Welcome to the Perry County TNGenWeb. This is a repository of historical and genealogical information related to Perry County, Tennessee. The work here is the result of the generous contributions of many volunteers. Your continued contributions to this effort are welcomed.
Perry County was formed in 1819 from parts of Humphreys and Hickman counties. It is named in honor of Oliver Hazard Perry (1785–1819), American War of 1812 naval officer. It is located in middle Tennessee on the eastern shore of Kentucky Lake (Tennessee River). Adjoining counties include Humphreys, Hickman, Lewis, Wayne and Decatur Counties. Decatur County was formed from the portion of Perry County west of the Tennessee River in 1846.

We are expanding the Perry Co. TNGenWeb site building on the great work of the previous county coordinators, Jan Monnin and Renea Burkholder. We have also merged in Perry County research by David Donahue which continues today as www.tnyesterday.com. We hope you like the format and new content. Please contact me if you are willing to share your genealogical or historical research with other researchers via this web site.
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