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Author: TNGenWeb

John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed Deed to Farmington Church of Christ (1822)

John Reed 1822 deed to Church of Christ, Farmington FamilySearch microfilm roll #0476354: Deed Book R, pages 30 & 31 State of Tennessee) Bedford County ) To wit, let it be known that I, John Reed, the county and state above written, being desirous of Contributing as far as my power lies to the Benefit of Community, do and by these presents Have given, bargained, aligned and quiet claim to a Parcel of Land lying adjoining the Village of Farmington…

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Felix Robinson Land Grant (1810)

Felix Robinson Land Grant (1810)

Tennessee General Land Grants Book C, page 196 Felix Robinson’s Grant for 1000 acres recorded April 10th 1810 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 1840 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, in consideration of military Service performed by Isaac Cornlius to the State of North Carolina, Warrant No. 246 dated the 9th day of September 1785, and entered on the 12th day of August 1807 by No. 125—, there is granted by said State of Tennessee,…

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James Patton & Andrew Erwin Land Grant (1808)

James Patton & Andrew Erwin Land Grant (1808)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book A, page 462 James Patton & Andrew Erwin’s Grant # 721 for 640 Acres   {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 721 To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, by virtue of part of Warrant No. 641 dated the 10 day of July 1784, Issued to Daniel McKizich by John Armstrong – Entry Officer of Claims for the North Carolina Western lands and entered on the 18 day of September 1807 by…

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Polly Murray Land Grant (1829)

Polly Murray Land Grant (1829)

Middle Tennessee Land Grants Book 11, page 453 Grant # 9208 POLLY MURRAY Bedford County Recorded June 25, 1829 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of the sum of One cent per acre, paid into the office of the Entry-Taker of Bedford county, and entered on the 2nd day of January 1826 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of said state,…

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Hardy Murfree Land Grant (1808)

Hardy Murfree Land Grant (1808)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book A, page 465 Hardy Murfree Grant No. 723 for 700 Acres Recorded March 31-1809 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. To all to whom these presents shall come–greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of Military service performed by William Boswell to the State of North Carolina, warrant No. 3594, dated the 27-day of June 1788 and entered on the 28 day of August 1808 by No. 363 there is granted by the State of…

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Captain John Medearis Land Grant (1811)

Captain John Medearis Land Grant (1811)

Tennessee General Land Grant Book E, page 345 Cpt. John Medearis’ Grant # 3177 for 3596 acres [not for military service] {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 3179 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, by virtue of Certificate No. 144 dated July 24th 1807 issued by the board of Commissioners for West Tennessee to Cap. John Medaris and entered on the 8th day of August 1807 by No. 43 there is granted by the State of…

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Newton McQuiddy Occupant Land Grant (1853)

Newton McQuiddy Occupant Land Grant (1853)

Middle Tennessee Occupants’ Land Grants Book #7, page 864 Newton McQuiddy’s Occupant Grant # 22963 for 6 & 1/4 acres {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 22963 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of an Entry made in the Entry taker’s Office of Marshall County pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of Said State and Entered on the 30th December 1852 by No. 78 there is granted by the State…

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Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Ab Whitsett et al. Deed to William McLean (1867)

Marshall County Deed Book Vol. V, pages 315-316 For and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred and ninety dollars to us in hand paid or otherwise secured to be paid, the receipt of the same is hereby acknowledged. We have bargained and sold & do hereby transfer & convey to William McLain, his heirs and assigns forever all our joint and separate right, title, claim and interest in and to the following described lot,tract or parcel of Land,…

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Jesse McLane Land Grants (1827)

Jesse McLane Land Grants (1827)

Middle Tennessee Land Grant Book 6, page 387             Grant # 5064 Jesse McLane’s grant for twenty four acres {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 5064 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of the sum of twelve & 1/2 cents per acre, paid into the office of the Entry-Taker of Lincoln county, and entered on the 7th day of July 1824 pursuant to the provisions of an Act of the…

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Robert McCuistion Land Grants (1813)

Robert McCuistion Land Grants (1813)

Tennessee General Land Grants Book G, page 264 Robert McCuistion Grant # 4952 for 80 acres in Lincoln & Bedford Counties Recorded Oct 1st 1813 {SEAL} THE STATE OF TENNESSEE-No. 4952 To all to whom these presents shall come=greetings KNOW YE, That, for and in consideration of military service by Jeremiah Litteral to the State of North Carolina Warrant No. 3175 and dated the 19th day of December 1785 and entered on the 15th day of July 1809 by No….

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