James L. Coffey Will (1837)

James L. Coffey Will (1837)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 13

State of Tennessee Marshall County April 13th 1837. Know all men by tese present that I James L. Coffey being omuch indisposed but in my right mind do hereby make this my last will and testament I give to my beloved wife Mary the free use of the whole of my Plantation and in case she should marry again in that I wish my plantation to be divided equally between her and all my children and I also give her the free use of all my other property except such as she may think propper to have sold and to have the using of the procedes for the support of herself and family and in case as above she should marry again I wish all that may be then be left of my money and property to be equally divided between her and all my children. And I do hereby give to my black girl Nancy her entire freedom so soon as she arrives at the age of twenty one and wish her to remain with my wife she is free and that free from hire. Ans I do hereby appoint David Ramsey * Samuel Ramsey my lawful executors to execute this my will and testament –
Samuel L. Coffey (Seal)
Signed and acknowledged in the presents of Peter Carpenter, Thos. Coffey

Probate information not included in Will Book

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