Woods Family Files

Woods Family Files

Five Grandchildren of Francis Harper Woods & Martha Leeper

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left, Francis Leander (Frank) Woods (1840-1909), married (1) Mary Jane Dysart, (2) Martha Porter Leonard, (3) Susie Coffey // center front, Sarah Emily Woods Cannon (1838-1917), married Henry C. Cannon // center rear, Martha Caledonia Woods McGahey (1832-1907), married Alfred McGahey // right, John Bedford Woods (1845-1910), married Adeline Blackburn Dysart // all children of Francis Bedford Woods & Margaret S. Morrison // and far right, Francis Leroy Woods (1829-1909), son of James Leeper Woods & Amelia Muse; married (1) Hannah O. Erwin, married (2) Mildred Erwin, married (3) Sallie C. Hill. // All five were grandchildren of Francis Harper Woods 1776-1849) & Martha Leeper 1775-1851) // contributed by Bill Allen

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