Mary Endsley et al. Deed to Bedford Endsley (1836)

Mary Endsley et al. Deed to Bedford Endsley (1836)

FamilySearch microfilm #0476359: Bedford County Deed Book FF, pages 469-470

[see notes at end]

This Indenture made this 28th of July in the year of our Lord one thousand and thirty six, between Mary Endsley, Executrix of John Endsley, dec’d; of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee , Alfred C. Anderson, and Damaris his wife, formerly Damaris Endsley of the County of Lincoln, John M. Endsley, Isaac N. Endsley, Willis Burgess and Cynthia Burgess his wife, formerly Cynthia Endsley, of the County of Bedford and State aforesaid of the one part and Bedford Endsley of the County of Bedford and State aforesaid of the other part.

Witnesseth; that the said Mary Endsley, Executrix as aforesaid, Alfred C. Anderson and his wife, Damaris, John M. & Isaac N. Endsley, Willis Burgess and his wife, Cynthia, for and in consideration of the Sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars, being the sum to which the Tract of land, hereinafter described was valued by William Williams, James Allison and William D. Orr agreeably to the will of John Endsley, deceased, have relinquished, released and quit claimed unto Bedford Endsley, his heirs and assigns the following described Tract or parcel of land, situate lying and being in the county aforesaid on the waters of the East Fork of Rock Creek, being part of a survey entered in the name of Hardy Murphy and bounded as follows, to wit.

Beginning at an Elm & Ash in the channel of a muddy branch on the said East boundary of said entry, on the West boundary line of John Medearis 3596 acre entry, being also the North East corner of Isaac N. Endsley’ tract, Thence running South 85-degrees West with Isaac & John M. Endsley’s lines to a stake, Buckeye and Beech in the West boundary line of said Murphy’s Entry, J. M. Endsley’s North West corner, being one hundred and forty eight poes in all on this line, Thence North five degrees West with Murphy’s Entry one hundred and thirty five poles to two small Beeches, Sugartree and Dogwood, thence North 85-degrees East one hundred and twenty eight poles to two Dogwoods on Murphy’s old line, now William C. Swainson’s line, thence South 85 degrees West (??? illegible: to the beginning ???) containing one hundred and fifty acres be the same more or less, to have & to hold the said Tennament, Tract, or parcel of land as above described to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of him the said Bedford Endsley, his heirs and assigns forever. And we the said Mary Endsley , Executrix as aforesaid, Alfred C. Anderson and Damaris his wife as aforesaid, John M. & Isaac N. Endsley, Willia Burgess and Cynthia, his wife as aforesaid do by these presents bind ourselves & our heirs, & etc., to warrant and ever defend the title of said land to the said Bedford Endsley, his heirs and assigns against all and every person or manner of persons claiming in, by , through and under us, but against the claim, title or demand of no other person or persons whatever.

In Testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals the day and date above written.

Mary Endsley Executrix {Seal}
John M. Endsley {Seal}
Willis Burgess {Seal}
Cynthia Burgess {Seal}
Isaac N. Endsley {Seal}
A. C. Anderson {Seal}
Damaris X Anderson {Seal)

Signed, sealed & delivered in presence of us

Thomas Cummings )
Joseph McAdams ) both Jurat 11th Augst


BEDFORD COUNTY ) Personally appeared before me Wm. L. Orr, Clerk of Bedford County, Thomas Cummings and Joseph McAdams, subscribing witnesses to the within deed, who being first sworn, depose and say they are acquainted with Mary Endsley, John M. Endsley, Isaac Newton Endsley, Alfred C. Anderson & Willia Burgess, the within named bargainors, and that they acknowledged the same in their presence to be their act and deed on the day it bears date.

Witness my hand at office this 11th day of August 1836
Wm. L. Orr, Clerk

Registered October 6th 1836 by Andr Vannoy, R. of B. C.


BEDFORD COUNTY ) To George Cummings, Esquire–

You are hereby authorized and empowered to take the Examination of Damaris Anderson, wife of Alfred C. Anderson and Cynthia Burgess, wife of Willis Burgess, the feme Coverts to the foregoing deed of conveyance, privately and apart from their husbands relative to their free executions to the within deed, and the same so taken, Certify under your hand & seal.

Witness William D. Orr Clerk of Bedford County Court at office this 30th day of June 1836.

William D. Orr, Clerk



BEDFORD COUNTY ) Damaris Anderson & Cynthia Burgess, the above named feme Coverts having personally appeared before me and having by virtue of the Authority in me vested been examined privately and apart from their respective husbands, the said Alfred C. Anderson and Willis Burgess and they having acknowledged the due execution of the within deed without compulsion, constraint or coertion by their said husbands, the same is therefore certified accordingly.

Witness my hand and seal this 28th day of July 1836.
Geo. Cummings {Seal}
Justice of the Peace, Bedford County

(In the above registration the 1st Certificate should have been (???not legible???) Registered 6th October 1836 by Andr. Vannoy, R of B. C.


[Transcriber’s notes: There were also deeds for 150 acres each from Mary Endsley, Executrix and Others to Isaac N. Endsley and John M. Endsley. (Bedford County deed book DD, page 407, 21 Dec 1833 to John M. Endsley and Bedford County deed book DD, page 408, 21 Dec 1833 to Isaac N. Endsley)

All three of the 150-acre tracts were taken from the original 700-acre grant # 723 to Hardy Murphy, indicating that John Endsley must have purchased all or most of the Hardy Murphy grant sometime prior to his September 1828 death.]

contributor unidentified

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