John William Manier Will (1843)

John William Manier Will (1843)

Marshall County Will Book A, page 72

State of Tennessee Marshall County this instrument of writing is to show that I John William Manier of the state and county above written being in possession of my right mind and in the fear and presents of Almity God and knowing that the living must die altho I am at in ordinary health but being Desirus that Directory may be left after my Death for the disposing of my temporal afects I do hereby and here in make and ordain this my last will and testament according to which I Desire my property which I am possessed of at my desease shall be disposed of as follows

Item 1st. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Elizabeth Bennet and her heirs after her one old negro woman named Marge one negro girl named Narciss, and one negro boy named Jack and one desk and turned post bed stead one good bed & furniture.

2nd. I give and bequeath unto my son John Manier my negro mand bobo and one negro woman named Syntha the bed furniture and bedstead on wich I usualy lie one cupboard and one wooden clock and in case of his moving to the place whereon I now dwell and his living on the same

I give and bequeath unto him my above named son all that tract or parcel of land whereon I now live but in case he should not move on the land and live on the same I Desire the land be sold and an Eaqual Division of the proceeds made among all my heirs and in case it shall become necessary for the above land to be sold.

I herein and hereby authorise and appoint my son John Manier my Executor to make and convey all my right title and intrust to the same in as full a manner as I could do myself was I personally present and he is hereby authorised to make private sale of the aforesaid land as he may deem most advantageous to all my heirs and so soon as the proceeds can be had I request that he made an equal Division of the same to all my heirs including himself as one.

3rd. I give and bequeath unto the lawful heirs of my son Lemuel Manier on negro woman named Jenny and three of her children Sam, Mary and Edmond and two plain beds and furniture and one Shugar chest

4th. I give and bequeath unto Nancy Freeman the Daughter of my son Thomas to her and her heirs one negro girl named Angeline and one negro boy named Henderson two plain beds & funiture and one bureau.

5th. I will and desire that after all the funeral Expences and all other debts wich I may be Justly owing at my deceases is paid. my heirs shall of themselves or their agents divide all remaining furniture stock of all kinds tools or utentials or property of any kind of what I may be possessed which is not named and disposed of in this will so as for each of my heirs to shear and shear alike in all and any remainder that may be found,

lastly I will and desire if my son John Manier should so settle himself on the land above named as to make it convenient for him to carry into full effect all the provision of this will that he is hereby full authorised and hereby appointed my lawful Executor and in case he should not or it shall not be conveniant for him to carry all the provisions of this my last will into effect I authorise him to appoint such a person as he may think fit and qualified who shall be fully empowered to carry all and every part of this my last will and testament into full effect

and in this I herein and hereby revoke all other wills previous to this as witness hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 31st day of March and year 1843.

John W. Manier (Seal)

Witness: Jas Williams J. F. Furgerson, M. D. Wilson

State of Tennessee Marshall County. County Court April term 1844

Personally appeared in open Court M. D. Wilson and J. F. Furgerson subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will being first sworn in open court deposed and said that they ware acquanted with John W. Manier whose signature appears to the foregoing will and that he signed sealed and acknowledged the same in their presence to be his last will and testament and that he was of sound mind and disposing memory. It is therefore ordered by the court that said will be admitted to probate.

M. W. Oakley, Clerk

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