Matthew Wallis Will (1837)

Matthew Wallis Will (1837)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 2

In the name of God amen I Matthew Wallis of the County of Marshall and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and memory and calling to mind the uncertainty of life do make and ordain this my last will and testament to wit

Item 1st. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Mildred Wwallis during her natural life the tract of Loand whereon I now live my negro man by the name of Mars all my household and kitchen funiture two room one hundred dollars in money all my faming and ship utensials one Third part of the corn fodder oats hay cattle hogs and sheep that may be on hand at the time of my departure from this life.

Item 2nd. It is my wish and desire that all the balance of my property not bequeathed to my wife be sold on a reasonable Credit by my Executors and divided in manner and form herein after directed first I wish all my just debts to be paid it is my wish and desire that my son Ezekiel Wallis should have ten dollars in addition to what I have heretofore given him and my grandchildren bodily herirs of my daughter Sally Cowen dec’d whose names are Stewart Cowen William Cowen & Prudence Caroline Cowen formily her present name unknown to me have three dollars each and my daughter Mildred Ragsdaelle have two hundred dollar and the balance of the proceeds of the property above named be equally divided between my daughter Mildred Ragsdelle my daughter Margaret Scott and my daughter in law Sophera Wallis.

Item 3rd, My wish and desire at the death of my wife that the property she leaves on hand both real and personal be sold to the highest bidder by my Executors on a reasonable credit and divided as follows I wish and desire my grand son James Wallis McKenzie W Wallis & Matther S. Wallis bodily heirs of my son Matthew S. Wallis dec. have ten dollars each and the balance be equally divided between my daughter Mildred Ragsdelle my daughter Margaret Scott and my daughter in law Sophera Wallis after deducting from Sphera Wallis part one Thousand dollars it being the amount I have heretofore givin my son William Wallis dec. I do hereby nominate and appoint Samuel Rodford and Sherwood Dunagan Executors to this my last will and testament revoking all former wills

In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the 19th day of January 1837, signed sealed and acknowledged in presence of us.

Matthew Wallis (Seal)

Witness: Leonard Bullock, John Ryler, John Laird

State of Tennessee Marshall County March term 1837, the last will and testament of Matthew Wallis Dec’d was proven in open Court by the oath of Leonard Bullock and John Ryler and ordered to be recorded. M. W. Oakley Clerk

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