Cowden Wills in Book A

Cowden Wills in Book A

Will of William COWDEN (1839)
Marshall County TN Will Book A, page 36

I William Cowden do make and publish this as my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

1st I direct that my funeral Expences and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any monyes that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my wife Rhoda my houses and land also my negro girl named Eliza and her increase if any during her widowhood or until my oldest son named John Cowden arrives at the age of Twenty one years or could have done if life lasted this I direct that the aforesaid property sold to the best advantage and the proceeds of said property be equally divided between my wife Rhoda Cowden and all of my children and further I direct that the said Rhoda Cowden shall Board and School all of my children and defray all necessary expences that occur with them during her widowhood or untill they arrive at the age of Twenty one years or marry.

Also I bequeath to my wife Rhoda Cowden her lifetime my two cows my spotted mare Household and kitchen funature farming utentials fifty Barrels of Corn twenty five Bushels wheat one thousand pounds of pork and I further direct that all the ballance of my property that I now possess be sold on a Twelve months credit to the highest bidder and the proceeds of said property including all the rest of my moneys be equally divided between my wife and children when collected

Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Humphrey N. Cowden * John F. McClelland my lawful Executors.

In witness whereof I do this my will set my hand and seal this 28th day of August 1839.
Wm Cowden (Seal)

Witness: Wm L McClelland, Morgan Clayton
Probated Oct 7th, 1839


The Will of Robert COWDEN (1836)
Marshall County Will Book A, pg 76

In the name of God amen. Finding myself being far advanced in years and Calling to mind the Mortality of my body and Sertainty that death must shortly be awaiting me and being desirus to settle my worly affairs for the satisfaction of myself and surviving family and veiwing myself in my right mind I **low** all my property found in my hands at my death to be sold by my Executors to best advantage Excet my wearing apparel and my Book I then first and foremost allow all my Just debts to be paid. I then leave William Armor five dollars and to his son Robert Cowden Armor twnety dollars and to his daughter Matilda Morton Ten dollars, Also to his Daughter Mary Amberson Ten dollars. I then leave to my son Joseph D. Cowden all my wearing apparel my Books to come out amongst the legatees as I have marked them and if any Legatee or other person as the case may bee has any trouble or difficulty in taking care of me before my death for which they not been rewarded I allow that debt to be paid before the General Division is made of the money arising from the sale of the property and I allow my Exeutor settle for all notes found in my hands for money lent to Legatees But not to call for intrust on money lent by me to legatees, then after settling with William Armors family make and Equeal divide of the balance of my estate between Joseph D. Cowden, William Cowden, Josiah Cowden, Elijah Cowden, Robert Cowden, Mary Helm and Syntha Fullertonand I do hereby constitute and appoint to be my acting Executors my son Robert Cowden of Tennessee and my son William Cowden of Alabama, on my above will, April 20th 1836.

Robert Cowden

Witness: Joseph Cowden, Thomas Helm

State of Tennessee
Marshall County. County Court Sept term 1841

Personally appeared in open court Joseph Cowden and Thomas Helm subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will who being first sworn here in oppen court proved the due Execution of said will as the law directs. It is therefore ordered by the court that said will be entered of Record. Witness my hand at office this 6th day of September 1841. M. W. Oakley Clerk

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