Commissioners to allot and set apart to Rachel MERRYMAN widow of Eli MERRYMAN deceased so much of the stock crop [stock – crossed out] provision and money as shall be sufficient for the support of herself and family for the term of one year from the death of her said husband and that they report the same to the November term of this Court and that Order Isue accordingly
Rachel MERRYMAN Widow of Eli MERRYMAN deceased this day relinquished her right of Administration on said estate in writing to the Court and request the Court to appoint Joacim DUGGER adm’r on said Estate And Whereupon the said Joacim DUGGER came in to Court and entered into bond in the sum of Twenty five hundred dollars with John McDOUGAL and Stephen BIVENS his securities and whereupon the said DUGGER and each of his securities came into Court and acknowledged the execution of said Bond which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded And whereupon the said Joacim DUGGER took the necessary Oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that the commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to superintend the painting of the Court house also have the windows of said house [the Entry Takers Office in said house – crossed out] repaired [in said – crossed out] except the offices occupied by the Clerks & Register

Ordered by the Court that George W CABB be appointed overseer of the road of first Class [in the place of – crossed out] leading from Waynesboro to Savannah in the place of Green WILSON and John L. FOWLER [and Issac MORRIS – crossed out] that he work from [the – crossed out] Waynesboro to the four mile post and that he have the hands in the same bounds of the said WILSON & FOWLER to work under his direction Isued Oct 7, 1871

Ordered by the Court that Alison HUGHLING be appointed overseer of the road of second Class in the place of C H HUGHLING and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 7, 1851

Ordered by the Court that Pleasant MORGAN be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Andrew CASTEEL and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Oct 7, 1851

Ordered that Court adjourn till to morrow [morning – crossed out] at one O’clock //s// D J JONES Chair G W BARKER W. CARTER

[page 204] Tuesday Oct. 7, 1851
Court met according to adjournment Present D J JONES Ch’r CARTER & BARKER his associates

The Widow of Wm C McBRIDE deceased this day relinquished her right to administer on the said estate and request the Court to appoint James E. McKNIGHT in writing and Whereupon the said James E. McKNIGHT came into Court and entered into bond in the sum of six hundred dollars conditioned for the faithful performance of his Administration with D J JONES and C ACKLIN his securities and whereupon the said McKNIGHT and each of his said securities came into open Court and Acknowledged the execution of said bond which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said McKNIGHT took the necessary oath for his qualification

Came into Court T G ALLEN who has been appointed deputy Sheriff of Wayne County by Rial BREWER Sheriff of said County and took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that the following good and lawful men of the County of Wayne and State of Tennessee be appointed and summonds by the Sheriff of said County to be and attend at the next term of the Circuit Court to be held for the County of Wayne [and – crossed out] at the Court house in the Town of Waynesboro on the fourth Monday in January next (To wit) William HARDIN Spencer LOYD Edmund B THROGMARTIN Andrews WILLIAMS Thomas FRANKLIN Washington CARTER Stephen BIVENS George W BARKER William BENHAM Elijah D. BIFFLE George KYLE Samuel MARTIN C. C. COOK [James B ANDERSON – crossed out] Carroll H. HUGHLING A PHILIPS Thomas ADAMS Wallis HAYES Soloman BREWER Jr A. J. BREWER Micajah McGEE John B DIXON Josiah DARBY George G HERRON John SPEER King PRATER and that Jacob B BIFFLE and James B DAVIS be appointed and summonds to attend as Constables and wait on the Court and that Venirafacious Isue returnable to said Court Iss’d Oct. 27, 1851.

Came into Court John McDOUGAL who was appointed deputy Clerk of the County Court of Wayne County by William JONES Clerk and took the necessary Oath for his qualification

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course //s// D J JONES Chair G W BARKER W. CARTER

Court in September 1851

Monday, September 1st 1851 [James H McLEMORE Invr Set – crossed out at top of page]
State of Tennessee§ Be it remembered that a quorum County Court was begun and held in and for Wayne County at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the first Monday being the first day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one there were present and presiding the following justices of the peace of said County to wit David J JONES, Chairman George W BARKER & William M LAFFERTY
Sufficient cause appearing to the Court for the same it is ordered by the Court that the venerefacious heretofore issued from this court be so changed that James D COPELAND be appointed instead of James COPELAND and that Alexander M CRAVEN be appointed instead of James W. STANFIELD and William J HADDOCK be appointed instead of Josiah DARBY and that the sheriff of Wayne County summon the persons so appointed instead of those who were heretofore appointed as in the original order specified
William STANFIELD presented the Nuncupative Will of James W. STANFIELD deceased: when it appearing to the Court that fourteen days have not elapsed since the death of said James W. STANFIELD It is therefore ordered by the Court that said Nuncupative will (which had been reduced to writing) be filed with the Clerk of this Court and that process issue calling in the next of kin, (that is to say John J. WOODY & wife Nancy Jane and Elizabeth M. STANFIELD, Peyton A. STANFIELD, Elijah B. STANFIELD John STANFIELD & Lucinda M. STANFIELD all of whom are minors under the age of twenty one years except the said John J. WOODY and wife) at the next term of this court to contest said will if they think proper, and that John STANFIELD be appointed guardian adlitem for said minor heirs and represent them at the said next term of this court.

Came into Court William BEHAM who on application was appointed Administrator of the estate of John ALTOM Dec’d and entered into bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with Rial BREWER and Jonathan MORRIS as his securities whereupon the Court ordered that he have letters accordingly and thereupon the said William BENHAM took the necessary oath for his qualification. And thereupon the Court appointed William M. LAFFERTY Clifton M. BROWN and Calvin B McCULLEY commissioners to lay off for the widow of said John ALTOM Isued Sept 18, 1851

[page 194] Monday September 1st 1851
deceased one years support out of said estate and that a copy of this order issue
Came David J. JONES into Court who on application was by the Court appointed Administrator of the estate of Cynthia STOCKARD Deceased and entered into bond in the sum of six hundred dollars with Jonathan MORRIS and Rial BREWER as his securities and the said Daid J. JONES and the said Jonathan MORRIS & Rial BREWER acknowledged in open Court the execution of said bond Whereupon the Court ordered that said David J JONES have letters of Administration accordingly and therefore the said DAVID J JONES took the necessary oath for his qualification as such
Leonard H GRIMES Executor of the estate of William W GRIMES Deceased returned into Court an Inventory of of[sic] the personal estate of said deceased which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

This day came into Court Daniel H. McDONALD who upon application was appointed Administrator of the estate of Charles Y. PARKER, deceased, and entered into bond with James C. WHITAKER and James H. McLEMORE as his securities [and where – crossed out] in the sum of one thousand dollars and the said Daniel H. McDONALD & the said James C. WHITAKER & James H McLEMORE acknowledged the execution of said bond Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that said Daniel H. McDONALD have letters of administration accordingly Thereupon the said Daniel H. McDONALD took the necessary oath for his qualification and such
A Settlement between William JONES Clerk of this Court and Jesse S. ROSS Executor of the last Will and testament of Isaac HASSELL deceased presented to the Court whereupon it is ordered by the Court that said settlement be confirmed and recorded

Ordered by the Court that Richard H. WHITAKER be appointed overseer of a Second Class road from Waynesboro to Lindon from the wagon ford on Buffalo river near the mouth of Green river to Bromleys ford on Buffalo river and have all the hands in said bounds to work under his directions Isued Sept. 4, 1851

Ordered by the Court that William L[or S] BROMLEY be appointed overseer of a second class road leading from Waynesboro to Lindon from Bromleys ford on Buffalo river to the Perry County line and have all the hands in said bounds to work under his directions Isued Sept. 4, 1851

Whereas heretofore to wit at the July term of this Court 1851 It appeared to the Court by the report of a jury appointed by this Court that Lucy BREWER of this (copy issued)
[page 195] Monday September 1st 1851
County is an idiot and incapable to manager her estate It is therefore ordered by the Court that Rial BREWER be appointed Guardian for said Lucy BREWER and the said Rial BREWER entered into bond in the sum of two thousand dollars with David J. JONES and William BENHAM as his securities who were approved of by the Court and the said Rial BREWER and the said securities acknowledged in open Court the execution of said bond Whereupon the said Rial BREWER took the necessary oath for his qualification as such guardian

Ordered by the Court that [John HARDIN – crossed out] David or Daniel BRYSON be appointed overseer of a second class road leading from Waynesboro to Florence in the place of Jonathan I. BIFFLE and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his directions Isued Sept. 4, 1851

On motion it is ordered by the Court that David K. HOOD James ANDERSON & Amos T. HASSELL be appointed commissioners to lay off out of the estate of his mother Cynthia STOCKARD Deceased a years support for Samuel STOCKARD who is a minor heir of said Cynthia STOCKARD deceased under the age of fourteen [twenty one – crossed out] years Isued Sept. 11, 1851

Ordered that Court be adjourned until Court in course //s// D J JONES (Chair) G. W. BARKER John MONTAGUE

Court March 1850

March 4th 1850

State of Tennessee Wayne County Be it remembered to a Quorum County Court was began and held for the County of Wayne at the Court house in the town of Waynesboro on the fourth day it being the first Monday in March [one thousand – crossed out] in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and fifty the following Justices present and presiding (To wit) David J JONES Chr. LAFFERTY and YOUNG his associates

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm W GRIMES Guardian of Eli S GRIMES minor heir of James GRIMES deceased was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

Monday March 4th 1850

Came into Court John JACKSON Jr. who was on the 2nd day of March 1850 duly and Constitutionally Elected by the qualified voters of the sixth civil District Wayne County Tennessee for the term of two years and until his successor shall be elected and qualified and entered into the following bond to wit [here follows a standard bond statement. Participants in the bond were John JACKSON Jr. J.I. BIFFLE S.L. BURNS & T. MEREDITH. Bond was signed as follows] / / s / / John JACKSON, J I BIFFLE, S L BURNS, Thomas MEREDITH Whereupon the said John JACKSON Jr. and each of his said securities came in to Court and acknowledged the execution thereof which was rec’d by the Court and ordered to be recorded Whereupon the said John JACKSON Jr took the necessary Oaths for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that Joseph RAMSEY be appointed overseer of the road of 3rd Class in the place of John SHIPMAN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 13, 1850

Monday March 4th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Larkin GRIMES be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from the turnpike road near Oze DICUS to the STRICKLIN Old house and that he have all the hands that line on the waters of Eagle Creek from John O ROBERTS to G W BROWN inclusive to work under his direction Isued March 15. 1850

Ordered by the Court that Isaac W ROSS be appointed Overseer of the Road of 2nd Class and that he work from the STRICKLIN old place to the Carrollville and Florence Road near Carrollville and that he have the following hands to wit Bennett HALE Mary MONTAGUE’s hands Larkin ALLAM [ALTOM] Wm. MONTAGUE A B WEBB John JOBE and the hands that live at James GORE’s old place and all the nads in said bounds to work under his direction Isued March 15. 1850

A settlement between Wm. JONES Clerk of this Court and Thomas MONTAGUE Guardian of the minor heirs of Mary W MONTAGUE dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to the recorded

Ordered that Court adjourn tell Court in Course / / s / / D J JONES Chair Wm. M. LAFFERTY James T YOUNG

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm W GRIMES Guardian of Manerva GRIMES minor heir of James GRIMES dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm W GRIMES Guardian of James A GRIMES minor heir of James GRIMES dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Wm W GRIMES Guardian of the minor heir of James GRIMES dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this court and A J BREWER Guardian of the minor heirs of Mary HENSLEY dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Joseph BREWER Guardian of Wasson minor heir of Mary ROBERTSON dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed and ordered t be recorded

Came Joseph BREWER Guardian of Wasson ROBERTSON minor heir of Mary ROBERTSON and renewed his bond in the sum of two hundred dollars with A J BREWER and Rial BREWER his securities which was Received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came A J BREWER one of the Guardian of the minor heirs of Mary HENSLEY dec’d and renewed his bond in the sum of Eight hundred dollars with Joseph BREWER and Rial BREWER his securities which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of the Court and Thomas LANEAR Guardian of Smith BROADWAY was this day presented to the Court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

Monday March 4th 1850

Came Franklin WETHERSPOON who was this day appointed Guardian to Smith BROADWAY and entered in to bond in the sum of three hundred dollars with Samuel L BURNS and J I BIFFLE his securities Conditioned for the faithful performance of said Guardianship which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded Where upon the said F WETHERSPOON took the necessary oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that F WETHERSPOON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from the Savannah Road to the branch above John JOHNSON’s field and that he have Jacob G MORRIS & hands in addition to his own hands to work under his direction Isued Mar. 4th 1850

Came into Court John GRIMES and tendered to the Court his resignation as Justice of the peace of the fifth Civil District Wayne County Tennessee which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Obediah WEBSTER be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joshua T BREWER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 13 1850

Ordered by the Court that Wm I[or J] MAY be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Wiley BREWER Jr. and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued March 13, 1850

Ordered by the Court that George CRUMWELL be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from the Savannah & Waynesboro Road towards Pinhook as far as Burton DILL formerly that lives south of said Savannah Road to work under his direction Isued March 13, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Burton DILL Stanford C GRIMES J A GOSSETT he attached to the hands allotted to work under B D KEATON on the road of 1st Class

Came into Court Andrew JACKS and tendered to the Court his resignation as Constable of the sixth Civil District Wayne County Tennessee which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Court February 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

A Settlement between Wm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby G GALLAHER Guardian of Wm M. minor heir of John GALLAHER deceased was this day submitted to the court which was confirmed and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Joanna R minor heir of John GALLAHER dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was [this day –crossed out] Confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of the minor heirs of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the court which was rec’d and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Sarah E minor heir of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

A settlement between Mm JONES Clerk of this Court and Ibby GALLAHER Guardian of Thomas M minor heir of John GALLAHER Dec’d was this day submitted to the Court which was confirmed by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that the following Receipt be be recorded on the minutes of the Court to wit Rec’d of W CARTER one of the Commissioners to make sale of the lots on the west side of the Square in Waynesboro one note of hand on Jonathan MORRIS and John McDOUGAL for Eighty dollars due the 13th Nov 1848 and one on H ROBERTS & Jonathan MORRIS for one Hundred dollars due the 13th Nov 1848 with a credit of one hundred collars on the 24th day of Dec 1849 / / s / / D J JONES Char of the poorhouse Com

Ordered by this Court that Daniel HELLAN [HELTON?] be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Joseph EAST and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

ORdered by the Court that Henry McGEE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Samuel McGEE and have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

Ordered by the Court that James LAY be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of A G NUMAN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Benjamine MARTIN be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Burrell BAILY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 6h 1850

Ordered by the Court that A M FALLEN be appointed [Guardian – crossed out] overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of C W THOMPSON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7th 1850

Ordered by the Court that John MORRISON be appointed overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Mereda MORRISON and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Jeremiah PRINCE be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of DAvid R ADAMS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Moses Price be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joseph G GALLAHER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Jackson JAMES be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Alford SIMMONS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came into Court James HOLLIS administrator of the Estate of Thomas GIST deceased and returned an inventory and accounts of sales verified by his Oath which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded

Came T H MABRY Trustee of Wayne County and reported to the Court the amt. of Revenue arising for the year 1849 which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Monday Febr’ 4th 1850

Ordered by the Court that Franklin SHULL be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of John W BERRY and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7,1850

Ordered by the Court that John RISNER Jr. be appointed overseer of the road of 2d Class in the place of Joseph BREWER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Joseph B DIXON be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class running up the Double Branches that he work from Samuel McGEE to the Indian Creek road and that he have John B DIXON and Joseph DIAL to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered b the Court that C C COOK be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from Indian Creek to Wm BECKHAM’s old hog pen and that he have Levi VICTORY Wm EAVES Joshua GALLION and all the hands in the bounds to work under his direction Isued Feb 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Parris HARGUS be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from Wm BECKHAM’s old hog pen to the County line and that he have T S BECKHAM Thomas EAVES Umphrey M GOFORTH John BECKHAM and all the hands in that bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered by the Court that Reuben EAST be appointed Overseer of the road of 1st Class in the place of Isaac MORRIS and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came George I WALKER who was this day chosen and appointed Gaurdian of the minor heirs of James C. NICKOLS Died and entered in to bond in the sum of seven hundred dollars with Wm B WALKER his Security Condition for the faithful performance of said Guardianship which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded where upon the said George I WALKER took the necessary oath for his qualification

Ordered by the Court that Wm RAY be appointed Overseer of the Road of 2nd Class in the place of King PRATER and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Monday Febr 4th 1850

Came James E McKNIGHT who was this day chosen and appointed Guardian of the minor heirs of A.C. BIFFLE Dec’d and entered into Bond in the sum of four hundred dollars with E D BIFFLE his security conditioned for the faithful performance of said guardianship which was approved of by the Court and ordered to be recorded whereupon the said James E McKNIGHT took the necessary oath for this qualification

Ordered by the Court that Wm. B. WHITAKER be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class Leading from Waynesboro to Linden and that he work from the forks of the road on Green River to Buffalo and that he have his own hands E WHITAKER & hands and Claton THORP to work under his direction Isued Febr 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Lemuel POPE be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd CLass running from Waynesboro to Linden and that he work from Buffalo to the Perry County line and to have the hands on the north side of the river and below Cary W POPE to the County line to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Came M H? BURKS Guardian of the minor heirs of Daniel TILLMAN dec’d and reported to the court the amount that has come into his hands as such Guardian verafied by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

This day came James M RAMSEY Administrator of all and singular the goods & chattles of John N SHIELDS Dec’d and suggested in writing in open court the Insolvency of said Estate alleging that the assets which had come to his hands possession or knowledge were Insuffienct to pay the debts against said Estate It is therefore ordered by the court that publication of the Insolvency of said Estate be made in the Middle Tennessean a Newspaper printed in the Town of Lawrenceburg in the State of Tennessee and that notice be given to all persons to whom said Estate is in any way indebted to file their claims duly authenticated with the clerk of this court on or before the first day of January AD 1851 for prorato Distribution as the Law requires in such cases or they will be forever bared?

Ordered that Court adjourn till Tomorrow morning 9 oclock / / s / / D J JONES Chair, Wm M LAFFERTY James T YOUNG

Tuesday Febr. 5th 1850

Court met according to adjournment Present D J JONES Chr. [LAFFERTY and YOUNG his associates – crossed out] JOBE & GRIMES his associates

CAme B HAMM and returned in to Court an Inventory and account of sales of the Estate of William HEFFINGTON deceased Verified by his Oath which was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded

Ordered by the Court that Henry T HAYS be appointed Overseer of the road of 2nd Class in the place of Joel S WHITTEN and that he have the hands in the same bounds to work under his direction Isued Feb 7 1850

Ordered by the Court that Isaac W ROSS be appointed overseer of the road of 2nd Class and that he work from the Turnpike Road near Oze DICUS to be Florence Road near Carrollville and that he have the following hands Bennet HALE Mary MONTAGUE’s hands Larkin ALTOM Wm MONTAGUE John JOBE A B WEBB and all the hands on the water of Eagle Creek from John O ROBERTS to G W BROWN’s exclusive and all the hands in said bounds to work under his direction Isued Febr 7, 1850

Ordered that Court adjourn till Court in Course / / s / / D J JONES Chair Solomon JOBE John GRIMES