Burlington B. Craig Will (1884)

Burlington B. Craig Will (1884)

contributed by Dana Hill

Marshall County Will Book C, pages 96-97; TSLA microfilm Marshall #42

I, Burlington B. CRAIG, of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee, do hereby make and publish this, my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made or published.

1st: I desire that my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid out of the first money that may come into the hands of my legal representative.

2nd: I desire that the money and notes I now hold shall be equally divided among all my children, share and share alike; that is to say, to my son James M. CRAIG and wife, one eigth; to my daughter, Mollie CRAIG, on eighth; Melissa H., one eighth; and to each of my 4 minor children one eigth, to be placed in the hands of a Guardian for their benefit, until they arrive at lawful age.

3rd: I desire that all the remainder of my personal effects go into the hands of my wife, Martha J. CRAIG, which effects will include all my stock of every description, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture, to have and controll the same, and that she advance to each of any single children as they may marry, an amount of stock and other means sufficient to make them equal to the amounts given to my children who are now married.

4th: I leave to my wife, Martha J. CRAIG, my entire tract of land in the County of Marshall, consisting of about two hundred and ten acres, together with a small tract of cedar land in the 19th Dis. of Bedford County, consisting of eight acres, to have and to hold the same entire, during her life, but if she should marry, then I desire that these two tracts be rented out for the benefit of my children until the time specified, until my youngest son, Laula P. CRAIG, comes of lawful age; then I desire that tracts No. 2 & 3, described in the annexed survey, be sold to the highest bidder and the proceed equally divided among all my children who may then be living, or the representatives of each as may have died.

5th: I leave to my wife, Martha J. CRAIG, my home tract which is described as No. 1 in the survey, to have and to hold the same as a homestead during her life, together with the small tract of cedar land in Bedford County, and if my said wife should die before all my children marry or come of lawful age, then I desire that each as may be single or under age to hold the same as long as they may desire it. as a homestead, then I desire that the same be sold and the proceeds equally divided as above specified.

I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife, Martha J. CRAIG, and my son-in-law, Stephen PHILLIPS, my sole Executrix and Executor to carry out this, my last will and testament; and to have full power to sell and convey my real estate in all its contents, and as fully as I now have in my own right

In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, this, the 27th day of Nov. 1884




State of Tennessee)
Marshall County )

This day came into open Court D. J. E. COFFEY and Geo. W. P. JONES, the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will, and after having been first duly sworn, proved as required by law, the due execution of the same by the testator upon the day and date therein mentioned

Witness my hand, at office, this the 29th day of August, 1885

Jo. McBRIDE, Clerk

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